6 نوفمبر

أكتوبر نوفمبر ديسمبر
سبت أحد إثنين ثلاثاء أربعاء خميس جمعة
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355 n. Chr.: Kaiser Julian
1792: Österreichische Niederlande
  • 1792 - التحالف الأول defeated the French revolutionary army under Charles-François Dumouriez , the Austrian troops under Duke Albert of Saxe-Teschen and Graf Clerfait in the Battle of Jemappes . Subsequently occupied France the Austrian Netherlands .
  • 1806 - صدور فرمان من الدولة العثمانية بتثبيت محمد علي في ولايته على مصر بعد أن أصرت الزعامة الشعبية ومعها جموع المصريين على ذلك.
  • 1806 - After the day before the Prussian troops neutral Lübeck had occupied, it is against Napoleonic troops for battle of Lübeck . After their victory, the French occupy and plunder the city.
  • 1809 - In Buenos Aires , the viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros decrees the free trade in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata .
  • 1813 - مؤتمر چيلپان‌سينگو برئاسة خوسيه ماريا موريلوس إ پاڤون يدعو لأول مرة إلى استقلال المكسيك عن اسبانيا بالانفصال عن نائبية إسپانيا الجديدة.
1817: Das Eintreffen Leopoldines in Rio de Janeiro am 5. November
The 1860 United States presidential election, the first Republican presidential election . Lincoln- acquired states with red colors in the north and west. 1861: جفرسون ديڤيس
1880: Malariaerreger
1944: Luftaufnahmen der RAF nach dem Angriff auf Koblenz
1984: Ronald Reagan


The birth of Suleiman the Magnificent I (1494-1566) , the 10th emperor who built the heyday of the Ottoman Empire
جون كايوس (1510–1573)

James Naismith (1861-1939) , a Canadian educator who invented basketball
businessman Yoshisuke Aikawa (1880-1967). Laying the foundation of Nissan Motor
The first of the baseball Hall of Fame five of one person a is 417 wins the Australian arm pitcher, Walter Johnson (1887-1946) birth
Dominating as intelligence agents in Malay bandits "Harimao" that Tani Yutaka (1911-1942) birth.。
أدولف ساكس (1814-1894) , the Belgian musical instrument maker who invented the saxophone
Birth of economic analyst Charles Dow (1851-1902). Advocate the Dow Jones Industrial Average
گلن فراي (1948-2016)، قائد فرقة الإيگلز
جري يانگ (1968-). أحد مؤسسي ياهو


(1757-1836), the last king of the Bourbon Restoration in France , went into exile again in the July Revolution and died in Goerz (now Gorizia ).
پيوتر تشايكوڤسكي (1840-1893)، ملحن

أعياد ومناسبات


  1. ^ Tomson, Chris (6 November 2016). "Kurdish forces capture first batch of villages from ISIS in campaign to liberate Raqqa". Almasdar News. Retrieved 8 November 2016.
  2. ^ "Donald Trump - Key Events | Miller Center". millercenter.org. 2021-01-28. Retrieved 2022-01-11.
  3. ^ "AIM25 collection description". Aim25.com. Retrieved 2019-12-21.
  4. ^ "Guide to the Ida Louise Anderson Papers - bibliographical and historical note". ntserver1.wsulibs.wsu.edu. Retrieved 2017-10-22.
  5. ^ Aderet, Ofer; Lis, Jonathan (7 November 2015). "Yitzhak Navon, Fifth President of Israel, Dies at 94". Haaretz.

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