مسيحية ليبرالية
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المسيحية الليبرالية وتسمى أحيانا باللاهوت التحرري، هو مصطلح يغطي عادة الكثير من الحركات الفلسفية الدينية المسيحية التي ظهرت في أواخر القرن الثامن عشر وفي القرنين التاسع عشر والعشرين. وكلمة (الليبرالية) هنا لا تدل على حركة سياسية يسارية أو على مجموعة خاصة من العقائد، بل على حرية الجدل العملي في المسيحية والمرتبط بفروع الفلسفة الدينية المختلفة والذي نمى وتطور خلال عصر التنوير.
علماء لاهوت ومؤلفو المسيحية الليبرالية
أنگليكان وپروتستانت
- Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768-1834)، often called the "أبو اللاهوت الليبرالي،" he claimed that religious experience was introspective، and that the most true understanding of God consisted of "a sense of absolute dependence".[بحاجة لمصدر]
- William Ellery Channing (1780-1842)، Unitarian liberal theologian in the United States, who rejected the Trinity and the strength of scriptural authority، in favor of purely rationalistic "natural religion".
- Charles Augustus Briggs (1841-1913)، early advocate of higher criticism of the Bible.
- Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)، American preacher who left behind the Calvinist orthodoxy of his famous father, the Reverend Lyman Beecher، to instead preach the Social Gospel of liberal Christianity.
- أدولف فون هارناك، (1851–1930)، عالم لاهوت ومؤرخ للكنيسة ألماني، promoted the Social Gospel; wrote a seminal work of historical theology called Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (History of Dogma).
- Charles Fillmore (1854–1948)، Christian mystic influenced by Emerson; co-founder, with his wife, Myrtle Fillmore، of the Unity Church.
- Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969)، a Northern Baptist، founding pastor of New York's Riverside Church in 1922.
- Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976)، German biblical scholar, liberal Christian theologian until 1924.[مطلوب توضيح]
- Paul Tillich (1886-1965)، seminal figure in liberal Christianity; synthesized liberal Protestant theology مع الفلسفة الوجودية.
- Leslie Weatherhead (1893-1976)، English preacher and author of The Will of God and The Christian Agnostic
- لويد گيرنگ Lloyd Geering (1918–)، New Zealand liberal theologian.
- Paul Moore, Jr. (1919–2003)، 13th Episcopal Bishop، New York Diocese
- John A.T. Robinson (1919-1983)، Anglican Bishop of Woolwich، author of Honest to God; later in life returned to orthodoxy, and dedicated himself to demonstrating very early authorship of the New Testament writings, publishing his findings in Redating the New Testament.
- جون هيك John Hick (1922-2012) British philosopher of religion and liberal theologian, noted for his rejection of the Incarnation and advocacy of latitudinarianism and religious pluralism or non-exclusivism, as explained in his influential work, The Myth of God Incarnate.
- William Sloane Coffin (1924-2006)، Senior Minister at the Riverside Church in New York City, and President of SANE/Freeze (now Peace Action).[بحاجة لمصدر]
- John Shelby Spong (1931–)، Episcopalian bishop and very prolific author of books such as A New Christianity for a New World, in which he wrote of his rejection of historical religious and Christian beliefs such as Theism (a traditional conception of God as an existent being)، the afterlife، miracles، and the Resurrection.
- Richard Holloway (1933-)، أسقف إدنبرة 1986-2000.
- Rubem Alves، (و. 1938) Brazilian, ex-Presbyterian، former minister, retired professor from UNICAMP، seminal figure in the liberation theology movement.
- Matthew Fox (priest) (و. 1940)، former (defrocked) Catholic priest of the Order of Preachers; currently an American Episcopalian priest and theologian, noted for his synthesis of liberal Christian theology with New Age concepts in his ideas of "creation spirituality", "original blessing", and seminal work on the "Cosmic Christ"; founder of Creation Spirituality.
- Marcus Borg (و. 1942) American Biblical scholar، prolific author, fellow of the Jesus Seminar.
- سكوتي مكلنان Scotty McLennan (و. 1948) Unitarian Universalist minister, أستاذ في جامعة ستانفورد ومؤلف.
- Michael Dowd (و. 1958) Religious Naturalist theologian, evidential evangelist, and promoter of Big History and the Epic of Evolution.
- Douglas Ottati, Presbyterian theologian and author, former professor at Union-PSCE، current professor at كلية ديڤدسون.
- پيير تيار ده شاردان (1881-1955)، a French Jesuit، also trained as a paleontologist; works condemned by the Holy Office in 1962. The condemnation was formally reaffirmed in 1981 but many theologians still refer to parts of his writings, including Pope Benedict XVI.[بحاجة لمصدر]
- Yves Congar (1904-1995)، French Dominican ecumenical theologian.
- Thomas Berry (1914-2009)، American Passionist priest, cultural historian, geologian, and cosmologist.
- Raymond Edward Brown (May 22, 1928-August 8, 1998)، a leading scholar of liberal New Testament exegesis، أستاذ مدى الحياة at Union Theological Seminary in New York (one of the leading centers of liberal Christianity in the United States).
- Hans Küng، (و. 1928) Swiss theologian. Had his license to teach Catholic theology revoked in 1979 because of his vocal rejection of the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope، but remains a priest in good standing.
- John Dominic Crossan، (و. 1934) ex-Catholic and former priest, New Testament scholar, co-founder of the critical liberal Jesus Seminar.
- Joan Chittister، (و. 1936) Benedictine lecturer and social psychologist.
- Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (born 1938) German feminist theologian and Professor at Harvard Divinity School
- ليوناردو بوف Leonardo Boff، (و. 1938) Brazilian, ex-Franciscan and former priest, seminal author of the liberation theology movement, condemned by the Church; his works were condemned in 1985, and almost again condemned in 1992, which left him to leave the Franciscan order and the priestly ministry.
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وصلات خارجية
- The Progressive Christian Alliance
- Progressive Christian Network Britain
- Project for a Free Christianity
- Liberalism By M. James Sawyer , Th.M., Ph.D.
- Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937)
- The Christian Left -- An Open Fellowship of Progressive Christians
- The Liberal Christians Network