
(تم التحويل من Balhae)
Balhae (Parhae) / Bohai

渤海 (كورية) (Hanja)
발해 (Hangul)
渤海 (صينية)
The territory of Balhae in 830, during the reign of King Seon (Xuan) of Balhae.[1][2]
The territory of Balhae in 830, during the reign of King Seon (Xuan) of Balhae.[1][2]
العاصمةDongmo Mountain
Central capital
Upper capital
Eastern capital
Upper capital
اللغات المشتركةGoguryeo (Koreanic),
Classical Chinese (literary)
Confucianism[بحاجة لمصدر]
• 698–719
Go (Gao) (first)
• 719–737
Mu (Wu)
• 737–793
Mun (Wen)
• 818–830
Seon (Xuan)
• Dae Jung-sang begins military campaigns
• Establishment in Tianmenling
• "Balhae" as a kingdom name
• Fall of Sang-gyeong
14 January 926
• 7th–8th century
ca. 500,000
Mohe Peoples
Liao dynasty
Later Balhae
اليوم جزء منChina
North Korea
Korean name
Alternative Korean name
Chinese name
اسم روسي
Manchu script ᡦᡠᡥᠠ‍ᡳ

بال‌هى ( Balhae ؛ بالكورية: 발해؛ النطق الكوري: [pa̠ɽɦɛ̝]، صينية: 渤海؛ پن‌ين: Bóhǎi�، روسية: Бохай, romanized: Bokhay، المانچو: ᡦᡠᡥᠠ‍ᡳ)، وتُكتب أيضاً بوهاي Bohai،‏[7] كانت مملكة متعددة الأعراق امتدت أراضيها إلى ما هو اليوم شمال شرق الصين، شبه جزيرة كوريا والشرق الأقصى الروسي.[8] وقد تأسست في 698 على يد داي جويونگ (دا زوورونگ) و وعـُرِفت في الأصل بإسم مملكة جين (ژن) حتى 713 حين تغير اسمها إلى بال‌هى.

في منتصف القرن السادس، تمكنت مملكة شيلا من إخضاع كل ممالك «گايا» المجاورة لسيطرتها، حيث كانت إحدى أقوى حكومات المدن الصغيرة التي نشأت في جنوب شبه الجزيرة الكورية في الفترة الممتدة من منتصف القرن الأول وحتى منتصف القرن السادس. اكتمل توحيد شبه الجزيرة الكورية رسمياً مع انتصار مملكة شيلا على مملكة تانگ سنة 676. وبعد تكوينها لتحالف مع مملكة تانگ الصينية، تمكنت مملكة شيلا من إخضاع مملكة كوغوريو سنة 660 ومملكة بيكجي سنة 668. اكتمل توحيد شبه الجزيرة الكورية رسمياً مع انتصار مملكة شيلا على مملكة تانگ سنة 676.

مملكتي شيلا الموحدة وبال‌هاي

وبلغت مملكة شيلا أوج عظمتها فيما يتعلق بقوتها وازدهارها خلال منتصف القرن الثامن. وقد حاولت تأسيس دولة بوذية نموذجية. وفي خلال عهد مملكة شيلا الموحدة تم بناء معبد بولكوكسا الرائع. في سنة 698، أسس لاجئون من مملكة كوغوريو مملكة أطلقوا عليها اسم بالهى في جنوب ووسط منشوريا. ولم تتكون مملكة بالهى الجديدة من لاجئين من گوگوريو فحسب، بل حتى من سكان موهى.

أسست مملكة بالهى نظام حكومي على طراز النظام الإداري الخاص بمملكة كوغوريو، كما تعمقت فيها ثقافتها المتطورة.

وبلغ ازدهار مملكة «بال هاي» قمته في أوائل القرن التاسع عندما احتلت أراضي واسعة امتدت حتى نهر أمور شمالاً ومنطقة «كايوان» جنوب وسط منشوريا إلى الغرب، كما قامت بتأسيس علاقات دبلوماسية مع تركيا واليابان، واستمرت مملكة «بال هاي» حتى عام 926 وذلك عندما هزمتها دولة قيدان، والتجأ بعد ذلك العديد من أفراد الطبقة الحاكمة، وكان معظمهم من الكوريين، إلى الجنوب وانضموا إلى المملكة الجديدة التي أنشأت، وهي مملكة «كو گور يو».

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Balhae was founded in 698 by Dae Joyeong (Da Zuorong) under the name (진, Jin), read as tsyinH in Middle Chinese. [9] The kingdom's name was transcribed as in Chinese,[10] with the same Middle Chinese reading as .[11]

في 713، the Tang dynasty bestowed the ruler of Jin with the noble title "Prince of Commandery of Bohai (Balhae)" (渤海郡王).[12]:§5.1 ¶3 In 762, the Tang formally elevated Balhae to the status of a kingdom.[13][14][12]:§5.1 ¶11 The kingdom's territories did not overlap with the Bohai Commandery. According to Jin Yufu, the Tang referred to the state as Mohe (Malgal, name of the ethnic group) until 713, and "Balhae" was possibly used as a different transcription of the same name.[15] According to the New Book of Tang, the state was called Mohe before it received investiture from China and assumed the name Bohai.[16] Linguists Karl Heinrich Menges and Roy Andrew Miller raised another theory, suggesting that the name Balhae had an underlying native name which was cognate to Manchu butha ("hunting").[17]

The transcriptions Bohai[7] (Chinese pinyin romanization), Po-hai[18] (Chinese Wade–Giles romanization), and Parhae[19] (Korean McCune–Reischauer romanization) are also used in modern academia. Most Western-language scholarship have opted for Bohai except in the field of Korean studies, however some scholars have chosen the Korean romanization to avoid a "Chinese" narrative spread by the usage of pinyin romanization.[20] According to Pamela Kyle Crossley, neither Chinese or Korean transliterations can be correct. She chose to use modern Chinese transliteration "to indicate that the only referent we have is Chinese characters".[18] Jesse D. Sloane chose to use "Parhae" because it was not covered in depth in the state-mandated curriculum of China, but used Chinese romanization for all other terms related to Balhae that appeared in Chinese sources first. Neither Crossley or Sloane meant to depict Balhae as essentially Chinese but used Chinese romanization out of convenience and to acknowledge the transnational origins of Balhae discourse.[21][18]


Brick fragment inscribed with the characters shang jing 上京, "Upper Capital" of Balhae, held at the National Museum of China
Buddhist relief sculpture from Balhae at the Ohara Museum of Art, Japan.[22] The inscription in Literary Chinese contains a description of the artifact's making in 834 AD, and a poem honoring the dharma.[23]


Korea unified vertical.svgتاريخ كوريا

ما قبل التاريخ
 فترة جولمون
 فترة مومون
گوجوسون 2333–108 ق.م.
 دولة جين
الممالك الثلاثة القدام: 108–57 ق.م.
 بويو, اوك‌جيو, دونگ‌يه
 سام‌هان: ما، بيون، جين
الممالك الثلاث: 57 ق.م.– 668 م
 گوگوريو 37 ق.م.– 668 م
 پكتشى 18 ق.م.– 660 م
 شيلا 57 ق.م.– 935 م
 گايا 42–562
الدول الشمالية الجنوبية: 698–935
 شيلا الموحدة 668–935
 بالهائ 698–926
 الممالك الثلاث اللاحقة 892–935
  گوگوريو اللاحقة، پكتشى اللاحقة، سيلا
أسرة گوريو 918–1392
أسرة جوسيون 1392–1897
الامبراطورية الكورية 1897–1910
الحكم الياباني 1910–1945
 الحكومة المؤقتة 1919–1948
تقسيم كوريا 1945–1948
الشمال، كوريا الجنوبية 1948–الحاضر
 الحرب الكورية 1950–1953

  • التسلسل الزمني
  • قائمة الملوك
  • التاريخ اللغوي
  • العلوم والتكنولوجيا
  • تاريخ الفن
  • التاريخ العسكري
  • التاريخ البحري
  • بوابة كوريا

     ع  ن  ت

    قالب:Kings of Balhae In 696, Li Jinzhong (Wushang Khan) of the Khitans along with his brother-in-law Sun Wanrong rebelled against Tang (Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty[24]) hegemony, killed an abusive Tang commander, and attacked Hebei. Li died soon after and Sun succeeded him, only to be defeated by the Second Turkic Khaganate.[25] The population of Yingzhou (營州, modern-day Chaoyang, Liaoning) fled eastward toward the Liao River during the turmoil. The Tang tried to appease Dae Jungsang (Da Zhongxiang) and Geolsa Biu (Qisi Biyu), two local leaders, by granting them the titles of Duke of Zhen (Jin) and Duke of Xu (Heo) respectively. Geolsa Biu rejected the offer but was soon defeated by a Tang force led by Li Kaigu, while Dae Jungsang fled with his followers but also died around the same time. Dae Jungsang's son, Dae Joyeong (Da Zuorong), left the Liao River valley for Mt. Tianmen (in modern Jilin Province). There, he dealt a heavy defeat to the Tang forces at the Battle of Tianmenling (Cheonmunnyeong), after which he led his followers to set up a state. In 698, Dae Joyeong declared himself King of Zhen (Jin).[26][27][28][29]

    Another account of the events suggests that there was no rebellion at all, and the leader of the Sumo Mohe (Songmal Malgal) rendered assistance to the Tang by suppressing Khitan rebels. As a reward the Tang acknowledged the leader as the local hegemon of a semi-independent state.[7]

    In diplomatic communications between Silla and Jin, Silla attempted to confer investiture to Dae Joyeong with the title of a fifth rank official: "Dae Achan".[30] Silla conferred this mid-ranking investiture partially out of a sense of superiority, but also because Balhae was a relatively new kingdom whereas Silla had been centuries old. The people of Jin did not know the system of ranks used in Silla and thus accepted the title. After a while, Dae Joyeong realized the meaning of the title and sought to change Balhae's international status. In 713 or 714, the Tang dynasty recognized Dae Joyeong as the "Prince of Bohai (Balhae)", the name for the sea surrounding Liaodong and Shandong.[14]

    According to Alexander Kim, neither the Tang or Silla recognized Balhae as the successor of Goguryeo. The Tang considered it a dukedom while Silla considered it their vassal.[31] South Korean historians such as Kim Eng Gug, however, believe that the Tang viewed Balhae as Goguryeo's successor.[32] Between 713 and 721, Silla constructed a northern wall to maintain active defences along the border.[33] The Tang later recognized Balhae as a kingdom in 762 but Silla continued to view Balhae as a rebellious vassal. However, Kim Eun Gug argues that thus the "bestowal of a fifth-rank position was an expression of Silla’s confidence, and such an exchange would have been unimaginable if Silla and Parhae were in a hostile relationship."[34] After Tang recognition of Balhae as a kingdom, Balhae diplomatic missions to Japan began to refer to the Balhae ruler as descended from Heaven. Japanese officials criticized these letters, revised them, and limited diplomatic missions from Balhae. A royal epitaph and Buddhist scripture confirm this designation for the ruler of Balhae.[31]


    التقسيمات الإدارية لمملكة بال‌هاي، بالأسماء الصينية والكورية[ب]

    After its founding, Balhae actively imported the culture and political system of the Tang dynasty and the Chinese reciprocated through an account of Balhae describing it as the "Flourishing land of the East (海東盛國)."[35][36][37] The bureaucracy of Balhae was modeled after the Three Departments and Six Ministries and used literary Chinese as the written language of administration.[13][38] Balhae's aristocrats and nobility traveled to the Tang capital of Chang'an on a regular basis as ambassadors and students, many of whom went on to pass the imperial examinations.[39] Three students are recorded in 833 and a royal nephew in 924.[40] Although Balhae was a tributary state of the Tang dynasty, it followed its own independent path, not only in its internal policies, but also in its foreign relations. Furthermore, it regarded itself as an empire, and sent ambassadors to neighbor states such as Japan in an independent capacity.[31]

    Balhae had five capitals, fifteen provinces, and sixty-three counties.[41] Balhae's original capital was at Dongmo Mountain in modern Dunhua, Jilin Province, China. In 742 it was moved to the Central Capital in Helong, Jilin. It was moved to the Upper Capital in Ning'an, Heilongjiang in 755, to the Eastern Capital in Hunchun, Jilin in 785, and back to the Upper Capital in 794.[13] Sanggyong (Upper Capital) was organized in the way of the Tang capital of Chang'an. Residential sectors were laid out on either side of the palace surrounded by a rectangular wall. The same layout was also implemented by other East Asian capitals of the time.[42][43]

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    The 10 units (wi) constituted the central army while two of them, the Left and Right Maengbunwi, were the elite units. Each unit had its own responsibility such as defending the royal palace and the capital or serving as palace guards. For other regions, armed forces were deployed in the 15 local provinces (bu). It is known that in its early years, during the reign of King Mu, Balhae held 100,000 troops.[44]

    اللغة والكتابة

    Replica of the epitaph of Princess Jeonghye (Zhenhui), the second daughter of Mun of Balhae (r. 737–793)

    Balhae used multiple languages. The indigenous language of Balhae is unclear, as no extant text or gloss of the language survived.[45]

    One term that the people of Balhae used to describe "a king" was Gadokbu, which is related to the words kadalambi (management) of the Manchu language and kadokuotto of the Nanai language.[46][47]

    انظر أيضاً


    1. ^ With the multiple capitals system; a Supreme capital with four secondary capitals (c.820-926)[3]
    2. ^ خريطة بال‌هاي


    1. ^ 동북아역사재단 편 (Northeast Asian History Foundation) (2007). 새롭게 본 발해사. 동북아역사재단. p. 62. ISBN 978-89-6187-003-0.
    2. ^ "渤海の遼東地域の領有問題をめぐって : 拂涅・越 喜・鉄利等靺鞨の故地と関連して" (PDF). Kyushu University Institutional Repository. 2003.
    3. ^ Kradin Nikolai Nikolaevich (2018). "Динамика урбанизационных процессов в средневековых государствах Дальнего Востока" [Dynamics of urbanization processes in the medieval states of the Far East]. Siberian historical research. Retrieved 5 February 2019.
    4. ^ Stoyakin Maxim Aleksandrovich (2012). Культовая архитектура Бохайского времени в северной части Кореского Полуострова [Religious cult architecture of the Bohai time in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula]. BUDDHIST RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE OF PARHAE (BOHAI) LOCATED IN NORTHERN PART OF KOREAN PENINSULA (in الروسية). Retrieved 5 February 2019.
    5. ^ 古畑徹 (2017). 渤海国とは何か 歴史文化ライブラリー (in اليابانية). 吉川弘文館. ISBN 978-4642058582.
    6. ^ "Буддийская культовая архитектура бохайского времени в северной части корейского полуострова".
    7. ^ أ ب ت Crossley 1997, p. 18.
    8. ^ 정석배 JUNG Suk-bae (2016). "발해의 북방경계에 대한 일고찰 (دراسة في الحدود الشمالية لبالهى)". 고구려발해연구 The Koguryo Balhae Yongu (in الكورية). 고구려발해학회 Association of Koguryo Balhae. 54: 88.
    9. ^ Baxter & Sagart; p. 20.
    10. ^ "「渤海と古代の日本」" (PDF). 2010 年度第 6 回日本海学講座. 酒寄 雅志.
    11. ^ Baxter, William H.; Sagart, Laurent (2014), Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction, Oxford University Press, pp. 181, ISBN 978-0-19-994537-5, https://books.google.com/books?id=K6Q-BAAAQBAJ. 
    12. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة OldTangBook2019
    13. ^ أ ب ت Michael Dillon (1 December 2016). Encyclopedia of Chinese History. Taylor & Francis. p. 95. ISBN 978-1-317-81715-4.
    14. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Kim2012
    15. ^ 金毓黻. 东北通史(再版). 社会科学战线杂志社 (1981). pp. 253–264.
    16. ^ Kim 2015, p. 8.
    17. ^ Janhunen, Juha (2008). "Liao: A Manchurian hydronym and its ethnohistorical context" (PDF). Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia. 13: 94.
    18. ^ أ ب ت Crossley 2016, p. 12.
    19. ^ "Archeological Studies of Bohai in Russia" (PDF). 2008.
    20. ^ Sloane 2014, p. 366.
    21. ^ Sloane 2014a, p. 4.
    22. ^ "Asiatic Art". Ohara Museum of Art. Archived from the original on 21 December 2015.
    23. ^ 李殿福 (1994). "渤海咸和四年铭文佛龛考释". 社会科学战线 (3).
    24. ^ Uwitchett, Denis. Chen gui and Other Works Attributed to Empress Wu Zetian (PDF). p. 20. Archived (PDF) from the original on 25 October 2020. Retrieved 29 August 2020.
    25. ^ Wang 2013, p. 85.
    26. ^ Wang 2013, p. 87.
    27. ^ Walker, Hugh Dyson (2012), East Asia: A New History, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, p. 177 
    28. ^ Seth, Michael J. (2016), A Concise History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, p. 71 
    29. ^ Kim, Djun Kil Kim (2014), The History of Korea, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, p. 54 
    30. ^ Kim 2011a, p. 348.
    31. ^ أ ب ت Kim, Alexander Alexeyvich (2014). "The problem of understanding of the political status of Bohai state" (PDF). Harvard Library.
    32. ^ Kim, Eun Gug (2012). "An Enduring Window between North and South: Parhae and Silla". A New History of Parhae. Brill. p. 76.
    33. ^ Kim 2011a, p. 349.
    34. ^ Kim, Eun Gug (2012). "An Enduring Window between North and South: Parhae and Silla". A New History of Parhae. Brill. p. 77-78.
    35. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة OwenMiller
    36. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة y-history.net
    37. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة :0
    38. ^ Franke & Twitchett 1994, pp. 3, 5.
    39. ^ Crossley 1997, p. 19.
    40. ^ Bielenstein 2005, p. 213.
    41. ^ Ogata, Noboru. "Shangjing Longquanfu, the Capital of the Bohai (Parhae) State". Kyoto University. 12 January 2007. Retrieved 10 November 2011.
    42. ^ Ogata, Noboru. "A Study of the City Planning System of the Ancient Bohai State Using Satellite Photos (Summary)". Jinbun Chiri. Vol.52, No.2. 2000. pp.129 - 148. Retrieved 10 November 2011.
    43. ^ "Влияние китайских натурфилософских пространственных моделей на формирование градостроительной культуры государства Бохай".
    44. ^ Military System of Balhae, War Memorial of Korea
    45. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة w
    46. ^ Zhu and Wei (1996). History of Balhae. Eastern bookstore. p. 248. ISBN 978-4497954589.
    47. ^ Ueda takeshi (27 December 2001). 渤海使の研究. 明石書店. p. 126. ISBN 978-4750315072.