قائمة البلدان حسب معدل الخصوبة الكلي
هذه هي قائمة لكل البلدان حسب معدل الخصوبة.
ترتيب الأمم المتحدة لمعدل الخصوبة الإجمالي
قائمة الأمم المتحدة لترتيب معدل الخصوبة الإجمالي هي قائمة للبلدان حسب معدل الخصوبة الإجمالي (TFR): العدد المتوقع للأطفال المولودين لكل إمرأة في سن الإنجاب. الأرقام من طبعة 2006 تقرير الأمم المتحدة للتوقعات السكانية في العالم، للفترة 2000-2005 و2005-2010، باستخدام المتوسط الإفتراضي.[1] مدرج ققط البلدان/المناطق التي يصل عددها إلى 100,000 أو أكثر في 2007 . يعتمد الترتيب على أرقام 2005-2010.
مصدر ترتيب الأمم المتحدة: تقرير الأمم المتحدة للتوقعات السكانية في العالم:طبعة 2006 - جدول A.15.
(-) Data unavailable, inapplicable, not collected or country or dependent territory not included. Sovereign states and dependent territories listed by alphabetical order, not ranked.
ترتيب الدولة ومقارنة معدل الخصوبة الإجمالي حسب السنة
1950 and 2015
1950 List by Our World In Data | أظهر2015 List by Our World In Data |
(→) Country that changed name and flag, dependent territory that is now an independent country (sovereign state) from another current or extinct (dissolved) state or empire, former dependent territory from a sovereign state or empire that was included in another sovereign state.
(-) Data unavailable, inapplicable, not collected or country or dependent territory not included. Sovereign states and dependent territories listed by alphabetical order, not ranked.
1960 و 2015
1960 List by the World Bank | أظهر2015 List by the World Bank |
(→) Country that changed name and flag, dependent territory that is now an independent country (sovereign state) from another current or extinct (dissolved) state or empire, former dependent territory from a sovereign state or empire that was included in another sovereign state.
(-) Data unavailable, inapplicable, not collected or country or dependent territory not included. Sovereign states and dependent territories listed by alphabetical order, not ranked.
1970 و 2014
1970 List by the Population Reference Bureau | أظهر2014 List by the Population Reference Bureau |
(→) Country that changed name and flag, dependent territory that is now an independent country (sovereign state) from another current or extinct (dissolved) state or empire, former dependent territory from a sovereign state or empire that was included in another sovereign state.
(-) Data unavailable, inapplicable, not collected or country or dependent territory not included. Sovereign states and dependent territories listed by alphabetical order, not ranked.
ترتيب البلد حسب توقعات معدل الخصوبة
2015 List by the United Nations | |||
(-) Data unavailable, inapplicable, not collected or country or dependent territory not included. Sovereign states and dependent territories listed by alphabetical order, not ranked.
تقديرات معدل الخصوبة الكلي للأمم المتحدة
The UN total fertility estimates are from 2019. [2] The TFR by continent: Africa 4.1, Oceania 2.3, Asia 2.0, South America 2.0, North America 1.8, Europe 1.6.
1 Niger 6.5
2 Somalia 5.6
3 Congolese Democratic Republic 5.4
4 Mali 5.4
5 Chad 5.3
6 Angola 5.2
7 Burundi 5.0
8 Nigeria 5.0
9 The Gambia 4.9
10 Burkina Faso 4.8
11 Tanzania 4.6
12 Benin 4.5
13 Mozambique 4.5
14 Uganda 4.4
15 Central African Republic 4.3
16 Côte d'Ivoire 4.3
17 Guinea 4.3
18 Mauritania 4.3
19 Senegal 4.3
20 South Sudan 4.3
21 Zambia 4.3
22 Cameroon 4.2
23 Congolese Republic 4.1
24 Equatorial Guinea 4.1
25 Guinea-Bissau 4.1
26 Marshall Islands 4.1
27 Solomon Islands 4.1
28 Sudan 4.1
29 Liberia 4.0
30 São Tomé and Príncipe 4.0
31 Togo 4.0
32 Comoros 3.9
33 Malawi 3.9
34 Nauru 3.9
35 Afghanistan 3.8
36 Ethiopia 3.8
37 Madagascar 3.8
38 Sierra Leone 3.8
39 Eritrea 3.7
40 Gabon 3.7
41 Rwanda 3.7
42 Ghana 3.6
43 Samoa 3.6
44 Tuvalu 3.6
45 Vanuatu 3.6
46 Timor-Leste 3.5
47 Iraq 3.4
48 Kiribati 3.4
49 Tajikistan 3.4
50 Yemen 3.4
51 Papua New Guinea 3.3
52 Tonga 3.3
53 Zimbabwe 3.3
54 Kenya 3.2
55 Pakistan 3.2
56 Egypt 3.1
57 Namibia 3.1
58 Israel 2.9
59 Lesotho 2.9
60 Eswatini 2.8
61 Kyrgyzstan 2.8
62 Micronesia 2.8
63 Algeria 2.7
64 Haiti 2.7
65 Mongolia 2.7
66 Botswana 2.6
67 Fiji 2.6
68 Guatemala 2.6
69 Kazakhstan 2.6
70 Syria 2.6
71 Turkmenistan 2.6
72 Bolivia 2.5
73 Djibouti 2.5
74 Jordan 2.5
75 Oman 2.5
76 Laos 2.4
77 Philippines 2.4
78 Cambodia 2.3
79 Ecuador 2.3
80 Guyana 2.3
81 Honduras 2.3
82 Panama 2.3
83 Paraguay 2.3
84 Seychelles 2.3
85 South Africa 2.3
86 Suriname 2.3
87 Uzbekistan 2.3
88 Dominican Republic 2.2
89 Indonesia 2.2
90 Morocco 2.2
91 Nicaragua 2.2
92 Argentina 2.1
93 Belize 2.1
94 Cabo Verde 2.1
95 India 2.1
96 Libya 2.1
97 Peru 2.1
98 Saudi Arabia 2.1
99 Sri Lanka 2.1
100 Venezuela 2.1
101 Georgia 2.0
102 Iran 2.0
103 Kuwait 2.0
104 Lebanon 2.0
105 Mexico 2.0
106 Myanmar 2.0
107 Tunisia 2.0
108 Vietnam 2.0
109 Antigua and Barbuda 1.9
110 Azerbaijan 1.9
111 Bangladesh 1.9
112 El Salvador 1.9
113 Grenada 1.9
114 Jamaica 1.9
115 Malaysia 1.9
116 Turkey 1.9
117 Uruguay 1.9
118 Bahrain 1.8
119 Bhutan 1.8
120 Dominica 1.8
121 DPR of Korea 1.8
122 France 1.8
123 New Zealand 1.8
124 St. Christopher and Nevis 1.8
125 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1.8
126 Russia 1.8
127 Sweden 1.8
128 Armenia 1.7
129 Australia 1.7
130 Belarus 1.7
131 Belgium 1.7
132 Brunei 1.7
133 China 1.7
134 Colombia 1.7
135 Denmark 1.7
136 Ireland 1.7
137 Iceland 1.7
138 Latvia 1.7
139 Lithuania 1.7
140 Maldives 1.7
141 Montenegro 1.7
142 Nepal 1.7
143 Norway 1.7
144 Qatar 1.7
145 The Bahamas 1.7
146 United Kingdom 1.7
147 United States 1.7
148 Barbados 1.6
149 Brazil 1.6
150 Bulgaria 1.6
151 Costa Rica 1.6
152 Czech Republic 1.6
153 Estonia 1.6
154 Germany 1.6
155 Liechtenstein 1.6
156 Netherlands 1.6
157 Romania 1.6
158 Slovenia 1.6
159 Trinidad and Tobago 1.6
160 Albania 1.5
161 Austria 1.5
162 Chile 1.5
163 Cuba 1.5
164 Hungary 1.5
165 Malta 1.5
166 Monaco 1.5
167 Slovakia 1.5
168 Switzerland 1.5
169 Canada 1.4
170 Croatia 1.4
171 Finland 1.4
172 Luxembourg 1.4
173 North Macedonia 1.4
174 Poland 1.4
175 Serbia 1.4
176 Thailand 1.4
177 Ukraine 1.4
178 Japan 1.3
179 Mauritius 1.3
180 Moldova 1.3
181 Portugal 1.3
182 Spain 1.3
183 St. Lucia 1.3
184 United Arab Emirates 1.3
185 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.2
186 Cyprus 1.2
187 Greece 1.2
188 Italy 1.2
189 Singapore 1.2
190 Andorra 1.1
191 Korea 1.0
192 San Marino 1.0
أنظر أيضا
- معدل الخصوبة الكلي
- قائمة الدول حسب معدل الخصوبة الماضي
- قائمة الدول حسب عدد المواليد
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- قائمة المنظمات المعنية بالسكان
- النمو السكاني
- استبدال الخصوبة الفرعية
- الخصوبة والذكاء
دراسات الحالة