► | قرن 18 | << قرن 19 >> | قرن 20 | ◄
► | عقد 1790 | عقد 1800 | عقد 1810 | << عقد 1820 >> | عقد 1830 | عقد 1840 | عقد 1850 | ◄
► | ► | 1823 | 1824 | 1825 | 1826 | 1827 | << 1828 >> | 1829 | 1830 | 1831 | 1832 | 1833 | ◄ | ◄
تحويل 1-1-1828م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | تحويل 31-12-1828م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1828
الألفية: | الألفية 2 |
القرون: | القرن 18 - القرن 19 - القرن 20 |
العقود: | عقد 1790 عقد 1800 عقد 1810 - عقد 1820 - عقد 1830 عقد 1840 عقد 1850 |
السنوات: | 1825 1826 1827 - 1828 - 1829 1830 1831 |
1828 في موضوعات: |
الإنسانيات |
الآثار – العمارة – الفن – الأدب (الشعر) – الموسيقى |
حسب البلد |
مصر – سوريا - إيران – الصين - فرنسا – ألمانيا – الدولة العثمانية – إيطاليا - اسبانيا - المغرب– روسيا - اليابان – البرازيل - الهند - المملكة المتحدة – الولايات المتحدة – إندونسيا |
موضوعات أخرى |
السكك الحديدية – العلوم – الرياضة |
قوائم الزعماء |
الدول ذات السيادة – زعماء الدول – حكام الأقاليم – الزعماء الدينيون |
تصنيفا المواليد والوفيات |
المواليد – الوفيات |
تصنيفا التأسيسات والانحلالات |
التأسيسات – الانحلالات |
تصنيف الأعمال |
الأعمال |
التقويم الگريگوري | 1828 MDCCCXXVIII |
آب أوربه كونديتا | 2581 |
التقويم الأرمني | 1277 ԹՎ ՌՄՀԷ |
التقويم الآشوري | 6578 |
التقويم البهائي | −16 – −15 |
التقويم البنغالي | 1235 |
التقويم الأمازيغي | 2778 |
سنة العهد البريطاني | 8 Geo. 4 – 9 Geo. 4 |
التقويم البوذي | 2372 |
التقويم البورمي | 1190 |
التقويم البيزنطي | 7336–7337 |
التقويم الصيني | 丁亥年 (النار الخنزير) 4524 أو 4464 — إلى — 戊子年 (التراب الفأر) 4525 أو 4465 |
التقويم القبطي | 1544–1545 |
التقويم الديسكوردي | 2994 |
التقويم الإثيوپي | 1820–1821 |
التقويم العبري | 5588–5589 |
التقاويم الهندوسية | |
- ڤيكرام سامڤات | 1884–1885 |
- شاكا سامڤات | 1750–1751 |
- كالي يوگا | 4929–4930 |
تقويم الهولوسين | 11828 |
تقويم الإگبو | 828–829 |
التقويم الإيراني | 1206–1207 |
التقويم الهجري | 1243–1244 |
التقويم الياباني | Bunsei 11 (文政11年) |
تقويم جوچى | N/A |
التقويم اليوليوسي | الگريگوري ناقص 12 يوم |
التقويم الكوري | 4161 |
تقويم مينگوو | 84 قبل جمهورية الصين 民前84年 |
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي | 2371 |
سنة 1828 (MDCCCXXVIII) كانت سنة كبيسة تبدأ يوم الثلاثاء (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1828 بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 828 في الألفية 2، السنة 28 في القرن 19، والسنة 9 في عقد 1820 بين 1583 و 1929 ومع فارق 1828 is 12 يوم عن التقويم اليوليوسي، والذين ظلوا مستخدمين حتى التحول الكامل إلى التقويم الگريگوري في 1929.
- January 4 – Jean Baptiste Gay, vicomte de Martignac succeeds the Comte de Villèle, as Prime Minister of France.
- January 8 – The Democratic Party of the United States is organized.
- January 22 – Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington succeeds Lord Goderich as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
- فبراير - إمام مسقط وعمان، السيد سعيد بن سلطان]] يزور زنجبار.
- February 19 – The Boston Society for Medical Improvement is established in the United States.
- February 21 – The first American-Indian newspaper in the United States is published, named "Cherokee Phoenix".
- 22 فبراير – معاهدة تركمنچاي: By this Russian-Persian peace treaty signed on 10 فبراير at Torkamanchay, Persia (Iran), the latter country is forced irrevocably to cede the territories of the خانية إريڤان (معظم ما هو اليوم وسط أرمينيا وشمال محافظة إغدير في تركيا)، خانية نخجوان (معظم ما هو اليوم نخجوان، الجمهورية الذاتية في أذربيجان)، باقي خانية طالش (جنوب شرق أذربيجان)، و Ordubad and Mughan regions (also part of modern-day Azerbaijan) to Imperial Russia. By this and the Treaty of Gulistan (1813) it has now lost all its territories north of the Aras River, comprising modern-day جورجيا وداغستان, Azerbaijan and Armenia to Russia. Armenians from Persian Azerbaijan are to be resettled في القوقاز.
- 3 مارس – Dom Pedro I, امبراطور البرازيل وملك البرتغال السابق، يوقع وثيقة "to complete my abdication of the Portuguese crown" (made in 1826), to renounce all claims in favor of his daughter Queen Maria II, and to declare "indubitable proof" that he wishes Portugal to be "perpetually separated from the Brazilian nation....in such a manner as may render even the idea of reunion impracticable." [1]
- 18 مارس – سيمون بوليڤار, رئيس كولومبيا (والرئيس السابق لـڤنزويلا، پيرو وبوليڤيا), departs from the capital at Bogotá, in order to help his ally, General José Antonio Páez, suppress an uprising near the Venezuelan border, but is sidetracked by another rebellion in Cartagena.[2]
- 11 أبريل – باهيا بلانكا (الأرجنتين الحالية) تتأسس.
- 20 أبريل – المستكشف الفرنسي رينيه كاييه يصبح أول غير مسلم يدخل تنبكتو، ولاحقاً يعود حياً.
- 26 أبريل – معاهدة التجارة والملاحة تـُوقـَّع بين البرازيل والدنمارك، وتؤسس علاقات دبلوماسية بين البلدين.[3]
- 30 أبريل - Tchaka embassy to the king of George IV of the United Kingdom . She returned on August 27 after the failure of her mission 3 .
- أبريل - missionary John Philip publishes in London Researches South Africa , a plea in favor of blacks 4 .
- مايو - Tchaka campaign against the Mpondo , the Thembu and the Bhaca with the participation of English mercenaries.
- 26 مايو – Supposed feral child كاسپر هاوزر يـُكتشـَف في نورمبرگ، ألمانيا.
- 3 يونيو – حرب پيرو - گران كولومبيا: الرئيس سيمون بوليڤار يعلن الحرب على پيرو.
- 23 يونيو – الملك ميگل الأول من البرتغال يطيح بابنة أخيه الملكة ماريا الثانية، بادئاً الحروب الليبرالية.
- 25 يونيو - the British government leaves the administration of the Gold Coast coastal posts to the Committee of Merchants (completed in 1843 ) 5 . This extended the cultural and legal influence of the United Kingdom in the region, in particular under the presidency of its president Lieutenant George Maclean (in) from 1830 .
- July 4 – Lord William Bentinck arrives at Calcutta (now Kolkata) to begin his administration as the new Governor-General of India, on behalf of King George IV of the United Kingdom.[4]
- July 5 – The British weekly magazine, The Spectator is founded by Robert Stephen Rintoul.
- 27 يوليو - وفاة الملك راداما الأول. His first wife and cousin Ramavo was proclaimed queen of Madagascar by the army and the nobility and took the name of Ranavalona 7 . It practices a xenophobic and reactionary policy 8 (ended in 1861 ). Rainiharo, husband of Ranavalona, becomes Prime Minister.
- August 11 – William Corder is hanged at Bury St Edmunds, England, for the murder of Maria Marten at the Red Barn a year earlier.
- August 27 – South America: Brazil and Argentina recognize the independence of Uruguay. Simón Bolívar declares himself dictator of Gran Colombia.
- September 17 – A typhoon kills approximately 10,000 people in Kyūshū, Japan.[5]

الملك دنگان بالزي الرسمي والطقسي. نقش من ألن فرانسس گاردنر، 1836.
- 22 سبتمبر - شاكا، ملك الزولو، يغتاله اخوانه، ويحل أحدهم، دنگان، محله.
- September 25 – Failed assassination attempt on Simon Bolívar.
- September 29 – Russo-Turkish War (1828–29): Varna is taken by the Russian army.
- 10 أكتوبر - عودة إبراهيم باشا إلى مصر. إخلاء سبيله بفضل تدخل فرنسا وبريطانيا. پاشاليك مصر أصبح الأوروپيون يعتبرونها سلطة منفصلة عن الدولة العثمانية.
- October 26 – English naturalist and explorer William John Burchell collects the only known specimen of Parabouchetia brasiliensis, an exceptionally rare member of the nightshade family Solanaceae, in central Brazil.
- November 11 – Greek War of Independence: the London Protocol entails the creation of an autonomous Greek state under Ottoman suzerainty, encompassing the Morea and the Cyclades.
- November 12 – Anouvong, ruler of the Kingdom of Vientiane, is deposed and the kingdom is annexed by Siam. During the war, the city of Vientiane is obliterated by Siamese forces.
- December 1 – Decembrist revolution (Argentina): Juan Lavalle, returning to Buenos Aires with troops that fought in the Cisplatine War, deposes the provincial governor Manuel Dorrego, reigniting the Argentine Civil Wars.
- December 3 – 1828 United States presidential election: Andrew Jackson is elected President of the United States, defeating incumbent John Quincy Adams in a landslide.
- 18 ديسمبر - installation in the Gold Coast of the Société des Missions de Bâle .
- 20 ديسمبر – Georgia legislature charters the Medical Academy of Georgia, which becomes the Medical College of Georgia, and authorizes it to award a Bachelor of Medicine degree, making it the 13th oldest U.S. medical school and the sixth public medical school to be established.
- December 28 – The province of Echigo, Japan is hit by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake, killing more than 1,500 people.
- December 30 – Publication (begun on January 14) of Franz Schubert's song cycle Winterreise is concluded posthumously.
- Ethiopia : the Mesafent of Bégameder Marié d'Yédjou (in) succeeds Ras Imâm (in) . He allied himself with the powerful dedjach Oubié (Wube), governor of Semièn, against Sabagaudis ( Sabagadis (en) ) who held the Tigray . He was killed in the battle of Debre Abbay in 1831, but Oubié, victor, captured Sabagaudis who was put to death 11 .
- A conspiracy kills the sultan of Ouadai , Khafrine and puts on the throne one of his sons who dies of smallpox after a few months. Like all the other sons of Khafrin had their eyes gouged out after his assassination, it was a grandson of Abd el-Kérim , Mohammed Abd el-Aziz, who was designated as sultan of Ouadai ( 1829 - 1834 ). His reign was marked by numerous revolts and bloody repressions 12 .
- Explorations by Ferdinand Duranton from Senegal (completed in 1838 )
مجهولة التاريخ
- Friedrich Wöhler synthesizes urea, possibly discrediting a cornerstone of vitalism.
- Ányos Jedlik creates the world's first electric motor.
- 32,000 Angolans are sold in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- The Office of the Institutions of Empress Maria is founded in Russia.
- The Bank of Australasia, as predecessor of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Group) was founded in Tasmania, Australia.[صفحة مطلوبة]
- January 17 – Alexandru Cernat, Moldavian-born Romanian general and politician (ت. 1893)
- January 22 – Dora d'Istria, Romanian-Albanian writer (ت. 1888)
- January 23 – Saigō Takamori, Japanese samurai (ت. 1877)
- February 8 – Jules Verne, French science fiction author (ت. 1905)
- March 13 – Sébastien Lespès, French admiral (ت. 1897)
- March 17 – Patrick Cleburne, Irish soldier, Confederate general (ت. 1864)
- March 18 – Sir Randal Cremer, English politician, pacifist, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (ت. 1908)
- March 20 – Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright (ت. 1906)
- March 24 – Horace Gray, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (ت. 1902)
- April 17 – Johanna Mestorf, German prehistoric archaeologist (ت. 1909)
- April 20 – Josephine Butler, British social reformer (ت. 1906)
- April 26 – Martha Finley, American teacher, author (ت. 1909)
- April 29 – Étienne Stéphane Tarnier, French obstetrician, inventor (ت. 1897)
- May 8
- Henry Dunant, Swiss founder of the Red Cross, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (ت. 1910)
- Charbel Makhluf, Lebanese monk canonized in 1977 by Pope Paul VI (ت. 1898)
- May 12 – Dante Gabriel Rossetti, English poet, painter (ت. 1882)
- June 21 – Ferdinand André Fouqué, French geologist, petrologist (ت. 1904)
- June 28 – Alexandre Franquet, French admiral (ت. 1907)
- July 9 – Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano, Italian Catholic churchman (ت. 1913)
- July 23 – Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, English physician (ت. 1913)
- July 28 – Iosif Gurko, Russian field marshal (ت. 1901)
- July 31 – Ignacio de Veintemilla, 11th President of Ecuador (ت. 1908)
- August 6 – Andrew Taylor Still, American father of osteopathy (ت. 1917)
- August 17 – Maria Deraismes, French feminist (ت. 1894)
- August 28 – William A. Hammond, American military physician, neurologist and 11th Surgeon General of the United States Army (1862–1864) (ت. 1900)
- September 1 – Anthony Hoskins, British admiral (ت. 1901)
- September 8
- Joshua Chamberlain, Governor of Maine, President of Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine (ت. 1914)
- Clarence Cook, American art critic, writer (ت. 1900)
- September 9 (O.S. August 28) – Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer (ت. 1910)
- October 2 – Charles Floquet, Prime Minister of France (ت. 1896)
- October 20 – Horatio Spafford, American author of the hymn It Is Well with My Soul (ت. 1888)
- October 31 – Sir Joseph Swan, English physicist, chemist (ت. 1914)
- November 17 – Milton Wright, American bishop, father of aviation pioneers the Wright brothers (ت. 1917)
- November 19 – Rani Lakshmibai, queen of the Maratha-ruled princely Indian state of Jhansi (ت. 1858)
- November 24 – Henry Lomb, German-American optician, co-founder of Bausch & Lomb (ت. 1908)
- November 26 – René Goblet, Prime Minister of France (ت. 1905)
- December 8 – Clinton B. Fisk, American temperance movement leader (ت. 1890)
date unknown
- William Robert Woodman, British co-founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (ت. 1891)
- January 10 – François de Neufchâteau, French politician, intellectual (و. 1750)
- January 13 – Theodore Foster, American politician (و. 1752)
- February 11 – DeWitt Clinton, 6th Governor of New York, United States Senator (و. 1769)
- March 12 – Jack Randall, early English boxing champion
- April 16 – Francisco Goya, Spanish painter (و. 1746)
- May 8 – Mauro Giuliani, Italian composer (و. 1781)
- May 16 – William Congreve, British rocket pioneer (و. 1772)
- May 28 – Daikokuya Kōdayū, Japanese castaway (و. 1751)
- June 1 – Lyncoya Jackson, second adopted son of American President Andrew Jackson (و. c. 1811)
- June 21 – Leandro Fernández de Moratín, Spanish dramatist, poet (و. 1760)
- June 25 – Richard W. Meade, American merchant and art collector (و. 1762)
- July 9
- Cathinka Buchwieser, German operatic singer and actress (و. 1789)
- Gilbert Stuart, American painter from Rhode Island (و. 1755)
- July 15 – Jean-Antoine Houdon, French sculptor (و. 1741)
- July 16 – William Few, American politician (و. 1748)
- July 21 – Charles Manners-Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury (و. 1755)
- July 30 – François Isaac de Rivaz, French inventor, politician (و. 1752)
- August 8 – Carl Peter Thunberg, Swedish botanist (و. 1743)
- August 23 – John Foster, 1st Baron Oriel, Irish politician (و. 1740)
- September 20 – George Bethune English, American explorer, writer (و. 1797)
- September 22 – Shaka, most influential leader of the Zulu Kingdom (و. 1787)
- September 25 – Charlotta Seuerling, Swedish musician (و. 1783)
- October 26 – Albrecht Thaer, German agronomist (و. 1752)
- October 29 – Luke Hansard, English printer (و. 1752)
- October 31 – John Marsh, English music composer (و. 1752)
- November 5 – Maria Feodorovna (Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg), Empress of Paul I of Russia (و. 1759)
- November 15 – Amalie of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld, First Queen of Saxony/Duchess of Warsaw (و. 1752)
- November 19 – Franz Schubert, Austrian composer (و. 1797)
- December 4 – Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (و. 1770)
- December 22
- Robert Blair, Scottish astronomer (و. 1748)
- Rachel Jackson, wife of U.S. President Andrew Jackson (و. 1767)
- Karl Mack von Leiberich, Austrian soldier (و. 1752)
- William Hyde Wollaston, English chemist (و. 1766)
- ^ Portugal; or, Who is the lawful Successor to the Throne (London: John Richardson, 1828) p126
- ^ John Lynch, Simón Bolívar: A Life (Yale University Press, 2007) p233
- ^ British and Foreign State Papers. 1829.
- ^ John Clark Marshman, History of India from the Earliest Period to the Close of the East India Company's Government (William Blackwood and Sons, 1876) p357; reprinted by Cambridge University Press, 2010)
- ^ "Japan", in Encyclopedia of Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones, by David Longshore (Infobase Publishing, 2010) p272