جوليوس مادا بيو

(تم التحويل من Julius Maada Bio)

جوليوس مادا بيو
Julius Maada Bio
Julius Maada Bio White House delegation 2018 (cropped).jpg
بيو في 2018
رئيس سيراليون
تولى المنصب
4 أبريل 2018
نائب الرئيسمحمد جلدة جلوه
رئيس الوزراءDavid J. Francis
سبقهErnest Bai Koroma
Military Head of State of Sierra Leone
في المنصب
16 يناير 1996 – 29 مارس 1996
النائبكومبا مونده[1]
سبقهڤالنتين ستراسر
خلـَفهأحمد تيجان كبه كرئيس
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد12 مايو 1964 (العمر 60 سنة)
تيهون ، مقاطعة بونتي ، سيراليون
الحزبحزب شعب سيراليون
الزوجفاطمة بيو (2013 – حتي الآن)[1]
الأنجالأغنيس ، تشارلي ، إيفان ، أمينة
الإقامة قصر الرئاسة
المدرسة الأمبنجيمة الأكاديمية العسكرية
الجامعة الأمريكية ؛ جامعة برادفورد
الدينالروم الكاثوليك
الخدمة العسكرية
الولاء سيراليون
الفرع/الخدمةجيش سيراليون
سنوات الخدمة1985–1996
قادرئيس أركان الدفاع في القوات المسلحة
رئيس المجلس الوطني الحاكم المؤقت
المعارك/الحروبالحرب الأهلية الليبيرية الأولى
الحرب الأهلية في سيراليون

جوليوس مادا بيو إنگليزية: Julius Maada Bio (مواليد 12 مايو 1964) هو سياسي سيراليوني ويشغل حالياً منصب رئيس سيراليون الخامس منذ 4 أبريل 2018.كان عميد سابق في الجيش السيراليوني ورئيس الجيش من 16 يناير 1996 إلى 29 مارس 1996 في ظل حكومة المجلس العسكري.[2] كان بيو المرشح الرئاسي لحزب شعب سيراليون المعارض واستطاع هزيمة سامورا كامارا من حزب المؤتمر الشعبي الحاكم في انتخابات الإعادة في عام 2018 حصل على نسبة 51.8٪ من الأصوات مقابل 48.2٪ كامارا.[3] أعلن المراقبون الدوليون والمحليون أن الانتخابات حرة ونزيهة وذات مصداقية.

تولى جوليونس المنصب خلفاً لإرنست كوروما الذي كان غير مؤهل دستوريًا لخوض الانتخابات الرئاسية بعد أن أمضى فترتين رئاستين وهو الحد الأقصى في دستور سيراليون.

خلال الشهور الأولى من توليه منصبه قام بتنقيذ وعوده الانتخابية حيث أصدر قرار بمجانية التعليم في المدارس الأبتدائية والثانوية التي تديرها الحكومة كذلك أزال رسوم النقديم للطلبة في الجامعات التي تديرها الحكومة ومؤخراً ألغى بيو اتفاقية تمويل صيني بقيمة 400 مليون دولار وقعت في عهد الرئيس السابق لبناء مطار جديد.

وبناء على أوامر من بيو، أنشأت وزارة العدل في سيراليون لجنة قضاة يقودها قاض دولي للتحقيق في العديد من مزاعم الفساد المالي ضد حكومة إرنست كوروما السابقة، وادعاءات الفساد المالي ضد إرنست كوروما نفسه. وحتى الآن تم توجيه التهم إلى كل من نائب رئيس سيراليون السابق، فيكتور بوكاري فور ووزير المناجم السابق مينكيلو مانسيراي، بالفساد المالي.ويتم مقاضاتهم حالياً في المحكمة.

ترشح بيو في انتخابات 2012 لكنه انهزم وحصل على 37% مقابل 58% لكوروما.

كرئيس للجيش قاد بيو انقلاب عسكرى ضد رئيس المجلس العسكري الكابتن فالنتين ستراسر في عام 1996.وعد بيو حينها بإعادة سيراليون إلى حكومة مدنية منتخبة ديمقراطيا.وحافظ على وعده عندما سلم السلطة إلى أحمد تيجان كبه مرشح حزب الشعب السيراليوني، عقب فوز كبه في انتخابات عام 1996 الرئاسية في سيراليون.

بعد تقاعده من الجيش عام 1996.انتقل بيو إلى الولايات المتحدة حيث حصل على لجوء سياسي من قبل الحكومة الأمريكية ولم يعد إلى سيراليون حتى عام 2005 عندما قام رئيس سيراليون أحمد تيجان كبه بضمان سلامته وأمانه.

حصل بيو على ماجستير في العلاقات دولية من الجامعة الأميركية بواشنطن ا كذلك هو خريج أكاديمية بنغيما العسكرية المرموقة في سيراليون.

بيو يعتنق المسيحية الكاثوليكية بينما زوجته فاطمة مسلمة.

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الحياة المبكرة

Julius Maada Wonie Bio was born on 12 May 1964, in Tihun, a village in the Sogbini Chiefdom, Bonthe District in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone. Bio was born three years after Sierra Leone's Independence during the administration of then Sierra Leone Prime Minister Sir Albert Margai of the SLPP. Bio is the 33 of 35 children born to Sherbro Paramount Chief Charlie Bio II of Sogbini Chiefdom. Bio's father had nine wives. Bio is named after his paternal grandfather Julius Maada Wonie Bio, who was also a Sherbro paramount chief of Sogbini Chiefdom. Bio is an ethnic Sherbro,[4] and a practicing Roman Catholic.[5]

Bio began his primary education at the Roman Catholic Primary School in Tihun, Bonthe District. After finishing his early years in primary school, Bio was sent to the town of Pujehun to live with his older sister Agnes, who was a primary school teacher in Pujehun. Bio completed his primary education at the Holy Family Primary School in Pujehun. After his primary education, Bio's older sister, Agnes, enrolled him at the Bo Government Secondary School in Bo (commonly known as Bo School), a prominent boarding school. Bio spent seven years at Bo School, rising to become school prefect. Bio graduated from Bo School in 1984 with A-level at age 20.[5]

السيرة العسكرية

المشاركة في الانقلاب العسكري عام 1992

انقلاب عسكري 1996

بعد الجيش

After retiring from the military in 1996, Bio moved to the United States, where he earned a master's degree in International Affairs from American University in Washington, DC. He also served as the president of International Systems Science Corporation, a consulting and investment management firm based in the United States.[6]

العمل السياسي

Bio officially became a member of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) in 2005. That same year, Bio sought the leadership of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) at its national convention in Makeni on 3 to 4 September 2005; he took third place, with 33 votes, behind Vice President Solomon Berewa, who received 291 votes, and Charles Margai, who won 34 votes. J.B. Dauda polled 28 votes.[7]

On the night of 31 July 2011, members of the SLPP forced their way during the SLPP convention, which was held at the Youyi Building in the heart of Freetown, and declared Bio as the SLPP's 2012 presidential candidate. In the national election, he faced off with President Ernest Bai Koroma of the ruling APC and was defeated, winning 37% of the vote, but established the SLPP as the only viable opposition party in Sierra Leone.[8]

رئيس سيراليون

انتخابات 2018

Julius Maada Bio was selected as President of Sierra Leone in a run-off election held 31 March 2018. He gained 51.8 percent of the votes, according to official results from Sierra Leone's National Elections Commission. He succeeded Ernest Bai Koroma of the APC who had been president since 2007, and who had to step down from his post having reached the constitutional term limit.[3]

السياسة الداخلية

In his first month in office, Bio became the first Sierra Leonean president to introduce free education through executive order for primary and secondary school students in public schools throughout Sierra Leone, starting the next school year in the fall of 2018. Bio has also eliminated application fees for students in government-run public universities across Sierra Leone. Bio cancelled a China-funded four hundred million dollar loan agreement with the previous Sierra Leone president Ernest Bai Koroma to build a new international airport in Sierra Leone.

In his first two months in office, Bio opened an ongoing review and audit of all government mining contracts, ministry departments, and other government agencies in the immediate past government of Ernest Bai Koroma. In his first two months in office, Bio sacked all of Sierra Leone's ambassadors and permanent representatives abroad in the immediate past government of Ernest Bai Koroma. In his first two months in office, Bio appointed his cabinet ministers, including the appointment of an opposition leader, Charles Margai, who served briefly[9] as the country's Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

Bio's administration, led by his Chief Minister David J. Francis, issued an investigative report accusing former president Ernest Bai Koroma and his previous government of widespread financial corruption. The allegations against Koroma include stealing millions of dollars from government revenue, selling of state properties, selling significant amounts of a state mining company, stealing funds meant for the country's victims of Ebola and the mudslide; and stealing funds meant to help some poor Sierra Leonean Muslims to go on Hajj. On Bio's orders, the Sierra Leone Justice Ministry has set up a commission of judges, led by an international judge, to investigate the allegations against the previous government.

In February 2019, President Bio declared a state of emergency in Sierra Leone due to endemic sexual violence. He increased penalties for rape and other sexual violations. The state of emergency was rescinded that June.[10][11] In 2022, he announced that his cabinet unanimously supported a bill to expand access to abortion in the country.[12] In January 2023, President Bio signed into law the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Bill, requiring parliamentary and local council elections to include women as at least 30% of candidates.[13]

Bio's opponents have criticized him about the country's poor economic conditions.[14] In August 2022, anti-government protests, sparked by the country's cost of living crisis, called for Bio's resignation and resulted in several deaths.[15] Bio considered the protests to be an insurrection aiming to overthrow the government.[16] On 21 June 2023, days before the 2023 Sierra Leonean general election, another violent protest occurred outside the All People's Congress headquarters, resulting in at least one death.[17]

السياسة الخارجية

Bio with U.S. Deputy Agriculture Secretary Jewel H. Bronaugh in 2021

President Bio attended the Global Education Summit in July 2021, and said on Twitter that he had "a zestful and productive meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson." He added that he "had a forward-looking and reassuring discussion on strengthening our relationship and building back better after COVID.".[18] Bio was one of few heads of state invited "because of his efforts in increasing access to education through the Free Quality Education Programme and breaking down gender barriers to increase girls' enrolment in schools in the last three years."[19] In March 2022, President Bio visited Vietnam.[20][21][22]

In May 2023, Bio urged an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine "for the sake of humanity", stating that he believes "even those who sympathise with Russia are in favour of stopping this war".[23] Amid his 2023 candidacy for reelection, Bio indicated that he hopes diplomacy led by African leaders can help broker an end to the war.[24]

انتخابات 2023

Bio was one of thirteen candidates in the 2023 Sierra Leonean general election.[14][17] His main opponent is Samura Kamara of the All People's Congress. He was pronounced the winner with 56% of the vote. This pronouncement was criticized by local and international elections observers, citing a lack of transparency in the counting process, and opposition leader Kamara rejecting the outcome.[25]

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تكريم أجنبي

دكتوراه فخرية

الحياة الشخصية

Maada Bio is an ethnic Sherbro and a practicing Roman Catholic Christian.[28] Bio's wife, Fatima Bio, is a practising Muslim and a Gambian-Sierra Leonean national, though she grew up in Kono District in Sierra Leone; her mother was born in Kono District, Sierra Leone, and her father is a Gambian native. Bio and Fatima were married in 2013 in London in an interfaith wedding ceremony that was held in a church with later mosque prayer services in London. The couple have one child together that was born in London. Bio has three other children from a previous marriage, all born in the United States.[29]



  1. ^ Chiefs of State and Cabinet members of foreign governments ... 1996Jan-Apr 1996. - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library | HathiTrust Digital Library. 
  2. ^ "Opposition candidate Julius Maada Bio wins Sierra Leone presidency: certified tallies". 4 أبريل 2018. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |تاريخ أرشيف= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |تاريخ الوصول= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |مؤلف= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |مسار أرشيف= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help)
  3. ^ أ ب نيويورك تايمز. 4 أبريل 2018 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/world/africa/sierra-leone-president.html. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |تاريخ أرشيف= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |تاريخ الوصول= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |عنوان= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |مؤلف= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |مسار أرشيف= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |مكان= ignored (help) خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صالح؛ الاسم "Two" معرف أكثر من مرة بمحتويات مختلفة.
  4. ^ Alexander, O. (21 May 2022). Julius Maada Wonie Bio (1964– ). "Global African History". www.blackpast.org.
  5. ^ أ ب Gberie, Lansana (7 يناير 2011). "Maada Bio: A Profile Interview". The Patriotic Vanguard. Retrieved 5 أبريل 2018.
  6. ^ Times Reporter (5 أبريل 2018). "Bio, is new Sierra Leone president". The New Times (Rwanda). Kigali. Retrieved 5 أبريل 2018.
  7. ^ Sierra Leone State House (5 سبتمبر 2005). "Vice President Berewa Leads SLPP". The Republic of Sierra Leone, State House Online. Archived from the original (Archived from the Original) on 3 يناير 2007. Retrieved 5 أبريل 2018.
  8. ^ APA-Freetown (Sierra Leone) (16 أكتوبر 2017). "Sierra Leone: Opposition names ex junta head as standard bearer". APANews.net. Retrieved 5 أبريل 2018.
  9. ^ "Nation stunned, as Sierra Leone's Attorney General Charles Margai is suddenly and shockingly fired by President Bio". Cocorioko. 12 يونيو 2018. Retrieved 1 أبريل 2020.
  10. ^ Martin, Laura S.; Koroma, Simeon (30 يناير 2020). "Taking stock one year after Sierra Leone's gender violence 'emergency'". The Conversation (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 14 مارس 2021.
  11. ^ "Sierra Leone's President Julius Maada Bio Shares Aspirations with Vietnamese Counterpart, Addresses Official State Dinner Marking His Visit". The State House. 15 مارس 2022. Retrieved 21 مارس 2022.
  12. ^ Akinwotu, Emmanuel (6 يوليو 2022). "Sierra Leone backs bill to legalise abortion and end colonial-era law". The Guardian. Retrieved 23 يونيو 2023.
  13. ^ "President Bio signs landmark gender equality law – opening doors for more women in parliament – Welcome to the Sierra Leone Telegraph" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). 22 يناير 2023. Retrieved 23 فبراير 2023.
  14. ^ أ ب Cham, Kemo; Mednick, Sam (18 يونيو 2023). "Sierra Leone gears up for presidential election amid economic crisis, looming protests". The Independent. Retrieved 23 يونيو 2023.
  15. ^ Roy-Macaulay, Clarence (10 أغسطس 2022). "Deadly anti-government protests erupt in Sierra Leone". [[Associated Press]. Retrieved 23 يونيو 2023.
  16. ^ Fofana, Umaru (13 أغسطس 2022). "Sierra Leone president says protests aimed to overthrow the government". Reuters. Retrieved 23 يونيو 2023.
  17. ^ أ ب Fofana, Umaru (21 يونيو 2023). "Violence flares in Sierra Leone ahead of presidential vote". Reuters. Retrieved 23 يونيو 2023.
  18. ^ @PresidentBio (29 يوليو 2021). "On the margins of the Global..." (Tweet) – via Twitter. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |dead-url= (help)
  19. ^ Thomas, Abdul Rashid (26 يوليو 2021). "President Bio in London for Global Education Summit". The Sierra Leone Telegraph.
  20. ^ "Sierra Leone's President Julius Maada Bio and Delegation Sign Agreement With Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences". The State House. 20 مارس 2022. Retrieved 21 مارس 2022.
  21. ^ "Sierra Leone's President Julius Maada Bio Arrives Vietnam to Discuss Bilateral Cooperation". The State House. 14 مارس 2022. Retrieved 21 مارس 2022.
  22. ^ "Sierra Leone's President Julius Maada Bio Meets President Xuan Phuc, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Fisheries Sign MoU". The State House. 15 مارس 2022. Retrieved 21 مارس 2022.
  23. ^ "Sierra Leone: President Julius Bio urges end to Ukraine war for 'sake of humanity'". Africa News (in الإنجليزية). 18 مايو 2023. Retrieved 11 يونيو 2023.
  24. ^ Hoije, Katarina (10 يونيو 2023). "Sierra Leone's Bio Hopes African Mission Can End Ukraine War". Bloomberg (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 11 يونيو 2023.
  25. ^ "Sierra Leone president wins re-election, says electoral commission". Reuters. 28 يونيو 2023.
  26. ^ Samba, Sylvester (29 July 2019), "Liberia President decorates his Sierra Leonean counterpart", Yame.
  27. ^ "塞拉利昂共和国总统到访湖北武汉". CNS (in Chinese (China)). 2 مارس 2024.
  28. ^ "Catholic church clears Maada Bio for tomorrow's state wedding, but more questions and cynicism provoked". Cocorioko (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). 20 فبراير 2020. Retrieved 14 يناير 2021.
  29. ^ Thomas, Abdul Rashid (8 نوفمبر 2013). "Sierra Leone's presidential hopeful-weds in London". Sierra Leone Telegraph. Archived from the original on 15 أكتوبر 2017. Retrieved 18 يناير 2022.

وصلات خارجية

مناصب سياسية
Valentine Strasser
Head of State of Sierra Leone
Ahmad Tejan Kabbah
Ernest Bai Koroma
President of Sierra Leone
مناصب حزبية
Solomon Berewa
SLPP nominee for President of Sierra Leone
2012, 2018
آخر شاغل للمنصب

قالب:2018 candidates, Sierra Leone قالب:2012 candidates, Sierra Leone