قوائم البلدان
(تم التحويل من قائمة البلدان)
البلد، هي منطقة جغرافية، بمعنى الدولة (ككيان ثقافي) والدولة (ككيان سياسي).[1]
عند إستعمال مصطلح بلد ويقصد به الدولة المستقلة انظر:
- قائمة الدول المستقلة
- دول أعضاء الأمم المتحدة
- تتضمن قوائم الأمم المتحدة المناطق المستقلة (بما فيها (قائمة الأمم المتحدة لمناطق الحكم غير الذاتي) و مناطق الاستقلال الخاص ككيانات مستقلة لقوائم البلدان الخاصة بها.
قوائم رسمية أخرى
- List of ISO 3166-1 countries codes (ISO)
- List of IOC country codes (IOC)
- List of FIFA country codes (FIFA)
- List of country Internet top-level domains
معاني أخرى للبلدان
- List of active autonomist and secessionist movements
- List of autonomous areas by country
- List of enclaves and exclaves
- List of entities considered to be confederations
- List of federations
- List of fictional countries
- List of governments in exile
- List of micronations
- Table of administrative divisions by country
Themed lists
خصائص التعداد السكاني البشري:
- قائمة البلدان حسب معدل المواليد
- قائمة البلدان حسب معدل الوفيات
- قائمة البلدان والمناطق حسب معدل الخصوبة
- قائمة البلدان حسب نسبة السكان المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية/إيدز
- قائمة البلدان حسب مؤشر التنمية البشري
- قائمة البلدان حسب هجرة السكان
- قائمة البلدان حسب مساواة الدخل
- قائمة البلدان حسب وفيات الرضع
- List of countries by intentional homicide rate
- قائمة البلدان حسب العمر المتوقع
- List of countries by literacy rate
- List of countries by median age
- قائمة البلدان حسب معدل الهجرة الصافي
- قائمة البلدان حسب نسبة السكان في حالة الفقر
- List of countries by percentage of population suffering from undernourishment
- قائمة البلدان حسب عدد السكان
- List of countries and dependencies by population density
- List of countries by population (graphical)
- List of countries by population growth rate
- List of countries by past and future population
- List of countries by sex ratio
- قائمة البلدان حسب اللغات المستخدمة
- List of countries by suicide rate
- List of countries by English-speaking population
- List of countries where English is an official language
- List of countries where French is an official language
- List of countries where Portuguese is an official language
- List of countries where Spanish is an official language
- List of countries with fewer than 100,000 people
- Urbanization by country
The production, distribution and consumption of goods and services:
- Ease of Doing Business Index Rankings
- List of countries by central bank interest rates
- List of countries by current account balance
- List of countries by employment rate
- List of countries by exports
- List of countries by external debt
- List of countries by foreign exchange reserves
- List of countries by freshwater withdrawal
- List of countries by imports
- List of countries by public debt
- List of countries by rail transport network size
- List of countries by unemployment rate
- List of countries by value
- List of minimum wages by country
Gross domestic product
The value of goods and services produced within a country:
- List of countries by future GDP (nominal) estimates
- List of countries by future GDP (nominal) per capita estimates
- List of countries by future GDP (PPP) estimates
- List of countries by future GDP (PPP) per capita estimates
- List of countries by GDP (nominal)
- List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita
- List of countries by GDP (PPP)
- List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita
- List of countries by GDP (PPP) per hour worked
- List of countries by GDP (real) growth rate
- List of countries by GDP (real) per capita growth rate
- List of countries by GDP sector composition
- List of countries by past GDP (nominal)
- List of regions by past GDP (PPP)
- قوائم البلدان حسب إنتاج التفاح
- صناعة الأسماك حسب البلد
- قوائم البلدان حسب إنتاج الطماطم
- الاحصائيات الدولية لإنتاج القمح
- قائمة البلدان المنتجة للنبيذ
- احصائيات إستخدام الأراضي حسب البلد
- قائمة البلدان حسب المناطق المروية
The physical, chemical, and biotic factors that act upon an ecosystem:
- List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions
- List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita
- List of countries by energy consumption per capita
- List of countries by electricity consumption
- List of countries by electricity production from renewable sources
- List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita
- List of countries by ratio of GDP to carbon dioxide emissions
الأرض وخصائصها:
- List of countries and outlying territories by total area
- List of countries by area (graphical)
- قائمة البلدان حسب مساحة الغابات
- قائمة البلدان حسب طول الشريط الساحلي
- قائمة البلدان حسب نسبة مساحة المياه
- List of countries by total renewable water resources
- قائمة البلدان حسب القارة
- List of countries by continent (data file)
- قائمة البلدان حسب أعلى نقطة
- قائمة البلدان حسب أوطى نقطة
- قائمة البلدان حسب أقصى نقطة شمالا
- قائمة البلدان حسب أقصى نقطة جنوبا
- قائمة البلدان حسب أقصى نقطة شرقا
- قائمة البلدان حسب أقصى نقطة غربا
- EEZ by country
- قائمة البلدان الجزر
- قائمة البلدان الجزر حسب المساحة
- List of countries that border only one other country
- List of land border lengths

اسم البلد
The label for the country:
- قائمة أسماء البلدان البديلة
- List of countries and capitals in native languages
- List of countries by native names
- List of countries named after people
- List of country name etymologies
- List of country names in various languages
- قائمة البلدان الاوروبية
The process by which groups, often governments, make decisions:
- List of active autonomist and secessionist movements
- List of autonomous areas by country
- List of countries by date of transition to republican system of government
- List of countries by system of government
- List of countries' copyright length
- List of countries without political parties
- List of current heads of state and government
- List of enclaves and exclaves
- List of extinct states
- List of fictional countries
- LGBT rights by country or territory
- List of micronations
- List of parties to international copyright agreements
- List of sovereign states by formation date
- List of territorial disputes
- Table of administrative divisions by country
- Use of capital punishment by nation
- Global Peace Index rankings
- قائمة البلدان حسب الإنفاق العسكري
- List of countries by size of armed forces
- List of countries without armed forces
- قائمة حاملات الطائرات حسب البلد
- List of states with nuclear weapons
- List of submarine operators
- قائمة بعثات الأمم المتحدة لحفظ السلام
- المشاركون في الحرب العالمية الثانية
- List of countries that drive on the left or right
- List of countries by beer consumption per capita
- List of countries by coffee consumption per capita
- List of countries by number of broadband Internet users
- List of countries by colors of national flags
- List of countries with Burger King restaurants
- List of countries with McDonald's franchises
- List of countries with mains power plugs, voltages and frequencies
- List of national capitals
- List of country calling codes
- List of international vehicle registration codes
- Pet passport
- List of statistically superlative countries
- قائمة مناطق التوقيت
- ^ The Oxford English Dictionary lists the first six as:
- I. 1. a. A tract or expanse of land of undefined extent; a region, district.
- 2. a. A tract or district having more or less definite limits in relation to human occupation. e.g. owned by the same lord or proprietor, or inhabited by people of the same race, dialect, occupation, etc.; spec. preceded by a personal name: the region associated with a particular person or his works; also fig.
- 3. The territory or land of a nation; usually an independent state, or a region once independent and still distinct in race, language, institutions, or historical memories, as England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the United Kingdom, *etc.
- With political changes, what were originally distinct countries have become provinces or districts of one country, and vice versa; the modern tendency being to identify the term with the existing political condition.
- 4. The land of a person's birth, citizenship, residence, etc.; used alike in the wider sense of native land, and in the narrower one of the particular district to which a person belongs.
- 5. a. ‘The parts of a region distant from cities or courts’ (J.); the rural districts as distinct from the town or towns; sometimes applied to all outside the capital, called, by eminence, ‘town’.
- 6. a. The people of a district or state; the nation.— Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, with online updates as of September 2008. Entry "1. country"