► | قرن 19 | << قرن 20 >> | قرن 21 | ◄
► | عقد 1890 | عقد 1900 | عقد 1910 | << عقد 1920 >> | عقد 1930 | عقد 1940 | عقد 1950 | ◄
► | ► | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | << 1923 >> | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | ◄ | ◄
تحويل 1-1-1923م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | تحويل 31-12-1923م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1923
الألفية: | الألفية 2 |
القرون: | القرن 19 - القرن 20 - القرن 21 |
العقود: | عقد 1890 عقد 1900 عقد 1910 - عقد 1920 - عقد 1930 عقد 1940 عقد 1950 |
السنوات: | 1920 1921 1922 - 1923 - 1924 1925 1926 |
1923 حسب الموضوع: |
الموضوع |
حسب البلد |
القادة |
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات |
تصنيفات تأسيسات وانحلالات |
تصنيفات أعمال وأطروحات |
التقويم الگريگوري | 1923 MCMXXIII |
آب أوربه كونديتا | 2676 |
التقويم الأرمني | 1372 ԹՎ ՌՅՀԲ |
التقويم الآشوري | 6673 |
التقويم البهائي | 79–80 |
التقويم البنغالي | 1330 |
التقويم الأمازيغي | 2873 |
سنة العهد البريطاني | 12 جو. 5 – 13 جو. 5 |
التقويم البوذي | 2467 |
التقويم البورمي | 1285 |
التقويم البيزنطي | 7431–7432 |
التقويم الصيني | 壬戌年 (الماء الكلب) 4619 أو 4559 — إلى — 癸亥年 (الماء الخنزير) 4620 أو 4560 |
التقويم القبطي | 1639–1640 |
التقويم الديسكوردي | 3089 |
التقويم الإثيوپي | 1915–1916 |
التقويم العبري | 5683–5684 |
التقاويم الهندوسية | |
- ڤيكرام سامڤات | 1979–1980 |
- شاكا سامڤات | 1845–1846 |
- كالي يوگا | 5024–5025 |
تقويم الهولوسين | 11923 |
تقويم الإگبو | 923–924 |
التقويم الإيراني | 1301–1302 |
التقويم الهجري | 1341–1342 |
التقويم الياباني | Taishō 12 (大正12年) |
تقويم جوچى | 12 |
التقويم اليوليوسي | الگريگوري ناقص 13 يوم |
التقويم الكوري | 4256 |
تقويم مينگوو | جمهورية الصين 12 民國12年 |
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي | 2466 |
سنة 1923 (MCMXXIII) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم الاثنين (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1923rd بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 923rd في الألفية 2، السنة 23rd في القرن 20، والسنة 4 في عقد 1920 بين 1583 و 1929 ومع فارق 1923 is 13 يوم عن التقويم اليوليوسي، والذين ظلوا مستخدمين حتى التحول الكامل إلى التقويم الگريگوري في 1929.
- 1 يناير - The Grouping: All major British railway companies are grouped into four larger companies, under terms of the Railways Act 1921.
- 1–7 يناير - مذبحة روزوود، a violent, racially motivated conflict in Florida. At least eight people are killed، وبلدة روزوود تُهجر وتُدمر.
- 9 يناير - لتوانيا تبدأ ثورة كلايپيدا من أجل ضم منطقة كلايپيدا (إقليم ممل).
- 11 يناير - على الرغم من احتجاجات بريطانية قوية، قوات من فرنسا وبلجيكا تحتل منطقة الرور لإجبار ألمانيا على دفع تعويضات.
- 17 يناير - خوان دلا سييرڤا يخترع autogyro, a rotary-winged aircraft with an unpowered rotor.
- 18 يناير - حرم كلية إيلون في كارولينا الشمالية يدمره حريق.
- Norman Albert calls the first live broadcast of an ice hockey game, the third period of an Ontario Hockey League Intermediate playoff game on the Toronto station CFCA.[1][2]
- February 9 - Billy Hughes resigns as Prime Minister of Australia, after the Country Party refuses to govern in coalition with him as the leader of the Nationalist Party. Hughes is succeeded by his Treasurer, Stanley Bruce.
- February 23 - Albert Einstein visits Barcelona, Spain, at the invitation of scientist Esteban Terradas i Illa.
- 1 مارس
- السفينة الحربية الأمريكية يوإسإس كنتيكت تحال إلى التقاعد.
- إسكوم، أكبر منتج للكهرباء في أفريقيا، يتأسس في جنوب أفريقيا.
- اليونان تعتمد التقويم الگريگوري.
- 3 مارس - هذا هو تاريخ الغلاف لأول أعداد مجلة تايم. Retired U.S. Speaker of the House Joseph G. Cannon appears on the first cover.
- 6 مارس - الاتحاد النسائي المصري، أول حركة نسائية لكل البلد في مصر، تأسست في منزل الناشطة هدى شعراوي.[3][4][5]
- 9 مارس - ڤلاديمير لنين يصاب بثالث نوبة قلبية، وهي التي جعلته طريح الفراش وغير قادر على الكلام؛ وبالتالي فإنه يتقاعد من منصبه كرئيس حكومة الاتحاد السوڤيتي.
- 14 مارس - پيت پاركر calls the play-by-play of the first ice hockey game ever broadcast on the radio in its entirety, between the Regina Capitals and the Edmonton Eskimos of the Western Canada Hockey League.[6]
- 28 مارس - ردجا إيرونوتيكا Regia Aeronautica، القوات الجوية لإيطاليا الفاشية تتأسس.
- 4 أبريل - Warner Bros. film studio is formally incorporated in the United States as Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc.
- 6 أبريل
- لويس أرمسترونگ makes his first recording, "Chimes Blues", with King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band.
- أول مجلس ولاة في جنوب شرق آسيا يتشكل في معهد ڤكتوريا، ولايات الملايو المتحدة.
- 12 أبريل - Kandersteg International Scout Centre comes into existence in Switzerland.
- 18 أبريل
- Yankee Stadium opens its doors as the home park of the New York Yankees baseball team في البرونكس.
- Russian professional sports society club, Dynamo Moscow founded.[بحاجة لمصدر]
- 19 أبريل
- يالمر برانتنگ يغادر منصب رئيس وزراء السويد، بعد أن رفض الريكسداگ السويدي مقترح الحكومة المتعلق بدفع مزايا للمتضررين من البطالة.
- الأكاديمي والمشرع اليميني إرنست تريگر يصبح رئيس وزراء السويد.
- دستور مصر 1923 يُعتمد، وقد قدّم نظام برلماني من الديمقراطية في البلد.[7]
- 23 أبريل - افتتاح ميناء گدنيا البحري على الرواق الپولندي.
- 26 أبريل - الأمير ألبرت، دوق يورك (لاحقاً جورج السادس، ملك المملكة المتحدة) يتزوج الليدي إلزابث بوز-ليون (لاحقاً الملكة إليزابث، الأم) في كنيسة وستمنستر.
- 28 أبريل - The original Wembley Stadium opened its doors for the first time to the British public staging the FA Cup Final between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham Utd.
- 1 مايو - كلية راهولا تتأسس في سيلان بإسم "Parakramabhahu Vidyalaya".
- 8 مايو - Liseberg، منتزه ترفيه في گوتنبورگ، السويد، يُفتتح.
- May 9
- جنوب شرق مشيگن receives a record 15 centimetres (5.9 in) of snow after temperatures plummeted from 17 to 1 degrees between 1 and 6 pm on the previous day.[8]
- The premiere of Bertolt Brecht's play In the Jungle (Im Dickicht) at the Residenztheater in Munich is interrupted by Nazi demonstrators.
- 20 مايو - رئيس الوزراء البريطاني أندرو بونار لو يستقيل لاعتلال صحته.
- May 23
- ستانلي بالدوين يُعيَّن رئيسا لوزراء المملكة المتحدة.
- Belgium's Sabena Airlines is created.
- 24 مايو - الحرب الأهلية الأيرلندية تنتهي.
- 26 مايو - The first 24 Hours of Le Mans motor race is held, and is won by André Lagache and René Léonard.
- 27 مايو - The Ku Klux Klan in the United States defies a law requiring publication of its members.
- 28 مايو - Sri N. T. Rama Rao was born
- 9 يونيو - انقلاب عسكري في بلغاريا يطيح برئيس الوزراء ألكساندر ستامبوليسكي (ويُقتل في 14 يونيو).
- 12 يونيو - وليام والتون's Façade تـُعزَف لأول مرة.
- 13 يونيو - الرئيس لي يوانهونگ في الصين يتخلى عن مقر إقامته لأن أمير حرب قاد قوات لمحاصرة القصر وقطع عنه الإمداد بالماء والكهرباء، لإجباره على التخلي عن منصبه.
- 16 يونيو - اقتحام آيان في سيبيريا ينهي ثورة الياقوت والحرب الأهلية الروسية.
- 18 يونيو - جبل إتنا يثور في إيطاليا، فيشرد 60,000 شخص.
- 25 يونيو - نادي راپيد بوكورشتي لكرة القدم يتشكل بمبادرة من عمال السكك الحديدية في گريڤيتسا (وكان اسمه في البداية CFR București).
- July 10 - Large hailstones kill 23 in Rostov, Soviet Union.
- July 13
- The Hollywood Sign is inaugurated in California (originally reading Hollywoodland).
- American explorer Roy Chapman Andrews discovers the first dinosaur eggs near Flaming Cliffs, Mongolia.
- July 20 - Pancho Villa is assassinated at Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua.
- July 24 - The Treaty of Lausanne, settling the boundaries of the modern Republic of Turkey, is signed in Switzerland by Greece, Bulgaria and other countries that fought in the First World War, bringing an end to the Ottoman Empire after 624 years.
- Undated - Hyperinflation in Germany has seen the number of marks needed to purchase a single American dollar reach 353,000 - more than 200 times the amount needed at the start of the year.
- August 2 - President Warren G. Harding, dies of a heart attack and is succeeded by Vice President Calvin Coolidge, who becomes the 30th President of the United States.
- August 3 - President Calvin Coolidge is sworn in.
- August 13
- The first major seagoing ship arrives at Gdynia, the newly constructed Polish seaport.
- Gustav Stresemann is named Chancellor of Germany and founds a coalition government for the Weimar Republic, where hyperinflation means that more than 4,600,000 marks are now needed to buy a single American dollar.
- August 21 - Necaxa football club is founded by engineer William H. Frasser.
- August 30 - Hurricane season begins, with a tropical storm northeast of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
- August 31 - The Italian navy occupies Corfu in retaliation for the murder of an Italian officer. The League of Nations protests and the occupation ends on September 30.
- September 1 - The Great Kantō earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama, killing an estimated 142,807 people, but according to a Japanese construction research center report in 2005, 105,000 are confirmed dead.
- September 4 - The United States Navy's first home-built rigid airship يوإسإس Shenandoah (ZR-1) makes her first flight at Naval Air Station Lakehurst (New Jersey); she contains most of the world's extracted reserves of helium at this time.[9]
- September 7 - At the International Police Conference in Vienna, the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC), better known as Interpol, is set up.
- September 8 - Honda Point disaster: Nine United States Navy destroyers run aground off the California coast.
- September 9 - Turkish head of state Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founds the Republican People's Party (CHP).
- September 10 - The Irish Free State joins the League of Nations.
- September 13 - Military coup in Spain: Miguel Primo de Rivera takes over, setting up a dictatorship. Trade unions are prohibited for 10 years.
- September 17 - 1923 Berkeley Fire: A major fire in Berkeley, California, erupts, consuming some 640 structures, including 584 homes in the densely built neighborhoods north of the campus of the University of California.
- September 18-26 - Newspaper printers strike in New York City.
- September 24 - Second storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, a major hurricane north of Hispaniola.
- September 26 - In Bavaria, Gustav Ritter von Kahr takes dictatorial powers.
- September 29 - The British Mandate for Palestine (1922) comes into effect, officially creating the protectorates of Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish people under British administration and Transjordan as a separate emirate under Abdullah I.[10]
- September 29 - The French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon takes effect.
- September 30 - Küstrin Putsch: Outside Berlin, Major Ernst von Buchrucker, the leader of the Black Reichswehr attempts a putsch by seizing several forts.
- 2 أكتوبر - محاولة انقلاب كوسترين: بعد يومين من الحصار، الميجور بوخروكر (Buchrucker) ورجاله يستسلمون.
- 6 أكتوبر - القوى العظمى في الحرب العالمية الأولى تنسحب من اسطنبول.
- 13 أكتوبر
- أنقرة تحل محل اسطنبول كعاصمة لتركيا.
- أول مثال مسجل من storm crossing from the Eastern Pacific into the Atlantic, occurred in واخاكا.
- 14 أكتوبر - Fourth tropical storm of the year, formed just north of پنما.
- 15 أكتوبر - Fifth tropical storm of the year, formed north of the Leeward Islands.
- October 16
- A sixth tropical storm develops in the خليج المكسيك؛ a rare occurrence, it consists of four active tropical storms simultaneously.
- Roy و والت ديزني يؤسس The Walt Disney Company.
- 23 أكتوبر - انتفاضة هامبورگ: In Germany, the Communists attempt a "putsch" in Hamburg, which results in street battles in that city for the next two days, when it ends unsuccessfully.
- 27 أكتوبر - In Germany, General Hans von Seeckt orders the Reichswehr to dissolve the Social Democratic-Communist government of Saxony, which is refusing to accept the authority of the Reich government.
- 28 أكتوبر - في فارس، رضا خان يصبح رئيس وزراء أحمد شاه قاجار.
- 29 أكتوبر - تركيا تصبح جمهورية إثر حل الدولة العثمانية. مصطفى كمال أتاتورك يُنتخب كأول رئيس.
- 30 أكتوبر - عصمت إينونو يُعيّن كأول رئيس وزراء لتركيا.
- November 1 - The Finnish flag carrier airline Finnair is started as Aero oy.
- November 8 - Beer Hall Putsch: In Munich, Adolf Hitler leads the Nazis in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government; police and troops crush the attempt the next day.
- November 11 - Adolf Hitler is arrested for his leading role in the Beer Hall Putsch, two days after the Putsch was crushed by the government. 20 people died as a result of the associated violence.
- November 12 - Her Highness Princess Maud of Fife marries Captain Charles Alexander Carnegie in Wellington Barracks, London.
- November 15 - Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic: Hyperinflation in Germany reaches its height. One United States dollar is worth 4,200,000,000,000 Papiermark[11] (4.2 trillion on the short scale). Gustav Stresemann abolishes the old currency and replaces it with the Rentenmark at an exchange rate of one Rentenmark to 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion on the short scale) Papiermark with effect from November 20.
- November 23 - Gustav Stresemann's coalition government collapses in Germany.
- December 1 - In Italy, the Gleno Dam on the Gleno River in the Valle di Scalve in the northern Province of Bergamo bursts, killing at least 356 people.d4ew220
- December 6 - In the general election, the governing Conservatives under Stanley Baldwin are reduced to a minority status, with the Labour party gaining second party status.
- December 10 - Sigma Alpha Kappa (the first social fraternity at a Jesuit college in the United States) is founded as a fraternal organization until the ban on social fraternities is lifted.
- 20 ديسمبر - BEGGARS Fraternity (the second social fraternity at a Jesuit college in the United States) is founded by nine men who have secured permission to do so from the Pope.
- December 21 - The Nepal–Britain Treaty is the first to define the international status of Nepal as an independent sovereign country.
- December 27 - The crown prince of Japan survives an assassination attempt in Tokyo.
- December 29 - Vladimir K. Zworykin files his first patent (in the United States) for "television systems".
تاريخ غير معروف
- Struggling for a foothold in southern China, Sun Yat-sen decides to ally his Nationalist Kuomintang party with Comintern and the Communist Party of China.
- Johor–Singapore Causeway completed.
- Police strike in Australia.
- The American Law Institute is established.
- The Moderation League of New York becomes part of the movement for the repeal of Prohibition in the United States.
- Marcel Duchamp's artwork The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même or The Large Glass) is completed in the United States.
- Rainbow trout introduced into the upper Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park, United States.
- 1 يناير
- Valentina Cortese, Italian actress
- Vulo Radev, Bulgarian film director (ت. 2001)
- Roméo Sabourin, Canadian World War II spy (ت. 1944)
- 2 يناير - عبد العزيز حجازي، رئيس وزراء مصر رقم 38. (ت. 2014)
- January 3 - Hank Stram, American football coach and broadcaster (ت. 2005)
- January 5 - Sam Phillips, American record producer (ت. 2003)
- January 6
- Norman Kirk, 29th Prime Minister of New Zealand (ت. 1974)
- Jacobo Timerman, Argentine writer (ت. 1999)
- January 7 - Hugh Kenner, Canadian literary critic (ت. 2003)
- January 11
- Paavo Lonkila, Finnish Olympic cross-country skiier
- Ernst Nolte, German historian (ت. 2016)
- January 12 - Ira Hayes, U.S. Marine flag raiser on Iwo Jima (ت. 1955)
- 15 يناير - لي تنگ-هوي، سياسي تايواني، رئيس جمهورية الصين (تايوان) الرابع، وأبو ديمقراطية تايوان"
- 16 يناير
- Anthony Hecht, American poet (ت. 2004)
- Walther Wever, German fighter ace (ت. 1945)
- January 19 - Jean Stapleton, American actress (ت. 2013)
- January 20
- Slim Whitman, American country and western musician (ت. 2013)
- Nora Brockstedt, Norwegian singer (ت. 2015)
- January 22 - Diana Douglas, British-born American actress; mother of actor/producer Michael Douglas (ت. 2015)
- 23 يناير - ستفاني كوولك، مخترعة "ألياف كڤلار" (ت. 2014)
- January 25 - Arvid Carlsson, Swedish scientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- 26 يناير - Anne Jeffreys, American actress and singer
- January 29 - Paddy Chayefsky، كاتب أمريكي (ت. 1981)
- 31 يناير - نورمان ميلر، كاتب وصحفي أمريكي (ت. 2007)
- February 2
- James Dickey, American poet and author (Deliverance) (ت. 1997)
- Red Schoendienst, American baseball player
- Liz Smith, American gossip columnist
- Clem Windsor, Australian rugby union player and surgeon (ت. 2007)
- February 3 - Edith Barney, American female professional baseball player (ت. 2010)
- February 4
- Conrad Bain, Canadian-born actor (ت. 2013)
- Belisario Betancur, Colombian politician and the 26th President of Colombia
- February 5 - Fatmawati First Lady of Indonesia (ت. 1980)
- February 7 - George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood and first grandchild of King George V (ت. 2011)
- February 8 - Urpo Korhonen, Finnish Olympic cross-country skiier (ت. 2009)
- February 9 - Brendan Behan, Irish author (ت. 1964)
- February 10
- Allie Sherman, American professional football coach (ت. 2015)
- Cesare Siepi, Italian opera singer (ت. 2010)
- February 12 - Franco Zeffirelli, Italian film and opera director
- February 13
- Yfrah Neaman, Lebanese-born violinist (ت. 2003)
- Chuck Yeager, American test pilot and NASA official
- February 16 - Samuel Willenberg, Polish-born Israeli sculptor and painter, last surviving member of the Treblinka extermination camp revolt (ت. 2016)
- February 17 - Jun Fukuda, Japanese film director (ت. 2000)
- February 20 - Forbes Burnham, Guyanese politician, 1st Prime Minister of Guyana and 2nd President of Guyana (ت. 1985)
- February 21 - Wilbur R. Ingalls, Jr., American architect (ت. 1997)
- February 22 - Norman Smith, English singer and record producer (ت. 2008)
- February 23
- Mary Francis Shura, American writer (ت. 1991)
- Ioannis Grivas, Greek judge and politician, 176th Prime Minister of Greece (ت. 2016)
- John van Hengel, American "Father of Food Banking" (ت. 2005)
- February 24 - David Soyer, American cellist (ت. 2010)
- February 27 - Dexter Gordon, American jazz saxophone player and actor (ت. 1990)
- February 28
- Jean Carson, American actress (ت. 2005)
- Charles Durning, American actor (ت. 2012)
- March 2
- Orrin Keepnews, American record producer (ت. 2015)
- Robert H. Michel, American Republican Party politician (ت. 2017)
- March 3 - Doc Watson, American folk guitarist and songwriter (ت. 2012)
- March 4
- Piero D'Inzeo, Italian Olympic show jumping rider (ت. 2014)
- Sir Patrick Moore, British astronomer and broadcaster (ت. 2012)
- March 6
- Ed McMahon, American television personality (ت. 2009)
- Wes Montgomery, American musician (ت. 1968)
- March 7 - Mahlon Clark, American musician (ت. 2007)
- March 8 - Louk Hulsman, Dutch criminologist (ت. 2009)
- March 9
- James L. Buckley, American politician and United States Senator 1971-77
- Walter Kohn, Austrian-born physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (ت. 2016)
- March 10 - Val Logsdon Fitch, American nuclear physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (ت. 2015)
- March 11
- Paul Muller, Swiss actor
- Agatha Barbara, Maltese politician (ت. 2002)
- March 12
- Hjalmar Andersen, Norwegian speed-skater (ت. 2013)
- Wally Schirra, American astronaut (ت. 2007)
- Mae Young, American wrestler (ت. 2014)
- March 14 - Diane Arbus, American photographer (ت. 1971)
- March 15
- Willy Semmelrogge, German actor (ت. 1984)
- Lou Richards, Australian footballer (ت. 2017)
- 16 مارس - فهد بن عبد العزيز آل سعود، ملك السعودية.
- 21 مارس
- نزار قباني، شاعر ودبلوماسي سوري.
- Merle Keagle, American female professional baseball player (ت. 1960)
- Shri Mataji Nirmala Srivastava, Indian founder of Sahaja Yoga (ت. 2011)
- March 22 - Marcel Marceau, world-renowned French mime (ت. 2007)
- March 24
- Murray Hamilton, American actor (ت. 1986)
- Michael Legat, English writer (ت. 2011)
- March 25 - Wim van Est, Dutch cyclist (ت. 2003)
- March 26 - Bob Elliott, American comedian (ت. 2016)
- March 27 - Louis Simpson, Jamaican-born poet (ت. 2012)
- March 28 - Thad Jones, American jazz musician (ت. 1986)
- March 29 - Geoff Duke, British motorcycle racer (ت. 2015)
- March 30 - Milton Acorn, Canadian writer (ت. 1986)
- March 31 - Shoshana Damari, Yemenite-Israeli singer (ت. 2006)
- April 2
- Alice Haylett, American professional baseball player (ت. 2004)
- G. Spencer-Brown, British mathematician (ت. 2016)
- Gloria Henry, American actress
- Johnny Paton, Scottish football player, coach and manager (ت. 2015)
- April 4
- Gene Reynolds, American actor
- Peter Vaughan, English actor (ت. 2016)
- April 5 - Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, President of South Vietnam (ت. 2001)
- April 8
- George Fisher, American political cartoonist (ت. 2003)
- Edward Mulhare, Irish-born American actor (ت. 1997)
- April 13 - Don Adams, American actor and comedian (ت. 2005)
- April 14 - Roberto De Vicenzo, Argentine professional golfer and winner of the 1967 Open Championship (ت. 2017)
- April 15 - Douglas Wass, British civil servant (ت. 2017)
- April 20
- Mother Angelica, American nun; founder of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) (ت. 2016)
- Irene Lieblich, Polish-born painter (ت. 2008)
- April 22
- Geoffrey Hattersley-Smith, English/Canadian geologist and glaciologist (ت. 2012)
- Bettie Page, American model (ت. 2008)
- Paula Fox, American writer (ت. 2017)
- Aaron Spelling, American television producer and writer (ت. 2006)
- April 23 - Dolph Briscoe, Governor of Texas (ت. 2010)
- April 24 - Bülent Ulusu, 18th Prime Minister of Turkey (ت. 2015)
- April 25 - Albert King, American musician (ت. 1992)
- April 30
- Al Lewis, American actor (The Munsters) (ت. 2006)
- Francis Tucker, South African Rally Driver (ت. 2008)
- 1 مايو
- Joseph Heller, American novelist (Catch-22) (ت. 1999)
- Frank Brian, American basketball player (ت. 2017)
- Fernando Cabrita, Portuguese football forward and manager (ت. 2014)
- May 2 - Patrick Hillery, President of Ireland (ت. 2008)
- May 3 - Ralph Hall, American politician
- 4 مايو
- عاصي الرحباني، ملحن وموسيقي ومايسترو وشاعر ومؤلف لبناني (ت. 1986)
- Eric Sykes, English actor (ت. 2012)
- 5 مايو
- Richard Wollheim, English philosopher (ت. 2003)
- Konrad Repgen, German historian (ت. 2017)
- May 6 - Josep Seguer, Spanish football defender and manager (ت. 2014)
- 7 مايو
- Anne Baxter, American actress (ت. 1985)
- J. Mack Robinson, American businessman (ت. 2014)
- Jim Lowe, American singer-songwriter (ت. 2016)
- May 10 - Heydar Aliyev, 3rd President of Azerbaijan (1993–2003) (ت. 2003)
- May 11 - Louise Arnold, American female professional baseball player (ت. 2010)
- May 14
- Willis Blair, Canadian politician (ت. 2014)
- Mrinal Sen, Indian filmmaker
- 15 مايو
- Doris Dowling, American actress (ت. 2004)
- Gholamreza Pahlavi, Persian prince (ت. 2017)
- John Lanchbery, English composer (ت. 2003)
- May 16 - Merton Miller, American economist, Nobel Prize laureate (ت. 2000)
- May 17
- David Wasawo, Kenyan zoologist, conservationist, and university administrator (ت. 2014)
- Peter Mennin, American composer, teacher and administrator (ت. 1983)
- May 18 - Hugh Shearer, Prime Minister of Jamaica (ت. 2004)
- May 21
- Armand Borel, Swiss mathematician (ت. 2003)
- Dorothy Hewett, Australian writer (ت. 2002)
- Evelyn Ward, American actress (ت. 2012)
- Ara Parseghian, American football coach
- May 23 - Kalidas Shrestha, Nepalese artist (ت. 2016)
- May 24
- Knut Ahnlund, Swedish literary historian and writer (ت. 2012)
- Seijun Suzuki, Japanese filmmaker, actor, and screenwriter (ت. 2017)
- May 26
- James Arness, American actor (ت. 2011)
- Roy Dotrice, English actor
- Horst Tappert, German television actor (ت. 2008)
- May 27
- Alfonso Wong, Hong Kong cartoonist (ت. 2017)
- Henry Kissinger, United States Secretary of State, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
- Sumner Redstone, American businessman
- May 28
- György Ligeti, Hungarian composer (ت. 2006)
- Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, Indian (Telugu) film actor (ت. 1996)
- T. M. Thiagarajan, Carnatic musicologist from Tamil Nadu in Southern India (ت. 2007)
- May 31
- Robert O. Becker, American orthopedic surgeon (ت. 2008)
- Rainier III, Prince of Monaco (ت. 2005)
- Ellsworth Kelly, American artist (ت. 2015)
- June 2
- Ted Leehane, Australian rules footballer (ت. 2014)
- Lloyd Shapley, American mathematician and economist, Nobel Prize laureate (ت. 2016)
- June 3 - Peter Thorne, Royal Air Force pilot (ت. 2014)
- June 4 - Elizabeth Jolley, Australian writer (ت. 2007)
- June 6
- V. C. Andrews, American novelist (ت. 1996)
- Jeff Dwire, American small businessman (ت. 1974)
- June 7
- Jean Baratte, French international footballer who played as striker, and manager (ت. 1986)
- Giorgio Belladonna, Italian bridge player, one of the greatest of all time (ت. 1995)
- June 9 - Gerald Götting, German politician (ت. 2015)
- June 10 - Robert Maxwell, Slovakian-born media entrepreneur (ت. 1991)
- June 12
- Herta Elviste, Estonian actress (ت. 2015)
- Juan Arza, Spanish football forward and manager (ت. 2011)
- June 13 - Lloyd Conover, American scientist (ت. 2017)
- June 14 - Jack Hayward, English businessman (ت. 2014)
- June 15
- Herbert Chitepo, Leader of Zimbabwe African National Union (ت. 1975)
- Johnny Most, American basketball radio announcer (ت. 1993)
- June 17
- Arnold S. Relman, American internist (ت. 2014)
- Enrique Angelelli, Argentine bishop (ت. 1976)
- W. M. Gorman, Irish economist and academic (ت. 2003)
- William G. Adams, ninth mayor of St. John's and a member of the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly (ت. 2005)
- Anthony Bevilacqua, American cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church (ت. 2012)
- Jan Veselý, Czech cyclist (ت. 2003)
- June 18 - Szymon Szurmiej, Polish-Jewish actor, director, and general manager (ت. 2014)
- June 20 - Bjørn Watt-Boolsen, Danish actor (ت. 1998)
- June 21
- Johann Eyfells, Master of Fine Arts
- John Oldham, American college player, athletic director and basketball coach
- June 22
- Barbara Perry, American actress, singer and dancer
- Felo Ramírez, Cuban-American Spanish language radio voice of the Miami Marlins (ت. 2017)
- June 23
- André Antunes, Portuguese sports shooter
- Doris Johnson, American politician
- Makhmut Gareev, Russian general
- Jerry Rullo, American professional basketball player (ت. 2016)
- Ranasinghe Premadasa, Sri Lanka statesman, 3rd President of Sri Lanka (ت. 1993)
- John E. Sarno, American medical writers (ت. 2017)
- June 24
- Négovan Rajic , Newsreader and playwright from Quebec
- Yves Bonnefoy, French poet and art historian (ت. 2016)
- Cesare Romiti, Italian economist
- T-Model Ford, American blues musician (ت. 2013)
- June 25
- Stan Clements, English footballer who played
- Vatroslav Mimica, Croatian film director and screenwriter
- Doug Everingham, Australian politician and minister (ت. 2017)
- Sam Francis, American painter (ت. 1994)
- June 26
- Ed Bearss, American veteran of World War II
- Musa'id bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi prince (ت. 2013)
- June 27
- Beth Chatto, British plantswoman, garden designer and author
- Mitchell Flint, American lawyer and a veteran aviator (ت. 2017)
- Gus Zernial, American baseball player and sports commentator (ت. 2011)
- June 28
- Giff Roux, American basketball player (ت. 2011)
- Gaye Stewart, Canadian ice hockey forward (ت. 2010)
- Daniil Khrabrovitsky, Soviet film director (ت. 1980)
- June 29
- Alfred Goodwin, senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- Chou Wen-chung, Chinese-American composer and educator
- Olav Thon, Norwegian real estate magnate
- June 30
- Andy Jack, English footballer
- Ivo Orlandi, Venezuelan sports shooter
- Gad Beck, Israeli-German educator, author, activist, and survivor of the Holocaust (ت. 2012)
- July 1
- Scotty Bowers, American Marine and author
- Herman Chernoff, American applied mathematician, statistician and physicist
- July 2 - Wisława Szymborska, Polish writer, Nobel Prize laureate (ت. 2012)
- July 3
- Hugo Machado, Uruguayan cyclist
- Felipe Zetter, Mexican football defender (ت. 2013)
- July 4
- Rudolf Friedrich, Swiss Federal Councilor (ت. 2013)
- George Mostow, American mathematician, renowned for his contributions to Lie theory (ت. 2017)
- July 5
- Mitsuye Yamada, Japanese American activist, feminist, essayist, poet, story writer, editor, and former professor of English.
- Hermann Gummel, German pioneer in the semiconductor industry
- July 6 - Wojciech Jaruzelski, Polish Communist politician, 8th Prime Minister of Poland and President of Poland (ت. 2014)
- July 7
- Chandrashekhar, Indian film actor
- Whitney North Seymour, Jr., American administrator
- Leonardo Ferrel, Bolivian football player
- Kitty White, American jazz singer (ت. 2009)
- July 8
- Harrison Dillard, American athlete
- Jeanine Collard , French singer
- Ivor Germain, Barbadian professional light/welterweight boxer
- Eric Hill, English cricketer (ت. 2010)
- July 9 - Jill Knight, British politician
- July 10
- Mátyás Tímár, Hungarian politician and economist
- Rudolf Kehrer, Soviet and Russian classical pianist (ت. 2013)
- John Bradley, U.S. Navy flag raiser on Iwo Jima (ت. 1994)
- July 11
- Roy Neighbors, American politician
- Richard Pipes, Polish-American academic who specializes in Russian history
- Olavo Rodrigues Barbosa, Brazilian football player (ت. 2010)
- Gilbert Morand, French non-commissioned officer and skier (ت. 2008)
- July 12
- James E. Gunn, American science fiction writer, editor, scholar, and anthologist
- Francisco Castro, Puerto Rican long jumper and triple jumper
- Freddie Fields, American theatrical agent and film producer (ت. 2007)
- July 13
- Erich Lessing, Austrian photographer
- Shmuel Laviv-Lubin, Israeli sports shooter
- Alexandre Astruc, French film critic and director (ت. 2016)
- Norma Zimmer, American singer (ت. 2011)
- July 14 - Dale Robertson, American actor (ت. 2013)
- July 15 - Francisco de Andrade, Portuguese competitive sailor and Olympic medalist
- July 16
- Mari Evans, African-American poet (ت. 2017)
- Len Okrie, American catcher
- Chris Argyris, American business theorist (ت. 2013)
- Giuseppe Madini, Italian professional football player
- July 18
- Michael Medwin, English actor
- Jerome H. Lemelson, American inventor (ت. 1997)
- July 19 - José Moës , Belgian footballer
- July 20
- James Bree, British actor (ت. 2008)
- Stanisław Albinowski, Polish economist and journalist (ت. 2005)
- Elisabeth Becker, German Nazi war criminal (ت. 1946)
- July 21
- Rudolph A. Marcus, Canadian chemist, Nobel Prize laureate
- Walter Brenner, American professor
- July 22
- Anthony Enahoro, Nigerian politician (ت. 2010)
- Bob Dole, American politician and Presidential candidate
- The Fabulous Moolah, American professional wrestler (ت. 2007)
- Mukesh, Indian singer (ت. 1976)
- July 23 - Witto Aloma, Cuban Major League Baseball player (ت. 1997)
- July 25 - Estelle Getty, American actress (ت. 2008)
- July 28 - H. S. S. Lawrence, Indian educator (ت. 2009)
- July 29
- Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall Amplification (ت. 2012)
- Edgar Cortright, American scientist and engineer (ت. 2014)
- July 31
- Stephanie Kwolek, American chemist noted for inventing Kevlar (ت. 2014)
- Jean-Jacques Moreau, French mathematician and mechanician (ت. 2014)
- August 2 - Shimon Peres, 8th Prime Minister of Israel, 9th President of Israel, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (ت. 2016)
- August 3
- Jean Hagen, American actress (ت. 1977)
- Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (ت. 2012)
- August 5
- Sir Michael Kerry, QC, British civil servant, Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor (ت. 2012)
- Devan Nair, third President of Singapore (ت. 2005)
- August 6 - Moira Lister, Anglo-South African film, stage and television actress (ت. 2007)
- August 8 - Eve Miller, American actress (ت. 1973)
- August 10
- David H. Rodgers, American politician (ت. 2017)
- Rhonda Fleming, American actress
- Fred Ridgway, English cricketer (ت. 2015)
- August 15 - Rose Marie, American actress
- August 16 - Millôr Fernandes, Brazilian cartoonist and playwright (ت. 2012)
- August 19
- Dill Jones, Welsh jazz stride pianist (ت. 1984)
- Esmeralda Agoglia, Argentinian ballerina (ت. 2014)
- 21 اغسطس - شيمون بيريز.
- August 23
- Henry F. Warner, American soldier, Medal of Honor (ت. 1944)
- Siti Hartinah, First Lady of Indonesia (ت. 1996)
- August 24 - Arthur Jensen, American educational psychologist (ت. 2012)
- August 25 - Luis Abanto Morales, Peruvian singer and composer (ت. 2017)
- August 26 - Wolfgang Sawallisch, German conductor and pianist (ت. 2013)
- August 27 - Hun Neang, father of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (ت. 2013)
- August 29
- Sir Richard Attenborough, English actor and film director (ت. 2014)
- Marmaduke Hussey, Baron Hussey of North Bradley, chairman of the BBC (ت. 2006)
- August 30 - Giacomo Rondinella, Italian singer and actor (ت. 2015)
- 1 سبتمبر
- Rocky Marciano, American boxer (ت. 1969)
- Kenneth Thomson, Canadian businessman and art collector (ت. 2006)
- September 2 - Ramón Valdés, Mexican actor, Don Ramón in El Chavo del Ocho (ت. 1988)
- 3 سبتمبر
- Glen Bell, American entrepreneur and founder of Taco Bell (ت. 2010)
- Mort Walker, American cartoonist, creator of Beetle Bailey
- September 4 - Ram Kishore Shukla, Indian politician (ت. 2003)
- September 6 - King Peter II of Yugoslavia (ت. 1970)
- September 7
- Madeleine Dring, British composer and actress (ت. 1977)
- Peter Lawford, English actor (ت. 1984)
- September 9
- Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, American virologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (ت. 2008)
- Cliff Robertson, American actor (ت. 2011)
- 11 سبتمبر - Vasilije Mokranjac, Serbian composer (ت. 1984)
- 16 سبتمبر - لي كوان يو، رئيس وزراء سنغافورة (ت. 2015)
- 17 سبتمبر - Hank Williams, American country musician (ت. 1953)
- September 18 - Queen Anne of Romania, born Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma, French-born queen consort (ت. 2016)
- September 20 - Geraldine Clinton Little, Northern Ireland-born poet (ت. 1997)
- September 22 - Dannie Abse, Welsh poet (ت. 2014)
- 23 سبتمبر - محمد حسنين هيكل، كاتب سياسي مصري. (ت. )
- September 24 - Li Yuan-tsu, Taiwanese politician (ت. 2017)
- September 26
- Dev Anand, Indian actor, film producer, writer and director (ت. 2011)
- Aleksandr Alov, Soviet film director and screenwriter (ت. 1983)
- September 27 - James Condon, Australian actor (ت. 2014)
- September 30 - Donald Swann, Welsh composer (ت. 1994)
- October 2
- Eugenio Cruz Vargas, Chilean poet and painter (ت. 2014)
- Absalón Castellanos Domínguez, Mexican politician (ت. 2017)
- Shih Chun-jen, Taiwanese neurosurgeon (ت. 2017)
- October 3
- Edward Oliver LeBlanc, Dominican politician (ت. 2004)
- Stanisław Skrowaczewski, Polish-born orchestral conductor (ت. 2017)
- October 4 - Charlton Heston, American actor, best known for his role in The Ten Commandments (ت. 2008)
- October 5
- Albert Guðmundsson, Icelandic football player and politician (ت. 1994)
- Glynis Johns, South African-born Welsh actress
- Ricardo Lavié, Argentine actor (ت. 2010)
- October 6 - Yasar Kemal, Turkish writer (ت. 2015)
- October 7 - Irma Grese, German Nazi concentration camp guard, war criminal (executed 1945)
- October 10
- James "Jabby" Jabara, American aviator, the first American jet fighter ace (ت. 1966)
- Murray Walker, British motor racing commentator
- October 13 - Faas Wilkes, Dutch football (soccer) player (ت. 2006)
- October 15 - Italo Calvino, Italian writer (ت. 1985)
- October 17 - Charles McClendon, American Hall of Fame college football coach (ت. 2001)
- October 20 - Otfried Preußler, German children's books author (ت. 2013)
- October 23 - Frank Sutton, American actor (ت. 1974)
- October 24
- Sir Robin Day, British political broadcaster (ت. 2000)
- Denise Levertov, British-born American poet (ت. 1997)
- October 25 - J. Esmonde Barry, Canadian healthcare activist and political commentator (ت. 2007)
- October 27 - Roy Lichtenstein, American pop artist (ت. 1997)
- October 29
- Carl Djerassi, American chemist (ت. 2015)
- Gerda van der Kade-Koudijs, Dutch athlete (ت. 2015)
- November 1
- Victoria de los Ángeles, Catalan soprano (ت. 2005)
- Gordon R. Dickson, Canadian author (ت. 2001)
- November 2 - Cesare Rubini, Italian basketball player and coach (ت. 2011)
- November 3 - Tomás Cardinal Ó Fiaich, Irish Roman Catholic prelate (ت. 1990)
- November 4 - John Herbers, American journalist, author, editor, World War II veteran, and Pulitzer Prize finalist (ت. 2017)
- November 5
- Rudolf Augstein, German journalist, founder and part-owner of German magazine Der Spiegel (ت. 2002)
- Kay Lionikas, Greek-American female professional baseball player (ت. 1978)
- November 8
- Yisrael Friedman, Romanian-born Israeli rabbi (ت. 2017)
- Jack Kilby, American electrical engineer, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics (ت. 2005)
- November 11 - P. K. van der Byl, Rhodesian politician (ت. 1999)
- November 12 - Vicco von Bülow, German actor (ت. 2011)
- November 13 - Linda Christian, Mexican film actress (ت. 2011)
- November 14
- Cleyde Yáconis, Brazilian actress (ت. 2013)
- Misael Pastrana Borrero, 23rd President of Colombia (ت. 1997)
- November 17 - Aristides Maria Pereira, President of Cape Verde (ت. 2011)
- November 18 - Alan Shepard, first American astronaut, fifth person to walk on the moon (ت. 1998)
- November 20 - Nadine Gordimer, South African writer, Nobel Prize laureate (ت. 2014)
- November 22 - Arthur Hiller, Canadian film director (ت. 2016)
- November 23
- Billy Haughton, American harness driver and trainer (ت. 1986)
- Julien J. LeBourgeois, American vice admiral (ت. 2012)
- Gloria Whelan, American poet, short story writer, and novelist
- November 25 - Mauno Koivisto, 2-Time Prime Minister of Finland and 9th President of Finland (ت. 2017)
- November 26 - Pat Phoenix, English actress (ت. 1986)
- 1 ديسمبر
- Dick Shawn, American actor (ت. 1987)
- Stansfield Turner, American admiral and Director of Central Intelligence
- December 2 - Maria Callas, Greek soprano (ت. 1977)
- December 3
- Dede Allen, American film editor ("Bonnie and Clyde") (ت. 2010)
- Moyra Fraser, British actress (ت. 2009)
- Abe Pollin, American sports owner (ت. 2009)
- December 5 - Eleanor Dapkus, American female professional baseball player (ت. 2011)
- December 7 - Ted Knight, American actor (ت. 1986)
- December 5 - Philip Slier, Dutch Jewish typesetter (ت. 1943)
- December 11 - Betsy Blair, American film actress (ت. 2009)
- December 12 - Bob Barker, American game show host (The Price Is Right)
- December 13
- Philip Warren Anderson, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
- Larry Doby, baseball player (ت. 2003)
- Antoni Tàpies, Catalan painter (ت. 2012)
- December 14
- Gerard Reve, Dutch writer (ت. 2006)
- Sully Boyar, American actor (ت. 2001)
- December 15 - Freeman Dyson, English-born physicist
- December 17 - Jaroslav Pelikan, American historian (ت. 2006)
- December 19 - Gordon Jackson, Scottish actor (ت. 1990)
- 23 ديسمبر
- TL Osborn, American televangelist, singer and author (ت. 2013)
- James Stockdale, U.S. Navy admiral and vice presidential candidate (ت. 2005)
- 24 ديسمبر - George Patton IV, American general (ت. 2004)
- December 25
- Luis Álamos, Chilean football manager (ت. 1983)
- Sonya Olschanezky, World War II heroine (ت. 1944)
- Satyananda Saraswati, Founder of Satyananda Yoga and Bihar Yoga (ت. 2009)
- René Girard, French-American historian (ت. 2015)
- 27 ديسمبر - Lucas Mangope, President of Bophuthatswana Bantustan
- 29 ديسمبر - Dina Merrill, American actress, heiress, socialite, and philanthropist (ت. 2017)
تاريخ غير محدد
- محمد بحر العلوم، زعيم ديني شيعي عراقي، شارك مجلس الحكم العراقي المؤقت بعد احتلال العراق. (ت. 2015)
- 1 يناير - Willie Keeler, American baseball player and MLB Hall of Famer (و. 1872)
- January 3 - Jaroslav Hašek, Czech writer (و. 1883)
- 9 يناير
- Katherine Mansfield, British novelist (و. 1888)
- Edith Thompson and Frederick Bywaters, British couple hanged for murder (Thompson b. 1893)
- 11 يناير - قسطنطين الأول من اليونان، ملك اليونان (و. 1868)
- January 12 - Herbert Silberer, Austrian psychoanalyst (و. 1882)
- 13 يناير - ألكسندر ريبو، رجل دولة فرنسي، رئيس وزراء فرنسا أربع مرات. (و. 1842)
- January 18 - Wallace Reid, American actor (و. 1891)
- 23 يناير - ماكس نورداو، مؤلف وفيلسوف مجري وزعيم صهيوني (و. 1849)
- January 31 - Eligiusz Niewiadomski, Polish artist, political activist and assassin (executed) (و. 1869)
- February 1 - Ernst Troeltsch, German theologian (و. 1865).
- February 3 - Count Kuroki Tamemoto, Japanese general (و. 1844)
- February 4 - Prince Fushimi Sadanaru (و. 1858)
- February 5 - Count Erich Kielmansegg, former Prime Minister of Austria (و. 1847)
- February 10 - Wilhelm Röntgen, German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (و. 1845)
- February 21 - Prince Miguel, Duke of Viseu (و. 1878)
- 23 فبراير - تيوفيل دلكاسيه، رجل دولة فرنسي. (و. 1852)
- February 24 - Edward W. Morley, American physicists and chemist (و. 1838)
- March 6 - Joseph McDermott, American actor (و. 1878)
- 8 مارس - يوهانس ديدريك ڤان در ڤالز، فيزيائي هولندي، حائز على جائزة نوبل. (و. 1837)
- 26 مارس - سارة برنار، ممثلة فرنسية. (و. 1844)
- March 27 - Sir James Dewar, British chemist (و. 1842)
- March 28 - Michel-Joseph Maunoury, French general (و. 1847)
- April 1 - Prince Naruhisa Kitashirakawa (و. 1887)
- April 4 - John Venn, British mathematician (و. 1834)
- 5 أبريل - جورج هربرت، إرل كرنارڤون الخامس، الممول البريطاني للاستكشافات الأثرية المصرية (و. 1866)
- April 17 - Madre Teresa Nuzzo, Maltese Roman Catholic nun and blessed (و. 1851)
- April 23 - Princess Louise of Prussia, Grand Duchess of Baden (و. 1838)
- April 24 - William Ernest, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (و. 1876)
- 10 مايو - شارل دى فريسينيه، رجل دولة فرنسي، ورئيس وزراء فرنسا أربع مرات. (و. 1828)
- May 17 - Duke Paul Frederick of Mecklenburg (و. 1852)
- May 21
- هانز گولدشميت، كيميائي ألماني (و. 1861)
- Charles Kent, British actor (و. 1852)
- May 29 - Albert Deullin, French flying ace of World War I (و. 1890)
- June 9 - Princess Helena of the United Kingdom, third daughter of Queen Victoria (و. 1846)
- 10 يونيو - Pierre Loti, French writer and naval officer (و. 1850)
- June 14 - Isabelle Bogelot, French philanthropist (و. 1838)
- June 18 - Hristo Smirnenski, Bulgarian poet (و. 1898)
- June 24 - Edith Södergran, Finnish author (و. 1892)
- 10 يوليو - ألبرت شڤالييه، كوميدي بريطاني (و. 1861)
- 20 يوليو - پانچو ڤيا، ثوري مكسيكي (أغتيل) (و. 1878)
- 23 يوليو - شارل دوپوي، رجل دولة فرنسي، رئيس وزراء فرنسا ثلاث مرات. (و. 1851)
- July 30 - Charles Hawtrey, British actor (و. 1858)
- 2 أغسطس - وارن هاردنگ، رئيس الولايات المتحدة رقم 29. (و. 1865)
- August 9 - Victor II, Duke of Ratibor (و. 1847)
- August 10 - Joaquín Sorolla, Spanish painter (و. 1863)
- August 23 - Henry C. Mustin, American naval aviation pioneer (و. 1874)
- August 24 - Katō Tomosaburō, Imperial Japanese naval officer، رئيس وزراء اليابان رقم 21. (و. 1861)
- 27 أغسطس7 - Edward Hill، رسام أمريكي (و. 1843)
- 9 سبتمبر - هرمز رودريگز دا فونسيكا، عسكري وسياسي برازيلي، ورئيس البرازيل الثامن (و. 1855)
- 17 سبتمبر - ستفانوس دراگوميس، رئيس وزراء اليونان رقم 92. (و. 1842)
- September 23
- Antonio Francisco Xavier Alvares, Indian Roman Catholic priest and saint (و. 1836)
- Carl L. Boeckmann, Norwegian-American artist (و. 1867)
- John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, British politician and editor (و. 1838)
- 28 أكتوبر
- تيودور رويس، German occultist (و. 1855)
- ستويان پروتيتش، رجل دولة صربي، رئيس وزراء يوغسلاڤيا السابق (و. 1857)
- 30 أكتوبر - بونار لو، رئيس وزراء المملكة المتحدة (و. 1858)
- 9 نوفمبر (بين أولئك الذين لقوا مصرعهم في محاولة انقلاب قاعة الجعة في ميونخ):
- Oskar Körner, businessman (و. 1875)
- Karl Laforce, student (و. 1904)
- Ludwig Maximilian Erwin von Scheubner-Richter, diplomat and revolutionary (و. 1884)
- November 14 - Prince Ernest Augustus, 3rd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale (و. 1845)
- 15 نوفمبر - محمد يعقوب خان، أمير أفغانستان السابق (و. 1849)
- November 30 - Martha Mansfield, American actress (و. 1899)
- December 2 - Tomás Bretón, Spanish composer (و. 1850)
- December 8 - John William Brodie-Innes, British member of Golden Dawn (و. 1848)
- December 12 - Raymond Radiguet, French author (و. 1903)
- December 13 - Théophile Steinlen, Swiss painter (و. 1859)
- December 22 - Georg Luger, German firearms designer (و. 1849)
- December 25 - William Ludwig, Irish opera singer (و. 1847)
- December 27
- گوستاڤ إيفل، مهندس ومعماري فرنسي (برج إيفل) (و. 1832)
- Lluís Domènech i Montaner, Spanish architect (و. 1850)
- December 28 - Frank Hayes, American actor (و. 1871)
تاريخ غير معروف
- Edmund William Berridge, British medical doctor (و. 1843)
- Dorila Antommarchi, Colombian poet (و. 1850s)
جوائز نوبل
- Physics - Robert Andrews Millikan
- Chemistry - Fritz Pregl
- Physiology or Medicine - Frederick Grant Banting, John James Rickard Macleod
- Literature - William Butler Yeats
- ^ Albert, Norman (February 9, 1923). "Conacher Scored Six for North Toronto". Toronto Star. p. 12.
- ^ Kitchen, Paul (2008). Win, Lose or Wrangle: The Inside Story of the Old Ottawa Senators - 1883-1935. Manotick Ontario: Penumbra Press. p. 246.
- ^ Mariz Tadros (18–24 March 1999). "Unity in diversity". Al Ahram Weekly (421). Archived from the original on May 30, 2014. Retrieved 30 September 2014.
{{cite journal}}
: Unknown parameter|deadurl=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ^ Earl L. Sullivan (1 January 1986). Women in Egyptian Public Life. Syracuse University Press. p. 172. ISBN 978-0-8156-2354-0. Retrieved 6 October 2014.
- ^ Nadje S. Al Ali. "Women's Movements in the Middle East: Case Studies of Egypt and Turkey" (Report). SOAS. Retrieved 21 September 2014.
- ^ "Hooper, Albert W. "Bert"". The History of Canadian Broadcasting. Retrieved January 28, 2015.
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{{cite book}}
: Unknown parameter|deadurl=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ^ Tonge, Stephen. "Weimar Germany 1919-1933". A Web of English History. Retrieved 2012-03-14.