قائمة البلدان حسب الكثافة السكانية

Population density (people per km2) by country in 2018

قائمة البلدان والأقاليم التابعة لها حسب الكثافة السكانيةفي نسمة/كيلومتر مربع. وهي تشمل قائمة الدول ذات السيادة والحكم الذاتي أو الأقاليم التابعة لها والتي تعترف بهاالأمم المتحدة. وتضم القائمة أيضا لكنها لا تصنف غير المعترف بها ولكن في الواقع البلدان المستقلة.الأرقام الواردة في الجدول التالي على أساس المجالات بما في المسطحات المائية الداخلية (البحيرات ،والخزانات ،والأنهار).

بيانات لتقديرات يوليو 2005 ،وهي مأخوذة من الأمم المتحدة لتقرير التوقعات العالمية (تنقيح 2004) ، إلا إذا لاحظت خلاف ذلك.علما بأن الأرقام هي مجرد تقديرات عدد السكان مقسوما على مجموع المساحة السطحية وينبغي ألا تعتبر إما يعكس كثافة في المناطق الحضريةأو بمعنى يدل على قدرة أرض أرض لدعم سكنى البشر. أسماء الأقاليم التابعة لها وكذلك مع الدول المعترف بها أو لا سيطرة محدودة على أراضيها بالخط المائل.

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Pos. Country (or dependent territory) Area (km2) Area (mi2) Population Density
Date Population source
 World (land only, excluding Antarctica) 134,940,000 52,100,000 7٬926٬858٬700 59 153 يوليو 16, 2024 USCB's world population clock
 World (land only) 148,940,000 57,510,000 7٬926٬858٬700 53 137 يوليو 16, 2024 USCB's World population clock
 World (with water) 510,072,000 196,940,000 7٬926٬858٬700 16 41 يوليو 16, 2024 USCB's World population clock
 مكاو (China) 32.9 13 667,400 20,286 52,540 December 31, 2018 Official quarterly estimate
1 Flag of Monaco.png موناكو 2.02 0.78 38,300 18,960 49,106 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
2 Flag of Singapore.svg سنغافورة 722.5 279 5,638,700 7,804 20,212 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
Flag of Hong Kong.svg هونگ كونگ (China) 1,106 427 7,482,500 6,765 17,521 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
 الجبل الأسود (UK)[note 1] 6.8 2.6 33,140 4,874 12,624 March 7, 2017 Official estimate
3 Flag of مدينة الڤاتيكان الڤاتيكان 0.44 0.17 1,000 2,273 5,887 July 1, 2017 Official estimate
4 البحرين البحرين 778 300 1,543,300 1,983 5,136 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
5 Flag of Malta.svg مالطا 315 122 493,559 1,510 3,911 July 10, 2019 Official Estimate
6 ملديڤ ملديڤ 298 115 378,114 1,269 3,287 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
قالب:BER (UK) 52 20 63,779 1,227 3,178 May 21, 2016 2016 Census Preliminary Report
 سانت مارتن (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 34 13 40,614 1,195 3,095 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
7 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
 جرزي (Crown dependency) 116 45 104,200 898 2,326 December 31, 2016 Official estimate
فلسطين السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية[note 2] 6,020 2,324 4,976,684 827 2,142 July 1, 2019 Official projection
Flag of Guernsey.svg جزيرة جرنزي (Crown dependency) 78 30 62,723 804 2,082 March 31, 2016 Official estimate
Mayotte (France) 374 144 256,518 686 1,777 September 5, 2017 2017 census result
8 لبنان لبنان 10,452 4,036 6,855,713 672 1,740 July 1, 2019 UN projection
9 Flag of Barbados.svg بربادوس 430 166 287,025 668 1,730 July 1, 2019 UN projection
Saint Martin (France) 53.2 21 35,107 660 1,709 January 1, 2014 Official estimate
 تايوان 36,197 13,976 23,590,744 652 1,689 January 1, 2019 Monthly official estimate
10 Mauritius flag 300.png موريشيوس 2,040 788 1,265,577 620 1,606 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
قالب:ARU (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 180 69 111,309 618 1,601 March 31, 2019 Official estimate
11 Flag of San Marino.svg سان مارينو 61 24 34,641 568 1,471 April 30, 2019 Official monthly estimate
12 Flag of Nauru.svg ناورو 21 8 11,000 524 1,357 July 1, 2018 Annual estimate
13 Flag of South Korea (bordered).svg كوريا الجنوبية 100,210 38,691 51,811,167 517 1,339 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
14 Flag of Rwanda.svg رواندا 26,338 10,169 12,374,397 470 1,217 July 1, 2019 Official projection
15 جزر القمر جزر القمر 1,861 719 873,724 469 1,215 July 1, 2019 Official projection
Saint Barthelemy (France) 21 8 9,427 449 1,163 January 1, 2014 Official estimate
 كوراساو (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 363.91 141 161,573 444 1,150 June 16, 2018 [1]
16 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
17 Flag of Haiti.svg هايتى 27,065 10,450 11,263,077 416 1,077 July 1, 2019 UN projection
18 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
19 قالب:Popdens Population clock based on 2011 census
20 Flag of Burundi.svg بوروندي 27,816 10,740 10,953,317 394 1,020 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
21 Flag of Tuvalu.svg توڤالو 26 10 10,200 392 1,015 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
22 Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا 30,528 11,787 11,480,534 376 974 June 1, 2019 Official monthly estimate
23 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg پورتو ريكو (US)[note 3] 9,104 3,515 3,195,153 351 909 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
Reunion (France) 2,503.7 967 850,996 340 881 January 1, 2016 Official estimate
24 Flag of Japan (bordered).svg اليابان 377,944 145,925 126,220,000 334 865 July 1, 2019 Monthly official estimate
25 Flag of Sri Lanka.svg سريلانكا 65,610 25,332 21,670,000 330 855 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
Martinique (France) 1,128 436 371,246 329 852 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
Flag of Guam.svg گوام (US) 541 209 172,400 319 826 July 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
26  السلڤادور 21,040 8,124 6,704,864 319 826 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
27 Flag of Grenada.svg گرينادا 344 133 108,825 316 818 July 1, 2019 UN projection
28  جزر مارشال 181 70 55,500 307 795 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
 الجزر العذراء الأمريكية (US) 352 136 104,909 298 772 July 1, 2019 UN projection
29 Flag of Saint Lucia.svg سانت لوشيا 617 238 180,454 292 756 July 1, 2019 UN projection
 ساموا الأمريكية (US) 197 76 56,700 288 746 July 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
30 Flag of Vietnam.svg ڤيتنام 331,212 127,882 94,660,000 286 741 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
31 Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg س. ڤنسنت والگرنادينز 389 150 110,520 284 736 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
32 Flag of the United Kingdom.png المملكة المتحدة 242,910 93,788 66,435,600 274 710 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
33 Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg ترينيداد وتوباگو 5,155 1,990 1,359,193 264 684 July 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
34 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
35 Flag of Jamaica.svg جامايكا 10,991 4,244 2,726,667 248 642 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
Cayman Islands (UK) 259 100 63,415 245 635 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
Guadeloupe (France) 1,628.4 629 395,725 243 629 January 1, 2016 Official estimate
36  ليختنشتاين 160 62 38,380 240 622 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
37 الكويت الكويت 17,818 6,880 4,226,920 237 614 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
38 Flag of Luxembourg.svg لوكسمبورگ 2,586 998 613,894 237 614 January 1, 2019 Official estimate
39 قطر قطر 11,571 4,468 2,740,479 237 614 May 31, 2019 Official monthly estimate
40 Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg أنتيگا وبربودا 442 171 104,084 235 609 July 1, 2019 UN projection
41 Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 357,168 137,903 83,019,200 232 601 December 31, 2018 Official quarterly estimate
42 Flag of Nigeria.svg نيجيريا 923,768 356,669 200,962,000 218 565 July 1, 2019 UN projection
43  جمهورية الدومنيكان 47,875 18,485 10,358,320 216 559 July 1, 2019 Official projection
44 Flag of the Seychelles.svg سيشيل 455 176 96,762 213 552 June 30, 2018 Official estimate
 ج. العذراء البريطانية (UK) 151 58 32,206 213 552 July 1, 2019 UN projection
45 Flag of North Korea.svg كوريا الشمالية 120,540 46,541 25,450,000 211 546 July 1, 2019 UN projection
46 Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg سانت كيتس ونڤيس 270 104 56,345 209 541 July 1, 2019 UN projection
47 Gambia flag 300.png گامبيا 10,690 4,127 2,228,075 208 539 July 1, 2019 UN projection
48 Flag of Switzerland.svg سويسرا 41,285 15,940 8,555,541 207 536 March 31, 2019 Official provisional figure
49 Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg ساو تومه وپرنسيپه 1,001 386 201,784 202 523 July 1, 2018 Official Estimate
50 Flag of Nepal.svg نيبال 147,181 56,827 29,609,623 201 521 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
51 Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 301,308 116,336 60,359,546 200 518 December 31, 2018 Monthly official estimate
52 أوغندا أوغندا 241,551 93,263 40,006,700 166 430 July 1, 2019 Annual official estimate
 كوسوڤو[note 4] 10,910 4,212 1,798,506 165 427 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
53 Flag of Andorra.svg أندورا 464 179 76,177 164 425 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
54 Flag of Guatemala.svg گواتيمالا 108,889 42,042 17,679,735 162 420 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
Sint Eustatius (Netherlands) 21 8 3,193 152 394 July 1, 2015
 Tokelau (NZ) 10 4 1,499 150 388 July 1, 2016 Official estimate
Saba (Netherlands) 13 5 1,947 150 388 January 1, 2016
55  ميكرونزيا 701 271 105,300 150 388 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
56 Flag of Malawi.svg ملاوي 118,484 45,747 17,563,749 148 383 September 3, 2018 2018 Census Result
57 Flag of Kiribati.svg كيريباس 811 313 120,100 148 383 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
58 Flag of Cyprus.svg قبرص 5,896 2,276 864,200 147 381 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
 جزيرة مان (Crown dependency) 572 221 83,314 146 378 April 24, 2016 2016 census result
59 قالب:Popdens Official estimate
60 Flag of Indonesia.svg اندونيسيا 1,904,569 735,358 268,074,600 141 365 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
61 Flag of Tonga.svg تونجا 720 278 100,651 140 363 July 1, 2016 Official estimate
Flag of Anguilla.svg أنگويلا (UK) 96 37 13,452 140 363 May 11, 2011 Preliminary 2011 census result
62 Flag of Cape Verde.svg الرأس الأخضر 4,033 1,557 550,483 136 352 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
63 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg التشيك 78,867 30,451 10,652,812 135 350 March 31, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
64 Flag of Thailand.svg تايلند 513,120 198,117 69,183,173 135 350 July 1, 2018 UN projection
65 Flag of Denmark.svg الدنمارك 43,098 16,640 5,806,081 135 350 January 1, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
66 Flag of Togo.svg توگو 56,600 21,853 7,538,000 133 344 July 1, 2019 Official estimate
67 Flag of Ghana.svg غانا 238,533 92,098 30,280,811 127 329 July 1, 2019 Official projection
68 Flag of France.svg فرنسا 543,965 210,026 67,022,000 123 319 July 1, 2019 Monthly official estimate
69 Flag of Poland.svg بولندا 312,685 120,728 38,413,000 123 319 June 30, 2018 Official estimate
 جزر ماريانا الشمالية (US) 457 176 56,200 123 319 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
70 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
71 أذربيجان أذربيجان 86,600 33,436 10,000,000 115 298 April 6, 2019 Official publication
72 Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg الإمارات العربية 83,600 32,278 9,541,615 114 295 July 1, 2018 UN projection
 ترانس‌نيستريا 4,163 1,607 469,000 113 293 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
73 البرتغال البرتغال 92,090 35,556 10,276,617 112 290 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
74 Flag of Slovakia.svg سلوفاكيا 49,036 18,933 5,450,421 111 287 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
75 سيراليون سيراليون 71,740 27,699 7,901,454 110 285 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
76 Flag of Austria.svg نمسا 83,879 32,386 8,869,537 106 275 April 1, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
77 Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا 783,562 302,535 82,003,882 105 272 December 31, 2018 Annual official estimate
Flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.svg شمال قبرص التركية[note 5] 3,355 1,295 351,965 105 272 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
78 Flag of Hungary.svg المجر 93,029 35,919 9,764,000 105 272 January 1, 2019 Annual official estimate
79  مولدوڤا 33,843 13,067 3,547,539 105 272 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
80 بنين بنين 112,622 43,484 11,733,059 104 269 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
81  كوبا 109,884 42,426 11,221,060 102 264 December 31, 2017 Official annual estimate
82 Flag of Slovenia.svg سلوفينيا 20,273 7,827 2,066,880 102 264 January 1, 2018 Official quarterly estimate
83  إثيوپيا 1,063,652 410,678 107,534,882 101 262 July 1, 2018 UN projection
84  أرمنيا 29,743 11,484 2,962,100 100 259 March 31, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
85 ألبانيا ألبانيا 28,703 11,082 2,862,427 100 259 January 1, 2019 Official annual estimate
86 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
87 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
88 Flag of Costa Rica (state).svg كوستاريكا 51,100 19,730 5,058,007 99 256 June 30, 2019 Official estimate
89 Flag of Dominica.svg دومينيكا 739 285 71,808 97 251 July 1, 2019 UN projection
90 سوريا سوريا 185,180 71,498 17,070,135 92 238 July 1, 2019 UN projection
91 Flag of Spain.svg إسپانيا 505,990 195,364 46,733,038 92 238 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
92 Flag of Kenya.svg كينيا 581,834 224,647 52,950,879 91 236 July 1, 2019 UN projection
93 Flag of Cambodia.svg كمبوديا 181,035 69,898 16,289,270 90 233 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
94 Flag of Iraq.svg العراق 438,317 169,235 39,309,783 90 233 July 1, 2019 UN projection-
95 Flag of Serbia.svg صربيا 77,474 29,913 6,901,188 89 231 July 1, 2019 Official estimate
Wallis & Futuna (France) 142 55 11,700 82 212 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
96 Flag of Romania.svg رومانيا 238,391 92,043 19,524,000 82 212 January 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
97 Flag of Greece.svg اليونان 131,957 50,949 10,741,165 81 210 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
98  شمال مقدونيا 25,713 9,928 2,075,301 81 210 December 31, 2017 Official estimate
99 Flag of Senegal.svg سنغال 196,722 75,955 15,726,037 80 207 July 1, 2018 Official projection
100 Flag of Honduras.svg هندوراس 112,492 43,433 9,012,229 80 207 July 1, 2018 Official projection
101 ميانمار ميانمار 676,577 261,228 53,862,731 80 207 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
102 Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg ساحل العاج 322,921 124,680 25,823,071 80 207 January 1, 2019 Official projection
Flag of French Polynesia.svg پولينيزيا الفرنسية (France) 3,521 1,359 277,100 79 205 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
103 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
104 Flag of East Timor.svg تيمور الشرقية 14,919 5,760 1,167,242 78 202 July 11, 2015 Preliminary 2015 census result
 جزر تركس وكايكوس (UK) 497 192 37,910 76 197 July 1, 2016 Official estimate
105  لسوتو 30,355 11,720 2,263,010 75 194 July 1, 2018 UN projection
106 Flag of Burkina Faso.svg بوركينا فاسو 270,764 104,543 20,244,080 75 194 July 1, 2018 Annual official projection
107 أوزبكستان أوزبكستان 447,400 172,742 32,653,900 73 189 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
108 Flag of Brunei.svg بروناي 5,765 2,226 421,300 73 189 July 1, 2017 Official estimate
109  كرواتيا 56,542 21,831 4,105,493 73 189 December 31, 2017 Annual official estimate
110 Flag of Tunisia.svg تونس 163,610 63,170 11,551,448 71 184 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
111 Flag of Samoa.svg ساموا 2,831 1,093 199,052 70 181 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
112 Flag of Ukraine.svg أوكرانيا [note 6] 603,000 232,820 42,030,832 70 181 June 1, 2019 Official monthly estimate
113 Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg البوسنة والهرسك 51,209 19,772 3,511,372 69 179 July 1, 2016 Official estimate
114 Republic of Ireland 70,273 27,133 4,857,000 69 179 April 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
115  إسواتيني 17,364 6,704 1,159,250 67 174 July 1, 2018 Official projection
Bonaire (Netherlands) 288 111 18,905 66 171 December 31, 2014
116  اليمن 455,000 175,676 28,915,284 64 166 July 1, 2018 UN projection
 سانت هيلينا (NZ) 237 92 15,200 64 166 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
117 Flag of Mexico.svg المكسيك 1,967,138 759,516 125,327,797 64 166 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
118  بلغاريا 111,002 42,858 7,000,039 63 163 December 31, 2018 Official annual estimate
119 طاجيكستان طاجيكستان 143,100 55,251 8,931,000 62 161 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
120 قالب:Popdens Official projection
121 Flag of Tanzania.svg تنزانيا 945,087 364,900 55,890,747 59 153 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
122  پنما 74,177 28,640 4,158,783 56 145 July 1, 2018 Official projection
123  جورجيا 69,700 26,911 3,729,600 54 140 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
124 Flag of Nicaragua.svg نيكاراگوا 121,428 46,884 6,393,824 53 137 July 1, 2017 Official estimate
125 Flag of Cameroon.svg كاميرون 466,050 179,943 24,348,251 52 135 July 1, 2019 Official projection
126 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
Norfolk Island (Australia) 35 14 1,748 50 129 August 9, 2016 census result
127 Flag of Guinea.svg غينيا 245,857 94,926 12,218,357 50 129 July 1, 2019 official projection
128 Afghanistan 645,807 249,347 31,575,018 49 127 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
 مونتسرات (UK) 102 39 4,922 48 124 May 12, 2011 2011 census result
129  فيجي 18,333 7,078 884,887 48 124 September 17, 2017 Official census result
130 Flag of South Africa.gif جنوب أفريقيا 1,220,813 471,359 57,725,600 47 122 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
131 جيبوتي جيبوتي 23,000 8,880 1,078,373 47 122 July 1, 2019 Official projection
132 Flag of Belarus.svg بلاروس 207,600 80,155 9,465,300 46 119 April 1, 2019 Quarterly official estimate
133  الجبل الأسود 13,812 5,333 622,359 45 117 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
134 Flag of Liberia.svg ليبيريا 97,036 37,466 4,382,387 45 117 July 1, 2018 Official projection
135 Flag of Madagascar.svg مدغشقر 587,041 226,658 26,262,810 45 117 July 1, 2018 UN projection
136  غينيا الإستوائية 28,051 10,831 1,222,442 44 114 July 1, 2015 Official estimate
137 غينيا بيساو غينيا بيساو 36,125 13,948 1,584,763 44 114 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
138 Flag of Eritrea.svg إرتريا 121,100 46,757 5,187,948 43 111 July 1, 2018 UN projection
139 Flag of Lithuania.svg لتوانيا 65,300 25,212 2,793,986 43 111 January 1, 2019 Monthly official estimate
140 قالب:Data Colombia Official population clock
141 Flag of Palau.svg پالاو 444 171 17,900 40 104 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
 جزر كوكوز (Australia) 14 5 544 39 101 August 9, 2016 census result
142 Flag of Zimbabwe.svg زيمبابوي 390,757 150,872 15,159,624 39 101 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
143  الكونغو الديمقراطية 2,345,095 905,446 86,790,567 37 96 July 1, 2019 UN projection
144 موزمبيق موزمبيق 799,380 308,642 28,861,863 36 93 August 1, 2017 Official census result
145 Flag of Venezuela.svg ڤنزويلا 916,445 353,841 31,828,110 35 91 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg جزر فارو (Denmark) 1,399 540 50,844 34 88 May 1, 2018 Official monthly estimate
146 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
147 قرغيزستان قرغيزستان 199,945 77,199 6,309,300 32 83 June 1, 2018 Official estimate
148  لاتڤيا 64,562 24,928 1,918,500 30 78 February 1, 2019 Official monthly estimate
149 Flag of Estonia.svg إستونيا 45,339 17,505 1,315,635 29 75 January 1, 2017 Official estimate
150 Flag of the Bahamas.svg البهاما 13,940 5,382 386,870 28 73 July 1, 2018 Official projection
 أبخازيا 8,660 3,344 243,206 28 73 April 27, 2018
151 Flag of Laos.svg لاوس 236,800 91,429 6,492,400 27 70 March 1, 2015 Preliminary 2015 census result
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) 242 2,605 6,081 25 65 January 1, 2010 Official estimate
152 Flag of Peru (state).svg پيرو 1,285,216 496,225 32,162,184 25 65 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
153 Flag of Vanuatu.svg ڤانواتو 12,281 4,742 304,500 25 65 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
154 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
155 الصومال الصومال 637,657 246,201 15,181,925 24 62 July 1, 2018 UN projection
156 Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg جزر سليمان 28,370 10,954 682,500 24 62 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
157 Flag of Angola.svg أنگولا 1,246,700 481,354 29,250,009 23 60 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
158 Flag of Chile.svg تشيلي 756,096 291,930 17,373,831 23 60 August 31, 2017 Preliminary 2017 census result
159 قالب:Data Sweden Official population clock
160 Flag of Zambia.svg زامبيا 752,612 290,585 16,405,229 22 57 July 1, 2017 Official annual projection
161 السودان السودان 1,839,542 710,251 40,782,742 22 57 July 1, 2017 Official annual projection
162 Flag of Bhutan.svg بوتان 38,394 14,824 881٬064 23 59 يوليو 16, 2024 Official population clock
163  جنوب السودان 644,329 248,777 12,575,714 20 52 July 1, 2017 UN Projection
 أرض الصومال 176,120 68,000 3,508,180 20 52 August 17, 2017
قالب:ALA (Finland) 1,552 599 28,502 18 47 December 31, 2012 Official estimate
164 Flag of Algeria.svg الجزائر 2,381,741 919,595 42,545,964 18 47 July 1, 2018 Official projection
165 نيجر نيجر 1,186,408 458,075 21,466,863 18 47 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
166 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
167 Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg پاپوا غينيا ج. 462,840 178,704 8,558,800 18 47 July 1, 2018 Annual official estimate
168 Uruguay flag 300.png اوروگواي 176,215 68,037 2,990,452 17 44 June 30, 2018 Official annual projection
169 Flag of Paraguay.svg پاراگواي 406,752 157,048 7,052,983 17 44 July 1, 2018 Official projection
170 Flag of Belize.svg بليز 22,965 8,867 398,050 17 44 July 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
171 Flag of Norway.svg نرويج 323,782 125,013 5,328,212 16 41 January 1, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
172 Flag of Finland.svg فنلندا 338,424 130,666 5,521,773 16 41 December 31, 2018 Official monthly estimate
173 Flag of Argentina.svg الأرجنتين 2,780,400 1,073,518 44,494,502 16 41 July 1, 2018 Annual official estimate
174 Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg السعودية 2,149,690 830,000 33,413,660 16 41 January 1, 2018 Annual official estimate
175 Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg الكونغو 342,000 132,047 5,399,895 16 41 July 1, 2018 UN projection
176 Flag of Mali.svg مالي 1,248,574 482,077 19,107,706 15 39 July 1, 2018 UN projection
 جزيرة عيد الميلاد (Australia) 137 53 2,072 15 39 August 9, 2011 2011 census result
Flag of France.svg كاليدونيا الجديدة (France) 18,575 7,172 258,958 14 36 July 1, 2013 Official estimate
177 عُمان عُمان 309,500 119,499 4,183,841 14 36 June 9, 2015 Weekly official estimate
 سانت هيلينا (UK) 394 152 5,633 14 36 February 7, 2016 2016 census result
 اوستيا الجنوبية 3,900 1,506 53,532 14 36 August 11, 2016
 آرتساخ 11,458 4,424 150,932 13 34 October 14, 2015
178 ترکمنستان ترکمنستان 491,210 189,657 5,851,466 12 31 July 1, 2018 UN projection
179 Flag of Chad.svg تشاد 1,284,000 495,755 15,353,184 12 31 July 1, 2018 UN projection
180 Flag of Bolivia (state).svg بوليفيا 1,098,581 424,164 11,307,314 10 26 July 1, 2018 Official projection
181 Flag of Russia.svg روسيا[note 7] 17,125,242 6,612,093 146,877,088 9 23 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
182 الگابون الگابون 267,667 103,347 2,067,561 8 21 July 1, 2018 UN projection
183 Flag of the Central African Republic.svg أفريقيا الوسطى 622,436 240,324 4,737,423 8 21 July 1, 2018 UN projection
184 كازاخستان كازاخستان 2,724,900 1,052,090 18,356,900 7 18 November 1, 2018 Official monthly estimate
 نيووِيْ (NZ) 261 101 1,613 6 16 September 10, 2011 Final 2011 census result
185 Flag of Botswana.svg بتسوانا 581,730 224,607 2,302,878 4 10.4 July 1, 2018 Official projection
186 موريتانيا موريتانيا 1,030,700 397,955 3,984,233 4 10.4 July 1, 2018 Official projection
187 قالب:Popdens Official estimate
188 Flag of Libya.svg ليبيا 1,770,060 683,424 6,470,956 3.7 9.6 July 1, 2018 UN projection
189 گويانا گويانا 214,999 83,012 782,225 3.6 9.3 July 1, 2018 UN projection
190 سورينام سورينام 163,820 63,251 568,301 3.5 9.1 July 1, 2018 UN projection
191 Flag of Iceland.svg آيسلندا 102,775 39,682 357,050 3.5 9.1 December 30, 2018 Official estimate
192 قالب:Popdens Official estimate
193 Flag of Namibia.svg ناميبيا 825,118 318,580 2,413,643 2.9 7.5 July 1, 2018 Official projection
French Guiana (France) 86,504 33,399 244,118 2.8 7.3 July 1, 2013 Official estimate
الجمهورية العربية الصحراوية الديمقراطية‎ Western Sahara[note 8] 252,120 97,344 567,421 2.3 6.0 July 1, 2018 UN projection
194  منغوليا 1,564,100 603,902 3,000,000 1.9 4.9 January 24, 2015 Official estimate
Flag of the Pitcairn Islands.svg جزر بيتكيرن (UK) 47.3 18 56 1.2 3.1 September 20, 2016 2013 census result
 جزر فوكلاند (UK)[note 9] 12,173 4,700 2,563 0.21 0.54 April 15, 2012 2012 census result
 سڤالبارد ويان ماين (Norway) 61,399 23,706 2,655 0.04 0.10 September 1, 2012 Official estimate
Flag of Greenland.svg گرينلاند (Denmark) 2,166,000 836,297 55,877 0.03 0.08 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
Pos. Country (or dependent territory) Area (km2) Area (mi2) Population Density
Date Population source

كثافة البلدان الأكثر اكتظاظاً بالسكان

This list consists of the top 100 most populous countries (see also List of countries and dependencies by population).

Pos. Country (or dependent territory) Area (km2) Area (mi2) Population Density
Date Population source
1 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
-  تايوان 36,197 13,976 23,590,744 652 1,689 January 1, 2019 Monthly official estimate
2 Flag of South Korea (bordered).svg كوريا الجنوبية 100,210 38,691 51,811,167 517 1,339 July 1, 2019 Official Annual projection
3 Flag of Rwanda.svg رواندا 26,338 10,169 12,374,397 470 1,217 July 1, 2019 Official projection
4 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
5 Flag of Haiti.svg هايتى 27,065 10,450 11,263,077 416 1,077 July 1, 2019 UN projection
6 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
7 قالب:Popdens India Population clock
8 Flag of Burundi.svg بوروندي 27,816 10,740 10,953,317 394 1,020 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
9 Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا 30,528 11,787 11,480,534 376 974 June 1, 2019 Official monthly estimate
10 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
11 Flag of Japan (bordered).svg اليابان 377,944 145,925 126,220,000 334 865 July 1, 2019 Official monthly estimate
12 Flag of Sri Lanka.svg سريلانكا 65,610 25,332 21,670,000 330 855 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
13 Flag of Vietnam.svg ڤيتنام 331,212 127,882 94,660,000 286 741 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
14 Flag of the United Kingdom.png المملكة المتحدة 242,910 93,788 66,435,600 274 710 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
15 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
16 Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 357,168 137,903 83,019,200 232 601 December 31, 2018 Official quarterly estimate
17 Flag of Nigeria.svg نيجيريا 923,768 356,669 200,962,000 218 565 July 1, 2019 UN projection
18  جمهورية الدومنيكان 47,875 18,485 10,358,320 216 559 July 1, 2019 Official projection
19 Flag of North Korea.svg كوريا الشمالية 122,762 47,399 25,450,000 211 546 July 1, 2019 UN projection
20 Flag of Switzerland.svg سويسرا 41,285 15,940 8,555,541 207 536 March 31, 2019 Official provisional figure
21 Flag of Nepal.svg نيبال 147,181 56,827 29,609,623 201 521 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
22 Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 301,308 116,336 60,359,546 200 518 December 31, 2018 Monthly official estimate
23 أوغندا أوغندا 241,551 93,263 40,006,700 166 430 July 1, 2019 Annual official estimate
24 Flag of Guatemala.svg گواتيمالا 108,889 42,042 17,679,735 162 420 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
25 Flag of Malawi.svg ملاوي 118,484 45,747 17,563,749 148 383 September 3, 2018 2018 Census Result
26 قالب:Popdens Official estimate
27 Flag of Indonesia.svg اندونيسيا 1,904,569 735,358 268,074,600 141 365 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
28 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg التشيك 78,867 30,451 10,652,812 135 350 March 31, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
29 Flag of Thailand.svg تايلند 513,120 198,117 69,183,173 135 350 July 1, 2018 UN projection
30 Flag of Togo.svg توگو 56,600 21,853 7,538,000 133 344 July 1, 2019 Official estimate
31 Flag of Ghana.svg غانا 238,533 92,098 30,280,811 127 329 July 1, 2019 Official projection
32 Flag of France.svg فرنسا 543,965 210,026 67,022,000 123 319 July 1, 2019 Monthly official estimate
33 Flag of Poland.svg بولندا 312,685 120,728 38,413,000 123 319 June 30, 2018 Official estimate
34 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
35 أذربيجان أذربيجان 86,600 33,436 10,000,000 115 298 April 6, 2019 Official publication
36 Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg الإمارات العربية 83,600 32,278 9,541,615 114 295 July 1, 2018 UN projection
37 البرتغال البرتغال 92,090 35,556 10,276,617 112 290 December 31, 2018 Official estimate
38 Flag of Austria.svg نمسا 83,879 32,386 8,869,537 106 275 April 1, 2019 Official quarterly estimate
39 Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا 783,562 302,535 82,003,882 105 272 December 31, 2018 Annual official estimate
40 Flag of Hungary.svg المجر 93,029 35,919 9,764,000 105 272 January 1, 2019 Annual official estimate
41  كوبا 109,886 42,427 11,221,060 102 264 December 31, 2017 Official annual estimate
42  إثيوپيا 1,063,652 410,678 107,534,882 101 262 July 1, 2018 UN projection
43 بنين بنين 112,622 43,484 11,362,269 101 262 July 1, 2018 Official projection
44 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
45 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
46 سوريا سوريا 185,180 71,498 17,070,135 92 238 July 1, 2019 UN estimate
47 Flag of Spain.svg إسپانيا 503,783 194,512 46,733,038 92 238 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
48 Flag of Cambodia.svg كمبوديا 181,035 69,898 16,289,270 90 233 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
49 Flag of Iraq.svg العراق 438,317 169,235 39,309,783 90 233 July 1, 2019 UN projection
50 Flag of Kenya.svg كينيا 581,834 224,647 50,950,879 88 228 July 1, 2018 UN projection
51 Flag of Romania.svg رومانيا 238,391 92,043 19,524,000 82 212 January 1, 2018 Official annual estimate
52 Flag of Greece.svg اليونان 131,957 50,949 10,741,165 81 210 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
53 Flag of Senegal.svg سنغال 196,722 75,955 15,726,037 80 207 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
54 Flag of Honduras.svg هندوراس 112,088 43,277 9,012,229 80 207 July 1, 2018 Official projection
55 ميانمار ميانمار 676,577 261,228 53,862,731 80 207 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
56 Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg ساحل العاج 322,921 124,680 25,823,071 80 207 January 1, 2019 Official projection
57 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
58 Flag of Burkina Faso.svg بوركينا فاسو 270,764 104,543 19,632,147 73 189 July 1, 2017 Annual official projection
59 أوزبكستان أوزبكستان 447,400 172,742 32,653,900 73 189 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
60 Flag of Tunisia.svg تونس 163,610 63,170 11,551,448 71 184 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
61 Flag of Ukraine.svg أوكرانيا[note 10] 603,000 232,820 42,030,832 70 181 June 1, 2019 Official monthly estimate
62  اليمن 455,000 175,676 28,915,284 64 166 July 1, 2018 UN projection
63 Flag of Mexico.svg المكسيك 1,967,138 759,516 125,327,797 64 166 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
64 طاجيكستان طاجيكستان 143,100 55,251 8,931,000 62 161 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
65 قالب:Popdens Official projection
66 Flag of Tanzania.svg تنزانيا 945,087 364,900 55,890,747 59 153 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
67 Flag of Cameroon.svg كاميرون 466,050 179,943 24,348,251 52 135 July 1, 2019 Official projection
68 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
69 Flag of Guinea.svg غينيا 245,857 94,926 12,218,357 50 129 July 1, 2019 official projection
70 Flag of Afghanistan.svg أفغانستان 645,807 249,347 31,575,018 49 127 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
71 Flag of South Africa.gif جنوب أفريقيا 1,220,813 471,359 57,725,600 47 122 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
72 Flag of Belarus.svg بلاروس 207,600 80,155 9,465,300 46 119 April 1, 2019 Quarterly official estimate
73 Flag of Madagascar.svg مدغشقر 587,041 226,658 26,262,810 45 117 July 1, 2018 UN projection
74 قالب:Data Colombia Official population clock
75 Flag of Zimbabwe.svg زيمبابوي 390,757 150,872 15,159,624 39 101 July 1, 2019 Official annual projection
76  الكونغو الديمقراطية 2,345,095 905,446 86,790,567 37 96 July 1, 2019 UN projection
77 موزمبيق موزمبيق 799,380 308,642 28,861,863 36 93 August 1, 2017 Official census result
78 Flag of Venezuela.svg ڤنزويلا 916,445 353,841 31,828,110 35 91 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
79 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
80 Flag of Peru (state).svg پيرو 1,285,216 496,225 32,162,184 25 65 July 1, 2018 Official estimate
81 قالب:Popdens Official population clock
82 الصومال الصومال 637,657 246,201 15,181,925 24 62 July 1, 2018 UN projection
83 Flag of Angola.svg أنگولا 1,246,700 481,354 29,250,009 23 60 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
84 Flag of Chile.svg تشيلي 756,096 291,930 17,373,831 23 60 August 31, 2017 Preliminary 2017 census result
85 قالب:Data Sweden Official population clock
86 Flag of Zambia.svg زامبيا 752,612 290,585 16,405,229 22 57 July 1, 2017 Official annual projection
87 السودان السودان 1,839,542 710,251 40,782,742 22 57 July 1, 2017 Official annual projection
88  جنوب السودان 644,329 248,777 12,575,714 20 52 July 1, 2017 UN Projection
89 Flag of Algeria.svg الجزائر 2,381,741 919,595 42,545,964 18 47 July 1, 2018 Official projection
90 نيجر نيجر 1,186,408 458,075 21,466,863 18 47 July 1, 2018 Official annual projection
91 Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg پاپوا غينيا ج. 462,840 178,704 8,558,800 18 47 July 1, 2018 Annual official estimate
92 Flag of Argentina.svg الأرجنتين 2,780,400 1,073,518 44,494,502 16 41 July 1, 2018 Annual official estimate
93 Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg السعودية 2,149,690 830,000 33,413,660 16 41 January 1, 2018 Annual official estimate
94 Flag of Mali.svg مالي 1,248,574 482,077 19,107,706 15 39 July 1, 2018 UN projection
95 Flag of Chad.svg تشاد 1,284,000 495,755 15,353,184 12 31 July 1, 2018 UN projection
96 Flag of Bolivia (state).svg بوليفيا 1,098,581 424,164 11,307,314 10 26 July 1, 2018 Official projection
97 Flag of Russia.svg روسيا[note 11] 17,125,242 6,612,093 146,877,088 9 23 January 1, 2018 Official estimate
98 كازاخستان كازاخستان 2,724,900 1,052,090 18,232,000 7 18 May 1, 2018 Official monthly estimate
99 قالب:Popdens Official estimate
100 قالب:Popdens Official estimate
Pos. Country (or dependent territory) Area (km2) Area (mi2) Population Density
Date Population source

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  1. ^ Territory claimed by Spain.
  2. ^ Borders and area of Palestine are not final.
  3. ^ Commonwealth of the الولايات المتحدة.
  4. ^ Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between Serbia and the local Albanian majority. The Assembly of Kosovo declared its independence on 17 February 2008, a move that is recognised and the Republic of China (Taiwan), but not by Serbia, which claims it as part of its sovereign territory.
  5. ^ Recognized only by إيطاليا
  6. ^ Excludes Crimea.
  7. ^ Including the population and area of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and City of Sevastopol, Ukraine's administrative areas on the Crimean Peninsula which are claimed by Russia.
  8. ^ Administration is split between Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, both of which claim the entire territory.
  9. ^ Islands claimed by Argentina.
  10. ^ Excludes Crimea.
  11. ^ Including the population and area of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and City of Sevastopol, Ukraine's administrative areas on the Crimean Peninsula which are claimed by Russia.


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