المسيحية حسب البلد

(تم التحويل من مسيحية حسب البلد)

الجدول التالي يتعلق بالمسيحية حسب البلد، ولا سيما الإحصاءات السكانية.

المسيحية حسب البلد


حسب البلد

أعضاء الأمم المتحدة والأقاليم التابعة

قالب:المسيحية حسب البلد

المسيحية حسب البلد
Country Christians % Christian % Catholic % Protestant/ Orthodox/ Other Christian GDP/Capita PPP World Bank 2012
 أفغانستان (details) 6,250/8,000[1]-30,000[2] 0.02%-0.1%[2] 1,399
 ألبانيا (details) 580,000 17.0%[3] 10% 7% 9,443
 الجزائر (details) 380,000[4] 2% 1% 1% 8,515
 ساموا الأمريكية (details) 70,000 98.3% 20% 78%
 أندورا (details) 78,000 89.5% 88.2%[5] 1.3%
 أنگولا (details) 17,094,000 75%[6] 50% 25% 6,105
 أنگويلا (details) 15,000 90.5% 3% 87%
 أنتيگا وبربودا (details) 66,000 74.0% 10% 64% 19,964
 الأرجنتين (details) 37,561,000 86%[7]-90%[8] 71%[7]-77% 13%-15%[7] 12,034
 أرمنيا (details) 2,826,000 [9] 97.9% [9] 97.9% [9] 6,645
 أروبا (details) 98,000 88% 80.8% 7.8%
 أستراليا (details) 12,201,600 52.1%[10] 22.6% 29.6% 44,462
 النمسا (details) 5,940,000 67.3% 57.9%[11] 9.4% 43,324
 أذربيجان (details) 280,000[12] 3.1% 3.1% 10,624
 البهاماز (details) 335,975 95%[13] 12.0% 83.0% 31,629
 البحرين (details) 185,000 15.0%[14] 9.0% 23,886
 بنگلادش (details) 420,000 0.4%[15] 0.4% 1,883
 بربادوس (details) 244,000 74%[16] 4.2% 70% 18,805
 بلاروس (details) 5,265,000 55.4%[17] 7.1% 48.3% 15,579
 بلجيكا (details) 6,860,000 65%[18] 58%[18] 7%[18] 38,884
 بليز (details) 247,000 76.7% 40% 36.7% 7,529
 بنين (details) 3,943,000 42.8% 27% 15% 1,583
 برمودا (details) 44,000 64.7% 15% 50%
 بوتان (details) 7,000 1.0% 0.1% 0.9% 6,699
 بوليڤيا (details) 9,730,000 89.0% 76% 13% 5,281
 البوسنة والهرسك (details) 1,622,093[19] 45.94%[19] 15.19%[19] 30.75%[19] 9,235
 بتسوانا (details) 1,416,000 71.6% 5% 66% 16,986
 البرازيل (details) 180,770,000[20] 90.0%[20] 64.6%[20] 25.4%[20] 11,909
 ج. العذراء البريطانية (details) 23,000 94.0% 85% 9%
 بروناي (details) 45,000 11.0% 53,348
 بلغاريا (details) 6,364,000 85.0%[18] 1% 84%[18] 15,933
 بوركينا فاسو (details) 3,746,000 22.0% 18% 4% 1,513
 بوروندي (details) 7,662,000 75.0% 60% 15% 560
 كمبوديا (details) 148,000 1.0% 0.15% 0.85% 2,494
 الكاميرون (details) 13,390,000 65.0% 38.4% 26.3% 2,324
 كندا (details) 22,103,000 67.3%[21] 38.7% 29% 42,693
 الرأس الأخضر (details) 487,000 89.1%[2] 78.7% 10.4% 4,430
 جزر كايمان (details) 42,000 73.8%
 جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى (details) 2,302,000 80% 29% 51% 857
 تشاد (details) 4,150,000[2] 35.0% 20% 15% 1,493
 تشيلي (details) 9,900,000 68%[22] 55% 13% 22,655
 الصين (details) 31,220,000[23]-67,070,000[2] 2.3%-4.0%[24] 0.3% 2% 9,233
 كولومبيا (details) 43,560,000 92%[25] 79% 13% 10,587
 جزر القمر (details) 15,000 2.1% 1,230
 جزر كوك (details) 19,000 86% 16.8% 69.6%
 الكونغو (details) 3,409,000 90.7% 50% 40% 4,426
 الكونغو الديمقراطية (details) 63,150,000 92% 50% 42% 422
 كوستاريكا (details) 3,912,000 83% 69% 14% 12,943
 ساحل العاج (details) 7,075,000 32.8% 28.9% 3.9% 2,039
 كرواتيا (details) 4,107,000 90.1%[26] 86.2% 4.7% 20,532
 كوبا (details) 6,670,000[2] 59.2%[2] 52.7% 7.5%
 قبرص (details) 863,000 79%[27][28] 1% 78% 30,597
 التشيك (details) 1,175,000 34%[18] 29.0%[18] 5.0%[18] 26,426
 الدنمارك (details) 4,400,754[29] 79% 1% 77.8%[30] 41,388
 جيبوتي (details) 53,000 6.0% 1% 5% 2,784
 دومنيكا (details) 59,000 88.7% 61% 27% 12,643
 جمهورية الدومنيكان (details) 9,734,000 83% 65% 18% 10,204
 تيمور الشرقية (details) 1,152,000 99.1%[31] 96.9% 2.2%
 الإكوادور (details) 14,099,000 94.0% 74% 20% 9,738
 مصر (details) 9,029,000 10.0% [32] 6,723
 السلڤادور (details) 5,073,000 81.9% 52.6% 29.3% 7,069
 غينيا الإستوائية (details) 683,000 88.7%[2] 80.7% 8.0% 30,233
 إرتريا (details) 2,871,000 50%[33] 4% 45% 566
 إستونيا (details) 310,000 45%[18] 3%[18] 42%[18] 23,024
 إثيوپيا (details) 52,580,000 64% 0.7% 63.4% 1,139
 جزر فوكلاند (details) 3,000 94.3% 94%
 جزر فارو (details) 33,000 95.4%[34] 94%
 فيجي (details) 540,000 64.4% 8.9% 55.5% 4,943
 فنلندا (details) 3,965,000[35] 71.9%[35] 0.3% 71.6% 38,230
 فرنسا (details) 36,700,000-40,000,000 51.1%[36]-58%[18]/63-66%[37] 50-63%[38]/54%[18] 4%[18] 35,845
 الگابون (details) 1,081,000 88.0%[39] 41.9% 46.1% 16,086
 گامبيا (details) 79,000 4.2% [40] 1,948
 جورجيا (details) 3,930,000 88.6%[41] 0.9% 87.7% 5,902
 ألمانيا (details) 46,600,000 56.1%[42] 27.7%[42] 28.4%[42] 40,394
 غانا (details) 19,300,000 71.2%[43] 13.1% 58.1% 2,048
 اليونان (details) 11,000,000 98% 0.7% 97.3% 24,667
 گرينلاند (details) 55,000 96.6% 96.6%
 گرينادا (details) 101,000 97.3% 53% 45% 10,827
 گواتيمالا (details) 14,018,000 87% 47% 40% 5,100
 غينيا (details) 1,032,000 8.9% [44] 5% 5% 1,069
 غينيا-بيساو (details) 165,000 10.0% 10.0% 1,192
 گويانا (details) 434,000 57.0% 8% 49% 3,399
 هايتي (details) 9,597,000 96.0% 80.0% 16.0% 1,228
 هندوراس (details) 6,660,000 88%[45] 47% 41% 4,194
 هونگ كونگ (details) 835,000 11.8%[46] 5.0% 6.8% 51,946
 المجر (details) 5,254,179[47]- 6,501,000[18] 52.87%[47]-65.0%[18] 38.96%[47]-58.0%[18] 13.91%[47] 21,570
 آيسلندا (details) 274,000[48] 76.8%[48] 3.9%[48] 72.9%[48] 37,533
 الهند (details) 30,000,000 2.3% [9] 1.3% 1.0% 3,876
 إندونيسيا (details) 24,000,000 10%[49] 3% 7% 4,956
 إيران (details) 380,000[50] 0.4% 0.4% 11,395
 العراق (details) 944,000 3.0% 3.0% 4,246
 أيرلندا (details) 3,992,000 [51] 83.8% [51] 78.2% [51] 5.6% [51] 42,662
 إسرائيل (details) 266,000 3.5% 3.5% 28,809
 إيطاليا (details) 53,230,000[52] 83% 81.2% 2% 32,512
 جامايكا (details) 1,784,000 65.3% 2% 63.3% 7,083
 اليابان (details) 2,921,000 2.3%[53] 1% 1% 35,204
 الأردن (details) 388,000 6.0%[54] 6,148
 قزخستان (details) 4,150,000[2] 26.2%[2] 2.3% 23.9% 13,892
 كنيا (details) 34,774,000 85.1% 23.4% 61.7% 1,761
 كوريا الشمالية (details) 406,000 1.7%
 كوريا الجنوبية (details) 14,601,000[2] 29.2%[2] 10.9% 18.3% 30,722
 الكويت (details) 458,000 15.0% 3.2% 12.8% 49,001
 قيرغيزستان (details) 610,000[2]-944,000 11.4%[2]-17.0%[55] 2,409
 لاوس (details) 145,000 2.2% 1% 1% 2,926
 لاتڤيا (details) 1,570,000 70%[18]-80%[56] 24.1%[18]-25.1%[56][57] 46.8%[18]-54.9%[56] 21,005
 لبنان (details) 1,600,000-1,800,000[58][59] 38.0%-41.0% 26% 15% 16,610
 لسوتو (details) 1,876,000 90.0% 45% 45% 1,963
 ليبريا (details) 1,391,000 85.5%[60] 85.5% 655
 ليبيا (details) 170,000[2] 2.7%[2] 0.5% 1.5% 17,665
 ليختنشتاين (details) 30,000 84.4%[61] 75.9% 8.5%
 لتوانيا (details) 2,827,000 81.4%[62]-86.0%[18] 77.2%[63]-80.0%[18] 5.6%-6.0%[18] 23,487
 لوكسمبورگ (details) 360,000 72.4%[64] 68.7% 3.7% 88,318
 مدغشقر (details) 8,260,000 41.0% 978
 ملاوي (details) 12,538,000 79.9% 902
 ماليزيا (details) 2,820,000 9.2%[65] 17,143
 المالديڤ (details) 300 0.08% 9,072
 مالي (details) 348,000 2.4% [66] 1,214
 مالطا (details) 400,000 91.6%[67] 88.6% 3.0% 29,013
 موريتانيا (details) 5,000 0.14% 2,603
 موريشيوس (details) 418,000 32.2% 15,649
 المكسيك (details) 107,780,000 92.4%[68] 82.7% 9.7% 16,676
 ميكرونزيا (details) 106,000 95.4% 3,824
 مولدوڤا (details) 3,480,000 95.3%[2] 2.0% 93.3% 3,424
 موناكو (details) 30,000 86.0%
 منغوليا (details) 58,000 2.1% 5,462
 الجبل الأسود (details) 500,000 78.8%[69] 3.4% 72.4% 14,206
 المغرب (details) 336,000 1% [70] 5,193
 موزمبيق (details) 13,121,000 56.1% 28.4% 27.7% 1,024
 ميانمار (details) 3,790,000 6.2% 1% 5.2%
 ناميبيا (details) 1,991,000 90.0% 13.7% 76.3% 7,488
 نيپال (details) 269,000 0.9% 0.1% 0.8% 1,484
 هولندا (details) 5,750,000-7,900,000 34%-44%[18] 22.0%[18]-23.3%[71]- 10.2%[72]-22.0%[18] 42,938
 نيوزيلندا (details) 1,858,977[73] 47.8%[73] 12.6%[73] 35.2%[73] 31,499
 نيكاراگوا (details) 5,217,000 84.6% 58.8% 25.8% 4,072
 النيجر (details) 85,000 0.5% 5% 665
 نيجريا (details) 74,400,000-107,000,000 40% [74]- 58%[75] 10-14,5% 30-43,5% 6,204
 شمال مقدونيا (details) 1,334,000 65%[76] 0.3% 64.7% 11,710
 النرويج (details) 3,844,000[77] 76.7% 2.4%[78] 74.3% 62,767
 عُمان (details) 180,000[2] 6.5%[2] 27,015
 پاكستان (details) 3,300,000 1.6%[79] 0.8% 0.8% 2,891
 پالاو (details) 16,000 77.9% 65% 12.9% 19,031
 فلسطين (details) 1%-2.5%[2] 14.50
 پنما (details) 3,057,000 92.0% 80% 12% 16,615
 پاپوا غينيا الجديدة (details) 6,800,000 97% 27% 70% 2,898
 پاراگواي (details) 6,260,000 96%[80] 88% 8% 6,138
 پيرو (details) 27,635,000 87%[45] 77% 10% 10,940
 الفلپين (details) 86,500,000 85%[81] 80% 5% 4,413
 جزر پيتكيرن (details) 50 100.0% 100%
 پولندا (details) 36,090,000 94.3% 86.3% 8% 21,903
 الپرتغال (details) 10,110,000[82] 84.3%[83] 81.0% 3.3% 25,305
 پورتو ريكو (details) 3,878,000 97.0% 50% 47%
 قطر (details) 263,000 13.8% 86,507
 رومانيا (details) 18,067,000 98.0%[18] 11.0%[18] 87.0%[18] 16,518
 روسيا (details) 66,000,000-99,775,000[84][85] 46.6%[86]-77.0%[87][88] <0.1% 46.6%-77.0% 23,549
 رواندا (details) 9,619,000 93.6% 56.9% 26% 1,354
 سان مارينو (details) 31,000 91.6%[2] 90.5% 1.1%
 السعودية (details) 1,500,000 5%[89]
 السنغال (details) 570,000 4.2% [90] 1,944
 صربيا (details) 7,260,000 91.0%[91] 5.0% 86.0% 11,544
 سيشل (details) 80,000 94.7% 82% 15.2% 27,008
 سيراليون (details) 619,000-1,294,000 10%[92]-20.9%[93] 1,359
 سنغافورة (details) 900,000 18.0%[94] 5.7% 12% 61,803
 سلوڤاكيا (details) 4,730,000 80.0%[18] 67.0%[18] 13.0%[18] 24,896
 سلوڤنيا (details) 1,610,000 68.0%[18] 64.0%[18] 4.0%[18] 26,801
 الصومال (details) 1,000[95] 0.01% 0.0002% 0.01%
 جنوب أفريقيا (details) 43,090,000 79.8%[96] 5% 75% 11,440
 جنوب السودان (details) 6,010,000[97] 60.5%[98] 30% 30%
 إسپانيا (details) 33,000,000 71% [99]-72%[18] 68%[18][100] 2%[18] 32,129
 سريلانكا (details) 1,531,000 7.5% 6.1% 1.4% 6,247
 السودان (details) 525,000 1.5%[101]
 سورينام (details) 262,000 48.4%[102] 21.6% 26.8% 8,858
 سوازيلاند (details) 994,000 82.7% 25% 57.7% 5,246
 السويد (details) 6,292,000 65%[103] 2% 63% 42,217
  سويسرا (details) 5,700,000 69.1%[104]


37.9%[104]-40.0%[18] 31.2%[104]-39.0%[18] 55,246
 سوريا (details) 1,800,000[106] 10.0%[2] 2% 8% 5,436
 طاجيكستان (details) 110,000[2] 1.4% 0.1% 1.3% 2,247
 تنزانيا (details) 31,342,000 61.4% [107] 1,601
 تايلند (details) 778,000 1.2% 0.6% 0.6% 9,815
 توگو (details) 1,966,000 29.0% 1,051
 تونگا (details) 84,000 81.0% 16% 65% 5,026
 ترنيداد وتوباگو (details) 774,000 57.6%[108] 21.5% 33.4% 26,647
 تونس (details) 25,000[109] 0.2% 0.2% 9,795
 تركيا (details) 120,000[110]-310,000[111] 0.2% 17,651
 تركمنستان (details) 466,000 9.0%[112] 9% 10,583
 أوغندا (details) 29,943,000 88.6% 41.9% 46.7% 1,352
 أوكرانيا (details) 34,830,000[113] 81.9%[113] 7.5% 74.4% 7,418
 الإمارات العربية المتحدة (details) 940,000 9.0%[114] 7% 2% 42,384
 المملكة المتحدة (details) 33,200,000 59.3%[115] 8.9% 50% 35,819
 الولايات المتحدة (details) 230,000,000 [116] 71% [116] 20.8% [116] 49.8% [116] 49,965
 أوروگواي (details) 1,941,000 58.1%[22] 47% 11% 16,037
 اوزبكستان (details) 710,000[2] 2.6%[2] 2.6%[2]
 ڤنزويلا (details) 28,340,000 88.0%[117] 71% 17% 13,475
 ڤيتنام (details) 7,038,000 8.2%[118] 7% 1% 3,635
 الصحراء الغربية (details) 200 0.04% 0.04%
 اليمن (details) 25,000[119]-41,000[120] 0.2% 0.02% 2,489
 زامبيا (details) 12,939,000 95.5%[121] 20.2% 72.3% 1712
 زيمبابوي (details) 12,500,000 87.0%[122] 17% 63% 559
Europe 565,560,000[123] 76.2%[123] 35.0%[124] 41.2%[123] -
Latin America and the Caribbean 531,280,000[123] 90.0%[123] 70%[125] 20%[126] -
Africa 526,016,926 [123] 62.7%[123] 21.0%[124] 41.7%[123] -
Asia 285,120,000[123]-375,905,000[127] 7.0%[123]-12.0%[127] 3.0%[124]-5.1%[127] 4.0%[123]-6.8%[127] -
North America 266,630,000[123] 77.4%[123] 22.0%[124] 55.4% -
Oceania 25,754,000[128] 73.3%[128] 38.9%[128] 34.4%[128] -
Middle East-North Africa 12,000,000–16,000,000[129] 3.8%[123]-5.0%[130] 2.0%[124]-2.6% 1.8%[123]-2.3% -
Total 2,431,209,718[127] 33.4%[127] 16.9%[127] 16.5%[127] -

الدول المراقبة غير الأعضاء الدائمة في الأمم المتحدة

note: One is a generally recognized sovereign state, while the other is a state with substantial, but limited, recognition

Country Christians % Christian overall %
 فلسطين (details) 173,000 6.0%[131] 6%
  الڤاتيكان (details) 836 100.0% 100%

الدول غير الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة أو الدول التي لها صفة المراقب مع اعتراف كبير ولكن محدود

Note: Includes non-United Nations members or observers with substantial, but limited recognition

Country Christians % Christian
 كوسوڤو (details) 150,000 8.3%
 الجمهورية العربية الصحراوية الديمقراطية‎ (details) 200 0.03%
 تايوان (details) 902,000 3.9%

غير المعترف بها على نطاق واسع أو غير كامل غير الأعضاء أو الدول المراقبة في الأمم المتحدة

Country Christians % Christian
 أبخازيا (details) 130,000 68.0%
 آرتساخ (details) 143,000 98.8%[132]
 اوستيا الجنوبية (details) 69,000 96.4%
 ترانس‌نيستريا (details) 510,000 95.0%

أفضل عشرة

On the left: A list of the top ten countries by largest number of Christians. On the right: a list of the top ten countries by highest percentage of the population that is Christian.[133][116]

Rank Country Christians % Christian Country % Christian Christians
1  الولايات المتحدة 247,000,000 75.4%   الڤاتيكان 100% 800
2  البرازيل 175,700,000 91.4%  رومانيا 99% 21,490,000
3  روسيا 117,640,000 83.6%  پاپوا غينيا الجديدة 99% 6,860,000
4  المكسيك 122,500,000 93%  تونگا 99% 100,000
5  الفلپين 110,644,000 85%  أرمنيا 98.5% 3,090,000
6  نيجريا 92,281,000 52.8%  ناميبيا 97.6% 2,280,000
7  الكونغو الديمقراطية 68,558,000 95.6%  جزر مارشال 97.5% 50,000
8  إثيوپيا 54,978,000 64.5%  مولدوڤا 97.5% 3,570,000
9  إيطاليا 54,070,000 91.5%  زامبيا 97.5% 13,090,000
10  ألمانيا 47,200,000 57.3%  اليونان 93% 10,000,000
Percent (%) Christians Number of countries Population
100 2 850
90–99 49 739,568,000
80–89 28 312,790,200
70–79 20 599,319,000
60–69 11 177,608,000
50–59 16 132,349,929
40–49 3 13,594,000
30–39 6 15,497,000
20–29 5 23,657,000
10–19 10 43,409,000
1–9 34 124,755,000
0–1 13 1,823,750

In total, 126 countries have a Christian majority, while 71 countries have a Christian minority. According to Pew Research study, of the 232 countries and territories, 157 have Christian majorities.[134]

النمو السكاني

According to Christian Today, there were 2.4 billion Christians around the world in 2015[135]and according to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, if current trends continue, Christianity will remain the world's largest religion by year 2050. By 2050, the Christian population is expected to exceed 3 billion. Many charismatic movements are growing in Africa, Latin America, Muslim world,[136] and Asia.[137][138][139][140][141]

Demographics of major traditions within Christianity (Pew Research Center, 2010 data)[142]
Tradition Followers % of the Christian population % of the world population Follower dynamics Dynamics in- and outside Christianity
Catholic Church 1,200,000,000 52.4 15.9 Growing Decrease Declining
Protestantism 800,640,000 34.9 11.6 Growing Growing
Orthodoxy 260,380,000 11.4 3.8 Growing Growing
Other Christianity 28,430,000 1.3 0.4 Growing Growing
Christianity 2,289,450,000 100 31.7 Growing مستقر Stable

انظر أيضا

Other religions:




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