2015 في العلوم

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الفن . الآثار . العمارة . الأدب . الموسيقى . الفلسفة . العلوم +...

عدد من الأحداث العلمية البارزة وقعت أو من المتوقع أن تقع في 2015. وقد أعلنت الأمم المتحدة أن 2015 هي السنة العالمية للتربة والتقنيات الضوئية.[1]

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  • 2 يناير – دراسة منشورة في ساينس تظهر دليلاً أن پروتيناً يُجمّع جزئياً پروتيناً آخر بدون تعليمات جينية. وفي تعارض مع علوم الكتب المرجعية، فالأحماض الأمينية (وحدات بناء الپروتينات) يمكن أن يجمّعها پروتين آخر وبدون تعليمات جينية.[2]
سيريس (كوكب قزم) كما يظهر من مركبة الفضاء داون في 13 يناير 2015 (composite animated video).[25]
  • 15 يناير
    • مدد العلماء عمر ذبابة الفاكهة بنسبة 60 بالمائة، باستخدام طريقة قد تؤدي في يوم ما إلى التوصل إلى أدوية مضادة للشيخوخة للبشر.[28]
    • سلسلة من 24 مؤشر عالمي، نُشرت في صحيفة أنثروپسي رڤيو، توضح كيفية تأثير البشر في الدفع الرئيسي لنظام الأرض.[29][30]
  • 16 يناير
  • 19 يناير
  • 20 يناير – حبس الكربون طويل المدى، كوسيلة لتفادي التغيرات المناخية قد يكون إنجازه أصعب مما كنا نظن من قبل، بسبب مصاعب في تحويل الغاز إلى الحالة الصلبة، تفيد دراسة من معهد مساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا.[40]
  • 22 يناير – بإعادة خلق الظروف التي كانت على الأرض أثناء تأثير تشيك‌شولوب، توصل الباحثون إلى أن النبضة الحرارية الأقرب للحفرة كانت قصيرة للغاية (أقل من دقيقة) لإشعال كميات كبيرة من مادة الكوكب. على النقيض، فالمناطق الأكثر بعداً شهدت مستويات حرارة أقل كثافة، أطول وقتاً (أكثر من سبع دقائق)، بما يكفي لإشعال مادة الكوكب. يمثل هذا تحدياً للنظريات السابقة حول العواصف النارية العالمية فيما بعد الحدث.[41]
مكوّن في الشاي الأخضر وُجِد أنه قد يقي من سرطان الفم.[42]

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"Smiley" image of galaxy cluster (SDSS J1038+4849) and gravitational lensing (an Einstein ring) (HST).[58]


Light imaged as both a particle and a wave.
  • 1 مارس – SanDisk announces the first 200GB capacity microSD card, a 56% increase on its previous record of 128GB just a year earlier.[93]
  • 2 مارس – Scientists have captured the first ever image of light as both a particle and a wave.[94][95]
  • 3 مارس – NASA reports that, for the first time, complex DNA and RNA organic compounds of life, including uracil, cytosine and thymine, have been formed in the laboratory under outer space conditions, using starting chemicals, such as pyrimidine, found in meteorites. Pyrimidine, like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the most carbon-rich chemical found in the Universe, may have been formed in red giants or in interstellar dust and gas clouds, according to the scientists.[96]
  • 4 مارس – A 2.8 million-year-old jawbone may be the oldest human fossil in existence, according to two papers published simultaneously in Science. Researchers now suspect that Homo (the genus that includes modern humans) dates back at least 400,000 years earlier than previously thought.[97][98][99]
  • 5 مارس
    • Evidence for a vast, ancient ocean that once covered most of the northern hemisphere on Mars is reported by NASA.[100]
    • Astronomers have discovered the fastest known star, which is being ejected from the galaxy by a supernova explosion. Its hypervelocity of 1,200 km/s (2.7 million mph) is high enough to escape the gravitational pull of the Milky Way.[101][102][103]
    • The number of people affected by river flooding could nearly triple by 2030, according to a new analysis.[104]
  • 6 مارس
  • 9 مارس
    • Solar Impulse begins its round-the-world flight, aiming to become the first plane to circumnavigate the globe using only energy from the Sun.[109]
    • A new class of drugs known as "senolytics" has been shown to improve multiple aspects of aging in mice.[110]
  • 11 مارس
    • The rocket engine of NASA's Space Launch System, the most powerful booster ever built, has its first ground test, with officials claiming a "perfect" result.[111][112]
    • NASA's Cassini spacecraft provides the first clear evidence of hydrothermal activity on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, which may resemble that seen in the deep oceans on Earth and is likely the most habitable off-world environment ever found.[113]
    • Photos emerge of a newly formed island near Tonga in the Pacific, created as a result of volcanic activity.[114]
    • A breakthrough in carbon capture technology allows the process to be undertaken with half as much energy as previous methods.[115]
  • 12 مارس
19 March: Supernova remnant ejecta producing planet-forming material.
  • 17 March – Lava tubes big enough to house entire cities could be structurally stable on the moon, according to a theoretical study presented at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.[120]
  • 18 March
    • NASA reports the detection of an aurora that is not fully understood and an unexplained dust cloud in the atmosphere of the planet Mars.[121]
    • A 30-year land-based study of the Amazon, the most extensive ever conducted, shows the rainforest is gradually losing its ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere, as trees die at faster and faster rates.[122][123]
  • 19 March
    • The National Snow and Ice Data Center reports that Arctic sea ice reached its lowest ever maximum extent.[124]
    • Using data from SOFIA, it is discovered that planets may be formed from supernova remnant ejecta.[125]
    • Scientists report on a genetic modification that can spread much quicker than conventional genetics would allow, copying itself to other chromosomes with CRISPRs. Possible applications include malaria-resistant mosquitos.[126]
    • Scientists, including an inventor of CRISPR, urge a worldwide moratorium on using gene editing methods to genetically engineer the human genome in a way that can be inherited, writing "scientists should avoid even attempting, in lax jurisdictions, germline genome modification for clinical application in humans" until the full implications "are discussed among scientific and governmental organizations."[127][128][129]
  • 20 March – A total solar eclipse occurs, visible over much of Europe.[130]
  • 22 March – DNA from the extinct woolly mammoth is spliced into that of an elephant and shown to be functional for the first time.[131]
  • 24 March
  • 25 March
    • A new technique has successfully entangled 3,000 atoms using only a single photon, the largest number of particles that have ever been mutually entangled experimentally.[136]
10 April: Artist's restoration of Titanis walleri, an extinct eight-foot tall carnivorous flightless bird also known as a "terror bird".
    • Iranian researchers reduce costly materials from diabetes diagnosis sensors. They devised and created a non-enzyme biosensor at the laboratorial scale to notice diabetes.[137]
  • 26 March
    • The ice around the edge of Antarctica is melting faster than previously thought, researchers have warned.[138]
    • A nanoparticle therapy has been shown to accelerate the healing of wounds by 50 percent.[139]
  • 30 March
    • A 1,000-year-old treatment for eye infections – containing onion, garlic and part of a cow's stomach – has been shown to completely wipe out staphylococcus aureus, the antibiotic-resistant superbug known as MRSA.[140]
    • Eating pesticide-laden foods is linked to remarkably low sperm count (49% lower), say Harvard scientists in a landmark new study connecting pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables to reproductive health.[141][142]
    • Scientists have developed tiny 'nanoneedles' that successfully prompted parts of mice bodies to generate new blood vessels. It is hoped this technique could ultimately help damaged organs and nerves to repair themselves and help transplanted organs to thrive.[143]

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  • 1 أبريل – New research reveals that, as the Arctic region warms and melts, polar bears forced ashore will be unable to gain sufficient food on land, a new study concludes.[144] Two-thirds of polar bears could be lost by 2050 and the species could be extinct by 2100.[145]
  • 2 أبريل – Northwestern Medicine scientists identify a small RNA molecule called miR-182 that can suppress cancer-causing genes in mice with glioblastoma mulitforme (GBM), a deadly and incurable type of brain tumor.[146]
  • 4 أبريل – A total lunar eclipse occurs.
  • 5 أبريل – The Large Hadron Collider resumes operations after a two-year technology upgrade and various maintenance delays.[147]
  • 6 أبريل – Glaciers in Western Canada will lose 70 percent of their volume by 2100, according to a study by the University of British Columbia.[148][149]
  • 7 أبريل –Scientists from Iran research on a new method to let users to scan 3D photos with only their smartphone. The result was published in a media titled Nanophotonic coherent imager in the February 2015 issue of Optics Express.[150]
  • 8 أبريل
    • DARPA announces a new project that aims to create a computer program able to continuously scan its environment, evolving and adapting autonomously for the next 100 years.[151]
    • Complex organic molecules have been detected in a young star system for the first time.[152]
    • باحثون إيرانيون يصنعون محفز ضوئي مغناطيسي قابل للتدوير لتنقية الماء غير النظيف.[153]
14 April: Pluto and moon Charon - first color image from the New Horizons spacecraft mission (Ralph camera; 9 April 2015).[154][155]
  • 9 أبريل – باحثون إيرانيون يطبقون موجات فوق صوتية ليصنعوا فولرين. هذه المقاربة تتفق مع أساسيات الكيمياء الخضراء كما أنها متوافقة حيوياً.[156]
  • 10 أبريل – An almost completely intact skeleton of a terror bird is found in Argentina. Analysis suggests these predators had good low-frequency hearing and deep voices.[157]
  • 13 أبريل – The U.S. Federal Communications Commission publishes the final rule on its new "Net Neutrality" regulations.[158]
  • 14 أبريل
  • 15 أبريل
    • Following groundbreaking studies on mice, American scientists claim to have found a potential cause of Alzheimer's disease in the behaviour of immune cells, which it may be possible to target with drug treatments.[164][165]
    • Researchers uncover evidence of a cannibalistic ritual that occurred in a British cave roughly 14,700 years ago.[166]
  • 16 أبريل
    • A major advance in artificial photosynthesis is achieved with a system able to capture CO2 using solar energy and then use it to produce valuable chemical products.[167]
    • Modification of histones in the DNA of nematodes, fruit flies, and possibly humans can affect aging, researchers claim.[168]
    • Scientists say the first detailed kinematic study of octopus arm coordination in crawling show that the animals have a special system control tactic to fix their odd form.[169]
    • Iranian researchers have produced a type of nanocatalyst which improves the performance of fuel cells.[170]
  • 17 أبريل – Bouvier's red colobus, a species of monkey last seen in the 1970s and thought to have been extinct, is rediscovered in the Republic of Congo.[171]
  • 20 أبريل – Japan announces plans to send an unmanned lunar rover to the Moon's surface in 2018.[172]
  • 21 أبريل
    • The Japanese L0 Series maglev becomes the first train to operate at a speed of 600 kilometres per hour (370 mph).[173]
    • Researchers demonstrate WiFiFO (WiFi Free space Optic), a technology capable of increasing the bandwidth of WiFi systems tenfold, using optical data transmission via LED lights.[174]
22 April: It is confirmed that Chinese scientists have genetically modified human embryos.
  • 22 أبريل
  • 23 أبريل
    • Two huge magma chambers have been imaged in 3D below Yellowstone National Park.[178]
    • For the first time, signals relating to the constant ringing noise of tinnitus have been mapped across the brain of a patient undergoing surgery.[179]
    • An international team of scientists has sequenced the complete genome of the woolly mammoth.[180]
    • Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada have developed a new algorithm for showing protein structures in 3D, based on 2D images, which is 100,000 times faster than current methods.[181]
    • A new gene-editing technique is reported that could prevent mitochondrial diseases, without the need for three-parent IVF.[182]
  • 27 أبريل – Archaeologists discover fossil remnants of an ancient human species, dating from roughly 430,000 years ago, in two sites in Italy.[183]
  • 28 أبريل
    • A study from Arizona State University reveals the action of an experimental blood pressure drug in unprecedented detail, potentially aiding the development of new and better drugs.[184]
    • British and American psychologists claimed persecuting in schooldays result to at least mental health difficulties in adulthood.[185]
29 April: The World Health Organization (WHO) declares that rubella has been eradicated from the Americas.
  • 29 أبريل
    • Scientists report finding a scansoriopterygid dinosaur, named Yi qi ("strange wing"), that may have flown without feathers.[186][187]
    • The World Health Organization (WHO) declares that rubella has been eradicated from the Americas.[188][189]
    • Two critical steps towards a practical quantum computer are achieved by IBM scientists, who demonstrate the ability to detect and measure both kinds of quantum errors simultaneously, as well as building a new, square quantum bit circuit design that is the only physical architecture that could successfully scale to larger dimensions.[190]
  • 30 أبريل
    • NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft concludes its four-year orbital mission over Mercury by crashing into the planet at a velocity of approximately 14,080 km/h (8,750 mph), impacting at 54.4° N, 149.9° W, near the crater Janáček.[191][192]
    • Tesla Motors reveals a new large-scale battery technology for homes and businesses, which will provide a means of storing energy from localised renewables and a reliable backup system during power outages.[193][194]
    • Progeria researchers have shown how the disorganisation of DNA contributes to the cell disorder and is linked to aspects of aging.[195]


  • 3 May – Astronomers report detection of a most distant galaxy, EGS-zs8-1, with an estimated distance of 13.1 billion light-years.[196][197]
  • 5 May
    • Researchers develop a centimetre-accurate GPS-based positioning system that could revolutionise geolocation on VR headsets, cellphones, drones and other technologies.[198]
    • Vehicle manufacturer Daimler announces that its Freightliner Inspiration Truck has become the world's first autonomous truck to be granted a license for road use in the state of Nevada.[199]
    • Archaeornithura meemannae, a new species of prehistoric bird that represents the oldest known member of the modern bird lineage, is discovered.[200]
15 May: The Opah is confirmed as the first known warm-blooded fish.
  • 6 May
  • 12 May
    • The Australian Government's Bureau of Meteorology confirms that the tropical Pacific is in the early stages of an El Niño that is "likely to persist in the coming months."[208]
    • New evidence has been uncovered that global warming will damage wheat yields, resulting in a 15 percent loss when average temperatures increase by 2 degrees Celsius and a 40 percent decline when average temperatures rise by 4 degrees.[209]
  • 13 May – For the first time, the phase brightness variations in exoplanets have been measured to see the day-night cycle of exoplanetary weather dynamics.[210]
  • 14 May – Researchers confirm that strong warming is taking place in the upper troposphere, a phenomenon long predicted in global warming theory and climate models.[211]
  • 15 May
    • Larsen B and C, a pair of ice shelves in the Antarctic, are reportedly at risk of collapse in the near future, potentially adding several centimetres to global sea levels.[212]
    • Researchers have taken a step towards large-scale fabrication of graphene, using chemical vapor deposition to produce composites containing 2-inch-by-2-inch sheets of the material.[213]
    • The opah is confirmed as the first known "warm-blooded" fish, able to regulate the temperature of its entire body.[214]
21 May: NASA reports that WISE J224607.57-052635.0 is the most luminous galaxy in the Universe. (artist's impression)
  • 18 May – Scientists have reactivated neuroplasticity in older mice, restoring their brains to a more youthful state.[215]
  • 19 May – Playing natural sounds such as flowing water in offices can boost worker moods and improve cognitive abilities, in addition to providing speech privacy, according to a new study.[216]
  • 20 May – NASA reports the Kepler space observatory observed KSN 2011b, a Type Ia supernova in the process of exploding: before, during and after. Details of the pre-nova moments may help scientists better understand dark energy.[217]
  • 21 May
    • NASA reports the most luminous galaxy yet discovered is galaxy WISE J224607.57-052635.0. Smaller than the Milky Way galaxy, this dusty galaxy releases 10,000 times more energy. Nearly 100 percent of the light emitted from galaxy WISE J224607.57-052635.0 is infrared radiation.[218][219] (image)
    • Scientists have observed a sudden increase of ice loss in a previously stable region of Antarctica. The ice loss is so large that it causes small changes in the gravity field of the Earth.[220]
  • 22 May – Researchers have developed algorithms that enable robots to learn motor tasks through trial and error using a process that more closely approximates the way humans learn, marking a major milestone in the field of artificial intelligence.[221]
3 June: Reactivation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
  • 25 May – A new technique to create a single-molecule diode has been developed by scientists, and, in doing so, they have developed molecular diodes that perform 50 times better than all prior designs.[222]
  • 27 May – Glacier volume in the Everest region of the Himalayas could be reduced between 70% and 99% by 2100, unless greenhouse gas emissions are curbed, according to a new study by the European Geosciences Union.[223]
  • 28 May – A new species of ancient hominid – Australopithecus deyiremeda – is uncovered in Ethiopia, with jaw bones and teeth dating to between 3.3m and 3.5m years old.[224]
  • 29 May
    • Researchers have developed a new shape-memory material that stays strong even after tens of millions of transformations.[225][226]
    • A new version of the Cheetah robot has been demonstrated with the ability to jump over obstacles while running.[227]
  • 30 May – A new treatment for lung cancer using a drug called nivolumab has been shown to more than double life expectancy in some patients.[228]


  • 1 June – A new study has linked rapid Arctic ice loss to extreme weather changes in Europe and the US.[229]
4 June: New temperature data suggests that global warming has not slowed.
  • 2 يونيو
  • 3 June
    • The Large Hadron Collider is reactivated after a two-year pause, during which upgrades and repairs were taking place. The machine is now able to experiment with higher energies, increasing from 8 to 13 trillion electron volts (TeV).[236][237]
  • 4 June
    • Using new global surface temperature data, scientists at NOAA have shown that the rate of global warming in the last 15 years has not slowed, eliminating the "hiatus".[238][239]
    • For the first time, a computer intelligence without direct human help has produced a model of regeneration.[240]
    • Warming ocean temperatures and decreasing oxygen levels will significantly shift marine habitats in the future, according to a study by the University of Washington.[241]
    • Researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough in combating antibiotic resistance using phages.[242]
8 June: Alga crater on Mars - detection of impact glass deposit - possible site for preserved ancient life.[243]
  • 8 June
    • NASA reports that impact glass has been detected on the planet Mars - such material may contain preserved signs of ancient life.[243] (related image)
    • May 2015 was the wettest month on record for the contiguous U.S. according to NOAA.[244]
    • Engineers at Stanford University have developed a state-by-state plan to convert the U.S. to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2050.[245]
  • 9 يونيو – Researchers have discovered what appear to be the remnants of red blood cells and connective tissue in 75 million-year-old dinosaur fossils.[246]
  • 10 يونيو – A woman in Belgium is the first in the world to give birth to a baby using transplanted ovarian tissue frozen when she was still a child, doctors say.[247]
  • 14 يونيو – News reports announce that the Philae lander, part of the Rosetta space mission, on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, has woken up from hibernation and is communicating with Earth.[248][249][250]
  • 15 يونيو
    • Researchers have sequenced and assembled the first full genome of a living organism using technology the size of smartphone.[251]
    • A study published in the British Medical Journal finds that consuming up to 100g of chocolate every day is linked to lowered heart disease and stroke risk.[252]
16 June: The eastern cougar is declared extinct.[253]
  • 16 June – The eastern cougar is declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.[253]
  • 17 June
  • 18 June – By reactivating a single gene, colorectal cancer cells in mice stop growing and re-establish normal intestinal function within four days, according to a study published in the journal Cell.[257]
  • 19 June – A major study confirms that Earth is currently witnessing the start of a mass extinction event the likes of which have not been seen for at least 65 million years. It is being precipitated by human actions over the past 500 years.[258][259]
  • 20 يونيو – A titanium 3D-printed prosthetic jaw is successfully implanted in a male patient by surgeons in Melbourne, Australia.[260]
  • 23 يونيو – The Sentinel-2A Earth observation satellite is launched.
  • 24 يونيو
    • Astronomers report the discovery of a brand new type of planet, resembling a giant comet. GJ 436b is a "warm Neptune" located 33 light years from Earth and features a huge cloud of gas trailing away from its parent red dwarf star.[261][262]
    • Researchers identify a protein on tiny particles, GPC1+ crExos, released by pancreatic cancer cells, which may help in detecting the illness at its earliest stage.[263][264]
26 June: All large impact craters on Earth have been identified.[265]


9 July: Researchers led by IBM shrink transistors in computer chips to the 7nm scale.
14 July: Pluto, dwarf planet, as viewed by the New Horizons spacecraft just before closest flyby.
23 July: 3D Xpoint, a new memory technology that is 1,000 times faster than NAND.
  • 23 يوليو
    • NASA announces the discovery of Kepler-452b, a confirmed exoplanet that is near-Earth-size and found orbiting the habitable zone of a Sun-like star.[304]
    • A provocative new paper by climate scientists including James Hansen warns that future sea level rises may have been dramatically underestimated, and that even 2°C of global warming is "highly dangerous".[305]
    • Intel and Micron unveil 3D XPoint, a new memory technology that is 1,000 times faster than NAND and 10 times denser than conventional DRAM.[306][307]
  • 24 July – The 133-million-year-old fossil of Tetrapodophis amplectus, the first four-legged snake to be found, is reported by paleontologists in Brazil.[308]
  • 29 July
    • The current world population of 7.3 billion is predicted to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, according to a new analysis of data by the UN.[309]
    • The first artificial ribosome is created, by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University.[310]
31 July: التوصل إلى لقاح لمرض إيبولا vaccine is found to be 100% successful in an initial trial.


3 August: Glacier loss worldwide is reported to be "unprecedented" and occurring faster than ever.
  • 3 أغسطس
    • Researchers have demonstrated that even if a geoengineering solution to CO2 emissions could be found, it wouldn’t be enough to save the oceans.[320][321]
    • A new comprehensive analysis of global glacier changes in the Journal of Glaciology concludes that melting rates are "unprecedented" and faster than ever.[322]
  • 4 أغسطس
    • The FDA approves Spritam, the first 3D-printed pill.[323]
    • Spicy foods are linked to increased longevity in a study published by the British Medical Journal.[324][325]
    • Plans are unveiled by Plymouth University for "Mayflower Autonomous Research Ship" (MARS), the world's first full-sized, fully autonomous unmanned ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean.[326]
    • The first ever genetic analysis of people with extremely high intelligence reveals small but important genetic differences between some of the brightest people in the United States and the general population.[327]
  • 5 أغسطس – Astronomers at the Keck Observatory announce a new record for the most distant galaxy ever observed. Known as EGSY8p7, its light needed 13.2 billion years to reach Earth.[328][329]
  • 6 August – The first known venomous frog species, Corythomantis greeningi and Aparasphenodon brunoi, are identified by researchers in Brazil.[330]
  • 10 August – By measuring the energy output from a large portion of the Universe with greater precision than ever before, astronomers have determined that the Universe is gradually fading across all wavelengths. In effect, the Universe is slowly dying.[331][332]
19 August: Hydrogen-rich area detected at "Marias Pass" on Mars by the Curiosity rover.[333]
  • 13 أغسطس
    • An endangered species, the black-footed ferret, is successfully reproduced using frozen sperm from a ferret that had been dead for 20 years.[334]
    • By altering a single gene, phosphodiesterase-4B (PDE4B), researchers have increased the intelligence of mice, while decreasing their fear and anxiety. This raises hopes of better treatments for human cognitive disorders in the future.[335][336]
  • 17 أغسطس – Based on studies with the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft, NASA scientists report the detection of neon in the exosphere of the moon.[337]
  • 19 أغسطس
  • 20 أغسطس
    • July 2015 was the hottest month on Earth since records began in 1880, according to data from NOAA.[345][346]
    • A new report in the journal Science underscores the need for improved management and protection of boreal forests in response to global changes this century.[347][348]
24 August: A new way of "switching off" cancer cell growth, using the PLEKHA7 protein, is reported by the Mayo Clinic.
  • 21 أغسطس
    • A new study published in Nature "removes any doubt" that rising levels of greenhouse gases were the primary driver of glacier retreat during the end of the last Ice Age.[349]
    • Giant galaxies with an absence of young stars are more suitable for habitable planets, researchers say.[350]
  • 24 أغسطس
    • A new way of "switching off" cancer cell growth, using the PLEKHA7 protein, is reported by the Mayo Clinic.[351]
    • Physicists achieve a breakthrough in fusion power, by containing superheated hydrogen plasma for five milliseconds, longer than any other effort before.[352]
  • 26 August – In a press briefing, NASA scientists warn that future sea level rise has been underestimated.[353][354]
  • 31 August – Scientists claim to have discovered the first new human prion in almost 50 years.[355]


10 September: Scientists announce the discovery of Homo naledi, a previously unknown species of early human in South Africa.
  • 10 سبتمبر
    • Paleontologists report a new human-like species, Homo naledi, based on the discovery of 15 partial skeletons, the largest single find of its type in Africa. It is believed that H. naledi could have lived in Africa up to three million years ago and were capable of ritualistic behaviour.[366] Although the discoverers claim the bones represent a new species of early humans, other experts contend that more evidence is needed before such a claim can be justified.[367]
    • A report by scientists, ethicists and policy experts from the Hinxton Group states that research into genetically modified human embryos is "essential" and that GM babies could be "morally acceptable" in the future.[368]
  • 11 سبتمبر
    • NASA releases the first clear images of Pluto's small moon Nix, showing rough edges and a prominent crater.[369]
    • A study by the British Psychological Society warns that constant pressure on teenagers to use social media technology causes lower sleep quality, lower self-esteem, higher anxiety and increased depression levels.[370]
    • Through DARPA, a 28-year-old paralysed man becomes the first person to feel physical sensations through a prosthetic hand directly connected to his brain.[371]
  • 14 سبتمبر – The next two years could be the hottest on record globally, according to research by the UK's Met Office.[372]

أحداث متوقعة ومزمعة



مجهولة التاريخ


جوائز اليونسكو

  • UNESCO Medal for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Valentin Bukhtoyarov, Constance Chang-Hasnain, Soodabeh Davaran, Vladimir Fortov, Mikhail Kovalchuk, Tebello Nyokong, Mikhail Selyanin and Shem Wandiga.[376][377]


انظر أيضاً


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