ICC ODI Championship

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قالب:ICC ODI Championship rankings

Note: Namibia, Oman, and USA currently have ODI status, but do not have enough recent results to appear in the rankings table.

مشارك التصنيف العالمي

Rank Nation Region
21 Flag of كندا كندا Americas
22 Flag of هونگ كونگ هونگ كونگ Asia
23 Flag of سنغافورة سنغافورة Asia
24 Flag of كنيا كنيا Africa
25 Flag of الدنمارك الدنمارك Europe
26 Flag of أوغندا أوغندا Africa
27 Flag of ماليزيا ماليزيا Asia
28 قالب:Country data JER Europe
29 Flag of ڤانواتو ڤانواتو EAP
30 Flag of برمودا برمودا Americas
31 Flag of قطر قطر Asia
32 Flag of إيطاليا إيطاليا Europe
Reference: Associate Rankings updated to 9 March 2018

تاريخي ICC ODI Champions

The ICC provides ratings for the end of each month back to October 2002. This table lists the teams that have successively held the highest rating since that date, by whole month periods.

Team Start End Total Months Cumulative Months Highest Rating
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا October 2002 January 2007 52 52 140
Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا February 2007 February 2007 1 1 128
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا March 2007 February 2008 12 64 130
Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا March 2008 May 2008 3 4 127
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا June 2008 December 2008 7 71 131
Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا January 2009 August 2009 8 12 127
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا September 2009 August 2012 35 106 134
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة August 2012 December 2012 5 5 121
Flag of الهند الهند January 2013 January 2014 12 12 124
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا January 2014 August 2014 8 114 117
Flag of الهند الهند September 2014 September 2014 1 13 113
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا October 2014 October 2014 1 115 114
قالب:Country data SA October 2014[1] November 2014 ½ 13 115
Flag of الهند الهند November 2014 November 2014 ½ 14 117
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا November 2014 February 2017 26 141 129
قالب:Country data SA February 2017 February 2017 1 14 119
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا March 2017 March 2017 4 days 141 118
قالب:Country data SA March 2017 September 2017 6 20 123
Flag of الهند الهند 24 September 2017 27 September 2017 4 days 14 120
قالب:Country data SA 28 September 2017 31 September 2017 4 days 20 119
Flag of الهند الهند 1 October 2017 17 October 2017 17 days 15 120
قالب:Country data SA 18 October 2017 1 February 2018 4 24 120
Flag of الهند الهند 2 February 2018 1 May 2018 3 18 123
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة 2 May 2018 24 June 2019 14 19 127
Flag of الهند الهند 25 June 2019 29 June 2019 5 days 18 123
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة 30 June 2019 present 2 21 125

In 2011, the ICC applied its rating system to results since 1981, providing ratings for the end of each month back to 1981, further indicating Australia's historical dominance in ODI Cricket with the highest number of months ranked first (198 months). The table only begins from 1981 as, prior to this date, there is not enough data available due to the infrequency of matches and the small number of competing teams in the earlier periods.

The teams that have successively held the highest rating since January 1981 till September 2002, by whole month periods, are:

Team Start End Total Months Cumulative Months
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة January 1981 February 1981 2 2
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية June 1981 November 1981 6 6
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة December 1981 December 1981 1 3
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية January 1982 May 1987 65 71
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة August 1987 March 1988 8 11
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية April 1988 May 1988 2 73
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة August 1988 May 1989 10 21
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية August 1989 December 1989 5 78
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا January 1990 March 1990 3 3
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية April 1990 April 1990 1 79
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا May 1990 May 1990 1 4
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية July 1990 July 1990 1 80
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا August 1990 November 1990 4 8
Flag of پاكستان پاكستان December 1990 January 1991 2 2
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا February 1991 May 1991 4 12
Flag of پاكستان پاكستان August 1991 August 1991 1 3
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا October 1991 May 1992 8 20
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة August 1992 March 1993 8 29
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية April 1993 April 1993 1 81
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا May 1993 July 1993 3 23
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية August 1993 November 1994 16 97
Flag of الهند الهند December 1994 March 1995 4 4
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية April 1995 May 1995 2 99
Flag of الهند الهند August 1995 October 1995 3 7
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة November 1995 December 1995 2 31
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا January 1996 April 1996 4 27
Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا May 1996 February 2000 46 46
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا March 2000 January 2002 23 50
Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا February 2002 February 2002 1 47
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا March 2002 September 2002 7 57
Reference: Historical Rankings

The summary of teams that have held the highest rating since 1981 till present by whole month periods, are:

Team Total Months Highest Rating
Flag of أستراليا أستراليا 198 140
Flag of الهند الغربية البريطانية الهند الغربية 99 141
قالب:Country data SA 71 134
Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة 52 135
Flag of الهند الهند 25 127
Flag of پاكستان پاكستان 3 131
Reference: Historical Rankings updated to 2/03/2019


The team at the top of the ICC ODI Championship has been awarded the ICC ODI Championship shield. Like a 2 euro coin, the shield features an inner circle of gold-coloured metal and is surrounded by a ring of silver-coloured metal. It was first presented in December 2002, when Australia's captain Ricky Ponting received the trophy.[2]

حسابات النقاط

Each team scores points based on the results of their matches over the last 3–4 years − all matches played in the 12–24 months since the May before last, plus all the matches played in the 24 months before that, for which the matches played and points earned both count half.[3] Each May, the matches and points earned between 3 and 4 years ago are removed, and the matches and points earned between 1 and 2 years ago switch from 100% weighting to 50% weighting. For example, at May 2014, the matches played between May 2010 and May 2011 were removed, and the matches played between May 2012 and May 2013 switched to 50% weighting. This happens overnight, so can result in teams changing positions in the ranking table despite not playing. ICC Test Championship weightings

Each time two teams play another match, the rankings table is updated as follows, based on the ratings of the teams immediately before they played. To determine the teams' new ratings after a particular match, first calculate the points earned from the match:

If the gap between the ratings of the two teams before the match was less than 40 points, then:

Match result Points earned
Win Opponent's rating + 50
Tie Opponent's rating
Lose Opponent's rating − 50

If the gap between the ratings of the two teams before the match was at least 40 points, then:

Match result Points earned
Stronger team wins Own rating + 10
Weaker team loses Own rating − 10
Stronger team ties Own rating − 40
Weaker team ties Own rating + 40
Stronger team loses Own rating − 90
Weaker team wins Own rating + 90
  • Each team's rating is equal to its total points scored divided by the total matches played. (Series are not significant in these calculations).
  • Add the match points scored to the points already scored (in previous matches as reflected by the Table), add one to the number of matches played, and determine the new rating.[4]
  • Points earned by teams depend on the opponent's ratings, therefore this system needed to assign base ratings to teams when it started.

See also: Detailed example

أنظر أيضا


  1. ^ "South Africa reclaims number-one ODI ranking after five years". International Cricket Council. 28 October 2014. Retrieved 30 August 2015.
  2. ^ "Australia increases lead in ODI standings". Cricinfo.
  3. ^ "FAQs on ICC ODI Team Rankings". Qn4,5, ICC. Retrieved 2016-02-17.
  4. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Formula

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