جامعة لندن

(تم التحويل من University of London)
جامعة لندن
University of London
UL arms.png
لاتينية: Universitas Londiniensis
المستشارالمبجلة الأميرة آن
نائب المستشارسير گريم ديڤيس
زائرThe Lord President of the Council بحكم منصب
الطلبة135,090 داخلي(2005-2006)[1]
40,000 external[2]
ألوان المدرسة
الموقع الإلكترونيhttp://www.london.ac.uk/

جامعة لندن، هي جامعة حكومية مقرها لندن، إنگلترة، المملكة المتحدة، تتبعها أكثر من 31 مؤسسة تعليمية: 19 معهد جامعي مستقل، 12 معهد بحثي.[3] وبذلك، فتعتبر جامعة لندن أكبر جامعة في المملكة المتحدة من حيث عدد الطلاب، حيث ينتمي إليها 135.090 طالب، وأكثر من 45.000 طالب في النظام الخارجي بجامعة لندن.

في البداية تأسست الجامعة حسب الميثاق الملكي عام 1836، ثم أصبحت اتحاد جامعة لندن (حاليا جامعة كولديج لندن) وكينگز كولدج (حاليا كينگز كولدج لندن).

نظرة عامة


For most practical purposes, ranging from admission of students to negotiating funding from the government, the 19 constituent colleges are treated as individual universities. Legally speaking they are known as Recognised Bodies, with the authority to examine students and have the university award them degrees. Some colleges have recently obtained the power to award their own degrees and the University has amended its statutes to allow them to do so and yet remain in the university federation. For instance, beginning in the 2007/08 academic year, King's College London, the London School of Economics[4], the Institute of Education[5], and the University College London[6] began awarding their own degree certificates while retaining their constituent-college status within the University of London.

The twelve institutes, or Listed Bodies, within the University of London offer courses leading to degrees that are both examined and awarded by the University of London. Additionally, twelve universities in إنگلترة, several in كندا and many in other Commonwealth countries (notably in East Africa) began life as associate colleges of the university offering such degrees. By the 1970s almost all of these colleges had achieved independence from the University of London. An increasing number of overseas academic institutes offer courses to support students registered for the University of London External System's diplomas and degrees and a new Institutions Policy Framework is currently being developed to accommodate these institutions. Up to now, no accredidation from London for these schools has existed other than the final examinations administered by the University of London which all pupils take.



مجلس الشيوخ، المقر الرئيسي لاتحاد جامعة لندن.

تاريخ الجامعة

جامعة لندن كما رسمها توماس هوسمر شفرد ونشرها في 1827/28. هذا المبنى حالياً هو جزء من كلية جامعة لندن، وتعتبر اليوم واحدة من الجامعات التأسيسية والمعاهد التابعة لجامعة لندن.
رسم توضيحي لحدائق بولينگتون 6، مقر ادارة جامعة لندن من 1870 حتى 1899.


]</ref> The arms depict a cross of St George upon which there is a tudor rose surrounded by detailing and surmounted by a crown. Above all of this there is a blue field with an open book upon it.

In terms of heraldry the arms would be described as:

Argent, the Cross of St George, thereon the Union Rose irradiated and ensigned with the Imperial Crown proper, a Chief Azure, thereon an open Book also proper, Clasps gold --->


كليات جامعة لندن

الكليات التأسيسية التالية التابعة لجامعة لندن:

الهيئات الأكاديمية المركزية في جامعة لندن

الكليات الأولى

Some colleges of the University of London have been amalgamated into larger colleges or left the University of London. These include:

كليات برامج الدراسة الخارجية

A number of major universities originated as university colleges teaching the degrees of the University of London External System.[9] After developing the ability to function fully, these colleges became able to award their own degrees.

A number of other colleges had degrees validated and awarded by the University of London.[10]

الكليات في العلاقات الخاصة

Between 1946 and 1970, the University entered into 'schemes of special relation' with university colleges in the Commonwealth of Nations. These schemes encouraged the development of independent universities by offering a relationship with the University of London. University colleges in these countries were granted a Royal Charter. An Academic Board of the university college negotiated with the University of London over the entrance requirements for the admission of students, syllabuses, examination procedures and other academic matters. During the period of the special relationship, graduates of the colleges were awarded University of London degrees.

Some of the colleges which were in special relation are listed below, along with the year in which their special relation was established.

In 1970 the 'Schemes of Special Relation' were phased out.

الزي الأكاديمي

حياة الطلاب

القاعات الموجودة بين الكليات

الرياضات، الأندية والتقاليد

مشاهير جامعة لندن

پورتريه لغاندي، في سن الحادية والعشرين، في النباتي (1891)

رؤساء الجامعة

أنظر أيضًا


  1. ^ Combined total of "Table 0a - All students by institution, mode of study, level of study, gender and domicile 2005/06". Higher Education Statistics Agency online statistics. Retrieved 2007-07-15. The individual totals are بيربيك، جامعة لندن 19020، المدرسة المركزية للخطابة والدراما 950, Courtauld Institute of Art 395, Goldsmiths, University of London 7615, إمپريال كولدج لندن 12665, معهد أبحاث السرطان 235, معهد التعليم 7215, King's College London 21755, مدرسة أعمال بلندن 1455, مدرسة اقتصاد لندن 8810, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 975, Queen Mary, University of London 11625, الأكاديمية الملكية للموسيقى 730, Royal Holloway, University of London 7620, Royal Veterinary College 1610, مدرسة الدراسات الشرقية والأفريقية 4525, مدرسة الصيدلة، جامعة لندن 1355, St George's, University of London 3785, كلية جامعة لندن 21620, Central institutes & activities 430. Heythrop College is privately funded and does not appear in HESA statistics. It gives its total number of students as 700. "Prospective Students". Heythrop College website. Retrieved 2007-07-15. Imperial College London has left the University since the year 2005-2006.
  2. ^ "About us". University of London External System website. Retrieved 2007-07-15.
  3. ^ University of London: Colleges/Institutes
  4. ^ Research students
  5. ^ Institute of Education on awarding its own degrees
  6. ^ UCL Degree Awarding Powers
  7. ^ "University of London News: Imperial College Leaves University of London". Retrieved 2007-12-04.
  8. ^ http://www.kent.ac.uk/studying/where/wye/
  9. ^ "University College Southampton" external "University of London" - Google Search
  10. ^ The University of London, 1836-1986 By N. B. Harte
  11. ^ Carlow College Report HETAC
  12. ^ University of London - The Illustrated London News, May 11, 1850
  13. ^ A History of Birmingham, Chris Upton, 1993, ISBN 0-85033-870-0
  14. ^ University of the West Indies
  15. ^ http://www.ui.edu.ng/deptmedicine.htm

روابط خارجية

قالب:Universities and colleges in London