
(تم التحويل من Ningxia)
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
الترجمة اللفظية بالـ Chinese
 • Chinese characters宁夏回族自治区
 • Xiao'erjingنِئٍ‌ثِيَا خُوِزُو زِجِ‌کِیُوِ
 • PinyinNíngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū
منظر النهر الأصفر ينساب في شاپوتو؛ ؛ قبر لأسرة شيا الغربية في شيشيا.
Location of Ningxia within China
Location of Ningxia within China
Country الصين
(and largest city)
Divisions5 prefectures، 21 counties، 219 townships
 • النوعAutonomous region
 • الكيانNingxia Hui Autonomous Regional People's Congress
 • CCP SecretaryLiang Yanshun
 • Congress ChairmanLiang Yanshun
 • Government ChairmanZhang Yupu
 • CPPCC ChairmanChen Yong
 • الإجمالي66٬399٫73 كم² (25٬637٫08 ميل²)
ترتيب المساحة27th
أعلى منسوب3٬556 m (11٬667 ft)
 • الإجمالي7٬202٬654
 • الترتيب30th
 • الكثافة110/km2 (280/sq mi)
 • ترتيب الكثافة25th
 • Ethnic compositionHan: 62%
Hui: 38%
 • Languages and dialectsLanyin Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin
ISO 3166 codeCN-NX
GDP (2021)CN¥452 billion
US$71.19 billion (29th)[3]
GDP per capitaCN¥62,549
US$9,695 (20th)
GDP growth 6.7%
HDI (2019)0.728[4] (high) (25th)
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.nx.gov.cn
Ningxia (Chinese characters).svg
"Níngxià" in Simplified (top) and Traditional (bottom) Chinese characters
الصينية المبسطة宁夏
الصينية التقليدية寧夏
Hanyu PinyinNíngxià
المعنى الحرفي"Pacified Xià"
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
الصينية المبسطة宁夏回族自治区
الصينية التقليدية寧夏回族自治區
Xiao'erjingنِئٍ‌ثِيَا خُوِزُو زِجِ‌ٿِيُوِ
Hanyu PinyinNíngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū
البريدNingsia Hui Autonomous Region

نينگ‌شيا/نينغ‌شيا ( Ningxia ؛ صينية مبسطة: 宁夏; صينية تقليدية: 寧夏; پن‌ين: Níngxià; ويد-گايلز: Ning-hsia؛ تهجي خريطة البريد: Ningsia)، الاسم الكامل: نينگشيا المنطقة المستقلة ذاتياً للهوي (صينية مبسطة: 宁夏回族自治区; صينية تقليدية: 寧夏回族自治區; پن‌ين: Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū)، هي منطقة مستقلة ذاتياً لقومية الهوي في جمهورية الصين الشعبية، وتقع في هضبة لوس الشمالي الغربي , ويجري النهر الأصفر في مساحات شاسعة من أراضيها. عاصمة المنطقة هي ين‌چوان Yinchuan. Formerly a province, Ningxia was incorporated into Gansu in 1954 but was later separated from Gansu in 1958 and reconstituted as an autonomous region for the Hui people, one of the 56 officially recognised nationalities of China. Twenty percent of China's Hui population lives in Ningxia.[5]

Ningxia is bounded by Shaanxi to the east, Gansu to the south and west and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the north and has an area of around 66,400 square kilometres (25,600 sq mi).[1] This sparsely settled, mostly desert region lies partially on the Loess Plateau and in the vast plain of the Yellow River and features the Great Wall of China along its northeastern boundary. Over about 2000 years an extensive system of canals ( total length about 1397 kilometers[6]) has been built from Qin dynasty. Extensive land reclamation and irrigation projects have made increased cultivation possible. The arid region of Xihaigu, which covers large parts of the province, suffers from severe water shortage, which the canals were intended to alleviate.[7]

Ningxia was the core area of the Western Xia in the 11th-13th century, established by the Tangut people; its name, "Peaceful Xia", derived from the Mongol conquest of the state.[8] The Tanguts made significant achievements in literature, art, music, and architecture, particularly invented Tangut script. Long one of the country's poorest areas, a small winemaking industry has become economically important since the 1980s. Before the arrival of viticulture, Ningxia's 6.8 million people, 36 per cent of whom are Muslims from the Hui ethnic group, relied largely on animal grazing, subsistence agriculture and the cultivation of wolfberries used in traditional Chinese medicine. Since then, winemaking has become the premier specialty of Ningxia, and the province devotes almost 40,000 hectares to vineyards and producing 120 million bottles of wine in 2017 – a quarter of the entire nation's production.[9]

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نينگشيا والمناطق المحيطة بها تم ضمتهم أسرة تشين إلى الصين في القرن الثالث ق.م.. وطيلة أسرة هان وأسرة تانگ تم تأسيس المزيد من المستوطنات.

As a frontier zone between nomadic pastoralists and sedentary farmers, Ningxia was a frequent seat of war and incursions by non-Chinese tribes. Ningxia and its surrounding areas were incorporated into the Qin as the Beidi Commandery as early as the 3rd century BC. To pacify the region, the imperial government established military colonies to reclaim land. In addition, horse pasturages were founded under the Imperial Stud to safeguard the supply of army horses, as early as the Western Han dynasty (206 BC – AD 9).[10] Throughout the Han dynasty and the Tang dynasty there were several large cities established in the region. The Liang Province rebellion at the end of the Han Dynasty affected Ningxia.

وبحلول القرن الحادي عشر أسست قبيلة تانگوت أسرة شيا الغربية على أطراف أسرة سونگ. اليهود أيضاً عاشوا في نينگ‌شيا، فحين وقع فيضان كبير دمر لفائف توراة في كاي‌فنگ، أرسِل بديل لها إلى يهود كاي‌فنگ من الجاليات اليهودية في ننگ‌بو ونينگ‌شيا.[11]

ثم سقطت تحت سيطرة المنغول بعد أن فتح جنگيز خان ين‌تشوان في مطلع القرن الثالث عشر. كما بدأ المسلمون من آسيا الوسطى في الانتقال إلى نينگ‌شيا من الغرب. By the late 17th century, Ningxia had become a weaving centre, producing many early Chinese carpets.[12] ثورة الدونگان المسلمين في القرن التاسع عشر أثرت على نينگ‌شيا.

في 1914، اندمجت نينگ‌شيا مع مقاطعة گان‌سو. إلا أنها، في 1928 انفصلت عن گان‌سو وأصبحت مقاطعة منفصلة. وبين 1914 و 1928، حـَكم شي‌بـِيْ سان ما (حرفياً "المحمدات الثلاث من الشمال الغربي") مقاطعات چينگ‌هاي، نينگ‌شيا وگان‌سو. جنرال الكومن‌تانگ المسلم ما هونگ‌كوي كان الحاكم العسكري على نينگ‌شيا وكان مارس سلطة مطلقة في المقاطعة. النزاع المسلم في گان‌سو، الذي استمر من 1927 حتى 1930، فاض إلى نينگ‌شيا. In 1934, warlord and National Revolutionary Army general Sun Dianying attempted to conquer the province, but was defeated by an alliance led by the Ma clique.[13]

من 1950 حتى 1958، أسفر تمرد الكومنتانگ الإسلامي عن اندلاع القتال في جميع أرجاء شمال غرب الصين، بما في ذلك نينگ‌شيا. وفي 1954، دمجت الحكومة الصينية نينگ‌شيا مع گان‌سو، ولكن في 1958 أصبحت نينگ‌شيا رسمياً منطقة ذاتية في الصين. وفي 1969، حصلت نينگ‌شيا على جزء من منطقة منغوليا الداخلية الذاتية، إلا أن تلك المنطقة أعيدت في 1979.

عدد من التحف الصينية تعود إلى أسرة تانگ وأسرة سونگ، بعضهم من أملاك الامبراطور ژنگ‌زونگ، عُثر عليها في حفريات ثم أصبحوا في قبضة ما هونگ‌كوي، الذي رفض أن يعلن عن اللقى. وبين اللقى كان لوح رخامي أبيض من أسرة تانگ، مسامير ذهبية، وأحزمة معدنية. وظلت تلك اللقى في طي الكتمان حتى توفي ما، فذهبت زوجته إلى تايوان في 1971 من أمريكا لإحضار اللقى إلى تشيانگ كاي-شك، الذي أعادهم إلى متحف القصر الوطني في تاي‌پـِيْ.[14]

في عام 2014، في شي‌جي بمسجد، حدث تدافع تسبب في مقتل 14 شخصاً.[15][16]


From a cable car running to the top of Helan Mountains.

Ningxia borders the provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The Yellow River flows through Ningxia. The Ningxia ecosystem is one of the least studied regions in the world. Some plant genera in Ningxia have been estimated at over 40,000 years old.

Ningxia is a relatively dry, desert-like region. Significant irrigation supports the growing of wolfberries, a commonly consumed fruit throughout the region.

Ningxia's deserts include the Tengger desert in Shapotou.

The northern section, through which the Yellow River flows, supports the best agricultural land. A railroad, linking Lanzhou with Baotou, crosses the region. A highway has been built across the Yellow River at Yinchuan.

On 16 December 1920, the Haiyuan earthquake, 8.6 magnitude, at 36°36′N 105°19′E / 36.6°N 105.32°E / 36.6; 105.32, initiated a series of landslides that killed an estimated 200,000 people. Over 600 large loess landslides created more than 40 new lakes.[17][18]

In 2006, satellite images indicated that a 700 by 200-meter fenced area within Ningxia—5 km (3.1 mi) southwest of Yinchuan, near the remote village of Huangyangtan—is a near-exact 1:500 scale terrain model reproduction of a 450 by 350-kilometer area of Aksai Chin bordering India, complete with mountains, valleys, lakes and hills. Its purpose is as yet unknown.[19][20]


It was reported that approximately 34 percent (33.85 million mu; 22,600 km2) of the region's total surface consisted of grassland.[21] This figure is down from approximately 40 percent in the 1990s. The grasslands are spread over the dry desert-steppe area in the northeast (which forms a part of the Inner Mongolian steppe region), and the hilly pastures located on the semi-arid Loess Plateau in the south.[22] It is ascertained that the grasslands of Ningxia have been degraded to various degrees.[23] However, there is scientific debate as to what extent this degradation is taking place as measured in time and space.[24] Historical research has also found limited evidence of expanding grassland degradation and desertification in Ningxia.[10][25] A major component of land management in Ningxia is a ban on open grazing, which has been in place since 2003.[26] The ecological and socio-economic effects of this Grazing Ban in relation to the grasslands and pastoralists' livelihood are contested.[22] The ban stipulates that animal husbandry be limited to enclosed pens and no open grazing be permitted in certain time periods set by the Autonomous Region's People's Government.


The region is 1,200 kilometres (750 mi) from the sea and has a continental climate with average summer temperatures rising to 17 to 24 °C (63 to 75 °F) in July and average winter temperatures dropping to between −7 to −15 °C (19 to 5 °F) in January. Seasonal extreme temperatures can reach 39 °C (102 °F) in summer and −30 °C (−22 °F) in winter. The diurnal temperature variation can reach above 17 °C (31 °F), especially in spring. Annual rainfall averages from 190 to 700 millimetres (7.5 to 27.6 in), with more rain falling in the south of the region.


منظر جوي Yinchuan.
ميدان الشعب في Yinchuan.
Phoenix Tablet fountain in Yinchuan.

The politics of Ningxia is structured in a dual party-government system like all other governing institutions in mainland China.

The Chairman of the Autonomous Region is the highest-ranking official in the People's Government of Ningxia. However, in the Autonomous Region's dual party-government governing system, the Chairman has less power than the Communist Party of China Ningxia Committee Secretary, colloquially termed the "Ningxia CPC Party Chief".

Ningxia has a friendship agreement with Sogn og Fjordane county of Norway.[27]

التقسيمات الادارية

Ningxia is divided into five prefecture-level divisions: all prefecture-level cities:

التقسيمات الادارية في نينگ‌شيا
Ningxia prf map.png
Division code[28] الاسم بالعربية الصينية Pinyin
Area in km2[29] Population 2010[30] المقر Divisions[31]
Districts Counties CL cities
  640000 Ningxia Hui
Autonomous Region
宁夏回族自治区 Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū
ويغور: نٍ شيَا خُوِ ذُوْ ذِ جِ ثُوْ
66000.00 6,301,350 Yinchuan 9 11 2
1 640100 Yinchuan 银川市 Yínchuān Shì
ويغور: ىٍچُوًا شِ
9555.38 1,993,088 Jinfeng District 3 2 1
2 640200 Shizuishan 石嘴山市 Shízuǐshān Shì
ويغور: شِذُوِشً شِ
1213.09 725,482 Dawukou District 2 1
3 640300 Wuzhong 吴忠市 Wúzhōng Shì
ويغور: ءُجْو شِ
20394.30 1,273,792 Litong District 2 2 1
5 640400 Guyuan 固原市 Gùyuán Shì
ويغور: قُوْيُوًا شِ
14412.83 1,228,156 Yuanzhou District 1 4
4 640500 Zhongwei 中卫市 Zhōngwèi Shì
ويغور: جْووِ شِ
16824.41 1,080,832 Shapotou District 1 2

The five prefecture-level divisions of Ningxia are subdivided into 22 county-level divisions (9 districts, 2 county-level cities, and 11 counties).


Wolfberry harvest celebration.

Rural Ningxia was for long an officially designated poverty area, and remains on the lower rungs of the developmental ladder.[22] It is the province with the third smallest GDP (Tibet being the last) in China, even though its neighbors, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi, are among the strongest emerging provincial economies in the country. Its nominal GDP in 2011 was just 200.0 billion yuan (US$32.7 billion) and a per capita GDP of 21,470 yuan (US$3,143). It comprises 0.44% of the national economy.

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Similar to other areas, Ningxia has seen a gradual decline of its peasant population due to rural–urban migration. Despite this, the great majority (62.8 percent) was still agricultural at the time of the survey.[32] Animal husbandry is important for the regional economy. In the main pastoral county, Yanchi, it is even the leading industry when specified for the primary sector. The dominant grazing animals are sheep and goat.[33] In the (semi-)pastoral regions, herders engage in a mixed sedentary farming operation of dryland agriculture and extensive animal husbandry, while full nomadic pastoralism is no longer practiced.[22]

Ningxia is the principal region of China where wolfberries are grown. Other specialties of Ningxia are licorice, products made from Helan stone, fiddlehead and products made from sheepskin.

Ningxia wines are a promising area of development. The Chinese authorities have given approval to the development of the eastern base of the Helan Mountains as an area suitable for wine production. Several large Chinese wine companies including Changyu and Dynasty Wine have begun development in the western region of the province. Together they now own 20,000 acres of land for wine plantations and Dynasty has ploughed 100 million yuan into Ningxia. In addition, the major oil company China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation has founded a grape plantation near the Helan Mountains. The household appliance company Midea has also begun participating in Ningxia's wine industry.[34] Vineyards have been set up in the region.[35]

المناطق الصناعية والاقتصادية

Yinchuan Economic and Technological Development Zone[36] was established in 1992. Spanning 32 km2 (12 sq mi), it has an annual economic output Rmb23.7 billion (25.1% up) (US$3.5 billion). Major investors are mainly local enterprises such as Kocel Steel Foundry, FAG Railway Bearing (Ningxia), Ningxia Little Giant Machine Tools, etc. Major industries include machinery and equipment manufacturing, new materials, fine chemicals and the animation industry.

Desheng Industrial Park (in Helan County) is a base for about 400 enterprises. The industrial park has industrial chains from Muslim food and commodities to trade and logistics, new materials and bio-pharmaceuticals that has 80 billion yuan in fixed assets. Desheng is looking to be the most promising industrial park in the city. It achieved a total output value of 4.85 billion in 2008, up 40 percent year-on-year. The local government plans to cut taxes and other fees to reduce the burden on local enterprises. The industrial output value reached 2.68 billion yuan in 2008, an increase of 48 percent from a year earlier.


Historical population
1912[37] 303٬000—    
1928[38] 1٬450٬000+378.5%
1936-37[39] 978٬000−32.6%
1947[40] 759٬000−22.4%
1982[41] 3٬895٬578+413.3%
1990[42] 4٬655٬451+19.5%
2000[43] 5٬486٬393+17.8%
2010[44] 6٬301٬350+14.9%
2020[45] 7٬202٬654+14.3%
Ningxia Province/AR was part of Gansu 1914–1929 and 1954–1958
In 1947 parts of Ningxia Province/AR were incorporated into Inner Mongolia AR.


الديانات في نينگ‌شيا (حوالي 2010)

  المسيحية[47] (1.17%)

The major religions in Ningxia are Islam among the Hui Chinese, while many of the Han Chinese practice Chinese folk religions, الطاوية والكونفوشية and Chinese Buddhism. According to a demographic analysis of the year 2010, Muslims form 34% of the province's population.[46] Christianity is the religion of 1.17% of the province's population according to the Chinese General Social Survey of 2004.[47]

Chinese folk religious Temple of the Mother Goddess of the Yellow River in Qingtongxia.

مكافحة التعرب

حملة مكافحة التعرب.

في مطلع يناير 2017، السلطات الصينية تبدأ في مدينة نينگ‌شيا حملة ضد التطرف الإسلامي تحت مسمى "مكافحة التعرب" تغلق مدارس تعليم العربية، وتمنع الملابس ذات طابع عربي ولوحات عربية.[48]


One of Ningxia's main tourist spots is the internationally renowned Xixia Tombs site located 30 km (19 mi) west of Yinchuan. The remnants of nine Western Xia emperors' tombs and two hundred other tombs lie within a 50 km2 (19 sq mi) area. Other famous sites in Ningxia include the Helan Mountains, the mysterious 108 stupas, the twin pagodas of Baisikou and the desert research outpost at Shapatou. A less visited tourist spot in Ningxia is the Mount Sumeru Grottoes (须弥山), which is among the ten most famous grottoes in China.[49]

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  2. ^ "Communiqué of the Seventh National Population Census (No. 3)" (in الإنجليزية). National Bureau of Statistics of China. 11 May 2021. Retrieved 11 May 2021.
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  21. ^ Ningxia Bureau of Statistics, 2013, 1.2
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قالب:Hui autonomy in the People's Republic of China