قائمة أقدم المساجد

(تم التحويل من List of the oldest mosques in the world)

The designation of the oldest mosques in the world requires careful use of definitions, and must be divided into two parts, the oldest in the sense of oldest surviving building, and the oldest in the sense of oldest mosque congregation. Even here, there is the distinction between old mosque buildings that have been in continuous use as mosques, and those that have been converted to other purposes; and between buildings that have been in continuous use as mosques and those that were shuttered for many decades. In terms of congregations, they are distinguished between early established congregations that have been in continuous existence, and early congregations that ceased to exist. Note that the major regions, such as Africa and Eurasia, are sorted alphabetically, whereas the minor regions, such as Arabia and South Asia, are sorted by the dates in which their first mosques were reportedly established, more or less, barring those that are mentioned by name in the Quran.

To be listed here a site must:

  • be the oldest mosque in a country, large city (top 50), or oldest of its type (denomination, architectural, etc.);
  • be the oldest congregation of its type (denomination).

Mentioned in the Quran

The following are treated as the oldest mosques or sanctuaries[1] mentioned in the Quran:[2]

Building Image Location Country First built Notes
Al-Haram Mosque
As pilgrims prepare to return to their homes, Saudi authorities begin to prep for next year's Hajj - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg
Mecca Flag of السعودية السعودية Unknown, considered the oldest mosque, associated with Abraham[1] Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām, Quran 2:144–217;[3] Quran 5:2;[4] Quran 8:34;[5] Quran 9:7–28;[6] Quran 17:1;[2] Quran 22:25;[7] Quran 48:25–27.[8] the holiest sanctuary, containing the Ka'bah, a site of the Ḥajj ('Pilgrimage'), the Qiblah[9] (Direction of formal prayers of Muslims), and the first mosque[10][11] in Islamic thought.[12][13] Rebuilt many times, notably 1571 by the Ottomans, and the late 20th century by the Saudis, further enlargement under way since 2010.
Haram al-Sharif, also known as the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound
Temple Mount - Al Aqsa Mosque compound, shown with various alternative names.jpg
Jerusalem (old city) contested Considered the second oldest mosque in Islamic tradition,[14] associated with Abraham.[1]

The Dome of the Rock was constructed in 692, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 705.

Al-Masjid al-Aqṣá,[2] the former Qiblah,[15] site of the significant event of Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj)[16], considered the third holiest site in Islam. The Qur'an does not specify the precise location of "the furthest place of prayer", and its meaning was debated by early Islamic scholars.[17][18][19][20] Eventually, a consensus emerged its identification with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.[19][21]

The term Al-Aqsa properly refers to the whole Temple Mount compound (seen as a single mosque).[note 1] The mosque compound should not be confused with the silver-domed congregational mosque or prayer hall facing Mecca, commonly referred to in English as Al-Aqsa Mosque, and also known as Al-Qibli Mosque (see below).

The Sacred Monument
Masy'aril Haram Mosque in Muzdalifah, January 2015.jpg
Muzdalifah Flag of السعودية السعودية Unknown Al-Mashʿar Al-Ḥarām[23] a site of the Hajj.[24][25][26][27]
Quba Mosque Origquba.jpg Medina Flag of السعودية السعودية 622 The first mosque built by Muhammad in the 7th century CE, possibly mentioned as the "Mosque founded on piety since the first day"[28] in the Quran.[بحاجة لمصدر] Largely rebuilt in the late 20th century.


Northeast Africa
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Mosque of the Companions
Sahaba Shrine, Massawa, Eritrea.jpg
Massawa Flag of إرتريا إرتريا 613[29] Believed to be the first mosque on the African continent and the first mosque in the world built by the companions of prophet Muhammad in the 7th century.[29]
Al Nejashi Mosque
Negash 8.jpg
Negash Flag of إثيوپيا إثيوپيا 613 Built in the 7th century in Negash, the mosque in Negash, by tradition burial site of several followers of Mohammad who, during his lifetime, fled to the Aksumite Kingdom to escape persecution in Mecca.[30] It was recently renovated by TIKA, a Turkish cooperation organization.[31]
Masjid al-Qiblatayn
Zeila, Somalia.jpg
Zeila Flag of أرض الصومال أرض الصومال 615[32] Built in the 7th century in Zeila, shortly after the hijrah; known to be one of the oldest mosques in the world and possibly the oldest in Africa.
Korijib Masjid Tadjoura Flag of جيبوتي جيبوتي 630–640 Possible the oldest mosque in the country.
Sadat Quraish Mosque
Mosque Sadat Quraish City Belbes.jpg
Bilbeis Flag of مصر مصر 639 Oldest mosque in North Africa.
Mosque of Amr ibn al-As
Mosque Amr ibn Al-As Entrance.jpg
Cairo Flag of مصر مصر 641 Named after 'Amr ibn al-'As, commander of the Muslim conquest of Egypt, by order of Caliph Umar. Built as the centre of Fustat (the newly founded capital of Egypt) in 673–642 CE, and rebuilt in 1179 and in 1875.
Mosque of Amr ibn al-As (Damietta)
Damietta Flag of مصر مصر 642 The third oldest mosque in Egypt.
Mosque of Ibn Tulun
Kairo Ibn Tulun Moschee BW 4.jpg
Cairo Flag of مصر مصر 879
Al-Hakim Mosque
Mosquee al-akim le caire 1.jpg
Cairo Flag of مصر مصر 928
Fakr ad-Din Mosque
Mogadishu Flag of الصومال الصومال 969 Sunni Mosque built by Sultan Fakr ad-Din of the Sultanate of Mogadishu (9th century – 13th century).
Al-Azhar Mosque
Cairo - Islamic district - Al Azhar Mosque and University.JPG
Cairo Flag of مصر مصر 972 Sunni
Arba'a Rukun Mosque
Mogadishu city centre - 1960s.jpg
Mogadishu Flag of الصومال الصومال 1268/9 Sunni
Northwest Africa
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Great Mosque of Kairouan
Kairouan's Great Mosque courtyard.jpg
Kairouan Flag of تونس تونس 670 Sunni Believed to be the first mosque in the Maghreb, it was rebuilt in the 9th century.
Sidi Ghanim Mosque
Mosqué de Sidi Ghanem a Mila.jpg
Mila Flag of الجزائر الجزائر 678 Sunni The oldest Mosque in Algeria built by Abu al-Muhajir Dinar
Sidi Okba Mosque
Sidi Uqba.JPG
Sidi Okba Flag of الجزائر الجزائر 686[33]
Al-Zaytuna Mosque
Tunis Flag of تونس تونس 709 Sunni
Great Mosque of Sfax
Grande Mosquée de Sfax 01.jpg
Sfax Flag of تونس تونس 850[34]
Great Mosque of Sousse
Great Mosque of Sousse.jpg
Sousse Flag of تونس تونس 851[35]
Al-Qarawiyyin mosque Fez Flag of المغرب المغرب 859
Mosque of the Andalusians Fez Flag of المغرب المغرب 859
Great Mosque of Tlemcen Tlemcen Flag of الجزائر الجزائر 1082
Atiq Mosque, Awjila
Awjila (Libia) - The Mosque of Atiq.jpg
Awjila Flag of ليبيا ليبيا 1101 Sunni
Kutubiyya Mosque Marrakesh Flag of المغرب المغرب 1147
Bou Jeloud Mosque Fez Flag of المغرب المغرب 1184-1199
Great Mosque of Salé Salé Flag of المغرب المغرب 1196
Southeast Africa (including nearby islands of the Indian Ocean, but barring countries that are also in Southern Africa)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Shanga Mosque Shanga, Pate Island Flag of كنيا كنيا Foundation discovered, with coins attesting dates, during the 1980s excavations. The earliest concrete evidence of Muslims in East Africa.[36]:97
Great Mosque of Kilwa
Great Mosque of Kilwa Kisiwani, 11th - 18th cents (2) (28963560112).jpg
Kilwa Kisiwani Flag of تنزانيا تنزانيا 1000–1100
Kizimkazi Mosque
Dimbani Flag of تنزانيا تنزانيا 1107 (according to an inscription)[37]
Tsingoni Mosque
Tsingoni minaret.jpg
Tsingoni, Mayotte Flag of فرنسا فرنسا 1538[38]
Al-Fatah Mosque (Green Mosque) Kigali Flag of رواندا رواندا (then German East Africa) 1913[39] Founded by coastal Swahili-speaking Tanzanian Muslims who came to Rwanda to work in the German administration.[39]
West Africa
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Larabanga Mosque
Larabanga Mosque Ghana.jpg
Larabanga Flag of غانا غانا 1421 The oldest existing mud-brick mosque in Ghana.
Great Mosque of Kano Kano Flag of نيجريا نيجريا 15th century Built in for Emir Muhammad Rumfa
Agadez Mosque
1997 277-9A Agadez mosque cropped.jpg
Agadez Flag of النيجر النيجر 1515 Niger's oldest mosque.
Grand Mosque, Sokodé
Mosquée au grand marché.JPG
Sokodé Flag of توگو توگو 1820[40]
Southern Africa
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Auwal Mosque
Auwal Mosque in Bo-Kaap.jpg
Cape Colony Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا (then Cape Colony) 1798[41] Recognised as the first mosque established in the country.
Palm Tree Mosque
Palm Tree Mosque.JPG
Cape Colony Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا (then Cape Colony) 1807 Building constructed in 1788 (237 years ago) (1788, and established as a mosque in 1807 (218 years ago) (1807.
Masjid al-Qudama Uitenhage, Eastern Cape Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا 1849[42] It has been deduced that the mosque was a completed building by March 1849
Grey Street Mosque (Juma Mosque)
Grey Street Masjid (Grey &Queen Street)-20140223.jpg
Durban[43] Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا 1881
Soofie Masjid Butha Buthe Flag of لسوتو لسوتو 1900 (approximate)[36]:115 Founded by Soofie Saheb at the turn of the century; the community is described as African Muslim yet speaking an Indian language.[36]:115
Habibia Soofie Saheb Jamia Masjid
The Habibia Soofie Saheb Jamia Masjid of Cape Town, South Africa.jpg
Rylands, Cape Town Flag of جنوب أفريقيا جنوب أفريقيا 1905
Lobatse Masjid Lobatse Flag of بتسوانا بتسوانا 1960s[44] Founded by Indian Muslims who were brought over during the British colonial period.
Ezulwini Mosque Ezulwini, near Mbabane Flag of إسواتيني إسواتيني 1982[45]


South America
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Flag of سورينام سورينام (then a colony of the Netherlands) 1906[46] Built by immigrant Javanese rice farmers.[46]
Mesquita Brasil (São Paulo), Mesquita.JPG São Paulo Flag of البرازيل البرازيل 1929[47] Previous site built in 1929;[47] current building inaugurated in 1952. First known mosque in Brazil.[48]
Flag of پنما پنما 1930[49] Ahmadiyya[49]
El Paraíso, Caracas Flag of ڤنزويلا ڤنزويلا 1968[50]
At-Tauhid Mosque Buenos Aires Flag of الأرجنتين الأرجنتين 1983[51] Shi'ite Opened in October 1983 by the Shi'ite community of Buenos Aires and with the support of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Argentina. It is a very simple building with a subtle Islamic style in its facade.[52]
Mezquita as-Salam Mezquita As-Salam.JPG Santiago Flag of تشيلي تشيلي 1995[53] Commissioned 1989, inaugurated in 1995.
Mohammed VI Mosque Coquimbo Flag of تشيلي تشيلي 2007
North America (including Central America and island-states of the Caribbean Sea)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Al-Sadiq Mosque Al-Sadiq mosque.jpg Chicago, Illinois Flag of الولايات المتحدة الولايات المتحدة 1922 Ahmadiyya Oldest extant mosque in the Americas.
Mother Mosque of America
(Moslem Temple)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flag of الولايات المتحدة الولايات المتحدة 1934 Oldest extant purpose-built mosque in the United States
Al-Rashid Mosque
Al-Raschid Mosque on 1920 Street, Fort Edmonton Park, Alberta, Canada.jpg
Edmonton, Alberta Flag of كندا كندا 1938 First purpose-built mosque in Canada.
Westmoreland and Spanish Town Flag of جامايكا جامايكا 1950s[54] Constructed by the Islamic Society of Jamaica, which was founded in 1950.
Bridgetown Mosque Bridgetown Flag of بربادوس بربادوس 1957[55] First purpose-built mosque in Barbados.
Omar bin Al-Khattab Mosque Moscuraçao.jpg Willemstad Flag of كوراساو كوراساو 1965[56]
Flag of هايتي هايتي 1985[57] Converted private residence.
Suraya Mosque
Mezquita soraya.JPG
Torreón Flag of المكسيك المكسيك 1989 Shi'ite Built by the immigrants from the Middle East living in Torreón.
Omar Mosque Mezquita de Omar, Costa Rica.png San José Flag of كوستاريكا كوستاريكا 1995[58] Sunni Founded by the Islamic Cultural Association of Costa Rica.
Belize City[59] Flag of بليز بليز 2008 (approximate)[60] Founded by Belizeans who converted to Islam while in the United States.[60]
Boukman Buhara Mosque Cap-Haïtien Flag of هايتي هايتي 2016[61] First purpose-built mosque in Haiti. Includes a minaret. Constructed by the Diyanet Foundation of Turkey following the 2010 Haiti earthquake.[61]


Arabian Peninsula (including the island-state of Bahrain)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Al-Masjid al-Nabawi
Al-Masjid An-Nabawi (Bird's Eye View).jpg
Medina Flag of السعودية السعودية 622 Second holiest site in Islam (after Al-Haram Mosque) and Muhammad's mosque, which houses his tomb in what was initially his and his wife Aisha's house. Largely rebuilt and greatly enlarged in the late 20th century, whilst retaining at its heart the earlier construction of the Ottomans, and landmark green dome atop the prophet's mausoleum.
Masjid al-Qiblatain
Masjid al-Qiblatain.jpg
Medina Flag of السعودية السعودية 623 Mosque originally with two Qiblah walls: One facing Jerusalem, the first Qiblah and another facing Mecca
Jawatha Mosque
Al-Kilabiyah Flag of السعودية السعودية 629/639[62][63] Has recently been renovated[بحاجة لمصدر] and prayers are still held in this mosque.[64]
Great Mosque of Sana'a
Sanaa PICT0013 (14569535198).jpg
Sana'a Flag of اليمن اليمن 7th century Possibly the oldest mosque in the country.
Al-Asha'ir Mosque
30 Zabid (8).jpg
Zabid Flag of اليمن اليمن 629 A part of UNESCO World Heritage Site Historic Town of Zabid.[65] Established by Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, a sahabi.
Masjid Mazin
Masjid Mazin Bin Ghadouba Mosque.jpg
Samail Flag of عُمان عُمان 600s[66] Founded by Mazin Ben Ghadooba, who is considered to be the first Omani to adopt Islam during Muhammad's lifetime.[66]
Al-Hadi Mosque
Mosque in Sa'dah.jpg
Sa'dah Flag of اليمن اليمن 897
Khamis Mosque
Khamis Mosque Minaret.jpg
Khamis, Manama Flag of البحرين البحرين 1000–1200 (approximate)[67] Though most of the structure is dated to the 11th or 12th century, it is popularly believed to have been founded by the Caliph Omar in the 600s.[68]
Mosque in Al-Ain Al Ain Flag of الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة 1000s (Islamic Golden Age) Possible the oldest mosque in the country.[69][70]
Al Badiyah Mosque
2011-0209-Al Badiyah Mosque.jpg
Fujairah Flag of الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة 1400s[71] Some much earlier estimates have been proposed.
Greater China
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Huaisheng Mosque
Huaisheng Mosque Dec 2007.jpg
Guangzhou Flag of الصين الصين 627 The Huaisheng Mosque is the main mosque of Guangzhou. It has been rebuilt many times over its history. According to tradition it was originally built over 1,300 years ago in 627 CE by Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, who was an uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and was named in memory of Muhammad.
Xianxian Mosque
The Mosque in Guangzhou 19.JPG
Guangzhou City Flag of الصين الصين 629 The mosque was originally built in 629 during the Tang dynasty.
Great Mosque of Xi'an
Chinese-style minaret of the Great Mosque.jpg
Xi'an, Shaanxi Flag of الصين الصين 742[72] Although the oldest stones date from the 18th century,[73] the mosque was founded in 742[74] Built in 742, but oldest mosque in China is the Beacon Tower mosque of Guangzhou being built in 627.[75]
Jamia Mosque HK Central 些利街 Shelley Street 回教清真禮拜總堂 Jamia Mosque green facade Mar-2016 DSC 001.JPG Flag of هونگ كونگ هونگ كونگ (then British Hong Kong) Flag of الصين الصين 1890
Taipei Grand Mosque Taipei Grand Mosque 20060112.jpg Taipei Flag of تايوان تايوان 1947 Oldest and most famous mosque in Taiwan. Original building was firstly used in 1947, then relocated to a new site where it was reconstructed in 1960.
Kaohsiung Mosque Kaohsiung Mosque.JPG Taipei Flag of تايوان تايوان 1949 The second oldest mosque in Taiwan. The original building was built in 1949, then moved to a new location where the second building was built in 1951, and the third and final building built in 1992.
Macau Mosque Macau Mosque.JPG Flag of مكاو مكاو (then Portuguese Macau) Flag of الصين الصين 1980 The first and only mosque in Macau.
East Asia (excluding Greater China)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Kobe Mosque
Kobe Flag of اليابان اليابان 1935[76] Designed in the Turkish style by a Czech architect, confiscated by the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1943, and later returned.
Seoul Central Mosque
Korea-Seoul-Itaewon-Seoul Central Mosque-01.jpg
Seoul Flag of كوريا الجنوبية كوريا الجنوبية 1976[77]
South Asia
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Barwada mosque
Ghogha, Gujarat India Before 623 Built by Arab traders at ancient port of Ghogha, Bhavnagar district in the state of Gujarat. The qibla (direction to be faced while offering namaaz) of the mosque is faced to Bait al Mukaddas (Jerusalem). The mosque is abandoned by devotees after the qibla was changed to Makkah in AD 623 and another mosque constructed at the same time.[78][79][80][81][82]
Cheraman Juma Masjid
Cheraman Masjid 2.jpg
Kodungallur Flag of الهند الهند 629 Built by Malik bin Dinar, companion of Prophet Muhammad, on orders of Cheraman Perumal,[83] then King of modern-day Kerala, it is the oldest mosque in the Indian subcontinent.[84]
unnamed Ramjapur Masjid Lalmonirhat, Rangpur Flag of بنگلادش بنگلادش Prophet's lifetime Sunni Possibly the earliest mosque in South Asia is under excavation in northern Bangladesh, indicating the presence of Muslims in the area around the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad.[85]
Palaiya Jumma Palli
Palaiya Jumma Palli.jpg
Kilakarai Flag of الهند الهند 630 Sunni Considered to be the first mosque to be built in Tamil Nadu, and the second mosque in India. Constructed by Yemeni merchants and trade settlers in the Pandiya Kingdom and ordered by Bazan ibn Sasan, Governor of Yemen at the time of Muhammad.[86]
Masjid Al-Abrar Beruwala, Kalutara District, Western Province Flag of سريلانكا سريلانكا First century in the Hijri calendar The date has been carved in its stone pillars. It is situated in western province of Sri Lanka.
Haji Piyada Balkh Flag of أفغانستان أفغانستان Second half of the 9th century[87] Considered to be the oldest Islamic building in Afghanistan.[87]
Jamia Masjid, Banbhore
Grand Mosque (Jamma Masjid Banbhore) - panoramio.jpg
Banbhore, Sindh Flag of پاكستان پاكستان 727 This is the oldest mosque of Pakistan which is located in Bhambore.[88] Also believed to be the first mosque in South Asia.[89] Built after the conquest of Sindh.
Kazimar Big Mosque
Madurai Flag of الهند الهند 1284 Sunni, Hanafi, Shadhili First mosque in Madurai.
Chaqchan Mosque
Side view of Chaqchan Mosque.jpg
Khaplu, Gilgit Baltistan Flag of پاكستان پاكستان 1370 This is the oldest mosque of Gilgit Baltistan located in Khaplu.[90][91]
Sixty Dome Mosque
Sixty domed mosque.jpg
Bagerhat Flag of بنگلادش بنگلادش 1450 Built by Khan Jahan Ali, it is considered to be the second-oldest mosque in Bangladesh. The fortified structure contains eighty-one domes, sixty stone pillars and eleven mihrabs.
Neevin Mosque
Neevin Masjid 4 (WCLA).jpg
Lahore Flag of پاكستان پاكستان 1460
Southeast Asia
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Sheik Karimal Makdum Mosque Tubig Indangan, Simunul island, Bangsamoro Flag of الفلپين الفلپين 1380[92] Founded by Makhdum Karim, who introduced Islam to the Philippines. This is the oldest mosque in Southesast Asia.
Wapauwe Old Mosque
Masjid Tua Wapauwe.jpg
Kaitetu, Central Maluku Regency, Maluku Flag of إندونيسيا إندونيسيا 1414 The oldest surviving mosque in Indonesia.
Ampel Mosque
Ampel Mosque in 2008.jpg
Ampel, Surabaya, East Java Flag of إندونيسيا إندونيسيا 1421[93] The oldest surviving mosque in Java, and second oldest in Indonesia.
Masjid Sultan Sharif Ali Brunei Flag of بروناي بروناي 1430 (approximate)[94] Built under the direction of Sharif Ali ("Sultan Berkat"), who reigned 1425–1432.
Great Mosque of Demak
Masjid demak.jpg
Demak, Central Java Flag of إندونيسيا إندونيسيا 15th century[95] Oldest mosque in Central Java and second oldest in Java.[95]
300 Years Mosque Narathiwat Flag of تايلند تايلند 17th century It is at least one of the oldest known mosques in Thailand.[96]
Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka
Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka, Mar 06.JPG
Central Area Flag of سنغافورة سنغافورة 1820[97] Originally a wooden structure built by Arab merchant Syed Omar Ali Aljunied.
Levant (for Cyprus and Greater Syria)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Al-Omari Grand Mosque Beirut Lebanon 635 Sunni The mihrab is the oldest part of the mosque, dating back to the Caliphate of Umar.
Masjid Ibrahim Al-Khalil/ Masjid Al Qalaa (The citadel mosque) Baalbek Lebanon 635 It was built behind the temple of Bacchus, its Mihrab also dates back to the caliphate of Umar.
Al-Qibli Mosque (al-Jami' al-Aqsa)
Israel-2007-Jerusalem-Temple Mount-Al-Aqsa Mosque 01.jpg
Jerusalem (old city) Flag of دولة فلسطين فلسطين (disputed by Israel) 637 A Muslim prayer hall with a silver-colored lead dome located in the southern part of Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount), built by the Rashidun caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab.
Al-Shuaibiyah Mosque Aleppo Flag of سوريا سوريا 637
Ibrahimi Mosque
Hebron Cave of the Patriarchs.jpg
Hebron Flag of دولة فلسطين فلسطين 637[98]
Great Mosque of Aleppo
Great Aleppo mosque 176.jpg
Aleppo Flag of سوريا سوريا 715
Umayyad Mosque
Umayyad Mosque.jpg
Damascus Flag of سوريا سوريا 715 Sunni Fourth holiest site and the national mosque of Syria. It was originally built after the Muslim conquest of the city in 634. The current structure dates to 715.
White Mosque
רמלה המסגד הלבן.JPG
Ramla Flag of إسرائيل إسرائيل 720
Al-Omari Mosque
Mosque of umar, bosra, syria, easter 2004.jpg
Bosra Flag of سوريا سوريا 721
Great Mosque of Raqqa Raqqa Flag of سوريا سوريا 772
Arab Ahmet Mosque
Nikozja polnoc5.jpg
Arab Ahmet quarter of Nicosia Flag of قبرص قبرص Late 16th century[99] The mosque is named after a commander of the 1571 Ottoman army who made an expedition in 1571.[99][100]
Southwest Asia (excluding the Arabian peninsula, Caucasus, and Levant)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Ayasofya Mosque (Hagia Sophia)
The Turk and his lost provinces - Greece, Bulgaria, Servia, Bosnia (1903) (14593094020).jpg
Istanbul Flag of تركيا تركيا 1453 (537) Built in 537 as a Greek Orthodox cathedral, converted to a mosque in 1453, and then a museum in 1931.[101] In 2020, it was again converted into a mosque by order of a Turkish court.
Great Mosque of Kufa
Kufa Mosque.jpg
Kufa Flag of العراق العراق 639 Shia The mosque, built in the 7th century, contains the remains of Muslim ibn Aqeel – first cousin of Husayn ibn Ali, his companion Hani ibn Urwa, and the revolutionary Mukhtar al-Thaqafi.
Maqam al-Imam al-Husayn Mosque
Kerbela Hussein Moschee.jpg
Karbala Flag of العراق العراق 680 Shia Reconstructed several times, including in 1016.
Jameh Mosque of Ferdows Ferdows Flag of إيران إيران 7th century (possibly)
Al-Hisn Mosque Mopsuestia, Adana Province Flag of تركيا تركيا 717-720 Built by the Umayyad caliph Umar II, as part of his conversion of the city into a military base to shield Antioch from a potential Greek attack. The building fell into ruin during the reign of Al-Mu'tasim, approximately 120 years later.
Jameh Mosque of Isfahan
Jamé Mosque Esfahan courtyard.jpg
Isfahan Flag of إيران إيران 771
Jameh Mosque of Fahraj
مسجد جامع فهرج یزد2.JPG
Fahraj Flag of إيران إيران 700s[102]
Tarikhaneh Mosque
Damghan Flag of إيران إيران 8th century
Great Mosque of Samarra
The spiral minaret in Samarra.jpg
Samarra Flag of العراق العراق 848
Al-Askari Mosque
Al Askari Mosque.jpg
Samarra Flag of العراق العراق 944 Shia (Twelver) Shrine of the 10th and 11th Twelver Shi'ite Imams: Ali al-Hadi and Hasan al-Askari.
Imam Ali Mosque
Meshed ali usnavy (PD).jpg
Najaf Flag of العراق العراق 977 Shia, Sunni Houses the tomb of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad's cousin and fourth Caliph, and the first person of the Shia Imamate.
Great Mosque of Diyarbakır
Great Mosque, Diyarbakir.jpg
Diyarbakır Flag of تركيا تركيا 1092 Sunni One of the oldest known mosques in modern Turkey.
Yivliminare Mosque (Alaeddin Mosque)
Antalya - Alaeddin-Moschee 2.jpg
Antalya Flag of تركيا تركيا 1230
Aslanhane Mosque
Arslanhane Mosque 01.jpg
Ankara Flag of تركيا تركيا 1290
Central Asia
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Bukhara Flag of اوزبكستان اوزبكستان 713 Since 713 here, several edifices of main cathedral mosque were built then razed, restored after fires and wars, and moved from place to place.
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Juma Mosque
Qoşa minarəli məscid. Şamaxı şəhəri.JPG
Shamakhi Flag of أذربيجان أذربيجان 743-744 Built in 743–744, set on fire by Armenian units of "Dashnaktsutiun" in 1918, reconstructed in 2009.
Blue Mosque
051 Gok Jami mosque Yerevan.jpg
Yerevan Flag of أرمنيا أرمنيا Mid-18th century


Iberian Peninsula
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Great Mosque of Cordoba (Mezquita)
Entrada a la Catedral, antes Mezquita, de Córdoba (CE1170G).jpg
Córdoba, Andalusia Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Emirate of Córdoba) 785[103] It was built on the main (Visigothic) church of the city after the site was being divided and shared between Muslims and Christians for around seven decades. The great mosque was built by Abd al-Rahman I, the first Muslim ruler of Spain in 785,[104] it underwent successive extensions in the 9th and 10th centuries and was concluded in the 10th century under the command of Almanzor. After the Christian reconquest of Cordoba in 1236, Ferdinand III of Castile converted the mosque into a cathedral, the current Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. With 23,400 square metres (2.34 ha), it was the second largest mosque in the world on the surface, after Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, only later replaced in this respect by the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Istanbul in 1588.
Small Royal Mosque inside Aljafería Palace
La Aljafería 14092014 114703 05575.jpg
Zaragoza, Aragon Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Caliphate of Córdoba) 1046[105] Small mosque for the monarch and his courtiers inside the Aljafería. It is accessed through a portal that ends in a horseshoe arch inspired by the Mosque of Córdoba but with S-shaped springers, a novelty that will imitate the Almoravid art and Nasrid art. The front of the mihrab is conformed by a very traditional horseshoe arch. The arch of the portal, an alfiz framed its back, in whose curved triangles two mirrored rosettes are recessed, as is the dome of the interior of the mihrab. In 2001, the original restored structures of the Aljafería were included in the Mudéjar Architecture of Aragon, a World Heritage Site.[106]
Mosque of Medina Azahara
Mezquita de Medina Azahara.jpg
Córdoba, Andalusia Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Caliphate of Córdoba) 940[107] Aljama Mosque in Madinat al-Zahara, a vast, fortified Moorish palace-city built by Abd-ar-Rahman III (912–961). The marbled, jeweled complex was plundered & destroyed first by Muslims, then by Christians when civil war ended Caliphate of Córdoba. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2018.
Mosque of Cristo de la Luz
Mezquita Cristo de la Luz de Toledo.jpg
Toledo, Castile-La Mancha Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Caliphate of Córdoba) 999 (completed)[108] Built in 999 in Toledo, this building is a rarity in that it is in much the same state as it was when it was originally built.[109] The building is a small square structure. It measures roughly 8 m × 8 m. Four columns capped with Visigothic capitals divide the interior into nine compartments. Covering each of these bays is a vault that has a distinctive design that is unique unto itself. Some of the designs are more rectilinear while others embrace the curved forms of the vault more prominently. Within each one is a piece of their culture and tradition of building in the Islamic art manner.[109] The influence of the caliphate of Córdoba can be seen in the brickwork on the facade of the building which resembles those seen at the Cathedral–Mosque of Córdoba. Both Mosque of Cristo de la Luz with Cathedral–Mosque of Córdoba are the oldest examples of the Islamic culture at Spain.[110]
Mosque of las Tornerías
Mezquita de las Tornerías. Toledo.jpg
Toledo, Castile-La Mancha Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Taifa of Toledo) mid-11th-century (completed)[111] العربية: الـمـسـتـمـيـم‎ was built in the middle of the 11th century[112] on the foundations of Roman architecture, located in the old Muslim neighborhood Arrabal de Francos. The building continued maintaining the Islamic faith in Spain well beyond the reconquista of the city by the Christian troops of Alfonso VI of León and Castile in 1085, until the period of 1498–1505, when it was desacralizated by the Catholic Monarchs.
Ribat of Arrifana Archaeological site
Aljezur, Algarve Flag of الپرتغال الپرتغال (then the Almoravid dynasty) 1130[113] Probably constructed by Abu-l-Qasim Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Qasi, governor of Silves and a rebel leader against the Almoravid dynasty. These are the only ruins of such Muslim fortress to have been identified in Portugal, excavated by Portuguese archaeologists since 2001.
Church of Nossa Senhora da Anunciação
Igreja Matriz de Mértola.jpg
Mértola, Alentejo Flag of الپرتغال الپرتغال (then the Almohad Caliphate) Second-half of the 12th century[114] Unique and most identifiable former mosque in Portugal, although a mixture of Almohad and Manueline post-Gothic architecture. Rebuilt in the second half of the 12th century with some elements from the 9th century.
Sevilla Cathedral - Giralda.jpg
Seville, Andalusia Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Almohad Caliphate) 1248 [115] Only the minaret remains. Mosque comparable in size to Great mosque of Cordoba, mostly destroyed by earthquake in 1365. Minaret used as a church bell tower was built higher in the 16th century.
Church of São Clemente
Loule Church - The Algarve, Portugal (1399505908).jpg
Tavira, Algarve Flag of الپرتغال الپرتغال (then the Kingdom of Portugal) Second-half of the 13th century[116] Only parts of the original minaret remain, incorporated in the church bell tower. It's 22.7 metres tall and 4.2 metres across. Across it lies an old Muslim cemetery of Jardim dos Amuados.
Mosque of Tórtoles
Mezquita de Tórtoles, Tarazona, Zaragoza, España, 2017-05-23, DD 66.jpg
Tarazona, Aragon Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Crown of Aragon) 15th-century (completed)[117] Almost unaltered in the later centuries.
San Sebastian Minaret (Alminar De San Sebastian) Ronda Minaret-Kirchturm2004.jpg Ronda, Andalusia Flag of إسپانيا إسپانيا (then the Almohad Caliphate)

Only minaret of the medium-size mosque in Plaza Abul Beka neighborhood remains. Minaret was expanded and used as a bell tower. The mosque was converted to a church but destroyed in the 1600s during Morisco Revolts. Ronda was a Muslim city for 700 years. The city had 7 or 8 mosques, none survive today.[118]

Alminar de San Juan (Minaret of San Juan)
Flag of روسيا روسيا
Building Image Location First built Denomination Notes
Dzhuma Mosque Derbent, Dagestan (then part of the Abbasid Caliphate) 700-900 (approximate)[67]
Eastern Europe (excluding the Caucasus, European Russia and Nordic countries)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Al-Agha Mosque Dragaš Flag of كوسوڤو كوسوڤو 1268[119] Built by Muslims who migrated from Aleppo, in Syria, to Kosovo. However, the mosque is today a ruin.[119]
Dzhumaya Mosque
Plovdiv Flag of بلغاريا بلغاريا 1363–1364 Built during the reign of Sultan Murad II the old building was demolished and replaced by the modern-day mosque.
Sailors' Mosque
Sailors’ Mosque (2012).jpg
Ulcinj Flag of الجبل الأسود الجبل الأسود 14th century
Halit Efendi Mosque Slupčane, Lipkovo Municipality Flag of شمال مقدونيا شمال مقدونيا 1415[120] It is considered to be the oldest mosque in North Macedonia. However, as a result of the various renovation works, the building has been altered to such an extent that it is no longer in its original state.[120]
Turhan Emin-Beg Mosque Ustikolina Flag of البوسنة والهرسك البوسنة والهرسك 1448–1449[121] Built by Turhan Emin-beg. Known to have been destroyed two times (1941 and 1992) and rebuilt two times (1956 and 2007).[121]
Fatih Mosque, Elbasan Elbasan Castle Flag of ألبانيا ألبانيا 1466[122] Built by the orders of Sultan Mehmed II.[122]
Old Mosque, Plav (Imperial Mosque)
Plav - drevena mesita z 18. stol.jpg
Plav Flag of الجبل الأسود الجبل الأسود 1471[123] Built during the Ottoman rule in the city.[123]
King Mosque or Sultan Bayazit Mosque
Königsmoschee Elbasan.jpg
Elbasan Flag of ألبانيا ألبانيا 1482
Iljaz Mirahori Mosque
Xhamia e Iljaz Bej Mirahorit, Korce.jpg
Korçë Flag of ألبانيا ألبانيا 1494[124] It was built by Iljaz Hoxha, also known as Iljaz Bey Mirahor,[124] and is a Cultural Monument of Albania.[125]
Mosque of Kuklibeu
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Prizren Flag of كوسوڤو كوسوڤو 1534
Mosque of Muderis Ali Efendi
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Prizren Flag of كوسوڤو كوسوڤو 1543–1581
Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Mangalia Flag of رومانيا رومانيا 1575 Oldest mosque in Romania
Flag of پولندا پولندا 1558 (earliest attestation in writing)[126] Tatar mosques in Poland were noted in a 1558 treatise Risale-i Tatar-i Lech.[126]
Flag of لتوانيا لتوانيا (then the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) 1500–1600[127] Various records indicate Lithuanian Tatars built mosques in the Duchy during the 16th century[127]
Mosque of Sinan Pasha
Prizren Flag of كوسوڤو كوسوڤو 1615
Log pod Mangartom Mosque
Mošeja-Log pod Mangartom4.jpg
Log pod Mangartom, Municipality of Bovec Flag of سلوڤنيا سلوڤنيا (then Austria-Hungary) 1916[128] Built by Bosniak members of the Austro-Hungarian army.[128]
Gunja Mosque
Gunja Mosque Interior-Džamija u gunji unutrašnjost-Џамија у Гуњи унутрашњост 01.jpg
Gunja Flag of كرواتيا كرواتيا 1969 The first and one of the few mosques in Croatia, located near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Vienna Islamic Centre-Mosque
Bruckhaufen (Wien) - Moschee (4).JPG
Vienna Flag of النمسا النمسا 1979[129]
Brno Mosque
Brno, Štýřice, mešita - DOD (01).jpg
Brno Flag of التشيك التشيك 1998[130] Construction began 1996, inaugurated 1998.[130]
British Isles
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Liverpool Mosque and Muslim Institute
Brougham Terrace, July 07, 2012.jpg
Liverpool, Flag of إنگلترة إنگلترة Flag of المملكة المتحدة المملكة المتحدة 1891[131] Liverpool Muslim Institute Several sources state that a mosque was founded in 1860 at 2 Glynrhondda Street, Cardiff, Wales. This has been rejected by an academic paper as a transcription error.[132]
Dublin Mosque and Islamic Centre Dublin Flag of جمهورية أيرلندا أيرلندا 1976[130] The first purpose-built mosque was built in Ballyhaunis in 1987.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Western-Central Europe (excluding the British Isles, Nordic countries, and countries that are also in Eastern Europe)
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Grand Mosque of Paris
Grande Mosquée de Paris.JPG
Paris (first in Metropolitan France) Flag of فرنسا فرنسا 1926 This mosque was the first mosque built in France since the 8th century; it was built in the Moroccan style, and honored Muslim French veterans of World War I.[133]
Wünsdorf Mosque
Wünsdorf Mosque.jpg
Wünsdorf, Berlin Flag of ألمانيا ألمانيا 1915 Erected in 1915 by the Imperial German Army administration for Muslim Allied prisoners of war in the POW camp in Wünsdorf, later used as refugee camp. In 1930 torn down due to lack of a congregation.
Mobarak Mosque
Moskee Oostduinlaan.JPG
The Hague Flag of هولندا هولندا 1955 The first known purpose-built mosque in the Netherlands.
Centre Islamique de Genève ("Little Mosque" of Geneva) Geneva Flag of سويسرا سويسرا 1961 Founded by Said Ramadan
Nordic countries
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Järvenpää Mosque Flag of فنلندا فنلندا 1942 A mosque of the community of Finnish Tatars. It is considered to be the oldest mosque in Nordic countries. Finland's first Muslim cemetery was established in the 1830s for Russian troops.[134]
Nusrat Djahan Mosque Hvidovre, outside Copenhagen Flag of الدنمارك الدنمارك 1967[134] Founded by the Ahmadiyya; first purpose-built mosque in a Nordic country.
Islamic Cultural Centre Norway Oslo Flag of النرويج النرويج 1974 Founded by Pakistani-Norwegians aided by Danish Muslims; of the Sunni Deobandi school. The first Shi'i mosque, Anjuman-e Hussain, opened in 1975; the first Sunni Barelvi mosque opened in 1976.
Nasir Mosque Gothenburg Flag of السويد السويد 1976
Stockholm Flag of السويد السويد 2000[135] Converted from Katarinastation, a former power station.
Reykjavík Mosque Reykjavik Flag of آيسلندا آيسلندا 2002[136] Not a purpose-built mosque, but serves as an interim gathering site.


Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Marree Mosque Marree, South Australia Flag of أستراليا أستراليا 1861[137] / 1882[53] Small structure in the South Australian desert built by Australia's "Afghan" camel-drivers, has been restored.
Central Adelaide Mosque Adelaide Flag of أستراليا أستراليا 1888[137] The oldest major city mosque in the country.[137]
Auckland Flag of نيوزيلندا نيوزيلندا 1979 (begun)[138] Cornerstone laid in 1979; the first Islamic centre in the country was installed in an Auckland house bought in 1959.[138]
Building Image Location Country First built Denomination Notes
Hidayatullah Sanoek Mosque Sanoek, South Waigeo, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Flag of إندونيسيا إندونيسيا 1505 (approximate) The oldest surviving mosque in Oceania[139]
Vitogo, Nausori, and Tavua[140] Flag of فيجي فيجي 1922 (approximate)[140] A number of wooden mosques were built by local Islamic assemblies around 1922.[140]
Port Moresby[53] Flag of پاپوا غينيا الجديدة پاپوا غينيا الجديدة 2000[141] Islam was introduced to the island in the 1970s,[141] and the first Islamic centre established in 1988.[53]

See also


  1. ^ According to historian Oleg Grabar, "It is only at a relatively late date that the Muslim holy space in Jerusalem came to be referred to as al-haram al-sharif (literally, the Noble Sacred Precinct or Restricted Enclosure, often translated as the Noble Sanctuary and usually simply referred to as the Haram). While the exact early history of this term is unclear, we know that it only became common in Ottoman times, when administrative order was established over all matters pertaining to the organization of the Muslim faith and the supervision of the holy places, for which the Ottomans took financial and architectural responsibility. Before the Ottomans, the space was usually called al-masjid al-aqsa (the Farthest Mosque), a term now reserved to the covered congregational space on the Haram, or masjid bayt al-maqdis (Mosque of the Holy City) or, even, like Mecca's sanctuary, al-masjid al-ḥarâm,"[22]


  1. ^ أ ب ت Michigan Consortium for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (1986). Goss, V. P.; Bornstein, C. V. (eds.). The Meeting of Two Worlds: Cultural Exchange Between East and West During the Period of the Crusades. Vol. 21. Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University. p. 208. ISBN 978-0-9187-2058-0.
  2. ^ أ ب ت Quran 17:1-7 القرآن 17:1–7
  3. ^ القرآن 2:144–217
  4. ^ القرآن 5:2 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  5. ^ القرآن 8:34 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  6. ^ القرآن 9:7–28
  7. ^ القرآن 22:25 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  8. ^ القرآن 48:25–27
  9. ^ القرآن 2:127 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  10. ^ القرآن 3:96 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  11. ^ القرآن 22:25–37
  12. ^ Mecca: From Before Genesis Until Now, M. Lings, pg. 39, Archetype
  13. ^ Zeitlin, I. M. (2013-04-25). "3". The Historical Muhammad. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0745654881.
  14. ^ National Geographic Society (U.S.); de Blij, H.J.; Downs, R.; John Wiley & Sons (2007). Wiley/National Geographic College Atlas of the World. Wiley. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-471-74117-6. Retrieved 2022-06-15. Al 'Aqsa is the second oldest mosque in Islam after the Kaaba in Mecca and is third in holiness after the mosques in Mecca and Medina. It holds up to 400,000 worshippers at one time.
  15. ^ "The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem: The Islamic Vision. The Islamic Quarterly. 4 (1998): pp.233–242
  16. ^ Buchanan, Allen (2004). States, Nations, and Borders: The Ethics of Making Boundaries. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-52575-6.
  17. ^ el-Khatib, Abdallah (1 May 2001). "Jerusalem in the Qur'ān". British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. 28 (1): 25–53. doi:10.1080/13530190120034549. S2CID 159680405. Archived from the original on 9 December 2012. Retrieved 17 November 2006.
  18. ^ Khalek, N. (2011). Jerusalem in Medieval Islamic Tradition. Religion Compass, 5(10), 624–630. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8171.2011.00305.x. "One of the most pressing issues in both medieval and contemporary scholarship related to Jerusalem is weather the city is explicitly referenced in the text of the Qur'an. Sura 17, verse 1, which reads [...] has been variously interpreted as referring to the miraculous Night Journey and Ascension of Muhammad, events recorded in medieval sources and known as the isra and miraj. As we will see, this association is a rather late and even a contested one. [...] The earliest Muslim work on the Religious Merits of Jerusalem was the Fada'il Bayt al-Maqdis by al-Walid ibn Hammad al-Ramli (d. 912 CE), a text which is recoverable from later works. [...] He relates the significance of Jerusalem vis-a-vis the Jewish Temple, conflating 'a collage of biblical narratives' and comments pilgrimage to Jerusalem, a practice which was controversial in later Muslim periods."
  19. ^ أ ب Frederick S. Colby (6 August 2008). Narrating Muhammad's Night Journey: Tracing the Development of the Ibn 'Abbas Ascension Discourse. SUNY Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-7914-7788-5. Archived from the original on 15 July 2020. Retrieved 14 March 2018. If Muslims interpret the qur'anic phrase "the sacred place of prayer" in diverse ways, one encounters even more debate over the destination of the night journey, the "furthest place of prayer". From the earliest extant Muslim texts, it becomes clear that a group of Muslims from the beginning interpreted "furthest place of prayer" with the city of Jerusalem in general and its Herodian/Solomonic Temple in particular. It is equally clear that other early Muslims disputed this connection, identifying the "furthest place of prayer" instead as a reference to a site in the heavens. Eventually a general consensus formed around the idea that Muhammad's journey did indeed take him to Jerusalem. Even if the night journey verse were thought to refer first and foremost to the terrestrial portion of Muhammad's journey, nevertheless for centuries scholars and storytellers also continued to connect this verse with the idea of an ascent through the levels of the heavens.
  20. ^ Grabar, Oleg (1959). "The Umayyad Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem". Ars Orientalis. 3: 33–62. ISSN 0571-1371. JSTOR 4629098. Bevan has shown that among early traditionists there are many who do not accept the identification of the masjid al-aqsd, and among them are to be found such great names as al-Bukhari and Tabarl. Both Ibn Ishaq an al-Ya'qubi precede their accounts with expressions which indicate that these are stories which are not necessarily accepted as dogma. It was suggested by J. Horovitz that in the early period of Islam there is little justification for assuming that the Koranic expression in any way referred to Jerusalem. But while Horovitz thought that it referred to a place in heaven, A. Guillaume's careful analysis of the earliest texts (al-Waqidi and al-Azraqi, both in the later second century A.H.) has convincingly shown that the Koranic reference to the masjid al-aqsa applies specifically to al-Ji'ranah, near Mekkah, where there were two sanctuaries (masjid al-adnai and masjid al-aqsa), and where Muhammad so-journed in dha al-qa'dah of the eighth year after the Hijrah.
  21. ^ Busse, H. (1968). The sanctity of Jerusalem in Islam. Judaism, 17(4), 441. "Tradition varies as to the location of the Ascension; Syrian local tradition was able to prevail, by maintaining that the Ascension started in Jerusalem rather than in Mecca, directly following the Night Journey".
  22. ^ Grabar 2000, p. 203.
  23. ^ القرآن 2:129 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  24. ^ Long, David E. (1979). "2: The Rites of the Hajj". The Hajj Today: A Survey of the Contemporary Pilgrimage to Makkah. pp. 11–24. ISBN 978-0-8739-5382-5. With thousands of Hajjis, most of them in motor vehicles, rushing headlong for Muzdalifah, the potential is there for one of ... There is special grace for praying at the roofless mosque in Muzdalifah called al-Mash'ar al-Haram (the Sacred Grove) ...
  25. ^ Danarto (1989). A Javanese pilgrim in Mecca. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-8674-6939-4. It was still dark when we arrived at Muzdalifah, four miles away. The Koran instructs us to spend the night at al-Mash'ar al-Haram. the Sacred Grove at Muzdalifah, as one of the conditions for the hajj . We scrambled out of the bus and looked ...
  26. ^ Jones, Lindsay (2005). Encyclopedia of religion. Vol. 10. Macmillan Reference USA. p. 7159. ISBN 978-0-0286-5743-1. The Qur'an admonishes: "When you hurry from Arafat, remember God at the Sacred Grove (al-mash' ar al-haram)," that is, at Muzdalifah (2:198). Today a mosque marks the place in Muzdalifah where pilgrims gather to perform the special saldt ...
  27. ^ Ziauddin Sardar; M. A. Zaki Badawi (1978). Hajj Studies. Jeddah: Croom Helm for Hajj Research Centre. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-8566-4681-2. Muzdalifah is an open plain sheltered by parched hills with sparse growth of thorn bushes. The pilgrims spend a night under the open sky of the roofless Mosque, the Sacred Grove, Al Mush'ar al-Haram. On the morning of the tenth, all depart ... {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  28. ^ القرآن 9:108 (ترجمة  يوسف علي)
  29. ^ أ ب Reid, Richard J. (12 January 2012). "The Islamic Frontier in Eastern Africa". A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present. John Wiley and Sons. p. 106. ISBN 978-0470658987. Retrieved 15 March 2015.
  30. ^ "The untold story of King Negash and the al Nejashi Mosque". 18 July 2019.
  31. ^ "Negash Āmedīn Mesgīd". Madain Project. Retrieved 30 May 2019.
  32. ^ "Liste des premières mosquées au monde prophètique, rashidun et omeyyade selon les écris historique et les traces archéologiques". Histoire Islamique (in الفرنسية). 2014-06-15. Retrieved 2017-09-24.
  33. ^ Sidi 'Uqba (mosque, minaret and tomb) Museum With No Frontiers. Retrieved 8-1-2017
  34. ^ Great Mosque of Sfax. Museum with No Frontiers. Retrieved 8-2-2017.
  35. ^ Great Mosque of Sousse. Museum with No Frontiers. Retrieved 8-1-2017.
  36. ^ أ ب ت ث Westerlund, David; Svanberg, Ingvar (1999). Islam Outside the Arab World. Psychology Press. ISBN 978-0-7007-1124-6.
  37. ^ "Kizimkazi Mosque". ArchNet. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Archived from the original on 2005-02-19. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  38. ^ Pauly, Martial (10 February 2011). "La mosquée de Tsingoni, la plus ancienne mosquée en activité de France (Tsingoni Mosque, the oldest active mosque in France)". Archeologie Mayotte, Océan Indien (in الفرنسية). Retrieved 10 June 2017.
  39. ^ أ ب Adekunle, Julius (2007). Culture and Customs of Rwanda. ISBN 9780313331770. Retrieved 15 March 2015.
  40. ^ Melton, John Gordon; Baumann, Martin (2002-01-01). Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices. S – Z (in الإنجليزية). ABC-CLIO. p. 1285. ISBN 9781576072233.
  41. ^ Tayob, Abdulkader (1999). Islam in South Africa: Mosques, Imams, and Sermons. University Press of Florida. pp. 24–. ISBN 978-0-8130-2485-1.
  42. ^ le Roux, Schalk (June 2007). "The First Mosque: Caledon Street, Uitenhage" (PDF). Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis (South African Journal of Cultural History). 21 (1): 34. hdl:2263/5330.
  43. ^ Visit the Juma Masjid Mosque, 1999–2018, https://www.sa-venues.com/things-to-do/kwazulunatal/visit-the-juma-masjid-mosque/, retrieved on 2018-05-15 
  44. ^ Boehm, Eric H. (2000-01-01). Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450–1914 (in الإنجليزية). American Bibliographical Center, CLIO. p. 71.
  45. ^ Sasongko, Agus (31 January 2019). "Muslim Swaziland Mendamba Masjid" [Swaziland Muslims Longing for Mosque]. Republika (in الإندونيسية). Retrieved 21 March 2021.
  46. ^ أ ب Arabian American Oil Company; Saudi Aramco; Aramco Services (1987). Aramco world. Aramco. p. 67. Retrieved 5 July 2012.Then, in 1902, Indonesian Muslims from Java arrived to cultivate Suriname's coastal rice fields, and four years later, the country's first mosque was built at Wanica.
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