3 أغسطس

يوليو أغسطس سبتمبر
سبت أحد إثنين ثلاثاء أربعاء خميس جمعة
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3 أغسطس أو 3 آب أو يوم 3 \ 8 (اليوم الثالث من الشهر الثامن) هو اليوم الخامس عشر بعد المئتين (215) من السنوات البسيطة، أو اليوم السادس عشر بعد المئتين (216) من السنوات الكبيسة وفقًا للتقويم الميلادي الغربي (الگريگوري). يبقى بعده 150 يوماً لانتهاء السنة.


178م: مارك أورل في حروب الماركوماني
1492: كلومبس يغادر إسپانيا


  • 1875 - The Bavarian King Ludwig II approves the establishment of the Bavarian central bank . So far, the Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank has held this function , but it does not want to restrict its other banking transactions .
  • 1884 - The German Association of Engineers establishes an aid fund for architects, engineers and technicians .
  • 1900 - Harvey Samuel Firestone founds the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company in Akron .
  • 2005 - The sporting goods manufacturer adidas announces that the company intends to buy its competitor Reebok for 3.1 billion euros .

العلوم والتكنولوجيا

1787: Der Mont Blanc
  • 1787 - Measurements by the Geneva naturalist Horace Bénédict de Saussure show that Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Europe.
  • 1804 - Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland return from their great trip to America.
Die Route der Rurik-Expedition (1815–1818)
  • 1818 - The Russian Rurik Expedition comes to an end after three years without the hoped-for discovery of the Northwest Passage , but with a whole host of other discoveries and research materials. The expedition member Adelbert von Chamisso later processed his experiences in his work Reise um die Welt in den Jahres 1815–1818 .
  • 1858 - In his search for the source of the Nile, the Briton John Hanning Speke is the first European to reach Lake Victoria .
  • 1933 - The French flying boat Blériot 5190 takes off on its maiden flight .
  • 1935 - After five years of construction, the Grossglockner High Alpine Road is opened.
1958: Die USS Nautilus
  • 1958 - The nuclear-powered submarine USS Nautilus becomes the first watercraft to reach the Geographic North Pole .
  • 1984 - The first Internet e-mail is received in Germany at 10.14 CET . This was sent from Cambridge (Massachusetts) to the University of Karlsruhe (TH) the day before .
  • 2004 - NASA 's MESSENGER spacecraft is launched as part of the Discovery program . Their flight is aimed at explorations of the planet Mercury in the inner solar system .


Wappen der Real Academia Española
  • 1713 - The Marqués of Villena, together with friends, founded the Real Academia Española , the authoritative institution for the cultivation of the Spanish language.
Die Mailänder Scala (eröffnet 1778)
  • 1778 - The Teatro alla Scala opera house in Milan opens with the premiere of Antonio Salieri 's opera L'Europa riconosciuta .
  • 1816 - The premiere of the opera Undine by ETA Hoffmann takes place at the Staatstheater am Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin . The libretto was written by Friedrich de La Motte Fouqué based on his own story of the same name .
  • 1829 - The opera Guillaume Tell ( Wilhelm Tell ) by Gioachino Rossini is premiered at the Grand Opéra Paris . The text is by Victor-Joseph Étienne de Jouy and Hippolyte Bis nach Friedrich Schiller's play Wilhelm Tell .


المخترع إلايشا اوتيس (1811-1861). اخترع المصعد. يسار: آلية منع السقوط
George Francis FitzGerald (* 1851)
Michel Verne (* 1861)
Stanley Baldwin (* 1867)


Colette († 1954)
مكاريوس الثالث († 1977)

أعياد ومناسبات

  1. ^ Stout, David (6 August 2014). "Be Captured and Killed, or Risk Dying of Thirst: The Awful Choice Facing the Refugees of Sinjar". Time. Archived from the original on 3 June 2015. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  2. ^ "Afghanistan mosque attack: At least 29 Shia worshippers killed in Gardez". BBC News Asia. 2018-08-03.
  3. ^ "Russia protests: Hundreds detained during unauthorised demonstration". BBC News. August 3, 2019. Retrieved August 3, 2019.
  4. ^ Danner, Chas (August 3, 2019). "Everything We Know About the El Paso Walmart Massacre". New York، Intelligencer. Retrieved August 3, 2019.
  5. ^ "El Paso Shooting Victim Dies Months Later, Death Toll Now 23". The New York Times. April 26, 2020. Retrieved April 26, 2020.
  6. ^ "Texas Man Pleads Guilty to 90 Federal Hate Crimes and Firearms Violations for August 2019 Mass Shooting at Walmart in El Paso, Texas". www.justice.gov. February 8, 2023.