قوات دول المحور

The Axis powers

Die Achsenmächte (ألمانية)
Le Potenze dell'Asse (إيطالية)
樞軸國 (يابانية)
Map of participants in World War II.png

الوضعMilitary alliance
الحقبة التاريخيةWorld War II
25 November 1936
22 May 1939
27 September 1940
• Dissolved
2 September 1945
  1. ^ After the Italian surrender in September 1943, the Italian Social Republic, a German puppet state, was formed in northern Italy and stayed with the Axis until the surrender on 29 April 1945.
  2. ^ Yugoslavia signed the Tripartite Pact in March 1941, but a coup d'état staged two days after signing overthrew the government, which led to the Axis invasion of the country. The Independent State of Croatia was an Italo-German client state created out of the former Yugoslavia.
  3. ^ See Continuation War
  4. ^ See Anglo-Iraqi War
  5. ^ See Invasion of Poland
Flags of Germany, Japan, and Italy draping the facade of the Embassy of Japan on the Tiergartenstraße in Berlin (September 1940)
Germany's Führer Adolf Hitler (right) beside Italy's Duce Benito Mussolini (left)
Japan's Prime Minister Hideki Tojo (center) with fellow government representatives of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. To the left of Tojo, from left to right: Ba Maw from Burma, Zhang Jinghui, Wang Jingwei from China. To the right of Tojo, from left to right, Wan Waithayakon from Thailand, José P. Laurel from the Philippines, and Subhas Chandra Bose from India
The signing of the Tripartite Pact by Germany, Japan, and Italy on 27 September 1940 in Berlin. Seated from left to right are the Japanese ambassador to Germany Saburō Kurusu, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Galeazzo Ciano, and Adolf Hitler.

قوات دول المحور في الحرب العالمية الثانية تضم أساسا ألمانيا النازية بقيادة أدولف هتلر وإيطاليا بقيادة بينيتو موسوليني ثم انضمت إليهم اليابان بقصفها لميناء بيرل هاربور الأمريكي وانضم إليهم دول أخرى مثل النمسا ورومانيا وبلغاريا والمجر.

بدأت الحرب العالمية الثانية عام 1938 واستمرت حتى عام 1945 وكانت الحرب أساسا بين دول المحور الثلاثة (الإمبراطورية اليابانية - الفاشية الإيطالية - النازية الألمانية) ضد دول التحالف (الاتحاد السوفيتي - بريطانيا - الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) التي انتهت بانتصار دول الحلفاء.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

التعاون الألماني الإيطالي الياباني في الحرب العالمية الثانية

تعاون المحور الألماني-الياباني

إعلان كلٍ من ألمانيا وإيطاليا الحرب على الولايات المتحدة

On 7 December 1941, Japan attacked the US naval bases in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. According to the stipulation of the Tripartite Pact, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were required to come to the defense of their allies only if they were attacked. Since Japan had made the first move, Germany and Italy were not obliged to aid her until the United States counterattacked. Nevertheless, expecting the US to declare war on Germany in any event,[1] Hitler ordered the Reichstag to formally declare war on the United States.[2] Hitler had agreed that Germany would almost certainly declare war when the Japanese first informed him of their intention to go to war with the United States on 17 November 1941.[3] Italy also declared war on the U.S..

Historian Ian Kershaw suggests that this declaration of war against the United States was a serious blunder made by Germany and Italy, as it allowed the United States to join the war in Europe and North Africa without any limitation.[4] On the other hand, American destroyers escorting convoys had been effectively intervening in the Battle of the Atlantic with German and Italian ships and submarines, and the immediate war declaration made the Second Happy Time possible for U-boats.[5] The US had effectively abandoned its neutral stance in September 1940 with the Destroyers for Bases Agreement, before dropping all pretence of neutrality in March 1941 with the beginning of Lend-Lease. Admiral Erich Raeder had urged Hitler to declare war throughout 1941 so the Kriegsmarine could begin sinking American warships escorting British convoys.[6] Following the "Greer incident" on 4 September 1941, when the German U-boat U-652 fired on the American destroyer Greer, Roosevelt confirmed that all US ships escorting convoys had been ordered to "shoot on sight" at all Axis ships and submarines in the Atlantic.[7] This order effectively declared naval war on Germany and Italy.[8] In the "Kearny incident" on 17 October 1941 the USS Kearny dropped depth charges on German U-Boats, before being torpedoed by the U-568 - 11 American servicemen were killed and 22 injured. The US destroyer Reuben James was torpedoed and sunk by the submarine U-552 on 31 October 1941. Franklin D. Roosevelt had said in his Fireside Chat on 9 December 1941 that Germany and Italy considered themselves to be in a state of war with the United States.[9] Plans for Rainbow Five had been published by the press early in December 1941,[10] and Hitler could no longer ignore the amount of economic and military aid the US was giving Britain and the USSR.[11] The Plan Dog memo had determined in 1940 that the US would pursue a Europe first strategy by focusing on defeating Germany and Italy while fighting a defensive war in the Pacific.[12] Americans played key roles in financing and supplying the Allies, in the strategic bombardment of Germany, and in the final invasion of the European continent.

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ Kershaw, Ian. Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions the Changed the World, 1940-1941 New York: Penguin, 2007. pp.444-46 ISBN 978-1-59420-123-3
  2. ^ Kershaw 2007, p. 385.
  3. ^ Longerich, Peter Hitler: A Life (2019) p. 784
  4. ^ Kershaw 2007, Chapter 10.
  5. ^ Duncan Redford; Philip D. Grove (2014). The Royal Navy: A History Since 1900. I.B. Tauris. p. 182. ISBN 9780857735072.
  6. ^ Murray, Williamson & Millet, Alan A War to Be Won Fighting the Second World War, Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2000, ISBN 9780674006805., p. 248
  7. ^ ""Shoot on sight" speech regarding attack on USS GREER".
  8. ^ Burns, James MacGregor (1970). Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. hdl:2027/heb.00626. ISBN 978-0-15-678870-0. p. 141-42
  9. ^ "Franklin D. Roosevelt: Fireside Chat". www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  10. ^ "Historian: FDR probably engineered famous WWII plans leak". upi.com.
  11. ^ "BBC On This Day - 11 - 1941: Germany and Italy declare war on US". BBC News. BBC. 11 December 1941.
  12. ^ "Plan Dog | Operations & Codenames of WWII". Archived from the original on 2019-02-17. Retrieved 2019-02-16.

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