قائمة الولايات والأقاليم الأمريكية حسب الدخل

قالب:US income

Map of states by median household income in 2019

هذه هي list of U.S. states, territories and the District of Columbia by income. Data is given according to the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year Estimates, except for the American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands, for which the data comes from 2010, as ACS does not operate in these areas.[note 1]

الولايات والأقاليم مرتبة حسب الدخل الأوسط للعائلة

Map of states by annual increase of median household income in 2010-2019

Data given in current dollars. Note that tables do not reflect the margin of error in the values.[2]

State Rank States and Washington, D.C. 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Average annual growth rate (current dollars) in 2010-2019, %
 الولايات المتحدة $65,712 $63,179 $60,336 $57,617 $55,775 $53,657 $52,250 $51,371 $50,502 $50,046 3.07%
 واشنطن دي سي $92,266 $85,203 $82,372 $75,506 $75,628 $71,648 $67,572 $66,583 $63,124 $60,903 4.72%
1  مريلاند $86,738 $83,242 $80,776 $78,945 $75,847 $73,971 $72,483 $71,122 $70,004 $68,854 2.6%
2  مساتشوستس $85,843 $79,835 $77,385 $75,297 $70,628 $69,160 $66,768 $65,339 $62,859 $62,072 3.67%
3  نيوجرزي $85,751 $81,740 $80,088 $76,126 $72,222 $71,919 $70,165 $69,667 $67,458 $67,681 2.66%
4  هاواي $83,102 $80,212 $77,765 $74,511 $73,486 $69,592 $68,020 $66,259 $61,821 $63,030 3.12%
5  كاليفورنيا $80,440 $75,277 $71,805 $67,739 $64,500 $61,933 $60,190 $58,328 $57,287 $57,708 3.76%
6  كنتيكت $78,833 $76,348 $74,168 $73,433 $71,346 $70,048 $67,098 $67,276 $65,753 $64,032 2.34%
7 واشنطن Washington $78,687 $74,073 $70,979 $67,106 $64,129 $61,366 $58,405 $57,573 $56,835 $55,631 3.93%
8  نيو هامپشر $77,933 $74,991 $73,381 $70,936 $70,303 $66,532 $64,230 $63,280 $62,647 $61,042 2.75%
9  كولورادو $77,127 $71,953 $69,117 $65,685 $63,909 $61,303 $58,823 $56,765 $55,387 $54,046 4.03%
10  ڤرجينيا $76,456 $72,577 $71,535 $68,114 $66,262 $64,902 $62,666 $61,741 $61,882 $60,674 2.6%
11  يوتا $75,780 $71,414 $65,358 $65,977 $62,912 $60,922 $59,770 $57,049 $55,869 $54,744 3.68%
12  ألاسكا $75,463 $74,346 $73,181 $76,440 $73,355 $71,583 $72,237 $67,712 $67,825 $64,576 1.75%
13  مينيسوتا $74,593 $70,315 $68,388 $65,599 $63,488 $61,481 $60,702 $58,906 $56,954 $55,459 3.35%
14 نيويورك (ولاية) New York $72,108 $67,844 $64,894 $62,909 $60,850 $58,878 $57,369 $56,448 $55,246 $54,148 3.23%
15  رود أيلند $71,169 $64,340 $63,870 $60,596 $58,073 $54,891 $55,902 $54,554 $53,636 $52,254 3.49%
16  دلاوير $70,176 $64,805 $62,852 $61,757 $61,255 $59,716 $57,846 $58,415 $58,814 $55,847 2.57%
17  إلينوي $69,187 $65,030 $62,992 $60,960 $59,588 $57,444 $56,210 $55,137 $53,234 $52,972 3.01%
18  أوريگون $67,058 $63,426 $60,212 $57,532 $54,148 $51,075 $50,251 $49,161 $46,816 $46,560 4.14%
19  وايومنگ $65,003 $61,584 $60,434 $59,882 $60,214 $57,055 $58,752 $54,901 $56,322 $53,512 2.18%
20  داكوتا الشمالية $64,577 $63,837 $61,843 $60,656 $60,557 $59,029 $55,759 $53,585 $51,704 $48,670 3.19%
21  ويسكنسن $64,168 $60,773 $59,305 $56,811 $55,638 $52,622 $51,467 $51,059 $50,395 $49,001 3.04%
22  تكساس $64,034 $60,629 $59,206 $56,565 $55,653 $53,035 $51,704 $50,740 $49,392 $48,615 3.11%
23  پنسيلڤانيا $63,463 $60,905 $59,105 $56,907 $55,702 $53,234 $52,007 $51,230 $50,228 $49,288 2.85%
24  نـِڤادا $63,276 $58,646 $58,003 $55,180 $52,431 $51,450 $51,230 $49,760 $48,927 $51,001 2.43%
25  نبراسكا $63,229 $59,566 $59,970 $56,927 $54,996 $52,686 $51,440 $50,723 $50,296 $48,408 3.01%
26  ڤرمونت $63,001 $60,782 $57,513 $57,677 $56,990 $54,166 $52,578 $52,977 $52,776 $49,406 2.74%
27  كانزاس $62,087 $58,218 $56,422 $54,935 $53,906 $52,504 $50,972 $50,241 $48,964 $48,257 2.84%
28  أريزونا $62,055 $59,246 $56,581 $53,558 $51,492 $50,068 $48,510 $47,826 $46,709 $46,789 3.19%
29 ولاية جورجيا Georgia $61,980 $58,756 $56,183 $53,559 $51,244 $49,321 $47,829 $47,209 $46,007 $46,430 3.26%
30  آيوا $61,691 $59,955 $58,570 $56,247 $54,736 $53,712 $52,229 $50,957 $49,427 $47,961 2.84%
31  أيداهو $60,999 $55,583 $52,225 $51,807 $48,275 $47,861 $46,783 $45,489 $43,341 $43,490 3.83%
32  مشيگن $59,584 $56,697 $54,909 $52,491 $51,084 $49,847 $48,273 $46,859 $45,981 $45,413 3.06%
33  داكوتا الجنوبية $59,533 $56,274 $56,521 $54,467 $53,017 $50,979 $48,947 $48,362 $48,321 $45,904 2.93%
34  فلوريدا $59,227 $55,462 $52,594 $50,860 $49,426 $47,463 $46,036 $45,040 $44,299 $44,409 3.25%
35  مين $58,924 $55,602 $55,277 $53,079 $51,494 $49,462 $46,974 $46,709 $46,033 $45,815 2.84%
36  أوهايو $58,642 $56,111 $54,021 $52,344 $51,075 $49,308 $48,081 $46,829 $45,749 $45,090 2.96%
37  إنديانا $57,603 $55,746 $54,181 $52,314 $50,532 $49,446 $47,529 $46,974 $46,438 $44,613 2.88%
38  مزوري $57,409 $54,478 $53,578 $51,746 $50,238 $48,363 $46,931 $45,321 $45,247 $44,301 2.92%
39  كارولاينا الشمالية $57,341 $53,855 $52,752 $50,584 $47,830 $46,556 $45,906 $45,150 $43,916 $43,326 3.16%
40  مونتانا $57,153 $55,328 $53,386 $50,027 $49,509 $46,328 $46,972 $45,076 $44,222 $42,666 3.3%
41  كارولاينا الجنوبية $56,227 $52,306 $50,570 $49,501 $47,238 $45,238 $44,163 $43,107 $42,367 $42,018 3.29%
42  تنسي $56,071 $52,375 $51,340 $48,547 $47,275 $44,361 $44,297 $42,764 $41,693 $41,461 3.41%
43  اوكلاهوما $54,449 $51,924 $50,051 $49,176 $48,568 $47,529 $45,690 $44,312 $43,225 $42,072 2.91%
44  كنتكي $52,295 $50,247 $48,375 $46,659 $45,215 $42,958 $43,399 $41,724 $41,141 $40,062 3.01%
45  نيومكسيكو $51,945 $47,169 $46,744 $46,748 $45,382 $44,803 $43,872 $42,558 $41,963 $42,090 2.37%
46  ألباما $51,734 $49,861 $48,123 $46,257 $44,765 $42,830 $42,849 $41,574 $41,415 $40,474 2.76%
47  لويزيانا $51,073 $47,905 $46,145 $45,146 $45,727 $44,555 $44,164 $42,944 $41,734 $42,505 2.06%
48  أركنساس $48,952 $47,062 $45,869 $44,334 $41,995 $41,262 $40,511 $40,112 $38,758 $38,307 2.76%
49  ڤرجنيا الغربية $48,850 $44,097 $43,469 $43,385 $42,019 $41,059 $41,253 $40,196 $38,482 $38,218 2.76%
50  مسيسپي $45,792 $44,717 $43,529 $41,754 $40,593 $39,680 $37,963 $37,095 $36,919 $36,851 2.44%
Territory Rank Territory 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Average annual growth rate (current dollars) in 2010-2019, %
1  گوام $48,274[3][note 2] N/A
2 الجزر العذراء الأمريكية Virgin Islands (U.S.) $37,254[4][note 2] N/A
3  ساموا الأمريكية $23,892[5][note 2] N/A
4  جزر ماريانا الشمالية $19,958[6][note 2] N/A
5  پورتو ريكو $20,474 $20,296 $19,343 $20,078 $18,626 $18,928 $19,183 $19,429 $18,660 $18,862 0.92%

States and territories ranked by per capita income

Data for the American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands is given as of 2010 (source: American FactFinder).[3] Resident population given as of the 2020 United States Census.[7][8]

Rank State or territory Per capita
income (2019), ACS[9]
Personal per capita income (2020), BEA[10] Of which disposable personal per capita income (2020), BEA[11] Median
income (2019), ACS[9]
income (2019)[9]
Population (April 1, 2020) Number of
households (2019)
Number of
families (2019)
 الولايات المتحدة $35,672 $59,510 $52,853 $65,712 $80,944 335,073,176 122,802,852 79,594,270
1  واشنطن دي سي $59,808 $86,567 $73,568 $92,266 $130,291 689,545 291,570 124,978
2  مساتشوستس $46,241 $78,458 $66,978 $85,843 $108,348 7,029,917 2,650,680 1,665,005
3  كنتيكت $45,359 $78,609 $67,110 $78,833 $101,272 3,605,944 1,377,166 885,911
4  نيوجرزي $44,888 $73,460 $64,031 $85,751 $105,705 9,288,294 3,286,264 2,241,555
5  مريلاند $43,325 $66,799 $57,829 $86,738 $105,679 6,177,224 2,226,767 1,462,070
6 نيويورك New York $41,857 $74,472 $62,773 $72,108 $89,475 20,201,249 7,446,812 4,636,356
7 واشنطن Washington $41,521 $67,126 $60,468 $78,687 $94,709 7,705,281 2,932,477 1,882,896
8  نيو هامپشر $41,241 $67,097 $60,715 $77,933 $97,112 1,377,529 541,396 346,413
9  كولورادو $41,053 $63,776 $56,415 $77,127 $95,164 5,773,714 2,235,103 1,421,844
10  ڤرجينيا $40,635 $61,958 $54,283 $76,456 $93,497 8,631,393 3,191,847 2,094,763
11  كاليفورنيا $39,393 $70,192 $60,796 $80,440 $91,377 39,538,223 13,157,873 8,972,643
12  مينيسوتا $39,025 $62,005 $54,403 $74,593 $93,584 5,706,494 2,222,568 1,401,623
13  إلينوي $37,728 $62,930 $55,409 $69,187 $87,771 12,812,508 4,866,006 3,059,067
14  رود أيلند $37,525 $60,825 $54,610 $71,169 $89,373 1,097,379 407,174 249,987
15  هاواي $36,989 $58,655 $52,872 $83,102 $96,462 1,455,271 465,299 316,206
16  ألاسكا $36,978 $63,502 $59,053 $75,463 $91,971 733,391 252,199 163,134
17  دلاوير $36,858 $56,097 $49,804 $70,176 $87,148 989,948 376,239 242,584
18  داكوتا الشمالية $36,611 $61,530 $56,569 $64,577 $87,055 779,094 323,519 189,509
19  پنسيلڤانيا $35,804 $61,700 $55,271 $63,463 $81,075 13,002,700 5,119,249 3,228,224
20  ڤرمونت $35,702 $59,187 $53,632 $63,001 $83,458 643,077 262,767 156,153
21  أوريگون $35,531 $56,312 $49,576 $67,058 $82,540 4,237,256 1,649,352 1,021,588
22  ويسكنسن $34,568 $55,593 $49,577 $64,168 $81,829 5,893,718 2,386,623 1,470,116
23  وايومنگ $34,104 $61,855 $56,418 $65,003 $79,946 576,851 233,128 152,859
24  مين $34,078 $54,211 $48,939 $58,924 $76,316 1,362,359 573,618 342,894
25  نـِڤادا $33,575 $53,720 $48,767 $63,276 $76,124 3,104,614 1,143,557 723,755
26  نبراسكا $33,272 $57,570 $52,064 $63,229 $80,062 1,961,504 771,444 493,013
27  آيوا $33,107 $53,478 $48,210 $61,691 $78,152 3,190,369 1,287,221 808,802
28  مشيگن $32,892 $53,259 $47,982 $59,584 $75,703 10,077,331 3,969,880 2,496,550
29  فلوريدا $32,887 $55,675 $50,194 $59,227 $71,348 21,538,187 7,905,832 5,083,272
30  كانزاس $32,885 $56,099 $50,579 $62,087 $79,006 2,937,880 1,138,329 733,489
31  أوهايو $32,780 $53,641 $48,390 $58,642 $74,911 11,799,448 4,730,340 2,942,581
32 ولاية جورجيا Georgia $32,657 $51,780 $46,568 $61,980 $74,833 10,711,908 3,852,714 2,555,440
33  مونتانا $32,625 $53,361 $48,127 $57,153 $73,014 1,084,225 437,651 269,009
34  تكساس $32,267 $55,129 $50,523 $64,034 $76,727 29,145,505 9,985,126 6,857,641
35  أريزونا $32,173 $49,648 $45,025 $62,055 $74,468 7,151,502 2,670,441 1,740,704
36  كارولاينا الشمالية $32,021 $50,305 $45,060 $57,341 $72,049 10,439,388 4,046,348 2,630,365
37  يوتا $31,771 $52,204 $46,931 $75,780 $86,152 3,271,616 1,023,855 760,968
38  مزوري $31,756 $51,697 $46,598 $57,409 $73,457 6,154,913 2,458,337 1,546,045
39  داكوتا الجنوبية $31,550 $59,281 $54,984 $59,533 $76,826 886,667 353,799 223,964
40  كارولاينا الجنوبية $31,295 $48,021 $43,471 $56,227 $70,537 5,118,425 1,975,915 1,286,326
41  تنسي $31,224 $51,046 $47,192 $56,071 $69,993 6,910,840 2,654,737 1,727,895
42  إنديانا $30,988 $51,926 $46,872 $57,603 $73,876 6,785,528 2,597,765 1,639,230
43  اوكلاهوما $29,666 $49,878 $45,727 $54,449 $68,358 3,959,353 1,495,151 975,754
44  أيداهو $29,606 $48,759 $44,138 $60,999 $72,365 1,839,106 655,859 448,979
45  كنتكي $29,029 $47,339 $42,720 $52,295 $66,183 4,505,836 1,748,732 1,129,276
46  لويزيانا $28,662 $50,874 $46,771 $51,073 $65,105 4,657,757 1,741,076 1,113,831
47  ألباما $28,650 $46,479 $42,392 $51,734 $66,171 5,024,279 1,897,576 1,237,883
48  نيومكسيكو $28,423 $46,338 $42,803 $51,945 $61,826 2,117,522 793,420 496,961
49  ڤرجنيا الغربية $27,446 $44,994 $41,251 $48,850 $60,920 1,793,716 728,175 470,472
50  أركنساس $27,274 $47,235 $43,083 $48,952 $62,387 3,011,524 1,163,647 755,305
51  مسيسپي $25,301 $42,129 $39,083 $45,792 $58,503 2,961,279 1,100,229 718,382
52[note 3]  الجزر العذراء الأمريكية $21,362 N/A N/A $37,254 $45,058 87,146 43,214 26,237
53[note 3]  گوام $16,549 N/A N/A $48,274 $50,607 153,836 42,026 34,199
54  پورتو ريكو $13,345 N/A N/A $20,474 $25,388 3,195,153 1,170,982 773,798
55[note 3]  جزر ماريانا الشمالية $9,656 N/A N/A $19,958 $22,455 47,329 16,035 10,714
56[note 3]  ساموا الأمريكية $6,311 N/A N/A $23,892 $24,706 49,710 9,688 8,834

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ The U.S. Census Bureau collects data for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico every year (in American Community Survey estimates). However, the U.S. Census Bureau collects data for American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands only once every 10 years.[1]
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث 2010 median income
  3. ^ أ ب ت ث 2010 data (population according to 2020 Census)


  1. ^ https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/section-1557-top-15-languages-faqs.pdf Hhs.gov. Section 1557 FAQs. Retrieved July 5, 2019.
  2. ^ "S1901: INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2018 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS)". data.census.gov. December 19, 2019. Retrieved December 20, 2019.
  3. ^ أ ب White, Stuart (August 28, 2019), Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars, Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.013.746, ISBN 978-0-19-932917-5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.013.746, retrieved on January 5, 2021 
  4. ^ "Rural health for U.S. Virgin Islands Introduction - Rural Health Information Hub". www.ruralhealthinfo.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved January 5, 2021.
  5. ^ "Rural health for American Samoa Introduction - Rural Health Information Hub". www.ruralhealthinfo.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved January 5, 2021.
  6. ^ "Rural health for Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Introduction - Rural Health Information Hub". www.ruralhealthinfo.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved January 5, 2021.
  8. ^ 2020 Population of U.S. Island Areas Just Under 339,000, U.S. Census Bureau, October 28, 2021.
  9. ^ أ ب ت "DP03 - Selected Economic Characteristics". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved February 6, 2022.
  10. ^ "SAINC1 Personal Income Summary: Personal Income, Population, Per Capita Personal Income: Per Capita Personal Income". Bureau of Economic Analysis. Retrieved February 8, 2022.
  11. ^ "SAINC51 Disposable Personal Income Summary: Disposable Personal Income, Population, Per Capita Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita Disposable Personal Income". Bureau of Economic Analysis. Retrieved February 8, 2022.

وصلات خارجية

قالب:United States locations by per capita income