جمهورية روسيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية السوڤيتية
جمهورية روسيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية السوڤيتية Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика | |||||||||
1917–1991 | |||||||||
النشيد: Internationale (1922–1943) النشيد الوطني للاتحاد السوڤيتي (1944–1990) أغنية وطنية (1990–1993)[1] | |||||||||
![]() خريطة ما بعد ح.ع.2 بعد 1954 | |||||||||
العاصمة | پتروگراد (1917–1918) موسكو (منذ مارس 1918)[2] | ||||||||
الحكومة | الجمهورية الاشتراكية سوڤيتية ديمقراطية | ||||||||
رأس الدولة | |||||||||
• 1917 | لڤ كامنيڤ (رئيس VTsIK) | ||||||||
• 1991—1999 | بوريس يلتسن (الرئيس) | ||||||||
التشريع |
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التأسيس | 7 نوفمبر 1917 | ||||||||
التاريخ | |||||||||
• تأسست | 1917 | ||||||||
• انحلت | 1991 | ||||||||
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في 19 يناير 1918، تواجدت لفترة وجيزة الجمهورية الاتحادية الديمقراطية الروسية، ولكن السيادة الفعلية كانت في يد السوڤيت حتى بعد أن افتتح Russian Constituent Assembly أول وآخر جلساته.[3] |
جمهورية روسيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية السوڤيتية (روسية: Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика,[5] التعريب: 'روسيسكايا سوڤيتسكايا فدراتيڤنايا سوتسياليستيچسكايا رسپوبليكا' وتـُختصر في مقالات موسوعة المعرفة: روسيا ج.ا.ا.س.)، ويشيع الاشارة إليها بإسم روسيا السوڤيتية، روسيا البلشڤية، أو ببساطة روسيا,[1][6] كانت الأكبر مساحةً والأكبر تعداداً والأكثر تطوراً بين جمهوريات الاتحاد السوڤيتي السابق.[7]
النظام السوڤيتي، الذي حكمه البلشڤيك، جاء للسلطة في 7 نوفمبر 1917—مباشرة بعد الحكومة المؤقتة الروسية، التي حكمت الجمهورية الروسية والتي أطاحت بها ثورة اكتوبر. في البداية، لم يكن للدولة اسماً رسمياً ولم يعترف جيرانها لخمسة أشهر.
وفي 25 يناير 1918—في الاجتماع الثالث مؤتمر سوڤيتات عموم الروس—تغير اسم الدولة غير المـُعترف بها إلى الجمهورية الروسية السوڤيتية.[8] وفي 3 مارس 1918 بتوقيع معاهدة برست-ليتوڤسك، تم التنازل فيها عن كثير من أراضي الامبراطورية الروسية السابقة لصالح ألمانيا، مقابل السلام في الحرب العالمية الأولى. وفي 10 يوليو 1918 غيـَّر الدستور الروسي 1918 اسم البلد إلى الجمهورية السوڤيتية الاتحادية الاشتراكية الروسية.[9] وبحلول 1918، أثناء الحرب الأهلية الروسية، انفصل العديد من الدول ممن كانوا ضمن الامبراطورية الروسية السابقة، مما ضاعف من انكماش حجم البلد.
ج.س.ا.ا.ر. RSFSR اعترف بها دولياً كدولة مستقلة فقط إستونيا, فنلندا، لاتڤيا ولتوانيا، في معاهدة تارتو في 1920 كما اعترفت بها الجمهورية الأيرلندية في 1920.[10]
وفي 30 ديسمبر 1922، مع خلق الاتحاد السوڤيتي، أصبحت روسيا واحدة من ست جمهوريات ضمن اتحاد الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوڤيتية. جمهورية روسيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية السوڤيتية—الاسم النهائي في الحقبة السوڤيتية للجمهورية—اتـُخِذ في الدستور السوڤيتي 1936.
وفي 25 ديسمبر 1991—بعد انهيار الاتحاد السوڤيتي—فقد تغير اسمها إلى روسيا الاتحادية، الذي بقي إلى يومنا هذا.[11]
الجمهورية تألفت من 16 جمهورية ذاتية، وخمس اوبلاستات ذاتية، و 10 اُكروگات ذاتية، وست كرايات، و 40 اوبلاست.[7] وقد شكل الروس أكبر جماعة عرقية.
وكان اقتصاد روسيا ج.ا.ا.س. عالي التصنيع. وكانت روسيا ج.ا.ا.س. مسئولة عن ثلثي توليد الكهرباء في الاتحاد السوڤيتي. وكانت ثالث أكبر منتج للنفط، بعد الولايات المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية.
وفي 1974 كان هناك 475 معهد تعليم عالي في الجمهورية يمنحوا التعليم بـ47 لغة لنحو 23,941,000 طالب. كما مُنِحت الرعاية الصحية عبر شبكة من الخدمات الصحية العامة الموزعة على المناطق.[7]
هي الجزء الروسي من اتحاد الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوفياتية عاصمتها الأولى هي سانت پطرسبورگ (1917—1918) وموسكو من مارس 1918 إلى الآن اللغة الرسمية لهذه الجمهورية هي الروسية انضمت إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي في 7 نوفمبر 1917 وانفصلت عنه في 12 ديسمبر 1991 وتحتل المرتبة الأولى على مستوى الاتحاد السوفياتي و تحتل المياه 13 بالمئة من مساحتها إما عن السكان فقد صنفت الأولى عدد سكان يقدر بـ 147,386,000 سكان وكثافة سكانية تقدر بـ 8.6 في الكيلومتر المربع هذه الجمهورية السوفيتية لها أهمية خاصة حيث أن عاصمتها موسكو كانت عاصمة الاتحاد السوفياتي وأيضا هذه الجمهورية كانت منبع الثورة البلشفية.
الحدود الدولية لروسيا ج.ا.ا.س ج. لامست پولندا من الغرب؛ النرويج وفنلندا من الشمال الغربي؛ وإلى الجنوب الشرقي منها كانت جمهورية كوريا الشعبية الديمقراطية، جمهورية منغوليا الشعبية، وجمهورية الصين الشعبية. وضمن الاتحاد السوڤيتي، فإن روسيا ج.ا.ا.س. حاذت الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوڤيتية اوكرانيا، بلاروس، إستونيا, لاتڤيا ولتوانيا إلى الغرب منها و ج.ا.س. أذربيجان، جورجيا وقزخستان إلى الجنوب.[7]
تقريباً 70% من مساحة روسيا ج.ا.ا.س. تكونت من سهول فسيحة، مع بعض المناطق الجبلية التي تركزت عموماً في الشرق. والمنطقة ثرية بالمصادر المعدنية، بما فيها النفط والغاز الطبيعي وخام الحديد.[12]
جزء من سلسلة عن |
تاريخ روسيا |
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بلغار الڤولگا (ق.7–13) |
الخزر (7th–10th) |
خاقانية روسء (ق.8-9) |
روسء الكييڤية (ق.9-12) |
ڤلاديمير-سوزدال (ق. 12-14) |
جمهورية نوڤگورود (ق. 12-15) |
الغزو المنغولي (ع.1220-ع.1240) |
القبيل الذهبي (ق.13-15) |
دوقية موسكو العظمى (1340-1547) |
خانية قازان (1438-1552) |
قيصرية روسيا (1547-1721) |
الامبراطورية الروسية (1721-1917) |
الحكومة المؤقتة / الجمهورية الروسية (1917) |
روسيا السوڤيتية / الاتحاد السوڤيتي (1917-1991) |
الاتحاد الروسي (1991-الحاضر) |
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The Government was known officially as the Council of People's Commissars (1917–1946) and Council of Ministers (1946–1991). The first government was headed by Vladimir Lenin as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR and the last by Boris Yeltsin as both head of government and head of state under the title of president. The Russian SFSR was controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union until the 1991 August coup, which prompted President Yeltsin to suspend the recently created Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.
الجمهوريات الذاتية ضمن روسيا السوڤيتية
- Turkestan ASSR was formed on 30 April 1918 on the territory of the former Turkestan General-Governorate. As part of the delimitation programme of Soviet Central Asia, the Turkestan ASSR along with the Khorezm SSR and the Bukharan PSR were disbanded on 27 October 1924 and replaced by the Soviet Union republics of Turkmen SSR and Uzbek SSR. The latter contained the Tajik ASSR until December 1929, when it too became a full Union republic, the Tajik SSR. The RSFSR retained the newly formed Kara-Kirghiz and the Kara-Kalpak autonomous oblasts. The latter was part of the Kirgiz, then the Kazak ASSR until 1930 when it was directly subordinated to Moscow.
- Bashkir ASSR was formed on 23 March 1919 from several northern districts of the Orenburg Governorate populated by Bashkirs. On 11 October 1990, it declared its sovereignty, as the Bashkir SSR, which in 1992 was renamed the Republic of Bashkortostan.
- Tatar ASSR was formed on 27 May 1920 on the territory of the western two-thirds of the Kazan Governorate populated by Tatars. On 30 October 1990, it declared sovereignty as the Republic of Tatarstan and on 18 October 1991 declared its independence. The Russian constitutional court overturned the declaration on 13 March 1992. In February 1994, a separate agreement was reached with Moscow on the status of Tatarstan as an associate state in Russia with confederate status.
- Kirgiz ASSR was formed on 26 August 1920 from the Ural, Turgay, Semipalatinsk oblasts and parts of Transcaspia, Bukey Horde and Orenburg Governorate populated by Kirgiz-Kaysaks (former name of Kazakh people). Further enlarged in 1921 upon gaining land from Omsk Governorate and again in 1924 from parts of Jetysui Governorate and Syr Darya and Samarkand oblasts. On 19 April 1925, it was renamed Kazak ASSR. (see below)
- Mountain ASSR was formed on 20 January 1921 after the Bolshevik Red Army evicted the short-lived Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus. Initially composed of several national districts, one-by-one these left the republic until 7 November 1924 when the remains of the republic was partitioned into the Ingush Autonomous Oblast, the North Ossetian Autonomous Oblast and the Sunzha Cossack District (all subordinates to the North Caucasus Krai).
- Dagestan ASSR was formed on 20 January 1921 from the former Dagestan Oblast. On 17 September 1991, it declared sovereignty as the Dagestan SSR.
- Crimean ASSR was formed on 18 October 1921 on the territory of Crimean peninsula within the Russian SFSR, following the Red Army's defeat of Baron Wrangel's Army, ending the Russian Civil War in Europe. On 18 May 1944, it was reduced to the status of oblast alongside the criminal deportation of the Crimean Tatars, now recognized as genocide, as collective punishment for alleged collaboration with the German occupation regime in Taurida Subdistrict. On 19 February 1954, the oblast was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR. Re-established on 12 February 1991, it declared sovereignty on 4 September of that year. On 5 May 1992, it declared independence as the Republic of Crimea. On 13 May, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine overturned the declaration, but compromised on an Autonomous Republic of Crimea within Ukraine. After the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, a Russian military intervention and a disputed referendum, Crimea was annexed by Russia in March 2014, a move largely considered illegal by the international community.
- Yakut ASSR was formed on 16 February 1922 upon the elevation of the Yakut Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. On 27 September 1990, it declared sovereignty as the Yakut-Sakha Soviet Socialist Republic. From 21 December 1991, it has been known as the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
- Buryat ASSR was formed on 30 March 1923 as due to the merger of the Mongol-Buryat Autonomous Oblast of the RSFSR and the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Oblast of the Far Eastern Republic. Until 7 July 1958 – Mongol-Buryat ASSR. On 27 March 1991, it became the Republic of Buryatia.
- Karelian ASSR was formed on 23 July 1923 when the Karelian Labor Commune was integrated into the RSFSR's administrative structure. On 31 March 1940, it was elevated into a full Union republic as the Karelo-Finnish SSR. On 16 July 1956, it was downgraded in status to that of an ASSR and re-subordinated to RSFSR. It declared sovereignty on 13 October 1991 as the Republic of Karelia.
- Volga German ASSR was formed on 19 December 1924 upon elevation of the Volga German Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. On 28 August 1941, upon the deportation of Volga Germans to Central Asia, the ASSR was disbanded. The territory was partitioned between the Saratov and Stalingrad Oblasts.
- Kazak ASSR was formed on 19 April 1925 when the first Kirghiz ASSR was renamed and partitioned. Upon the ratification of the new Soviet constitution, the ASSR was elevated into a full Union Republic on 3 December 1936. On 25 October 1990, it declared sovereignty and on 16 December 1991 its independence as the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Chuvash ASSR was formed on 21 April 1925 upon the elevation of the Chuvash Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. It declared sovereignty on 26 October 1990 as the Chuvash SSR.
- Kirghiz ASSR was formed on 1 February 1926 upon elevation of the Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast. Upon the ratification of the new Soviet constitution, the ASSR was elevated into a full Union Republic on 3 December 1936. On 12 December 1990, it declared sovereignty as the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and on 31 August 1991 its independence.
- Kara-Kalpak ASSR was formed on 20 March 1932 upon elevation of the Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Oblast into the Kara-Kalpak ASSR; from 5 December 1936 a part of the Uzbek SSR. In 1964, it was renamed the Karakalpak ASSR. It declared sovereignty on 14 December 1990.
- Mordovian ASSR was formed on 20 December 1934 upon the elevation of Mordovian Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. It declared sovereignty on 13 December 1990 as the Mordovian SSR. Since 25 January 1991, it has been known as the Republic of Mordovia.
- Udmurt ASSR was formed on 28 December 1934 upon the elevation of Udmurt Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. It declared sovereignty on 20 September 1990. Since 11 October 1991, it has been known as the Udmurt Republic.
- Kalmyk ASSR was formed on 20 October 1935 upon the elevation of Kalmyk Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. On 27 December 1943, upon the deportation of the Kalmyks, the ASSR was disbanded and split between the newly established Astrakhan Oblast and parts adjoined to Rostov Oblast, Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Krai. On 9 January 1957, Kalmyk Autonomous Oblast was re-established in its present borders, first as a part of Stavropol Krai and from 19 July 1958 as a part of the Kalmyk ASSR. On 18 October 1990, it declared sovereignty as the Kalmyk SSR.
- Kabardino-Balkar ASSR was formed on 5 December 1936 upon the departure of the Kabardino-Balkar Autonomous Oblast from the North Caucasus Kray. After the deportation of the Balkars on 8 April 1944, the republic is renamed as Kabardin ASSR and parts of its territory transferred to Georgian SSR. Upon the return of the Balkars, the KBASSR is re-instated on 9 January 1957. On 31 January 1991, the republic declared sovereignty as the Kabardino-Balkar SSR and from 10 March 1992 as the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
- Northern Ossetian ASSR was formed on 5 December 1936 upon the disbandment of the North Caucasus Kray and its constituent North Ossetian Autonomous Oblast was raised into an ASSR. Declared sovereignty on 26 December 1990 as the North Ossetian SSR.
- Chechen-Ingush ASSR was formed on 5 December 1936 when the North Caucasus Krai was disestablished and its constituent Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Oblast was elevated into an ASSR and subordinated to Moscow. Following the en masse deportation of the Chechens and Ingush, on 7 March 1944 the ChIASSR was disbanded and the Grozny Okrug was temporarily administered by Stavropol Kray until 22 March when the territory was portioned between North Ossetian and Dagestan ASSRs and the Georgian SSR. The remaining land was merged with Stavropol Krays Kizlyar district and organised as Grozny Oblast, which existed until 9 January 1957 when the ChIASSR was re-established though only the southern border's original shape was retained. It declared sovereignty on 27 November 1990 as the Chechen-Ingush Republic. On 8 June 1991, the 2nd Chechen National Congress proclaimed a separate Chechen-Republic (Noxchi-Cho) and on 6 September began a coup which overthrew the Soviet local government. De facto, all authority passed to the self-proclaimed government which was renamed as the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in early 1993. In response, the western Ingush districts after a referendum on 28 November 1991 were organised into an Ingush Republic which was officially established on 4 June 1992 by decree of Russian President as the Republic of Ingushetia. The same decree de jure created a Chechen republic, although it would be established only on 3 June 1994 and carry out partial governance during the First Chechen War. The Khasavyurt Accord would again suspend the government on 15 November 1996. The present Chechen Republic government was re-established on 15 October 1999.
- Komi ASSR was formed on 5 December 1936 upon the elevation of the Komi (Zyryan) Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. Declared sovereignty on 23 November 1990 as the Komi SSR and from 26 May 1992 as the Republic of Komi.
- Mari ASSR was formed on 5 December 1936 upon the elevation of the Mari Autonomous Oblast into an ASSR. Declared Sovereignty on 22 December 1990 as the Mari Soviet Socialist Republic (Mari El).
- Tuva ASSR was formed on 10 October 1961 when the Tuva Autonomous Oblast was elevated[ممن؟] into an ASSR. On 12 December 1990, it declared sovereignty as the Soviet Republic of Tyva.
- Gorno-Altai ASSR was formed on 25 October 1990 when Gorno-Altai Autonomous Oblast declared sovereignty. Since 3 July 1991, it has been known as the Gorno-Altai SSR.
- Karachayevo-Cherkessian ASSR was formed on 17 November 1990 when Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast was elevated into an ASSR and instead of Stavropol Krai subordinated directly to the RSFSR. It declared sovereignty on 3 July 1991 as the Karachay-Cherkess SSR.
- ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم
غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماةRF
- ^ LENINE'S MIGRATION A QUEER SCENE, The New York Times، 16 مارس 1918
- ^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas (2000). A History of Russia (sixth edition). Oxford University Press. p. 458. ISBN 0-19-512179-1.
- ^ المادة 114 من دستور 1937، المادة 171 من دستور 1978
- ^ Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика[dead link]
- ^ Declaration of Rights of the laboring and exploited people (original VTsIK variant, III Congress revision)، المادة I
- ^ أ ب ت ث The Free Dictionary Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. Encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com. Retrieved on 22 June 2011.
- ^ Declaration on the rights of working and exploited people. Hist.msu.ru. Retrieved on 22 June 2011.
- ^ Soviet Russia information. Russians.net (23 August 1943). Retrieved on 22 June 2011.
- ^ Carr, EH The Bolshevik Revolution 1917-23, vol 3 Penguin Books, London, 4th reprint (1983), pp. 257-258. The draft treaty was published for propaganda purposes in the 1921 British document Intercourse between Bolshevism and Sinn Fein (Cmd 1326).
- ^ Chronicle of Events. Marxistsfr.org. Retrieved on 22 June 2011.
- ^ "Russia the Great: Mineral resources". Retrieved 22 November 2010.
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وصلات خارجية
- (بالروسية) Full Texts and All Laws Amending Constitutions of the Russian SFSR
- Russian Federation; The Whole Republic a Construction Site by D.S. Polyanski
- (إنگليزية) Full 1918 RSFSR Constitution
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- Pages using infobox country with unknown parameters
- Articles containing روسية-language text
- Pages using Lang-xx templates
- Articles with hatnote templates targeting a nonexistent page
- Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from January 2014
- الشيوعية في روسيا
- بلدان سلاڤية سابقة
- جمهورية روسيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية السوڤيتية
- القرن 20 في روسيا
- دول ومناطق تأسست في 1917
- تاريخ روسيا
- بلدان ومناطق ناطقة بالروسية