قائمة الدول ذات السيادة حسب تاريخ التشكيل

هذه قائمة الدول ذات السياده حسب تاريخ التشكيل .



البلد ميلاد صيغة الحكم الحالية تاريخ الحصول على السيادة تاريخ آخر تعديل هام في الحدود
Date[1] الحدث Date[1] الحدث Date[1] الحدث
Flag of الجزائر الجزائر 1962-07-03 French recognition of Algerian referendum on independence held two days earlier
Flag of أنگولا أنگولا 1975-11-11 الاستقلال عن Portugal.
Flag of بنين بنين 1960-08-01 الاستقلال عن فرنسا 1894-01-15 Borders of French Protectorate of Dahomey set at conclusion of Second Franco-Dahomean War
Flag of بتسوانا بتسوانا 1885-03-31 Establishment of the Bechuanaland Protectorate by the المملكة المتحدة 1894 Extended north into Ngamiland
1966-09-30 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of بوركينا فاسو بوركينا فاسو 1958-12-11 Self-government achieved and republic within Franco-African Community 1947-09-04 Restoration of colonial boundaries used from 1919-1932
1960-08-05 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of بوروندي بوروندي 1966-11-28 Monarchy replaced by republic 1962-07-01 الاستقلال عن Belgium
Flag of الكاميرون الكاميرون 1960-01-01 الاستقلال عن فرنسا 1961-10-01 Merger of British Cameroons with Cameroon
Flag of الرأس الأخضر الرأس الأخضر 1975-07-05 الاستقلال عن Portugal
Flag of جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى 1958-12-01 Central African Republic becomes autonomous territory in French Republic
1960-08-13 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of تشاد تشاد 1960-08-11 الاستقلال عن فرنسا 1984-02-13 Aouzou Strip awarded to Chad
Flag of جزر القمر جزر القمر 1975-07-06 الاستقلال عن فرنسا declared
Flag of جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية الكونغو الديمقراطية 1884-04-22 Congo Free State recognized as an independent state
1960-06-30 الاستقلال عن Belgium
Flag of جمهورية الكونغو الكونغو 1960-08-15 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of ساحل العاج ساحل العاج 1958-12-04 Autonomous republic within French Community
1960-08-07 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of جيبوتي جيبوتي 1977-06-27 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of غينيا الإستوائية غينيا الإستوائية 1968-10-12 الاستقلال عن Spain
Flag of إرتريا إرتريا 1993-05-24 الاستقلال عن Ethiopia declared. 2002-04-01 Badme ruled to be Eritrean by the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC after the Eritrean-Ethiopian War. Contested by Ethiopia.
Flag of إثيوپيا إثيوپيا 1975-03-21 Monarchy abolished and replaced by republic 1941-05-05 Haile Selassie restored as Emperor of Ethiopia, ending Italian occupation. 2002-04-01 Badme ruled to be Eritrean by the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC after the Eritrean-Ethiopian War. Contested by Ethiopia.
Flag of الگابون الگابون 1960-08-17 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of گامبيا گامبيا 1965-02-18 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of غانا غانا 1957-03-06 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1956-12-13 Union of British Togoland with Gold Coast
Flag of غينيا غينيا 1958-10-02 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of غينيا-بيساو غينيا-بيساو 1973-09-24 الاستقلال عن Portugal declared
1974-09-10 الاستقلال عن Portugal recognized
Flag of كنيا كنيا 1963-12-12 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of لسوتو لسوتو 1966-10-04 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1868-03-12 Area that is now present-day Lesotho placed under British rule
Flag of ليبريا ليبريا 1847-07-26 الاستقلال عن the الولايات المتحدة
Flag of ليبيا ليبيا 1969-09-01 Monarchy replaced by republic 1951-12-24 الاستقلال عن UN Trusteeship (British and French administration after Italian governance ends in 1947) 1984-02-13 Aouzou Strip awarded to Chad
Flag of مدغشقر مدغشقر 1958-10-14 The Malagasy Republic was created as autonomous state within French Community
1960-06-26 فرنسا recognizes Madagascar's independence
Flag of ملاوي ملاوي 1964-07-06 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of مالي مالي 1958-11-25 French Sudan gains autonomy 1960-08-20 Senegal secedes from Mali Federation
1960-09-22 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of موريتانيا موريتانيا 1960-11-28 الاستقلال عن فرنسا 1979-08-11 Mauritania withdraws from Tiris al-Gharbiyya (part of Western Sahara)
Flag of موريشيوس موريشيوس 1968-03-12 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1965 Separation of Chagos Archipelago
Flag of المغرب المغرب 1956-03-02 الاستقلال عن فرنسا 1969-01-04 Return of Ifni to Morocco
1956-04-07 French protectorate formally relinquished
Flag of موزمبيق موزمبيق 1975-06-25 الاستقلال عن Portugal
Flag of ناميبيا ناميبيا 1990-03-21 الاستقلال عن South African rule 1994-03-01 Walvis Bay integrated into Namibia
Flag of النيجر النيجر 1958-12-04 Autonomy within French Community
1960-08-03 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of نيجريا نيجريا 1960-10-01 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1970-01-15 Biafra re-integrated into Nigeria
1961-06-01 Northern Cameroons integrated in Nigeria
Flag of رواندا رواندا 1962-07-01 الاستقلال عن Belgium
Flag of ساو تومه وپرنسيپه ساو تومه وپرنسيپه 1975-07-12 الاستقلال عن Portugal
Flag of السنغال السنغال 1960-08-20 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of سيشل سيشل 1976-06-29 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of سيراليون سيراليون 1961-04-27 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of الصومال الصومال 1960-07-01 Merger of former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland
Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا 1910-05-31 Creation of the Union of South Africa from the previously separate colonies of the Cape, Natal, Transvaal and Orange River 1931-12-11 Statute of Westminster, which establishes a status of legislative equality between the self-governing dominion of the Union of South Africa and the UK 1994-04-27 Reincorporation of the nominally independent bantustans into post-Apartheid South Africa
1961-05-31 Republic declared (South Africa no longer a Commonwealth realm)
Flag of السودان السودان 1956-01-01 الاستقلال عن Egyptian and British rule
Flag of سوازيلاند سوازيلاند 1968-09-06 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة
Flag of تنزانيا تنزانيا 1961-12-09 Independence of Tanganyika from المملكة المتحدة 1964-04-26 Merger of Zanzibar with Tanganyika to form Tanzania
Flag of توگو توگو 1958-08-30 Autonomy within French Union
1960-04-27 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of تونس تونس 1957-07-25 Declaration of Republic 1956-03-20 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of أوغندا أوغندا 1962-03-01 Self-government granted
1962-10-09 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of زامبيا زامبيا 1964-10-24 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of زيمبابوي زيمبابوي 1965-11-11 Unilateral declaration of independence by Southern Rhodesia 1901 BSAC separates North-Eastern Rhodesia from Southern Rhodesia
1980-04-18 Recognized الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة as Zimbabwe.


البلد Birth of current form of government Date of acquisition of sovereignty Date of most recent significant territorial modification
Date[1] Event Date[1] Event Date[1] Event
Flag of أنتيگا وبربودا أنتيگا وبربودا 1981-11-01 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة.
Flag of الأرجنتين الأرجنتين 1810-05-25 May Revolution installs first local government
1816-07-09 Argentine Declaration of Independence
1821 Independence recognized by Spain
Flag of البهاماز البهاماز 1964-01-07 Internal self-governance granted
1973-07-10 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة
Flag of بربادوس بربادوس 1966-11-30 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة
Flag of بليز بليز 1981-09-21 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1859 Treaty establishes border between British Honduras and Guatemala
1964-01-01 Self governing colony
Flag of بوليڤيا بوليڤيا 1825-08-06 Bolivian War of Independence 1903-11-11 Signing of the Treaty of Petrópolis with البرازيل whereby Bolivia gained lands in Mato Grosso in exchange for the territory of Acre
Flag of البرازيل البرازيل 1889-11-15 Proclamation of the Republic 1822-09-07 الاستقلال عن Portugal declared 1903-11-11 Signing of the Treaty of Petrópolis with Bolivia whereby Brazil is given the territory of Acre in exchange for lands in Mato Grosso
1825-08-29 Independence recognized by Portugal
Flag of كندا كندا 1867-07-01 Canadian Confederation 1931-12-11 Statute of Westminster 1949-03-31 Newfoundland and Labrador join Confederation
1982-04-17 Patriation of Constitution
Flag of تشيلي تشيلي 1810-09-18 First Government Junta declares Chile an autonomous republic within Spain 1818-02-12 اعلان الاستقلال from Spain 1929-07-03 Chile awarded Arica district in Treaty of Lima
1844-04-25 Independence recognized by Spain
Flag of كولومبيا كولومبيا 1810-07-10 اعلان الاستقلال from Spain 1903-11-03 Separation of Panama from Colombia
1819-08-07 Independence recognized by Spain
Flag of كوستاريكا كوستاريكا 1821-09-15 Costa Rica declared الاستقلال عن Spain 1824-07-25 Partido de Nicoya
1838-11-15 الاستقلال عن Federal Republic of Central America
Flag of كوبا كوبا 1868-10-10 الاستقلال عن Spain declared
Flag of دومنيكا دومنيكا 1967-02-27 Became an associated state of the المملكة المتحدة
1978-11-03 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of جمهورية الدومنيكان جمهورية الدومنيكان 1865-03-03 Independence regained from Spain following the Dominican Restoration War
Flag of الإكوادور الإكوادور 1809-08-10 1822-05-24 الاستقلال عن Spain of Gran Colombia, of which Ecuador is a part 1942-02-26 Rio Protocol ends border dispute with Peru
1830-05-13 Dissolution of Gran Colombia
Flag of السلڤادور السلڤادور 1821-09-15 El Salvador becomes state in Federal Republic of Central America, which declared الاستقلال عن Spain
1841-02-02 El Salvador declares itself an independent republic, ending the Federal Republic of Central America
Flag of گرينادا گرينادا 1967-02-27 Associated state of المملكة المتحدة
1974-02-07 Full الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of گواتيمالا گواتيمالا 1821-09-15 Guatemala becomes state in Federal Republic of Central America, which declared الاستقلال عن Spain
1839-04-17 الاستقلال عن Federal Republic of Central America declared
Flag of گويانا گويانا 1966-05-26 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of هايتي هايتي 1804-01-01 The French colony Saint-Domingue gains independence as Haiti. 1844-02-27 The Dominican Republic gains الاستقلال عن Haiti
Flag of هندوراس هندوراس 1821-09-15 Honduras becomes state in Federal Republic of Central America, which declared الاستقلال عن Spain 1972-09-01 Swan Islands returned to Honduras from الولايات المتحدة occupation
1838-10-26 الاستقلال عن Federal Republic of Central America
Flag of جامايكا جامايكا 1962-08-06 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of المكسيك المكسيك 1810-09-16 الاستقلال عن Spain declared 1853-12-30 Gadsden Purchase
1821-08-24 Independence recognized by Spain in Treaty of Córdoba
Flag of نيكاراگوا نيكاراگوا 1821-09-15 Nicaragua becomes state in Federal Republic of Central America, which declared الاستقلال عن Spain
1838-11-05 الاستقلال عن Federal Republic of Central America
Flag of پنما پنما 1903-11-03 Separation of Panama from Colombia
Flag of پاراگواي پاراگواي 1811-05-14 الاستقلال عن Spain declared 1938 Paraguay awarded a large portion of the Gran Chaco as a result of the Chaco War
Flag of پيرو پيرو 1821-07-28 الاستقلال عن Spain declared 1942-02-26 Rio Protocol ends border dispute with Ecuador
1879 الاستقلال عن Spain recognized
Flag of سانت كيتس ونڤيس سانت كيتس ونڤيس 1967-02-27 Associated state of المملكة المتحدة 1980-12-19 Anguilla separated from Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla
1983-09-19 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of سانت لوشيا سانت لوشيا 1967-02-27 Associated statehood
1979-02-22 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of سانت ڤنسنت والگرنادينز سانت ڤنسنت والگرنادينز 1969-10-27 Associated statehood
1979-10-27 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of سورينام سورينام 1954-12-15 Self government granted
1975-11-25 الاستقلال عن Netherlands
Flag of ترنيداد وتوباگو ترنيداد وتوباگو 1962-08-31 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of الولايات المتحدة الولايات المتحدة 1787-09-17 Ratification of the United States Constitution replaced the previous Articles of Confederation creating a new system of government 1776-07-04 الاستقلال عن the Kingdom of Great Britain declared Various + 1959-08-21 Incremental increases of territory + Admission of هاوائي to the Union
1783-09-03 الاستقلال عن the Kingdom of Great Britain recognized
Flag of أوروگواي أوروگواي 1825-08-25 اعلان الاستقلال, joined in union with United Provinces of the Río de la Plata (current الأرجنتين)
1828-08-27 Treaty of Montevideo signed, recognizing Uruguay's independence
Flag of ڤنزويلا ڤنزويلا 1811-07-05 الاستقلال عن Spain declared
1830-01-13 President José Antonio Páez declares Venezuela independent from Gran Colombia


Country Birth of current form of government Date of acquisition of sovereignty Date of most recent significant territorial modification
Date[1] Event Date[1] Event Date[1] Event
Flag of أبخازيا أبخازيا 1992-07-23 2008-08-26 Russian recognition of independence.[2]
Flag of أفغانستان أفغانستان 1919-08-20 Treaty of Rawalpindi gives Afghanistan control from the المملكة المتحدة over its own affairs
Flag of أرمنيا أرمنيا 1918-05-28 Establishment of the Republic of Armenia 1990-08-23 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي declared 1936-12-05 Establishment of Armenian SSR
1991-09-21 Independence recognized by الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of أذربيجان أذربيجان 1918-05-28 Establishment of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic 1991-10-18 Declaration of الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي 1920-04-28 Establishment of Azerbaijan SSR
Flag of البحرين البحرين 1971-08-15 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة 1521-07-01 Portuguese conquest of current territory
Flag of بنگلادش بنگلادش 1971-03-26 الاستقلال عن Pakistan declared.
Flag of بوتان بوتان 1885 Ugyen Wangchuck ends period of civil war and unites Bhutan 1865-11-11 Treaty of Sinchula
Flag of بروناي بروناي 1984-01-01 Brunei regains its independence after an agreement with the British on 4 January 1979
Flag of كمبوديا كمبوديا 1989-09-26 Becomes free from Vietnamese occupation; it gets back its name instead of People's Republic of Kampuchea
Flag of الصين الصين 1949-10-01 Establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the Chinese Civil War nears its end 1999-12-20 Transfer of the sovereignty of Macau from Portugal to the PRC
1997-06-30 Transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong from المملكة المتحدة to the PRC
Flag of جورجيا جورجيا 1918-05-26 Establishment of Democratic Republic of Georgia 1991-04-09 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي declared 1992-07-23 Abkhazia declared الاستقلال عن Georgia
1991-11-28 South Ossetia declared الاستقلال عن Georgia
Flag of الهند الهند 1947-08-15 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة 1948 + 1975-05-16 Accession of Jammu and Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Junagudh + Accession of Sikkim to India
Flag of إندونيسيا إندونيسيا 1945-08-18 Ratification of the Constitution of Indonesia by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence 1945-08-17 Indonesian Declaration of Independence from Japan 2002-05-20 Independence of East Timor, formerly administered as a province of Indonesia
1949-12-27 الاستقلال عن هولندا recognized
Flag of إيران إيران 6 March 1975 Algiers Accord establishes border with Iraq
Flag of العراق العراق 1932-10-03 مملكة العراق
Flag of إسرائيل إسرائيل 1948-05-14 Reading of the Declaration of Independence of Israel before the expiration of the British Mandate of Palestine at midnight 1994-10-26 Signing of the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace, whereby most of the disputed 400 square-kilometer area in the Arabah is handed back to Jordan
1947-05-03 Coming into force of the current Constitution of Japan, whereby the emperor is deprived of his powers and a liberal democracy is established 1952-04-28 Coming into force of the Treaty of San Francisco, whereby الحرب العالمية الثانية is officially ended and Japan's independence is reinstated 1972-05-14 Return of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan and abolition of the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands
Flag of الأردن الأردن 1946-05-25 End of British League of Nations mandate 1994-10-26 Signing of the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace, whereby most of the disputed 400 square-kilometer area in the Arabah is handed back to Jordan
Flag of قزخستان قزخستان 1991-12-16 اعلان الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوفيتي
Flag of كوريا الشمالية كوريا الشمالية 1948-09-09 Declaration of creation of North Korea 1953-07-27 Cease-fire in the Korean War creates the southern border along the Military Demarcation Line
Flag of كوريا الجنوبية كوريا الجنوبية 1948-08-15 First Republic of South Korea established 1953-07-27 Cease-fire in the Korean War creates the northern border along the Military Demarcation Line
Flag of الكويت الكويت 1991-02-28 End of Iraqi occupation (Gulf War) 1969-12-18 Formal division of Saudi-Kuwaiti neutral zone
Flag of قيرغيزستان قيرغيزستان 1991-08-31 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of لاوس لاوس 1949-07-19 الاستقلال عن فرنسا
Flag of لبنان لبنان 1926-05-23 Lebanese Republic formed 1941-11-26 الاستقلال عن فرنسا declared 1920-09-01 فرنسا establishes State of Greater Lebanon with current boundaries
1943-11-22 الاستقلال عن فرنسا recognized
Flag of ماليزيا ماليزيا 1957-08-31 Malayan Independence from the المملكة المتحدة is declared in Independence Square. 1965-08-09 Singapore secedes from the federation after the 1964 Race Riots.
1963-09-16 Malaysia is formed after the merging Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore into one independent state.
Flag of المالديڤ المالديڤ 1965-07-26 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of منغوليا منغوليا 1911-12-29 Proclamation of Mongolian الاستقلال عن Qing Dynasty China
Flag of ميانمار ميانمار 1948-01-04 Myanmar (Burma) declares الاستقلال عن the British Empire. 1956 Signing of border treaty with the People's Republic of China.
Flag of نيپال نيپال 2008-05-28 Formation_of_Republic 1768-12-21 Nepali unification 1815-12-02 Sugauli Treaty ends the Gurkha War
Flag of عُمان عُمان 1650-01-26 Expulsion of the Portuguese
Flag of پاكستان پاكستان 1947-08-14 الاستقلال عن the UK and the Partition of India, creation of the Dominion of Pakistan 1971-12-16 De facto : Province of East Pakistan dissolved following the surrender of the Pakistani Army at the end of the Bangladesh Liberation War
1974-02-22 De jure : Recognition by Pakistan of Bangladesh as an independent country, whereby Pakistan definitely surrenders claims over the former province of East Pakistan
Flag of الفلپين الفلپين 1935-03-24 The Commonwealth of the Philippines is established through the provisions of the Tydings-McDuffie Act and the Jones Law. 1928-01-23 The island of Palmas or Miangas is awarded to هولندا on behalf of the Netherlands East Indies through an international case under the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
1946-07-04 The الولايات المتحدة awards independence on 4 July under the provisions of the Treaty of Manila (1946). The 1935 Philippine constitution remains in effect.
Flag of قطر قطر 1971-09-03 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of السعودية السعودية 1932-09-23 Regions of Al-Hasa, Qatif, Nejd and Hejaz unified to become Saudi Arabia 1927-05-20 Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz recognized as independent in Treaty of Jeddah 2000-06-12 Border with Yemen finalized by Treaty of Jeddah
Flag of سنغافورة سنغافورة 1959-06-03 Self government under المملكة المتحدة
1965-08-09 Separation from Malaysia
Flag of اوستيا الجنوبية اوستيا الجنوبية 1991-11-28 2008-08-26 Russian recognition of independence.[2]
Flag of سريلانكا سريلانكا 1948-02-04 الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة
Flag of سوريا سوريا 1961-09-28 End of United Arab Republic
Flag of تايوان تايوان 1911-10-10 After the Xinhai Revolution the Republic of China formally replaced the Qing Dynasty. 1949-12-07[3] Republic of China government moved to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War[4] 1955-02-25 Withdrawal of the Republic of China from the Dachen Archipelago.
Flag of طاجيكستان طاجيكستان 1991-09-09 الاستقلال عن the الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of تايلند تايلند 1776 Expulsion of Burmese and reunification of Thailand 1909-03-10 Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909
Flag of تيمور الشرقية تيمور الشرقية 1975-11-28 East Timor declares its independence but is suppressed by the Indonesian invasion.
2002-05-20 Independence is recognized by the international community following the UN-sponsored act of self-determination of 1999.
Flag of تركمنستان تركمنستان 1991-10-27 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة 1971-12-02 End of treaty relationship with المملكة المتحدة 1972-02-11 Ras al-Khaimah joins the UAE
Flag of اوزبكستان اوزبكستان 1991-08-31 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي declared
Flag of ڤيتنام ڤيتنام 1976-07-02 Reunification of ڤيتنام الشمالية and South Vietnam
Flag of اليمن اليمن 1990-05-22 Unification of North Yemen and South Yemen 1990-05-22 Unification of North Yemen and South Yemen


البلد Birth of current form of government Date of acquisition of sovereignty Date of most recent significant territorial modification
Date[1] Event Date[1] Event Date[1] Event
Flag of ألبانيا ألبانيا 1912-11-28 Declaration of الاستقلال عن Ottoman Empire
1913-07-29 Recognition of independence in Treaty of London
Flag of أندورا أندورا 1813 Reversal of annexation of Andorra and Catalonia by the Napoleonic Empire, through the Peninsular war
Flag of النمسا النمسا 1955-05-15 Austrian Independence Treaty re-established Austria as a sovereign state 1921-12-14 City of Sopron moved to Hungary after plebiscite
Flag of بلاروس بلاروس 1990-07-27 Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic 1945 Curzon Line
1991-08-25 Independence recognized by الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of بلجيكا بلجيكا 1831-07-21 King Leopold I of Belgium swears allegiance to the constitution making the country a constitutional monarchy 1830-10-04 Independence is proclaimed by the provisonial government 1919-06-28 Treaty of Versailles and annexation of the East Cantons
Flag of البوسنة والهرسك البوسنة والهرسك 1992-03-05 اعلان الاستقلال 1943-11-25 Establishment of Bosnia in Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Flag of بلغاريا بلغاريا 1908-08-05 بلغاريا declares independence عنالدولة العثمانية. 1940-09-07 Under the Vienna Awards, Southern Dobruja is returned to Bulgaria.
Flag of كرواتيا كرواتيا 1991-06-25 (before 925 (became kingdom, recognised by pope)) أعلنت الاستقلال عن يوغوسلافيا
Flag of قبرص قبرص 1960-08-16 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of التشيك التشيك 1993-01-01 Dissolution of Czechoslovakia, creating Czech Republic and Slovakia
Flag of الدنمارك الدنمارك 1849-06-05 King Frederik VII signs the first free constitution, making Denmark a constitutional monarchy. 1945-05-04 German occupying forces surrender. 1920-06-15 Sønderjylland was recovered from ألمانيا
Flag of إستونيا إستونيا 1918-02-24 اعلان الاستقلال from Soviet Russia. 1945-01-01 Eastern coast of Narva river and Petseri County are transferred to Russian SFSR.
1991-08-20 Independence re-declared from the الاتحاد السوڤيتي.
Flag of فنلندا فنلندا 1917-12-06 الاستقلال عن Russian Empire declared 1956 Porkkala returned from Soviet control.
1918-01-03 الاستقلال عن روسيا recognized by the highest Soviet executive body - VTsIK.
496 Kingdom of the Franks becomes the first christian State after the fall of the Roman Empire 843 Creation of the Kingdom of France (Francia Occidentalis), Treaty of Verdun 987 the Capetian dynasty begins to rule the Kingdom of France without interruption until 1792 1870-09-04 Establishment of a lasting republican form of government, considered uninterrupted in French law 1944-08-09 Ordinance issued by the Provisional Government of the French Republic reinstating Republican legality and nullifying all Vichy legislation 1947-02-10 Metropolitan France:
Annexation of Tende, La Brigue and other villages formerly in إيطاليا
1958-10-05 Establishment of the current semi-presidential system known as the Fifth Republic 1962-07-05 Overseas France:
Loss of the French departments in Algeria following the latter's independence
Flag of ألمانيا ألمانيا 1955-05-05 Federal Republic of Germany (commonly referred to at the time as West Germany) declared fully sovereign 1990-10-03 Reunification of West Germany and East Germany
Flag of اليونان اليونان 1944-10-13 End of Axis occupation of Greece during World War II 1947-02-10 Peace treaty with Italy awards the Dodecanese to Greece
Flag of المجر المجر 1989-10-23 Proclamation of the Republic of Hungary 1849-04-14 اعلان الاستقلال from Habsburg Empire 1947-02-10 The Treaty of Peace with Hungary returns Hungary to 1920 borders, with small changes
1991-06-19 End of 46 years long Soviet occupation.
Flag of آيسلندا آيسلندا 930 The Icelandic Commonwealth established. 1944-06-17 Secedes from a Union with Denmark formally as an independent republic. 1972-09-01 No territorial changes on land have taken place, however the expansion of the Exclusive Economic Zone was such an important change in territory for Iceland that in merits a special inclusion here.
1946 Departure of last US occupation troops
Flag of جمهورية أيرلندا أيرلندا 1919 Elected Irish Parliment Dail Eireann declares الاستقلال عن the المملكة المتحدة. 1922-12-08 Northern Ireland is restored to British rule under the Irish Free State (Agreement) Act 1922
1946-06-02 Birth of the Italian Republic 1945-04-25 Disestablishment of the German-backed Italian Social Republic, whereby the unity and independence of the Italian state is restored 1954-10-26 Official annexation of the city of Trieste to Italy
1975-11-10 Signing of the Treaty of Osimo which definitely divides the Free Territory of Trieste between Italy and Yugoslavia
Flag of لتوانيا لتوانيا 1918-02-16 اعلان الاستقلال from ألمانيا and روسيا 1939-10-27 and 1940-08-03 Eastern Vilnius Region ceded to Lithuania
1990-03-11 Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania declaring الاستقلال عن the الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of لاتڤيا لاتڤيا 1918-11-18 اعلان الاستقلال from ألمانيا and روسيا 1944 Abrene district ceded to Russian SFSR (modern روسيا)
1990-05-04 اعلان الاستقلال from الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of ليختنشتاين ليختنشتاين 1813-10-19 Dissolution of the Confederation of the Rhine 1719-01-23 Purchase of Vaduz
Flag of لوكسمبورگ لوكسمبورگ 1945 End of German occupation during الحرب العالمية الثانية 1839-04-19 Partition of Luxembourg under the Treaty of London
Flag of جمهورية مقدونيا جمهورية مقدونيا 1991-09-08 After a referendum, the Socialist Republic of Macedonia declared الاستقلال عن Yugoslavia
Flag of مالطا مالطا 1964-09-21 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of مولدوڤا مولدوڤا 1991-08-27 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي 1940-08-02 Moldavian SSR formed
Flag of موناكو موناكو 1861 Franco-Monegasque Treaty confirms Monaco's sovereignty (formerly a protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia)
Flag of الجبل الأسود الجبل الأسود 2006-06-03 Declaration of الاستقلال عن Serbia and Montenegro
Flag of هولندا هولندا 1945-05-05 German occupying forces surrender. 1839-04-19 The United Kingdom of the Netherlands divided under the Treaty of London (1839).
Flag of قبرص الشمالية قبرص الشمالية 1963 De Facto الاستقلال عن Republic of Cyprus
Flag of النرويج النرويج 1945-05-08 German occupying forces surrender. 1930-02-27 Jan Mayen was made part of the Kingdom of Norway.
Flag of پولندا پولندا 1989-06-04 The first partially free Parliament's vote after 45-years long Soviet domination 1918-11-11 Józef Piłsudski was appointed Commandier in Chief of Polish Army, the day is celebrated as Independence Day. 1951-02-15 Polish-Soviet border adjustment treaty
Flag of الپرتغال الپرتغال 1974-04-25 Carnation Revolution ends the authoritarian Estado Novo 1139-07-26 County of Portugal becomes independent from the Kingdom of León after the Battle of Ourique as part of the Reconquista. Recognized by León in 1143 and by the Pope in 1179. 1801-06-06 Spain occupies the present day border town of Olivença since the War of the Oranges.
Flag of رومانيا رومانيا 1877-05-21 اعلان الاستقلال from the Ottoman Empire
1878-07-13 Independence recognized internationally by the Treaty of Berlin
Flag of سان مارينو سان مارينو 1243 Formation of republican government 0301-09-03 Traditional founding 1463 Added Fiorentino, Montegiardino, Serravalle, and Faetano
Flag of صربيا صربيا 2006-06-05 Republic of Serbia declared legal successor to Serbia and Montenegro, ending the process of the dissolution of Yugoslavia 1945-03-08 Government of Democratic Federal Yugoslavia formed after end of German occupation during World War II 1804 Karadjordje First Serbian Uprisal
2008-02-17 Republic of Kosovo declares الاستقلال عن Serbia.[5]
Flag of سلوڤاكيا سلوڤاكيا 1993-01-01 Dissolution of Czechoslovakia, creating Slovakia and Czech Republic
Flag of سلوڤنيا سلوڤنيا 1991-06-25 Declaration of الاستقلال عن Yugoslavia
Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا 21 January 1479 Dynastic union of Castile and Aragon into the Catholic Monarchy under Ferdinand and Isabella.[6] 1801-06-06 Spain occupies the present day border town of Olivença since the War of the Oranges.
Flag of السويد السويد 1523-06-06 Gustav Vasa elected King of Sweden and marking a definite secession from the Kalmar Union. 1809-03-29 Loss of Finland to Imperial Russia.
Flag of سويسرا سويسرا 1848-11-12 Foundation of the federal state after Sonderbund war 1815-08-07 Restauration]] of the Ancien Régime (federalism), reverting the changes imposed by ناپليون بوناپرت.
Flag of أوكرانيا أوكرانيا 1991-08-24 الاستقلال عن الاتحاد السوڤيتي declared 1954-02-19 Transfer of Crimea from Russia to Ukraine
المملكة المتحدة
المملكة المتحدة
1707-05-01 Acts of Union, 1707 put into effect the negotiated Treaty of Union that created a 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' on May 1st, 1707.[7] This state then merged with Ireland in 1801 to create the المملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وأيرلندة. 1707-05-01 Acts of Union, 1707, extended by Act of Union, 1801 1922-12-06 Loss of Southern Ireland following the creation of the Irish Free State agreed upon in the Anglo-Irish Treaty [8]
Flag of مدينة الڤاتيكان الڤاتيكان 1274 Birth of current form of government the Papal conclave in 1274 1929-06-07 Ratification of the Lateran Treaty, making the Vatican City a sovereign State 1929-02-11 Signing of the Lateran Treaty


البلد Birth of current form of government Date of acquisition of sovereignty Date of most recent significant territorial modification
Date[1] Event Date[1] Event Date[1] Event
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا 1901-01-01 Commonwealth of Australia established as a Dominion of the British Empire. 1942-10-09 Statute of Westminster is adopted by Australia 1975-09-16 Papua New Guinea becomes formally independent of Australia
1986-03-03 Australia Act 1986 eliminated the remaining ties between the legislature and judiciary of Australia and their counterparts in the المملكة المتحدة.
Flag of فيجي فيجي 1970-10-10 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of كيريباس كيريباس 1979-07-12 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1975-10-01 Separation of Gilbert Islands (later Kiribati) and Ellice Islands (later Tuvalu)
Flag of جزر مارشال جزر مارشال 1979-05-01 Constitution and local government established 1986-10-21 Compact of Free Association with the الولايات المتحدة
Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia ميكرونزيا 1979-05-10 Constitution ratified 1986-11-03 Compact of Free Association with the الولايات المتحدة 1979-05-10 Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae unite to form the Federated States of Micronesia
Flag of ناورو ناورو 1968-01-31 الاستقلال عن UN Trusteeship
Flag of نيوزيلندا نيوزيلندا 1840-02-06 Treaty of Waitangi between the British Crown and the indigenous Māori tribes cedes kawanatanga of New Zealand to Queen Victoria. De facto:
from 1856-05-07
Formation of first responsible ministry in 1856. 1840-02-06 Treaty of Waitangi effectively unites the New Zealand archipelago as a single territory.The Kermadec Islands were incorporated in 1887.
De jure:
New Zealand Constitution Amendment Act 1947 receives royal assent.
Flag of پالاو پالاو 1981-01-01 Republic of Palau created upon adoption of constitution 1994-10-01 خرجت من وصاية الأمم المتحدة(كانت تديرها الولايات المتحدة).
Flag of پاپوا غينيا الجديدة پاپوا غينيا الجديدة 1973-12-01 Self governing colony
1975-09-16 الاستقلال عن أستراليا
Flag of ساموا ساموا 1962-01-01 الاستقلال عن نيوزيلندا
Flag of the Solomon Islands جزر سولومون 1976-01-02 Self government granted by المملكة المتحدة
1978-07-07 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة
Flag of تونگا تونگا 1970-07-04 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1845-12-04 Unification of what is now the islands of Tonga by George Tupou I of Tonga
Flag of توڤالو توڤالو 1975-10-01 Separation of Gilbert Islands (later Kiribati) and Ellice Islands (later Tuvalu) 1978-10-01 الاستقلال عن المملكة المتحدة 1979-02-07 Treaty with الولايات المتحدة recognizing Tuvaluan control over Funafuti, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae, and Niulakita atolls
Flag of ڤانواتو ڤانواتو 1980-07-30 الاستقلال عن joint British-French condominium

قائمة البلدان التي تمتد على أكثر من قارة واحدة

البلد Birth of current form of government Date of acquisition of sovereignty Date of most recent significant territorial modification
Date[1] الحدث Date[1] الحدث Date[1] الحدث
1952-07-23 ثورة 23 يوليو 1922-02-28 Recognition of formal independence by the United Kingdom but continued British military occupation 1982-04-25 Withdrawal of last Israeli troops and settlers from سيناء كما اتقف عليه فيمعاهدة السلام مع إسرائيل
1953-06-18 اعلان الجمهورية 1956-06-18 Withdrawal of last British troops from the Suez Canal Zone
1961-09-28 De facto disestablishment of the United Arab Republic following a military coup in Damascus
Flag of روسيا روسيا 1990-06-12 Russian SFSR declares sovereignty over its own territory 1480 Grand Duchy of Muscovy secures its independence from the Golden Horde 1954-02-19 Transfer of Crimea from Russia to Ukraine
Flag of تركيا تركيا 1923-10-29 Turkey was declared as a republic. 1923-07-24 Treaty of Lausanne recognizes the new Turkish state as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire 1939-06-29 Syrian province of Iskanderun transferred by French Mandatory Government to Turkey. Annexed by Turkey as Hatay State


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع Please use the Wikipedia:Manual of Style (dates and numbers) for dates
  2. ^ أ ب "Russia Recognizes Independence of Georgian Regions (Update2)". Bloomberg. 2008-08-26. Retrieved 2008-08-26.
  3. ^ The government of the Republic of China, which currently administers Taiwan, was the generally recognized sovereign power over Mainland China beginning in 1 January 1912. Sovereign control of Taiwan by this government began on 25 October 1945 (Retrocession Day).
  4. ^ The PRC acquired de facto control in Mainland China on 1 October 1949. The Republic of China continued to be generally recognized as the legitimate government of China until 25 October 1971, when the PRC was admitted to the United Nations. Currently, due to the PRC's One-China policy, only 25 states recognize the Republic of China, although many more retain unofficial relations.
  5. ^ International recognition of Kosovo's independence is still limited, although growing.
  6. ^ [1]
  7. ^ Welcome parliament.uk, accessed 1 January, 2009
  8. ^ In order to reflect the loss of Southern Ireland, the full name of the المملكة المتحدة was changed from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland through the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927.

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