قطار مغناطيسي

(تم التحويل من Maglev)
Transrapid 09 at the Emsland test facility in Lower Saxony, Germany
A full trip on the Shanghai Transrapid maglev train
Example of low-speed urban maglev system, Linimo

القطار المغناطيسي Maglev (transport) مركبة تستخدم التعليق المغناطيسي للسير بسرعات عالية. يسير هذا القطار فوق خط حديدي ثابت يُسمى الطريق الموجه، ولكنه لا يلامسه. وسرعة هذا القطار لا ينقصها أو يحد منها الاحتكاك أو الاهتزاز اللذان تسببهما ملامسة الخط الحديدي. ويتوقع من هذه القطارات أن تسير بسرعة تزيد على 480كم/الساعة، غير أن القطارات المغنطيسية المستخدمة تجاريًا الآن هي المنخفضة السرعة فقط.


وتمتاز القطارات المغنطيسية بميزات عديدةٍ على القطارات السريعة الأخرى. فهي تستطيع بلوغ سرعاتٍ أعلى وتعمل بهدوء أكثر. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك فإن طرقها الموجهة تحتاج صيانة قليلة. كذلك فإن القطارات المغنطيسية تستخدم القدرة الكهربائية، ولذلك فإنها لا تُسبب إلا تلوثًا قليلاً فقط.


EDS Maglev Propulsion via propulsion coils

هناك نوعان من تقنية القطارات المغنطيسية هما: فائق التوصيل والكهرومغنطيسي. وتستخدم القطارات فائقة التوصيل التنافر المغنطيسي لتجعل القطار يرتفع. أما القطارات الكهرومغنطيسية فتستخدم التجاذب المغنطيسي.

القطار المغنطيسي فائق التوصيل

اخترعه المهندس النووي الأمريكي جوردون دانبي في أوائل الستينيات من القرن العشرين الميلادي. ومنذ ذلك الحين طوّر الباحثون اليابانيون نماذج تجريبية كاملة الحجم تستطيع أن تبلغ سُرعات تفوق 480كم/الساعة. وتستخدم القطارات المغنطيسية فائقة التوصيل مغنطيسات تبّرد إلى درجات حرارة شديدة الانخفاض، وبذلك توصل الكهرباء بدون مقاومة. وتوضع المغنطيسات في أسفل القطار. وأثناء تحرك القطار تستحث المغنطيسات تيارًا كهربائيًا في ملفاتٍ أو رقائق من الألومنيوم موضوعةٍ في الطريق الموجه. وتنتج قوة مغنطيسية متعاكسة بين المغنطيسات والتيارات الكهربائية المستحثة فترفع المركبة. ويتحرك القطار أولاً على عجلات إلى أن يكتسب سرعةً كافيةً لرفعه فوق الطريق الموجِّه، حيث يسير القطار على ارتفاع 10سم تقريبًا فوقه.

تمر تياراتٌ كهربائيةٌ منفصلةٌ خلال ملفات أخرى في الطريق الموجه. وتُنتج التيارات مجالاً مغنطيسيًا يمر على امتداد الطريق الموجه، ويدفع القطار إلى الأمام. وتبقى سرعة القطار ثابتة حتى في الرياح الشديدة، وأثناء صعود جبلٍ أو الهبوط منه، لأن القوة المغنطيسية تتعدل (تتكيف).

Linimo train approaching Banpaku Kinen Koen, towards Fujigaoka Station in March 2005

القطار الكهرومغنطيسي

طورت مجموعة من الشركات الألمانية هذا القطار في أوائل السبعينيات من القرن العشرين. كما طورت قطارات كاملة الحجم تسير بسرعة تصل إلى 400 كم/الساعة.

يحمل القطار الكهرومغنطيسي في جانبه الأسفل مغنطيسات كهربائية، تركب تحت طريق موجه على شكل حرف T. وعندما يمر التيار خلال المغنطيسات يجذبها الطريق الموجه نحوه إلى أعلى. وتُحدث التيارات الكهربائية المنفصلة مجالاً مغنطيسيًا نقالاً، يدفع القطار إلى الأمام. يسير القطار الكهرومغنطيسي على علو سنتيمتر واحد فقط تقريبًا، فوق السكة الحديدية. ولمنع المغنطيسات من الارتطام بالطريق الموجه يجب ضبط تيار الرفع باستمرار بوساطة نظام تحكم سريع العمل.



In the late 1940s, the British electrical engineer Eric Laithwaite, a professor at Imperial College London, developed the first full-size working model of the linear induction motor. He became professor of heavy electrical engineering at Imperial College in 1964, where he continued his successful development of the linear motor.[1] Since linear motors do not require physical contact between the vehicle and guideway, they became a common fixture on advanced transportation systems in the 1960s and 1970s. Laithwaite joined one such project, the Tracked Hovercraft RTV-31, based near Cambridge, UK, although the project was cancelled in 1973.[2]

The linear motor was naturally suited to use with maglev systems as well. In the early 1970s, Laithwaite discovered a new arrangement of magnets, the magnetic river, that allowed a single linear motor to produce both lift and forward thrust, allowing a maglev system to be built with a single set of magnets. Working at the British Rail Research Division in Derby, along with teams at several civil engineering firms, the "transverse-flux" system was developed into a working system.

The first commercial maglev people mover was simply called "MAGLEV" and officially opened in 1984 near Birmingham, England. It operated on an elevated 600 metres (2,000 ft) section of monorail track between Birmingham Airport and Birmingham International railway station, running at speeds up to 42 kilometres per hour (26 mph). The system was closed in 1995 due to reliability problems.[3]

أول براءة اختراع

High-speed transportation patents were granted to various inventors throughout the world.[4] The first relevant patent, U.S. Patent 714٬851  (2 December 1902), issued to Albert C. Albertson, used magnetic levitation to take part of the weight off of the wheels while using conventional propulsion.

Early United States patents for a linear motor propelled train were awarded to German inventor Alfred Zehden[de]. The inventor was awarded U.S. Patent 782٬312  (14 February 1905) and U.S. Patent RE12٬700  (21 August 1907).[note 1] In 1907, another early electromagnetic transportation system was developed by F. S. Smith.[5] In 1908, Cleveland mayor Tom L. Johnson filed a patent for a wheel-less "high-speed railway" levitated by an induced magnetic field.[6] Jokingly known as "Greased Lightning," the suspended car operated on a 90-foot test track in Johnson's basement "absolutely noiseless[ly] and without the least vibration."[7] A series of German patents for magnetic levitation trains propelled by linear motors were awarded to Hermann Kemper between 1937 and 1941.[note 2] An early maglev train was described in U.S. Patent 3٬158٬765 , "Magnetic system of transportation", by G. R. Polgreen on 25 August 1959. The first use of "maglev" in a United States patent was in "Magnetic levitation guidance system"[8] by Canadian Patents and Development Limited.

نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة، 1912

In 1912 French-American inventor Émile Bachelet demonstrated a model train with electromagnetic levitation and propulsion in Mount Vernon, New York.[9] Bachelet's first related patent, U.S. Patent 1٬020٬942  was granted in 1912. The electromagnetic propulsion was by attraction of iron in the train by direct current solenoids spaced along the track. The electromagnetic levitation was due to repulsion of the aluminum base plate of the train by the pulsating current electromagnets under the track. The pulses were generated by Bachelet's own Synchronizing-interrupter U.S. Patent 986٬039  supplied with 220 VAC. As the train moved it switched power to the section of track that it was on. Bachelet went on to demonstrate his model in London, England in 1914, which resulted in the registration of Bachelet Levitated Railway Syndicate Limited July 9 in London, just weeks before the start of WWI.[10]

Bachelet's second related patent, U.S. Patent 1٬020٬943  granted the same day as the first, had the levitation electromagnets in the train and the track was aluminum plate. In the patent he stated that this was a much cheaper construction, but he did not demonstrate it.

نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة، 1968

In 1959, while delayed in traffic on the Throgs Neck Bridge, James Powell, a researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), thought of using magnetically levitated transportation.[11] Powell and BNL colleague Gordon Danby worked out a maglev concept using static magnets mounted on a moving vehicle to induce electrodynamic lifting and stabilizing forces in specially shaped loops, such as figure-of-8 coils on a guideway.[12] These were patented in 1968–1969.[13]

اليابان، 1969

JR-Maglev at Yamanashi test track in November, 2005. 581 km/h. Guinness World Records authorization.

Japan operates two independently developed maglev trains. One is HSST (and its descendant, the Linimo line) by Japan Airlines and the other, which is more well known, is SCMaglev by the Central Japan Railway Company.

The development of the latter started in 1969. The first successful SCMaglev run was made on a short track at the Japanese National Railways' (JNR's) Railway Technical Research Institute in 1972.[14] Maglev trains on the Miyazaki test track (a later, 7 km long test track) regularly hit 517 kilometres per hour (321 mph) by 1979. After an accident destroyed the train, a new design was selected. In Okazaki, Japan (1987), the SCMaglev was used for test rides at the Okazaki exhibition. Tests in Miyazaki continued throughout the 1980s, before transferring to a far longer test track, 20 kilometres (12 mi) long, in Yamanashi in 1997. The track has since been extended to almost 43 kilometres (27 mi). The 603 kilometres per hour (375 mph) world speed record for crewed trains was set there in 2015.

Development of HSST started in 1974. In Tsukuba, Japan (1985), the HSST-03 (Linimo) became popular at the Tsukuba World Exposition, in spite of its low 30 kilometres per hour (19 mph) top speed. In Saitama, Japan (1988), the HSST-04-1 was revealed at the Saitama exhibition in Kumagaya. Its fastest recorded speed was 300 kilometres per hour (190 mph).[15]

Construction of a new high-speed maglev line, the Chuo Shinkansen, started in 2014. It is being built by extending the SCMaglev test track in Yamanashi in both directions. The completion date is unknown, with the estimate of 2027 no longer possible following a local governmental rejection of a construction permit.[16]

هامبورگ، ألمانيا، 1979

Transrapid 05 was the first maglev train with longstator propulsion licensed for passenger transportation. In 1979, a 908 metres (2,979 ft) track was opened in Hamburg for the first International Transportation Exhibition[de] (IVA 79). Interest was sufficient that operations were extended three months after the exhibition finished, having carried more than 50,000 passengers. It was reassembled in Kassel in 1980.

رامنسكويى، موسكو، الاتحاد السوڤيتي 1979

In 1979 the USSR town of Ramenskoye (Moscow oblast) built an experimental test site for running experiments with cars on magnetic suspension. The test site consisted of a 60-metre ramp which was later extended to 980 metres.[17] From the late 1970s to the 1980s five prototypes of cars were built that received designations from TP-01 (ТП-01) to TP-05 (ТП-05).[18] The early cars were supposed to reach the speed up to 100 kilometres per hour (62 mph).

The construction of a maglev track using the technology from Ramenskoye started in Armenian SSR in 1987[19] and was planned to be completed in 1991. The track was supposed to connect the cities of Yerevan and Sevan via the city of Abovyan.[20] The original design speed was 250 kilometres per hour (160 mph) which was later lowered to 180 kilometres per hour (110 mph).[21] However, the Spitak earthquake in 1988 and the First Nagorno-Karabakh War caused the project to freeze. In the end the overpass was only partially constructed.[22]

In the early 1990s, the maglev theme was continued by the Engineering Research Center "TEMP" (ИНЦ "ТЭМП")[23] this time by the order from the Moscow government. The project was named V250 (В250). The idea was to build a high-speed maglev train to connect Moscow to the Sheremetyevo airport. The train would consist of 64-seater cars and run at speeds up to 250 kilometres per hour (160 mph).[18] In 1993, due to the financial crisis, the project was abandoned. However, from 1999 the "TEMP" research center had been participating as a co-developer in the creation of the linear motors for the Moscow Monorail system.

برمنگهام، المملكة المتحدة، 1984–1995

The Birmingham International Maglev shuttle
The proposed UK Ultraspeed line map.

تعمل القطارات الكهرومغنطيسية المنخفضة السرعة حاليًا في برمنجهام بإنجلترا.

The world's first commercial maglev system was a low-speed maglev shuttle that ran between the airport terminal of Birmingham International Airport and the nearby Birmingham International railway station between 1984 and 1995.[24] Its track length was 600 metres (2,000 ft), and trains levitated at an altitude of 15 millimetres [0.59 in], levitated by electromagnets, and propelled with linear induction motors.[25] It operated for 11 years and was initially very popular with passengers,[26] but obsolescence problems with the electronic systems made it progressively unreliable[27] as years passed, leading to its closure in 1995. One of the original cars is now on display at Railworld in Peterborough, together with the RTV31 hover train vehicle. Another is on display at the National Railway Museum in York.

Several favourable conditions existed when the link was built:[بحاجة لمصدر]

  • The British Rail Research vehicle was 3 tonnes and extension to the 8-tonne vehicle was easy.
  • Electrical power was available.
  • The airport and rail buildings were suitable for terminal platforms.
  • Only one crossing over a public road was required and no steep gradients were involved.
  • Land was owned by the railway or airport.
  • Local industries and councils were supportive.
  • Some government finance was provided and because of sharing work, the cost per organization was low.

After the system closed in 1995, the original guideway lay dormant[28] until 2003, when a replacement cable-hauled system, the AirRail Link Cable Liner people mover, was opened.[29][30]

إمزلاند، ألمانيا، 1984–2011

Transrapid, a German maglev company, had a test track in Emsland with a total length of 31.5 kilometres (19.6 mi). The single-track line ran between Dörpen and Lathen with turning loops at each end. The trains regularly ran at up to 420 kilometres per hour (260 mph). Paying passengers were carried as part of the testing process. The construction of the test facility began in 1980 and finished in 1984.

In 2006, a maglev train accident occurred in Lathen, killing 23 people. It was found to have been caused by human error in implementing safety checks. From 2006 no passengers were carried. At the end of 2011 the operation licence expired and was not renewed, and in early 2012 demolition permission was given for its facilities, including the track and factory.[31]

In March 2021 it was reported the CRRC was investigating reviving the Emsland test track.[32] In May 2019 CRRC had unveiled its "CRRC 600" prototype which is designed to reach 600 kilometres per hour (370 mph).

ڤانكوڤر، كندا، وهامبورگ، ألمانيا، 1986–1988

HSST-03 at Okazaki Minami Park

In Vancouver, Canada, the HSST-03 by HSST Development Corporation (Japan Airlines and Sumitomo Corporation) was exhibited at Expo 86,[33] and ran on a 400-metre (0.25 mi) test track that provided guests with a ride in a single car along a short section of track at the fairgrounds.[34] It was removed after the fair. It was shown at the Aoi Expo in 1987 and is now on static display at Okazaki Minami Park.

كوريا الجنوبية، 1993–2023

South Korea's Incheon Airport Maglev, the world's fourth commercially operating maglev[35]

In 1993, South Korea completed the development of its own maglev train, shown off at the Taejŏn Expo '93, which was developed further into a full-fledged maglev capable of travelling up to 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph) in 2006. This final model was incorporated in the Incheon Airport Maglev which opened on 3 February 2016, making South Korea the world's fourth country to operate its own self-developed maglev after the United Kingdom's Birmingham International Airport,[36] Germany's Berlin M-Bahn,[37] and Japan's Linimo.[38] It links Incheon International Airport to the Yongyu Station and Leisure Complex on Yeongjong island.[39] It offers a transfer to the Seoul Metropolitan Subway at AREX's Incheon International Airport Station and is offered free of charge to anyone to ride, operating between 9 am and 6 pm with 15-minute intervals.[40]

The maglev system was co-developed by the South Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) and Hyundai Rotem.[41][42][43] It is 6.1 kilometres (3.8 mi) long, with six stations and a 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph) operating speed.[44]

Two more stages are planned of 9.7 kilometres (6 mi) and 37.4 kilometres (23.2 mi). Once completed it will become a circular line.

It was shut down in September 2023.

ألمانيا/الصين، 2010–الحاضر

Transport System Bögl (TSB) is a driverless maglev system developed by the German construction company Max Bögl since 2010. Its primary intended use is for short to medium distances (up to 30 km) and speeds up to 150 km/h for uses such as airport shuttles. The company has been doing test runs on an 820-meter-long test track at their headquarters in Sengenthal, Upper Palatinate, Germany, since 2012 clocking over 100,000 tests covering a distance of over 65,000 km as of 2018.

In 2018 Max Bögl signed a joint venture with the Chinese company Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co. with the Chinese partner given exclusive rights of production and marketing for the system in China. The joint venture constructed a 3.5 km (2.2 mi) demonstration line near Chengdu, China, and two vehicles were airlifted there in June, 2020.[45] In February 2021 a vehicle on the Chinese test track hit a top speed of 169 km/h (105 mph).[46]

الصين، منذ 2000

A maglev train coming out of the Pudong International Airport.

According to the International Maglev Board there are at least four maglev research programmes underway in China at: Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu), Tongji University (Shanghai), CRRC Tangshan-Changchun Railway Vehicle Co., and Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group.[47] The latest high-speed prototype, unveiled in July 2021, was manufactured by CRRC Qingdao Sifang.[48]

منخفض-إلى-متوسط السرعة

Development of the low-to-medium speed systems, that is, 100–200 km/h (62–124 mph),[49] by the CRRC has led to opening lines such as the Changsha Maglev Express in 2016 and the Line S1 in Beijing in 2017. In April 2020 a new model capable of 160 km/h (99 mph) and compatible with the Changsha line completed testing. The vehicle, under development since 2018, has a 30 percent increase in traction efficiency and a 60 percent increase in speed over the stock in use on the line since.[50] The vehicles entered service in July 2021 with a top speed of 140 km/h (87 mph).[51] CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive said in April 2020 it is developing a model capable of 200 km/h (120 mph).[50]

عالي السرعة

Maglev on the Tongji University test track

There are two competing efforts for high-speed maglev systems, i.e., 300–620 km/h (190–390 mph).

  • The first is based on the Transrapid technology used in the Shanghai maglev train and is developed by the CRRC under license from Thyssen-Krupp.[52]
    • In 2006 the 500 km/h (310 mph) CM1 Dolphin prototype was unveiled[53] and began testing on a new 1.5-kilometre (0.93 mi) test track at Tongji University, northwest of Shanghai.
    • A prototype vehicle of the 600 km/h (370 mph) CRRC 600 was developed in 2019 and tested from June 2020.[54]
    • In March 2021 a 300 km/h (190 mph) model began trials.[55]
    • In July 2021, the CRRC 600 maglev, planned to travel at up to 600 km/h (370 mph), was unveiled in Qingdao.[56] It was reported to be the world's fastest ground vehicle.[57]
    • A high-speed test track is under development in China and also, in April 2021, there was consideration given to re-opening the Emsland test facility in Germany.[52]
  • A second, incompatible high-speed prototype was constructed by Max Bögl and Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co. Ltd. and unveiled in January 2021. Developed at Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu, the Super Bullet Maglev design uses high-temperature superconducting magnets, is designed for 620 km/h (390 mph) and was demonstrated on a 165-metre (180 yd) test track.[58]


الموسوعة المعرفية الشاملة

انظر أيضا


  1. ^ Zehden describes a geometry in which the linear motor is used below a steel beam, giving partial levitation of the vehicle. These patents were later cited by Electromagnetic apparatus generating a gliding magnetic field by Jean Candelas (U.S. Patent 4٬131٬813 ), Air cushion supported, omnidirectionally steerable, traveling magnetic field propulsion device by Harry A. Mackie (U.S. Patent 3٬357٬511 ) and Two-sided linear induction motor especially for suspended vehicles by Schwarzer et al. (U.S. Patent 3٬820٬472 )
  2. ^ These German patents would be GR643316 (1937), GR44302 (1938), GR707032 (1941).


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  4. ^ U.S. Patent 3٬736٬880 , 21 January 1972. Page 10, Column 1 Line 15 to Column 2 Line 25.
  5. ^ U.S. Patent 859٬018 , 2 July 1907.
  6. ^ U.S. Patent 1٬090٬213 , 17 March 1914
  7. ^ Johnson, Tom L.. My Story. B. W. Huebsch, 1911; reprint Kent State University Press 1993. pg. xlv-xlvi
  8. ^ U.S. Patent 3٬858٬521 ; 26 March 1973.
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