العلاقات الخارجية السعودية

الدول التي تقيم المملكة العربية السعودية معها علاقات دبلوماسية.

Coat of arms of Saudi Arabia.svg

هذه المقالة هي جزء من سلسلة:
سياسة وحكومة

دول أخرى • أطلس
 بوابة السياسة
ع  ن  ت

العلاقات الخارجية للمملكة العربية السعودية هي العلاقات الدبلوماسية والتجارية بين المملكة العربية السعودية والدول الأخرى في جميع أنحاء العالم. تركز السياسة الخارجية للمملكة العربية السعودية على التعاون مع دول الخليجالمصدرة للنفط، ووحدة العالم العربي، والتضامن الإسلامي، ودعم الأمم المتحدة.[1] من الناحية العملية، كانت الاهتمامات الرئيسية في السنوات الأخيرة تركز على العلاقات مع الولايات المتحدة، والتدخل في اليمن، والصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني، والعراق، التهديد الملحوظ من جمهورية إيران الإسلامية، و تأثير تسعير النفط. تساهم المملكة العربية السعودية بمبالغ كبيرة من مساعدات التنمية للدول الإسلامية. من عام 1986 إلى عام 2006، تبرعت الدولة بمبلغ 49 مليار جنيه إسترليني كمساعدات.[2][3][4]

على الرغم من أن المملكة العربية السعودية عضو في حركة عدم الانحياز، إلا أنها توصف بأنها تقود "المعسكر الموالي للغرب" للدول العربية، المتحالفة مع الولايات المتحدة والمكونة من مصر والأردن ودول الخليج العربي.[5][6][7][8] الإسلام السني هو الدين الرئيسي في السعودية.[9][10] الصين والمملكة العربية السعودية حليفان رئيسيان، مع نمو العلاقات بين البلدين بشكل ملحوظ في العقود الأخيرة.[11] أعرب غالبية السعوديين عن نظرتهم الإيجابية تجاه الصين.[12][13][14] [15][16][17]

بصفتها عضوًا مؤسسًا في اوپك، كانت سياسة تسعير النفط في المملكة العربية السعودية على المدى الطويل تتمثل في الحفاظ على استقرار الأسعار واعتدالها - مرتفعة بما يكفي لكسب مبالغ كبيرة من الإيرادات، ولكن ليس مرتفعًا بحيث يشجع مصادر الطاقة البديلة بين مستوردي النفط، أو تعريض اقتصادات الدول الغربية للخطر حيث توجد العديد من أصولها المالية والتي تقدم الدعم السياسي والعسكري للحكومة السعودية.[10] حدث الاستثناء الرئيسي لهذا أثناء أزمة النفط عام 1973 عندما استخدمت المملكة العربية السعودية، مع دول النفط العربية الأخرى، حظرًا على إمدادات النفط للضغط على الولايات المتحدة لوقف دعم إسرائيل.[18]

المملكة العربية السعودية عضو مؤسس في العديد من المنظمات متعددة الجنسيات، بما في ذلك [[منظمة الدول المصدرة للنفط|اوپك]، والأمم المتحدة، و جامعة الدول العربية. وهي أيضًا عضو مؤسس في مجلس التعاون الخليجي، ورابطة العالم الإسلامي، ومنظمة التعاون الإسلامي، والبنك الإسلامي للتنمية - وكلها تتخذ من السعودية مقرًا لها. تلعب الدولة دورًا بارزًا في صندوق النقد الدولي، والبنك الدولي، وفي عام 2005 انضمت إلى منظمة التجارة العالمية.

وفقًا لأستاذ التاريخ في جامعة كاليفورنيا، أصبحت المملكة العربية السعودية مؤخرًا أكثر نشاطًا فيما يتعلق بالسياسة الخارجية والأمنية لثلاثة أسباب: الربيع العربي، وسياسات إدارة أوباما وانهيار أسعار النفط.[19]

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الملك فيصل(نائب الملك في الحجاز آنذاك) مع مجموعة من ممثلي القنصليات والسفارات في جدة في ثلاثينيات القرن العشرين على يمين الملك فيصل: القنصل السوڤيتي نذير، القنصل التركي حميد، القنصل الإيراني، وعلى يساره: السفير الإنگليزي بوند، القنصل الفرنسي، القنصل الإيطالي.

بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية (1939-1945) وأثناء الحرب الباردة (1947ح. 1947 - 1991)، حافظت المملكة العربية السعودية على سياسة قومية عربية مناهضة - للشيوعية والعلمانية، التي تعمل غالبًا مع القوة الرائدة المناهضة للشيوعية، وهي الولايات المتحدة.في أعقاب أزمة النفط 1973، عندما فرضت المملكة العربية السعودية ومصدرو النفط العرب الآخرون حظرًا على الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها لدعمهم لإسرائيل، زادت عائدات النفط بشكل كبير، وعملت المملكة على أن تصبح الدولة الإسلامية الرائدة، وتنفق بسخاء على النهوض بالإسلام وخاصة مدرسته المحافظة (المعروفة باسم الوهابية). يرى المؤيدون أن هذا قد طهّر العقيدة الإسلامية ووحدتها؛ يدعي معلقون آخرون أنه أدى إلى تآكل الثقافات الإسلامية الإقليمية. (يمكن رؤية أمثلة على الأثر المثمر للمساعدات السعودية بين ميناڠ‌كاباو و آتشيه في إندونيسيا، وكذلك بين سكان جزر المالديف.[20][21][22][23] يُنظر إلى الوهابية أيضًا في الغرب على أنه مصدر للتطرف الإسلامي.[24][25]

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia with U.S. President Ronald Reagan and real-estate tycoon and future President Donald Trump in 1985

كانت المملكة العربية السعودية وسياستها النفطية عاملين مهمين في الحروب بالوكالة في الحرب الباردة قبل سقوط الشيوعية السوڤيتية في أواخر الثمانينيات وأوائل التسعينيات. ساعدت المملكة العربية السعودية ليس فقط في تمويل الأفغان المجاهدين ولكن أيضًا غير المسلمين المعادين للشيوعية. كما أضر بشكل خطير بالقضية الشيوعية السوڤيتية من خلال تثبيت أسعار النفط "طوال الثمانينيات، فقط عندما كان الروس يائسين لبيع الطاقة من أجل مواكبة الزيادات الهائلة في الإنفاق العسكري الأمريكي."[26]

بعد إصابة الملك فهد بسكتة دماغية عام 1995، تولى عبد الله،ولي العهد حينها، مسؤولية السياسة الخارجية. حدث تغيير ملحوظ في العلاقات الأمريكية السعودية، حيث سعى عبد الله إلى الفصل بين سياساته والسياسات غير الشعبية الموالية للغرب للملك فهد. اتخذ عبد الله خطاً أكثر استقلالية من الولايات المتحدة وركز على تحسين العلاقات الإقليمية، لا سيما مع إيران. تم حل العديد من النزاعات الحدودية طويلة الأمد، بما في ذلك إعادة تشكيل الحدود السعودية مع اليمن بشكل ملحوظ. أدى النهج الجديد إلى علاقات متوترة بشكل متزايد مع الولايات المتحدة.[9] على الرغم من ذلك، ظلت الولايات المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية مقربتين. في عام 1998 قام الملك عبد الله بزيارة دولة إلى واشنطن والتقى بالرئيس الأمريكي بيل كلينتون.

في عام 2003، انعكست سياسة عبد الله الجديدة في رفض الحكومة السعودية دعم غزو العراق أو المشاركة فيها. رأى بعض النقاد الأمريكيين[which?] أن هذه محاولة من العائلة المالكة السعودية لاسترضاء المتطرفين الإسلاميين في المملكة. في نفس العام، وافق المسؤولون الحكوميون السعوديون والأمريكيون على انسحاب جميع القوات العسكرية الأمريكية من الأراضي السعودية. بعد توليه العرش، اتبع الملك عبد الله (ح. 2005–2015) سياسة خارجية أكثر نشاطًا واستمر في التراجع عن سياسات الولايات المتحدة التي كانت لا تحظى بشعبية في المملكة العربية السعودية (على سبيل المثال، رفض تقديم المساعدة المادية للدعم. الحكومة العراقية الجديدة).[9][27] ومع ذلك، أصبح الخوف وانعدام الثقة من إيران على نحو متزايد، كما هو الحال مع الولايات المتحدة، عاملاً مهمًا في السياسة السعودية. في عام 2010، كشف موقع ويكيليكس عن تسريب برقيات دبلوماسية للولايات المتحدة وثائق سرية كشف أن الملك عبد الله حث الولايات المتحدة على مهاجمة إيران من أجل "قطع رأس الأفعى".[28] استخدمت المملكة العربية السعودية منذ فترة طويلة تحالفها مع الولايات المتحدة كقوة موازنة لنفوذ إيران في الشرق الأوسط، وتطلعت المملكة العربية السعودية والدول العربية في الخليج العربي إلى الولايات المتحدة لحمايتها من إيران.

ازداد توتر العلاقات مع الولايات المتحدة والدول الغربية الأخرى بسبب التصور بأن المملكة العربية السعودية كانت مصدرًا للنشاط الإرهابي الإسلامي في جميع أنحاء العالم. حيث أن أسامة بن لادن و15 من أصل 19 من منفذي هجمات 11 سبتمبر كانوا مواطنين سعوديين، على الرغم من أن بعض المسؤولين في[كمية] قالوا إن بن لادن خطط لهذا عمداً في محاولة لإرهاق العلاقات الأمريكية السعودية،[29] وصف مدير وكالة المخابرات المركزية السابق جيمس وولسي المملكة العربية السعودية الوهابية بأنها "الأرض التي تزدهر فيها القاعدة والمنظمات الإرهابية الشقيقة".[24] يعتقد بعض[من؟] في حكومة الولايات المتحدة أيضًا أن العائلة المالكة، من خلال علاقاتها الطويلة والوثيقة مع رجال الدين الوهابيين، قد أرست الأساس لنمو الجماعات المتشددة مثل القاعدة، وبعد ذلك لم تفعل الهجمات سوى القليل للمساعدة في تعقب المسلحين أو منع الفظائع المستقبلية.[9]

كما أعلن في قمة جامعة الدول العربية لعام 2009، كانت المملكة العربية السعودية تعتزم المشاركة في الاتحاد الجمركي العربي الذي كان سيتم إنشاؤه في عام 2015 وفي سوق عربي مشترك يتم إنشاؤه بحلول 2020.[10][30]

بعد موجة أوائل 2011 والثوارات التي اشتعلت في العالم العربي، منحت المملكة العربية السعودية اللجوء إلى الرئيس التونسي المخلوع زين العابدين بن علي، واتصل الملك عبد الله هاتفياً بالرئيس حسني مبارك (قبل تنحية مبارك) لعرض دعمه.[31]

انخرطت القوات العسكرية السعودية وحلفاؤها في الصراع في اليمن (على الحدود الجنوبية للمملكة العربية السعودية) اعتبارًا من مارس 2015 حتى الآن.


According to the FFGI at Goethe University Frankfurt, wahhabist ideology is spread globally with organisations closely associated with the government of Saudi Arabia such as the Muslim World League (WML) and the World Association of Muslim Youth are actively participating.[32]

According to government-associated paper Ain Al-Yaqeen article in 2002, Saudi government-sponsored projects were active in non-Muslim countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australia and Asia. These encompassed 210 Islamic centres which were completely or partly funded by the Saudi kingdom, 1500 mosques, 202 colleges and almost 2000 schools. The House of Saud has inaugurated 1359 mosques in Europe.[32]

In February 2019, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman defended Xinjiang re-education camps for Muslims, saying "China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremisation work for its national security."[33][34][35] China has allegedly imprisoned up to 2 million Muslims in concentration camps, where they are subject to abuse and torture.[35][36]

Bilateral relations


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 الجزائر See Algeria–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Algeria has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Algiers.
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg أفريقيا الوسطى
  • Central African Republic is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Cairo.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in N'Djamena also serves as non-resident embassy for Central African Republic.
Flag of Cape Verde.svg الرأس الأخضر
  • Cape Verde is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Rome, Italy.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Dakar also serves as non-resident embassy for Cape Verde.
  • Chad has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in N'Djamena.
 مصر See Egypt–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Egypt has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Cairo.
  • Ethiopia has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Addis Ababa.
  • Guinea has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Conakry.
  • Ghana has an embassy in Riyadh
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Accra
غينيا بيساو غينيا بيساو
  • Guinea-Bissau is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Algiers, Algeria.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Dakar also serves as non-resident embassy for Guinea-Bissau.
 كنيا See Kenya–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Kenya has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Nairobi.
  • Libya has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Tripoli.
  • Mali has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Bamako.
Flag of Malawi.svg ملاوي
  • Malawi is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Kuwait City.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Nairobi also serves as non-resident embassy for Malawi.
  • Mauritius has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Pretoria also serves as non-resident embassy for Mauritius.
  • Madagascar has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia is accredited to Madagascar from its embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
 المغرب See Morocco–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Morocco has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Rabat.
Flag of Namibia.svg ناميبيا
  • Namibia is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Cairo.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Lusaka also serves as non-resident embassy for Namibia.
سيراليون سيراليون
  • Sierra Leone has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Conakry also serves as non-resident embassy for Sierra Leone.
 السنغال See Saudi Arabia–Senegal relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Dakar.
  • Senegal has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
 جنوب أفريقيا 1994 See Saudi Arabia–South Africa relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Pretoria.
  • South Africa has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
 جنوب السودان
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Kampala whose consular areas also covers South Sudan.
  • South Sudan has an embassy in Riyadh.
 السودان See Saudi Arabia–Sudan relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Khartoum.
  • Sudan has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
 تنزانيا See Saudi Arabia–Tanzania relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Dar es Salaam.
  • Tanzania has an embassy in Riyadh.
 تونس See Saudi Arabia–Tunisia relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Tunis.
  • Tunisia has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Lusaka.
  • Zambia has an embassy in Riyadh
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg زيمبابوي
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Lusaka whose consular areas also covers Zimbabwe.
  • Zimbabwe has an embassy in Cairo whose consular areas also covers Saudi Arabia.

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Country Formal Relations Began Notes
  • Argentina has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Buenos Aires.
 البهاماز September 2022 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 September 2022 at the level of an ambassador (non-resident).[37]
 بليز September 2022 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 September 2022 at the level of an ambassador (non-resident).[38]
Flag of Bolivia (state).svg بوليفيا
  • Bolivia is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Cairo
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Bolivia by its embassy in Brasilia.
 البرازيل See Brazil-Saudi Arabia relations
  • Brazil has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Brasília.
 كندا See Canada–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Chile has an embassy in Abu Dhabi which also covers Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Santiago.
Flag of Costa Rica.svg كوستاريكا
  • Costa Rica has an embassy in Abu Dhabi which also covers Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Costa Rica by its embassy in Lima.
كولومبيا كولومبيا
  • Colombia has an embassy in Abu Dhabi which also covers Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Colombia by its embassy in Lima.
  • Cuba has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Havana.
Flag of Ecuador.svg إكوادور
  • Ecuador is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Cairo
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Ecuador by its embassy in Brasilia.
  • El Salvador is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Doha
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in El Salvador by its embassy in Mexico City.
Flag of Guatemala.svg گواتيمالا
  • Guatemala is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Cairo
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Guatemala by its embassy in Mexico City.
  • Haiti has an embassy in Rome which also covers Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Haiti by its embassy in Havana.
Flag of Honduras.svg هندوراس
  • Honduras is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in Cairo.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Honduras by its embassy in Mexico City.
 المكسيك 12 September 1952 See Mexico–Saudi Arabia relations
Flag of Nicaragua.svg نيكاراگوا
  • Nicaragua has an embassy in Cairo which also covers Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Nicaragua by its embassy in Mexico City.
  • Peru has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Lima.
 الولايات المتحدة See Saudi Arabia-United States relations
King Ibn Saud converses with President Franklin D. Roosevelt on board the USS Quincy, after the Yalta Conference in 1945.

United States recognized the government of King Ibn Saud in 1931. In the 1930s, oil exploration by Standard Oil commenced. There was no US ambassador resident in Saudi Arabia until 1943, but as World War II progressed, the United States began to believe that Saudi oil was of strategic importance. King Ibn Saud met with the U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 14 February 1945 in a meeting which lasted three days.[43] The meeting took place on board of the USS Quincy at the Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal.[43][44] The meeting laid down the basis of the future relations between two countries.[45]

In 1951, under a mutual defence agreement, the U.S. established a permanent U.S. Military Training Mission in the kingdom and agreed to provide training support in the use of weapons and other security-related services to the Saudi armed forces. This agreement formed the basis of what grew into a longstanding security relationship. The United States is one of Saudi Arabia's largest trading partners and closest allies and has had full diplomatic relations since 1933 and they remain strong today. However, Saudi Arabia's relationship with the United States has been put under pressure since late 2013 following the United States backing down from its intervention in the Syrian Civil War and the United States thawing relations with Iran. The international abduction of American children to Saudi Arabia provoked sustained criticism and resulted in a Congressional hearing in 2002 where parents of children held in Saudi Arabia gave impassioned testimony related to the abduction of their children. Washington based Insight magazine ran a series of articles on international abduction during the same period highlighting Saudi Arabia a number of times[46][47][48][49]

Relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia were strained after the September 11 attacks in 2001,[حسب من؟] when nineteen men affiliated with al-Qaeda, including 15 Saudi nationals, hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners, crashing two of the planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing 2,973. Saudi Arabia issued a statement on the day of the terrorist attacks on America's World Trade Center and Pentagon, calling them "regrettable and inhuman." Saudi recognition of the Taliban stopped and as of mid-November 2001, the Bush administration continued to publicly praise Saudi support for the war on terrorism. However, published media reports have indicated U.S. frustration with Saudi inaction. Although 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, publicly the Saudis were not cooperating with Americans who wanted to look at background files of the hijackers or to interview the hijackers' families.[بحاجة لمصدر]

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 2012

In his first formal television interview as U.S. President, Barack Obama addressed the Muslim world through an Arabic-language satellite TV network Al-Arabiya. He expressed interest and a commitment to repair relations that have continued to deteriorate under the previous administration.[50] The American envoy to the region is former Sen. George J. Mitchell.

On 20 October 2010, U.S. State Department notified Congress of its intention to make the biggest arms sale in American history – an estimated $60.5 billion purchase by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The package represents a considerable improvement in the offensive capability of the Saudi armed forces.[51]

The U.S. was keen to point out that the arms transfer would increase "interoperability" with U.S. forces. In the 1990–1991 Gulf War, having U.S.-trained Saudi forces, along with military installations built to U.S. specifications, allowed the American armed forces to deploy in a comfortable and familiar battle environment. This new deal would increase these capabilities, as an advanced American military infrastructure is about to be built.[52]

  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Caracas.
  • Venezuela has an embassy in Riyadh, as well as Jeddah.

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Country Formal Relations Began Notes
  • Afghanistan has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Kabul.
 أرمنيا See Armenia–Saudi Arabia relations
  • The two states have not established diplomatic relations.
 أذربيجان 24 February 1992 See Azerbaijan–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Azerbaijan has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Baku.
 البحرين See Bahrain–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Bahrain has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Manama.
 بنگلادش See Bangladesh–Saudi Arabia relations

When Bengali nationalists began a war of liberation against the Pakistani state, Saudi Arabia supported Pakistan and opposed calls for the independence of Bangladesh. Saudi Arabia saw the Bengali nationalists as opposing a Muslim state and thus opposing Islam. Saudi Arabia provided extensive financial and political support to Pakistan during the conflict. The pro-Soviet, secular and socialist policies of the regime of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding leader of Bangladesh, also antagonized the anti-Communist Saudis. Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh formally established diplomatic relations in 1975–76, after the killing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by pro-Islamic military officers. The military regimes of Ziaur Rahman and Hussain Muhammad Ershad took steps to forge strong commercial and cultural ties with Saudi Arabia. Since the late 1970s, a large number of both skilled and unskilled Bangladeshi workers have moved to Saudi Arabia; the number of Bangladeshis living in Saudi Arabia today exceeds 2.7 million. As one of the most populous Muslim countries, Bangladesh is a major source of Hajj pilgrims. Saudi Arabia has become a major source of financing and economic aid to Bangladesh.[55]

 الصين July 1990 See China–Saudi Arabia relations
Countries which signed cooperation documents related to the Belt and Road Initiative

The People's Republic of China and Saudi Arabia established official diplomatic relations in July 1990.[56] Sino-Saudi diplomatic and economic relations grew closer in the 2000s. In January 2006, King Abdullah was the first ever Saudi head of State to visit China. His visit was reciprocated by Chinese President Hu Jintao in April of the same year. In February 2009, Hu visited Saudi Arabia a second time, to "exchange views on international and regional issues of common concern" with King Abdullah.[57]

Following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Saudi Arabia was the largest aid donor to China, providing close to €40,000,000 in financial assistance, and an additional €8,000,000 worth of relief materials.[57] In 2008, Sino-Saudi bilateral trade was worth €32,500,000,000,[56] making Saudi Arabia China's largest trading partner in Western Asia.[58] In the first quarter of 2010, Saudi oil export to China has reached over 1,000,000 barrels (160,000 m3), exceeding export to USA.[59]

In July 2019, UN ambassadors of 37 countries, including Saudi Arabia, have signed a joint letter to the UNHRC defending China's treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang region.[60][61]

 الهند See India–Saudi Arabia relations

Saudi Arabia is the one of largest suppliers of oil to India. India's booming construction industry and rising affluence has created greater demand for goods and services thereby boosting Indian industrial growth. Saudi Arabia has contributed aid to India after the 2001 Gujarat earthquake.

 إندونيسيا See Indonesia–Saudi Arabia relations

Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Jakarta, while Indonesia has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate in Jeddah. Both countries are the member of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and G-20 major economies. Saudi Arabia and Indonesia have long been close allies. Indonesia sent the largest hajj pilgrims among Muslim countries. The balance of trade is heavily in favor of Saudi Arabia, because of its oil and gas exports to Indonesia. There is more than 600,000 Indonesian workers in Saudi Arabia. Migrant worker abuse and death sentences faced by Indonesian workers in Saudi Arabia are the main problems that have strained diplomatic relations between two countries.

 إيران See Iran–Saudi Arabia relations

Saudi Arabia-Iran relations have been strained throughout history due to the differences between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. Although Saudi Arabia and Iran are Muslim majority nations, their relationship is fraught with tension, suspicion and hostility. Various attempts have been made to improve the relationship, though none have had lasting success. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have aspirations for Islamic leadership and both the countries possess a different vision of regional order. Iran, which after the Islamic Revolution strictly followed an anti-US policy, always deemed Saudi Arabia as an agent of the US in the Persian Gulf region that speaks for US interests. Saudi Arabia's concerns about Iran on the other side are mainly associated with its plans of expanding influence to other parts of the Persian Gulf region, especially in post-Saddam Iraq, and the quest to build its own nuclear arsenal.[62]

Differences in political ideologies and governance also divided both the countries. For Iran, it is said that there is no place for monarchical regimes in Islam, like the ones seen in Saudi Arabia and also in some other Arab countries. Energy difference is a third source of tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran. While Saudi Arabia, compared to Iran's smaller oil reserves and larger population, can afford to take a long-term view of the global oil market and has an incentive to moderate prices, Iran is compelled to focus on high prices in the short term.[62]

Relations in recent times have been increasing unstable due to the outbreak of crisis in Syria and Iraq in 2014 with the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Despite both countries' efforts to help contain the situation, the Iranian government has at times accused Saudi Arabia of supporting ISIS, which they had done up until the events of June 2014. Relations dropped to an all-time low following the Saudi state's execution of 47 Shia Muslim protesters in January 2016.

 العراق See Iraq–Saudi Arabia relations

Postwar Saudi policy focused on ways to contain potential Iraqi threats to the kingdom and the region. One elements of Riyadh's containment policy included support for Iraqi opposition forces that advocated the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's government. In the past, backing for such groups had been discreet, but in early 1992 the Saudi's invited several Iraqi opposition leaders to Riyadh to attend a well-publicised conference. To further demonstrate Saudi dissatisfaction with the regime in Baghdad, Crown Prince Abdallah permitted the media to videotape his meeting with some of the opponents of Saddam Hussein.

In 2019, Saudi Arabia has opened a new consulate in Baghdad. Earlier in 2016, the Kingdom reopened its embassy in Baghdad after it was closed in 1990.[63]

 إسرائيل See Israel–Saudi Arabia relations

A charter member of the Arab League, Saudi Arabia has supported Palestinian rights to sovereignty, and called for withdrawal from the Occupied Territories since 1967. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has changed its viewpoint concerning the validity of negotiating with Israel. It calls for Israel's withdrawal from territory occupied in June 1967 in order to obtain peace with the Arab states; then-Crown Prince Abdullah extended a multilateral peace proposal based on withdrawal in 2002. At that time, Israel did not respond to the offer. In 2007 Saudi Arabia again officially supported a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Saudi Arabia rejected the Camp David accords, claiming that they would be unable to achieve a comprehensive political solution that would ensure Palestinian Arabs could all move to Israel and the division of Jerusalem. In response to Egypt "betraying" the Arab States and signing peace with Israel, Saudi Arabia, along with all the Arab States, broke diplomatic relations with and suspended aid to Egypt, the two countries renewed formal ties in 1987.

Saudi Arabia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. The country participates in an active economic boycott of Israel. However, Saudi Arabia recognizes that its ally, the United States, has a strong and supportive relationship of Israel.

Saudi Arabia played an active role in attempting to bring the Palestinians towards a self-governing condition which would permit negotiations with Israel. It has done so primarily by trying to mend the schism between Fatah and Hamas, most notably when King Abdullah invited the two factions to negotiations in Mecca resulting in the Mecca Agreement of 7 February 2007. The agreement soon failed, but Saudi Arabia has continued to support a national unity government for the Palestinians, and strongly opposed Israel's war on Gaza in early 2009.

The Times has reported that Saudi Arabia has tested the ability to stand down their air defenses to allow an Israeli strike on Iran to pass through their airspace.[64] Both nations have denied this.[65][66]

 اليابان 1955 See Japan–Saudi Arabia relations

Relations between Japan and Saudi Arabia were established in 1955. Japan is a major trading partner for Saudi Arabia. In 2006, Japan exported $5.103 million worth of goods to the Kingdom, primarily automobiles, machinery and equipment, and metals. In the same year, Saudi Arabia exported $33.624 million worth of goods to Japan, primarily crude oil and petroleum products. Japan imported 1.3 million barrels a day of Saudi crude in 2006, 31% of the nation's total supply.[67]


Relations with Jordan became strained in the years following the Persian Gulf war. Relations were mended in 1996 when Prince Abdullah visited the country. The countries have since met and discussed international development and the Arab situation.

Saudi Arabia is responsible for ending the Hashemite dynasty's control over Hejaz through their conquests following World War I. Jordan is currently ruled by a branch of the dynasty originally from Hejaz, and installed in Trans-Jordan by the British following the conquest of the region from the Ottomans. It is not entirely apparent how this influences their relationship.

 الكويت See Kuwait–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Kuwait has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Kuwait City,
 لبنان See 2017 Lebanon–Saudi Arabia dispute

In 1989, Saudi Arabia along with the United States helped mediate the end of the fifteen-year Lebanese Civil War through the Taif Agreement.[68] Following the assassination of Rafik Hariri, Saudi Arabia called for the immediate withdrawal of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon.[69] Saudi Arabia has opposed Hezbollah's influence in Lebanon as they are seen to be aligned with Iran. On 4 November 2017 Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his resignation from Saudi Arabia, this action led to the 2017 Lebanon–Saudi Arabia dispute.

  • Maldives has an embassy in Riyadh
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Malé
 ماليزيا See Malaysia – Saudi Arabia relations

Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and Malaysia has an embassy in Riyadh. Relations, both diplomatic and economic, are quite close between the two Muslim-majority Organisation of Islamic Cooperation members. Additionally, there is a sizable population of Malaysian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.

 عُمان See Oman–Saudi Arabia relations

There have been economic, social and political ties between the two countries.[70]

 پاكستان 1947 See Pakistan–Saudi Arabia relations

Bilateral relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are largely friendly. Pakistan has been called the closest non-Arab ally of Saudi Arabia, or "Saudi Arabia's closest Muslim ally"[71] Saudi Arabia has been rocking the cradle of Pakistani politics, brokering truce among warring leaders, providing asylum to those being exiled and generously lavishing funds on a state strapped for cash.[72]

Diplomatic relations were established at the independence of Pakistan in 1947 and have strengthened considerably owing to cooperation in regional affairs and trade. In 1969 the personnel of the Pakistani Air Force flew the Saudi fighter planes to ward off an invasion from South Yemen. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invested in Pakistan, in many Industries. Since the inception of Pakistan, Pakistan has been playing a major and important role in the development of Saudi Arabia. Pakistan has provided assistance in the field of science and technology, infrastructure development and many more fields, Pakistan is providing training facilities to Saudi Armed forces. The Faisal Mosque, the National Mosque of Pakistan in Islamabad, is named in honour of King Faisal and was funded by Saudi Arabia.

Faisal Mosque, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Due to the Kingdom's continuing support, many places in Pakistan are named after Saudi Kings and Saudi Arabia in general. For example, the city previously named Lyallpur was renamed Faisalabad in honor of the late Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Also, in Karachi, Pakistan, there are neighbourhoods named Saud Colony, Saudabad, Faisal Colony. Also in Karachi, there is an airforce base name Faisal Airbase named after King Faisal and also, in the honor of King Faisal, the main business street of Pakistan is called Sharah-e-Faisal in Karachi.

In 2005, due to passing of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan declared a seven-day mourning period. Saudi Arabia also hosted former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for 8 years while he was in exile. During his stay there, Kingdom held talks with Sharif and even provided him with license to operate business in the Kingdom. It is believed that it was Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which held talks with President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to foster their relationship and to allow Sharif back in Pakistan.

The WikiLeaks files revealed in 2010 that Saudis are "long accustomed to having a significant role in Pakistan's affairs."[73] One of the Saudi diplomat boasted about the Saudi involvement in Pakistani affairs, stating, "We in Saudi Arabia are not observers in Pakistan, we are participants."[74] Saudi Arabia also complained over President Zardari's alleged corruption and bias against Shiite Iran, thus fearing a Shia triangle stretching from Iraq, Iran to Pakistan.[75] Wikileaks further revealed that, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, then Saudi assistant minister of interior, described the Pakistani Chief of Army staff Ashfaq Parvez Kayani as a "decent man" and the Pakistani Army as Saudi Arabia's "winning horse" and its "best bet"[76] for "stability".[73] Time reported that "despite the tensions with Zardari's government, military and intelligence links between Riyadh and Islamabad remain strong and close." Time interviewee, Arif Rafiq of an international consulting firm, stated that the cables "demonstrate that the Saudis have deep vested interests in Pakistan and an influence that is so significant that even the U.S. in some way relies on Saudi knowledge of the country."[73]


The internationally recognized PA government maintains cordial relations with Saudi Arabia and has aligned itself with the pro-Saudi bloc in the region, while Saudi Arabia is hostile to Hamas due it its backing from Iran. Despite cordial relations, beginning sometime in the mid to late 2000s, Saudi Arabia has continued to support Palestine, albeit in a limited fashion and has adopted the position of a peaceful settlement between the Arab/Islamic world and Israel, and has been criticized at times of 'betraying' Palestine.

  • Palestine has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate in Jeddah.
 الفلپين See Philippines–Saudi Arabia relations

The Philippines–Saudi Arabia relations refers to the bilateral relations of the Philippines and Saudi Arabia. Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on 24 October 1969

Trade relations

In 2012, Saudi Arabia was the 10th largest trading partner of the Philippines, 31st and 8th largest market in the export and import market respectively. Saudi Arabia was also the Philippines' largest trading partner and import supplier, and second largest export market in the Middle East. According to the Saudi government, trade between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines amounted to $3.6 billion in 2011, a bigger figure from compared to the previous year's trade figure amounting to $2.7 billion.

Labor relations

As of June 2013, there are about 674,000 Filipinos working in Saudi Arabia according to the Saudi Ministry of Interior. A landmark agreement on Filipino household service workers were signed between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines. The agreement was the first for Saudi Arabia with a labor-supplying country.[77]

In 2012, about 150,000 Filipino female nurses are working in Saudi Arabia. This accounts for 25 percent of the total number of Overseas Filipino Workers in the Kingdom.[78]

 قطر See Qatar–Saudi Arabia relations

In 1969, an agreement with Qatar was reached about their borders after three years of dispute. A final agreement about the Qatar border was signed in 2001.

After a March 2014 meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain announced the recall of their ambassadors to Qatar.[79][80][81]

Some financial economists have interpreted the 2014 Saudi–Qatari rift as the tangible political sign of a growing economic rivalry between oil and natural gas producers, which could "have deep and long-lasting consequences" beyond the Middle East-North Africa area.[82]

On 5 June 2017, Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic relations, as well as other ties, with Qatar.[83] Saudi Arabia explained the decision by referring to Qatar's "embrace of various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at destabilising the region", including the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, Islamic State, and groups supported by Iran in the kingdom's eastern province of Qatif.[84]

 كوريا الجنوبية 1963

Relations between South Korea and Saudi Arabia were established in 1963. South Korea has an embassy in Riyadh, and a consulate-general in Jeddah.[85][86] Korean International School of Jeddah(KISJ) covers the Korean syllabus and taught subjects in Korean language. In business, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil to the Republic of Korea (300,000,000 barrels, 2014) and Number of Koreans living in Saudi Arabia in (2014): 5,215.[87] Also, ARAMCO Korea was established in 2012. In 2016, two-way trade volume reached US$29.04 billion with South Korea exporting cars, electronic goods, steel and other items to Saudi Arabia and importing oil and other petrochemical products from it.[88] Now, South Korea is described as a "core" partner for the Saudi Vision 2030 project, noting progress in joint efforts to flesh out their cooperation scheme to realize the vision.[88]

 سريلانكا 1974
  • Sri Lanka has an embassy in Riyadh
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Colombo
 سوريا See Saudi Arabia–Syria relations

President Bashar Al Assad welcomed King Abdullah Al Saud in Damascus in October 2009. The relations between the two countries have greatly deteriorated in recent years, following the Syrian civil war. On 26 February, Syria blamed the Saudi government for arming the rebels with weapons from Croatia, a charge both governments deny. Due to the ongoing Syrian Civil War, Saudi Arabia closed its embassy in Syria.[89]

 تايلند 1957 See Saudi Arabia–Thailand relations

Relations between Saudi Arabia and Thailand were established in 1957. The country enjoyed a very friendly and strongly strategic partnership[90] The historically friendly and strategic relationship between Thailand and Saudi Arabia had drastically deteriorated since the 1990s, following the Blue Diamond Affair. Diplomatic missions were downgraded to the chargé d'affaires level and the number of Thai workers in Saudi Arabia plummeted.[90] Saudi Arabia did not issue working visas for Thais and discouraged its citizens from visiting the country. Relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia, already strained, plunged to a new low in 2014 following a Criminal Court decision that acquitted five ex-police officers in relation to the murder of a Saudi businessman in 1990.[91] On January 26, 2022, both countries announced they restored full diplomatic relations and have appointed ambassadors.[92] Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Bangkok and Thailand has an embassy in Riyadh.[93]

 تركيا See Saudi Arabia–Turkey relations

Turkey was one of the first states that recognised the country in 1926 and had a diplomatic mission in Hijaz.[94] Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Ankara and a consulate – general in Istanbul.[95] Turkey has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate – general in Jeddah.[96][97] Both countries are full members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). On the other hand, in 1986 Saudi Arabia proposed that Turkey should have ended commercial relations with Iran and that it could compensate Turkey's losses resulting from this.[98]

 الإمارات العربية المتحدة See Saudi Arabia–United Arab Emirates relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Abu Dhabi and a consulate-general in Dubai.
  • United Arab Emirates has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.
 اليمن June 2011

See Saudi-Yemen Relations

For Saudi Arabia, Yemen has long been a serious national security concern. Relations between the two countries have historically fluctuated with the Saudis having many access points into Yemen via both formal and informal networks. Then Crown Prince Sultan managed the tribal networks for decades but the tribal system is diminishing and the Saudi tribal connections have weakened as a result. While relations with former President Saleh were often stormy, Saudi Arabia considers the Iranian backed Houthis to be a terrorist group and a threat to the stability of not only their kingdom but the entire region. Due to these concerns, Saudi Arabia led an invasion of Yemen in 2015, resulting in an ongoing conflict.


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
  • Albania has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Tirana.
 النمسا 10 September 1957 See Austria–Saudi Arabia relations
 كرواتيا 8 June 1995[101] See Croatia–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Croatia is represented in Saudi Arabia through its embassy in Cairo (Egypt).
  • Saudi Arabia isn't represented in Croatia but citizens that need any assistance are advised to contact Saudi Arabia embassy in Sarajevo (BiH).
  • Both countries are members of the United Nations.
 قبرص 1960 See Cyprus–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Cyprus is represented through its honorary consulate in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented through its embassy in Nicosia.
  • Both countries are members of the United Nations.
  • [2]
 الدنمارك See Denmark–Saudi Arabia relations
 فنلندا 23 September 1969
 فرنسا 1926 See France–Saudi Arabia relations
  • France has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah.[106]
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Paris.[107]
 ألمانيا 1929 See Germany–Saudi Arabia relations
 اليونان See Greece–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Greece has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Athens.
  • Ireland has an embassy in Riyadh and an honorary consulate in Jeddah.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Dublin.
 كوسوڤو See Kosovo–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Kosovo has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia is accredited to Kosovo from its embassy in Tirana, Albania.
 ليختنشتاين April 2009
  • The interests of Liechtenstein are handled through the Swiss embassy in Riyadh.[111]
  • Saudi Arabia's embassy in Bern also serves as non-resident embassy for Liechtenstein.
 هولندا See Netherlands–Saudi Arabia relations
  • The Netherlands has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in The Hague.
 النرويج 1961
  • Norway has had an embassy in Riyadh since 1976.[112]
  • Saudi Arabia has had an embassy in Oslo since 2012.[112]
 پولندا See Poland–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Poland has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Warsaw.
 رومانيا See Romania – Saudi Arabia relations
  • Romania has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Bucharest.
 روسيا 1926 See Russia–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Russia has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Moscow.
 إسپانيا See Saudi Arabia–Spain relations
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Madrid and a consulate in Málaga.
  • Spain has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • The 2005 Project Simoom contract on weapon industry cooperation[113][114] was torn up by the Swedish government in 2015.[115]
  • Swedish foreign minister Wallström's planned speech[116] for the Arab Union in March 2015 was blocked by Saudi Arabia, after Sweden criticized Saudi Arabia on human rights issues.[117]
 أوكرانيا 1993 See Saudi Arabia–Ukraine relations
  • Saudi Arabia recognized Ukraine's independence in 1992.
  • Saudi Arabia is represented in Ukraine through its embassy in Kyiv.
  • Ukraine has an embassy in Riyadh and an honorary consulate in Jeddah.[118]
  • In January 2003, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma made an official visit to Saudi Arabia.
 المملكة المتحدة See United Kingdom-Saudi Arabia relations

The UK has an embassy in Riyadh, consulate in Jeddah and trade office in Al Khobar.[119] Saudi Arabia has an embassy and consulate in London.[120]


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 أستراليا See Australia–Saudi Arabia relations
  • Australia has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Canberra.
  • New Zealand has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Wellington and a consulate-general in Auckland.
 جزر سولومون July 2014

Both countries established diplomatic relations in July 2014.[121]

 تونگا December 2020 Both countries established diplomatic relations in 15 December 2020.[122]
 ڤانواتو August 2022 Both countries established diplomatic relations in August 2022.[123]

Public relations and propaganda

The reputation of Saudi Arabia in the West has always been controversial due to its record of human rights abuses and the Saudi involvement in the Yemen civil war.

The United Kingdom and United States have become a major centre for public relations (PR) supporting the Saudi regime. Lina Khatib, head of the Middle East and north Africa programme at Chatham House said that Saudi Arabia had embarked upon a "wide-ranging PR campaign focused on the UK and the US" since 2016, which involved English-language content targeting a British audience. This PR, linked with the support of Theresa May in arms sales during the war in Yemen. In the UK, media PR depicted Mohammed bin Salman as a reforming prince, and major newspapers ran adverts promoting Bin Salman's 'reform agenda'.[124][125]

This image has been undermined by disappearance and apparent Saudi state-sanctioned murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.[124][125] Following these allegations, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said, "We call on the government of Saudi Arabia to support a thorough investigation of Mr Khashoggi's disappearance and to be transparent about the results of that investigation"[126] and a UK Foreign Office spokesman said, "These are extremely serious allegations. We are aware of the latest reports and are working urgently to establish the facts, including with the government of Saudi Arabia." France also sought an explanation as to how an "accomplished and esteemed" journalist such as Khashoggi vanished.[127]

Following the murder of Khashoggi, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel halted the sale of weapons to Saudi. A non-binding resolution was also voted in the European Parliament to "impose an EU-wide arms embargo on Saudi Arabia". Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau threatened to cancel a multimillion-dollar defence contract amidst the Khashoggi controversy.[128]

Consulum, a London-based PR firm primarily staffed by former Bell Pottinger employees, has worked on communications programmes with the Saudi Arabian government and PR firm Freud Communications, which has worked with the kingdom in propagating the Saudi Vision 2030 relaunch under Bin Salman, distanced itself from the regime following the disappearance of Khashoggi. Pagefield Global Counsel and Kekst CNC (a London division of French PR company Publicis) have said that they previously worked with the regime but no longer work in Saudi Arabia.

A number of media companies have worked with the Saudi state to promote its overseas image. Bin Salman met Vice Media founder Shane Smith in early 2018 on his tour of the US, and Vice has had a team promoting the country with the Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG), a Saudi regime-affiliated publishing group and 'organ of soft power'. SMRG has signed a deal with The Independent to launch foreign-language websites (including Arabic) across the Middle East, which has led to concern over potential editorial influence by the Saudi publisher. SMRG also donates to the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change to facilitate Tony Blair's work on the Saudi modernisation programme.[124][125]

According to a FARA eFile document filed with the US Department of Justice, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. hired an ex-top lobbyist of the Heritage Foundation for a brief legislative push before the inauguration of 2020 President-elect Joe Biden and his administration. The contract with Off Hill Strategies worth $25,000-per-month was effective from 19 October 2020 through 18 January 2021, two days before the inauguration of President Biden. As per the filing, the PR firm was tasked with serving “federal legislative advocacy and related services to support the Embassy's congressional outreach efforts and further advance bilateral ties between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States.” During the primary debate of 2019, Biden was quoted as calling Saudi Arabia a “pariah” and promising to end the US arms sales to Riyadh following its alleged use in the Saudi-led coalition's war in Yemen that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians. Off Hill Strategies has been called the Saudi embassy's first hiring in 2020.[129][130]

International organization participation

Saudi Arabia is member of the ABEDA, AfDB, AFESD, AL, AMF, BIS, ESCWA, FAO, G-20, G-77, GCC, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICRM, IDA, IDB, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, International Maritime Organization, Inmarsat, Intelsat, Interpol, IOC, ISO, ITU, NAM, OAPEC, OAS (observer), OIC, OPCW, OPEC, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WCO, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTrO (Applicant)

See also


  1. ^ "Request Rejected". Retrieved 21 فبراير 2015.
  2. ^ ‘Saudis donate aid to non-Muslims' The Telegraph, 26 March 2006
  3. ^ "Saudi Aid to the Developing World". Saudinf. 20 أبريل 2009. Archived from the original on 2 يوليو 2019. Retrieved 1 مايو 2010.
  4. ^ "Arab Aid". Saudi Aramco World. 1979. Archived from the original on 13 يناير 2010. Retrieved 1 مايو 2010.
  5. ^ Gardner, Frank (20 أبريل 2016). "How strained are US-Saudi relations?". BBC News.
  6. ^ "The bizarre alliance between the US and Saudi Arabia is finally fraying". newstatesman.com (in الإنجليزية).
  7. ^ "The U.S. Might Be Better Off Cutting Ties With Saudi Arabia". Time (in الإنجليزية).
  8. ^ Noi, Aylin ¨Unver. "A Clash of Islamic Models" (PDF). CURRENT TRENDS IN ISLAMIST IDEOLOGY / VOL. 15. Hudson Institute. Retrieved 16 أبريل 2014. Saudi-led "Pro-Western Camp" aligned with the U.S. and composed of Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf states.
  9. ^ أ ب ت ث "Saudi Arabia". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 21 فبراير 2015.
  10. ^ أ ب ت "Saudi Arabia". U.S. Department of State. Retrieved 21 فبراير 2015.
  11. ^ Genin, Aaron (1 أبريل 2019). "A GLOBAL, SAUDI SOFT POWER OFFENSIVE: A SAUDI PRINCESS AND DOLLAR DIPLOMACY". The California Review (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 8 أبريل 2019.
  12. ^ "Saudi Arabia and China launch 'digital Silk Road'". businessreviewmiddleeast.com.[dead link]
  13. ^ "China's Xi Jinping calls Saudi king with pledge to boost ties". South China Morning Post (in الإنجليزية).
  14. ^ "Saudi Arabia, China Sign Deals Worth Up to $65 Billion". Foreign Policy.
  15. ^ "Public Opinion in Saudi Arabia". www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org (in الإنجليزية).
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Further reading

External links

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