مانشو (شعب)

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The Ci-Xi Imperial Dowager Empress (6).PNG
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Chopin Year in Poland - Lang Lang 01.jpg
إجمالي التعداد
0.15% من إجمالي السكان
0.77% of China's population
المناطق ذات التجمعات المعتبرة
معظمهم يستخدمون الصينية المندرينية، أعداد قليلة تستخدم المانوية
معظمهم بلا دين، شامانية المانچو، البوذية، الديانة التقليدية الصينية، أقلية مسيحية[3]
الجماعات العرقية ذات الصلة
إڤنك، الناناي، الاوروشن، أودگه، الشيبه،
وشعوب تنگوستية أخرى

المانچو Manchu  [note 1] (المانچو: ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ; Möllendorff: manju; الصينية المبسطة: 满族؛ الصينية التقليدية: 滿族؛ پن‌ين: Mǎnzú؛ ويد–جايلز: Man3-tsu2�)، هم أقلية عرقية صينية والشعب الذي اشتقت منهم مانچوريا اسمها.[11] يطلق عليهم أحياناً "المانچو ذوي الشرائط الحمر، في إشارة إلى الزينة الموضوعة على قبعات المانچو التقليدية.[12][13]

شعب المانچو هم الفرع الأكبر من الشعوب التنگوسية وهم منتشرون في أنحاء الصين، مشكلين رابع أكبر جماعة عرقية في البلاد.[1] يتواجدون في مقاطعات الصين ال31. ويشكلون أيضاً أكبر أقلية عرقية في الصين بدون منطقة حكم ذاتي. من بينها لياونينگ التي لديها أكبر تعداد من المانچو، وخبي، هـِيْ‌لونگ‌جيانگ، جيلين، منغوليا الداخلية وبكين ويوجد بها أكثر من 100.000 مقيم من المانچو. يعيش ما يقارب من نصف المانچو في مقاطعة لياونينگ والخمس في مقاطعة خبي. هناك أعداد من المانچو في مقاطعات الحكم الذاتي في الصين، مثل شين‌بين، شيويوان، شينگ‌لونگ، فينگ‌نينگ، يتونگ، شينگ‌يوان، ويي‌چنگ، كوان‌چنگ، بن‌شي، كوان‌ديان، هوان‌رن، فنگ‌چنگ، باي‌ژن[note 2] وأكثر من 300 بلدة وبلدية مانچو.[15]

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"Manchu" (المانچو: ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ; Möllendorff: manju) was adopted as the official name of the people by Emperor Hong Taiji in 1635, replacing the earlier name "Jurchen". It appears that manju was an old term for the Jianzhou Jurchens, although the etymology is not well understood.[16]:63

The Jiu Manzhou Dang, archives of early 17th century documents, contains the earliest use of Manchu.[17] However, the actual etymology of the ethnic name "Manju" is debatable.[18]:49 According to the Qing dynasty's official historical record, the Researches on Manchu Origins, the ethnic name came from Mañjuśrī.[19] The Qianlong Emperor also supported the point of view and even wrote several poems on the subject.[20]:6

Meng Sen, a scholar of the Qing dynasty, agreed. On the other hand, he thought the name Manchu might stem from Li Manzhu (李滿住), the chieftain of the Jianzhou Jurchens.[20]:4–5

Another scholar, Chang Shan, thinks Manju is a compound word. Man was from the word mangga (ᠮᠠᠩᡤᠠ) which means "strong," and ju (ᠵᡠ) means "arrow." So Manju actually means "intrepid arrow".[21]

There are other hypotheses, such as Fu Sinian's "etymology of Jianzhou"; Zhang Binglin's "etymology of Manshi"; Isamura Sanjiro's "etymology of Wuji and Mohe"; Sun Wenliang's "etymology of Manzhe"; "etymology of mangu(n) river" and so on.[22][23][24]

An extensive etymological study from 2022 lends additional support to the view that manju is cognate with words referring to the lower Amur river in other Tungusic languages and can be reconstructed to Proto-Tungusic *mamgo 'lower Amur, large river'.[25]


الأصول والتاريخ المبكر

Aguda, Emperor Taizu of Jurchen Jin
موقع قبائل الجورچن عند نهاية أسرة مينگ.

The Manchus are descended from the Jurchen people who earlier established the Jin dynasty (1115–1234) in China.[26][27]:5[28] The name Mohe might refer to an ancestral population of the Manchus. The Mohe practiced pig farming extensively and were mainly sedentary,[29] and also used both pig and dog skins for coats. They were predominantly farmers and grew soybeans, wheat, millet and rice, in addition to hunting.[29]

In the 10th century AD, the term Jurchen first appeared in documents of the late Tang dynasty in reference to the state of Balhae in present-day northeastern China. The Jurchens were sedentary,[30] settled farmers with advanced agriculture. They farmed grain and millet as their cereal crops, grew flax, and raised oxen, pigs, sheep and horses.[31] Their farming way of life was very different from the pastoral nomadism of the Mongols and the Khitans on the steppes.[32][33] Most Jurchens raised pigs and stock animals and were farmers.[34]

In 1019, Jurchen pirates raided Japan for slaves. The Jurchen pirates slaughtered Japanese men while seizing Japanese women as prisoners in northern Kyushu. Fujiwara Notada, the Japanese governor was killed.[35] In total, 1,280 Japanese were taken prisoner, 374 Japanese were killed and 380 Japanese-owned livestock were killed for food.[36][37] Only 259 or 270 were returned by Koreans from the 8 ships.[38][39][40][41] The woman Uchikura no Ishime's report was copied down[مطلوب توضيح].[42] Traumatic memories of the Jurchen raids on Japan in the 1019 Toi invasion, the Mongol invasions of Japan in addition to Japan viewing the Jurchens as "Tatar" "barbarians" after copying China's barbarian-civilized distinction, may have played a role in Japan's antagonistic views against Manchus and hostility towards them in later centuries such as when Tokugawa Ieyasu viewed the unification of Manchu tribes as a threat to Japan. The Japanese mistakenly thought that Hokkaido (Ezochi) had a land bridge to Tartary (Orankai) where Manchus lived and thought the Manchus could invade Japan. The Tokugawa Shogunate bakufu sent a message to Korea via Tsushima offering help to Korea against the 1627 Manchu invasion of Korea. Korea refused it.[43]

Following the fall of Balhae, the Jurchens became vassals of the Khitan-led Liao dynasty. The Jurchens in the Yalu River region were tributaries of Goryeo since the reign of Wang Geon, who called upon them during the wars of the Later Three Kingdoms period, but the Jurchens switched allegiance between Liao and Goryeo multiple times, taking advantage of the tension between the two nations; posing a potential threat to Goryeo's border security, the Jurchens offered tribute to the Goryeo court, expecting lavish gifts in return.[44] Before the Jurchens overthrew the Khitan, married Jurchen women and Jurchen girls were raped by Liao Khitan envoys as a custom which caused resentment.[45] Khitan envoys among the Jurchens were treated to guest prostitutes by their Jurchen hosts. Unmarried Jurchen girls and their families hosted the Liao envoys who had sex with the girls. Song envoys among the Jin were similarly entertained by singing girls in Guide, Henan.[46][47] The practice of guest prostitution – giving female companions, food and shelter to guests – was common among Jurchens. Unmarried daughters of Jurchen families of lower and middle classes in Jurchen villages were provided to Khitan messengers for sex as recorded by Hong Hao.[48] There is no evidence that guest prostitution of unmarried Jurchen girls to Khitans was resented by the Jurchens. It was only when the aristocratic Jurchen families were forced to give up their beautiful wives as guest prostitutes to Khitan messengers that the Jurchens became angered. This probably meant only a husband had the right to his married wife while among lower class Jurchens, the virginity of unmarried girls and sex did not impede their ability to marry later.[48] The Jurchens and their Manchu descendants had Khitan linguistic and grammatical elements in their personal names like suffixes.[49] Many Khitan names had a "ju" suffix.[50] In the year 1114, Wanyan Aguda united the Jurchen tribes and established the Jin dynasty (1115–1234).[51]:19–46 His brother and successor, Wanyan Wuqimai defeated the Liao dynasty. After the fall of the Liao dynasty, the Jurchens went to war with the Northern Song dynasty, and captured most of northern China in the Jin–Song wars.[51]:47–67 During the Jin dynasty, the first Jurchen script came into use in the 1120s. It was mainly derived from the Khitan script.[51]:19–46 Poor Jurchen families in the southern Routes (Daming and Shandong) Battalion and Company households tried to live the lifestyle of wealthy Jurchen families and avoid doing farming work by selling their own Jurchen daughters into slavery and renting their land to Han tenants. The Wealthy Jurchens feasted and drank and wore damask and silk. The History of Jin (Jinshi) says that Emperor Shizong of Jin took note and in 1181 attempted to halt these practices.[34]

In 1206, the Mongols, vassals to the Jurchens, rose in Mongolia. Their leader, Genghis Khan, led Mongol troops against the Jurchens, who were finally defeated by Ögedei Khan in 1234.[52]:18 The Jurchen Jin emperor Wanyan Yongji's daughter, Jurchen Princess Qiguo was married to Mongol leader Genghis Khan in exchange for relieving the Mongol siege upon Zhongdu (Beijing) in the Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty.[53] The Yuan grouped people into different groups based on how recently their state surrendered to the Yuan. Subjects of southern Song were grouped as southerners (nan ren) and also called manzi. Subjects of the Jin dynasty, Western Xia and kingdom of Dali in Yunnan in southern China were classified as notherners, also using the term Han. However the use of the word Han as the name of a class category used by the Yuan dynasty was a different concept from Han ethnicity. They grouping of Jurchens in northern China grouped with northern Han into the northerner class did not mean they were regarded the same as ethnic Han people, who themselves were in two different classes in the Yuan, Han ren and Nan Ren as said by Stephen G. Haw. Also the Yuan directive to treat Jurchens the same as Mongols referred to Jurchens and Khitans in the northwest (not the Jurchen homeland in the northeast), presumably in the lands of Qara Khitai, where many Khitan live but it is a mystery as to how Jurchens were living there.[54] Many Jurchens adopted Mongolian customs, names, and the Mongolian language. As time went on, fewer and fewer Jurchens could recognize their own script. The Jurchen Yehe Nara clan is of paternal Mongol origin.

Many Jurchen families descended from the original Jin Jurchen migrants in Han areas like those using the surnames Wang and Nian 粘 have openly reclaimed their ethnicity and registered as Manchus. Wanyan (完顏) clan members who had changed their surnames to Wang (王) after the Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty applied successfully to the PRC government for their ethnic group to be marked as Manchu despite never having been part of the Eight Banner system at all during the Qing dynasty. The surname Nianhan (粘罕), shortened to Nian () is a Jurchen origin surname, also originating from one of the members of the royal Wanyan clan. It is an extremely rare surname in China, and 1,100 members of the Nian clan live in Nan'an, Quanzhou, they live in Licheng district of Quanzhou, 900 in Jinjiang ,Quanzhou, 40 in Shishi city of Quanzhou, and 500 in Quanzhou city itself in Fujian, and just over 100 people in Xiamen, Jin'an district of Fuzhou, Zhangpu and Sanming, as well as 1000 in Laiyang, Shandong, and 1,000 in Kongqiao and Wujiazhuang in Xingtai, Hebei. Some of the Nian from Quanzhou immigrated to Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. In Taiwan they are concentrated in Lukang township and Changhua city of Changhua county as well as in Dingnien village, Xianne village Fuxing township of Changhua county. Thre are less than 30,000 members of the Nian clan worldwide, with 9,916 of them in Taiwan, and 3,040 of those in Fuxing township of Changhua county and its most common in Dingnian village.

During the transition between the Ming and Qing Zhang Sunzhen, a civilian official in Nanjing himself remarked that he had a portrait of his ancestors wearing Manchu clothes because his family were Tartars so it was appropriate that he was going to shave his head into the Manchu hairstyle when the queue order was given.[55][56]

The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368. In 1387, Ming forces defeated the Mongol commander Naghachu's resisting forces who settled in the Haixi area[16]:11 and began to summon the Jurchen tribes to pay tribute.[20]:21 At the time, some Jurchen clans were vassals to the Joseon dynasty of Korea such as Odoli and Huligai.[20]:97, 120 Their elites served in the Korean royal bodyguard.[16]:15

The Joseon Koreans tried to deal with the military threat posed by the Jurchen by using both forceful means and incentives, and by launching military attacks. At the same time they tried to appease them with titles and degrees, traded with them, and sought to acculturate them by having Jurchens integrate into Korean culture. Despite these measures, however, fighting continued between the Jurchen and the Koreans.[57][58] Their relationship was eventually stopped by the Ming dynasty government who wanted the Jurchens to protect the border. In 1403, Ahacu, chieftain of Huligai, paid tribute to the Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty. Soon after that, Möngke Temür[1], chieftain of the Odoli clan of the Jianzhou Jurchens, defected from paying tribute to Korea, becoming a tributary state to China instead. Yi Seong-gye, the Taejo of Joseon, asked the Ming Empire to send Möngke Temür back but was refused.[20]:120 The Yongle Emperor was determined to wrest the Jurchens out of Korean influence and have China dominate them instead.[59]:29[60] Korea tried to persuade Möngke Temür to reject the Ming overtures, but was unsuccessful, and Möngke Temür submitted to the Ming Empire.[61][59]:30 Since then, more and more Jurchen tribes presented tribute to the Ming Empire in succession.[20]:21 The Ming divided them into 384 guards,[16]:15 and the Jurchen became vassals to the Ming Empire.[62] During the Ming dynasty, the name for the Jurchen land was Nurgan. The Jurchens became part of the Ming dynasty's Nurgan Regional Military Commission under the Yongle Emperor, with Ming forces erecting the Yongning Temple Stele in 1413, at the headquarters of Nurgan. The stele was inscribed in Chinese, Jurchen, Mongolian, and Tibetan. Yishiha, who was a Jurchen eunuch slave in the Ming imperial palace after he was captured and castrated as a boy by Ming Chinese forces, was the one who led the Ming expedition into Nurgan to erect the stele and established the Nurgan Regional Military Commission.

In 1449, Mongol taishi Esen attacked the Ming Empire and captured the Zhengtong Emperor in Tumu. Some Jurchen guards in Jianzhou and Haixi cooperated with Esen's action,[63]:185 but more were attacked in the Mongol invasion. Many Jurchen chieftains lost their hereditary certificates granted by the Ming government.[20]:19 They had to present tribute as secretariats (中書舍人) with less reward from the Ming court than in the time when they were heads of guards – an unpopular development.[20]:130 Subsequently, more and more Jurchens recognised the Ming Empire's declining power due to Esen's invasion. The Zhengtong Emperor's capture directly caused Jurchen guards to go out of control.[20]:19, 21 Tribal leaders, such as Cungšan[2] and Wang Gao, brazenly plundered Ming territory. At about this time, the Jurchen script was officially abandoned.[64]:120 More Jurchens adopted Mongolian as their writing language and fewer used Chinese.[65] The final recorded Jurchen writing dates to 1526.[66]

The Manchus are sometimes mistakenly identified as nomadic people.[67][68][69]:24 note 1 The Manchu way of life (economy) was agricultural, farming crops and raising animals on farms.[70] Manchus practiced slash-and-burn agriculture in the areas north of Shenyang.[71] The Haixi Jurchens were "semi-agricultural, the Jianzhou Jurchens and Maolian (毛憐) Jurchens were sedentary, while hunting and fishing was the way of life of the "Wild Jurchens".[72] Han Chinese society resembled that of the sedentary Jianzhou and Maolian, who were farmers.[73] Hunting, archery on horseback, horsemanship, livestock raising, and sedentary agriculture were all part of the Jianzhou Jurchens' culture.[74] Although Manchus practiced equestrianism and archery on horseback, their immediate progenitors practiced sedentary agriculture.[75]:43 The Manchus also partook in hunting but were sedentary.[76] Their primary mode of production was farming while they lived in villages, forts, and walled towns. Their Jurchen Jin predecessors also practiced farming.[77]

Only the Mongols and the northern "wild" Jurchen were semi-nomadic, unlike the mainstream Jiahnzhou Jurchens descended from the Jin dynasty who were farmers that foraged, hunted, herded and harvested crops in the Liao and Yalu river basins. They gathered ginseng root, pine nuts, hunted for came pels in the uplands and forests, raised horses in their stables, and farmed millet and wheat in their fallow fields. They engaged in dances, wrestling and drinking strong liquor as noted during midwinter by the Korean Sin Chung-il when it was very cold. These Jurchens who lived in the north-east's harsh cold climate sometimes half sunk their houses in the ground which they constructed of brick or timber and surrounded their fortified villages with stone foundations on which they built wattle and mud walls to defend against attack. Village clusters were ruled by beile, hereditary leaders. They fought each other's and dispensed weapons, wives, slaves and lands to their followers in them. This was how the Jurchens who founded the Qing lived and how their ancestors lived before the Jin. Alongside Mongols and Jurchen clans there were migrants from Liaodong provinces of Ming China and Korea living among these Jurchens in a cosmopolitan manner. Nurhaci who was hosting Sin Chung-il was uniting all of them into his own army, having them adopt the Jurchen hairstyle of a long queue and a shaved fore=crown and wearing leather tunics. His armies had black, blue, red, white and yellow flags. These became the Eight Banners, initially capped to 4 then growing to 8 with three different types of ethnic banners as Han, Mongol and Jurchen were recruited into Nurhaci's forces. Jurchens like Nurhaci spoke both their native Tungusic language and Chinese, adopting the Mongol script for their own language unlike the Jin Jurchen's Khitan derived script. They adopted Confucian values and practiced their shamanist traditions.[78]

The Qing stationed the "New Manchu" Warka foragers in Ningguta and attempted to turn them into normal agricultural farmers but then the Warka just reverted to hunter gathering and requested money to buy cattle for beef broth. The Qing wanted the Warka to become soldier-farmers and imposed this on them but the Warka simply left their garrison at Ningguta and went back to the Sungari river to their homes to herd, fish and hunt. The Qing accused them of desertion.[79]

建州毛憐則渤海大氏遺孽,樂住種,善緝紡,飲食服用,皆如華人,自長白山迤南,可拊而治也。 "The (people of) Chien-chou and Mao-lin [YLSL always reads Mao-lien] are the descendants of the family Ta of Po-hai. They love to be sedentary and sew, and they are skilled in spinning and weaving. As for food, clothing and utensils, they are the same as (those used by) the Chinese. Those living south of the Ch'ang-pai mountain are apt to be soothed and governed."

魏焕《皇明九邊考》卷二《遼東鎮邊夷考》[80] Translation from Sino-Jürčed relations during the Yung-Lo period, 1403–1424 by Henry Serruys[81]

Although their Mohe ancestors did not respect dogs, the Jurchens began to respect dogs around the time of the Ming dynasty, and passed this tradition on to the Manchus. It was prohibited in Jurchen culture to use dog skin, and forbidden for Jurchens to harm, kill, or eat dogs. For political reasons, the Jurchen leader Nurhaci chose variously to emphasize either differences or similarities in lifestyles with other peoples like the Mongols.[82]:127 Nurhaci said to the Mongols that "the languages of the Chinese and Koreans are different, but their clothing and way of life is the same. It is the same with us Manchus (Jušen) and Mongols. Our languages are different, but our clothing and way of life is the same." Later Nurhaci indicated that the bond with the Mongols was not based in any real shared culture. It was for pragmatic reasons of "mutual opportunism," since Nurhaci said to the Mongols: "You Mongols raise livestock, eat meat, and wear pelts. My people till the fields and live on grain. We two are not one country and we have different languages."[16]:31

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حكم المانچو للصين

الپورتريه الامبراطوري لنورحاجي

A century after the chaos started in the Jurchen lands, Nurhaci, a chieftain of the Jianzhou Left Guard, began a campaign against the Ming Empire in revenge for their manslaughter of his grandfather and father in 1583.[بحاجة لمصدر] He reunified the Jurchen tribes, established a military system called the "Eight Banners", which organized Jurchen soldiers into groups of "Bannermen", and ordered his scholar Erdeni and minister Gagai to create a new Jurchen script (later known as Manchu script) using the traditional Mongolian alphabet as a reference.[83]:71, 88, 116, 137

When the Jurchens were reorganized by Nurhaci into the Eight Banners, many Manchu clans were artificially created as a group of unrelated people founded a new Manchu clan (mukun) using a geographic origin name such as a toponym for their hala (clan name).[84] The irregularities over Jurchen and Manchu clan origin led to the Qing trying to document and systematize the creation of histories for Manchu clans, including manufacturing an entire legend around the origin of the Aisin-Gioro clan by taking mythology from the northeast.[85]

In 1603, Nurhaci gained recognition as the Sure Kundulen Khan (المانچو: ᠰᡠᡵᡝ
; Möllendorff: sure kundulen han; Abkai: sure kundulen han, "wise and respected khan") from his Khalkha Mongol allies;[86]:56 then, in 1616, he publicly enthroned himself and issued a proclamation naming himself Genggiyen Khan (المانچو: ᡤᡝᠩᡤᡳᠶᡝᠨ
; Möllendorff: genggiyen han; Abkai: genggiyen han, "bright khan") of the Later Jin dynasty (المانچو: ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠨ
; Möllendorff: aisin gurun; Abkai: aisin gurun, 後金).[3] Nurhaci then launched his attack on the Ming dynasty[86]:56 and moved the capital to Mukden after his conquest of Liaodong.[83]:282 In 1635, his son and successor Huangtaiji changed the name of the Jurchen ethnic group (المانچو: ᠵᡠᡧᡝᠨ; Möllendorff: jušen; Abkai: juxen) to the Manchu.[87]:330–331 A year later, Huangtaiji proclaimed himself the emperor of the Qing dynasty (المانچو: ᡩᠠᡳᠴᡳᠩ
; Möllendorff: daicing gurun; Abkai: daiqing gurun[4]).[88]:15 Factors for the change of name of these people from Jurchen to Manchu include the fact that the term "Jurchen" had negative connotations since the Jurchens had been in a servile position to the Ming dynasty for several hundred years, and it also referred to people of the "dependent class".[86]:70[89]

In 1644, the Ming capital, Beijing, was sacked by a peasant revolt led by Li Zicheng, a former minor Ming official who became the leader of the peasant revolt, who then proclaimed the establishment of the Shun dynasty. The last Ming ruler, the Chongzhen Emperor, died by suicide by hanging himself when the city fell. When Li Zicheng moved against the Ming general Wu Sangui, the latter made an alliance with the Manchus and opened the Shanhai Pass to the Manchu army. After the Manchus defeated Li Zicheng, they moved the capital of their new Qing Empire to Beijing (المانچو: ᠪᡝᡤᡳᠩ; Möllendorff: beging; Abkai: beging[90]) in the same year.[88]:19–20

The Qing government differentiated between Han Bannermen and ordinary Han civilians. Han Bannermen were Han Chinese who defected to the Qing Empire up to 1644 and joined the Eight Banners, giving them social and legal privileges in addition to being acculturated to Manchu culture. So many Han defected to the Qing Empire and swelled up the ranks of the Eight Banners that ethnic Manchus became a minority within the Banners, making up only 16% in 1648, with Han Bannermen dominating at 75% and Mongol Bannermen making up the rest.[91][92][93] It was this multi-ethnic, majority Han force in which Manchus were a minority, which conquered China for the Qing Empire.[94]

A mass marriage of Han Chinese officers and officials to Manchu women was organized to balance the massive number of Han women who entered the Manchu court as courtesans, concubines, and wives. These couples were arranged by Prince Yoto and Hong Taiji in 1632 to promote harmony between the two ethnic groups.[95]:148 Also to promote ethnic harmony, a 1648 decree from the Shunzhi Emperor allowed Han Chinese civilian men to marry Manchu women from the Banners with the permission of the Board of Revenue if they were registered daughters of officials or commoners or the permission of their banner company captain if they were unregistered commoners. It was only later in the dynasty that these policies allowing intermarriage were done away with.[96][95]:140

The Qing Empire ca. 1820

The change of the name from Jurchen to Manchu was made to hide the fact that the ancestors of the Manchus, the Jianzhou Jurchens, had been ruled by the Chinese.[97][98][99][28]:280 The Qing dynasty carefully hid the two original editions of the books of "Qing Taizu Wu Huangdi Shilu" and the "Manzhou Shilu Tu" (Taizu Shilu Tu) in the Qing palace, forbidden from public view because they showed that the Manchu Aisin-Gioro family had been ruled by the Ming dynasty.[100][101] In the Ming period, the Koreans of Joseon referred to the Jurchen inhabited lands north of the Korean peninsula, above the rivers Yalu and Tumen to be part of Ming China, as the "superior country" (sangguk) which they called Ming China.[102] The Qing deliberately excluded references and information that showed the Jurchens (Manchus) as subservient to the Ming dynasty, from the History of Ming to hide their former subservient relationship to the Ming. The Veritable Records of Ming were not used to source content on Jurchens during Ming rule in the History of Ming because of this.[103]

As a result of their conquest of China, almost all the Manchus followed the prince regent Dorgon and the Shunzhi Emperor to Beijing and settled there.[104]:134[105]:1 (Preface) A few of them were sent to other places such as Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet to serve as garrison troops.[105]:1 (Preface) There were only 1524 Bannermen left in Manchuria at the time of the initial Manchu conquest.[104]:18 After a series of border conflicts with the Russians, the Qing emperors started to realize the strategic importance of Manchuria and gradually sent Manchus back where they originally came from.[104]:134 But throughout the Qing dynasty, Beijing was the focal point of the ruling Manchus in the political, economic and cultural spheres. The Yongzheng Emperor noted: "Garrisons are the places of stationed works, Beijing is their homeland."[106]:1326

While the Manchu ruling elite at the Qing imperial court in Beijing and posts of authority throughout China increasingly adopted Han culture, the Qing imperial government viewed the Manchu communities (as well as those of various tribal people) in Manchuria as a place where traditional Manchu virtues could be preserved, and as a vital reservoir of military manpower fully dedicated to the regime.[107]:182–184 The Qing emperors tried to protect the traditional way of life of the Manchus (as well as various other tribal peoples) in central and northern Manchuria by a variety of means. In particular, they restricted the migration of Han settlers to the region. This had to be balanced with practical needs, such as maintaining the defense of northern China against the Russians and the Mongols, supplying government farms with a skilled work force, and conducting trade in the region's products, which resulted in a continuous trickle of Han convicts, workers, and merchants to the northeast.[107]:20–23,78–90,112–115

Han Chinese transfrontiersmen and other non-Jurchen origin people who joined the Later Jin very early were put into the Manchu Banners and were known as "Baisin" in Manchu, and not put into the Han Banners to which later Han Chinese were placed in.[108][109]:82 An example was the Tokoro Manchu clan in the Manchu banners which claimed to be descended from a Han Chinese with the surname of Tao who had moved north from Zhejiang to Liaodong and joined the Jurchens before the Qing in the Ming Wanli emperor's era.[108][109]:48[110][111] The Han Chinese Banner Tong 佟 clan of Fushun in Liaoning falsely claimed to be related to the Jurchen Manchu Tunggiya 佟佳 clan of Jilin, using this false claim to get themselves transferred to a Manchu banner in the reign of the Kangxi emperor.[112]

Select groups of Han Chinese bannermen were mass transferred into Manchu Banners by the Qing, changing their ethnicity from Han Chinese to Manchu. Han Chinese bannermen of Tai Nikan 台尼堪 (watchpost Chinese) and Fusi Nikan 撫順尼堪 (Fushun Chinese)[86]:84 backgrounds into the Manchu banners in 1740 by order of the Qing Qianlong emperor.[109]:128 It was between 1618 and 1629 when the Han Chinese from Liaodong who later became the Fushun Nikan and Tai Nikan defected to the Jurchens (Manchus).[109]:103–105 These Han Chinese origin Manchu clans continue to use their original Han surnames and are marked as of Han origin on Qing lists of Manchu clans.[113][114][115][116] The Fushun Nikan became Manchufied and the originally Han banner families of Wang Shixuan, Cai Yurong, Zu Dashou, Li Yongfang, Shi Tingzhu and Shang Kexi intermarried extensively with Manchu families.[117]

Manchu families adopted Han Chinese sons from families of bondservant Booi Aha (baoyi) origin and they served in Manchu company registers as detached household Manchus and the Qing imperial court found this out in 1729. Manchu Bannermen who needed money helped falsify registration for Han Chinese servants being adopted into the Manchu banners and Manchu families who lacked sons were allowed to adopt their servant's sons or servants themselves.[86]:324 The Manchu families were paid to adopt Han Chinese sons from bondservant families by those families. The Qing Imperial Guard captain Batu was furious at the Manchus who adopted Han Chinese as their sons from slave and bondservant families in exchange for money and expressed his displeasure at them adopting Han Chinese instead of other Manchus.[86]:331 These Han Chinese who infiltrated the Manchu Banners by adoption were known as "secondary-status bannermen" and "false Manchus" or "separate-register Manchus", and there were eventually so many of these Han Chinese that they took over military positions in the Banners which should have been reserved for Manchus. Han Chinese foster-son and separate register bannermen made up 800 out of 1,600 soldiers of the Mongol Banners and Manchu Banners of Hangzhou in 1740 which was nearly 50%. Han Chinese foster-son made up 220 out of 1,600 unsalaried troops at Jingzhou in 1747 and an assortment of Han Chinese separate-register, Mongol, and Manchu bannermen were the remainder. Han Chinese secondary status bannermen made up 180 of 3,600 troop households in Ningxia while Han Chinese separate registers made up 380 out of 2,700 Manchu soldiers in Liangzhou. The result of these Han Chinese fake Manchus taking up military positions resulted in many legitimate Manchus being deprived of their rightful positions as soldiers in the Banner armies, resulting in the real Manchus unable to receive their salaries as Han Chinese infiltrators in the banners stole their social and economic status and rights. These Han Chinese infiltrators were said to be good military troops and their skills at marching and archery were up to par so that the Zhapu lieutenant general couldn't differentiate them from true Manchus in terms of military skills.[86]:325 Manchu Banners contained a lot of "false Manchus" who were from Han Chinese civilian families but were adopted by Manchu bannermen after the Yongzheng reign. The Jingkou and Jiangning Mongol banners and Manchu Banners had 1,795 adopted Han Chinese and the Beijing Mongol Banners and Manchu Banners had 2,400 adopted Han Chinese in statistics taken from the 1821 census. Despite Qing attempts to differentiate adopted Han Chinese from normal Manchu bannermen the differences between them became hazy.[95]:144–145 These adopted Han Chinese bondservants who managed to get themselves onto Manchu banner roles were called kaihu ren (開戶人) in Chinese and dangse faksalaha urse in Manchu. Normal Manchus were called jingkini Manjusa.

A Manchu Bannerman in Guangzhou called Hequan illegally adopted a Han Chinese named Zhao Tinglu, the son of former Han bannerman Zhao Quan, and gave him a new name, Quanheng in order that he be able to benefit from his adopted son receiving a salary as a Banner soldier.[118]

Commoner Manchu bannermen who were not nobility were called irgen which meant common, in contrast to the Manchu nobility of the "Eight Great Houses" who held noble titles.[85][119]

This policy of artificially isolating the Manchus of the northeast from the rest of China could not last forever. In the 1850s, large numbers of Manchu bannermen were sent to central China to fight the Taiping rebels. (For example, just the Heilongjiang province – which at the time included only the northern part of today's Heilongjiang – contributed 67,730 bannermen to the campaign, of whom only 10–20% survived).[107]:117Those few who returned were demoralized and often disposed to opium addiction.[107]:124–125 In 1860, in the aftermath of the loss of Russian Manchuria, and with the imperial and provincial governments in deep financial trouble, parts of Manchuria became officially open to Chinese settlement;[107]:103,sq within a few decades, the Manchus became a minority in most of Manchuria's districts.

Manchu bannermen of the capital garrison in Beijing were said to be the worst militarily, unable to draw bows, unable to ride horses and fight properly and losing their Manchu culture.[120]

Manchu bannermen from the Xi'an banner garrison were praised for maintaining Manchu culture by Kangxi in 1703.[121] Xi'an garrison Manchus were said to retain Manchu culture far better than all other Manchus at martial skills in the provincial garrisons and they were able to draw their bows properly and perform cavalry archery unlike Beijing Manchus. The Qianlong emperor received a memorial staying Xi'an Manchu bannermen still had martial skills although not up to those in the past in a 1737 memorial from Cimbu.[122] By the 1780s, the military skills of Xi'an Manchu bannermen dropped enormously and they had been regarded as the most militarily skilled provincial Manchu banner garrison.[123] Manchu women from the Xi'an garrison often left the walled Manchu garrison and went to hot springs outside the city and gained bad reputations for their sexual lives. A Manchu from Beijing, Sumurji, was shocked and disgusted by this after being appointed Lieutenant general of the Manchu garrison of Xi'an and informed the Yongzheng emperor what they were doing.[124][125] Han civilians and Manchu bannermen in Xi'an had bad relations, with the bannermen trying to steal at the markets. Manchu Lieutenant general Cimbru reported this to Yongzheng emperor in 1729 after he was assigned there. Governor Yue Rui of Shandong was then ordered by the Yongzheng to report any bannerman misbehaving and warned him not to cover it up in 1730 after Manchu bannermen were put in a quarter in Qingzhou.[126] Manchu bannermen from the garrisons in Xi'an and Jingzhou fought in Xinjiang in the 1770s and Manchus from Xi'an garrison fought in other campaigns against the Dzungars and Uyghurs throughout the 1690s and 18th century. In the 1720s Jingzhou, Hangzhou and Nanjing Manchu banner garrisons fought in Tibet.[127]

For the over 200 years they lived next to each other, Han civilians and Manchu bannermen in Xi'an did not intermarry with each other at all.[128] In a book published in 1911 American sociologist Edward Alsworth Ross wrote of his visit to Xi'an just before the Xinhai revolution:"In Sianfu the Tartar quarter is a dismal picture of crumbling walls, decay, indolence and squalor. On the big drill grounds you see the runways along which the horseman gallops and shoots arrows at a target while the Tartar military mandarins look on. These lazy bannermen were tried in the new army but proved flabby and good-for-nothing; they would break down on an ordinary twenty-mile march. Battening on their hereditary pensions they have given themselves up to sloth and vice, and their poor chest development, small weak muscles, and diminishing families foreshadow the early dying out of the stock. Where is there a better illustration of the truth that parasitism leads to degeneration!"[129] Ross spoke highly of the Han and Hui population of Xi'an, Shaanxi and Gansu in general, saying: "After a fortnight of mule litter we sight ancient yellow Sianfu, "the Western capital," with its third of a million souls. Within the fortified triple gate the facial mold abruptly changes and the refined intellectual type appears. Here and there faces of a Hellenic purity of feature are seen and beautiful children are not uncommon. These Chinese cities make one realize how the cream of the population gathers in the urban centers. Everywhere town opportunities have been a magnet for the élite of the open country."[130]

The Qing dynasty altered its law on intermarriage between Han civilians and Manchu bannermen several times in the dynasty. At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, the Qing allowed Han civilians to marry Manchu women. Then the Qing banned civilians from marrying women from the Eight banners later. In 1865, the Qing allowed Han civilian men to marry Manchu bannerwomen in all garrisons except the capital garrison of Beijing. There was no formal law on marriage between people in the different banners like the Manchu and Han banners but it was informally regulated by social status and custom. In northeastern China such as Heilongjiang and Liaoning it was more common for Manchu women to marry Han men since they were not subjected to the same laws and institutional oversight as Manchus and Han in Beijing and elsewhere.[131]

Dulimbai Gurun ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
is the Manchu name for China (中國؛ Zhōngguó؛ 'Middle Kingdom'�).[132] After conquering the Ming dynasty, the Qing rulers typically referred to their state as the "Great Qing" (大清�), or Daicing gurun in Manchu. In some documents, the state, or parts of it, is called "China" (Zhongguo), or "Dulimbai Gurun" in the Manchu tongue. Debate continues over whether the Qing equated the lands of the Qing state, including present-day Manchuria, Xinjiang, Mongolia, Tibet and other areas, with "China" in both the Chinese and Manchu languages. Some scholars claim that the Qing rulers defined China as a multiethnic state, rejecting the idea that China only meant Han areas, proclaiming that both Han and non-Han peoples were part of "China", using "China" to refer to the Qing dynasty's empire in official documents, international treaties, and foreign affairs, and the term "Chinese people" (中國人؛ Zhōngguó Rén�; Manchu: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ‍ᡳ
Dulimbai gurun-i niyalma) referred to all the Han, Manchu, and Mongol subjects of the Qing Empire.[133]

When the Qing Empire conquered Dzungaria in 1759, it proclaimed that the new land was absorbed into "China" (Dulimbai Gurun) in a Manchu-language memorial.[134]:77 The Qing government expounded in its ideology that it was bringing the "outer" non-Han Chinese like the Inner Mongols, Eastern Mongols, Oirat Mongols, and Tibetans together with the "inner" Han Chinese into "one family" united in the Qing state. The Qing government used the phrase "Zhongwai yijia" 中外一家 or "neiwai yijia" 內外一家 ("interior and exterior as one family") to convey this idea of unification of the different peoples of their empire.[134]:76–77 A Manchu-language version of a treaty with the Russian Empire concerning criminal jurisdiction over bandits called people from the Qing Empire as "people of the Central Kingdom (Dulimbai Gurun)".[135] In the Manchu official Tulisen's Manchu language account of his meeting with the Torghut leader Ayuka Khan, it was mentioned that while the Torghuts were unlike the Russians, the "people of the Central Kingdom" (dulimba-i gurun 中國, Zhongguo) were like the Torghuts; "people of the Central Kingdom" meant Manchus.[82]:218

It was possible for Han Bannermen and Han bondservants (booi) to become Manchu by being transferred into the upper three Manchu Banners and having their surname "Manchufied" with the addition of a "giya" (�) as a suffix. The process was called taiqi (擡旗؛ 'raising of the banner'�) in Chinese. It typically occurred in cases of intermarriage with the Aisin-Gioro clan (the imperial clan); close relatives (fathers and brothers) of the concubine or Empress would get promoted from the Han Banner to the Manchu Banner and become Manchu.

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العصر الحديث

نبيلات مانچويات في عقد 1900.
Prince Zaitao dresses in modern reformed uniform of late Qing dynasty

The majority of the hundreds of thousands of people living in inner Beijing during the Qing were Manchus and Mongol bannermen from the Eight Banners after they were moved there in 1644, since Han Chinese were expelled and not allowed to re-enter the inner part of the city.[136][137][138] Only after the "Hundred Days Reform", during the reign of emperor Guangxu, were Han were allowed to re-enter inner Beijing.[138]

Many Manchu Bannermen in Beijing supported the Boxers in the Boxer Rebellion and shared their anti-foreign sentiment.[85] The Manchu Bannermen were devastated by the fighting during the First Sino-Japanese War and the Boxer Rebellion, sustaining massive casualties during the wars and subsequently being driven into extreme suffering and hardship.[139]:80 Much of the fighting in the Boxer Rebellion against the foreigners in defense of Beijing and Manchuria was done by Manchu Banner armies, which were destroyed while resisting the invasion. The German Minister Clemens von Ketteler was assassinated by a Manchu.[140]:72 Thousands of Manchus fled south from Aigun during the fighting in the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, their cattle and horses then stolen by Russian Cossacks who razed their villages and homes.[141]:4 The clan system of the Manchus in Aigun was obliterated by the despoliation of the area at the hands of the Russian invaders.[142]

Manchu banner garrisons were annihilated on 5 roads by Russians as they suffered most of the casualties. Manchu Shoufu killed himself during the battle of Peking and the Manchu Lao She's father was killed by western soldiers in the battle as the Manchu banner armies of the Center Division of the Guards Army, Tiger Spirit Division and Peking Field Force in the Metropolitan banners were slaughtered by the western soldiers. Baron von Ketteler, the German diplomat was murdered by Captain Enhai, a Manchu from the Tiger Spirit Division of Aisin Gioro Zaiyi, Prince Duan and the Inner city Legation Quarters and Catholic cathedral (Church of the Saviour, Beijing) were both attacked by Manchu bannermen. Manchu bannermen were slaughtered by the Eight Nation Alliance all over Manchuria and Beijing because most of the Manchu bannermen supported the Boxers in the Boxer rebellion.[143] There were 1,266 households including 900 Daurs and 4,500 Manchus in Sixty-Four Villages East of the River and Blagoveshchensk until the Blagoveshchensk massacre and Sixty-Four Villages East of the River massacre committed by Russian Cossack soldiers.[144] Many Manchu villages were burned by Cossacks in the massacre according to Victor Zatsepine.[145] Western and Japanese soldiers mass raped Manchu women and Mongol banner women in the Tartar Banner inner city of Beijing in siheyuan hutongs in the city. Sawara Tokusuke, a Japanese journalist wrote in "Miscellaneous Notes about the Boxers,"[146]:268 about the rapes of Manchu and Mongol banner girls like when Manchu bannerman Yulu 裕禄 of the Hitara clan was killed in Yangcun and his seven daughters gang raped in the Heavenly palace.[146]:268 A daughter and wife of Mongol banner noble Chongqi 崇绮 of the Alute clan were gang raped.[146]:266 Multiple relatives including his son Baochu killed themselves after he killed himself on 26 August 1900. (Fang 75).[147]

Manchu royals, officials and officers like Yuxian, Qixiu 啟秀, Zaixun, Prince Zhuang and Captain Enhai (En Hai) were executed or forced to commit suicide by the Eight Nation Alliance. Manchu official Gangyi's 剛毅 execution was demanded but he already died.[148] Japanese soldiers arrested Qixiu before he was executed.[149] Zaixun, Prince Zhuang was forced to commit suicide on 21 February 1901.[150][151] They executed Yuxian on 22 February 1901.[152][153] On 31 December 1900 German soldiers beheaded the Manchu captain Enhai for killing Clemens von Ketteler.[154] Posthumous dishonour was conferred upon Gangyi.[143]

By the 19th century, most Manchus in the city garrison spoke only Mandarin Chinese, not Manchu, which still distinguished them from their Han neighbors in southern China, who spoke non-Mandarin dialects. That they spoke Beijing dialect made recognizing Manchus folks relatively easy.[139]:204[140]:204 It was northern Standard Chinese which the Manchu Bannermen spoke instead of the local dialect the Han people around the garrison spoke, so that Manchus in the garrisons at Jingzhou and Guangzhou both spoke Beijing Mandarin even though Cantonese was spoken at Guangzhou, and the Beijing dialect of Mandarin distinguished the Manchu bannermen at the Xi'an garrison from the local Han people who spoke the Xi'an dialect of Mandarin.[139]:42[140]:42 Many Bannermen got jobs as teachers, writing textbooks for learning Mandarin and instructing people in Mandarin.[155]:69 In Guangdong, the Manchu Mandarin teacher Sun Yizun advised that the Yinyun Chanwei and Kangxi Zidian, dictionaries issued by the Qing government, were the correct guides to Mandarin pronunciation, rather than the pronunciation of the Beijing and Nanjing dialects.[155]:51

In the late 19th century and early 1900s, intermarriage between Manchus and Han bannermen in the northeast increased as Manchu families were more willing to marry their daughters to sons from well off Han families to trade their ethnic status for higher financial status.[156]

The Han Chinese Li Guojie, the grandson of Li Hongzhang, married the Manchu daughter of Natong (那桐), the Grand Secretary (大學士).[140]:76–77 Most intermarriage consisted of Han Bannermen marrying Manchus in areas like Aihun.[139]:263 Han Chinese Bannermen wedded Manchus and there was no law against this.[157] Two of the Han Chinese General Yuan Shikai's sons married Manchu women, his sons Yuan Kequan 克權 marrying one of Manchu official Duanfang's daughters and Yuan Kexiang 克相 marrying one of Manchu official Natong's daughters, and one his daughters married a Manchu man, Yuan Fuzhen 複禎 marrying one of Manchu official Yinchang's sons.[158]

Manchus in Heilongjiang were so confused about their culture by the end of the Qing dynasty they thought that the Manchu shaved head and pigtail hairstyle was Han and that Han Confucianism was Manchu ideology, and when the revolution in 1911 came they abandoned what they thought was the Han hairstyle.[159][160]

As the end of the Qing dynasty approached, Manchus were portrayed as outside colonizers by Chinese nationalists such as Sun Yat-sen, even though the Republican revolution he brought about was supported by many reform-minded Manchu officials and military officers.[140]:265 This portrayal dissipated somewhat after the 1911 revolution as the new Republic of China now sought to include Manchus within its national identity.[140]:275 In order to blend in, some Manchus switched to speaking the local dialect instead of Standard Chinese.[139]:270[140]:270

First flag used by Republican China

By the early years of the Republic of China, very few areas of China still had traditional Manchu populations. Among the few regions where such comparatively traditional communities could be found, and where the Manchu language was still widely spoken, were the Aigun (المانچو: ᠠᡳᡥᡡᠨ; Möllendorff: aihūn; Abkai: aihvn) District and the Qiqihar (المانچو: ᠴᡳᠴᡳᡤᠠᡵ; Möllendorff: cicigar; Abkai: qiqigar) District of Heilongjiang Province.[141]:i, 3–4

Fengtian Clique soldiers in the 1920s

Until 1924, the Chinese government continued to pay stipends to Manchu bannermen, but many cut their links with their banners and took on Han-style names to avoid persecution.[140]:270 The official total of Manchus fell by more than half during this period, as they refused to admit their ethnicity when asked by government officials or other outsiders.[140]:270, 283 On the other hand, in warlord Zhang Zuolin's reign in Manchuria, much better treatment was reported.[161]:157[63]:153 There was no particular persecution of Manchus.[161]:157 Even the mausoleums of Qing emperors were still allowed to be managed by Manchu guardsmen, as in the past.[161]:157 Many Manchus joined the Fengtian clique, such as Xi Qia, a member of the Qing dynasty's imperial clan.

As a follow-up to the Mukden Incident, Manchukuo, a puppet state in Manchuria, was created by the Empire of Japan which was nominally ruled by the deposed Last Emperor, Puyi, in 1932. Although the nation's name implied a primarily Manchu affiliation, it was actually a completely new country for all the ethnicities in Manchuria,[162][161]:160 which had a majority Han population and was opposed by many Manchus as well as people of other ethnicities who fought against Japan in the Second Sino-Japanese War.[63]:185 The Japanese Ueda Kyōsuke labeled all 30 million people in Manchuria "Manchus", including Han Chinese, even though most of them were not ethnic Manchu, and the Japanese-written "Great Manchukuo" built upon Ueda's argument to claim that all 30 million "Manchus" in Manchukuo had the right to independence to justify splitting Manchukuo from China.[163]:2000 In 1942, the Japanese-written "Ten Year History of the Construction of Manchukuo" attempted to emphasize the right of ethnic Japanese to the land of Manchukuo while attempting to delegitimize the Manchus' claim to Manchukuo as their native land, noting that most Manchus moved out during the Qing dynasty and only returned later.[163]:255

In 1952, after the failure of both Manchukuo and the Nationalist Government (KMT), the newborn People's Republic of China officially recognized the Manchu as one of the ethnic minorities as Mao Zedong had criticized the Han chauvinism that dominated the KMT.[140]:277 In the 1953 census, 2.5 million people identified themselves as Manchu.[140]:276 The Communist government also attempted to improve the treatment of Manchu people; some Manchu people who had hidden their ancestry during the period of KMT rule became willing to reveal their ancestry, such as the writer Lao She, who began to include Manchu characters in his fictional works in the 1950s.[140]:280 Between 1982 and 1990, the official count of Manchu people more than doubled from 4,299,159 to 9,821,180, making them China's fastest-growing ethnic minority,[140]:282 but this growth was only on paper, as this was due to people formerly registered as Han applying for official recognition as Manchu.[140]:283 Since the 1980s, thirteen Manchu autonomous counties have been created in Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, and Heilongjiang.[164]

The Eight Banners system is one of the most important ethnic identity of today's Manchu people.[86]:43 So nowadays, Manchus are more like an ethnic coalition which not only contains the descendants of Manchu bannermen, also has a large number of Manchu-assimilated Chinese and Mongol bannermen.[165][166][167][161]:5 (Preface) However, Solon and Sibe Bannermen who were considered as part of Eight Banner system under the Qing dynasty were registered as independent ethnic groups by the PRC government as Daur, Evenk, Nanai, Oroqen, and Sibe.[140]:295

Since the 1980s, the reform after Cultural Revolution, there has been a renaissance of Manchu culture and language among the government, scholars and social activities with remarkable achievements.[63]:209, 215, 218–228 It was also reported that the resurgence of interest also spread among Han Chinese.[168] In modern China, Manchu culture and language preservation is promoted by the Chinese Communist Party, and Manchus once again form one of the most socioeconomically advanced minorities within China.[169] Manchus generally face little to no discrimination in their daily lives, there is however, a remaining anti-Manchu sentiment amongst Han nationalists conspiracy theorists. It is particularly common with participants of the Hanfu movement who subscribe to conspiracy theories about Manchu people, such as the Chinese Communist Party being occupied by Manchu elites hence the better treatment Manchus receive under the People's Republic of China in contrast to their persecution under the KMT's Republic of China rule.[170]


البر الصيني

Most Manchu people now live in Mainland China with a population of 10,410,585,[171] which is 9.28% of ethnic minorities and 0.77% of China's total population.[171] Among the provincial regions, there are two provinces, Liaoning and Hebei, which have over 1,000,000 Manchu residents.[171] Liaoning has 5,336,895 Manchu residents which is 51.26% of Manchu population and 12.20% provincial population; Hebei has 2,118,711 which is 20.35% of Manchu people and 70.80% of provincial ethnic minorites.[171] Manchus are the largest ethnic minority in Liaoning, Hebei, Heilongjiang and Beijing; 2nd largest in Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Shanxi and 3rd largest in Henan, Shandong and Anhui.[171]


الترتيب المنطقة إجمالي
المانچو النسبة المئوية
النسبة المئوية
من السكان
الأقليات العرقية(%
النسبة المئوية المحلية
الترتيب المحلي
لسكان العرقية
الإجمالي 1,335,110,869 10,410,585 100 9.28 0.77
(في المقاطعات ال31)
1,332,810,869 10,387,958 99.83 9.28 0.78
G1 شمال الشرق 109,513,129 6,951,280 66.77 68.13 6.35
G2 الشمال 164,823,663 3,002,873 28.84 32.38 1.82
G3 الشرق 392,862,229 122,861 1.18 3.11 0.03
G4 جنوب الوسط 375,984,133 120,424 1.16 0.39 0.03
G5 شمال الغرب 96,646,530 82,135 0.79 0.40 0.08
G6 جنوب الغرب 192,981,185 57,785 0.56 0.15 0.03
1 لياوننگ 43,746,323 5,336,895 51.26 80.34 12.20 2
2 خبي 71,854,210 2,118,711 20.35 70.80 2.95 2
3 جي‌لين 27,452,815 866,365 8.32 39.64 3.16 3
4 هـِيْ‌لونگ‌جيانگ 38,313,991 748,020 7.19 54.41 1.95 2
5 منغوليا الداخلية 24,706,291 452,765 4.35 8.96 2.14 3
6 بكين 19,612,368 336,032 3.23 41.94 1.71 2
7 تيان‌جين 12,938,693 83,624 0.80 25.23 0.65 3
8 هـِنان 94,029,939 55,493 0.53 4.95 0.06 4
9 شان‌دونگ 95,792,719 46,521 0.45 6.41 0.05 4
10 گوانگ‌دونگ 104,320,459 29,557 0.28 1.43 0.03 9
11 شنگهاي 23,019,196 25,165 0.24 9.11 0.11 5
12 نينگ‌شيا 6,301,350 24,902 0.24 1.12 0.40 3
13 گوي‌ژو 34,748,556 23,086 0.22 0.19 0.07 18
14 شين‌جيانگ 21,815,815 18,707 0.18 0.14 0.09 10
15 جيانگ‌سو 78,660,941 18,074 0.17 4.70 0.02 7
16 شآن‌شي 37,327,379 16,291 0.16 8.59 0.04 3
17 سيشوان 80,417,528 15,920 0.15 0.32 0.02 10
18 گان‌سو 25,575,263 14,206 0.14 0.59 0.06 7
19 يون‌نان 45,966,766 13,490 0.13 0.09 0.03 24
20 هوبـِيْ 57,237,727 12,899 0.12 0.52 0.02 6
21 شان‌شي 25,712,101 11,741 0.11 12.54 0.05 3
22 ژجيانگ 54,426,891 11,271 0.11 0.93 0.02 13
23 گوانگ‌شي 46,023,761 11,159 0.11 0.07 0.02 12
24 آن‌هوي 59,500,468 8,516 0.08 2.15 0.01 4
25 فوجيان 36,894,217 8,372 0.08 1.05 0.02 10
26 چينگ‌هاي 5,626,723 8,029 0.08 0.30 0.14 7
27 هونان 65,700,762 7,566 0.07 0.12 0.01 9
28 جيانگ شي 44,567,797 4,942 0.05 2.95 0.01 6
29 تشونگ‌چينگ 28,846,170 4,571 0.04 0.24 0.02 7
30 هاينان 8,671,485 3,750 0.04 0.26 0.04 8
31 التبت 3,002,165 718 <0.01 0.03 0.02 11
مدنيون نشطون 2,300,000 22,627 0.24 23.46 1.05 2

مناطق المانچو ذاتية الحكم

عرقية المانچو
المنطقة ذاتية الحكم
Paifang Hui and Manchu Ethnic Township Anhui Hefei Feidong
Labagoumen Manchu Ethnic Township Beijing N/A Huairou
Changshaoying Manchu Ethnic Township Beijing N/A Huairou
Huangni Yi, Miao and Manchu Ethnic Township Guizhou Bijie Dafang
Jinpo Miao, Yi and Manchu Ethnic Township Guizhou Bijie Qianxi
Anluo Miao, Yi and Manchu Ethnic Township Guizhou Bijie Jinsha
Xinhua Miao, Yi and Manchu Ethnic Township Guizhou Bijie Jinsha
Tangquan Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Tangshan Zunhua
Xixiaying Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Tangshan Zunhua
Dongling Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Tangshan Zunhua
Lingyunce Manchu and Hui Ethnic Township Hebei Baoding Yi
Loucun Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Baoding Laishui
Daweihe Hui and Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Langfang Wen'an
Pingfang Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Anchungou Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Wudaoyingzi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Zhengchang Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Mayingzi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Fujiadianzi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Xidi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Xiaoying Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Datun Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Xigou Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Luanping
Gangzi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Chengde
Liangjia Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Chengde
Bagualing Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Xinglong
Nantianmen Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Xinglong
Yinjiaying Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Miaozigou Mongol and Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Badaying Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Taipingzhuang Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Jiutun Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Xi'achao Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Baihugou Mongol and Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Longhua
Liuxi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Qijiadai Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Pingfang Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Maolangou Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Xuzhangzi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Nanwushijia Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Guozhangzi Manchu Ethnic Township Hebei Chengde Pingquan
Hongqi Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Nangang
Xingfu Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Lequn Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Tongxin Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Xiqin Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Gongzheng Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Lianxing Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Xinxing Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Qingling Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Nongfeng Manchu and Xibe Ethnic Town Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Yuejin Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Shuangcheng
Lalin Manchu Ethnic Town Heilongjiang Harbin Wuchang
Hongqi Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Wuchang
Niujia Manchu Ethnic Town Heilongjiang Harbin Wuchang
Yingchengzi Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Wuchang
Shuangqiaozi Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Wuchang
Liaodian Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Harbin Acheng
Shuishiying Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Qiqihar Ang'angxi
Youyi Daur, Kirgiz and Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Qiqihar Fuyu
Taha Manchu and Daur Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Qiqihar Fuyu
Jiangnan Korean and Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Ning'an
Chengdong Korean and Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Ning'an
Sijiazi Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Heihe Aihui
Yanjiang Daur and Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Heihe Sunwu
Suisheng Manchu Ethnic Town Heilongjiang Suihua Beilin
Yong'an Manchu Ethnic Town Heilongjiang Suihua Beilin
Hongqi Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Suihua Beilin
Huiqi Manchu Ethnic Town Heilongjiang Suihua Wangkui
Xiangbai Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Suihua Wangkui
Lingshan Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Suihua Wangkui
Fuxing Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Hegang Suibin
Chengfu Korean and Manchu Ethnic Township Heilongjiang Shuangyashan Youyi
Longshan Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Siping Gongzhuling
Ershijiazi Manchu Ethnic Town Jilin Siping Gongzhuling
Sanjiazi Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Yanbian Hunchun
Yangpao Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Yanbian Hunchun
Wulajie Manchu Ethnic Town Jilin Jilin City Longtan
Dakouqin Manchu Ethnic Town Jilin Jilin City Yongji
Liangjiazi Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Jilin City Yongji
Jinjia Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Jilin City Yongji
Tuchengzi Manchu and Korean Ethnic Township Jilin Jilin City Yongji
Jindou Korean and Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Tonghua Tonghua County
Daquanyuan Korean and Manchu Ethnic Township Jilin Tonghua Tonghua County
Xiaoyang Manchu and Korean Ethnic Township Jilin Tonghua Meihekou
Sanhe Manchu and Korean Ethnic Township Jilin Liaoyuan Dongfeng County
Mantang Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Shenyang Dongling
Liushutun Mongol and Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Shenyang Kangping
Shajintai Mongol and Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Shenyang Kangping
Dongsheng Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Township Liaoning Shenyang Kangping
Liangguantun Mongol and Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Shenyang Kangping
Shihe Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Dalian Jinzhou
Qidingshan Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Jinzhou
Taling Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Zhuanghe
Gaoling Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Zhuanghe
Guiyunhua Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Zhuanghe
Sanjiashan Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Zhuanghe
Yangjia Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Wafangdian
Santai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Wafangdian
Laohutun Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dalian Wafangdian
Dagushan Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Anshan Qianshan
Songsantaizi Korean and Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Anshan Qianshan
Lagu Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Fushun Fushun County
Tangtu Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Fushun Fushun County
Sishanling Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Benxi Nanfen
Xiamatang Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Benxi Nanfen
Huolianzhai Hui and Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Benxi Xihu
Helong Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Dandong Donggang
Longwangmiao Manchu and Xibe Ethnic Town Liaoning Dandong Donggang
Juliangtun Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Jiudaoling Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Dizangsi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Hongqiangzi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Liulonggou Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Shaohuyingzi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Dadingpu Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Toutai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Toudaohe Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Chefang Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Wuliangdian Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Jinzhou Yi
Baichanmen Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Jinzhou Heishan
Zhen'an Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Heishan
Wendilou Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Jinzhou Linghai
Youwei Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Jinzhou Linghai
East Liujiazi Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Town Liaoning Fuxin Zhangwu
West Liujiazi Manchu and Mongol Ethnic Town Liaoning Fuxin Zhangwu
Jidongyu Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Liaoyang Liaoyang County
Shuiquan Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Liaoyang Liaoyang County
Tianshui Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Liaoyang Liaoyang County
Quantou Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Tieling Changtu County
Babaotun Manchu, Xibe and Korean Ethnic Town Liaoning Tieling Kaiyuan
Huangqizhai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Kaiyuan
Shangfeidi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Kaiyuan
Xiafeidi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Kaiyuan
Linfeng Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Kaiyuan
Baiqizhai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Tieling County
Hengdaohezi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Tieling County
Chengping Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Dexing Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Helong Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Jinxing Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Mingde Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Songshu Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Yingcheng Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Tieling Xifeng
Xipingpo Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Dawangmiao Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Fanjia Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Gaodianzi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Gejia Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Huangdi Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Huangjia Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Kuanbang Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Mingshui Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Shahe Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Wanghu Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Xiaozhuangzi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Yejia Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Gaotai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Suizhong
Baita Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Caozhuang Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Dazhai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Dongxinzhuang Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Gaojialing Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Guojia Manchu Ethnic Town Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Haibin Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Hongyazi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Jianjin Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Jianchang Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Jiumen Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Liutaizi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Nandashan Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Shahousuo Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Wanghai Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Weiping Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Wenjia Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Yang'an Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Yaowangmiao Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Yuantaizi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Xingcheng
Erdaowanzi Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Jianchang
Xintaimen Manchu Ethnic Township Liaoning Huludao Lianshan
Manzutun Manchu Ethnic Township Inner Mongolia Hinggan Horqin Right Front Banner
Guanjiayingzi Manchu Ethnic Township Inner Mongolia Chifeng Songshan
Shijia Manchu Ethnic Township Inner Mongolia Chifeng Harqin Banner
Caonian Manchu Ethnic Township Inner Mongolia Ulanqab Liangcheng
Sungezhuang Manchu Ethnic Township Tianjin N/A Ji

مناطق أخرى

Manchu people can be found living outside mainland China. There are approximately 12,000 Manchus now in Taiwan. Most of them moved to Taiwan with the ROC government in 1949. One notable example was Puru, a famous painter, calligrapher and also the founder of the Manchu Association of Republic of China.


Influence on other Tungusic peoples

The Manchus implemented measures to "Manchufy" the other Tungusic peoples living around the Amur River basin.[75]:38 The southern Tungusic Manchus influenced the northern Tungusic peoples linguistically, culturally, and religiously.[75]:242

اللغة والأبجدية


"Banjin Inenggi" and Manchu linguistic activity by the government and students in Changchun, 2011

The Manchu language is a Tungusic language and has many dialects. Its standard form is called "Standard Manchu". It originates from the accent of Jianzhou Jurchens[172]:246 and was officially standardized during the Qianlong Emperor's reign.[27]:40 During the Qing dynasty, Manchus at the imperial court were required to speak Standard Manchu or face the emperor's reprimand.[172]:247 This applied equally to the palace presbyter for shamanic rites when performing sacrifice.[172]:247

After the 19th century, most Manchus had perfected Standard Chinese and the number of Manchu speakers was dwindling.[27]:33 Although the Qing emperors emphasized the importance of the Manchu language again and again, the tide could not be turned. After the Qing dynasty collapsed, the Manchu language lost its status as a national language and its official use in education ended. Manchus today generally speak Standard Chinese. The remaining skilled native Manchu speakers number less than 100,[173] most of whom are to be found in Sanjiazi (المانچو: ᡳᠯᠠᠨ
; Möllendorff: ilan boo; Abkai: ilan bou), Heilongjiang Province.[174] Since the 1980s, there has been a resurgence of the Manchu language among the government, scholars and social activities.[63]:218 In recent years, with the help of the governments in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, many schools started to have Manchu classes.[175][176][177] There are also Manchu volunteers in many places of China who freely teach Manchu in the desire to rescue the language.[178][179][180][181] Thousands of non-Manchus have learned the language through these platforms.[182][183][184]

Today, in an effort to save Manchu culture from extinction, the older generation of Manchus are spending their own money and time to teach young people. In an effort to encourage learners, these classes were oftentimes free. They teach through the Internet and even mail Manchu textbooks for free, all for the purpose of protecting the national cultural traditions.[185]


The Jurchens, ancestors of the Manchus, had created Jurchen script in the Jin dynasty. After the Jin dynasty collapsed, the Jurchen script was gradually lost. In the Ming dynasty, 60%–70% of Jurchens used Mongolian script to write letters and 30%–40% of Jurchens used Chinese characters.[65] This persisted until Nurhaci revolted against the Ming Empire. Nurhaci considered it a major impediment that his people lacked a script of their own, so he commanded his scholars, Gagai and Eldeni, to create Manchu characters by reference to Mongolian scripts.[186]:4 They dutifully complied with the Khan's order and created Manchu script, which is called "script without dots and circles" (المانچو: ᡨᠣᠩᡴᡳ
; Möllendorff: tongki fuka akū hergen; Abkai: tongki fuka akv hergen; 无圈点满文�) or "old Manchu script" (老满文�).[105]:3 (Preface) Due to its hurried creation, the script has its defects. Some vowels and consonants were difficult to distinguish.[106]:5324–5327[27]:11–17 Shortly afterwards, their successor Dahai used dots and circles to distinguish vowels, aspirated and non-aspirated consonants and thus completed the script. His achievement is called "script with dots and circles" or "new Manchu script".[187]

الوضع الحالي

"Banjin Inenggi" and Manchu linguistic activity by the government and students in Changchun, 2011

الأسماء وطرق التسمية

أسماء العائلة

the cover of the Eight Manchu Banners' Surname-Clans' Book


الوضع الحالي

طقوس الدفن

تصفيفة الشعر التقليدية

الزي التقليدي

شاب من المانچو يرتدي الزي التقليدي.

الأنشطة التقليدية

ركوب الخيل والرامية

Painting of Qianlong Emperor hunting

مصارعة المانچو

Manchu wrestlers competed in front of Qianlong Emperor

تدريب الصقور

التزلج على الجليد

The performance of Manchu palace skaters on holiday


الفنون الشعبية

Octagonal drum performance on stage
Akšan, Manchu singer and ulabun artist


الشامانية المانچوية


الديانة التقليدية الصينية

Guan Yu who was regarded as the God Protector of the Nation


العطلات التقليدية

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Also known as Man,[4] Bannermen,[5][6] شعب الراية،[7] التتار،[8] المنغول ذوي الشارات الحمراء (红缨蒙古),[9] المنغول المرتدون للشارات الحمراء (戴红缨的蒙古人)[10] والتتار المتردون للشارات الحمراء (戴红缨达子)[10]
  2. ^ Fengcheng and Beizhen are cities but treated as Manchu autonomous counties.[14]
  3. ^ Autonomous counties are shown in bright green. Counties with autonomous townships are in dark green, with the number of Manchu townshipin each county shown in red (or yellow). So are another 2 pictures



  1. ^ أ ب ت 中国2010年人口普查资料 上中下 (the Data of 2010 China Population Census). China Statistics Press. 2012. ISBN 9787503765070. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  2. ^ Manchusoc:The Origins of Manchu People in Taiwan (traditional Chinese)
  3. ^ the Gospel Need of Manchu People (simplified Chinese)
  4. ^ "Manchu". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  5. ^ Elliott 2001, pp. 13–15
  6. ^ lear. "词语"旗人"的解释 汉典 zdic.net". Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  7. ^ Elliott 2001, p. 15
  8. ^ Elliott 2001, p. 98
  9. ^ Various authors 2008, p. 258 (Shizu period)
  10. ^ أ ب Uyun Bilig: The Files of Chahar and Ligdan Khan in Ming Dynasty (simplified Chinese)
  11. ^ Merriam-Webster, Inc 2003, p. 754
  12. ^ Zheng 2009, p. 79
  13. ^ Vollmer 2002, p. 76
  14. ^ Writing Group of Manchu Brief History 2009, p. 207
  15. ^ Writing Group of Manchu Brief History 2009, pp. 206–207
  16. ^ أ ب ت ث ج Peterson, Willard J. (2002). the Cambridge History of China, the Ch'ing dynasty to 1800. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-24334-6.
  17. ^ Endymion Porter Wilkinson (2000). Chinese History: A Manual. Harvard Univ Asia Center. p. 728. ISBN 978-0-674-00249-4.
  18. ^ Yan, Chongnian (2008). 《明亡清兴六十年(彩图珍藏版)》 [60 Years History of the Perishing Ming and Rising Qing, Valuable Colored Picture Edition]. Zhonghua Book Compary. ISBN 9787101059472.
  19. ^ Agui (1988). 《满洲源流考》 [Researches on Manchu Origins]. 辽宁民族古籍历史类. Liaoning Nationality Publishing House. p. 2. ISBN 9787805270609.
  20. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ Meng (孟), Sen (森) (2006). 《满洲开国史讲义》 [the Lecture Note of Early Manchu History]. 孟森著作集. Zhonghua Book Company. ISBN 978-7101050301.
  21. ^ 《族称Manju词源探析》 [The Research of Ethnic Name "Manju"'s Origin]. 《满语研究》 [Manchu Language Research] (1). 2009.
  22. ^ Feng, Jiasheng (冯家升). 《满洲名称之种种推测》 [Many Kinds of Conjecture of the Name "Manju"]. 《东方杂志》 [Dongfang Magazine]. 30 (17).
  23. ^ Teng, Shaojian (滕绍箴) (April 1996). 《满洲名称考述》 [Textual Research of the Name "Manju"]. 《民族研究》 [Ethnicities Research]: 70–77.
  24. ^ Norman, Jerry (2003). "The Manchus and Their Language (Presidential Address)". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 123 (3): 484. doi:10.2307/3217747. JSTOR 3217747.
  25. ^ Hölzl, Andreas (2023). "The Etymology of "Manchu": A Critical Evaluation of the Riverside Hypothesis". International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics. 4 (2): 160–208. doi:10.1163/25898833-00420028. S2CID 257527009.
  26. ^ Li, Yanguang; Guan, Jie (2009). 《满族通史》 [General History of Manchus]. National Publishing House. p. 2. ISBN 9787805271965.
  27. ^ أ ب ت ث Tong, Yonggong (2009). 《满语文与满文档案研究》 [Research of Manchu Language and Archives]. 满族(清代)历史文化研究文库. Liaoning Nationality Publishing House. ISBN 978-7805070438.
  28. ^ أ ب Huang, Pei (June 1990). "New Light on The Origins of The Manchus". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 50 (1): 239–282. doi:10.2307/2719229. JSTOR 2719229.
  29. ^ أ ب Gorelova, Liliya M., ed. (2002). Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 8 Uralic & Central Asian Studies, Manchu Grammar. Vol. Seven Manchu Grammar. Brill Academic Pub. pp. 13–14. ISBN 978-9004123076.
  30. ^ Vajda, E. J. "Manchu (Jurchen)". Pandora Web Space (Western Washington University). Professor Edward Vajda. Archived from the original on 1 June 2010. Retrieved 16 February 2014.
  31. ^ Sinor, Denis, ed. (1990). The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia, Volume 1 (illustrated, reprint ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 416. ISBN 978-0521243049.
  32. ^ Twitchett, Denis C.; Franke, Herbert; Fairbank, John King, eds. (1994). The Cambridge History of China: Volume 6, Alien Regimes and Border States, 710-1368 (illustrated, reprint ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 217. ISBN 978-0521243315.
  33. ^ de Rachewiltz, Igor, ed. (1993). In the Service of the Khan: Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-Yüan Period (1200-1300). Vol. 121 of Asiatische Forschungen. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 112. ISBN 978-3447033398. ISSN 0571-320X. {{cite book}}: |journal= ignored (help)
  34. ^ أ ب Schneider, Julia (2011). "The Jin Revisited: New Assessment of Jurchen Emperors". Journal of Song-Yuan Studies (41): 389. JSTOR 23496214.
  35. ^ Takekoshi, Yosaburō (2004). The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilization of Japan, Volume 1 (reprint ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 134. ISBN 0415323797.
  36. ^ Batten, Bruce L. (31 January 2006). Gateway to Japan: Hakata in War and Peace, 500–1300. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 102, 101, 100. ISBN 9780824842925.
  37. ^ Kang, Chae-ŏn; Kang, Jae-eun; Lee, Suzanne (2006). "5". The Land of Scholars: Two Thousand Years of Korean Confucianism. Sook Pyo Lee, Suzanne Lee. Homa & Sekey Books. p. 75. ISBN 9781931907309.
  38. ^ Brown, Delmer Myers; Hall, John Whitney; Shively, Donald H.; McCullough, William H.; Jansen, Marius B.; Yamamura, Kōzō; Duus, Peter, eds. (1988). The Cambridge History of Japan, Volume 2. Vol. 2 of The Cambridge History of Japan: Heian Japan. 耕造·山村 (illustrated, reprint ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 95. ISBN 0521223539. Alt URL
  39. ^ Adolphson, Mikael S.; Kamens, Edward; Matsumoto, Stacie (2007). Kamens, Edward; Adolphson, Mikael S.; Matsumoto, Stacie (eds.). Heian Japan, Centers and Peripheries. University of Hawai'i Press. p. 376. ISBN 9780824830137.
  40. ^ Kōdansha (1983). Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, Volume 2. Kodansha. p. 79. ISBN 0870116223.
  41. ^ Embree, Ainslie Thomas (1988). Embree, Ainslie Thomas (ed.). Encyclopedia of Asian History. Vol. 1. Robin Jeanne Lewis, Asia Society, Richard W. Bulliet (2, illustrated ed.). Scribner. p. 371. ISBN 0684188988.
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  43. ^ Mizuno, Norihito (2004). JAPAN AND ITS EAST ASIAN NEIGHBORS: JAPAN'S PERCEPTION OF CHINA AND KOREA AND THE MAKING OF FOREIGN POLICY FROM THE SEVENTEENTH TO THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University). The Ohio State University. pp. 163, 164. CiteSeerX
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