ثورة شين‌هاي

ثورة شين‌هاي (ثورة 1911)
Xinhai Revolution in Shanghai.jpg
ثورة العشرْتين في شانغهاي. الصورة أعلاه هي طريق نان‌جينگ بعد انتفاضة شانغهاي، مزين بأعلام خمس أعراق في اتحاد واحد التي كان يستعملها الثوريون.
التاريخ10 أكتوبر 1911 – 12 فبراير 1912
(4 months and 2 days)

 أسرة تشينگ

الصين الحكومة المؤقتة لجمهورية الصين
حكومة هوبـِيْ العسكرية لجمهورية الصين
جماعات وقوى ثورية أخرى مختلفة
مسئولون إقليميون وأمراء حرب
القادة والزعماء
الإمبراطورة الأرملة لونگ‌يو
الأمير الوصي زاي‌فنگ
رئيس الوزراء يوان شي‌كاي
فنگ گووژانگ
ما آن‌ليانگ
دوان چي‌روي
يانگ زنگ‌شين
ما چي
عدد من نبلاء أسرة تشينگ الآخرين
الرئيس المؤقت صن يات-سن
الجنرال هوانگ شينگ
سونگ جياور
تشن چي‌مـِيْ
الصين نائب الرئيس المؤقت لي يوان‌هونگ
الصين الرئيس المؤقت يوان شي‌كاي
200,000 100,000
الضحايا والخسائر
~170,000 ~50,000
ثورة شين‌هاي
Xinhai Revolution (Chinese characters).svg
"ثورة شين‌هاي" بالحروف الصينية
المعنى الحرفيثورة جذع-فرع شين‌هاي

ثورة شين‌هاي Xinhai Revolution (أو ثورة شين-هاي)، التي تُعرف أيضاً بإسم ثورة 1911 أو الثورة الصينية، كانت ثورة أطاحت بآخر أسرة إمبراطورية في الصين (أسرة تشينگ)، وأسست جمهورية الصين (ROC). سُمِّيت الثورة شين‌هاي (شين-هاي) لأنها نشبت في 1911، سنة الشين‌هاي (辛亥) الجذع-الفرع في الدورة الستينية في التقويم الصيني.[2]

تكونت الثورة من عدد من الثورات الصغيرة والاتنفاضات. نقطة التحول كانت انتفاضة ووتشانگ في 10 أكتوبر 1911، التي كانت نتيجة سوء التعامل مع حركة حماية السكك الحديدية. انتهت الثورة بنزول "الامبراطور الأخير" ابن السادسة، پويي، في 12 فبراير 1912، وهو الحدث الذي ميّز انتهاء 2,000 سنة من الحكم الامبراطوري وبداية العهد الجمهوري المبكر (1912–16) في الصين.[3]

نشبت الثورة أساساً رداً على تدهور أسرة تشينگ، التي ثبت عدم فعالية جهودها لتحديث الصين ومواجهة العدوان الأجنبي، وقد تفاقم ذلك بالاستياء العرقي من أقلية المانچو الحاكمة. فالعديد من الجماعات السرية المناوئة لتشينگ، بدعم من الثوريين الصينيين في المنفى، حاولوا الإطاحة بأسرة تشينگ. الحرب الأهلية الوجيزة التي تـَبـِعـَت ذلك انتهت بتسوية سياسية بين يوان شي‌كاي، الرجل القوي العسكري في أواخر تشينگ، وصن يات-سن، زعيم تونگ‌منگ‌هوي (العصبة المتحدة). وبعد أن حوّل بلاط تشينگ السلطة إلى الجمهورية حديثة الإنشاء، خـُلـِقت حكومة التحالف المؤقتة بجانب المجلس الوطني. إلا أن السلطة السياسية للحكومة الوطنية الجديدة في بـِيْ‌جينگ سرعان ما احتكرها يوان مما أدى إلى عقود من الانقسام السياسي ونشأة أمراء الحرب، بما في ذلك محاولات عدة لاستعادة الامبراطورية.

اعتبرت كلُ من جمهورية الصين في تايوان و جمهورية الصين الشعبية في البر الرئيسي نفسيهما الخليفة الشرعي لثورة شين‌هاي وبجــَّلـَتا المُثـُل العليا للثورة بما في ذلك الوطنية والجمهورية، وعصرنة الصين و الوحدة الوطنية. فالعاشر من أكتوبر يُحتفى به في تايوان بإسم يوم العشرتين، بأنه اليوم الوطني لجمهورية الصين. وفي بر الصين الرئيسي، وهونگ كونگ ومكاو،[citation needed] فإن نفس اليوم عادةً ما يُحتفى به بوصفه ذكرى ثورة شين‌هاي.[4] كما يحتفل العديد من الصينيين وراء البحار بالذكرى في كل تشايناتاون في أرجاء العالم.[بحاجة لمصدر]


الخريطة الرسمية لإمبراطورية تشينگ منشورة في 1905.
بعد فشل إصلاح المائة يوم في 1898، فرّ مستشارو گوانگ‌شو كانگ يووِيْ (يسار، 1858–1927) و ليانگ چي‌تشاو (1873–1929) إلى المنفى، بينما أُعدِم تان سي‌تونگ (يمين، 1865–1898). وفي كندا، شكـَّل كانگ و ليانگ جمعية حماية الامبراطور للترويج لملكية دستورية في الصين. وفي 1900، دعما انتفاضة غير ناجحة لإنقاذ گوانگ‌شو. وبعد ثورة شين‌هاي، اصبح ليانگ وزير العدل في جمهورية الصين. وظل كانگ ملكياً وساند استعادة آخر امبراطور تشينگ، پويي في 1917.
الإمبراطورة الأرملة تسي‌شي (1835–1908)، التي جسدت بلاط تشينگ المحافظ وسيطرت على سياسة البلاط لمدة 47 عاماً، أوقفت محاولة ابن أخيها، گوانگ‌شو الامبراطور (1871–1908)، الامبراطور قبل الأخير من تشينگ، لوضع إصلاحات في 1898.

After suffering its first defeat to the West in the First Opium War in 1842, the Qing court struggled to contain foreign intrusions into China. Efforts to adjust and reform the traditional methods of governance were constrained by a deeply conservative court culture where ethnic Manchu rulers did not want to give too much authority to the Han Chinese majority.

In the wars against the Taiping (1851–64), Nian (1851–68), Muslims of Yunnan (1856–68) and the Northwest (1862–77), the traditional Manchu armies proved themselves incompetent, and the court came to rely on local Han armies.[5]

Following defeat in the Second Opium War, the Qing tried to modernize by adopting certain Western technologies through the Self-Strengthening Movement from 1861.[6] In 1895, China suffered a serious defeat during the First Sino-Japanese War.[7] This demonstrated that traditional Chinese feudal society also needed to be modernized if the technological and commercial advancements were to succeed. In 1898, the Guangxu Emperor was guided by reformers like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao for a drastic reform in education, military and economy under the Hundred Days' Reform.[7] The reform was a failure, as it was ended prematurely by a conservative coup led by Empress Dowager Cixi.[8] The Guangxu Emperor, who had always been a puppet emperor dependent on Cixi, was put under house arrest in June 1898.[5] Reformers Kang and Liang would be exiled. While in Canada, in June 1899, they tried to form the Emperor Protection Society in an attempt to restore the emperor.[5] Empress Dowager Cixi mainly controlled the Qing dynasty from this point on. The Boxer Rebellion prompted another foreign invasion of Beijing in 1900 and the imposition of unequal treaty terms, which carved away territories, created extraterritorial concessions and gave away trade privileges. Under internal and external pressure, the Qing court began to adopt some of the reforms. The Qing managed to maintain its monopoly on political power by suppressing, often with great brutality, all domestic rebellions. Dissidents could operate only in secret societies and underground organizations, in foreign concessions or in exile overseas.

تنظيم الثورة

من اليسار إلى اليمين: Tse Tsan-tai, Yeung Ku-wan (الرئيس)، Sun Yat-sen, three of the earliest revolutionaries

أول الجماعات

Many revolutionaries and groups wanted to overthrow the Qing government to re-establish the Han-led government. The earliest revolutionary organizations were founded outside of China, such as Yeung Ku-wan's Furen Literary Society, created in Hong Kong in 1890. There were 15 members, including Tse Tsan-tai, who did political satire such as "The Situation in the Far East", one of the first-ever Chinese manhua, and who later became one of the core founders of the South China Morning Post.[9]

Dr. Sun Yat-sen in London

Sun Yat-sen's Xingzhonghui (Revive China Society) was established in Honolulu in 1894 with the main purpose of raising funds for revolutions.[10] The two organizations merged in 1894.[11]

الجماعات الأصغر

The Huaxinghui (China Revival Society) was founded in 1904 by notables like Huang Xing, Zhang Shizhao, Chen Tianhua , Sun Yat-sen, and Song Jiaoren, along with 100 others. Their motto was "Take one province by force, and inspire the other provinces to rise".[12]

The Guangfuhui (Restoration Society) was also founded in 1904, in Shanghai, by Cai Yuanpei. Other notable members include Zhang Binglin and Tao Chengzhang.[13] Despite professing the anti-Qing cause, the Guangfuhui was highly critical of Sun Yat-sen.[14] One of the most famous female revolutionaries was Qiu Jin, who fought for women's rights and was also from Guangfuhui.[14]

There were also many other minor revolutionary organizations, such as Lizhi Xuehui (勵志學會) in Jiangsu, Gongqianghui (公強會) in Sichuan, Yiwenhui (益聞會) and Hanzudulihui (漢族獨立會) in Fujian, Yizhishe (易知社) in Jiangxi, Yuewanghui (岳王會) in Anhui and Qunzhihui (群智會/群智社) in Guangzhou.[15]

Criminal organizations also existed that were anti-Manchu, including the Green Gang and Hongmen Zhigongtang (致公堂).[16] Sun Yat-sen himself came in contact with the Hongmen, also known as Tiandihui (Heaven and Earth society).[17][18]

Gelaohui (Elder Brother Society) was another group, with Zhu De, Wu Yuzhang, Liu Zhidan (劉志丹) and He Long. This revolutionary group would eventually develop a strong link with the later Communist Party.

Sun Yat-sen with members of the Tongmenghui


Sun Yat-sen successfully united the Revive China Society, Huaxinghui and Guangfuhui in the summer of 1905, thereby establishing the unified تونگ‌منگ‌هوي (العصبة المتحدة) in August 1905 in Tokyo.[19] While it started in Tokyo, it had loose organizations distributed across and outside the country. Sun Yat-sen was the leader of this unified group. Other revolutionaries who worked with the Tongmenghui include Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin. لدى تأسيس تونگ‌منگ‌هوي، كان أكثر من 90% من أعضاء تونگ‌منگ‌هوي أعمارهم بين 17 و 26 سنة.[20] Some of the work in the era includes manhua publications such as the Journal of Current Pictorial.[21]

الجماعات اللاحقة

In February 1906, Rizhihui (日知會) also had many revolutionaries, including Sun Wu (孫武), Zhang Nanxian (張難先), He Jiwei and Feng Mumin.[22][23] A nucleus of attendees at this conference evolved into the Tongmenhui's establishment in Hubei.

In July 1907, several members of Tongmenhui in Tokyo advocated a revolution in the area of the Yangtze River. Liu Quiyi (劉揆一), Jiao Dafeng (焦達峰), Zhang Boxiang (張伯祥) and Sun Wu (孫武) established Gongjinhui (Progressive Association) (共進會).[24][25] In January 1911, the revolutionary group Zhengwu Xueshe (振武學社) was renamed as Wenxueshe (Literary Society) (文學社).[26] Jiang Yiwu (蔣翊武) was chosen as the leader.[27] These two organizations would play a big role in the Wuchang Uprising.

Many young revolutionaries adopted the anarchist program. In Tokyo, Liu Shipei proposed to overthrow the Manchus and return to Chinese classical values. In Paris, well-connected young intellectuals, Li Shizhen, Wu Zhihui and Zhang Renjie, agreed with Sun's revolutionary program and joined the Tongmenghui, but argued that simply replacing one government with another would not be progress; fundamental cultural change, a revolution in family, gender and social values, would remove the need for government and coercion. Zhang Ji and Wang Jingwei were among the anarchists who defended assassination and terrorism as means to awaken the people to revolution, but others insisted that education was the only justifiable strategy. Important anarchists included Cai Yuanpei. Zhang Renjie gave Sun major financial help. Many of these anarchists would later assume high positions in the Kuomintang (KMT).[28]


Many revolutionaries promoted anti-Qing/anti-Manchu sentiments and revived memories of conflict between the ethnic minority Manchu and the ethnic majority Han Chinese from the late Ming dynasty (1368–1644). Leading intellectuals were influenced by books that had survived from the final years of the Ming dynasty, the last dynasty of Han Chinese. In 1904, Sun Yat-sen announced that his organization's goal was "to expel the Tatar barbarians, to revive Zhonghua, to establish a Republic, and to distribute land equally among the people." (驅除韃虜, 恢復中華, 創立民國, 平均地權).[19] Many underground groups promoted the ideas of "Resist Qing and restore Ming" (反清復明) that had been around since the days of the Taiping Rebellion.[29] Others, such as Zhang Binglin, supported straight-up lines like "slay the Manchus" and concepts like "Anti-Manchuism" (興漢滅胡 / 排滿主義).[30]

الطبقات والجماعات

Many groups supported the 1911 Revolution, including students and intellectuals returning from abroad, as well as participants of revolutionary organizations, overseas Chinese, soldiers of the new army, local gentry, farmers, and others.

الصينيون وراء البحار

Assistance from overseas Chinese was important in the 1911 Revolution. In 1894, the first year of the Revive China Society, the first meeting ever held by the group was held in the home of Ho Fon, an overseas Chinese who was the leader of the first Chinese Church of Christ.[31] Overseas Chinese supported and actively participated in funding revolutionary activities, especially the Southeast Asian Chinese of Malaya (Singapore and Malaysia).[32] Many of these groups were reorganized by Sun, who was referred to as the "father of the Chinese revolution".[32]

المثقفون الجدد

The Qing government established new schools and encouraged students to study abroad as part of the Self-Strengthening movement. Many young people attended the new schools or went abroad to study in places like Japan.[33] A new progressive class of intellectuals emerged from those students, who contributed immensely to the 1911 Revolution. Besides Sun Yat-sen, key figures in the revolution, such as Huang Xing, Song Jiaoren, Hu Hanmin, Liao Zhongkai, Zhu Zhixin and Wang Jingwei, were all Chinese students in Japan. Some were young students like Zou Rong, known for writing Revolutionary Army, a book in which he talked about the extermination of the Manchus for the 260 years of oppression, sorrow, cruelty, and tyranny, and turning the sons and grandsons of Yellow Emperor into George Washingtons.[34]قالب:Colloquialism

Before 1908, revolutionaries focused on coordinating these organizations in preparation for uprisings they would launch; hence, these groups would provide most of the manpower needed for the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty. After the 1911 Revolution, Sun Yat-sen recalled the days of recruiting support for the revolution and said, "The literati were deeply into the search for honors and profits, so they were regarded as having only secondary importance. By contrast, organizations like Sanhehui were able to sow widely the ideas of resisting the Qing and restoring the Ming."[35]

الطبقة العليا ورجال الأعمال

أمير تشينگ مع بعض أعضاء الوزارة الملكية.

The gentry's strength in local politics became apparent. From December 1908, the Qing government created some apparatus to allow the gentry and businessmen to participate in politics. These middle-class people were originally supporters of constitutionalism. However, they became disenchanted when the Qing government created a cabinet with Prince Qing as prime minister.[36] By early 1911, an experimental cabinet had thirteen members, nine of whom were Manchus selected from the imperial family.[37]

المؤيدون الأجانب

Besides Chinese and overseas Chinese, some supporters and participants of the 1911 Revolution were foreigners; among them, the Japanese were the most active group. Some Japanese even became members of Tongmenghui. Miyazaki Touten was the closest Japanese supporter; others included Heiyama Shu and Ryōhei Uchida. Homer Lea, an American, who became Sun Yat-sen's closest foreign advisor in 1910, supported Sun Yat-sen's military ambitions.[38] British soldier Rowland J. Mulkern also took part in the revolution.[39] Some foreigners, such as English explorer Arthur de Carle Sowerby, led expeditions to rescue foreign missionaries in 1911 and 1912.[40]

Yuan rose to power in north China and built the Beiyang Army.

The far right-wing Japanese ultra-nationalist Black Dragon Society supported Sun Yat-sen's activities against the Manchus, believing that overthrowing the Qing would help the Japanese take over the Manchu homeland and that Han Chinese would not oppose the takeover. Toyama believed that the Japanese could easily take over Manchuria and that Sun Yat-sen and other anti-Qing revolutionaries would not resist and help the Japanese take over and enlarge the opium trade in China, while the Qing was trying to destroy the opium trade. The Japanese Black Dragons supported Sun Yat-sen and anti-Manchu revolutionaries until the Qing collapsed.[41] The far right-wing Japanese ultranationalist Gen'yōsha leader Tōyama Mitsuru supported anti-Manchu, anti-Qing revolutionary activities including the ones organized by Sun Yat-sen and supported Japanese taking over Manchuria. The anti-Qing Tongmenghui was founded and based in exile in Japan where many anti-Qing revolutionaries gathered.

The Japanese had been trying to unite anti-Manchu groups made out of Han people to take down the Qing. The Japanese were the ones who helped Sun Yat-sen unite all anti-Qing, anti-Manchu revolutionary groups together, and there were Japanese like Tōten Miyazaki inside of the anti-Manchu Tongmenghui revolutionary alliance. The Black Dragon Society hosted the Tongmenghui in its first meeting.[42] The Black Dragon Society had very intimate, long term and influential relations with Sun Yat-sen who sometimes passed himself off as Japanese.[43][44][45] According to an American military historian, Japanese military officers were part of the Black Dragon Society. The Yakuza and Black Dragon Society helped arrange in Tokyo for Sun Yat-sen to hold the first Kuomintang meetings, and were hoping to flood China with opium and overthrow the Qing and deceive the Chinese into overthrowing the Qing to Japan's benefit. After the revolution was successful, the Japanese Black Dragons started infiltrating China and spreading opium. The Black Dragons pushed for the takeover of Manchuria by Japan in 1932.[46] Sun Yat-sen was married to a Japanese woman, Kaoru Otsuki.

جنود الجيوش الجديدة

The New Army was formed in 1901 after the defeat of the Qings in the First Sino-Japanese War.[33] They were launched by a decree from eight provinces.[33] New Army troops were by far the best trained and equipped.[33] Recruits were of a higher quality than the old army and received regular promotions.[33] Beginning in 1908, the revolutionaries began to shift their call to the new armies. Sun Yat-sen and the revolutionaries infiltrated the New Army.[47]


كانت البؤر المركزية للانتفاضات مرتبطة في الغالب بتونگ‌منگ‌هوي وصن يات-سن، بما في ذلك جماعات الفرعية. بعض الانتفاضات شملت جماعات لم تندمج أبداً مع تونگ‌منگ‌هوي. ربما شارك صن يات-سن في 8-10 انتفاضات؛ فشلت جميع الانتفاضات قبل انتفاضة ووتشانگ.

علم انتفاضة گوانگ‌ژو الأولى

انتفاضة گوانگ‌ژو الأولى

في ربيع عام 1895، خططت جمعية إحياء الصين، التي تتخذ من هونگ‌ كونگ‌ مقرًا لها، لانتفاضة گوانگ‌ژو الأولى (廣州起義). وكُلِّف لو هاودونگ بتصميم علم الثوار "سماء زرقاء وشمس بيضاء". وفي 26 أكتوبر 1895، قاد يونگ كو-وان وصن يات-سن تشنگ شي‌ليانگ ولو هاودونگ إلى گوانگ‌ژو، استعدادًا للاستيلاء على گوانگ‌ژو بضربة واحدة. ومع ذلك، تسربت تفاصيل خططهم إلى حكومة تشينگ.[48] بدأت الحكومة في اعتقال الثوار، ومن بينهم لو هاودونگ، الذي أعدم فيما بعد.[48] كانت انتفاضة گوانگ‌ژو الأولى فاشلة. وتحت ضغط من حكومة تشينگ، حظرت حكومة هونگ كونگ على الرجلين دخول المنطقة لخمس سنوات. وذهب صن يات-سن إلى المنفى، وروج للثورة الصينية وجمع الأموال في اليابان والولايات المتحدة وكندا وبريطانيا. وفي عام 1901، بعد انتفاضة هوي‌ژو، اغتيل يونگ كو-وان على يد عملاء تشينگ في هونگ كونگ.[49] بعد وفاته، قامت عائلته بحماية هويته من خلال عدم وضع اسمه على قبره، حيث وضعت فقط الرقم: 6348.[49]

انتفاضة جيش الاستقلال

عام 1900، بعد أن بدأت ثورة الملاكمين، تولى تانگ تساي‌تشانگ (唐才常) وتان سي‌تونگ من جمعية تحرير القدم السابقة بتنظيم جيش الاستقلال. كان من المقرر أن تقوم انتفاضة جيش الاستقلال (自立軍起義) في 23 أغسطس 1900.[50] كان هدفهم هو الإطاحة بالإمبراطورة الأرملة تسي‌شي وتأسيس ملكية دستورية تحت حكم الامبراطور گوانگ‌شو. اكتشف الحاكم العام لهونان وهوبـِيْ مؤامرتهم. تم القبض على حوالي عشرين متآمرًا وإعدامهم.[50]

انتفاضة هوي‌ژو

في 8 أكتوبر 1900، أمر صن يات-سن بانطلاق انتفاضة هوي‌ژو (惠州起義).[51] كان الجيش الثوري بقيادة تشنگ شي‌ليانگ، وكان يضم في البداية 20.000 رجل، قاتلوا لمدة نصف شهر. ومع ذلك، بعد أن قام رئيس الوزراء الياباني بمنع صن يات-سن من القيام بأنشطة ثورية في تايوان، لم يكن أمام تشنگ شي‌ليانگ خيار سوى إصدار الأمر للجيش بالتفرق. وبالتالي فشلت هذه الانتفاضة أيضًا. شارك الجندي البريطاني رولاند مولكرن في هذه الانتفاضة.[39]

شخصيتان مهمتان في أسرة تشينگ، في تلك الأثناء

انتفاضة مينگ العظمى

وقعت انتفاضة قصيرة جداً في 25-28 يناير 1903، لتأسيس "مملكة مينگ السماوية العظمى" (大明順天國).[52] تضمنت هذه الانتفاضة تسى تسان-تاي، لي جي‌تانگ (李紀堂)، ليانگ موگوانگ (梁慕光) وهونگ تشوان‌فو (洪全福)، الذي شاركوا من قبل في انتفاضة جين‌تيان في فترة مملكة تاي‌پنگ السماوية.[53]

انتفاضة پينگ-ليو-لي

شارك ماو فويي (馬福益) وهواشينگ‌هوي في انتفاضة في ثلاثة مناطق؛ پينگ‌شيانگ، ليويانگ، ولي‌لينگ، سُميت "انتفاضة پينگ-ليو-لي" (萍瀏醴起義) عام 1905.[54] وقد جندت الانتفاضة عمال المناجم في وقت مبكر من عام 1903 للثورة ضد الطبقة الحاكمة في أسرة تشينگ. وبعد فشل الانتفاضة، أُعدم ما فويي.[54]

محاولة اغتيال محطة قطارات ژنگ‌يانگ‌من الشرقية، بـِيْ‌جينگ

Wu Yue (吳樾) of Guangfuhui carried out an assassination attempt محطة قطارات ژنگ‌يانگ‌من الشرقية (正陽門車站) in an attack on five Qing officials on September 24, 1905.[14][55]

انتفاضة هوانگ‌گانگ

انتفاضة هوانگ‌گانگ (黃岡起義) was launched on May 22, 1907, in Chaozhou.[56] The Revolutionary party, along with Xu Xueqiu (許雪秋), Chen Yongpo (陳湧波) and Yu Tongshi (余通實), launched the uprising and captured Huanggang city.[56] Other Japanese that followed include (萱野長知) and (池亨吉).[56] After the uprising began, the Qing government quickly and forcefully suppressed it. Around 200 revolutionaries were killed.[57]

انتفاضة هوي‌ژو چي‌نوهو

In the same year, Sun Yat-sen sent more revolutionaries to Huizhou to launch the "Huizhou Qinuhu Uprising" (惠州七女湖起義).[58] On June 2, Deng Zhiyu (鄧子瑜) and Chen Chuan (陳純) gathered some followers, and together, they seized Qing arms in the lake, 20 km (12 mi) from Huizhou.[59] They killed several Qing soldiers and attacked Taiwei (泰尾) on the 5th.[59] The Qing army fled in disorder, and the revolutionaries exploited the opportunity, capturing several towns. They defeated the Qing army once again in Bazhiyie. Many organizations voiced their support after the uprising, and the number of revolutionary forces increased to two hundred men at its height. The uprising, however, ultimately failed.

A statue to honor female revolutionary Qiu Jin

انتفاضة آن‌چنگ

On July 6, 1907, Xu Xilin of Guangfuhui led an uprising in آن‌چنگ, Anhui, which became known as the Anqing Uprising (安慶起義).[26] Xu Xilin at the time was the police commissioner as well as the supervisor of the police academy. He led an uprising that was to assassinate the provincial governor of Anhui, En Ming (恩銘).[60] They were defeated after four hours of fighting. Xu was captured, and En Ming's bodyguards cut out his heart and liver and ate them.[60] His cousin Qiu Jin was executed a few days later.[60]

انتفاضة چين‌ژو

From August to September 1907, the Qinzhou Uprising occurred (欽州防城起義).,[61] to protest against heavy taxation from the government. Sun Yat-sen sent Wang Heshun (王和順) there to assist the revolutionary army and captured the county in September.[62] After that, they attempted to besiege and capture Qinzhou, but they were unsuccessful. They eventually retreated to the area of Shiwandashan, while Wang Heshun returned to Vietnam.

انتفاضة ژن‌نان‌گوان

في 1 ديسمبر 1907، نشبت انتفاضة ژن‌نان‌گوان (鎮南關起事) في ژن‌نان‌گوان، المعبر على الحدود الصينية-الڤيتنامية. Sun Yat-sen sent Huang Mintang (黃明堂) to monitor the pass, which was guarded by a fort.[62] With the assistance of supporters among the fort's defenders, the revolutionaries captured the cannon tower in Zhennanguan. Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin personally went to the tower to command the battle.[63] The Qing government sent troops led by Long Jiguang and Lu Rongting to counterattack, and the revolutionaries were forced to retreat into the mountainous areas. After the failure of this uprising, Sun was forced to move to Singapore due to anti-Sun sentiments within the revolutionary groups.[64] He would not return to the mainland until after the Wuchang Uprising.

انتفاضة چين-ليان

On March 27, 1908, Huang Xing launched a raid, later known as the Qin-lian Uprising (欽廉上思起義), from a base in Vietnam and attacked the cities of Qinzhou and Lianzhou in Guangdong. The struggle continued for fourteen days but was forced to terminate after the revolutionaries ran out of supplies.[65]

انتفاضة هى‌كو

In April 1908, another uprising was launched in Yunnan, Hekou, called the Hekou Uprising (雲南河口起義). Huang Mingtang (黃明堂) led two hundred men from Vietnam and attacked Hekou on April 30. Other revolutionaries who participated include Wang Heshun (王和順) and Guan Renfu (關仁甫). They were outnumbered and defeated by government troops, however, and the uprising failed.[66]

انتفاضة ماپاوينگ

On November 19, 1908, the Mapaiying Uprising (馬炮營起義) was launched by revolutionary group Yuewanghui (岳王會) member Xiong Chenggei (熊成基) at Anhui.[67] Yuewanghui, at this time, was a subset of تونگ‌منگ‌هوي. This uprising also failed.

انتفاضة الجيش الجديد في گنگ‌شو

In February 1910, the Gengxu New Army Uprising (庚戌新軍起義), also known as the Guangzhou New Army Uprising (廣州新軍起義), took place.[68] This involved a conflict between the citizens and local police against the New Army. After revolutionary leader Ni Yingdian was killed by Qing forces, the remaining revolutionaries were quickly defeated, causing the uprising to fail.

The memorial for the 72 martyrs

انتفاضة گوانگ‌ژو الثانية

On April 27, 1911, an uprising occurred in گوانگ‌ژو، known as انتفاضة گوانگ‌ژو الثانية (辛亥廣州起義) or Yellow Flower Mound Revolt (黃花岡之役). It ended in disaster, as only 72 bodies were ever found.[69] The 72 revolutionaries were remembered as martyrs.[69] Revolutionary Lin Juemin (林覺民) was one of the 72. On the eve of battle, he wrote the legendary "A Letter to My Wife" (與妻訣別書), later to be considered as a masterpiece in Chinese literature.[70]

انتفاضة ووتشانگ

The Iron blood 18-star flag
مسارات الانتفاضة

The Literary Society (文學社) and the Progressive Association (共進會) were revolutionary organizations involved in the uprising that mainly began with a Railway Protection Movement protest.[25] In the late summer, some Hubei New Army units were ordered to neighboring Sichuan to quell the Railway Protection Movement, a mass protest against the Qing government's seizure and handover of local railway development ventures to foreign powers.[71] Banner officers like Duanfang, the railroad superintendent,[72] and Zhao Erfeng led the New Army against the Railway Protection Movement.

The New Army units of Hubei had originally been the Hubei Army, which had been trained by Qing official Zhang Zhidong.[3] On September 24, the Literary Society and Progressive Association convened a conference in Wuchang, along with sixty representatives from local New Army units. During the conference, they established a headquarters for the uprising. The leaders of the two organizations, Jiang Yiwu (蔣翊武) and Sun Wu (孫武), were elected as commander and chief of staff. Initially, the date of the uprising was to be October 6, 1911.[73] It was postponed to a later date due to insufficient preparations.

Revolutionaries intent on overthrowing the Qing dynasty had built bombs, and on October 9, one accidentally exploded.[73] Sun Yat-sen himself had no direct part in the uprising and was traveling in the United States at the time in an effort to recruit more support from among overseas Chinese. The Qing Viceroy of Huguang, Rui Cheng (瑞澂), tried to track down and arrest the revolutionaries.[74] Squad leader Xiong Bingkun (熊秉坤) and others decided not to delay the uprising any longer and launched the revolt on October 10, 1911, at 7 pm.[74] The revolt was a success; the entire city of Wuchang was captured by the revolutionaries on the morning of October 11. That evening, they established a tactical headquarters and announced the establishment of the "Military Government of Hubei of Republic of China".[74] The conference chose Li Yuanhong as the governor of the temporary government.[74] Qing officers like the bannermen Duanfang and Zhao Erfeng were killed by the revolutionary forces.

الانتفاضات الإقليمية

خريطة الانتفاضة أثناء ثورة شين‌هاي.

بعد نجاح انتفاضة ووتشانگ، اندلعت العديد من الاحتجاجات الأخرى في جميع أنحاء البلاد لأسباب مختلفة. أعلنت بعض الانتفاضات استعادة حكم صينيو الهان، وكانت الانتفاضات الأخرى بمثابة خطوة نحو الاستقلال، وكانت بعضها احتجاجات أو تمردات ضد السلطات المحلية.[بحاجة لمصدر] وبغض النظر عن سبب الانتفاضة فإن النتيجة كانت أن جميع المقاطعات في البلاد تخلت عن أسرة تشينگ وانضمت إلى جمهورية الصين.

استعادة تشانگ‌شا

On 22 October 1911, the Hunan Tongmenghui were led by Jiao Dafeng (焦達嶧) and Chen Zuoxin (陳作新).[75] They headed an armed group, consisting partly of revolutionaries from Hongjiang and partly of defecting New Army units, in a campaign to extend the uprising into Changsha.[75] They captured the city and killed the local Imperial general. Then they announced the establishment of the Hunan Military Government of the Republic of China and announced their opposition to the Qing Empire.[75]

استقلال سيچوان

On November 21, Guang'an organized the Great Han Shu northern Military Government.[76][77]

On November 22, Chengdu and Sichuan began to declare independence. By the 27th, the Great Han Sichuan Military Government was established, headed by revolutionary Pu Dianzun (蒲殿俊).[76] Qing official Duan Fang (端方) would also be killed.[76]

انتفاضة نان‌كنگ

معركة 1911 عند بوابة تا-پينگ، نان‌كنگ. اللوحة بريشة ت. مي‌يانو.

في 8 نوفمبر، وبدعم من تونگ‌منگ‌هوي، أعلن شو شاوژن (徐紹楨) من الجيش الجديد انتفاضة في رواق مولين (秣陵關)، على بعد 30 كيلومتراً من نان‌كنگ. قرر شو شاوژن وتشن تشي‌ميْ وجنرالات آخرون من الجيش المتحد تحت قيادة شو مهاجمة نان‌كنگ معاً. في 11 نوفمبر، تأسست مقرات الجيش المتحد في ژن‌جيانگ. ما بين 24 نوفمبر و1 ديسمبر، تحت قيادة شو شاوژن، استولى الجيش المتحد على وولوگ‌شان (烏龍山)، موفوشان (幕府山))، يوهواتاي (雨花臺))، تيان‌باو (天保城)) ومعاقل أخرى لجيش تشينگ. في 2 ديسمبر، استولى الثوار على نان‌كنگ بعد معركة نان‌كنگ، 1911.[76] في 3 ديسمبر، قاد الثوري سو ليانگ‌بي قوات لتنفيذ مذبحة لعدد كبير من المنچو. بعد فترة وجيزة اعتقل سو وتفرقت قواته.[78]

انتفاضة شآن‌شي

في اليوم نفسه، قام التونگ‌منگ هوي من شآن‌شي، تحت قيادة جينگ دينگ‌تشنگ (景定成) وتشيان دينگ (錢鼎) بالإضافة إلى جينگ وومو (井勿幕) وآخرين من بينهم گلاوهوي، بانتفاضة والاستيلاء على شآن‌شي بعد يومين من القتال.[76] انقسم المسلمين الهوي في دعمهم للثورة. فقد أيد مسلمو الهوي في شآن‌شي الثوار، في حين أيد مسلمو الهوي في گان‌سو أسرة تشينگ. وانضم مسلمو الهوي الأصليون (المحمديون) في شي‌آن (مقاطعة شآن‌شي) إلى ثوار صينيو الهان في ذبح المنچو.[79][80][81] قاد المسلمون الهوي الأصليون في مقاطعة گان‌سو بقيادة الجنرال ما آن‌ليانگ أكثر من عشرين كتيبة من قوات المسلمين الهوي للدفاع عن إمبراطوريي تشينگ وهاجموا شآن‌شيالتي كانت تحت سيطرة الثوري ژانگ فنگ‌هوي (張鳳翽).[82] كان الهجوم ناجحًا، وبعد وصول الأخبار التي تفيد بأن پويي على وشك التنازل عن العرش، وافق ما على الانضمام إلى الجمهورية الجديدة.[82] أسس الثوار "حكومة تشين‌لونگ فوهان العسكرية" وانتخبوا ژانگ فونگ‌هوي، عضو جمعية يوان‌ري‌ژي (原日知會)، حاكمًا جديدًا.[76] بعد سقوط حي المنچو في شي‌آن في 24 أكتوبر، قتلت قوات شين‌هاي جميع المنچو في المدينة، وقُتل حوالي 20.000 من المنچو في المذبحة.[83][84] وقد انتحر العديد من مدافعي المنچ، بما في ذلك الجنرال ون‌روي (文瑞)، الذي ألقى بنفسه في بئر.[83] لم ينجُ سوى بعض المنچو الأثرياء الذين دُفعت فدية أسرهم والنساء المنچو. استولى صينيو الهان الأثرياء على فتيات المنچو ليصبحن جاريات لهم[85] واستولت قوات صينيو الهان الفقيرة على نساء المنچو الشابات كزوجات لهم.[86] كما تم قبض مسلمي الهوي على فتيات منچو صغيرات في شي‌آن أثناء المذبحة وتم تربيتهن كمسلمات.[87]

انتفاضة جيوجيانگ

On 23 October, Lin Sen, Jiang Qun (蔣群), Cai Hui (蔡蕙) and other members of the Tongmenghui in the province of Jiangxi plotted a revolt of New Army units.[75][88] After they achieved victory, they announced their independence. The Jiujiang Military Government was then established.[88]

انتفاضة شان‌شي تاي‌يوان

On 29 October, Yan Xishan of the New Army led an uprising in Taiyuan, the capital city of the province of Shanxi, along with Yao Yijie (姚以價), Huang Guoliang (黃國梁), Wen Shouquan (溫壽泉), Li Chenglin (李成林), Zhang Shuzhi (張樹幟) and Qiao Xi (喬煦).[88][89]

The rebels in Taiyuan bombarded the streets where Banner people resided and killed all the Manchu.[90] They managed to kill the Qing Governor of Shanxi, Lu Zhongqi (陸鍾琦).[91] They then announced the establishment of Shanxi Military Government with Yan Xishan as the military governor.[76] Yan Xishan would later become one of the warlords that plagued China during what was known as "the warlord era".

Kunming Double Ninth Uprising

On 30 October, Li Genyuan (李根源) of the Tongmenghui in Yunnan joined with Cai E, Luo Peijin (羅佩金), Tang Jiyao, and other officers of the New Army to launch the Double Ninth Uprising (重九起義).[92] They captured Kunming the next day and established the Yunnan Military Government, electing Cai E as the military governor.[88]

استعادة نان‌چانگ

في 31 أكتوبر، قاد فرع التونگ‌منگ‌هوي في نان‌چانگ وحدات الجيش الجديد في انتفاضة ناجحة. وأسسوا حكومة جيانگ‌شي العسكرية.[75] وُاعلن لي ليْ‌جون حاكماً عسكرياً.[88] أعلن لي استقلال جيانگ‌شي وأطلق حملة ضد يوان شي‌كاي، مسئول تشينگ.[70]

انتفاضة شانغهاي المسلحة

تشن تشي‌ميْ، الحاكم العسكري لشانغهاي.

On 3 November, Shanghai's Tongmenghui, Guangfuhui and merchants led by Chen Qimei (陳其美), Li Pingsu (李平書), Zhang Chengyou (張承槱), Li Yingshi (李英石), Li Xiehe (李燮和) and Song Jiaoren organized an armed rebellion in Shanghai.[88] They received support from local police officers.[88] The rebels captured the Jiangnan Workshop on the 4th and captured Shanghai soon after. On 8 November, they established the Shanghai Military Government and elected Chen Qimei as the military governor.[88] He would eventually become one of the founders of the ROC four big families, along with some of the most well-known families of the era.[93]

انتفاضة گوي‌ژو

On 4 November, Zhang Bailin (張百麟) of the revolutionary party in Guizhou led an uprising along with New Army units and students from the military academy. They immediately captured Guiyang and established the Great Han Guizhou Military Government, electing Yang Jincheng (楊藎誠) and Zhao Dequan (趙德全) as the chief and vice governor respectively.[94]

انتفاضة ژى‌جيانگ

Also on 4 November, revolutionaries in Zhejiang urged the New Army units in Hangzhou to launch an uprising.[88] Zhu Rui (朱瑞), Wu Siyu (吳思豫), Lu Gongwang (吕公望) and others of the New Army captured the military supplies workshop.[88] Other units, led by Chiang Kai-shek and Yin Zhirei (尹銳志), captured most of the government offices.[88] Eventually, Hangzhou was under the control of the revolutionaries, and the constitutionalist Tang Shouqian (湯壽潛) was elected as the military governor.[88]

استعادة جيانگ‌سو

On 5 November, Jiangsu constitutionalists and gentry urged Qing governor Cheng Dequan (程德全) to announce independence and established the Jiangsu Revolutionary Military Government with Cheng himself as the governor.[88][95] Unlike some other cities, anti-Manchu violence began after the restoration on 7 November in Zhenjiang.[96] Qing general Zaimu (載穆) agreed to surrender, but because of a misunderstanding, the revolutionaries were unaware that their safety was guaranteed.[96] The Manchu quarters were ransacked, and an unknown number of Manchus were killed.[96] Zaimu, feeling betrayed, committed suicide.[96] This is regarded as the Zhenjiang Uprising (鎮江起義).[97][98]

انتفاضة آن‌هوي

كما أطلاق أعضاء التونگ‌منگ‌هوي في آن‌هوي انتفاضة في ذلك اليوم وضربوا حصاراً على عاصمة المقاطعة. أقنع الدستوريون ژو جياباو (朱家寶)، حاكم تشينگ في آن‌هوي، بإعلان الاستقلال.[99]

انتفاضة گوانگ‌شي

في 7 نوفمبر، قررت إدارة سياسات گوانگ‌شي الانفصال عن حكومة تشينگ، معلنة استقلال گوانگ‌شي. سُمح لحاكم تشينگ شن بينگ‌كون (沈秉堃) بالبقاء حاكمًاً لكن لو رونگ‌تينگ سرعان ما أصبح الحاكم الجديد.[62] برز لو رونگ‌تينگلاحقًا خلال "عصر أمراء الحرب" باعتباره أحد أمراء الحرب، وسيطر قطاع الطرق التابعون له على گوانگ‌شي لأكثر من عشر سنوات.[100] تحت قيادة هوانگ شاوهونگ، تم تجنيد طالب القانون المسلم باي تشونگ‌شي في وحدة "تجرأ على الموت" للقتال كثوري.[101]

استقلال فوجيان

One of the old buildings occupied by the Guangfuhui in Lianjiang County, Fujian

In November, members of Fujian's branch of the Tongmenghui, along with Sun Daoren (孫道仁) of the New Army, launched an uprising against the Qing army.[102][103] The Qing viceroy, Song Shou (松壽), committed suicide.[104] On 11 November, the entire Fujian province declared independence.[102] The Fujian Military Government was established, and Sun Daoren was elected as the military governor.[102]

استقلال گوانگ دونگ

Near the end of October, Chen Jiongming, Deng Keng (鄧鏗), Peng Reihai (彭瑞海) and other members of Guangdong's Tongmenghui organized local militias to launch the uprising in Huazhou, Nanhai, Sunde and Sanshui in Guangdong Province.[76][105] On 8 November, after being persuaded by Hu Hanmin, General Li Zhun (李準) and Long Jiguang (龍濟光) of the Guangdong Navy agreed to support the revolution.[76] The Qing viceroy of Liangguang, Zhang Mingqi (張鳴岐), was forced to discuss with local representatives a proposal for Guangdong's independence.[76] They decided to announce it the next day. Chen Jiongming then captured Huizhou. On 9 November, Guangdong announced its independence and established a military government.[106] They elected Hu Hanmin and Chen Jiongming as Chief and Vice-Governor.[107] Qiu Fengjia is known to have helped make the independence declaration more peaceful.[106] It was unknown at the time if representatives from the European colonies of Hong Kong and Macau would be ceded to the new government.[مطلوب توضيح]

استقلال شاندونگ

On 13 November, after being persuaded by revolutionary Ding Weifen and several other officers of the New Army, the Qing governor of Shandong, Sun Baoqi, agreed to secede from the Qing government and announced Shandong's independence.[76]

انتفاضة ننگشيا

On 17 November, Ningxia Tongmenghui launched the Ningxia Uprising (寧夏會黨起義). The revolutionaries sent Yu Youren to Zhangjiachuan to meet Dungan Sufi Master Ma Yuanzhang to persuade him not to support the Qing. However, Ma did not want to endanger his relationship with the Qings. He sent the eastern Gansu Muslim militia under the command of one of his sons to help Ma Qi fight the Ningxia Gelaohui.[108][109] Ma Anliang, Changgeng and Shengyun failed to capture Shaanxi from the revolutionaries. In Ningxia, Qing forces were attacked by both Hui Muslim Gelaohui and Han Gelaohui members, while Hui general Ma Qi and Ma Yuanzhang were in the Qing forces fighting against them but Ma Yuanzhang defected to the republicans after Ma Anliang gave up on the Qing.[110] However, the Ningxia Revolutionary Military Government was established on 23 November.[76] Some revolutionaries involved included Huang Yue (黃鉞) and Xiang Shen (向燊), who gathered New Army forces at Qinzhou (秦州).[111][112] Ma Qi then pledged allegiance to Yuan Shikai and the Republic of China upon the abdication of the Qing like Ma Anliang did. Han general Dong Fuxiang's family, his wife Tung Chao-shih (Dong Zhaoshi), nephew Tung Wen (Dong Wen), and grandson Tung Kung (Dong Gong) fought for the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 in Gansu.[113]

استقلال سيتشوان

On 21 November, Guang'an organized the Great Han Shu Northern Military Government.[76][114]

On 22 November, Chengdu and Sichuan began to declare independence. By the 27th, the Great Han Sichuan Military Government was established, headed by revolutionary Pu Dianzun (蒲殿俊).[76] Qing official Duan Fang (端方) would also be killed.[76]

انتفاضة نانكينگ

1911 battle at Ta-ping gate, Nanking. Painting by T. Miyano.

On 8 November, supported by the Tongmenghui, Xu Shaozhen (徐紹楨) of the New Army announced an uprising in Molin Pass (秣陵關), 30 km (19 mi) away from Nanking City.[76] Xu Shaozhen, Chen Qimei and other generals decided to form a united army under Xu to strike Nanking together. On 11 November, the united army headquarters was established in Zhenjiang. Between 24 November and 1 December, under the command of Xu Shaozhen, the united army captured Wulongshan (烏龍山), Mufushan (幕府山), Yuhuatai (雨花臺), Tianbao City (天保城) and many other strongholds of the Qing army.[76] On 2 December, Nanking City was captured by the revolutionaries after the Battle of Nanking, 1911.[76] On 3 December, revolutionary Su Liangbi led troops in a massacre of a large number of Manchus (the exact number is not known).[115] Shortly afterward he was arrested and his troops disbanded.[115]

انتفاضة دي‌هوا و يي‌لي

In Xinjiang on 28 December, Liu Xianzun (劉先俊) and revolutionaries started the Dihua Uprising (迪化起義).[116] This was led by more than 100 members of Gelaohui.[117] This uprising failed. On 7 January 1912, the Yili Uprising (伊犁起義) with Feng Temin (zh) (馮特民) began.[116][117] Qing governor Yuan Dahua (zh) (袁大化) fled and submitted his resignation to Yang Zengxin, because he could not handle fighting the revolutionaries.[118]

On 8 January, a new Yili government was established for the revolutionaries. Today some Chinese historians believe this contributed to the Qing dynasty fall, because this prevented the Qing dynasty's plan to flee to the western country.[119][117] The revolutionaries would be defeated at Jinghe in January and February,[118][120] eventually, because of the abdication to come, Yuan Shikai recognized Yang Zengxin's rule, appointed him Governor of Xinjiang and had the province join the Republic.[118] Eleven more former Qing officials would be assassinated in Zhenxi, Karashahr, Aksu, Kucha, Luntai and Kashgar in April and May 1912.[118]

The revolutionaries printed new multi-lingual media.[121]

انتفاضات التخوم

استقلال التبت

In 1905, the Qing sent Zhao Erfeng to Tibet to retaliate against التمردات.[122] By 1908, Zhao was appointed imperial resident in Lhasa.[122] Zhao was beheaded in December 1911 by pro-Republican forces.[123] The bulk of the area that was historically known as Kham was now the Xikang Administrative District, created by the Republican revolutionaries.[124] By the end of 1912, the last Manchu troops were escorted out of Tibet. Thubten Gyatso, the 13th Dalai Lama, returned to Tibet in January 1913 from Sikkim, where he had been residing.[125] When the new ROC government apologised for the actions of the Qing and offered to restore the Dalai Lama to his former position, he replied that he was not interested in Chinese ranks, that Tibet had never been subordinated to China, that Tibet was an independent country, and that he was assuming the spiritual and political leadership of Tibet.[125] Because of this, many have read this reply as a formal declaration of independence. The Chinese side ignored the response, and Tibet had thirty years free of interference from China.[125]

استقلال منغوليا

في نهاية 1911، the Mongols took action with an armed revolt against the Manchu authorities but was unsuccessful in the attempt.[126] An independence movement took place that was not limited to just North (outer) Mongolia but was a pan-Mongolian phenomenon.[126] On December 29, 1911, Bogd Khan became the leader of the Mongol empire. Inner Mongolia became a contested terrain between Khan and the Republic.[127] In general, Russia supported the Independence of Outer Mongolia (including Tannu Uriankhai) during the time of the Xinhai Revolution.[128] بعد ذلك اعترفت كل من التبت ومنغوليا ببعضهما البعض في معاهدة.

انتفاضة دي‌هوا و يي‌لي

In Xinjiang on December 28, Liu Xianzun (劉先俊) and the revolutionaries started the Dihua Uprising (迪化起義).[116] This was led by more than 100 members of Geilaohui.[117] This uprising failed. On January 7, 1912, the Yili Uprising (伊犁起義) with Feng Temin (馮特民) began.[116][117] Qing governor Yuan Dahua (袁大化) fled and handed over his resignation to Yang Zengxin, because he could not handle fighting the revolutionaries.[118]

In the morning of January 8, a new Yili government was established for the revolutionaries,[117] but the revolutionaries would be defeated at Jinghe in January and February.[118][120] Eventually because of the abdication to come، اعترف يوان شي‌كاي بحكم Yang Zengxin، وعيّنه حاكماً على Xinjiang and had the province join the Republic.[118] Eleven more former Qing officials would be assassinated in Zhenxi, Karashahr, Aksu, Kucha, Luntai و قشغر في أبريل ومايو 1912.[118]

انتفاضة تايوان

In 1911 as part of the Xinhai Revolution, Tongmenghui sent Luo Fu-xing (羅福星) to the جزيرة تايوان to free it from being occupied by the Japanese.[129] The goal was to bring Taiwan island back to the Chinese Republic by having the Taiwan Uprising (台灣起義).[130] Luo was caught and killed on March 3, 1914.[131] What was left was known as the "Miaoli incident", (苗栗事件) where more than 1,000 Taiwanese were executed by the Japanese police.[132] Luo's sacrifice is commemorated in Miaoli.[131]

تغيير الحكومة

ختم رئيس الحكومة المؤقتة لجمهورية الصين

الشمال: آخر محاولة تحول لبلاط تشينگ

On November 1, 1911, the Qing government appointed يوان شي‌كاي as the prime minister of the imperial cabinet, replacing Prince Qing.[133] On November 3, the Qing court passed the Nineteen Articles (憲法重大信條十九條), which turned the Qing from an autocratic system with the emperor having unlimited power to a constitutional monarchy.[134][135] On November 9, Huang Xing even cabled يوان شي‌كاي and invited him to join the Republic.[136] The court changes were too late, and the emperor was about to have to step down.

الجنوب: حكومة في نانكينگ

في 28 نوفمبر 1911، عادت كلٌ من ووتشانگ و هان‌يانگ للسقوط في قبضة جيش تشينگ. So for safety, the revolutionaries convened their first conference at the British concession in Hankou في 30 نوفمبر.[137] By December 2, the revolutionary forces were able to capture Nanking in the uprising; the revolutionaries decided to make it the site of the new provisional government.[138] في ذلك الوقت، كانت بكين مازالت عاصمة تشينگ.

تانگ شاويي، يسار. إدوارد سلبي لتل، بالوسط. وو تنگ‌فانگ، يمين.

مؤتمر الشمال والجنوب

في 18 ديسمبر، انعقد مؤتمر الشمال والجنوب (南北議和) في شانغهاي لمناقشة قضايا الشمال والجنوب.[139] اختار يوان شي‌كاي Tang Shaoyi as his representative.[139] Tang left Beijing for Wuhan to negotiate with the revolutionaries.[139] The revolutionaries chose Wu Tingfang.[139] With the intervention of six foreign powers, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Russia, Japan, and France, Tang Shaoyi and Wu Tingfang began to negotiate a settlement at the British concession.[140] Foreign businessman Edward Selby Little (李德立) acted as the negotiator and facilitated the peace agreement.[141] They agreed أن يوان شي‌كاي would force the Qing emperor to abdicate in exchange for the southern provinces' support of Yuan as the president of the Republic. After considering the possibility that the new republic might be defeated in a civil war or by foreign invasion, Sun Yat-sen agreed to Yuan's proposal to unify China تحت حكومة يوان شي‌كاي في بكين. Further decisions were made to let the emperor rule over his little court in the New Summer Palace. He would be treated as a ruler of a separate country and have expenses of several million taels in silver.[142]

تأسيس الجمهورية

صن يات-سن في 1912 في أحد مفترقات الطرق التاريخية مع عـَلـَمَي خمس أعراق في اتحاد واحد و سماء زرقاء وشمس بيضاء

جمهورية الصين تـُعلَن وصدور علم وطني

في 29 ديسمبر 1911، اِنتُخـِب صن يات-سن كأول رئيس مؤقت.[143] January 1, 1912, was set as the first day of the First Year of the ROC.[144] On January 3, the representatives recommended Li Yuanhong as the provisional vice president.[145]

During and after the Xinhai Revolution, many groups that participated wanted their own pennant as the national flag. During the Wuchang Uprising, the military units of Wuchang wanted the nine-star flag with Taijitu.[146] Others in competition included Lu Haodong's Blue Sky with a White Sun flag. Huang Xing favored a flag bearing the mythical "well-field" system of village agriculture. In the end, the assembly compromised: the national flag would be the banner of Five Races Under One Union.[146] The Five Races Under One Union flag with horizontal stripes represented the five major nationalities of the republic.[147] The red represented Han, the yellow represented Manchus, the blue for Mongols, the white for Muslims, and the black for Tibetans.[146][147] Despite the general target of the uprisings to be the Manchus, Sun Yat-sen, Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing unanimously advocated racial integration to be carried out from the mainland to the frontiers.[148]

حادثة دونگ‌هوامن

On January 16, while returning to his residence, Yuan Shikai was ambushed in a bomb attack organized by the Tongmenghui in Donghuamen (東華門), Tientsin, Beijing.[149] A total of eighteen revolutionaries were involved. About ten of the guards died, but Yuan himself was not seriously injured.[149] He sent a message to the revolutionaries the next day pledging his loyalty and asking them not to organize any more assassination attempts against him.

المرسوم الامبراطوري بالنزول عن العرش

تنازل الامبراطور عن العرش

Zhang Jian drafted an abdication proposal that was approved by the Provisional Senate. On January 20, Wu Tingfang of the Nanking Provisional government officially delivered the imperial edict of abdication to Yuan Shikai for the abdication of Puyi.[135] On January 22, Sun Yat-sen announced that he would resign the presidency in favor of Yuan Shikai if the latter supported the emperor's abdication.[150] Yuan then pressured Empress Dowager Longyu with the threat that the lives of the imperial family would not be spared if abdication did not come before the revolutionaries reached Beijing, but if they agree to abdicate, the provisional government would honor the terms proposed by the imperial family.

On February 3, Empress Dowager Longyu gave Yuan full permission to negotiate the abdication terms of the Qing emperor. Yuan then drew up his own version and forwarded it to the revolutionaries on February 3.[135] His version consisted of three sections instead of two.[135] On February 12, 1912, after being pressured by Yuan and other ministers, Puyi (age six) and Empress Dowager Longyu accepted Yuan's terms of abdication.[144]

الجدال حول العاصمة

As a condition for ceding leadership to Yuan Shikai, Sun Yat-sen insisted that the provisional government remain in Nanjing. On February 14, the Provisional Senate initially voted 20-5 in favor of making Beijing the capital over Nanjing, with two votes going for Wuhan and one for Tianjin.[151] The Senate majority wanted to secure the peace agreement by taking power in Beijing.[151] Zhang Jian and others reasoned that having the capital in Beijing would check against Manchu restoration and Mongol secession. But Sun and Huang Xing argued in favor of Nanjing to balance against Yuan's power base in the north.[151] Li Yuanhong presented Wuhan as a compromise.[152] The next day, the Provisional Senate voted again, this time, 19-6 in favor of Nanjing with two votes for Wuhan.[151] Sun sent a delegation led by Cai Yuanpei and Wang Jingwei to persuade Yuan to move to Nanjing.[153] Yuan welcomed the delegation and agreed to accompany the delegates back to the south.[154] Then on the evening of February 29, riots and fires broke out in all over the city.[154] They were allegedly started by disobedient troops of Cao Kun, a loyal officer of Yuan.[154] The disorder gave Yuan the pretext to stay in the north to guard against unrest. On March 10, Yuan was inaugurated in Beijing as the provisional president of the Republic of China.[155] On April 5, the Provisional Senate in Nanjing voted to make Beijing the capital of the Republic and convened in Beijing at the end of the month.

الحكومة الجمهورية في بكين

يوان شيكاي يحلف اليمين كرئيس مؤقت في بكين

في 10 مارس 1912، Yuan Shikai was sworn as the second Provisional President of the Republic of China in Beijing.[156] The government based in Beijing, called the Beiyang Government, was not internationally recognized as the legitimate government of the Republic of China until 1928, so the period from 1912 until 1928 was known simply as the "Beiyang Period". The first National Assembly election took place according to the Provisional Constitution. While in Beijing, the Kuomintang was formed on August 25, 1912.[157] The KMT held the majority of seats after the election. Song Jiaoren was elected as premier. However, Song was assassinated in Shanghai on March 20, 1913, under the secret order of Yuan Shikai.[158]

ملوك الهان المقترحون

Some advocated that a Han be installed as Emperor, either the descendant of Confucius, who was the Duke Yansheng,[159][160][161][162][163] or the Ming dynasty Imperial family descendant, the Marquis of Extended Grace.[164][165]

وجهات نظر غربية

The American Christian Rev. Dr. George F. Pentecost spoke out against western imperialism, saying: As for the Chinese, I have the highest opinion not only of the Chinese character, but of the Chinese fitness for self-government. I think they are eminently fitted to make a republic successful. China, for instance, is infinitely better fitted than is Russia for development along republican lines. In fact, China has always been practically a republic. It has had its dynasties of rulers, but the political unit of China has always been the village. The village people have always had their influence upon the Government. What is more, the average Chinaman is intelligent.[166]


الأثر الاجتماعي

After the revolution, there was a huge outpouring of anti-Manchu sentiment through China, but particularly in Beijing where thousands died in anti-Manchu violence as Imperial restrictions on Han residency and behavior within the city crumbled as Manchu Imperial power crumbled.[167] Anti-Manchu sentiment is recorded in books like A Short History of Slaves (奴才小史) and The Biographies of Avaricious Officials and Corrupt Personnel (貪官污吏傳) by Laoli (老吏).[168][169]

During the abdication of the last emperor, Empress Dowager Longyu, Yuan Shikai and Sun Yat-sen both tried to adopt the concept of "Manchu and Han as one family" (滿漢一家).[168] People started exploring and debating with themselves on the root cause of their national weakness. This new search of identity was the New Culture Movement.[170] Manchu culture and language, on the contrary, has become virtually extinct by 2007.[171]

Unlike revolutions in the West, the Xinhai Revolution did not restructure society. The participants of the Xinhai Revolution were mostly military personnel, old-type bureaucrats, and local gentries. These people still held regional power after the Xinhai Revolution. Some became warlords. There were no major improvements in the standard of living. Writer Lu Xun commented in 1921 during the publishing of The True Story of Ah Q, ten years after the Xinhai Revolution, that basically nothing changed except "the Manchus have left the kitchen".[172] The economic problems were not addressed until the governance of Chiang Ching-kuo in Taiwan and Deng Xiaoping on the mainland.[173]

The Xinhai Revolution mainly got rid of feudalism (fengjian) from Late Imperial China. In the usual view of historians, there are two restorations of feudal power after the revolution: the first was Yuan Shikai; the second was Zhang Xun.[174] Both were unsuccessful, but the "feudal remnants" returned to China with the Cultural Revolution in a concept called guanxi, where people relied not on feudal relationships, but personal relationships, for survival.[175] While guanxi is helpful in Taiwan, on the mainland, guanxi is necessary to get anything done.[176]

الأهمية التاريخية

The Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing government and two thousand years of monarchy.[3] Throughout Chinese history, old dynasties had always been replaced by new dynasties. The Xinhai Revolution, however, was the first to overthrow a monarchy completely and attempt to establish a republic to spread democratic ideas throughout China. Though in 1911 at the provisional government welcome ceremony, Sun Yat-sen said, "The revolution is not yet successful, the comrades still need to strive for the future." (革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力).[177]

Since the 1920s, the two dominant parties–the KMT and CPC–see the Xinhai Revolution quite differently.[178] Both sides recognize Sun Yat-sen as the Father of the Nation, but in Taiwan, they mean "Father of the Republic of China".[178] On the mainland, Sun Yat-sen was seen as the man who helped bring down the Qing, a pre-condition for the Communist state founded in 1949.[178] The PRC views Sun's work as the first step towards the real revolution in 1949, when the communists set up a truly independent state that expelled foreigners and built a military and industrial power.[178] The father of New China is seen as Mao Zedong.[178] In 1954, Liu Shaoqi was quoted as saying that the "Xinhai Revolution inserted the concept of a republic into common people".[179][180] Zhou Enlai pointed out that the "Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing rule, ended 2000 years of monarchy, and liberated the mind of people to a great extent, and opened up the path for the development of future revolution. This is a great victory."[181]

التقييم الحديث

Commemorative coin, minted in Taiwan in 2011

A change in the belief that the revolution had been a generally positive change began in the late 1980s and 1990s, but Zhang Shizhao was quoted as arguing that "When talking about the Xinhai Revolution, the theorist these days tends to overemphasize. The word 'success' was way overused."[182]

The success of the democracy gained from the revolution can vary depending on one's view. Even after the death of Sun Yat-sen in 1925, for sixty years, the KMT controlled all five branches of the government; none were independent.[173] Yan Jiaqi, founder of the Federation for a Democratic China, has said that Sun Yat-sen is to be credited as founding China's first republic in 1912, and the second republic is the people of Taiwan and the political parties there now democratizing the region.[174]

Meanwhile, the ideals of democracy are far from realised on the mainland. For example, the Chinese premier Wen Jiabao once said in a speech that without real democracy, there is no guarantee of economic and political rights; but he led a 2011 crackdown against the peaceful Chinese jasmine protests.[183] Liu Xiaobo, a pro-democracy activist who received the global 2010 Nobel Peace Prize, is in prison.[184] Others, such as Qin Yongmin (秦永敏) of the Democracy Party of China, who was only released from prison after twelve years, do not praise the Xinhai Revolution.[185][186] Qin Yongmin said the revolution only replaced one dictator with another, that Mao Zedong was not an emperor, but he is worse than the emperor.[185][186][187]

انظر أيضاً

Zhongwen.svg هذه المقالة تحتوي على نصوص بالصينية.
بدون دعم الإظهار المناسب, فقد ترى علامات استفهام ومربعات أو رموز أخرى بدلاً من الحروف الصينية.


^ a: Many of the Qing soldiers with Han background turned to support the revolution during the uprisings, so the actual casualties are hard to trace.
^ b: Clipping from Min Bao (People's Papers). Originally the publishing of Hua Xin Hui and named China of the Twentieth Century, it was renamed after the establishment of Tongmenhui.


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مصادر رئيسية

  • Wu Xinghan (Chinese: 吳醒漢), Three Day Journal of Wuchang Uprising (Chinese: 武昌起義三日記).

شهادات معاصرة

  • Dingle, Edwin J. (1912). China's Revolution: 1911–1912. A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War. Shanghai, China: Commercial Press.
  • Kent, P. H. B. (1912). The Passing of the Manchus. London: E. Arnold.

مصادر ثانوية


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