الهندوسية حسب البلد

(تم التحويل من هنودسية حسب البلد)
الهندوسية – نسبة مئوية حسب البلد

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الهندوسية حسب البلد


النسبة المئوية للسكان الهندوس في كل البلد، معلومات من تقرير الحرية الدينية الدولية 2006 الصادر عن وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية.[1] المصادر الأخرى المستخدمة هي كتاب حقائق العالم[2] and adherents.com.[3] إجمالي السكان مأخوذ في كل بلدة عن census.gov[4] 2007 estimates.[5][6] حسب النسبة المئوية، توجد في نيپال الغالبية الأعلى للهندوس على مستوى العالم تليها الهند وموريشيوس.[7]


التقديرات الديموغرافية

حسب البلد

Hinduism by country
Region Country Percentage Total population Hindu total Census year Increase
South Asia أفغانستان Afghanistan 0.4%[8][9] 31,889,923 4,000 2017 -NA-
Western Europe أندورا Andorra 0.4%[10] 60,000 -NA- -NA-
Caribbean أنگويلا Anguilla 0.43%[11] 13,452 58 -NA- -NA-
Caribbean أنتيگا وبربودا Antigua and Barbuda 0.4%[12] 81,799 379 -NA- -NA-
South America الأرجنتين Argentina 0.01%[13] 40,301,927 4,030 -NA- -NA-
Oceania أستراليا Australia 1.9%[14] 23,401,400 440,300 2016 +9.83%
Central Europe النمسا Austria 0.1% [15] 8,900,000 11,000
Middle East البحرين Bahrain <1%–9.8%[16][note 1] 708,573 7,000 – 144,286[note 1]
South Asia بنگلادش Bangladesh 8.54%[19] 167,000,000 14,300,000 2011 +9.8%
Caribbean بربادوس Barbados 0.46%[20] 226,193 1055
Western Europe بلجيكا Belgium 0.06%[21] 10,392,226 6,235
Central America بليز Belize 0.2%[22]-2.3%[23] 294,385 612-6,771
South Asia بوتان Bhutan 22.6%[24]-25%[25][26] 742,737 185,700
Southern Africa بتسوانا Botswana 0.3%[27] 1372675 3,353
South America البرازيل Brazil 0.0029%[28]-0.01% 192,755,799 5,675-9500
Southeast Asia بروناي Brunei 0.035%[29] 374,577 131
West Africa بوركينا فاسو Burkina Faso 0.001%[بحاجة لمصدر] 14,326,203 150
Central Africa بوروندي Burundi 0.1%[30][31] 8,390,505 8,391
Southeast Asia كمبوديا Cambodia 0.3%[32][33] 13,995,904 41,988
North America كندا Canada 1.45%[34][35] 33,390,141 497,965 2011 -NA-
Central Europe التشيك Czech Republic 0.023%[36] 10,436,560 2,404
South America كولومبيا Colombia 0.02%[37] 44,379,598 8,876
East Africa جزر القمر Comoros 0.1%(approx)[بحاجة لمصدر] 711,417 711
Central Africa جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية Congo (Kinshasa) 0.18%[38] 65,751,512 118,353
Balkans كرواتيا Croatia 0.01% (approx)[39] 4,493,312 449
North America كوبا Cuba 0.21%[40] 11,394,043 23,927
West Africa ساحل العاج Côte d'Ivoire 0.1%[41][42] 18,013,409 18,013
Western Europe الدنمارك Denmark 0.1%[43][44] 5,468,120 5,468
East Africa جيبوتي Djibouti 0.02%[45] 496,374 99
Caribbean دومنيكا Dominica 0.2%[46] 72,386 145
East Africa إرتريا Eritrea 0.1% (approx)[47] 4,906,585 4,907
Eastern Europe إستونيا Estonia 0.027% [48] 1,094,564 295
Oceania فيجي Fiji 27.7%[49] – 33%[50][51] 918,675 275,603 – 303,163
Western Europe فنلندا Finland 0.1%[52] 5,238,460 5,000
Western Europe فرنسا France 0.1%[53][54] 63,718,187 63,718
Eastern Europe جورجيا Georgia 0.01% (approx)[55] 4,646,003 465
Western Europe ألمانيا Germany 0.12%[56] 81,800,000 100,000
West Africa غانا Ghana 0.05% (approx)[57] 22,931,299 11,466
Western Europe مستعمرة جبل طارق Gibraltar 2.0% [58] 32,194 628
Caribbean گرينادا Grenada 0.7%[59] 89,971 630
Caribbean گوادلوپ Guadeloupe 0.5%[60] 460,000 2,300
South America and Caribbean گويانا Guyana 24.83%[61] 769,095 190,966
Central Europe المجر Hungary 0.02% 9,956,108 1,767[62]
South Asia الهند India 79.8% [63][64][65] 1,320,000,000 1,053,000,000 (2011 Census) -0.66%
Southeast Asia إندونيسيا Indonesia 1.69%[66][67][68] 259,000,000 4,400,000-10,000,000[69][note 2]
Middle East إيران Iran <0.1[73] 65,397,521 20,000[73]
Western Europe جمهورية أيرلندا Ireland 0.30%[74] 4,761,865 14,300 2016 -NA-
Middle East إسرائيل Israel 0.1% (approx)[75] 6,426,679 6,427
Western Europe إيطاليا Italy 0.2% (approx)[76] 60,418,000 108,950
Caribbean جامايكا Jamaica 0.07%[77] 2,780,132 1,836
East Asia اليابان Japan <0.1[73] 127,433,494 30,000[73]
East Africa كنيا Kenya 0.1%[73] 37,000,000 60,000[73]
East Asia كوريا الجنوبية Korea, South 0.015% (approx) 49,044,790 12,452
Middle East الكويت Kuwait 12%[78] 2,505,559 300,667[note 3]
Eastern Europe لاتڤيا Latvia 0.012%[80] 1,481,823 179
Middle East لبنان Lebanon 0.1% (approx)[81] 4,925,502 4,926
Eastern Europe لتوانيا Lithuania 0.01% [82] 30,500,000 344
Southern Africa لسوتو Lesotho 0.1% (approx)[83][84] 2,125,262 2,125
West Africa ليبريا Liberia 0.1% (approx)[85] 3,195,931 3,196
North Africa ليبيا Libya 0.1%[86][87] 6,036,914 6,037
Western Europe لوكسمبورگ Luxembourg 0.07% (approx)[88] 480,222 336
Southern Africa مدغشقر Madagascar 0.1%[89][90] 19,448,815 19,449
Southern Africa ملاوي Malawi 0.02%[91] – 0.2%[92] 13,603,181 2,721 – 2,726
Southeast Asia ماليزيا Malaysia 6.3%[93][94] 30,949,962 1,949,850
Caribbean مارتينيك Martinique 0.3%[95] 439202 1317
South Asia المالديڤ Maldives 0.01%[96] 369,031 37
Southern Africa موريشيوس Mauritius 48.5%[97][98] 1,250,882 600,423 – 625,441 2011 +2.6%
Eastern Europe مولدوڤا Moldova 0.01% (approx)[99] 3,200,000 433
Southern Africa موزمبيق Mozambique 0.05%[100] – 0.2%[101] 20,905,585 10,453 – 41,811
Southeast Asia ميانمار Myanmar 0.5%[102] 50,279,900[102] 252,763[102]
South Asia نيپال Nepal 81.3%[103][104] 28,901,790 23,500,000 2011 +0.68%
Western Europe هولندا Netherlands 0.58%[105] – 1.20%[106] 16,570,613 96,110 – 200,000
Oceania نيوزيلندا New Zealand 2.1%[107] 4,115,771 90,158
Western Europe النرويج Norway 0.5% 4,627,926 23,140
Middle East عُمان Oman 3%[108] – 5.7%[109] 3,204,897 96,147 – 182,679
South Asia پاكستان Pakistan 1.85%[110] 196,000,000 3,626,000 2011 -2.78%
Central America پنما Panama 0.3%[111][112] 3,242,173 9,726
Southeast Asia الفلپين Philippines <0.1% [73] 102,000,000[113] 10,000[73]
Western Europe الپرتغال Portugal 0.07% 10,642,836 7,396
Eastern Europe پولندا Poland 0.008%[114] 30,575,000 2421
Caribbean پورتو ريكو Puerto Rico 0.09%[115] 3,944,259 3,550
Middle East قطر Qatar 13.8%[116] 2,471,919[117] 358,800
East Africa ريونيون Réunion 6.7%[118] 827,000 55,409
Eastern Europe روسيا Russia 0.1%[119] 141,377,752 143,000
Oceania ساموا Samoa 0.02% (approx) 187,429 38
Middle East السعودية Saudi Arabia 0.6%[120] – 1.1%[121] 27,601,038 303,611[note 4]
East Africa سيشل Seychelles 2.1%[73]-2.4%[123] 90,945 1,910
West Africa سيراليون Sierra Leone 0.04%[124] – 0.1%[125] 6,144,562 2,458 – 6,145
Southeast Asia سنغافورة Singapore 5.0%[126][127] 5,600,000 280,000 2011 -0.14%
Central Europe سلوڤاكيا Slovakia 0.1% (approx)[بحاجة لمصدر] 5,447,502 5,448
Central Europe سلوڤنيا Slovenia 0.025% (approx)[بحاجة لمصدر] 2,009,245 500
Southern Africa جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 0.9%[128]-1.1%[73] 49,991,300 550,000
South Asia سريلانكا Sri Lanka 12.6%[129] 21,200,000 2,671,000 2011 +0.35%
South America and Caribbean سورينام Suriname 22.3%[130] – 27.4%[131] 470,784 120,623 – 128,995
Southern Africa سوازيلاند Swaziland 0.15%[132] – 0.2%[133] 1,133,066 1,700 – 2,266
Western Europe السويد Sweden 0.078% – 0.12%[134] 9,031,088 7,044 – 10,837
Western Europe سويسرا Switzerland 0.38%[135][136]-0.6%[137] 7,554,661 28,708-50,000[138][139]
East Africa تنزانيا Tanzania 0.9%[140][141] 39,384,223 354,458
Caribbean ترنيداد وتوباگو Trinidad and Tobago 22.5%[142][143][144] 1,056,608 237,737 2011 -4.3%
Southeast Asia تايلند Thailand 0.1%[145] 65,068,149 65,000
Oceania تونگا Tonga 0.1%[146] 103,043 100
Eastern Europe أوكرانيا Ukraine 0.1%[147] 42,386,400 42,386
East Africa أوغندا Uganda 0.2%[148] – 0.8%[149] 30,262,610 60,525 – 242,101
Middle East الإمارات العربية المتحدة United Arab Emirates 5%[150] 9,682,000 490,000[note 5]
Western Europe المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1.7%[152][153] 60,776,238 832,000 2011 -NA-
North America الولايات المتحدة United States 0.7%[154] 322,000,000 2,230,000 2015 -NA-
Caribbean الجزر العذراء الأمريكية United States Virgin Islands 1.9%[155] 28,054 528
Central Asia اوزبكستان Uzbekistan 0.01% (approx)[بحاجة لمصدر] 27,780,059 2,778
Southeast Asia ڤيتنام Vietnam 0.059%[156] 85,262,356 50,305
Middle East اليمن Yemen 0.7%[157] 22,230,531 155,614
Southern Africa زامبيا Zambia 0.14%[158][159] 11,477,447 16,068
Southern Africa زيمبابوي Zimbabwe 1.0%[160] 12,311,143 123,111
Total 16 7,500,000,000 1,100,000,000 - 1,120,000,000 -NA- -NA-

حسب المنطقة

These percentages were calculated by using the above numbers. The first percentage, 4th column, is the percentage of population that is Hindu in a region (Hindus in the region * 100/total population of the region). The last column shows the Hindu percentage compared to the total Hindu population of the world (Hindus in the region * 100/total Hindu population of the world).

(Note: Egypt, Sudan, and other Arab Maghreb countries are counted as part of North Africa, not Middle East).

Hinduism in Africa
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Central Africa 193,121,055 0[بحاجة لمصدر] 0% 0%
East Africa 193,741,900 667,694 0.345% 0.071%
North Africa 202,151,323 5,765 0.003% 0.001%
Southern Africa 137,092,019 1,269,844 0.926% 0.135%
West Africa 268,997,245 70,402 0.026% 0.007%
Total 885,103,542 2,013,705 0.225% 0.213%
Hinduism in Asia
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Central Asia 92,019,166 149,644 0.163% 0.016%
East Asia 1,527,960,261 130,631 0.009% 0.014%
West Asia 274,775,527 3,187,673 1.5% 0.084%
South Asia 1,437,326,682 1,068,728,901 70.05% 98.475%
Southeast Asia 571,337,070 6,386,614 1.118% 0.677%
Total 3,903,418,706 1,074,728,901 26.01% 99.266%
Hinduism in Europe
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Balkans 65,407,609 449 0.001% 0.001%
Central Europe 74,510,241 163 0% 0%
Eastern Europe 212,821,296 717,101 0.337% 0.076%
Western Europe 375,832,557 1,313,640 0.348% 0.138%
Total 728,571,703 2,030,904 0.278% 0.214%
Hinduism in The Americas
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Caribbean 24,898,266 279,515 1.123% 0.030%
Central America 41,135,205 5,833 0.014% 0.006%
North America 446,088,748 2,131,127 0.478% 0.191%
South America 371,075,531 389,869 0.105% 0.041%
Total 883,197,750 2,806,344 0.281% 0.263%
Hinduism in Oceania
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Oceania 38,552,683 791,615 2.053% 0.071%
Total 38,552,683 791,615 2.053% 0.071%

أنظر أيضا


  1. ^ أ ب The estimates vary depending on whether temporary workers are included or not. The official census of the Bahrain government states that 99% of its citizens are Muslims, and the remaining 1% includes Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Bahais.[17] According to a 2017 publication by Abdullahi An-Na'im, the Muslims in Bahrain constitute 99.3% of the total population.[18]
  2. ^ The lower number is based on Pew Research estimate and is primarily concentrated in the island of Bali, Indonesia and nearby provinces of Indonesia. The higher number is based on a 2010 estimate by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Government of Indonesia.[70] The largest Hindu organization in Indonesia Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia states that the Indonesian census greatly underestimates Hindu population, because predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia does not recognize all forms of Hinduism, and only recognizes monotheistic Hinduism under its constitution.[71][72]
  3. ^ The estimates vary depending on whether temporary workers – with no residency nor right to openly practice their religion – are included or not. The official Kuwaiti government census data does not count Hindus as residents or citizens of Kuwait.[79]
  4. ^ The estimates vary depending on whether temporary workers – with no residency nor right to openly practice their religion – are included or not. The Saudi Arabian government mandates that all Saudi citizens must be Muslims, and it prohibits public practice of Hinduism and other non-Muslim religions.[122]
  5. ^ The estimates vary depending on whether temporary workers – with no residency nor right to openly practice their religion – are included or not. 80% of the UAE population is non-citizen temporary workers, and estimated 25% of these workers may be Hindu. Only Sunni Muslims can be naturalized new citizens in UAE. According to the US State Department, the federal constitution of the UAE designates Islam as the official religion, and Islam is also the official religion of all seven of the individual emirates in the federal union. The Government does not recognize all non-Muslim religions and only a limited number of Christian groups are granted legal recognition in UAE. Non-Muslim and non-Christian religions such as Hinduism are not recognized legally in any of the emirates.[151]


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  6. ^ http://features.pewforum.org/grl/population-number.php?sort=numberHindu
  7. ^ http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/religion101/2012/11/hindu-demographics-denominations-part-one.html
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  18. ^ Abdullahi An-Na'im; edited by Mashood A. Baderin (2017). Islam and Human Rights: Selected Essays of Abdullahi An-Na'im. Taylor & Francis. pp. 257 note 84. ISBN 978-1-351-92611-9. {{cite book}}: |author2= has generic name (help)
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  27. ^ http://www.statsbots.org.bw/sites/default/files/publications/Population%20%26%20Housing%20Census%20Dissemination%20analytical%20report%20.pdf
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