
(تم التحويل من Maitreya)
Maitreya Buddha
Maitreya Buddha at Tashilhunpo, Tibet (cropped).jpg
Maitreya from Tibet
(Pinyin: Mílè Púsa)
(romaji: Miroku Bosatsu)
بالكارِنမဲၣ်တယါ ဘူးဒး
Mehtuhyah Boodah
(RR: Mireuk Bosal)
Майдар, Асралт;
Mayidar, Asaraltu
Miruku Unkee
بالسنهالاමෛත්‍රී බුදුන්
Maithri Budun
Phra Si Ariya Mettrai
Wylie: byams pa
THL: Jampa

Wylie: byams pa'i mgon po
THL: Jampé Gönpo
Di Lặc Bồ Tát
يـُبجـِّلهMahayana, Theravada, Vajrayana
الصفاتLoving Kindness
→ سبقه
Gautama Buddha
Rama Buddha[1] ←

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 ع  ن  ت

مايتريا (Maitreya ؛ سنسكريتيةMetteyya (Pali), is regarded as a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. In some Buddhist literature, such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, he is referred to as Ajita.

According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will appear on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the present Buddha, Gautama Buddha (also known as Śākyamuni Buddha).[2][3] The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya refers to a time in the future when the dharma will have been forgotten by most on the terrestrial world.

Maitreya has also been adopted for his millenarian role by many non-Buddhist religions in the past, such as the White Lotus, as well as by modern new religious movements, such as Yiguandao.


One mention of the prophecy of Maitreya is in the Maitreyavyākaraṇa. It implies that he is a teacher of meditative trance sādhanā and states that gods, men and other beings:

Will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: free from all misery they will manage to cross the ocean of becoming; and, as a result of Maitreya's teachings, they will lead a holy life. No longer will they regard anything as their own, they will have no possession, no gold or silver, no home, no relatives! But they will lead the holy life of oneness under Maitreya's guidance. They will have torn the net of the passions, they will manage to enter into trances, and theirs will be an abundance of joy and happiness, for they will lead a holy life under Maitreya's guidance.[4]

وصف عام

Maitreya is typically pictured seated, with either both feet on the ground or crossed at the ankles, on a throne, waiting for his time. He is dressed in the clothes of either a bhikṣu (monk) or Indian royalty. As a bodhisattva, he would usually be standing and dressed in jewels. Usually he wears a small stupa in his headdress that represents the stupa with relics of Gautama Buddha to help him identify it when his turn comes to lay claim to his succession, and can be holding a dharmachakra resting on a lotus. A khata scarf is always tied around his waist as a girdle.[بحاجة لمصدر]

In the Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara, Maitreya is represented as a northern Indian nobleman, holding a kumbha in his left hand. Sometimes this is a "wisdom urn" (Tibetan: Bumpa). He is flanked by his two acolytes, the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu, who founded the Yogacara tradition.

The Maitreyasamiti was an extensive Buddhist play in pre-Islamic Central Asia.[5][6] The Maitreyavyakarana (in Sataka form) in Central Asia and the Anagatavamsa of South India also mention him.[7][8]

جنة توشيتا مايتريا

Maitreya currently resides in the Tuṣita Heaven (Pāli: Tusita), said to be reachable through meditation. Gautama Buddha also lived here before he was born into the world as all bodhisattvas live in the Tuṣita Heaven before they descend to the human realm to become Buddhas. Although all bodhisattvas are destined to become Buddhas, the concept of a bodhisattva differs greatly in Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. In Theravada Buddhism, a bodhisattva is one who is striving for full enlightenment (Arahantship in Pali), whereas in Mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva is one who has already reached a very advanced state of grace or enlightenment but holds back from entering nirvana so that he may help others.

In Mahayana Buddhism, Buddhas preside over pure lands, such as Amitābha over Sukhavati. Once Maitreya becomes a buddha, he will rule over the Ketumati pure land, an earthly paradise sometimes associated with the city of Varanasi (also known as Benares) in Uttar Pradesh, India,[9] and in other descriptions, the Shambhala.[10][11]

In Theravada Buddhism, Buddhas are born as unenlightened humans, and are not rulers of any paradise or pure land. Maitreya's arising would be no different from the arising of Gautama Buddha, as he achieved full enlightenment as a human being and died, entering parinibbana (nirvana-after-death).

إله ذكر بثمانية أذرع (مايتريا). Provenance Vat Ampil Tok, Kg. Chhnang. 10th century. Bronze with dark patina. Green traces on the feet. H. 75 cm. Inv. 2024. المتحف الوطني في كمبوديا، پنوم پنه.
معبد لمايتريا (بالصينية: 彌勒菩薩; Pinyin: Mílè Púsa) surrounded by two Bodhisattvas in the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum في تشاينا تاون، سنغافورة

نشاط مايتريا في العصر الحالي

مقال رئيسي: مايتريا-ناثا

في مدارس المهايانا، Maitreya is traditionally said to have revealed the Five Treatises of Maitreya through Asanga. These texts are the basis of the Yogacara tradition and constitute the majority of the third turning within the Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma.

مجيء مايتريا في المستقبل

Recognition as Buddha Maitreya by Dema Thubton Chukor Gling Monastery 1. Will come back to the Western part of the World. 2. He will be in control of himself 3. Compassionately guides those whom have wondered.

Holy Head-Ornament translations of the sacred text of the Gling Monastery. Translation of the Certificate As for the holy head-ornament [of the Buddha], named Buddha Maitreya, the westerner, lord of a heavenly realm, who with the firm self-control of non-objectifying compassion guides as he wishes those who wander, sunk in the realm of rebirth, the ocean of beings of samsara with minds polluted - as for this high one, we of Denma Tubten Chokhor Gling, since you are the master of the teaching, and since the lama and all disciples, as well as the order and the monastery, have faith and clearly acknowledge you as such, unquestionably henceforth we place ourselves firmly before the throne of Mijig-dorje, the Lord of this dharma-field, Ajita Triumvirate Varuna,https://3cology.wixsite.com/ricjamesnaughtonriou "King who takes the place of another, god of the Sea."

According to Buddhist tradition, each kalpa has 1,000 Buddhas.[12] The previous kalpa was the vyuhakalpa (Glorious aeon), and the present kalpa is called the bhadrakalpa (Auspicious aeon).[13] The Seven Buddhas of Antiquity (Saptatathāgata) are seven Buddhas which bridge the vyuhakalpa and the bhadrakalpa:[14]

  1. Vipassī (the 998th Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)
  2. Sikhī (the 999th Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)
  3. Vessabhū (the 1000th and final Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)
  4. Kakusandha (the first Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
  5. Koṇāgamana (the second Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
  6. Kassapa (the third Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
  7. Gautama (the fourth and present Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
تمثال مايتريا البوذيساتڤا، في كوريو-جي

مايتريا سيكون البوذا الخامس والمستقبلي من البادراكالپا، ومجيئه سيحدث بعد أن يهجر الناس تعاليم گاوتاما بوذا.

The coming of Maitreya will be characterized by a number of physical events. The oceans are predicted to decrease in size, allowing Maitreya to traverse them freely. Maitreya will then reintroduce true dharma to the world.

His arrival will signify the end of the middle time, the time between the fourth Buddha, Gautama Buddha, and the fifth Buddha, Maitreya, which is viewed as a low point of human existence. According to the Cakkavatti Sutta: The Wheel-turning Emperor, Digha Nikaya 26 of the Sutta Pitaka of the Pāli Canon, Maitreya Buddha will be born in a time when humans will live to an age of eighty thousand years, in the city of Ketumatī (present Varanasi), whose king will be the Cakkavattī Sankha. Sankha will live in the palace where once dwelt King Mahāpanadā, but later he will give the palace away and will himself become a follower of Maitreya Buddha.[15]

The scriptures say that Maitreya will attain bodhi in seven days (which is the minimum period), by virtue of his many lives of preparation for buddhahood similar to those reported in the Jataka tales.

At this time a notable teaching he will start giving is that of the ten non-virtuous deeds (killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, divisive speech, abusive speech, idle speech, covetousness, harmful intent and wrong views) and the ten virtuous deeds (the abandonment of: killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, divisive speech, abusive speech, idle speech, covetousness, harmful intent and wrong views).

The Arya Maitreya Mandala, an order founded by Anagarika Govinda, is based on the idea of the future coming of Maitreya.

Buddhist texts from several traditions say that beings in Maitreya's time will be much bigger than during the time of Sakyamuni. In one prophecy his disciples are contemptuous of Mahakasyapa, whose head is no larger than an insect to them. Buddha's robe barely covers two fingers making them wonder how tiny Buddha was. Mahākāśyapa is said to be small enough in comparison to cremate in the palm of Maitreya's hand.[16]

السيرة المتنبأ بها

Maitreya will be born to the Brahmins, Tubrahmā (father) and Brahmavadi (mother) in Ketumatī, which will be ruled by King Saṅkha, a Chakravarti. Maitreya's spouse will be Princess Sandamukkhī. His son will be Brahmavaṁsa. After the birth of his son, Maitreya will leave to practice asceticism. He will practice for 7 days. After the practice, he will be awakened under a Mesua ferrea tree. The disciples of Maitreya Buddha are:

  1. Asoka, an Agraśrāvaka and the right-hand chief disciple
  2. Brahmadeva, an Agraśrāvaka and the left-hand chief disciple
  3. Sumana, the right-hand Agasāvikā
  4. Padumā, the left-hand Agasāvikā
  5. Sīha, a primary attendant.

Maitreya will be 88 cubits (132 feet, 40 meters) tall and will live for 88,000 years. Like Maṅgala Buddha, his rays will make people hard to distinguish between day and night. His teachings will preserve for the next 180,000 years.[17] In the commentary of Anāgatavamsa, his teaching will last for 360,000 years.

بوذية نيچي‌رن ومايتريا كإستعارة

مايتريا - رمز السلام بارتفاع 33 متر بمواجهة پاكستان، وادي نوبرا، الهند

According to the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren Buddhism, all people possess the potential to reveal an innate Buddha nature during their own lifetimes, a concept which may appear to contradict the idea of Buddha as savior or messiah.

Although Maitreya is a significant figure in the Lotus Sutra, the explanation of Nichiren is that Maitreya is a metaphor of stewardship and aid for the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, as written in the Lotus Sutra:

Moreover... all the bodhisattvas, Bodhisattva Maitreya... will guard and protect the votaries of the Lotus Sutra, so one may indeed rest assured.[18]

In much of his writing, Nichiren mentions the traditional Buddhist views on Maitreya but explains that the propagation of the Eternal Dharma of the Lotus Sutra was entrusted by Shakyamuni to the Bodhisattvas of earth:

The Buddha did not entrust these five characters to Maitreya, Medicine King, or the others of their group. Instead he summoned forth the bodhisattvas... from the great earth of Tranquil Light and transferred the five characters to them.[19]

Thus, each individual can embody the character of the Maitreya because he is a metaphor for compassion:

The name Maitreya means ‘Compassionate One’ and designates the Votaries of the Lotus Sutra.[20]

زاعمو المايتريا

Statue of Maitreya Buddha in Patan Museum, كتمندو، نـِپال
صورة عن قرب لتمثال يجسد مايتريا في دير ثيكسى في لداخ، الهند. تصويرات مايتريا تختلف حسب الطائفة البوذية.

طوائف مايتريا في الصين

مايتريا جالس منحوت في الصخر، بوذا العملاق في لى‌شان في سي‌چوان، الصين

التمردات المسيحانية البوذية قبل مايتريا

الأسر الجنوبية والشمالية

وجهات نظر غير بوذية

الفلسفة الصوفية


The Ahmadiyyas believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) fulfilled expectations regarding the Maitreya Buddha.[21]


Bahá'ís believe that Bahá'u'lláh is the fulfillment of the prophecy of appearance of Maitreya.[22][23] Bahá'ís believe that the prophecy that Maitreya will usher in a new society of tolerance and love has been fulfilled by Bahá'u'lláh's teachings on world peace.[22]

الشامانية الكورية

In many East Asian folk religions, including Korean shamanism, a deity by the name of Maitreya appears as an ancient creator god or goddess. A malevolent usurper deity by the name of Shakyamuni (the historical Buddha) claims dominion over Maitreya's world, and the two engage in a flower-growing contest to decide who will rule the world. Maitreya grows the flower while Shakyamuni cannot, but the usurper steals it while the creator sleeps. Shakyamuni thus becomes the ruler of the world and brings suffering and evil to the world.[24]

معرض صور

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Anāgatavamsa
  2. ^ Horner (1975), The minor anthologies of the Pali canon, p. 97. Regarding Metteyya, Bv XXVII, 19: "I [Gautama Buddha] at the present time am the Self-Awakened One, and there will be Metteyya...."
  3. ^ Buddha Dharma Education Association (2014). "Suttanta Pitaka: Khuddaka Nikāya: 14.Buddhavamsa-History of the Buddhas". Guide to Tipiṭaka. Tullera, NSW, Australia: Buddha Dharma Education Association. Retrieved 2014-12-21.
  4. ^ (Trans. in Conze 1959:241
  5. ^ 古代维吾尔语说唱文学《弥勒会见记》
  6. ^ The Maitreya-samiti and Khotanese Archived 2012-11-14 at the Wayback Machine
  7. ^ 刘震:从百颂体《弥勒授记经》来看中印及周边的文化交流[dead link]
  8. ^ The Teaching of the Elders – Thera-vada: 'Anagatavamsa Desana
  9. ^ 《彌勒上生經》與《彌勒下生經》簡介
  10. ^ Arch. orient (in الإنجليزية). Nakl. Ceskoslovenské akademie věd. 2003. pp. 254, 261. Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  11. ^ Roerich, Nicholas (2003). Shambhala (in الإنجليزية). Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd. p. 65. ISBN 978-81-7936-012-5. Retrieved 11 May 2020.
  12. ^ "Chapter 36: The Buddhas in the three periods of time". Buddhism in a Nutshell Archives. Hong Kong: Buddhistdoor International. Retrieved 2014-12-21.
  13. ^ Buswell Jr., RE; Lopez Jr., DS (2014). The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism (1st ed.). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 106. ISBN 978-0-691-15786-3.
  14. ^ Buswell Jr., RE; Lopez Jr., DS (2014). The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism (1st ed.). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 776. ISBN 978-0-691-15786-3.
  15. ^ Vipassana.info, Pali Proper Names Dictionary: Metteyya
  16. ^ John S. Strong (2007). Relics of the Buddha. p. 220. ISBN 978-0691117645.
  17. ^ Myanmar Encyclopedia, Volume 9
  18. ^ "SGI Library Online – The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin". Sgilibrary.org. Archived from the original on 2012-03-18. Retrieved 2012-08-15.
  19. ^ "SGI Library Online – The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin". Sgilibrary.org. Archived from the original on 2012-03-18. Retrieved 2012-08-15.
  20. ^ The Record of Orally Transmitted Teachings p 143.Translated by Burton Watson
  21. ^ Review of Religions, 97, March 2002, p. 24 .
  22. ^ أ ب Momen, Moojan (1995). Buddhism And The Baha'i Faith: An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith for Theravada Buddhists. Oxford: George Ronald. pp. 50–52. ISBN 0-85398-384-4.
  23. ^ Buck, Christopher (2004). "The eschatology of Globalization: The multiple-messiahship of Bahā'u'llāh revisited". In Sharon, Moshe (ed.). Studies in Modern Religions, Religious Movements and the Bābī-Bahā'ī Faiths. Boston: Brill. pp. 143–178. ISBN 90-04-13904-4.
  24. ^ Waida, Manabu (1991). "The Flower Contest between Two Divine Rivals. A Study in Central and East Asian Mythology". Anthropos. 86: 87–109. ISSN 0257-9774. Retrieved June 10, 2020.


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