أعمار البالغين واستعمال القنب حسب البلد

إنتشار تعاطي القنب بين البالغين في إحصائيات بين عامة السكان.[1][2] ما لم ترد إشارة أخرى (انظر المراجع) فإن كل البيانات تأتي من المركز الاوروبي لمراقبة المخدرات والإدمان.[1]


Country Geographical area Year Age range Cannabis (%) Refs
 أستراليا National 2007 14+ 33.5 [3]
 النمسا National 2004 15–64 20.1
 بلجيكا National 2004 15–64 10.4 [2]
 بلغاريا National 2005 18–60 4.4
 كندا National 2005 15+ 44.5 [4]
 تشيلي National 2014 12–64 31.5 [5]
 الصين Beijing and Shanghai metropolitan areas. 2002–3 18+ 0.3 [2]
 كولومبيا All urban areas of the country (approximately 73% of the total national population). 2003 18–65 10.8 [2]
 قبرص National 2006 15–64 6.6
 التشيك National 2004 18–64 20.6
 الدنمارك National 2005 16–64 36.5
 فنلندا National 2004 15–64 12.9
 فرنسا National 2005 15–64 30.6
 ألمانيا National 2003 18–59 24.5
 غانا National 2007 15–64 21.5
 اليونان National (except Aegean and Ionian Islands) 2004 15–64 8.9
 المجر National 2003 18–54 9.8
 إسرائيل National 2002–4 21+ 11.5 [2]
 إيطاليا National 2005 15–64 29.3
 اليابان Four metropolitan areas (Fukiage, Kushikino, Nagasaki, Okayama). 2002–3 20+ 1.5 [2]
 لاتڤيا National 2003 15–64 10.6
 لبنان National 2002–3 18+ 4.6 [2]
 لتوانيا National 2004 15–64 7.6
 لوكسمبورگ National 1998 15–64 12.9
 مالطا National 2001 18–64 3.5
 نيپال All urban areas of the country (approximately 80% of the total national population). 2001–2 18–65 7.8 [2]
 المكسيك All urban areas of the country (approximately 75% of the total national population). 2001–2 18–65 7.8 [2]
 هولندا National 2005 15–64 22.6
 نيوزيلندا National 2004–5 16+ 41.9 [2]
 نيجريا 21 of the 36 states in the country, representing 57% of the national population. 2002–3 18+ 2.7 [2]
 النرويج National 2004 15–64 16.2
 پيرو Seven cities (Lima, Trujillo, Tacna, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Tarapoto and Iquitos) 2003 12–64 10.3 [6]
 الفلپين National 2002–3 15-64 17.4
 پولندا National 2002 16-64 7.7
 الپرتغال National 2001 15–64 7.6
 رومانيا National 2008 15–64 7.4
 سلوڤاكيا National 2004 15–64 15.6
 جنوب أفريقيا National 2003–4 18+ 8.4 [2]
 إسپانيا National 2005–6 15-64 28.6
 السويد National 2006 16–64 12.0
UK ( إنگلترة) National 2005–6 14–59 29.8
UK ( ويلز) National 2005–6 16–59 29.8
UK ( أيرلندا الشمالية) National 2002–3 15–64 16.8
UK ( اسكتلندا) National 2004 16–64 20.5
 المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom overall 2004 14+ 29.6
 الولايات المتحدة National 2010 16-34 51.6 [7]


Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use among all adults (aged 15 to 64 years old) in nationwide surveys among the general population. Data taken from EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction).[1] Click the image for more info. See the chart for the exact percentage of cannabis use for each country.

أنظر أيضا


  1. ^ أ ب ت Table GPS-8 Part (i) "Lifetime prevalence of drug use among all adults (aged 15 to 64 years old) in nationwide surveys among the general population". EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction).
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س "Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Cocaine Use: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys". July 2008, Volume 5, Issue 7, e141. PLoS Medicine (Public Library of Science). Full article: [1]. See Table 1 for the survey dates, and participant ages. See Table 2 for the percentages of use.
  3. ^ "Policing and cannabis use in Australia". NCPIC. Archived from the original on 25 May 2012. Retrieved 3 December 2011. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ "Wayback Machine" (PDF). 2011-10-06. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-03-22. Retrieved 2018-03-22. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 2011-10-06 suggested (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |dead-url= (help)
  5. ^ Prevalencia vida consumo de marihuana. SENDA
  6. ^ "Las drogas y su impacto - CEDRO". 2013-09-26. Archived from the original on 2018-03-22. Retrieved 2018-03-22. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 2013-09-26 suggested (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |dead-url= (help)
  7. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-12-27. Retrieved 2015-12-06. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

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