جبل السلسلة
جبل السلسلة
ẖny خنو | |
الإحداثيات: 24°38′N 32°56′E / 24.633°N 32.933°E | |
البلد | مصر |
المحافظة | محافظة أسوان |
منطقة التوقيت | UTC+2 (EST) |
مفتاح الهاتف | (+20) 97 |
جبل السلسلة (بالمصرية القديمة: ẖny, Khenyt,[1] خني أو خنو – "مكان التجديف") يقع علي بعد 65 كم (213،000 قدم) شمال أسوان في صعيد مصر، حيث توجد المنحدرات علي كلا الجانبين قريبان من أضيق نقطة على طول النيل. يقع بين إدفو[2] في الشمال باتجاه الوجه البحري وكوم أمبو[2] في الجنوب باتجاه صعيد مصر. اسم خني (أو أحيانًا خنو) يعني مكان التجديف.
تم استخدامه كموقع كموقع محجر رئيسي على جانبي النيل من الأسرة الثامنة عشر إلى العصر اليوناني الروماني. Silsila is famous for its New Kingdom stelai and cenotaphs.
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Kheny ẖny بالهيروغليفية |
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Kheny ẖny بالهيروغليفية |
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محجر الحجر الرملي
خلال الأسرة الثامنة عشر، تحول المصريون من الحجر الجيري إلى الحجر الرملي. في ذلك الوقت، لم تكن المحاجر في جبلين تنتج كمية من الحجر الجيري كما كانت من قبل. أصبح جبل السلسلة مصدرًا للحجر الرملي. [3] سمح استخدام هذا الحجر باستخدام عتبات أكبر. [3]
تم استخراج العديد من talatat التي يستخدمها أخناتون من هنا واستخدمت في المباني في الأقصر والعمارنة. تُظهر نصب من الجزء الأول من عهد إخناتون الملك يقدم قربانًا إلى آمون تحت قرص الشمس المجنح. يسجل النقش أن الحجر تم قطعه من أجل بنبن العظيم بن حوراختي العظيم في طيبة.[4] أشرف نحات أخناتون بيك على افتتاح مقلع حجارة هنا.
قدم الموقع العديد من المحاجر الحجرية على الجانبين الغربي والشرقي من النيل. يحتوي الموقع على العديد من الأضرحة التي أقامها المسؤولون الذين كانوا مسؤولين عن استخراج الحجر. استمدت جميع المعابد العظيمة في مصر القديمة تقريبًا حجرها الرملي من هنا،[2] مثل الكرنك،[2] والأقصر،[2] و مدينة هابو لرمسيس الثالث، وكوم أمبو، والرمسيوم.
الإله الرئيسي سوبك
الإله الرئيسي لجبل السلسلة هو سوبك،[5][6] إله التماسيح والمتحكم في المياه.[2]
تقع سلسلة داخل الأقاليم المصرية القديمة لكوم أمبو (أو أومبوس)، وتقع كوم أمبو على بعد 15 كم (49000 قدم) إلى الجنوب أو منحدر النهر. تُظهر العملات المعدنية الرومانية في نوم أومبيت التمساح ودمية الإله سوبك برأس التمساح.
المواقع الثانوية على الضفة الغربية
يشار إلى معبد حورمحب المنحوت في الصخر باسم سبيوس العظيم وربما يكون قد تم إنشاؤه في مقلع سابق للحجر الرملي. تم تكريس المعبد لسبعة آلهة، منهم آمون، الإله المحلي سوبك وحورمحب نفسه.[3] قام الحكام اللاحقون بتضمين المزيد من المشاهد والنقوش لهذا الهيكل. تشمل المشاهد على واجهة سبيوس العظيمة رمسيس الثالث وهو يقدم ماعت إلى آمون رع، وموت، وخونسو وسوبك في مشهد واحد ويقدم ماعت إلى أنهور - شو في مشهد آخر. في مكان آخر، يصور رمسيس الثاني بصحبة وزيره نفرونبت، بينما كان يقدم ماعت إلى بتاح وسوبك. يحتوي المدخل المركزي على شاهدة تظهر سيتي الثاني قبل آمون رع وموت وخونس.[7]
The Great Speos also contains two chapels belonging to Viziers. On the south end of the entrance is the chapel of Panehesy, Vizier to Merenptah. Panehesy is shown adoring Merenptah. Panehesy is also depicted on a stele showing Merenptah, Queen Isetnofret, and Prince Sety-Merenptah (later Seti II).[7] On the northern end is a similar chapel of the Vizier Paser from the reign of Ramesses II. A stele in the doorway shows Ramesses II, Queen Isetnofret and Princess-Queen Bintanath. The king is offering Maat to Ptah and Nefertem.[7]
South of Horemheb's Great Speos are a collection of erected royal stelae. The stelae date to a variety of reigns. They include a rock stela depicting Ramesses V before Amun-Re, Mut, Khons and Sobek.[7] Ramesses III is shown offering Maat to Amun-Re, Mut and Khons.[7] From a much later time is the stele of Shoshenq I. The scene shows Shoshenq accompanied by his son Iuput. The text is dated to year 21 of his reign. The goddess Mut leads the king and his son before Amun-Re, Re-Harakhti and Ptah.[7]
South of the royal stelae several cut shrines are found. These include shrines for the Scribe of the Treasury of Thutmose, the Overseer of the Seal of Min (from the time of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III), an official named Maa, and the Scribe of the Nome Ahmose (from the time of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III).[7]
North of the royal stelae more shrines can be found. One shrine belonged to an official dated to the reigns of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III: User, vizier. A shrine at this site records User's family, including his father Amethu called Ahmose.[7][8]
Further shrines were constructed near the river. Most of these date to the reigns of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III. Included are the shrines of some high-ranking officials such as the Overseer of the Granaries Minnakht, the Overseer of the Seal and Royal Herald Sennufer, the Overseer of the Seal Nehesy, the Overseer of the Prophets of Upper and Lower Egypt Hapuseneb, and the Great Steward of the Queen Senenmut.[7] Senenmut's is noteworthy because the inscriptions show a change in the status of Hatshepsut. She is said to be the "King's First-born Daughter" and she is depicted as a pharaoh in a striding fashion.[8]
Additionally, three rock-cut shrines were constructed and the site also shows some royal stelae. The shrines belong to Seti I, Ramesses II and Merenptah.[3][7] One of the stele depicts Ramesses III offering wine to Amun-Re, Re-Harakhty and Hapi. The stele mentions year 6 of the reign of Ramesses III. Adjoining this is another stele, this one depicting Horemheb adoring Sety I.[7]
Between the shrines of Merenptah and Ramesses II a stele was erected depicting Merenptah and a son (likely Sety-Merenptah, but the name has been destroyed) offering Maat to Amun-Re. The royals are accompanied by the Vizier Panehesy.[7]
المواقع الثانوية على الضفة الشرقية
Survey work of the east bank has revealed 49 quarries, the largest being Quarry 34 (Q34) (reviewed in 7 partitions due to its immensity) containing 54 stone huts.
The East bank holds several stele from the time of Amenhotep III. The stele and their texts are described in Karl Richard Lepsius' Denkmahler. The stelae are damaged, but one of them was inscribed in year 35. Amenhotep is shown adoring Amun-Re and is called "beloved of Sobek" in the inscriptions.[9] The stela have been studied and described by Georges Legrain.[7]
A shrine with stele on three sides depicting Amenhotep III is located at Gebel el-Silisila East.[9] In the scenes Amenhotep III is accompanied by an official named Amenhotep, who held the title "Eyes of the King in the whole land".[7]
A stela was discovered showing Akhenaten—named Amenhotep IV—before Amun-Re.[7]
Further finds date to the time of Sety I. An inscription from year 6 shows Sety I before Amun-Re, Ptah and a goddess. Another stele shows the Commander of troops of the fortress of the Lord of the Two Lands, named Hapi adoring the cartouche of Sety I.[7]
The rediscovery of the Temple of Kheny[2] is a significant find for the east bank.[5] The other item of significance is the collection of over 5,000 epigraphic symbols and hieroglyphs collected from this site and all over Egypt.[5] There appears to be an image depicting the actual transport of the sandstone blocks to temple sites.[5]
The east bank also has two unfinished ram-headed sphinxes or criosphinxes.
Indications have been noted of possible stables providing horses to the Roman Caesars.[5]
جدول الآثار
هذه قائمة بأبرز الآثار في جبل السلسلة.
آثار جبل السلسلة | ||||||||
اسم الأثر | الاسم البديل | الضفة (الغربية/الشرقية) |
النوع | مميزات | الحجر | مكرّس لـ | السمات | ملاحظات |
الضفة الغربية | ||||||||
معبد حورمحب | The Great Speos | الغربية | Temple | Rock-cut | حجر رملي | 7 deities, including Amun, the local god Sobek, and Horemheb | Facade scene includes Ramesses III offering Maat to Amun-Re, Mut, Khonsu, and Sobek; another scene offers Maat to Anhur-Shu. | أكبر منشأ في السلسلة. |
مصلى Panehesy | Speos south chapel | الغربية | Chapel within temple | حجر رملي | ||||
مصلى Paser | Speos north chapel | الغربية | مصلى داخل معبد | حجر رملي | ||||
الضفة الشرقية | ||||||||
معبد خني | الشرقية | معبد | الحجر الجيري مبكراً، ثم الحجر الرملي لاحقاً | الإله المحلي سوبك | Remnants. 4 floors. |
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معبد خني (معبد سوبك)
Remains of the Temple of Kheny have been rediscovered[2] as surface remnants at Gebel el Silsila,[2][5] showing the temple foundations and blockwork.[2] The ruins are one of the few remnants of the settlement of Kheny or Khenu, the ancient Egyptian name, meaning "Rowing Place", for Gebel el-Silsila.[2] The finding confirms that Gebel el Silsila is a sacred site in addition to its quarry function.[2] It is unknown at this time to whom the temple is dedicated,[2] but there are indications that it may be to Sobek.[5] Further, the site seems to lean towards solar worship.[5]
The worship center was described as a destroyed Ramesside[2] temple on a 1934 published rudimentary map by Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt[2] after being recorded between 1906 and 1925.[2] The temple was then forgotten and lost.[2]
The temple appears to have four "dressed floor levels".[2] Two painted sandstone fragments indicate that the temple's ceiling had an astronomical motif with stars and sky representing the celestial heavens.[2]
The rediscovery and on-site work have been conducted since 2012 by teams led by archeologists Maria Nilsson[2] and John Ward[2] as part of the Gebel el Silsila Survey Project.[2]
تغير رسمي محتمل من الحجر الجيري إلى الحجر الرملي في مصر القديمة
The changeover of constructing temples in Ancient Egypt from limestone to sandstone may have started with the Temple of Kheny.[2][5] It appears that the Temple of Kheny may be the "mother temple" to all future temples built with sandstone.[5]
According to Nilsson:[2]
The oldest building phase of the temple was made up by limestone, which is unique within a sandstone quarry, and may signify the official changeover from limestone construction to sandstone.
مشروع مسح نقوش جبل السلسلة
The entire site of Gebel el Silsila covering about 20 square kilometers is in a multi-year epigraphic survey project directed by archaeologist Maria Nilsson[2] under the auspices of Lund University,[2] and assistant-director John Ward. As of 2015, the team had 13 members, 2 SCA inspectors, and assistants.[2][11] Various teams organized by them have been working on-site since 2012. Emphasis has been placed on the east bank due to insufficient recording in the past and deteriorating conditions in the present epigraphically. Its major finding is the Temple of Kheny. The project is also noted for its use of digital archaeology.
The survey project has also found a blue scarab, an amulet depiction of a dung beetle.
اكتشافات حديثة
In February in 2019, joint Swedish-Egyptian archaeologists revealed a 16.4-feet longs and 11.5-feet high ram-headed sphinx (or a criosphinx) carved from sandstone dated back to the reign of Amenhotep III. In addition to this finding, an "uraeus" or wrapped cobra symbol and hundreds of stone fragment engraved with hieroglyphs were also found.[12][13][14]
The present-day climate of Gebel el-Silsila (Khenu) is extremely clear, dry, bright, and sunny year-round, in all seasons, with low seasonal variation, and with about 4,000 hours of annual sunshine, very close to the maximum theoretical sunshine duration. Silsila is located in one of the sunniest regions on Earth.
The Köppen-Geiger climate classification system classifies the weather of Gebel el-Silsila as a hot desert climate (BWh), like the rest of Egypt.
Winters are short, brief, and extremely warm. Wintertime is very pleasant and enjoyable while summertime is unbearably hot with blazing sunshine, made only more bearable because the desert air is dry.
The climate of Khenu is extremely dry year-round, with less than 1 mm of average annual precipitation. The desert locale is one of the driest ones in the world, and rainfall does not occur every year. The air is mainly dry here and becomes drier southward and upriver towards Aswan. The air becomes more humid northward and downriver towards Luxor.
24°38′N 32°56′E / 24.633°N 32.933°E
انظر أيضاً
- في ما يتعلق بالمحاجر
- في ما يتعلق بسوبك أو الديانة
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- السياحة الثقافية في مصر
- قائمة المواقع المصرية القديمة
- قائمة المواقع الجلمودية
- Outline of ancient Egypt
- Glossary of ancient Egypt artifacts
- Index of ancient Egypt-related articles
- الهامش
- ^ Kitchen (1983).
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و DNews (2015).
- ^ أ ب ت ث Wilkinson (2000), pp. 40, 65, 208.
- ^ Tyldesley (1998), p. 56.
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر Intrepid radio interview (2015).
- ^ Richard H. Wilkinson The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, 218–220
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط Porter & Moss (1937, 2004), vol. 5.
- ^ أ ب O'Connor & Cline (2006), pp. 48, 74.
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج Lepsius (1849).
- ^ Lepsius (1849), Vol. 4 (Texts) (Upper Egypt), p. 97.
- ^ "Gebel el Silsila Survey Project". Gebel el Silsila Survey Project. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
- ^ February 2019, Stephanie Pappas 27. "Ram-Headed Sphinx Abandoned by King Tut's Grandfather Found in Egypt". livescience.com (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2020-09-13.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - ^ "Crio sphinx linked to King Tut's grandfather discovered". EgyptToday. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
- ^ Rogers, James (2019-03-01). "Amazing ram-headed sphinx linked to King Tut's grandfather discovered in Egypt". Fox News (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2020-09-13.
- English
- Kitchen, Kenneth A. (1983). Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt, Aris & Phillips. ISBN 978-0856682155.
- O'Connor, David and Cline, Eric H. (2006). Thutmose III: A New Biography. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0472114672.
- Porter, Bertha; and Moss, Rosalind (1937). Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, V Upper Egypt: Sites (Volume 5). Griffith Institute. 1937, 1962; 2004: ISBN 978-0900416835.
- Tyldesley, Joyce (1998). Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen. Penguin. ISBN 0-670-86998-8.
- Wilkinson, Richard H. (2000). The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt, Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-05100-3.
- German
- Lepsius, Karl Richard (1849). [Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia]. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien nach den Zeichnungen der von Seiner Majestät dem Koenige von Preussen, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., nach diesen Ländern gesendeten, und in den Jahren 1842–1845 ausgeführten wissenschaftlichen Expedition auf Befehl Seiner Majestät. 13 vols. Berlin: Nicolaische Buchhandlung. (Reprinted Genève: Éditions de Belles-Lettres, 1972). Retrieved online Lepsius Denkmahler.
- Interview by Scott Roberts of Maria Nilsson and John Ward (while both in Sweden), The Intrepid Radio Program broadcast, Intrepid Paradigm Broadcast Network, 2015 May 31 Sunday 9-11 p.m. CDT (2015 June 1 UTC 0400-0600 UTC), Wisconsin, U.S.A., archived podcast 2015 June 1; accessed 2011 June 11.
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- "Long-Lost Egyptian Temple Found". DNews (Discovery News). Archived from the original on 2016-05-10. Retrieved 2015-05-18.
وصلات خارجية
- Friends of Silsila Archived 2021-10-19 at the Wayback Machine
- Gebel el Silsila (Epigraphic) Survey Project blog
- Photo gallery of "Gebel el Silsileh: The Quarries East and West", part of "The Egyptian Theben Desert Portfolio" by Yarko Kobylecky
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- CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list
- CS1 الإنجليزية الأمريكية-language sources (en-us)
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- مواقع أثرية في مصر
- مواقع أثرية في محافظة أسوان
- مواقع رومانية في مصر