رقم E
(تم التحويل من E number)
الأرقام E أو إنگليزية: E numbers هي عبارة عن أكواد تم الاتفاق عليها في الاتحاد الأوروربي (الحرف E يشير إلى كلمة Europe).[1] وهي غالباً ما توجد على ملصقات الأطهمة الموجودة في الاتحاد الأوروبي.[2] وتقع مسؤولية الأمان والموافقة على هذه المواد على (European Food Safety Authority).[3]
التصنيف بحسب المدى الرقمي
100–199 ملونات |
100–109 | الأصفر (see the full list) |
110–119 | البرتقالي | |
120–129 | الأحمر | |
130–139 | الأزرق والبنفسجي | |
140–149 | الأخضر | |
150–159 | البني والأسود | |
160–199 | الذهبي وألأوان أخرى | |
200–299 المواد الحافظة |
200–209 | مركبات السوربات |
210–219 | مركبات البنزوات | |
220–229 | مركبات السلفات | |
230–239 | الفينول & الفورمات | |
240–259 | مركبات النترات | |
260–269 | الأأسيتات (الخلات)s (ethanoates) | |
270–279 | مركبات اللاكتات | |
280–289 | مركبات البروبيوناتs (propanoates) | |
290–299 | مركبات أخرى | |
300–399 مضادات التأكسد & معدلات الحموضة |
300–305 | مركبات الأسكوربات (vitamin C) |
306–309 | توكوفيرول (vitamin E) | |
310–319 | gallates & erythorbates | |
320–329 | مركبات اللاكتات | |
330–339 | السترات & مركبات الطرطرات | |
340–349 | مركبات الفوسفات | |
350–359 | مركبات المالاتs & أديبات | |
360–369 | مركبات السوكسينات & مركبات الفومارات | |
370–399 | مركبات أخرى | |
400–499 المثخنات, المثبتات & العوامل الاستحلابية |
400–409 | الألجينات |
410–419 | الصموغ الطبيعية | |
420–429 | عوام طبيعية أخرى | |
430–439 | مركبات عديد الأيتلين | |
440–449 | عوامل استحلابية طبيعية | |
450–459 | مركبات الفوسفات | |
460–469 | مركبات السيللوز | |
470–489 | الحموض الدسمة & compounds | |
490–499 | مواد أخرى | |
500–599 معدلات الـ PH & مضادات التكتلs |
500–509 | الحموض المعدنية & أسس معدنية |
510–519 | مركبات الكلورايد & مركبات السلفات | |
520–529 | مركبات السلفات & مركبات الهيدروكسيد | |
530–549 | alkali metal compounds | |
550–559 | مركبات الساليسيلات | |
570–579 | مركبات السترات & مركبات الگلوكونات | |
580–599 | مركبات أخرى | |
600–699 محسنات الطعم |
620–629 | غلوتامات |
630–639 | inosinates | |
640–649 | مركبات أخرى | |
700–799 مضاد حيوي"مضادات حيوية |
710–713 | |
900–999 Miscellaneous |
900–909 | شموع |
910–919 | synthetic glazes | |
920–929 | improving agents | |
930–949 | packaging gases | |
950–969 | محليات | |
990–999 | foaming agents | |
1100–1599 مواد كيمائية أخرى |
مواد كيميائية جديدة لا تندرج تحت أي تصنيف سابق |
NB: Not all examples of a class fall into the given numeric range. Moreover, many chemicals, particularly in the E400–499 range, have a variety of purposes.
Full list
Each additional has its status:
- permitted additionals are labeled with N/A;
- forbidden additionals were proven to cause diseases beyond any doubt;
- unpermitted additionals are those for which conclusive test data is not yet available either due to ongoing tests or no testing;
- dangerous additionals may be dangerous for people with chronic diseases.
E100-E199 (colours)
Code | Name | Purpose | Status |
E100 | Curcumin, turmeric | food colouring (yellow-orange) | N/A |
E101 | Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), formerly called lactoflavin (Vitamin G) | food colouring (yellow-orange) | N/A |
E101a | Riboflavin-5'-Phosphate | food colouring (yellow-orange) | N/A |
E102 | Tartrazine (FD&C Yellow 5) | food colouring (lemon yellow) | Unpermitted |
E103 | Chrysoine resorcinol | food colouring (golden) | Forbidden |
E104 | Quinoline Yellow WS | food colouring (dull or greenish yellow) | Undergoing a voluntary phase-out in the UK. |
E105 | Fast Yellow AB | food colouring (yellow) | N/A |
E106 | Riboflavin-5-Sodium Phosphate | food colouring (yellow) | N/A |
E107 | Yellow 2G | food colouring (yellow) | N/A |
E110 | Sunset Yellow FCF (Orange Yellow S, FD&C Yellow 6) | food colouring (yellow-orange) | Banned in Finland, Norway & the UK (voluntarily). Products in the EU require warnings and is evaluating a phase-out. |
E111 | Orange GGN | food colouring (orange) | N/A |
E120 | Cochineal, Carminic acid (carmines, Natural Red 4) | food colouring (crimson) | N/A |
E121 | Citrus Red 2 | food colouring (dark red) | Forbidden |
E122 | Carmoisine, Azorubine | food colouring (red to maroon) | Undergoing a voluntary phase-out in the UK, currently banned in Canada, Japan, Norway, USA and Sweden. EU currently evaluating health risks. |
E123 | Amaranth (FD&C Red 2) | food colouring (dark red) | Forbidden |
E124 | Ponceau 4R (Cochineal Red A, Brilliant Scarlet 4R) | food colouring (red) | Unpermitted |
E125 | Ponceau SX, Scarlet GN | food colouring (red) | N/A |
E126 | Ponceau 6R | food colouring (red) | N/A |
E127 | Erythrosine (FD&C Red 3) | food colouring (red) | Unpermitted |
E128 | Red 2G | food colouring (red) | Forbidden |
E129 | Allura Red AC (FD&C Red 40) | food colouring (red) | Banned in Denmark, Belgium, فرنسا, Switzerland and Sweden. Undergoing a voluntary phase out in the UK. Permitted in the USA and by the EU (whilst preserving individual country bans). |
E130 | Indanthrene blue RS | food colouring (blue) | N/A |
E131 | Patent Blue V | food colouring (dark blue) | |
E132 | Indigo carmine (indigotine, FD&C Blue 2) | food colouring (indigo) | |
E133 | Brilliant Blue FCF (FD&C Blue 1) | food colouring (reddish blue) | N/A |
E140 | Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins: (i) Chlorophylls (ii) Chlorophyllins | food colouring (green) | N/A |
E141 | Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins (i) Copper complexes of chlorophylls (ii) Copper complexes of chlorophyllins | food colouring (green) | N/A |
E142 | Green S | food colouring (green) | Unpermitted |
E143 | Fast Green FCF (FD&C Green 3) | food colouring (sea green) | N/A |
E150a | Plain caramel | food colouring | N/A |
E150b | Caustic sulfite caramel | food colouring | N/A |
E150c | Ammonia caramel | food colouring | N/A |
E150d | Sulphite ammonia caramel | food colouring | N/A |
E151 | Black PN, Brilliant Black BN | food colouring | N/A |
E152 | Black 7984 | food colouring | N/A |
E153 | Carbon black, Vegetable carbon | food colouring | N/A |
E154 | Brown FK (kipper brown) | food colouring | Unpermitted |
E155 | Brown HT (chocolate brown HT) | food colouring | N/A |
E160a | Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Gamma-carotene | food colouring | N/A |
E160b | Annatto, bixin, norbixin | food colouring | |
E160c | Paprika oleoresin, Capsanthin, capsorubin | food colouring | N/A |
E160d | Lycopene | food colouring | N/A |
E160e | Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) | food colouring | N/A |
E160f | Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30) | food colouring | N/A |
E161a | Flavoxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161b | Lutein | food colouring | N/A |
E161c | Cryptoxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161d | Rubixanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161e | Violaxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161f | Rhodoxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161g | Canthaxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161h | Zeaxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161i | Citranaxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E161j | Astaxanthin | food colouring | N/A |
E162 | Beetroot Red, Betanin | food colouring | N/A |
E163 | Anthocyanins | food colouring | N/A |
E170 | Calcium carbonate, Chalk | food colouring | N/A |
E171 | Titanium dioxide | food colouring (pure white) | N/A |
E172 | Iron oxides and hydroxides | food colouring | N/A |
E173 | Aluminium | food colouring | Unpermitted |
E174 | Silver | food colouring | N/A |
E175 | Gold | food colouring | N/A |
E180 | Pigment Rubine, Lithol Rubine BK | food colouring | Unpermitted |
E181 | Tannin | food colouring | N/A |
E182 | Orcein, Orchil | food colouring | N/A |
E200-E299 (preservatives)
E300-E399 (antioxidants, acidity regulators)
E400-E499 (thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers)
E500-E599 (acidity regulators, anti-caking agents)
E600-E699 (flavour enhancers)
E700-E799 (antibiotics)
E900-E999 (miscellaneous)
E1000-E1999 (additional chemicals)
- ^ UK Food Standards Agency
- ^ European Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners
- ^ Food Additives and Ingredients Association, no date, Frequently Asked Questions, accessed 6 March 2010
- ^ New Zealand Food Safety Authority. "Identifying Food Additives" (PDF). Retrieved 16 January 2010.
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