
Coordinates: 42°N 93°W / 42°N 93°W / 42; -93
(تم التحويل من Iowa)
Ayúȟwa (Lakota)
State of Iowa
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain[1]
النشيد: "The Song of Iowa"
خريطة الولايات المتحدة، موضح فيها Iowa
خريطة الولايات المتحدة، موضح فيها Iowa
البلدالولايات المتحدة
انضمت للاتحادDecember 28, 1846 (29th)
العاصمةدي موين
أكبر مدينةالعاصمة
أكبر منطقة عمرانية
  • دي موين: 846,068 (CSA)
  • داڤن‌پورت (المدن الأربع): 474,019 (CSA)
  • سيدر راپيدز: 276,520 (MSA)
  • واترلو-سيدر فولز: 163,706 (MSA)
  • آيوا سيتي: 152,854 (MSA)
  • سو سيتي: 149,940 (MSA)
  • دبيوك: 99,266 (MSA)
  • أوماها (نبراسكا)/كاونسل بلفس: 967,604
 • الحاكمKim Reynolds (R)
 • نائب الحاكمAdam Gregg (R)
المجلس التشريعيIowa General Assembly
 • المجلس العلويSenate
 • المجلس السفلىHouse of Representatives
القضاءIowa Supreme Court
سناتورات الولايات المتحدةChuck Grassley (R)
Joni Ernst (R)
وفد مجلس النواب1: Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R)
2: Ashley Hinson (R)
3: Zach Nunn (R)
4: Randy Feenstra (R) (القائمة)
 • الإجمالي56٬273 ميل² (145٬746 كم²)
 • البر55٬857 ميل² (144٬669 كم²)
 • الماء416 ميل² (1٬077 كم²)  0.70%
ترتيب المساحة26th
1٬120 ft (340 m)
أعلى منسوب1٬670 ft (509 m)
 • الإجمالي{{{2٬000Pop}}}
 • الترتيب30th
 • الكثافة57٫1/sq mi (22٫1/km2)
 • ترتيب الكثافة36th
 • الدخل الأوسط للأسرة
 • ترتيب الدخل
صفة المواطنIowan
 • اللغة الرسميةEnglish
منطقة التوقيتUTC−06:00 (Central)
 • الصيف (التوقيت الصيفي)UTC−05:00 (CDT)
اختصار البريد
ISO 3166 codeUS-IA
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.iowa.gov
رموز ولاية Iowa
Flag of Iowa.svg
علم Iowa
Seal of Iowa.svg
شعار Iowa
الطائرEastern goldfinch
الزهرةPrairie rose
الشجرةBur Oak
علامة طريق ولائي
علامة طريق
ربع دولار الولاية
عملة ربع دولار Iowa
طـُرِح في 2004
قوائم رموز الولايات الأمريكية

آيوا ( Iowa ؛ /ˈ.əwə/ EYE-ə-wə, Lakota: Ayúȟwa)[5][6][7][8] هي ولاية تقع في أعلى منطقة الغرب الأوسط بالولايات المتحدة. ويحدها نهر المسيسپي من الشرق ونهرا مزوري وبيگ سو من الغرب، وولاية وسكنسن من الشمال الشرقي، وإلينوي من الشرق والجنوب الشرقي، ومزوري من الجنوب، ونبراسكا من الغرب، وداكوتا الجنوبية من الشمال الغربي، ومينيسوتا من الشمال.

عاصمتها دي موين. مساحتها 145,743 كم2. عدد سكانها 2926324 نسمة (عام 2000). وهي مركز مهم للزراعة حيث تشكل المزارع أكثر من90% من منطقة أيوا. ويتألف المحصول الأساسي من الذرة وفول الصويا. وتُعدّ أيوا الولاية الأولى في الولايات المتحدة من حيث عدد الخنازير التي تربى للتسويق. كما أن دي موين، عاصمة أيوا ومدينتها الكبرى، هي مركز رئيسي للتأمين.

Iowa is the 26th largest in total area and the 31st most populous of the 50 U.S. states, with a population of 3,190,369,[9] according to the 2020 census. The state's capital, most populous city, and largest metropolitan area fully located within the state is Des Moines. A portion of the larger Omaha, Nebraska, metropolitan area extends into three counties of southwest Iowa.[10] Iowa has been listed as one of the safest U.S. states to live in.[11]

During the 18th and early 19th centuries, Iowa was a part of French Louisiana and Spanish Louisiana; its state flag is patterned after the flag of France. After the Louisiana Purchase, people laid the foundation for an agriculture-based economy in the heart of the Corn Belt.[12]

In the latter half of the 20th century, Iowa's agricultural economy began to transition to a diversified economy of advanced manufacturing, processing, financial services, information technology, biotechnology, and green energy production.[13][14] As of 2018, 22.6 million hogs outnumbered Iowans by more than 7 to 1 in 8,000 facilities large enough to require manure management plans.[15]

أصل الاسم

Like many other states, Iowa takes its name from its predecessor, Iowa Territory, whose name in turn is derived from the Iowa River, and ultimately from the ethnonym of the indigenous Ioway people. The Ioway are a Chiwere-speaking Siouan Nation, who were once part of the Ho-Chunk Confederation that inhabited the area now corresponding to several Midwest states. The Ioway were one of the many Native American nations whose territory comprised the future state of Iowa before the time of European colonization.[16]


وكانت منطقة أيوا في الماضي موطن هنود ما قبل التاريخ الذين يسمون بناة الهضاب. وفي عام 1673م كان المكتشف الفرنسي لويس جوليت والأب جاك ماركت أول من رأى المنطقة من البيض. وأعلنت فرنسا أن أيوا جزء من المنطقة الشاسعة المسماة لويزيانا، ثم أصبحت المنطقة جزءًا من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عام 1803م.

وقد بدأت المستوطنات الدائمة في منطقة أيوا في عام 1833، على أثر انهزام الهنود أمام جيش الولايات المتحدة في حرب الصقر الأسود. وقد أصبحت أيوا ولاية عام 1846.

وقد تطورت الملاحة البخارية إلى صناعة ضخمة على نهر المسيسيبي بين عامي 1850-1870م. وبحلول عام 1870م، اخترقت الولاية أربعة خطوط للسكك الحديدية. وفي أوائل القرن العشرين، وفرت السكك الحديدية فرصًا لأسواق جديدة للصناعات، كما وفرت السدود الجديدة الطاقة. وبين عام 1945م وأواخر الستينيات من القرن العشرين، انتقلت أيوا من الاعتماد على اقتصاد المزرعة إلى اقتصاد صناعي ـ زراعي. وقد أثر هبوط الأسعار المفاجئ ابتداء من أوائل الثمانينيات تأثيرًا خطيرًا في مستقبل الكثيرين في أيوا من سكان المدن الصغيرة والمناطق الريفية.

قبل التاريخ

Excavation of the 3,800-year-old Edgewater Park Site

When Indigenous peoples of the Americas first arrived in what is now Iowa more than 13,000 years ago, they were hunters and gatherers living in a Pleistocene glacial landscape. By the time European explorers and traders visited Iowa, Native Americans were largely settled farmers with complex economic, social, and political systems. This transformation happened gradually. During the Archaic period (10,500 to 2,800 years ago), Native Americans adapted to local environments and ecosystems, slowly becoming more sedentary as populations increased.[17]

More than 3,000 years ago, during the Late Archaic period, Native Americans in Iowa began utilizing domesticated plants. The subsequent Woodland period saw an increased reliance on agriculture and social complexity, with increased use of mounds, ceramics, and specialized subsistence. During the Late Prehistoric period (beginning about AD 900) increased use of maize and social changes led to social flourishing and nucleated settlements.[17]

The arrival of European trade goods and diseases in the Protohistoric period led to dramatic population shifts and economic and social upheaval, with the arrival of new tribes and early European explorers and traders. There were numerous native American tribes living in Iowa at the time of early European exploration. Tribes which were probably descendants of the prehistoric Oneota include the Dakota, Ho-Chunk, Ioway, and Otoe. Tribes which arrived in Iowa in the late prehistoric or protohistoric periods include the Illiniwek, Meskwaki, Omaha, and Sauk.[17]

الاستعمار المبكر والتجارة، 1673–1808

Iowa in 1718 with the modern state area highlighted

The first known European explorers to document Iowa were Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet who traveled the Mississippi River in 1673 documenting several Indigenous villages on the Iowa side.[18][19] The area of Iowa was claimed for France and remained a French territory until 1763. The French, before their impending defeat in the French and Indian War, transferred ownership to their ally, Spain.[20] Spain practiced very loose control over the Iowa region, granting trading licenses to French and British traders, who established trading posts along the Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers.[18]

Iowa was part of a territory known as La Louisiane or Louisiana, and European traders were interested in lead and furs obtained by Indigenous people. The Sauk and Meskwaki effectively controlled trade on the Mississippi in the late 18th century and early 19th century. Among the early traders on the Mississippi were Julien Dubuque, Robert de la Salle, and Paul Marin.[18] Along the Missouri River at least five French and English trading houses were built before 1808.[21] In 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte took control of Louisiana from Spain in a treaty.[22]

After the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, Congress divided the Louisiana Purchase into two parts—the Territory of Orleans and the District of Louisiana, with present-day Iowa falling in the latter. The Indiana Territory, created in 1800, exercised jurisdiction over this portion of the District; William Henry Harrison was its first governor. Much of Iowa was mapped by Zebulon Pike in 1805,[23] but it was not until the construction of Fort Madison in 1808 that the U.S. established tenuous military control over the region.[24]

حرب 1812 والسيطرة غير المستقرة للولايات المتحدة

Fort Madison was built to control trade and establish U.S. dominance over the Upper Mississippi, but it was poorly designed and disliked by the Sauk and Meskwaki, many of whom allied with the British, who had not abandoned claims to the territory.[24][25] Fort Madison was defeated by British-supported Indigenous people in 1813 during the War of 1812, and Fort Shelby in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, also fell to the British. Black Hawk took part in the siege of Fort Madison.[26][27] Another small military outpost was established along the Mississippi River in present-day Bellevue. This poorly situated stockade was similarly attacked by hundreds of Indigenous people in 1813, but was successfully defended and later abandoned until settlers returned to the area in the mid-1830s.[28]

After the war, the U.S. re-established control of the region through the construction of Fort Armstrong, Fort Snelling in Minnesota, and Fort Atkinson in Nebraska.[29]

إزالة الهنود، 1814–1832

The United States encouraged settlement of the east side of the Mississippi and removal of Indians to the west.[30] A disputed 1804 treaty between Quashquame and William Henry Harrison (then governor of the Indiana Territory) that surrendered much of Illinois to the U.S. enraged many Sauk and led to the 1832 Black Hawk War.[31]

The Sauk and Meskwaki sold their land in the Mississippi Valley during 1832 in the Black Hawk Purchase[32] and sold their remaining land in Iowa in 1842, most of them moving to a reservation in Kansas.[31] Many Meskwaki later returned to Iowa and settled near Tama, Iowa; the Meskwaki Settlement remains to this day. In 1856 the Iowa Legislature passed an unprecedented act allowing the Meskawki to purchase the land.[33] However, in contrast to the unprecedented act of the Iowa Legislature, the United States Federal Government, through the use of Treaties, forced the Ho-Chunk from Iowa in 1848,[34] and forced the Dakota from Iowa by 1858.[35] Western Iowa around modern Council Bluffs was used as an Indian Reservation for members of the Council of Three Fires.[36]

استيطان الولايات المتحدة وإشهار الولاية، 1832–1860

Bellevue along the Mississippi, 1848

The first American settlers officially moved to Iowa in June 1833.[37] Primarily, they were families from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia who settled along the western banks of the Mississippi River, founding the modern day cities of Dubuque and Bellevue.[37][38] On July 4, 1838, the U.S. Congress established the Territory of Iowa. President Martin Van Buren appointed Robert Lucas governor of the territory, which at the time had 22 counties and a population of 23,242.[39]

Almost immediately after achieving territorial status, a clamor arose for statehood. On December 28, 1846, Iowa became the 29th state in the Union when President James K. Polk signed Iowa's admission bill into law. Once admitted to the Union, the state's boundary issues resolved, and most of its land purchased from Natives, Iowa set its direction to development and organized campaigns for settlers and investors, boasting the young frontier state's rich farmlands, fine citizens, free and open society, and good government.[40]

Iowa has a long tradition of state and county fairs. The first and second Iowa State Fairs were held in the more developed eastern part of the state at Fairfield. The first fair was held October 25–27, 1854, at a cost of around $323. Thereafter, the fair moved to locations closer to the center of the state and in 1886 found a permanent home in Des Moines. The State Fair has been held annually since then, except for a few exceptions: 1898 due to the Spanish–American War and the World's Fair being held in nearby Omaha, Nebraska; from 1942 to 1945, due to World War II, as the fairgrounds were being used as an army supply depot; and in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.[41][42]

الحرب الأهلية، 1861–1865

مقال رئيسي: Iowa in the American Civil War

Iowa supported the Union during the Civil War, voting heavily for Abraham Lincoln, though there was an antiwar "Copperhead" movement in the state, caused partially by a drop in crop prices caused by the war.[43] There were no battles in the state, although the Battle of Athens, Missouri, 1861, was fought just across the Des Moines River from Croton, Iowa, and shots from the battle landed in Iowa. Iowa sent large supplies of food to the armies and the eastern cities.[44]

Much of Iowa's support for the Union can be attributed to Samuel J. Kirkwood, its first wartime governor. Of a total population of 675,000, about 116,000 men were subjected to military duty. Iowa contributed proportionately more soldiers to Civil War military service than did any other state, north or south, sending more than 75,000 volunteers to the armed forces, over one-sixth of whom were killed before the Confederates surrendered at Appomattox.[44]

Most fought in the great campaigns in the Mississippi Valley and in the South.[45] Iowa troops fought at Wilson's Creek in Missouri, Pea Ridge in Arkansas, Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh, Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and Rossville Gap as well as Vicksburg, Iuka, and Corinth. They served with the Army of the Potomac in Virginia and fought under Union General Philip Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Many died and were buried at Andersonville. They marched on General Nathaniel Banks' ill-starred expedition to the Red River. Twenty-seven Iowans have been awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government, which was first awarded in the Civil War.[46]

Iowa had several brigadier generals and four major generals—Grenville Mellen Dodge, Samuel R. Curtis, Francis J. Herron, and Frederick Steele—and saw many of its generals go on to state and national prominence following the war.[44]

التوسع الزراعي، 1865–1930

Following the Civil War, Iowa's population continued to grow dramatically, from 674,913 people in 1860[47] to 1,624,615 in 1880.[48] The American Civil War briefly brought higher profits.[49]

In 1917, the United States entered World War I and farmers as well as all Iowans experienced a wartime economy. For farmers, the change was significant. Since the beginning of the war in 1914, Iowa farmers had experienced economic prosperity, which lasted until the end of the war.[49] In the economic sector, Iowa also has undergone considerable change. Beginning with the first industries developed in the 1830s,[50] which were mainly for processing materials grown in the area,[51] Iowa has experienced a gradual increase in the number of business and manufacturing operations.

الكساد، الحرب العالمية الثانية والتصنيع، 1930–1985

The transition from an agricultural economy to a mixed economy happened slowly. The Great Depression and World War II accelerated the shift away from smallholder farming to larger farms, and began a trend of urbanization. The period after World War II witnessed a particular increase in manufacturing operations.[52]

In 1975, Governor Robert D. Ray petitioned President Ford to allow Iowa to accept and resettle Tai Dam refugees fleeing the Indochina War.[53] An exception was required for this resettlement as State Dept policy at the time forbid resettlement of large groups of refugees in concentrated communities; an exception was ultimately granted and 1200 Tai Dam were resettled in Iowa. Since then Iowa has accepted thousands of refugees from Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Bhutan, and Burma.[54]

The farm crisis of the 1980s caused a major recession in Iowa, causing poverty not seen since the Depression.[55] The crisis spurred a major, decade-long population decline.[56]

Reemergence as a mixed economy, 1985–present

After bottoming out in the 1980s, Iowa's economy began to reduce its dependence on agriculture. By the early 21st century, it was characterized by a mix of manufacturing, biotechnology, finance and insurance services, and government services.[57] The population of Iowa has increased at a slower rate than the U.S. as a whole since at least the 1900 census,[58] though Iowa now has a predominantly urban population.[59] The Iowa Economic Development Authority, created in 2011 has replaced the Iowa Department of Economic Development and its annual reports are a source of economic information.[60]


تجاور ولاية آيوا الأمريكية من الشمال ولاية مينيسوتا، ومن الغرب نبراسكا وداكوتا الجنوبية، ومن الجنوب ميزوري، ومن الشرق ويسكنسن وإلينوي.

يمثل نهر مسيسيبي الحدود الشرقية للولاية. بينما تتمثل الحدود الغربية بنهر ميزوري جنوب سو سيتي وكذلك نهر سو الكبير شمال المدينة. هناك عدة بحيرات طبيعية في الولاية، أشهرها سبيريت ليك، وبحيرة أوكوبوجي الغربية والشرقية في شمال غرب آيوا. وهناك بحيرات مصطنعة مثل بحيرة أوديسا، وبحيرة سيلورفل، وليك ريد روك، وبحيرة راذبن.

النقطة الأكثر انخفاضاً في آيوا هي كيوكك في جنوب شرق الولاية (146 متر)، وأعلى ارتفاع في الولاية هو 509 متر وهو نقطة هوكاي شمال مدينة سيبلي، شمال غرب الولاية.

وخلال العصر الجليدي، غطت المثالج السهول الغنية التي تشكل القسم الأعظم من أيوا. وتمتد سهول الطين القاسي المجزأة على مدى القطاع الجنوبي من الولاية بأكمله، وتصل إلى الزاوية الشمالية الغربية. وقد تركت المثالج التي شكلت المنطقة كميات هائلة من الطين القاسي (طبقات من التراب والحجر). وقد جزأت الجداول السهول، وشكلت تلالاً متعاقبة وسلاسل حادة.

وتغطي سهول الركام الحديثة معظم شمالي أيوا ووسطها. وقد مهدت المثالج سطح هذه المنطقة بدقة وتركت ركامًا عميقًا من التراب والصخور إما على شكل طبقات وإما دون تصنيف. وقد أصبح هذا الركام تربة خصبة من الدرجة الأولى. وتوجد تلال وصخور حادة مغطاة بالصنوبر على امتداد المنطقة الخالية من الركام في الشمال الشرقي من أيوا. وتشكل مياه مجرى نهر المسيسيبي ـ ميسوري ـ الجبار حدود أيوا الشرقية والغربية.


Topography of Iowa, with counties and major streams

Iowa is bordered by the Mississippi River on the east along with the Missouri River and the Big Sioux River on the west. The northern boundary is a line along 43 degrees, 30 minutes north latitude.[61][ب] The southern border is the Des Moines River and a not-quite-straight line along approximately 40 degrees 35 minutes north, as decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in Missouri v. Iowa (1849) after a standoff between Missouri and Iowa known as the Honey War.[62][63]

Iowa is the only state whose east and west borders are formed almost entirely by rivers.[64] Carter Lake, Iowa, is the only city in the state located west of the Missouri River.[65]

Iowa has 99 counties, but 100 county seats because Lee County has two. The state capital, Des Moines, is in Polk County.[66]

الجيولوجيا والتضاريس

بسيطة آيوا

Iowa's bedrock geology generally decreases in age from east to west. In northwest Iowa, Cretaceous bedrock can be 74 million years old; in eastern Iowa Cambrian bedrock dates to c. 500 million years ago.[67] The oldest radiometrically dated bedrock in the state is the 2.9 billion year old Otter Creek Layered Mafic Complex. Precambrian rock is exposed only in the northwest of the state.[68]

Iowa can be divided into eight landforms based on glaciation, soils, topography, and river drainage.[69] Loess hills lie along the western border of the state, some of which are several hundred feet thick.[70] Northeast Iowa along the Upper Mississippi River is part of the Driftless Area, consisting of steep hills and valleys which appear as mountainous.[71]

Several natural lakes exist, most notably Spirit Lake, West Okoboji Lake, and East Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa (see Iowa Great Lakes). To the east lies Clear Lake. Man-made lakes include Lake Odessa,[72] Saylorville Lake, Lake Red Rock, Coralville Lake, Lake MacBride, and Rathbun Lake. Before European settlement, 4 to 6 million acres of the state was covered with wetlands, about 95% of these wetlands have been drained.[73]


تضاريس آيوا

Iowa's natural vegetation is tallgrass prairie and savanna in upland areas, with dense forest and wetlands in flood plains and protected river valleys, and pothole wetlands in northern prairie areas.[69] Most of Iowa is used for agriculture; crops cover 60% of the state, grasslands (mostly pasture and hay with some prairie and wetland) cover 30%, and forests cover 7%; urban areas and water cover another 1% each.[74]

The southern part of Iowa is categorized as the Central forest-grasslands transition ecoregion.[75] The Northern, drier part of Iowa is categorized as part of the Central tall grasslands.[76]

There is a dearth of natural areas in Iowa; less than 1% of the tallgrass prairie that once covered most of Iowa remains intact; only about 5% of the state's prairie pothole wetlands remain, and most of the original forest has been lost.[77] اعتبارا من 2005 Iowa ranked 49th of U.S. states in public land holdings.[78] Threatened or endangered animals in Iowa include the interior least tern, piping plover, Indiana bat, pallid sturgeon, the Iowa Pleistocene land snail, Higgins' eye pearly mussel, and the Topeka shiner.[79] Endangered or threatened plants include western prairie fringed orchid, eastern prairie fringed orchid, Mead's milkweed, prairie bush clover, and northern wild monkshood.[80]

The explosion in the number of high-density livestock facilities in Iowa has led to increased rural water contamination and a decline in air quality.[81]

Other factors negatively affecting Iowa's environment include the extensive use of older coal-fired power plants,[82] fertilizer and pesticide runoff from crop production,[83] and diminishment of the Jordan Aquifer.[84]

The 2020–2023 North American drought has affected Iowa particularly: As of January 2024, Iowa was in its 187th consecutive week of at least moderate drought, the longest stretch since the 1950s. 96% of areas are affected by drought.[85]


Köppen climate types of Iowa, using 1991–2020 climate normals.
Iowa annual rainfall, in inches; as of 2009

Iowa has a humid continental climate throughout the state (Köppen climate classification Dfa) with extremes of both heat and cold. The average annual temperature at Des Moines is 50 °F (10 °C); for some locations in the north, such as Mason City, the figure is about 45 °F (7 °C), while Keokuk, on the Mississippi River, averages 52 °F (11 °C).[86] Snowfall is common, with Des Moines getting about 26 days of snowfall a year, and other places, such as Shenandoah getting about 11 days of snowfall in a year.[87]

Spring ushers in the beginning of the severe weather season. As of 2008, Iowa averaged about 50 days of thunderstorm activity per year.[88] As of 2015, the 30-year annual average of tornadoes in Iowa was 47.[89] In 2008, twelve people were killed by tornadoes in Iowa, making it the deadliest year since 1968 and also the second most tornadoes in a year with 105, matching the total from 2001.[90]

Iowa summers are known for heat and humidity, with daytime temperatures sometimes near 90 °F (32 °C) and occasionally exceeding 100 °F (38 °C). Average winters in the state have been known to drop well below freezing, even dropping below −18 °F (−28 °C). As of 2018, Iowa's all-time hottest temperature of 118 °F (48 °C) was recorded at Keokuk on July 20, 1934, during a nationwide heat wave;[91] as of 2014, the all-time lowest temperature of −47 °F (−44 °C) was recorded in Washta on January 12, 1912.[92]

Monthly normal high and low temperatures for various Iowa cities (°F)[93]
City Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Davenport[94] 30/13 36/19 48/29 61/41 72/52 81/63 85/68 83/66 76/57 65/45 48/32 35/20
Des Moines[95] 31/14 36/19 49/30 62/41 72/52 82/62 86/67 84/65 76/55 63/43 48/31 34/18
Keokuk[96] 34/17 39/21 50/30 63/42 73/52 83/62 87/67 85/65 78/56 66/44 51/33 33/21
Mason City[97] 24/6 29/12 41/23 57/35 69/46 79/57 82/61 80/58 73/49 60/37 43/25 28/11
Sioux City[98] 31/10 35/15 47/26 62/37 73/49 82/59 86/63 83/63 76/51 63/38 46/25 32/13


Iowa has had a relatively smooth gradient of varying precipitation across the state; from 1961 to 1990, areas in the southeast of the state received an average of over 38 inches (97 cm) of rain annually, and the northwest of the state receiving less than 28 inches (71 cm).[99] The pattern of precipitation across Iowa is seasonal with more rain falling in the summer months. Virtually statewide, the driest month is January or February, and the wettest month is June owing to frequent showers and thunderstorms some of which produce hail, damaging winds or tornadoes. In Des Moines, roughly in the center of the state, over two-thirds of the 34.72 inches (88.2 cm) of rain falls from April through September, and about half the average annual precipitation falls from May through August peaking in June.[100]


Percent population changes by counties in Iowa, 2000–2009. Dark green counties have gains of more than 5%.[101]

Iowa's population is more urban than rural, with 61 percent living in urban areas in 2000, a trend that began in the early 20th century.[59] Urban counties in Iowa grew 8.5% from 2000 to 2008, while rural counties declined by 4.2%.[102] The shift from rural to urban has caused population increases in more urbanized counties such as Dallas, Johnson, Linn, Polk, and Scott, at the expense of more rural counties.[103]

Iowa, in common with other Midwestern states (especially Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota), is feeling the brunt of rural flight, although Iowa has been gaining population since approximately 1990. Some smaller communities, such as Denison and Storm Lake, have mitigated this population loss through gains in immigrant laborers.[104]

Another demographic problem for Iowa is the brain drain, in which educated young adults leave the state in search of better prospects in higher education or employment. During the 1990s, Iowa had the second highest exodus rate for single, educated young adults, second only to North Dakota.[105]

Iowa's largest cities and their surrounding areas
Recorded by the United States Census Bureau
الترتيب المدينة 2020 city population[106] 2010 city population[107] Change Metropolitan Statistical Area 2020 metro population[108] 2010 metro population 2020 metro change
1 دي موين 214٬133 203٬433 +5٫26% Des Moines–West Des Moines 707٬915 606٬475 +16٫73%
2 سيدر راپيدز 137٬710 126٬326 +9٫01% Cedar Rapids 273٬885 257٬940 +6٫18%
3 Davenport 101٬724 99٬685 +2٫05% Quad Cities 382٬268 379٬690 +0٫68%
4 Sioux City 85٬797 82٬684 +3٫76% Sioux City 144٬996 143٬577 +0٫99%
5 Iowa City 74٬828 67٬862 +10٫26% Iowa City 175٬732 152٬586 +15٫17%
6 West Des Moines 68٬723 56٬609 +21٫40% Des Moines–West Des Moines
7 Ankeny 67٬887 45٬582 +48٫93% Des Moines–West Des Moines
8 Waterloo 67٬314 68٬406 −1٫60% Waterloo–Cedar Falls 168٬314 167٬819 +0٫29%
9 Ames 66٬427 58٬965 +12٫65% Ames 124٬514 115٬848 +7٫48%
10 Council Bluffs 62٬799 62٬230 +0٫91% Omaha–Council Bluffs 954٬270 865٬350 +10٫28%
11 دبيوك 59٬667 57٬637 +3٫52% دبيوك 97٬590 93٬653 +4٫20%
12 Urbandale 45٬580 39٬463 +15٫50% Des Moines–West Des Moines
13 ماريون 41٬535 34٬768 +19٫46% Cedar Rapids
14 Cedar Falls 40٬713 39٬260 +3٫70% Waterloo–Cedar Falls
15 Bettendorf 39٬102 33٬217 +17٫72% Quad Cities



التعداد التاريخي
التعداد Pop.
2022 (تق.)3٬200٬5170٫3%
Source: 1910–2020[58]
الأصول العرقية في آيوا

The United States Census Bureau determined the population of Iowa was 3,190,369 on April 1, 2020, a 4.73% increase since the 2010 United States census.[109][110]

Of the residents of Iowa, 70.8% were born in Iowa, 23.6% were born in a different U.S. state, 0.6% were born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to American parent(s), and 5% were foreign born.[111]

Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 29,386 people, while migration within the country produced a net loss of 41,140 people. 6.5% of Iowa's population were reported as under the age of five, 22.6% under 18, and 14.7% were 65 or older. Males made up approximately 49.6% of the population.[112] The population density of the state is 52.7 people per square mile.[113] As of the 2010 census, the center of population of Iowa is in Marshall County, near Melbourne.[114] The top countries of origin for Iowa's immigrants in 2018 were Mexico, India, Vietnam, China and Thailand.[115]

Germans are the largest ethnic group in Iowa. Other major ethnic groups in Iowa include Irish people and the British. There are also Dutch communities in state. The Dutch can be found in Pella, in the centre of the state, and in Orange City, in the northwest. There is a Norwegian community in Decorah in northeast Iowa; and there is Czech and Slovak communities in both Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. Smaller numbers of Greeks and Italians are scattered in Iowa's metropolitan areas. The majority of Hispanics in Iowa are Mexican. African Americans, who constitute around 2% of Iowa's population, didn't live in the state in any appreciable numbers until the early 20th century. Many blacks worked in the coal-mining industry of southern Iowa. Others blacks migrated to Waterloo, Davenport, and Des Moines, where the black population remained substantial in the early 21st century.[116] The African-American population in Des Moines experienced a significant increase with the establishment of the Colored Officers Training Camp at Fort Des Moines in 1917. Following the conclusion of World War I in 1918, numerous African-American families made the decision to remain in Des Moines. This marked the inception of a thriving community that eventually became a residence for numerous African-American leaders.[117]

As of the 2010 census, the population of Iowa was 3,046,355. The gender makeup of the state was 49.5% male and 50.5% female. 23.9% of the population were under the age of 18; 61.2% were between the ages of 18 and 64; and 14.9% were 65 years of age or older.[118]

According to HUD's 2022 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, there were an estimated 2,419 homeless people in Iowa.[119][120]

Ethnic composition as of the 2020 census أخف
Race and Ethnicity[121] Alone Total
White (non-Hispanic) 82.7% 82.7
85.9% 85.9
Hispanic or Latino[ت] 6.8% 6.8
African American (non-Hispanic) 4.1% 4.1
5.2% 5.2
Asian 2.4% 2.4
3.0% 3
Native American 0.3% 0.3
1.4% 1.4
Pacific Islander 0.2% 0.2
0.3% 0.3
Other 0.3% 0.3
1.0% 1
Map of counties in Iowa by racial plurality, per the 2020 U.S. census
التركيب العرقي التاريخي لآيوا أخف
التركيب العرقي 1990[122] 2000[123] 2010[124]
بيض 96.6% 93.9% 91.3%
Black or African American 1.7% 2.1% 2.9%
Native American 0.3% 0.3% 0.4%
Asian 0.9% 1.3% 1.7%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Other race 0.5% 1.3% 1.8%
Two or more races 1.1% 1.8%
خريطة الكثافة السكانية في آيوا في 2020

According to the 2016 American Community Survey, 5.6% of Iowa's population were of Hispanic or Latino origin (of any race): Mexican (4.3%), Puerto Rican (0.2%), Cuban (0.1%), and other Hispanic or Latino origin (1.0%).[125] The five largest ancestry groups were: German (35.1%), Irish (13.5%), English (8.2%), American (5.8%), and Norwegian (5.0%).[126]

بيانات المواليد

Population age comparison between rural Pocahontas County and urban Polk County, illustrating the flight of young adults (red) to urban centers in Iowa[ث]

Note: Births in table don't add up, because Hispanics are counted both by their ethnicity and by their race, giving a higher overall number.

المواليد الأحياء حسب عرق واحد للأم
العرق 2013[127] 2014[128] 2015[129] 2016[130] 2017[131] 2018[132] 2019[133] 2020[134] 2021[135]
Non-Hispanic White 32,302 (82.6%) 32,423 (81.7%) 32,028 (81.1%) 31,376 (79.6%) 30,010 (78.1%) 29,327 (77.6%) 29,050 (77.2%) 27,542 (76.3%) 28,167 (76.5%)
Black 2,232 (5.7%) 2,467 (6.2%) 2,597 (6.6%) 2,467 (6.3%) 2,657 (6.9%) 2,615 (6.9%) 2,827 (7.5%) 2,685 (7.4%) 2,567 (7.0%)
Asian 1,353 (3.5%) 1,408 (3.5%) 1,364 (3.4%) 1,270 (3.2%) 1,321 (3.4%) 1,176 (3.1%) 1,106 (2.9%) 1,067 (2.9%) 1,055 (2.9%)
Native American 269 (0.7%) 284 (0.7%) 242 (0.6%) 147 (0.4%) 311 (0.8%) 152 (0.4%) 308 (0.8%) 143 (0.4%) 129 (0.3%)
Hispanic (of any race) 3,175 (8.1%) 3,315 (8.3%) 3,418 (8.6%) 3,473 (8.8%) 3,527 (9.2%) 3,694 (9.8%) 3,695 (9.8%) 3,725 (10.3%) 3,903 (10.6%)
Total Iowa 39,094 (100%) 39,687 (100%) 39,482 (100%) 39,403 (100%) 38,430 (100%) 37,785 (100%) 37,649 (100%) 36,114 (100%) 36,835 (100%)
  • Since 2016, data for births of White Hispanic origin are not collected, but included in one Hispanic group; persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.


Amana Colonies were founded by German Pietists.
Christian cross on a hill in Iowa

Religious self-identification, per Public Religion Research Institute's 2022 American Values Survey[136]

  Protestantism (48%)
  Catholicism (20%)
  Unaffiliated (29%)
  Other (2%)

A 2014 survey by Pew Research Center found 60% of Iowans are Protestant, while 18% are Catholic, and 1% are of non-Christian religions. 21% responded with non-religious, and 1% did not answer.[137][138] A survey from the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) in 2010 found that the largest Protestant denominations were the United Methodist Church with 235,190 adherents and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with 229,557. The largest non-Protestant religion was Catholicism with 503,080 adherents. The state has a great number of Calvinist denominations. The Presbyterian Church (USA) had almost 290 congregations and 51,380 members followed by the Reformed Church in America with 80 churches and 40,000 members, and the United Church of Christ had 180 churches and 39,000 members.[139] According to the 2020 Public Religion Research Institute's study, 26% of the population were irreligious.[140]

The study Religious Congregations & Membership: 2000[141] found in the southernmost two tiers of Iowa counties and in other counties in the center of the state, the largest religious group was the United Methodist Church; in the northeast part of the state, including Dubuque and Linn counties (where Cedar Rapids is located), the Catholic Church was the largest; and in ten counties, including three in the northern tier, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was the largest. The study also found rapid growth in Evangelical Christian denominations. Dubuque is home to the Archdiocese of Dubuque, which serves as the ecclesiastical province for all three other dioceses in the state and for all the Catholics in the entire state of Iowa.

Historically, religious sects and orders who desired to live apart from the rest of society established themselves in Iowa, such as the Amish and Mennonite near Kalona and in other parts of eastern Iowa such as Davis County and Buchanan County.[142] Other religious sects and orders living apart include Quakers around West Branch and Le Grand, German Pietists who founded the Amana Colonies, followers of Transcendental Meditation who founded Maharishi Vedic City, and Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance monks and nuns at the New Melleray and Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbeys near Dubuque.

By 1878, approximately 1000 Jewish people lived in Iowa, many of whom were immigrants from Poland and Germany.[143][144] اعتبارا من 2016 about 6,000 Jews live in Iowa, with about 3,000 of them in Des Moines.[145]


English is the most common language in Iowa, being the sole language spoken by 91.1% of the population. Less common languages include sign language and indigenous languages. About 2.5% of the general population use sign language as of 2017, while indigenous languages are spoken by about 0.5% of the population.[146] William Labov and colleagues, in the monumental Atlas of North American English[147] found the English spoken in Iowa divides into multiple linguistic regions. Natives of northern Iowa—including Sioux City, Fort Dodge, and the Waterloo region—tend to speak the dialect linguists call North Central American English, which is also found in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Natives of central and southern Iowa—including such cities as Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, and Iowa City—tend to speak the North Midland dialect also found in eastern Nebraska, central Illinois, and central Indiana.[148] Natives of East-Central Iowa—including cities such as Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, and Clinton tend to speak with the Northern Cities Vowel Shift, a dialect that extends from this area and east across the Great Lakes Region.[149]

After English, Spanish is the second-most-common language spoken in Iowa, with 120,000 people in Iowa of Hispanic or Latino origin and 47,000 people born in Latin America.[150] The third-most-common language is German, spoken by 17,000 people in Iowa; two notable German dialects used in Iowa include Amana German spoken around the Amana Colonies, and Pennsylvania German, spoken among the Amish in Iowa. The Babel Proclamation of 1918 banned the speaking of German in public. Around Pella, residents of Dutch descent once spoke the Pella Dutch dialect.


Iowa gross state products by industry, 2009[151]
Iowa state quarter with reverse image based on a painting by American artist Grant Wood

تقدم الصناعة جزءًا كبيرًا من إنتاج أيوا الاقتصادي. وتنتج صناعات الولاية الكثير من البضائع ذات الصلة بالزراعة. وتُعدّ دافنبورت، ودي موين، ودوبيوك، وكذلك ووترلو مراكز إنتاج رئيسية للآلات الزراعية. وفي العديد من مدن أيوا توجد معامل ضخمة لتعبئة اللحوم. ويحتل تجهيز منتجات الخنزير ونقانق الإفطار أهمية خاصة. وفي مدينة سيدر رابيدز طاحونة ضخمة للحبوب. وتقوم المعامل في جميع أنحاء أيوا بتجهيز منتجات الألبان.

وتوظف تجارة الجملة والتجزئة من أهل أيوا أكثر مما توظف أية صناعة أخرى. وتُعدّ داي موين المركز الأول لتجارة المفرق. وترتكز تجارة الجملة على توزيع المركبات الآلية والمنتجات الزراعية. وداي موين مركز مالي أساسي لغربي الولايات المتحدة ووسطها، ولا سيما فيما يتصل بالتأمين.

وأيوا هي الولاية الأولى المنتجة للخنازير في الولايات المتحدة، وتحتل الخنازير المرتبة الأولى في إنتاجها الزراعي. وهي أيضًا منتج أساسي للذرة الشامية، وفول الصويا، وقطعان البقر. وكثير مما ينتج في أيوا من الذرة الصفراء وفول الصويا يستخدم لتغذية الحيوان.

  • In 2016,[152] the total employment of the state's population was 1,354,487, and the total number of employer establishments was 81,563.

CNBC's list of "Top States for Business in 2010" has recognized Iowa as the sixth best state in the nation. Scored in 10 individual categories, Iowa was ranked first when it came to the "Cost of Doing Business"; this includes all taxes, utility costs, and other costs associated with doing business. Iowa was also ranked 10th in "Economy", 12th in "Business Friendliness", 16th in "Education", 17th in both "Cost of Living" and "Quality of Life", 20th in "Workforce", 29th in "Technology and Innovation", 32nd in "Transportation" and the lowest ranking was 36th in "Access to Capital".[153]

While Iowa is often viewed as a farming state, agriculture is a relatively small portion of the state's diversified economy, with manufacturing, biotechnology, finance and insurance services, and government services contributing substantially to Iowa's economy.[57] This economic diversity has helped Iowa weather the late 2000s recession better than most states, with unemployment substantially lower than the rest of the nation.[154][155]

If the economy is measured by gross domestic product, in 2005 Iowa's GDP was about $124 billion.[156] If measured by gross state product, for 2005 it was $113.5 billion.[157] Its per capita income for 2006 was $23,340.[157]

On July 2, 2009, Standard & Poor's rated the state of Iowa's credit as AAA (the highest of its credit ratings, held by only 11 U.S. state governments).[158]

As of September 2021, the state's unemployment rate is 4.0%.[159]


Manufacturing is the largest sector of Iowa's economy, with $20.8 billion (21%) of Iowa's 2003 gross state product. Major manufacturing sectors include food processing, heavy machinery, and agricultural chemicals. Sixteen percent of Iowa's workforce is dedicated to manufacturing.[57] Food processing is the largest component of manufacturing. Besides processed food, industrial outputs include machinery, electric equipment, chemical products, publishing, and primary metals. Companies with direct or indirect processing facilities in Iowa include ConAgra Foods, Wells Blue Bunny, Barilla, Heinz, Tone's Spices, General Mills, and Quaker Oats. Meatpacker Tyson Foods has 11 locations, second only to its headquarter state Arkansas.[160]

Major non-food manufacturing firms with production facilities in Iowa include 3M,[161] Arconic,[162] Amana Corporation,[163] Emerson Electric,[164] The HON Company,[165] SSAB,[166] John Deere,[167] Lennox Manufacturing,[168] Pella Corporation,[169] Procter & Gamble,[170] Vermeer Company,[171] and Winnebago Industries.[172]


حصاد الذرة في Jones County
Farm in rural Northwest Iowa
Central Iowa cornfield and dairy in June

Industrial-scale, commodity agriculture predominates in much of the state. Iowa's main conventional agricultural commodities are hogs, with about 22.6 million hogs in 8,000 facilities large enough to require manure management plans in March 2018, outnumbering Iowans by more than 7 to 1,[15] corn, soybeans, oats, cattle, eggs, and dairy products. Iowa is the nation's largest producer of ethanol and corn and some years is the largest grower of soybeans. In 2008, the 92,600 farms in Iowa produced 19% of the nation's corn, 17% of the soybeans, 30% of the hogs, and 14% of the eggs.[173] اعتبارا من 2009 major Iowa agricultural product processors included Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Inc., Diamond V Mills, and Quaker Oats.[174]

During the 21 st century Iowa has seen growth in the organic farming sector. Iowa ranks fifth in the nation in total number of organic farms. In 2016, there were about 732 organic farms in the state, an increase of about 5% from the previous year, and 103,136 organic acres, an increase of 9,429 from the previous year.[175][176] Iowa has also seen an increase in demand for local, sustainably-grown food. Northeast Iowa, part of the Driftless Area, has led the state in development of its regional food system and grows and consumes more local food than any other region in Iowa.[177][178]

Iowa's Driftless Region is also home to the nationally recognized Seed Savers Exchange, a non-profit seed bank housed at an 890-acre heritage farm near Decorah, in the northeast corner of the state.[179][180] The largest nongovernmental seed bank of its kind in the United States, Seed Savers Exchange safeguards more than 20,000 varieties of rare, heirloom seeds.[181]

Mural in Mt. Ayr Post Office, "The Corn Parade" by Orr C. Fischer, commissioned as part of the New Deal[182]

As of 2007, the direct production and sale of conventional agricultural commodities contributed only about 3.5% of Iowa's gross state product.[183] In 2002 the impact of the indirect role of agriculture in Iowa's economy, including agriculture-affiliated business, was calculated at 16.4% in terms of value added and 24.3% in terms of total output. This was lower than the economic impact of non-farm manufacturing, which accounted for 22.4% of total value added and 26.5% of total output.[184]

التأمين الصحي

As of 2014, there were 16 organizations offering health insurance products in Iowa, per the State of Iowa Insurance Division.[185] Iowa was fourth out of ten states with the biggest drop in competition levels of health insurance between 2010 and 2011, per the 2013 annual report on the level of competition in the health insurance industry by the American Medical Association[186] using 2011 data from HealthLeaders-Interstudy, the most comprehensive source of data on enrollment in health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), point-of-service (POS) and consumer-driven health care plans.[187] According to the AMA annual report from 2007 Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield had provided 71% of the state's health insurance.[188]

The Iowa Insurance Division "Annual report to the Iowa Governor and the Iowa Legislature" from November 2014 looked at the 95% of health insurers by premium, which are 10 companies. It found Wellmark Inc. to dominate the three health insurance markets it examined (individual, small group and large group) at 52–67%.[189]:2 Wellmark HealthPlan of Iowa and Wellmark Inc had the highest risk-based capital percentages of all 10 providers at 1158% and 1132%, respectively.[189]:31 Rising RBC is an indication of profits.[189]:31

القطاعات الأخرى

Ethanol plant under construction in Butler County
Wind turbines near Williams

Iowa has a strong financial and insurance sector, with approximately 6,100 firms,[57] including AEGON, Nationwide Group, Aviva USA, Farm Bureau Financial Services, GreatAmerica Financial Services, Voya Financial, Marsh Affinity Group, MetLife, Principal Financial Group, Principal Capital Management, Wells Fargo, and Greenstate Credit Union (formerly University of Iowa Community Credit Union).

Iowa is host to at least two business incubators, Iowa State University Research Park and the BioVentures Center at the University of Iowa.[190] The Research Park hosts about 50 companies, among them NewLink Genetics, which develops cancer immunotherapeutics, and the U.S. animal health division of Boehringer Ingelheim, Vetmedica.[190]

Ethanol production consumes about a third of Iowa's corn production, and renewable fuels account for eight percent of the state's gross domestic product. A total of 39 ethanol plants produced 3.1 billion US gallons (12,000,000 m3) of fuel in 2009.[191]

Renewable energy has become a major economic force in northern and western Iowa, with wind turbine electrical generation increasing exponentially since 1990.[14] In 2019, wind power in Iowa accounted for 42% of electrical energy produced, and 10,201 megawatts of generating capacity had been installed at the end of the year.[192] Iowa ranked first of U.S. states in percentage of total power generated by wind and second in wind generating capacity behind Texas.[192] Major producers of turbines and components in Iowa include Acciona Energy of West Branch, TPI Composites of Newton, and Siemens Energy of Fort Madison.

In 2016, Iowa was the headquarters for three of the top 2,000 companies for revenue.[193] They include Principal Financial, Rockwell Collins, and American Equity Investment.[194][195][196] Iowa is also headquarters to other companies including Hy-Vee, Pella Corporation, Workiva, Vermeer Company, Kum & Go gas stations, Von Maur, Pioneer Hi-Bred, and Fareway.[197][198][199][200][201][202][203]

Gambling in the state is a major section of the Iowa tourism industry.[204]


Tax is collected by the Iowa Department of Revenue.[205]

Iowa imposes taxes on net state income of individuals, estates, and trusts. There are nine income tax brackets, ranging from 0.36% to 8.98%, as well as four corporate income tax brackets ranging from 6% to 12%, giving Iowa the country's highest marginal corporate tax rate.[206] The state sales tax rate is 6%, with non-prepared food having no tax.[207] Iowa has one local option sales tax that may be imposed by counties after an election.[208] Property tax is levied on the taxable value of real property. Iowa has more than 2,000 taxing authorities. Most property is taxed by more than one taxing authority. The tax rate differs in each locality and is a composite of county, city or rural township, school district and special levies. Iowa allows its residents to deduct their federal income taxes from their state income taxes.[209]


The current state license plate design, introduced in 1996.

الطرق السريعة بين الولايات

Iowa's major interstates, larger cities, and counties.

المطارات والرحلات الجوية المنتظمة

السكك الحديدية

الحكومة والقانون

Capitol in 2003 after regilding

الأحزاب السياسية

Samuel J. Kirkwood, founder of the Iowa Republican Party, abolitionist, and Iowa's Civil War governor.

اتجاهات الناخبين

Presidential elections results
Year الجمهوري الديمقراطي
2008 44.74% 677,508 54.04% 818,240
2004 49.92% 751,957 49.28% 741,898
2000 48.22% 634,373 48.60% 638,517
1996 39.92% 492,644 50.31% 620,258
1992 37.33% 504,890 43.35% 586,353
1988 44.8% 545,355 55.1% 670,557
1984 53.32% 703,088 45.97% 605,620

المجمعات الرئاسية

حقوق المجتمع

The Union Block building, Mount Pleasant, scene of early civil rights and women’s rights activities. Listed as one of the most endangered historic sites in Iowa.[210]



Schaeffer Hall (University of Iowa, Iowa City)
Riverside's "favorite son"

The Clint Eastwood movie The Bridges of Madison County, based on the popular novel of the same name, took place and was filmed in Madison County.[211] What's Eating Gilbert Grape, based on the Peter Hedges novel of the same name, is set in the fictional Iowa town of Endora. Hedges was born in West Des Moines.[212]

Des Moines is home to members of the heavy metal band Slipknot. The state is mentioned in the band's songs, and the album Iowa is named after the state.[213]


The state has four major college teams playing in NCAA Division I for all sports. In football, Iowa State University and the University of Iowa compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS), whereas the University of Northern Iowa and Drake University compete in the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS). Although Iowa has no professional major league sports teams, Iowa has minor league sports teams in baseball, basketball, hockey, and other sports.

The following table shows the Iowa sports teams with average attendance over 8,000. All the following teams are NCAA Division I football, basketball, or wrestling teams:[214][215][216][217]

Iowa sports teams (attendance > 8,000)
Team Location Avg. attendance
Iowa Hawkeyes football Iowa City 68,043
Iowa State Cyclones football Ames 56,010
Iowa State Cyclones men's basketball Ames 13,375[218]
Iowa Hawkeyes men's basketball Iowa City 12,371[218]
Iowa Hawkeyes wrestling Iowa City 12,568
Iowa Hawkeyes women's basketball Iowa City 11,143[219]
Iowa State Cyclones women's basketball Ames 10,323[219]
Northern Iowa Panthers football Cedar Falls 9,337

الرياضة الجامعية

The state has four NCAA Division I college teams. Two have football teams that play in the top level of college football, the Football Bowl Subdivision: the University of Iowa Hawkeyes play in the Big Ten Conference[220] and the Iowa State University Cyclones compete in the Big 12 Conference.[221] The two intrastate rivals compete annually for the Cy-Hawk Trophy as part of the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series.[222]

In wrestling, the Iowa Hawkeyes and Iowa State Cyclones have won a combined total of over 30 team NCAA Division I titles.[223][224] The Northern Iowa and Cornell College wrestling teams have also each won one NCAA Division I wrestling team title.[225][226]

Two other Division I schools play football in the second level of college football, the Football Championship Subdivision. The University of Northern Iowa Panthers play at the Missouri Valley Conference[227] and Missouri Valley Football Conference[228] (despite the similar names, the conferences are administratively separate), whereas the Drake University Bulldogs play in the Missouri Valley Conference[229] in most sports and Pioneer League for football.[230]

A large brick stadium with many round windows on the bottom and many rectangle windows in groups of four line the top of the stadium. The words Modern Woodmen Park are displayed above the door
Modern Woodmen Park is home to the Quad Cities baseball team.

كرة السلة

Des Moines is home to the Iowa Cubs, a Triple-A Minor League Baseball team of the International League and affiliate of the Chicago Cubs.[231][232] Iowa has two High-A minor league teams in the Midwest League: the Cedar Rapids Kernels (Minnesota Twins) and the Quad Cities River Bandits (Kansas City Royals).[233] The Sioux City Explorers are part of the American Association of Professional Baseball.[234]

هوكي الجليد

Des Moines is home to the Iowa Wild, who are affiliated with the Minnesota Wild and are members of the American Hockey League.[235] Coralville has an ECHL team called the Iowa Heartlanders that started playing in the 2021–22 season. The Heartlanders are also an affiliate of the Minnesota Wild.[236]

The United States Hockey League has five teams in Iowa: the Cedar Rapids RoughRiders, Sioux City Musketeers, Waterloo Black Hawks, Des Moines Buccaneers, and the Dubuque Fighting Saints.[237] The North Iowa Bulls of the North American Hockey League (NAHL) and the Mason City Toros of the North American 3 Hockey League (NA3HL) both play in Mason City.[238][239]


Other sports

Iowa has two professional basketball teams. The Iowa Wolves, an NBA G League team that plays in Des Moines, is owned and affiliated with the Minnesota Timberwolves of the NBA. The Sioux City Hornets play in the American Basketball Association.

Iowa has three professional football teams. The Sioux City Bandits play in the Champions Indoor Football league. The Iowa Barnstormers play in the Indoor Football League at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. The Cedar Rapids Titans play in the Indoor Football League at the U.S. Cellular Center.

The Iowa Speedway oval track in Newton has hosted auto racing championships such as the IndyCar Series, NASCAR Xfinity Series and NASCAR Truck Series since 2006. Also, the Knoxville Raceway dirt track hosts the Knoxville Nationals, one of the classic sprint car racing events.

The John Deere Classic is a PGA Tour golf event held in the Quad Cities since 1971. The Principal Charity Classic is a Champions Tour event since 2001. The Des Moines Golf and Country Club hosted the 1999 U.S. Senior Open and the 2017 Solheim Cup.

Sister jurisdictions

Iowa has ten official partner jurisdictions:[240]

رموز الولاية

Eastern Goldfinch, Iowa state bird.

أنظر أيضا


  1. ^ أ ب Elevation adjusted to North American Vertical Datum of 1988.
  2. ^ The Missouri and Mississippi river boundaries are as they were mapped in the 19th century, which can vary from their modern courses.
  3. ^ Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin are not distinguished between total and partial ancestry.
  4. ^ Based on 2000 U.S. Census Data.


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