وثيقة تيران 1935

رسالة رسمية من صفحتين من مايلز لامپسون إلى ج.و. رندل من مكتب الخارجية البريطانية بعدم منح تيران وصنافير للسعوديين. بتاريخ 30 نوفمبر 1935 حول إخراج تيران من السيطرة المصرية. الرسالة محفوظة في الأرشيف الوطني البريطاني.

وثيقة تيران، هي وثيقة بريطانية من عام 1936 تدور حول ضرورة إخراج تيران من السيطرة المصرية ولو باختلاق مطالبة سعودية.

محتوى الوثيقة

الوثيقة محفوظة في الأرشيف الوطني البريطاني، ويرجع تاريخها لعام 1936. يقترح القائد العام للقوات الجوية أنه، بالنظر لرغبة المملكة المتحدة في إبقاء جزيرة تيران في أيدي البريطانيين (وليس المصريين)، سيكون من الأفضل السماح للسعودية بالمطالبة بها.. والترتيب لاحقاً لحيازة بريطانية، إذا لزم الأمر، إما عن طريق الدفع نقداً أو مقابل مقايضة".

وتظهر الوثيقة أيضاً الصفحة الثانية من رسائل مبعوثة من مايلز لامپسون إلى ج.و. رندل من مكتب الخارجية البريطانية بعدم منح تيران وصنافير للسعوديين، ويحذر في الوقت نفسه من إمكانية التوسع البريطاني في البحر الأحمر، مؤرخة 30 نوفمبر 1935.

نص الرسالة

النص الإنگليزي

(E V156/1638/25) 658/12/35.

The Residency,
November 30th, 1935.

Dear Rendel,
Many thanks for your secret letter E 5/16/28 of October 3rd and the information contained therein regarding the ownership of Tiran island - rather a personal 'pet' of mine!

I have forwarded the material contained therein to the Army, Navy and Royal Air Force authorities, explaining how the question ??? and asking for their observations. The General officer commanding has replies that he agrees with my view that it would be better not to raise the question of the ownership of Tiran and Sannafir at the present time, but that he considers that, in view of their positions at the ?? of the Gulf of Akaba, we would, if controversy arises, do what we can to keep the control of the islands in the hands of the Egyptian Government. The Commander-in-chief, ??, said that he had nothing to add to the views expressed by the Admiralty in their letter of ?? 16th, 1935, which not enclosed in your deeptach under reference. The Air Officer commanding-in-chief suggested that, in view of desirability or keeping the island of Tiran I British (rather than Egyptian) hands, it would e preferale to allow the Saudi-Arabia claims for ownership ad arrange later to obtain British possession, if and when necessary, either by a cash payment or quid pro quo. G.V. Rendel, ???, Foreign Office, ???

The second page: I frankly do not much like the letter suggestions, for if we once acknowledged Saudi-Arabian ownership. We should be face with necessity of ?? for a British lease or purchase (if we wanted one), which, apart from the trouble it would cause, might lead to the Saudi Arabian Government accepting a better offer from another power. I am, however, personally strongly of the view that we should stop anyone but Egypt or ourselves occupying the islands or establishing a claim to them. As the present time is hardly propitious for entering into an argument with the Saudi Arabia Government on the subject, I agree that the matter should not be raised. But if it ever comes up, I think the above line should be energetically follows. Incidentally, I find that this question was I fact raised by Lord Lloyd in 1929, and formed the subject of correspondence concluding with sir P. Loraine's letter of October 19th, 1989, to sir L. Oliphant. At that time the Admiralty expressed the view, in which the Forign Office concurred, that, while it was a matter of little importance whether Egypt or the Hedjaz controlled the islands or Tiran and Sanafir, the policy of endeavoring to prevent any European power from establishing itself in the islands off the Arabian cost of the Red Sea should be maintained. These remarks gain I importance in the light of Italian expansionist ideas, especially in the Red Sea region. I feel the question ought to be carefully watched, in short. When you have formed your final view, would it ot e well to let Ryan at Jeddah know it. Your's ever, (signed) Miles Lampson.


(E V156/1638/25) 658/12/35.

30 نوفمبر 1935

عزيزي رندل،
شكراً جزيلاً لرسالتك السرية E المرسلة في 3 أكتوبر والمعلومات المحتواة فيها فيما يتعلق بملكة جزيرة تيران - التي هي "ولع" شخصي لي!

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