2023 في العلوم

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البيئة في الكواكب الخارجية
بيئة الأرض

الأحداث العلمية التالية وقعت أو مجدولة في 2023.

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  • 3 January – Researchers report molecular mechanisms that appear to underlie some of the reported health benefits of periods of intermittent fasting: changes to gene expression or rhythmicity of ~80% of all mouse genes in at least one tissue.[1][2]
4 January: A metascience study delivers various insights and theories about the growth, practices, and changes of science overall from citation analysis of a large corpus of scientific papers.
5 January: Archaeologists report that notational signs from ~37,000 years ago in caves, apparently conveying calendaric meaning about the behaviour of animal species drawn next to them, are the first known (proto-)writing in history.
6 January: A study concludes that retroviruses in the human genomes can become awakened from dormant states and contribute to aging which can be blocked by neutralizing antibodies.

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6 February: A previously unknown cell mechanism explains how cells 'remember' their identity when they divide.
8 February: The dwarf planet Quaoar is found to have a ring system.
9 February: Safety-by-design ways like DNA screening for biosafety and biosecurity to prevent engineered pandemics
9 February: Results of the first longevity caloric restriction (CR) trial, CALERIE
15 February: Cosmologists report results that suggest black holes are the astrophysical origin of dark energy.
28 February: Scientists coin and outline a new field called 'organoid intelligence' (OI).

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14 March: Launch of GPT-4, an artificial intelligence software able to generate human-like text.
15 March: Evidence of active volcanism on Venus is presented.
16 March: A global riseقالب:Image requested inline of high-risk pathogen labs raises pandemic prevention concerns.


12 April: Researchers demonstrate an 'AI scientist' that can rediscover physical laws from axioms and data.
14 أبريل: Launch of the JUICE mission to Jupiter.
Image version of this section


1 May: A new non-invasive brain-reading method for "semantic decoding" based on fMRI is demonstrated.
8 May: Infrared view of three asteroid belts around the star Fomalhaut.
17 May: A more complex model of human evolution.
22 May: 2.7 °C global warming could by 2100 leave every third outside the human climate niche (MAT ≥29 °C).
25 May: Artificial intelligence is reported to have designed a new antibiotic, effective against Acinetobacter baumannii (pictured).


Reporting low Antarctic sea ice extent in mid 2023, researchers concluded that a "regime shift" may be taking place "in which previously important relationships no longer dominate sea ice variability".[739]


5 July: A first evolution experiment of synthetic bacterial 'minimal cells' JCVI-syn3B shows "life finds a way".
18 July: Naturally occurring graphene is reported for the first time.
21 July: A first study investigates theories popularized in 2018 that involve jobs being viewed as objectively useless to society.


3 August: Dogxim, the first known foxdog hybrid is reported.
2023's June–July-August season was the warmest on record globally by a large margin, as El Niño conditions continued to develop.[944]


11 September: NASA reports that the exoplanet K2-18b (artist's impression) may be covered in oceans of water.
September 2023 was the warmest September on record globally, with an average surface air temperature 0.5 °C above the temperature of the previous warmest September (2020).[975]
18 September: LCLS-II becomes the world's most powerful X-ray laser (illustration of an undulator, the core of a free-electron laser)
  • 14 September
    • NASA releases the first public study on UAPs (also known as UFOs), and appoints Mark McInerney as the first Director of UAP, to scientifically and transparently study further such occurrences.[981][982][983][984]
    • A new record time for quantum coherence is reported, with a single-photon qubit encoded in a novel superconducting cavity for 34 milliseconds.[985]
    • A genetically engineered marine microorganism is shown to break down polyethylene terephthalate in salt water. This plastic, used in everything from water bottles to clothing, is a significant contributor to microplastic pollution in oceans.[986]
    • A study by Penn State finds that rivers are warming and losing oxygen faster than oceans. Of nearly 800 rivers, warming occurred in 87% and oxygen loss occurred in 70%. The study projects that within 70 years, river systems could "induce acute death" in aquatic organisms due to low levels of oxygen.[987]
    • Astronomers report studies related to the Hubble tension, a disagreement in results attempting to measure the Hubble constant, and find that the results from the James Webb Space Telescope support earlier results from the Hubble Space Telescope. According to astronomer Adam Riess, "With Webb confirming the measurements from Hubble, the Webb measurements provide the strongest evidence yet that systematic errors in Hubble's Cepheid photometry do not play a significant role in the present Hubble tension ... As a result, the more interesting possibilities remain on the table and the mystery of the tension deepens."[988][989]
    • Research suggests that replacing half of the beef, chicken, dairy and pork products consumed globally with plant-based alternatives by 2050 could reduce the amount of land used by agriculture by almost a third, bring deforestation for agriculture nearly to a halt, help restore biodiversity through rewilding the land and reduce GHG emissions from agriculture by 31%, paving a clearer path to reaching climate and biodiversity targets.[990][991]
  • 18 September
    • A new palm oil substitute called PALM-ALT is presented by researchers at Queen Margaret University in Scotland. The plant-based ingredient is shown to be 70% better for the environment than conventional palm oil and is described as "the holy grail to replace it."[992][993]
    • The Linac Coherent Light Source at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is upgraded to LCLS-II and successfully demonstrates its first X-rays, which are fired 8,000 times faster and are 10,000 times brighter than the previous version.[994][995][996]
    • Scientists calculate that animal genera are going extinct at a rate 35 times faster than expected background rates over the past million years, which they say indicates the planet is experiencing a human-driven sixth mass extinction event and that it is accelerating.[997][998]
    • A triple-junction solar cell with perovskite-perovskite-silicon subcell configuration is demonstrated with open-circuit voltage of over 2.8 V, which compares to conventional cells with values ranging between 0.7 V and 0.8 V.[999]
  • 19 September
  • 20 September – Archaeologists in Zambia find the world's oldest wooden structure, dating back 476,000 years.[1003]
  • 21 September – Carbon is reported to be present in the subterranean ocean of Europa, based on observations by the James Webb Space Telescope.[1004]
  • 22 September – Astronomers report studies of the TRAPPIST-1 b exoplanet, finding no signs of an atmosphere, and commenting that the "planet could be a bare rock, have clouds high in the atmosphere or have a very heavy molecule like carbon dioxide that makes the atmosphere too small to detect."[1005][1006]
24 September: Samples from the hazardous asteroid Bennu are successfully returned to Earth.
  • 24 September – Scientists report the successful return of samples from NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission to the asteroid 101955 Bennu.[1007] Shortly after the sample container was retrieved and transferred to an "airtight chamber at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas", the lid on the container was opened. Scientists commented that they "found black dust and debris on the avionics deck of the OSIRIS-REx science canister" on the initial opening. Later study was planned. A news conference on the asteroid sample is scheduled for 11 October 2023.[1008]
  • 25 September
  • 26 September – Work begins on the seventh and final primary mirror of the Giant Magellan Telescope, which is expected to provide quadruple the image resolution of previous observatories when completed.[1012]
  • 27 September


13 October: Launch of NASA's Psyche mission.



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