
(تم التحويل من Finland)
جمهورية فنلندا

علم Finland
Maamme (فنلندية)
Vårt land (سويدية)
(إنگليزية: "Our Land")
EU-Finland (orthographic projection).svg
موقع  فنلندا  (dark green)

– on the European continent  (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

60°10′15″N 24°56′15″E / 60.17083°N 24.93750°E / 60.17083; 24.93750
أكبر مدينةالعاصمة
اللغات الرسمية
اللغات الوطنية المعترف بها
الجماعات العرقية
  • 33.6% لا دين
  • 0.8% غيرهم
صفة المواطن
الحكومةUnitary parliamentary republic[2]
• President
Alexander Stubb
Petteri Orpo
Jussi Halla-aho
29 March 1809
6 December 1917
17 July 1919
• الإجمالية
338,145[4] km2 (130,559 sq mi) (65th)
• الماء (%)
9.71 (2015)[5]
• تقدير 2023
زيادة محايدة 5,603,851[1] (114th)
• الكثافة
18.4/km2 (47.7/sq mi) (213th)
ن.م.إ. (ق.ش.م.)تقدير 2023 
• الإجمالي
$335.760 billion[6] (59th)
• للفرد
$59,869[6] (24th)
ن.م.إ.  (الإسمي)تقدير 2023 
• الإجمالي
$305.689 billion[6] (48th)
• للفرد
$54,507[6] (16th)
جيني (2023)مستقر 26.6[7]
م.ت.ب. (2022) 0.942[8]
very high · 12th
العملةEuro () (EUR)
التوقيتUTC+2 (EET)
• الصيفي (التوقيت الصيفي)
صيغة التاريخdd.mm.yyyy[9]
مفتاح الهاتف+358
النطاق العلوي للإنترنت.fi, .axa, .eub
  1. The .ax domain is used in Åland.

فنلندا (Finland،[أ] رسمياً جمهورية فنلندا،[ب][ت] هي إحدى دول أوروبا الإسكندنافية، تقع شمال القارة الأوروبية. يحدها كل من روسيا والنرويج والسويد. تسمى فنلندا بالبلد الأخضر او ببلد الغابات لكثرة الغابات والبحيرات فيها. كما أنها موطن شركة الهاتف النقال نوكيا والإسم مأخوذ من إسم مدينة (نوكيا). فنلندا كانت أول دولة أوروبية عام 1907 تمنح المرأة حق الانتخاب. يوجد في فنلندا حوالي 188 ألف بحيرة و180 ألف جزيرة. منهم بحيرة سايما، التي تُعد خامس أكبر بحيرة في أوروبا. معظم أراضي البلاد سطحية مُغطاة ببعض الهضاب والجبال، أعلاها جبل هالتيتونتوري الذي يقع في شمال البلاد ويرتفع عن سطح البحر بحوالي 1328 متر. إلى جانب العدد الهائل من البحيرات، تُغطي الغابات ما مساحته 68% من المساحة الكلية لفنلندا. تقع معظم الجزر في الجنوب الغربي، كجزء من أرخبيل آلاند وعلى طول الساحل الغربي للبلاد. فنلندا هي أحد بلاد العالم القلائل التي ما زالت تنمو، فهي تنمو سنوياً بمساحة 7 كم مربع. طقس البلاد في الجنوب معتدل بينما هو قطبي في الشمال. ربع الأراضي الفنلندية يقع على الخط القطبي، و نتيجةً لذلك، تظهر شمس منتصف الليل كلما اتجهنا شمالاً. هذا يعني بأن الشمس لا تغيب في الليل. في أقصى نقطة بالشمال، لا تغيب الشمس لمدة 73 يوم بالصيف، ولا تظهر بتاتاً لمدة 51 يوماً في الشتاء.

Finland was first settled around 9000 BC after the last Ice Age.[10] During the Stone Age, various cultures emerged, distinguished by different styles of ceramics. The Bronze Age and Iron Ages were marked by contacts with other cultures in Fennoscandia and the Baltic region.[11] From the late 13th century, Finland became part of Sweden as a result of the Northern Crusades. In 1809, as a result of the Finnish War, Finland was captured from Sweden and became an autonomous grand duchy within the Russian Empire. During this period, Finnish art flourished and the independence movement began to take hold. Finland became the first territory in Europe to grant universal suffrage in 1906, and the first in the world to give all adult citizens the right to run for public office.[12][note 2] Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, Finland declared its independence. A civil war was fought in Finland the following year, with the Whites emerging victorious. Finland's status as a republic was confirmed in 1919. During World War II, Finland fought against the Soviet Union in the Winter War and the Continuation War, and later against Nazi Germany in the Lapland War. As a result, it lost parts of its territory but retained its independence.

Finland remained a largely agricultural country until the 1950s. After World War II, it industrialised quickly and established an advanced economy, with a welfare state built on the Nordic model. This allowed the country to experience overall prosperity and high per capita income.[13] During the Cold War, Finland officially embraced a policy of neutrality. Since then, it has become a member of the European Union in 1995, the Eurozone in 1999, and NATO in 2023. Finland is a member of various international organisations, such as the Nordic Council, the Schengen Area, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The nation performs exceedingly well in national performance metrics, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development.[14][15][16][17]


قبل التاريخ

The area that is now Finland was settled in, at the latest, around 8,500 BC during the Stone Age towards the end of the last glacial period. The artefacts the first settlers left behind present characteristics that are shared with those found in Estonia, Russia, and Norway.[18] The earliest people were hunter-gatherers, using stone tools.[19]

The first pottery appeared in 5200 BC, when the Comb Ceramic culture was introduced.[20] The arrival of the Corded Ware culture in Southern coastal Finland between 3000 and 2500 BC may have coincided with the start of agriculture.[21] Even with the introduction of agriculture, hunting and fishing continued to be important parts of the subsistence economy.

Stone Age bear head gavel found in Paltamo, Kainuu[22][23]

In the Bronze Age, permanent all-year-round cultivation and animal husbandry spread, but the cold climate slowed the change.[24] The Seima-Turbino phenomenon brought the first bronze artefacts to the region and possibly also the Finno-Ugric languages.[24][25] Commercial contacts that had so far mostly been to Estonia started to extend to Scandinavia. Domestic manufacture of bronze artefacts started 1300 BC.[26]

In the Iron Age, population grew. Finland Proper was the most densely populated area. Commercial contacts in the Baltic Sea region grew and extended during the eighth and ninth centuries. Main exports from Finland were furs, slaves, castoreum, and falcons to European courts. Imports included silk and other fabrics, jewelry, Ulfberht swords, and, in lesser extent, glass. Production of iron started approximately in 500 BC.[27] At the end of the ninth century, indigenous artefact culture, especially weapons and women's jewelry, had more common local features than ever before. This has been interpreted to be expressing common Finnish identity.[28]

An early form of Finnic languages spread to the Baltic Sea region approximately 1900 BC. Common Finnic language was spoken around Gulf of Finland 2000 years ago. The dialects from which the modern-day Finnish language was developed came into existence during the Iron Age.[29] Although distantly related, the Sami people retained the hunter-gatherer lifestyle longer than the Finns. The Sami cultural identity and the Sami language have survived in Lapland, the northernmost province.

The name Suomi (فنلندية for 'Finland') has uncertain origins, but a common etymology with saame (the Sami) has been suggested.[30][31] In the earliest historical sources, from the 12th and 13th centuries, the term Finland refers to the coastal region around Turku. This region later became known as Finland Proper in distinction from the country name Finland.[32]