► | قرن 19 | << قرن 20 >> | قرن 21 | ◄
► | عقد 1920 | عقد 1930 | عقد 1940 | << عقد 1950 >> | عقد 1960 | عقد 1970 | عقد 1980 | ◄
► | ► | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | << 1952 >> | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | ◄ | ◄
تحويل 1-1-1952م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | تحويل 31-12-1952م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1952
الألفية: | الألفية 2 |
القرون: | القرن 19 - القرن 20 - القرن 21 |
العقود: | عقد 1920 عقد 1930 عقد 1940 - عقد 1950 - عقد 1960 عقد 1970 عقد 1980 |
السنوات: | 1949 1950 1951 - 1952 - 1953 1954 1955 |
1952 حسب الموضوع: |
الموضوع |
حسب البلد |
القادة |
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات |
تصنيفات تأسيسات وانحلالات |
تصنيفات أعمال وأطروحات |
التقويم الگريگوري | 1952 MCMLII |
آب أوربه كونديتا | 2705 |
التقويم الأرمني | 1401 ԹՎ ՌՆԱ |
التقويم الآشوري | 6702 |
التقويم البهائي | 108–109 |
التقويم البنغالي | 1359 |
التقويم الأمازيغي | 2902 |
سنة العهد البريطاني | 16 جو. 6 – 1 إليز. 2 |
التقويم البوذي | 2496 |
التقويم البورمي | 1314 |
التقويم البيزنطي | 7460–7461 |
التقويم الصيني | 辛卯年 (المعدن الأرنب) 4648 أو 4588 — إلى — 壬辰年 (الماء التنين) 4649 أو 4589 |
التقويم القبطي | 1668–1669 |
التقويم الديسكوردي | 3118 |
التقويم الإثيوپي | 1944–1945 |
التقويم العبري | 5712–5713 |
التقاويم الهندوسية | |
- ڤيكرام سامڤات | 2008–2009 |
- شاكا سامڤات | 1874–1875 |
- كالي يوگا | 5053–5054 |
تقويم الهولوسين | 11952 |
تقويم الإگبو | 952–953 |
التقويم الإيراني | 1330–1331 |
التقويم الهجري | 1371–1372 |
التقويم الياباني | Shōwa 27 (昭和27年) |
تقويم جوچى | 41 |
التقويم اليوليوسي | الگريگوري ناقص 13 يوم |
التقويم الكوري | 4285 |
تقويم مينگوو | جمهورية الصين 41 民國41年 |
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي | 2495 |
سنة 1952 (MCMLII) كانت سنة كبيسة تبدأ يوم الثلاثاء (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1952nd بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 952nd في الألفية 2، السنة 52nd في القرن 20، والسنة 3rd في عقد 1950.
- January 8 – West Germany has 8 million refugees inside its borders.
- January 12 – The University of Tennessee admits its first black student.
- 26 يناير – Black Saturday in Egypt: rioters burn Cairo's central business district, targeting British and upper-class Egyptian businesses.
- February 2 – A tropical storm forms just north of Cuba moving northeast. The storm makes landfall in southern Florida the next day. It is the earliest reported landfall from a tropical storm.
- 6 فبراير -
- George VI (King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon) dies aged 56 after a long illness. He is succeeded by his daughter The Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh as Queen Elizabeth II, who is on a visit to Kenya.
- In the United States, a mechanical heart is used for the first time in a human patient.
- بداية الالعاب الاوليمبية الشتوية في اونتاريو.
- February 7 – Elizabeth II is proclaimed Queen of the United Kingdom at St James's Palace, London, England.
- February 14 – February 25 – The Winter Olympics held in Oslo, Norway.
- February 15 – The funeral of George VI takes place at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
- February 18 – Greece and Turkey join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- The SS Pendleton, a T2 Tanker, breaks in half during a nor'easter off the east coast near Massachusetts. Bernard Webber and a crew of four volunteer to rescue the 32 survivors aboard. This was the one of the most courageous rescues in the history of the US Coast Guard.
- February 20
- Emmett Ashford becomes the first African-American umpire in organized baseball, by being authorized to be a substitute umpire in the Southwestern International League.
- Winston Churchill scraps UK compulsory national identity cards.
- February 21 – In Dhaka, East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh) police open fire on a procession of students, killing 4 people and starting a country-wide protest which leads to the recognition of Bengali as one of the national languages of Pakistan. The day is later declared "International Mother Language Day" by UNESCO.
- February 25 – The Parícutin active volcano in Michoacán, west central Mexico, ceases its discontinuous eruption after spewing forth a gigaton of lava and burying San Juan Parangaricutiro.
- 26 فبراير - رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ونستون تشرشل يعلن ان بلاده لديها قنبلة نووية.
- March 7 – NME goes on sale for the first time in the United Kingdom.
- 10 مارس - الجنرال فولجنسيو باتيستا يعود لتولى السلطة فيكوبا بإنقلاب.
- March 15 – 16 – 73 inches (1,870 mm) of rain falls in Cilaos, Réunion, the most rainfall in one day up to that time.
- 20 مارس - مجلس الشيوخ الامريكى يصدق على معاهدة سان فرانسيسكو للسلام مع اليابان.
- 21 مارس
- تنفيذ اخر حكمي اعدام في هولندا.
- Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is elected Prime Minister of the Gold Coast.
- Tornadoes ravage the lower Mississippi River Valley, leaving 208 dead, through March 22.
- March 22 – Wernher von Braun publishes the first in his series of articles titled Man Will Conquer Space Soon!, including ideas for manned flights to Mars and the Moon.
- March 27
- Konrad Adenauer survives an assassination attempt.
- Legislative Assembly election held in Coorg.
- 29 مارس - الرئيس الامريكي هاري ترومان يعلن انه لن يعيد ترشيح نفسه للرئاسة مجددا.
- 4 أبريل
- In the Hague Tribunal, Israel demands reparations worth $3 billion from Germany.
- West Ice accidents: During a severe storm in the West Ice, east of Greenland, 78 seal hunters on 5 Norwegian seal hunting vessels vanish without a trace.
- April 7 – The American Research Bureau reports that the I Love Lucy episode, "The Marriage License" was the first TV show in history to be seen in around 10,000,000 homes the evening the episode aired.
- April 8 – Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer: The U.S. Supreme Court limits the power of the President to seize private business, after President Harry S. Truman nationalizes all steel mills in the United States, just before the 1952 steel strike begins.
- April 9 – Hugo Ballivián's government is overthrown by the Bolivian National Revolution, which starts a period of agrarian reform, universal suffrage and the nationalization of tin mines.
- April 11 – Battle of Nanri Island: The Republic of China seizes the island from the Peoples' Republic of China.
- April 15 – The United States B-52 Stratofortress flies for the first time.
- 18 ابريل - ثورة بوليفيا الوطنية تعطي حق التصويت للسكان الاصليين و النساء و تأمم المناجم و تعلن الاصلاح الزراعي.
- 18 أبريل
- Bolivia National Revolution: A universal vote enables indigenous peoples and women to vote, nationalizes mines and enacts agrarian reform.
- West Germany and Japan form diplomatic relations.
- 23 ابريل - التجارب النووية في صحراء نيفادا.
- April 26 – The United States Navy aircraft carrier Wasp collides with the destroyer Hobson while on exercises in the Atlantic Ocean, killing 175 men.
- 28 أبريل - بدء سريان معاهدة سان فرانسيسكو ، و انهاء احتلال اليابان.
- April 29 – Lever House officially opens at 390 Park Avenue in New York City, heralding a new age of commercial architecture in the United States. Designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, it is the first International Style skyscraper.
- May 1 – East Germany threatens to form its own army.
- May 2 – The first passenger jet flight route opens between London and Johannesburg.
- May 3 – U.S. lieutenant colonels Joseph O. Fletcher and William P. Benedict land a plane at the geographic North Pole.
- May 6 – Farouk of Egypt has himself announced as a descendant of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
- May 13 – Pandit Nehru forms his first government in India.
- May 15 – Diplomatic relations are established between Israel and Japan at the level of legations.
- May 18 – Ann Davison becomes the first woman to single-handedly sail the Atlantic Ocean.
- 1 يونيو - الكنيسة الكاثوليكيه تحظر كتب أندريه جيد.
- Navigation opens on the Volga–Don Canal, connecting the Caspian Sea basin with that of the Black Sea.
- June 14
- The keel is laid for the U.S. nuclear submarine USS Nautilus.
- Myxomatosis is introduced to Europe on the French estate of Dr. Paul-Félix Armand-Delille.
- June 15 – The Diary of a Young Girl is published.
- June 19 – The Special Forces (United States Army) are created.
- June 21 – The Philippine School of Commerce, through a government act, is converted to the Philippine College of Commerce (later the Polytechnic University of the Philippines).
- June 26 – The Pan-Malayan Labour Party is founded in Malaya, as a union of statewise labour parties.
- June 27 – Decree 900 in Guatemala orders redistribution of uncultivated land.
- June 29 – Finnish contestant Armi Kuusela wins the title of Miss Universe.

France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands form the European Coal and Steel community, the foundation organization which would become the European Union.
- July 3 – The ocean liner SS United States makes her maiden crossing of the Atlantic.
- 13 يوليو - المانيا الشرقية تعلن عن تشكيل الجيش الشعبي.
- 19 يوليو - 3 اغسطس دورة الالعاب الاولمبيه الصيفيه تقام في هلسنكي.
- 23 يوليو - محمد نجيب يقود حركة الضباط الاحرار في الاطاحة بالنظام الملكي المصري.
- 23 يوليو - فرنسا والمانيا الغربية وايطاليا وبلجيكا ولكسمبورج وهولندا ، تشكل الجماعة الأوروبية للفحم والصلب ، ومؤسسة الوليدة تكون نواة لما سيصبح الاتحاد الاوروبي.
- 26 يوليو - تنازل الملك فاروق الاول عن العرش المصري و مغادرته البلاد إلى المنفى و انتهاء حكم اسرة محمد على لمصر.
- August 5 – The Treaty of Taipei between Japan and the Republic of China goes into effect, to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War.
- 11 أغسطس - قوات الجيش الاردني تطلب من الملك طلال الاستقالة بسبب المرض العقلي هو خلفه ابنه حسين عاهل الاردن.
- 13 أغسطس - اليابان تشارك في صندوق النقد الدولي.
- August 12 – The Night of the Murdered Poets; the execution of 13 Soviet Jewish poets.
- 14 اغسطس - المانيا الغربية تنضم إلى صندوق النقد الدولي.
- August 16 – Lynmouth, North Devon, England is devastated by floods; 34 die.
- August 22 – The most damaging shock of the 1952 Kern County earthquake sequence strikes with a moment magnitude of 5.8 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe). This event damaged several hundred buildings in Bakersfield, California, with total additional losses of $10 million, with two associated deaths and some injuries.
- August 23 – Kitty Wells is first woman to score number 1 hit with the song "It wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels".
- August 26 – A British passenger jet makes a return crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in the same day.
- August 27 – Reparation negotiations between West Germany and Israel end in Luxembourg: Germany will pay 3 billion Deutsche Marks.
- August 29 – Composer John Cage's 4′33″, during which the performer does not play, premieres in Woodstock, New York.
- August 30 – The last Finnish war reparations are sent to the Soviet Union.
- August 31 – The Grenzlandring racetrack closes in Wegberg, Germany.
- September 2 – Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis perform the first open-heart surgery at the University of Minnesota.
- September 6 – Television debuts in Canada as the CBC in Montreal, Quebec airs.
- September 8 – CBC Toronto debuts.
- September 10 – The European Parliamentary Assembly (from March 1962, European Parliament) opens.
- September 15 – The United Nations cedes Eritrea to Ethiopia.
- September 18 – The Soviet Union vetoes Japan's application for membership in the United Nations.
- September 19 – The United States bars Charlie Chaplin from re-entering the country after a trip to England
- September 30 – The Revised Standard Version of the Bible was published and released to the public.
- 3 أكتوبر - تفجير أول قنبلة ذرية بريطانية.
- October 8
- Negotiations for a ceasefire in Korea are postponed.
- Harrow and Wealdstone rail crash in England kills 112 people.
- October 12 – The Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority is founded in New York City at Panhellenic Tower.
- October 14 – The United Nations begins work in the new United Nations building in New York City, designed by Le Corbusier and Oscar Niemeyer.
- October 16 – Limelight opens in London; writer/actor/director/producer Charlie Chaplin arrives by ocean liner; in transit his re-entry permit to the United States is revoked by J. Edgar Hoover.
- October 17 – Indonesian troops led by General Nasution surround the presidential palace, seeking the dismissal of the People's Representative Council; Sukarno avoids confrontation.
- October 19
- Alain Bombard begins to sail from the Canary Islands to Barbados in 65 days; he reaches them December 23.
- John Bamford, aged 15, rescues victims of a house fire and becomes the youngest person to be awarded the George Cross.
- October 20 – Martial law is declared in Kenya due to the Mau Mau uprising.
- November 1 – Nuclear testing and Operation Ivy: The United States successfully detonates the first hydrogen bomb, codenamed "Mike", at Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the central Pacific Ocean, with a yield of 10.4 megatons.
- November 4
- The 9.0 Mw Severo-Kurilsk earthquake hits the Kamchatka Peninsula of the Soviet Union with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme). A tsunami took the lives of more than 2,300 people.
- United States presidential election, 1952: Republican General Dwight D. Eisenhower defeats Democratic Governor of Illinois Adlai Stevenson (correctly predicted by the UNIVAC computer).
- The U.S. National Security Agency is founded.
- The Pace-Finletter MOU 1952: A Memorandum of understanding is signed between "...Air Force Secretary Finletter and Army Secretary Pace that established a fixed wing weight limit [for the Army] of five thousand pounds empty, but weight restrictions on helicopters were eliminated..."[1]
- November 18 – Jomo Kenyatta is arrested in Kenya for an alleged connection to the Mau Mau Uprising.
- November 20
- Slánský trials: A series of largely anti-Semitic show trials are held in Czechoslovakia.
- The first official passenger flight over the North Pole is made from Los Angeles to Copenhagen.
- The first successful sex reasignment surgery was performed in Copenhagen, making George Jorgensen Jr. become Christine Jorgensen.
- November 25 – Agatha Christie's murder-mystery play The Mousetrap opens at the Ambassadors Theatre in London; as of 2015, it continues next door at the St. Martin's Theatre, and remains the longest continuously running production of a play in history.
- November 29 – Korean War: U.S. President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower fulfills a political campaign promise, by traveling to Korea to find out what can be done to end the conflict.
- December 1
- Adolfo Ruiz Cortines takes office as President of Mexico.
- The New York Daily News carries a front-page story announcing that Christine Jorgensen, a transsexual woman in Denmark, has become the recipient of the first successful sexual reassignment operation.
- 14 ديسمبر - جراحية ناجحه لفصل توأم سيامى في مستشفى جبل سيناء ، اوهايو.
- 20 ديسمبر – The crash of a U.S. Air Force C-124 Globemaster at Moses Lake, WA kills 86 servicemen.
- December 25 – One West German soldier is killed in a shooting incident in West Berlin.
- December 26 – Joseph Ivor Linton, the first Israeli Minister Plenipotentiary in Japan, presents his credentials to the Emperor of Japan.
مجهولة التاريخ
- Nearly 58,000 cases of polio are reported in the U.S.; 3,145 die and 21,269 are left with mild to disabling paralysis.[2]
- The Nordic Council agrees to the unrestricted transport of people, goods and services throughout the Nordic Countries.
- The National Prohibition Foundation is incorporated in Indiana.
- Säynätsalo Town Hall in Finland, designed by Alvar Aalto, is completed.
- The influential multistorey residential building, Unité d'Habitation in Marseille, France, designed by Le Corbusier, is completed.
- The American Embassy School of New Delhi is founded.
- Swedish paratrooper training school Fallskärmsjägarna (FJS) is established.
- Twelve-year-old Jimmy Boyd's record of I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus is released, selling 3 million records
- Capitol Wrestling Corporation, the professional wrestling promotion that would later evolve into the modern day WWE is founded by Jess McMahon and Toots Mondt
- During the Mau Mau Uprising, the poisonous latex of the African milk bush was used to kill cattle in an incident of Biological warfare.[3]
- 1 يناير
- Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar
- Jury Zacharanka, Belarusian politician
- 2 يناير
- Makoto Nakajima, Japanese bureaucrat, Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office
- Ng Man-tat, Hong Kong actor
- Elvira Saadi, Soviet gymnast
- January 3 – Jim Ross, American wrestling announcer
- January 7 – Sammo Hung, Hong Kong martial arts superstar, producer and director
- 9 يناير – Marek Belka, 11th Prime Minister of Poland
- January 12
- Charles Faulkner, American life coach, motivational speaker, trader and author
- Walter Mosley, American author
- January 14
- Maureen Dowd, American journalist
- Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 60th Prime Minister of Romania
- January 15 – Boris Blank, Swiss musician
- January 15 – Skay Beilinson, Argentinian guitar player
- January 16 – H.R.H. Prince Ahmed Fuad Farouk (Fuad II), the last King of Egypt & Sudan, Nubia, Kordofan and Darfur
- January 17 – Ryuichi Sakamoto, Japanese musician, composer, producer, and actor (Yellow Magic Orchestra)
- January 19
- Beau Weaver, American male voice actor
- Bruce Jay Nelson, American computer scientist (ت. 1999)
- Michel Plante, Canadian ice hockey left winger
- Nadiuska, German television actress
- January 20 – Dave Fennoy, American voice actor
- January 21
- Marco Camenisch, Swiss environmental activist
- Louis Menand, American writer and critic
- January 22 – Ace Vergel, Filipino actor (ت. 2007)
- January 24 – Raymond Domenech, French football player and manager
- January 25
- Edward Fialkowski, Polish political activist
- Sara Mandiano, French singer and songwriter
- Peter Tatchell, Australian-born British human rights activist
- January 27 – Asma Jahangir, Pakistani human rights activist and lawyer (ت. 2018)
- January 28 – Tomokazu Miura, Japanese actor
- January 29 – Klaus-Peter Hanisch, German footballer (ت. 2009)
- January 31 – Jan Hofer, German journalist, broadcast news analyst and television presenter
- January 31 – Yvette Rosser, American author
- February 1 – Stan Kasten, American baseball executive, President of the Washington Nationals
- February 2 – Park Geun-hye, President of South Korea
- February 4
- Abdalá Bucaram, 38th President of Ecuador
- Jenny Shipley, 36th Prime Minister of New Zealand
- February 7 – Tony Liu, Chinese actor
- February 8
- Daisuke Gōri, Japanese voice actor (ت. 2010)
- Nora Miao, Hong Kong actress
- February 10 – Lee Hsien Loong, 3rd Prime Minister of Singapore
- February 12 – Simon MacCorkindale, English actor (ت. 2010)
- February 14 – Nancy Keenan, American president of NARAL
- February 15
- Nikolai Sorokin, Soviet and Russian actor, theatre director (ت. 2013)
- Tomislav Nikolić, 4th President of Serbia (since 2012)
- February 17 – Garry Chalk, British voice actor
- February 19
- Gary Seear, New Zealand rugby union player (ت. 2018)
- Amy Tan, American novelist
- February 20 – João Calvão da Silva, Portuguese politician (ت. 2018)
- February 21 – Vitaly Churkin, Russian diplomat (ت. 2017)
- February 22
- William Frist, U.S. Senator and heart surgeon
- Saufatu Sopoanga, 8th Prime Minister of Tuvalu
- February 24 – Maxine Chernoff, American poet, novelist and editor
- February 25 – Joey Dunlop, Northern Irish motorcycle racer (ت. 2000)
- February 29
- Gary the Retard, American member of The Wack Pack (The Howard Stern Show)
- Sharon Dahlonega Raiford Bush, American television's first female African-American primetime weather anchor
- March 1 – Martin O'Neill, Northern Irish footballer and manager
- March 2 – Laraine Newman, American comedian (Saturday Night Live)
- March 4
- Scott Hicks, Australian film director
- Ronn Moss, American actor
- Umberto Tozzi, Italian singer
- March 7 – Viv Richards, West Indian cricketer
- March 10 – Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwean politician (ت. 2018)
- March 11 – Douglas Adams, English author (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) (ت. 2001)
- March 13
- Ágnes Rapai, Hungarian writer
- Wolfgang Rihm, German composer
- March 16 – Philippe Kahn, French-American businessman and inventor
- March 17 – Perla, Paraguayan-Brazilian singer
- March 19 – Harvey Weinstein, American film producer
- March 22 – Bob Costas, American sports announcer
- March 23
- Rex Tillerson, United States Secretary of State
- Kim Stanley Robinson, American author
- March 25
- Jung Chang, Chinese-born author and historian
- Antanas Mockus, Colombian mathematician and politician
- March 27 – Maria Schneider, French actress (ت. 2011)
- March 28 – Keith Ashfield, Canadian politician (ت. 2018)
- March 29 – Teofilo Stevenson, Cuban boxer (ت. 2012)
- March 30 – Peter Knights, Australian footballer and coach
- March 31
- Dermot Morgan, Irish actor and comedian (ت. 1998)
- Vanessa del Rio, American actress
- April 1
- Bernard Stiegler, French philosopher
- Annette O'Toole, American actress
- April 2 – Lennart Fagerlund, Swedish cyclist
- April 4
- Rosemarie Ackermann, German athlete
- Gary Moore, Irish musician (ت. 2011)
- Karen Magnussen, Canadian figure skater
- April 5 – Mitch Pileggi, American actor
- April 6 – Marilu Henner, American actress and author
- April 7 – Nichita Danilov, Romanian writer
- April 10 – Steven Seagal, American actor
- April 11
- Peter Windsor, British sports reporter
- Qamar Zaman, Pakistani squash player
- April 12 – Ralph Wiley, American sports journalist (ت. 2004)
- April 14 – Mickey O'Sullivan, Irish sportsman
- April 15
- Glenn Shadix, American actor (ت. 2010)
- Sam McMurray, American actor and voice actor
- April 16
- Billy West, American voice actor
- Chaz Jankel, English singer and multi-instrumentalist
- April 17
- Joe Alaskey, American voice actor (ت. 2016)
- Željko Ražnatović, Serbian mobster and paramilitary leader (ت. 2000)
- April 19 – Alexis Arguello, Nicaraguan boxer and politician (ت. 2009)
- April 20 – Eric Pickles, British politician
- April 21 – Cheryl Gillan, British politician
- April 22 – Marilyn Chambers, American porn actress (ت. 2009)
- April 24 – Jean-Paul Gaultier, French Haute couture and Prêt-à-Porter fashion designer
- April 25
- Lane Caudell, American actor
- Ketil Bjørnstad, Norwegian pianist
- April 26 – Spice Williams-Crosby, American actress and stunt performer
- April 27 – George Gervin, American basketball player
- April 28
- Gerald Barry, Irish composer
- Mary McDonnell, American actress
- May 1 – Michael Thornton, British Member of Parliament for Eastleigh
- May 2
- Campbell McComas, Australian impersonator and broadcaster
- Isla St Clair, Scottish singer
- May 3
- Leonid Khachiyan, Russian-born mathematician
- Allan Wells, Scottish athlete
- May 4 – Michael Barrymore, British comedian and TV presenter
- May 6
- Gregg Henry, American actor and musician
- Michael O'Hare, American actor (ت. 2012)
- May 8 – Ronnie Dapo, American child actor
- May 10
- Roland Kaiser, German singer
- Manuel Mora Morales, Spanish director and writer
- May 11
- Shohreh Aghdashloo, Iranian actress
- Frances Fisher, British-born American actress
- Mike Lupica, American sports journalist
- Renaud, French composer
- May 12 – Christopher Gaze, British voice actor
- May 13 – John Kasich, Governor of Ohio
- May 14
- Robert Zemeckis, American film director
- David Byrne, Scottish singer-songwriter (Talking Heads)
- May 15 – Chazz Palminteri, American actor
- May 18
- Diane Duane, American writer
- Ryūzaburō Ōtomo, Japanese voice actor
- George Strait, American country musician
- May 19 – Bert van Marwijk, Dutch football manager
- May 20 – Roger Milla, Cameroonian footballer
- May 21 – Mr. T, African-American actor (The A-Team)
- May 23 – Anne-Marie David, French singer, Eurovision Song Contest 1973 winner
- May 24 – Sybil Danning, Austrian actress
- May 26 – David Meece, American Christian musician
- May 28 – Victoria Cunningham, American actress and Playboy Playmate
- June 4
- Scott Wesley Brown, American Christian musician
- Bronisław Komorowski, President of Poland
- June 7
- Hubert Auriol, French racing driver
- Liam Neeson, Northern Irish actor
- Orhan Pamuk, Turkish writer, Nobel Prize winner
- June 9 – Yukihiro Takahashi, Japanese musician and singer (Yellow Magic Orchestra)
- June 14 – Pat Summitt, American basketball coach (ت. 2016)
- June 16
- George Papandreou, Greek politician
- Gino Vannelli, Canadian singer and songwriter
- June 17
- Sarbjit Singh Chadha, Indian enka singer
- Mike Milbury, American ice hockey player, coach and executive
- June 18
- Idriss Déby Itno, President of Chad
- Carol Kane, American actress
- Miriam Flynn, American actress and voice actress
- Isabella Rossellini, Italian model and actress
- June 20
- John Goodman, American actor
- Kōichi Mashimo, Japanese anime director
- Vikram Seth, Indian novelist
- June 21
- Dave Downs, American professional baseball player
- Jeremy Coney, New Zealand cricket captain
- Marcella Detroit, American singer (Shakespears Sister)
- Kazi Zulkader Siddiqui, Pakistani businessman, academician
- June 22
- Phil Nicholls, English professional footballer
- Franco Cucinotta, Italian professional footballer
- Graham Greene, Canadian (First Nations) actor
- Alastair Stewart, British newsreader
- Santokh Singh, Malaysian footballer
- June 23
- Marv Kellum, American football player
- Peter Whiteside, British modern pentathlete
- June 24
- Ladislas Lozano, French-Spanish football coach and retired player
- Stephen Pusey, British-born artist
- June 25
- Péter Erdő, Hungarian cardinal
- Tim Finn, New Zealand singer-songwriter
- June 27 – Douglas Unger, American novelist
- June 28 – Pietro Mennea, Italian athlete (ت. 2013)
- June 29 – Joe Johnson, English snooker player
- June 30
- Stein Olav Hestad, Norwegian footballer
- Patrick Pinney, American actor and voice actor
- July 1
- Dale Hayes, South African professional golfer
- David Arkenstone, American composer and performer
- Robert Baer, American author
- Dan Aykroyd, Canadian actor and comedian (Saturday Night Live)
- July 2
- Linda M. Godwin, American scientist
- Ahmed Ouyahia, Algerian politician
- Marco Piccinini, Monegasque sport personality, businessman, and politician
- July 3
- Lu Colombo, Italian singer
- Andy Fraser, English musician (ت. 2015)
- Rohinton Mistry, Indian writer
- July 4
- Álvaro Uribe, President of Colombia
- John Waite, English singer and musician
- July 5 – Hillbilly Jim, American professional wrestler and radio host
- July 6
- Grant Goodeve, American male voice actor
- Adi Shamir, Modern cryptographer
- Kim Chul-soo, South Korean footballer
- Jennifer Savidge, American actress
- July 7
- Li Hongzhi, Chinese-American founder and spiritual leader of Falun Gong
- Alain Cortes, French modern pentathlete
- Cheryl Gould, American journalist
- Li Hongzhi, Chinese spiritual leader
- July 8
- Marianne Williamson, American spiritual teacher, author and lecturer
- Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister of Egypt
- Knud Arne Jürgensen, Danish music, theater and ballet historian
- July 9 – John Tesh, American composer, musician, and television host (Entertainment Tonight)
- July 10 – Yōko Asagami, Japanese voice actress
- July 11 – Stephen Lang, American actor
- July 12
- Voja Antonić, Serbian inventor and writer
- Philip Taylor Kramer, American rock musician (ت. 1995)
- Liz Mitchell, Jamaican-born singer of Boney M.
- July 14
- Bob Casale, American keyboardist (Devo)
- Stan Shaw, American actor
- Franklin Graham, American evangelist and son of Billy Graham
- July 15
- Terry O'Quinn, American actor
- Yuriko Koike, Japanese politician (Governor of Tokyo)
- July 16 – Stewart Copeland, American rock musician (The Police)
- July 17
- David Hasselhoff, American actor
- Billy Sprague, American Christian musician
- Nicolette Larson, American pop singer (ت. 1997)
- July 18 – Albert Camille Vital, Malagasy Army officer, politician and civil engineer
- July 19 – Allen Collins, American rock musician (Lynyrd Skynyrd) (ت. 1990)
- July 20 – Keiko Matsuzaka, Japanese actress
- July 21 – Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Malaysian Minister of Finance
- July 24 – Gus Van Sant, American film director
- July 25 – Eduardo Souto de Moura, Portuguese Architect
- July 27 – Hannu-Pekka Hänninen, Finnish sports commentator
- July 28 – Vajiralongkorn, King of Thailand (Rama X)
- July 31
- Chris Ahrens, American ice hockey player
- João Barreiros, Portuguese author
- Michael Wolff, American jazz pianist
- August 1 – Zoran Đinđić, Serbian politician (ت. 2003)
- August 2 – Arthur "Art" James, American former MLB baseball outfielder
- August 3 – Osvaldo Ardiles, Argentine footballer
- August 4 – Moya Brennan, Irish singer
- August 5
- Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia
- Louis Walsh, Irish music producer and reality TV show judge
- August 6 – Wojciech Fortuna, Polish ski jumper
- August 7
- Carlos Monzón, Argentine boxer (ت. 1995)
- Alexei Sayle, English comedian
- August 8
- Jostein Gaarder, Norwegian author
- Robin Quivers, African-American radio personality (The Howard Stern Show)
- August 9 – Vicki Morgan, American model (ت. 1983)
- August 10 – Daniel Hugh Kelly, American actor
- August 11 – Bob Mothersbaugh, American composer and guitarist (Devo)
- August 12 – Daniel Biles, American associate justice of the Kansas Supreme Court
- August 13 – Herb Ritts, American photographer (ت. 2002)
- August 16 – Reginald VelJohnson, American actor
- August 17 – Guillermo Vilas, Argentine tennis player
- August 18 – Patrick Swayze, American actor and dancer (ت. 2009)
- August 19 – Jonathan Frakes, American actor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- August 21
- Joe Strummer, British rock musician (The Clash) (ت. 2002)
- Jiří Paroubek, 6th Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
- August 23 – Steven Allan Brown, American punk rock musician (Tuxedomoon)
- August 24 – Linton Kwesi Johnson, Jamaican-born musician and poet
- August 26
- Bryon Baltimore, Canadian ice hockey player
- Michael Jeter, American actor of film, stage, and television (ت. 2003)
- August 27
- Paul Reubens, American actor, writer and comedian (Pee-Wee Herman)
- Roger Stone, American lobbyist
- August 28 – Rita Dove, American poet (1987 Pulitzer Prize, United States Poet Laureate 1993–95)
- August 28 – Wendelin Wiedeking, German businessman
- August 31
- Lee Hyla, American composer
- Hilary Farr, British-Canadian actress and designer
- September 2 – Jimmy Connors, American tennis player
- September 6 – Lucky Enam, Bangladeshi television and theater actress
- 8 سبتمبر - تاكايا هاشي, ممثل أداء صوتي ياباني.
- September 8 – Patrick Prosser, Scottish computer scientist
- September 9 – Angela Cartwright, British-American child actress, photographer and painter
- September 10 – Paulo Betti, Brazilian actor
- September 12
- Sergey Karaganov, Russian political scientist
- Neil Peart, Canadian rock drummer (Rush)
- September 16
- Fatos Nano, Albanian prime minister
- Mickey Rourke, American film actor, former boxer
- September 17 – Harold Solomon, American tennis player
- September 18 – Nile Rodgers, American musician and guitarist
- September 19 – George Warrington, president of Amtrak (1998–2002); executive director of NJ Transit (2002–07) (ت. 2007)
- September 20 – Manuel Zelaya, President of Honduras
- September 21 – Anneliese Michel, German Roman Catholic believed possessed by demons (ت. 1976)
- September 22 – Bob Goodlatte, U.S. Congressman from Virginia
- September 23
- Jim Morrison, American baseball player
- Peter Schrank, political cartoonist
- September 24
- Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, politician
- Mark Sandman, American rock musician and artist (ت. 1999)
- September 25
- Jimmy Garvin, American professional wrestler
- Christopher Reeve, American actor and activist (ت. 2004)
- September 26 – Predrag Miletić, Serbian actor
- September 27
- Didier Dubois, French mathematician
- Katie Fforde, British writer
- September 28 – Sylvia Kristel, Dutch actress (ت. 2012)
- September 29 – Max Sandlin, American politician
- September 30 – Jack Wild, English actor (H.R. Pufnstuf) (ت. 2006)
- October 2 – Robin Riker, American actress and author
- October 5
- Clive Barker, British author
- Harold Faltermeyer, German musician
- Imran Khan, Pakistani politician
- Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan
- Duncan Regehr, Canadian actor
- October 7
- Mary Badham, American actress
- Vladimir Putin, 2-Time President of Russia
- Ludmilla Tourischeva, Soviet gymnast
- October 9 – Sharon Osbourne, English actress, TV host and author
- October 12 – Advent Bangun, Indonesian karateka and actor (ت. 2018)
- October 13
- Beverly Johnson, African-American model, actress and businesswoman
- John Lone, Hong Kong actor
- October 14
- Harry Anderson, American actor, comedian, and magician (ت. 2018)
- Kaija Saariaho, Finnish composer
- Nikolai Andrianov, Soviet gymnast (ت. 2011)
- Rick Aviles, American actor (ت. 1995)
- October 16 – Ron Taylor, American actor (ت. 2002)
- October 18 – Chuck Lorre, American sitcom creator
- October 19 – Verónica Castro, Mexican actress and entertainer
- October 20 – Eliane Giardini, Brazilian actress
- October 22 – Jeff Goldblum, American actor
- October 24 – David Weber, American science fiction and fantasy author
- October 26 – Andrew Motion, English poet
- October 27
- Roberto Benigni, Italian actor, screenwriter, and film director
- Francis Fukuyama, American political scientist
- Topi Sorsakoski, Finnish singer
- October 28 – Annie Potts, American actress
- November 3
- David Ho, Taiwanese-American AIDS researcher
- Michael Shea, American child actor
- Roseanne Barr, American actress and comedian
- Jim Cummings, American voice actor
- November 4 – Jeff Lorber, American keyboardist, composer, and record producer
- November 5
- Oleh Blokhin, Ukrainian football player and manager
- Brian Muehl, American puppeteer
- Bill Walton, American basketball player and commentator
- November 6 – Michael Cunningham, American writer
- November 7 – David Petraeus, American general
- November 8
- Jan Raas, Dutch professional cyclist
- Alfre Woodard, African-American actress
- November 13 – Art Malik, Pakistani-born British actor
- November 14
- Bill Farmer, American voice actor and comedian
- Maggie Roswell, American actress
- November 15 – Randy Savage, American professional wrestler (ت. 2011)
- November 16
- Roger Bisby, English journalist
- Shigeru Miyamoto, Japanese game designer
- November 17
- Ties Kruize, Dutch field hockey player
- Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa
- November 18 – John Parr, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
- November 24 – Ilja Richter, German actor, voice actor, television presenter, singer and author
- November 27 – Buddy Rose, American professional wrestler (ت. 2009)
- November 28 – S. Epatha Merkerson, African-American actress
- November 30
- Keith Giffen, American comic book writer and artist
- Mandy Patinkin, American actor and singer
- December 2 – Peter Kingsbery, American singer-songwriter (Cock Robin)
- December 3 – Bruno Jonas, German Kabarett artist and actor
- December 6
- Chuck Baker, American Major League Baseball player
- Nicolas Bréhal, French novelist and literary critic
- Charles Bronson, English criminal (has been referred to as the "most violent prisoner in Britain")
- Edward Etzel, American Olympic Champion
- Joe Harris, American football linebacker
- Christian Kulik, Polish football player
- Craig Newmark, American businessman, founded Craigslist
- Shio Satō, Japanese manga artist
- Jeff Schneider, American Major League Baseball pitcher
- David L. Spector, American cell and molecular biologist
- December 8 – Richard Walsh, English actor
- December 9 – Michael Dorn, African-American actor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- December 12
- Harbance Singh (Herb) Dhaliwal, Canadian politician
- Sarah Douglas (actress), English actress
- December 13
- Karl Howman, English actor
- Junkyard Dog, American pro wrestler (ت. 1998)
- December 15
- Julie Taymor, American film, theater, and opera director and costume designer
- Hwang Woo-suk, South Korean biomedical scientist
- Allan Simonsen, Danish footballer and coach
- December 16 – Joel Garner, West Indian cricketer
- 20 ديسمبر
- Jenny Agutter, English actress
- Faisal Al-Fayez, Prime Minister of Jordan
- December 25 – Youssouf Ouédraogo, 6th Prime Minister of Burkina Faso (ت. 2017)
- December 26
- Jon Glover, British actor
- Riki Sorsa, Finnish singer (ت. 2016)
- December 27
- Jay Hill, Canadian politician
- David Knopfler, British musician
- December 28
- Arun Jaitley, Indian politician
- Hemant Shesh, Indian Hindi Writer
- December 29 – Külliki Saldre, Estonian actress
- December 30 – June Anderson, American soprano
- 1 يناير – Henri Albert Hartmann, French surgeon (و. 1860)
- 2 يناير – Gustave Francq, Canadian typographer and trade unionist (و. 1871)
- January 4 – Constant Permeke, Belgian painter (و. 1886)
- January 5 – Hristo Tatarchev, Bulgarian revolutionary (و. 1869)
- January 6 – Sofoklis Dousmanis, Greek naval officer (و. 1868)
- January 8 – Antonia Maury, American astronomer (و. 1866)
- 9 يناير – Andrea Cassulo, Italian Roman Catholic priest and missionary (و. 1869)
- January 11
- Stanisław Stempowski, Polish politician (و. 1870)
- Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, French general, posthumous Marshal of France (و. 1889)
- January 14 – Almas Ildyrym, Soviet poet (و. 1907)
- January 16 – Paolo Grilli, Italian sculptor and painter (و. 1857)
- January 18 – Curly Howard, American actor and comedian (The Three Stooges) (و. 1903)
- January 19 – Archduke Maximilian Eugen of Austria (و. 1895)
- January 22 – Andrés Luna de San Pedro, Filipino architect (و. 1887)
- January 24 – Duke York, American actor (و. 1908)
- January 25
- Sveinn Björnsson, 1st President of Iceland (و. 1881)
- François Gagnepain, French botanist (و. 1866)
- Polly Moran, American actress (و. 1883)
- 26 يناير
- Zubeida Begum, Indian actress (و. 1926)
- André Cheron, American actor (و. 1880)
- January 27 – Fannie Ward, American actress (و. 1872)
- January 28
- Thomas Hicks, American runner (ت. 1952)
- Nicolae Constantin Batzaria, Ottoman statesman, Romanian writer (و. 1874)

King George VI
- February 2
- João Guilherme Fischer, Brazilian diplomat and scientist (و. 1876)
- Charles de Rochefort, French actor (و. 1879)
- Patriarch Callistratus of Georgia (و. 1866)
- February 3 – Harold L. Ickes, United States Secretary of the Interior (و. 1874)
- February 4 – Federico Henríquez y Carvajal, Dominican writer (و. 1848)
- February 6 – King George VI of the United Kingdom (و. 1895)
- February 7
- Sebastião da Gama, Portuguese poet (و. 1924)
- Philip G. Epstein, American screenwriter (و. 1909)
- Pete Henry, American football player (Canton Bulldogs) and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame (و. 1897)
- February 9 – Arthur Hayes-Sadler, British admiral (و. 1865)
- February 11 – Matija Murko, Yugoslav scholar (و. 1861)
- February 14
- Molly Malone, American actress (و. 1888)
- John Sheehan, American actor (و. 1885)
- February 15 – Enzo de Muro Lomanto, Italian tenor (و. 1902)
- February 17 – Edvige Carboni, Italian Roman Catholic laywoman, mystic and venerable (و. 1880)
- February 18 – Enrique Jardiel Poncela, Spanish playwright and novelist (و. 1901)
- February 19
- Lawrence Grant, British actor (و. 1870)
- Knut Hamsun, Norwegian author, Nobel Prize laureate (و. 1859)
- February 20 – Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola, 28th President of Ecuador (و. 1888)
- February 21 – Francis Xavier Ford, American Roman Catholic bishop, missionary, servant of God and reverend (و. 1892)
- February 24 – Tadeusz Vetulani, Polish agriculturalist (و. 1897)
- February 26
- Theodoros Pangalos, Greek general and politician, President of Greece (و. 1878)
- Josef Thorak, Austrian-born German sculptor (و. 1889)
- February 27 – Helena Concannon, Irish historian, writer, scholar and politician (و. 1878)
- February 29 – Quo Tai-chi, Chinese diplomat (و. 1888)

King Jigme Wangchuck
- March 1
- Masao Kume, Japanese playwright, novelist and poet (و. 1891)
- Gregory La Cava, American film director (و. 1892)
- March 3 – Antonieta de Barros, Brazilian journalist and politician (و. 1901)
- March 5 – Charles Scott Sherrington, British physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate (و. 1857)
- March 7 – Paramahansa Yogananda, Indian guru (و. 1893)
- March 9 – Alexandra Kollontai, Russian revolutionary (و. 1872)
- March 12
- Hugh Herbert, American actor and comedian (و. 1887)
- Duke Siegfried August in Bavaria (و. 1876)
- March 13 – Võ Thị Sáu, Vietnamese schoolgirl (و. 1933)
- March 18 – Isaak Mazepa, Soviet politician (و. 1884)
- March 19 – Robert Guérin, French administrator, 1st President of FIFA (و. 1876)
- March 21 – Andries Jan Pieters, Dutch criminal (و. 1916)
- March 22
- Uncle Dave Macon, American musician (و. 1870)
- Don Stephen Senanayake, 1st Prime Minister of Ceylon (و. 1884)
- March 26 – J.P. McGowan, Australian actor and director (و. 1880)
- March 28 – Sir Fraser Russell, Governor of Southern Rhodesia (و. 1876)
- March 30 – Sir Jigme Wangchuck, King of Bhutan (و. 1905)
- March 31
- Walter Schellenberg, German Nazi intelligence official (و. 1910)
- Roland West, American film director (و. 1885)
- Wallace H. White, Jr., U.S. Senator from Maine (و. 1877)
- April 1 – Ferenc Molnár, Hungarian novelist and dramatist (و. 1878)
- April 2
- Antonio Cortis, Spanish tenor (و. 1891)
- Julio Enrique Moreno, acting President of Ecuador (و. 1879)
- April 3 – Miina Sillanpää, Finnish politician (و. 1866)
- April 5 – Charles Collett, British chief mechanical engineer (Great Western Railway) (و. 1871)
- April 8 – Tadeusz Estreicher, Polish cryogenics pioneer (و. 1871)
- April 10 – Frederic Austin, British teacher and composer (و. 1872)
- April 15
- Bruno Barilli, Italian actor and composer (و. 1880)
- Viktor Chernov, Russian revolutionary, leader of the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party (و. 1873)
- April 21
- Leslie Banks, British actor (و. 1890)
- Sir Stafford Cripps, British Labour politician, former Chancellor of the Exchequer (و. 1889)
- April 23
- Nikolai Alekseev, Soviet-born Greek Orthodox priest and saint (و. 1869)
- Julius Freed, American inventor and banker (و. 1887)
- April 27 – Guido Castelnuovo, Italian mathematician (و. 1865)
- April 29 – Manuel Portela Valladares, Spanish political figure (و. 1868)
- April 30 – Shigenori Kuroda, Japanese general (و. 1887)

Saint Matrona Nikonova
- May 2
- Lagertha Broch, Norwegian illustrator (و. 1864)
- Matrona Nikonova, Soviet Orthodox nun and saint (و. 1881)
- May 3 – Juan Carlos Blanco Acevedo, Uruguayan politician (و. 1879)
- May 5 – Alberto Savinio, Italian writer (و. 1891)
- May 6 – Maria Montessori, Italian educator (و. 1870)
- May 7 – Juan Bautista Pérez, Venezuelan lawyer, magistrate and politician, 43rd President of Venezuela (و. 1869)
- May 8 – William Fox, Austro-Hungarian-born film producer (و. 1879)
- May 9 – Canada Lee, American actor (و. 1907)
- May 10
- Clark L. Hull, American psychologist (و. 1884)
- Gino Boccasile, Italian illustrator (و. 1901)
- May 11 – Giovanni Tebaldini, Italian composer (و. 1864)
- May 15
- Albert Bassermann, German actor (و. 1867)
- Tadeusz Breyer, Polish sculptor (و. 1874)
- Italo Montemezzi, Italian composer (و. 1875)
- May 16 – Antonio Correa Cotto, Puerto Rican outlaw (و. 1926)
- May 18 – Masakazu Nakai, Japanese aesthetician (و. 1900)
- May 19
- Luigi Fabris, Italian sculptor (و. 1883)
- Bangalore Nagarathnamma, Indian singer (و. 1878)
- May 21 – John Garfield, American actor (و. 1913)
- May 22 – Peter Ermakov, Russian Bolshevik leader (و. 1884)
- May 23 – Georg Schumann, German composer (و. 1866)
- May 29 – Mykhailo Omelianovych-Pavlenko, Soviet army officer (و. 1878)
- June 1
- John Dewey, American philosopher (و. 1859)
- Malcolm St. Clair, American filmmaker (و. 1897)
- June 2 – Naum Torbov, Bulgarian architect (و. 1880)
- June 6 – Thomas Walsh, American Roman Catholic archbishop and reverend (و. 1873)
- June 8 – Sergey Merkurov, Soviet sculptor (و. 1881)
- June 9
- Félix Pérez Cardozo, Paraguayan musician (و. 1908)
- Luigi Puccianti, Italian physicist (و. 1875)
- June 10
- Hilda Hongell, Finnish architect (و. 1867)
- Frances Theodora Parsons, American naturalist (و. 1861)
- June 12 – Genovevo de la O, Mexican revolutionary leader (و. 1876)
- June 13 – Emma Eames, American soprano (و. 1865)
- June 14 – Felix Calonder, Swiss politician, 36th President of the Swiss Confederation (و. 1863)
- June 15 – Zofia Kirkor-Kiedroniowa, Polish activist (و. 1872)
- June 17
- Krystyna Skarbek (aka Christine Granville), Polish-born British SOE operative during World War II (و. 1908)
- Jack Parsons, American rocket engineer (و. 1914)
- June 18 – Heinrich Schlusnus, German baritone (و. 1888)
- June 24 – George Pearce, Australian politician (و. 1870)
- June 26 – Theodor Becker, German actor (و. 1880)
- June 27 – Elmo Lincoln, American actor (و. 1889)
- June 30 – Eugenio de Liguoro, Italian actor and director (و. 1899)
Reverend and Servant of God Guillermo Tritschler y Córdova
- July 2 – Ciro Grassi, Italian composer (و. 1868)
- July 4 – Walter Long, American actor (و. 1879)
- July 5 – Alison Skipworth, British actress (و. 1863)
- July 10 – Rued Langgaard, Danish composer and organist (و. 1893)
- July 20 – Isabelle LaMal, American actress (و. 1886)
- July 21
- Catherine Chisholm, British physician (و. 1878)
- Pedro Lascuráin, Mexican diplomat, 34th President of Mexico (و. 1856)
- July 22
- Harry Carter, American actor (و. 1879)
- Antonio María Valencia, Colombian composer (و. 1902)
- July 24 – Henry Hallett, British actor (و. 1888)
- July 26
- Edward Ellis, American actor (و. 1870)
- Eva Perón, Argentine political leader, and First Lady to and partner in power of President Juan Perón (و. 1919)
- July 29 – Guillermo Tritschler y Córdova, Mexican Roman Catholic prelate, reverend and servant of God (و. 1878)
- July 31
- Waldemar Bonsels, German writer (و. 1880)
- Takashi Hishikari, Japanese general (و. 1871)
- August 1 – Andrew Higgins, American boatbuilder and industrialist. (و. 1886)
- August 2
- Charles K. French, American actor, film director, and screenwriter (و. 1860)
- J. Farrell MacDonald, American actor and director (و. 1875)
- August 5 – Sameera Moussa, Egyptian nuclear scientist (و. 1917)
- August 6 – Francis Pegahmagabow, Canadian military officer (و. 1889)
- August 11
- Riccardo Martin, American tenor (و. 1874)
- Dave Sands, Australian boxer (و. 1926)
- August 12 – Peretz Markish, Soviet-born Israeli poet (و. 1895)
- August 15 – Armida Barelli, Italian Roman Catholic laywoman and venerable (و. 1882)
- August 18
- Alberto Hurtado, Chilean Jesuit priest and saint (و. 1901)
- Ralph Byrd, American actor (و. 1909)
- August 22 – Hiranuma Kiichirō, Japanese politician, 24th Prime Minister of Japan (و. 1867)
- August 23 – Henri Coutière, French zoologist (و. 1869)
- August 26 – Giovanni Cazzani, Italian Roman Catholic archbishop and servant of God (و. 1867)
- August 29
- Euphrasia Eluvathingal, Indian Carmelite nun and saint (و. 1877)
- Anton Piëch, Austrian lawyer, son-in-law of Ferdinand Porsche (و. 1894)
- August 30 – Arky Vaughan, American baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates) and a member of the MLB Hall of Fame (و. 1912)
- August 31 – Henri Bourassa, Canadian political leader and publisher (و. 1868)
- September 4
- Wilhelmus Zakaria Johannes, Indonesian doctor (و. 1895)
- Józef Wegrzyn, Polish actor (و. 1884)
- September 5 – Fernando Luis García, American mariner (killed in action) (و. 1929)
- September 6
- José Vicente de Freitas, Portuguese military officer and politician, 97th Prime Minister of Portugal (و. 1869)
- Gertrude Lawrence, English actress (و. 1898)
- September 7 – Maria Shkapskaya, Soviet poet (و. 1891)
- September 9
- Lizinka Dyrssen, Swedish activist (و. 1866)
- Jonas H. Ingram, American admiral (و. 1886)
- September 13 – Hermann Hummel, German chemist and politician (و. 1876)
- September 16 – Hugo Raudsepp, Estonian playwright (و. 1883)
- September 18 – Maria Matos, Portuguese actress (و. 1890)
- September 22 – Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg, Finnish jurist and academic, 1st President of Finland (و. 1865)
- September 23 – Ray Mala, American actor (و. 1906)
- September 24 – Eiichi Sugimoto, Japanese economist (و. 1901)
- September 26 – George Santayana, Spanish writer (و. 1863)
- September 30 – Viscount Waldorf Astor, American businessman and politician (و. 1879)
- October 3 – Zavel Kwartin, Soviet-born Israeli composer (و. 1874)
- October 4 – Keith Murdoch, Australian journalist (و. 1885)
- October 8 – Arturo Rawson, Argentine military officer and politician, 26th President of Argentina (و. 1885)
- October 11 – Jack Conway, American film producer and director (و. 1887)
- October 17 – Julia Dean, American stage and screen actress (و. 1878)
- October 19
- Edward S. Curtis, American photographer, ethnologist, and film director (و. 1868)
- Huang Jiguang, Chinese soldier (و. 1931)
- Ernst Streeruwitz, Austrian, businessman and politician, 6th Chancellor of Austria (و. 1874)
- October 20 – Basil Radford, British actor (و. 1897)
- October 21 – Leonardo Ruiz Pineda, Venezuela lawyer and politician (و. 1916)
- October 22 – Ernst Rüdin, Swiss psychiatrist, geneticist, and eugenicist (و. 1874)
- October 23 – Susan Peters, American actress (و. 1921)
- October 24 – Frederick Jacobi, American composer (و. 1891)
- October 25 – Sergei Bortkiewicz, Soviet Romantic composer and pianist (و. 1877)
- October 26 – Hattie McDaniel, American actress (و. 1895)
- October 27 – Ludwig Fahrenkrog, German writer, playwright and artist (و. 1867)
- October 28 – Billy Hughes, Australian politician, 7th Prime Minister of Australia (و. 1862)
- October 29 – Henri Rouvière, French professor (و. 1876)
- November 1 – Dixie Lee, American singer (و. 1911)
- November 2
- Mehmet Esat Bülkat, Ottoman general (و. 1862)
- Henry Edwards, British actor (و. 1882)
- November 3 – Louis Verneuil, French playwright and screenwriter (و. 1893)
- November 6 – Charles de Chambrun, French diplomat and writer (و. 1875)
- November 8
- Harold Innis, Canadian communications scholar (و. 1894)
- Hugh Prosser, American actor (و. 1900)
- November 9 – Chaim Weizmann, Jewish biochemist, Zionist leader and Israeli statesman, 1st President of Israel (و. 1874)
- November 10 – John Roche, American actor (و. 1893)
- November 11
- Eugene Bossilkov, Bulgarian Roman Catholic priest, bishop, martyr and blessed (و. 1900)
- Josaphat Chichkov, Bulgarian Orthodox priest, martyr and blessed (و. 1884)
- Kamen Vitchev, Bulgarian Orthodox and Assumptionist priest, martyr and blessed (و. 1893)
- November 15
- Vasyl Krychevsky, Soviet painter (و. 1873)
- Vincent Scotto, French composer (و. 1874)
- November 18 – Paul Eluard, French poet (و. 1895)
- November 20 – Benedetto Croce, Italian critic, philosopher, and politician (و. 1866)
- November 21
- Henriette Roland Holst, Dutch poet and socialist (و. 1869)
- William D. Upshaw, American temperance movement leader (و. 1866)
- November 25 – Antonio Guarnieri, Italian conductor (و. 1880)
- November 26
- Sven Hedin, Swedish explorer, geographer and geopolitician (و. 1865)
- Carlo Lazzarini, Australian politician (و. 1880)
- November 27 – Zhou Xuechang, Chinese politician (و. 1898)
- November 28 – Elena of Montenegro, Queen of Italy, consort of Victor Emmanuel III (و. 1869)
- November 29
- Vladimir Ipatieff, Soviet chemist (و. 1867)
- Vida Milholland, American activist (و. 1888)
- December 1 – Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, Italian statesman, 23rd Prime Minister of Italy (و. 1860)
- December 2 – Miguel Osório de Almeida, Brazilian physician and scientist (و. 1890)
- December 3 – Vladimír Clementis, Czechoslovak minister, politician, publicist, literary critic and author (و. 1902)
- December 4
- Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, Italian writer and journalist (و. 1882)
- Karen Horney, German psychoanalyst (و. 1885)
- December 6
- Andrey Aleksandrovich Gershun, Soviet physicist (و. 1903)
- Louis Lapicque, French neuroscientist (و. 1866)
- Dumitru Popovici, Romanian hisrorian (و. 1902)
- December 8 – Charles Lightoller, British merchant marine officer, second officer of RMS Titanic (و. 1874)
- December 12
- Erika Aittamaa, Swedish artisan (و. 1866)
- Billy Cook, American criminal (و. 1928)
- Bedrich Hrozný, Czech orientalist and linguist (و. 1879)
- December 14
- Teixeira de Pascoaes, Portuguese poet, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature (و. 1877)
- Fartein Valen, Norwegian composer (و. 1887)
- December 15
- Goscombe John, British sculptor (و. 1860)
- Emmanuel Boleslaus Ledvina, American Roman Catholic prelate, bishop and reverend (و. 1868)
- December 16 – Leonid Yachenin, Soviet politician (و. 1897)
- December 18
- Garimella Satyanarayana, Indian poet (و. 1893)
- Ernst Stromer, German paleontologist (و. 1871)
- December 19 – Pehr G. Holmes, American politician (و. 1881)
- December 25
- Bernardino Molinari, Italian conductor (و. 1880)
- Herman Sörgel, German architect (و. 1885)
- December 26 – Lyn Harding, British actor (و. 1867)
- December 27 – Henri Winkelman, Dutch general (و. 1876)
- December 28
- Carlo Agostini, Italian Roman Catholic prelate and reverend (و. 1871)
- Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Queen consort of Christian X of Denmark (و. 1879)
- Fletcher Henderson, American musician (و. 1897)
- December 30
- Luke McNamee, American admiral and Governor of Guam (و. 1871)
- Gabriel Skagestad, Norwegian theologian, Roman Catholic priest, bishop and reverend (و. 1879)
Nobel Prizes
- Physics – Felix Bloch, Edward Mills Purcell
- Chemistry – Archer John Porter Martin, Richard Laurence Millington Synge
- Medicine – Selman Abraham Waksman
- Literature – François Mauriac
- Peace – Albert Schweitzer
- ^ Pattillo, Donald M. (February 1, 2001). "Pushing the Envelope: The American Aircraft Industry". University of Michigan Press – via Google Books.
- ^ Zamula, Evelyn (June 1991). "A New Challenge for Former Polio Patients". FDA Consumer. Food and Drug Administration. 25 (5). "Consumer". Archived from the original on January 26, 2008. Retrieved 29 August 2009.
{{cite web}}
: Unknown parameter|deadurl=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ^ Verdourt, Bernard; Trump, E.C.; Church, M.E. (1969). Common poisonous plants of East Africa. London: Collins. p. 254.
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suggested) (help)