İzmir | |
Clockwise from top: Alsancak quarter in the Konak district, Asansör, Kültürpark, skyscrapers in Bayraklı, Konak Pier, and İzmir Clock Tower. | |
الكنية: Pearl of the Aegean (تركية: Ege'nin İncisi) | |
الإحداثيات: 38°25′N 27°08′E / 38.42°N 27.14°E | |
Country | ![]() |
Region | Aegean |
Province | İzmir |
Established | ح. 6500 BC (Yeşilova Mound in Bornova district) ح. 11th century BC (as ancient Smyrna) |
Capital town | Konak (de facto; Turkish metropolises have no official capital towns) |
الحكومة | |
• Mayor | Tunç Soyer (CHP) |
المساحة | |
• Metropolitan municipality | 12٬012 كم² (4٬638 ميل²) |
• الحضر | 919 كم² (355 ميل²) |
• العمران | 2٬259 كم² (872 ميل²) |
المنسوب | 2 m (7 ft) |
التعداد | |
• Metropolitan municipality | 4٬367٬251 |
• Urban | 2٬965٬900 |
• الكثافة الحضرية | 4٬761/km2 (12٬330/sq mi) |
• العمرانية | 3٬209٬179 |
• الكثافة العمرانية | 1٬400/km2 (3٬700/sq mi) |
صفة المواطن | إنگليزية: Izmirian تركية: İzmirli |
GDP | |
• Metropolitan municipality | TRY 462.151 billion US$ 51.460 billion (2021) |
• Per capita | TRY 104,791 US$ 11,668 (2021) |
منطقة التوقيت | UTC+3 (TRT) |
Postal code | 35xxx |
مفتاح الهاتف | (+90) 232 |
Licence plate | 35 |
الموقع الإلكتروني | www.izmir.bel.tr www.izmir.gov.tr |
إزمير[أ] ( İzmir ؛ UK /ˈɪzmɪər/ IZ-meer, الأمريكي /ɪzˈmɪər/ iz-MEER؛ النطق التركي: [ˈizmiɾ] ( استمع)) هي ثالث أكبر مدن وثاني أكبر موانئ تركيا. تسمى أيضاً بلؤلؤة إيجة لوقوعها على الشاطئ الشرقي لبحر إيجة و جمالها. كانت تدعى قديماً باليوناني سميرنا. وهي عاصمة محافظة إزمير.
In 2019, the city of İzmir had a population of 2,965,900, while İzmir Province had a total population of 4,367,251.[2][3] Its built-up (or metro) area was home to 3,209,179 inhabitants. It extends along the outlying waters of the Gulf of İzmir and inland to the north across the Gediz River Delta; to the east along an alluvial plain created by several small streams; and to slightly more rugged terrain in the south.[6]
İzmir has more than 3,000 years of recorded urban history, and up to 8,500 years of history as a human settlement since the Neolithic period. In classical antiquity the city was known as Smyrna ( /ˈsmɜːrnə/ SMUR-nə; باليونانية: Σμύρνη) – a name which remained in use in English and various other languages until around 1930, when government efforts led the original Greek name to be gradually phased out internationally in favor of its Turkish counterpart İzmir.[7] Until the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey, İzmir had a very large Greek population.
سماها ابن بطوطة «يزمير»، وكانت تعرف قديماً باسم «سميرنة». عدد سكانها 1985300 نسمة عام 1995م، وبذلك تعدّ ثالثة المدن التركية في عدد السكان، وهي ميناء التصدير الأول، ومركز بيع منتجات الأودية الإيجية الغنية بمحصولاتها الزراعية، وفيها سوق مهمة لتوزيع المنتجات المصنعة المستوردة، ويُقام فيها معرض سنوي هو أهم تظاهرة تجارية في المنطقة، وتُعدُّ إزمير من جهة أخرى، المدينة الصناعية التركية الثانية بعد اسطنبول إذ يشتغل 31% من القوى العاملة فيها في نشاطات صناعية.
The modern name İzmir is the Turkish rendering of the Greek name Smyrna and "Smyrne" (Σμύρνη). In medieval times, Westerners used forms like Smire, Zmirra, Esmira, Ismira, which was rendered as İzmir into Turkish, originally written as ازمير with the Ottoman Turkish alphabet.[8]
Lying on an advantageous location at the head of a gulf running down in a deep indentation, midway along the western Anatolian coast, İzmir has been one of the principal mercantile cities of the Mediterranean Sea for much of its history. It hosted the Mediterranean Games in 1971 and the World University Games (Universiade) in 2005. The city participated in Climathon in 2019.[9]
المعالم الرئيسية
İzmir has over 3000 years of recorded urban history and up to 8500 years of history as a human settlement since the Neolithic period.[بحاجة لمصدر] Set in an advantageous location at the head of a gulf in a deep indentation midway along the western Anatolian coast, the city has been one of the principal mercantile ports of the Mediterranean Sea for much of its history. When the Ottomans took over İzmir in the 15th century, they did not inherit compelling historical memories, unlike the other key points of the Ottoman trade network, namely Constantinople (Istanbul), Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo.[بحاجة لمصدر]
The emergence of İzmir as a major international port by the 17th century was largely a result of the attraction it exercised over foreigners and the city's European orientation.[10] Politically, İzmir is considered a stronghold of Kemalism and the Republican People's Party (CHP).
İzmir's port is Turkey's primary port for exports in terms of the freight handled and its free zone, a Turkish-U.S. joint-venture established in 1990, is the leader among the twenty in Turkey. The workforce, and particularly its rising class of young professionals, is concentrated either in the city or in its immediate vicinity (such as in Manisa and Turgutlu), and as either larger companies or SMEs, affirm their names with an increasingly wider global scale and intensity.[11]
İzmir hosted the Mediterranean Games in 1971 and the World University Games (Universiade) in 2005. In March 2008, İzmir submitted its bid to the BIE for hosting the Universal Expo 2015, but it was won by Milan, Italy.

كثيراً ما يـُدعى هومر ملسجنس Melesigenes التي تعني "ابن غدير ملس" قيل أنه وُلِد في سميرنا.
سميرنا القديمة
تضاربت أقوال المؤرخين في تاريخ تأسيس المدينة، وحسب سترابون، فإن أنتيگونوس (316—301 ق.م.) و ليسيماخوس Lysimachus (301 ق.م.—281 ق.م.)، الحاكم في عهد الاسكندر، أعادا بناءها في القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد على سفح جبل پاگوس Pagos[12] بالقرب من الطرف الجنوبي الشرقي للخليج، جزئياً على الأرض المنخفضة بين الربوة والبحر. وازدادت أهميتها شيئاً فشيئاً نتيجة ردم الموانئ الأخرى بالطمي، وزوال ميناء إفسوس، منفذ وادي مندرس الصغير وأكبر ميناء في العصر الهلنستي، في حين لم يطرأ تغير على إزمير لأنها لاتقع في منفذ الوادي، وبهذا ساعدت العوامل الجيومورفولوجية على ازدهارها في الوقت الذي أثرت فيه تأثيراً سلبياً في المناطق الأخرى. وقد عدها استرابون أجمل المدن الآسيوية.
وكان جو أزمير أطيب من جو غيرها من البلدان رغم كثرة من كان فيها من صيّادي السمك. وقد وصفها أپولونيوس من تيانا Apollonius of Tyana الذي كان جواب آفاق بأنها "أجمل مدينة تحت الشمس"(59). وكانت تزدهي على غيرها من المُدن بشوارعها الطويلة المستقيمة، وأعمدتها ذات الطبقتين من القرميد، ومكتبتها، وجامعتها. وقد وصفها رجل من أشهر أبنائها وهو إيليوس أرستيدس Aelius Arisitides (117- 187م) وصفاً يكشف عما كانت عليه المُدن الرومانية الهلنستية من روعة وبهاء، فقال:
وكان إيليوس واحداً من كثيرين من البلغاء والسفسطائيين الذين اجتذبت شهرتهم الطلاب إلى أزمير من جميع بلاد هلاس؛ وكان معلّمه پوليمو Polimo رجلاً بلغ من العظمة- كما يقول فيلوستراتس- "درجة جعلته يتحدّث والمدائن أقل منه، والأباطرة لا يعلون عليه، والآلهة أنداد له".[13] وكان إذا حاضر في أثينة استمع إليه هرودس أتيكوس Herodes Atticus أعظم منافسيه في البلاغة، وكان من تلاميذه المعجبين به. وأرسل إليه هرودس 150.000 درخما (90.000 دولار أمريكي) نظير استمتاعه بميزة الاستماع إلى محاضراته؛ ولما لم يشكر له بوليمو عمله هذا، قال له أحد الأصدقاء إن المحاضر قد استقلّ المبلغ، فبعث إليه هرودس مائة ألف أخرى، قبلها بوليمو في هدوء على أنها حقٌّ له. وقد استخدم بوليمو ثروته في تزيين المدينة التي اتخذها وطناً له؛ وإشترك في حكمها، ووفّق بين أحزابها، وكان سفيراً لها. وتقول الرواية المأثورة إنه أيقن أنه لا يطيق الصبر على داء المفاصل الذي كان مصاباً به، فدفن نفسه في قبر أسلافه في لاوديسيا، وأمات نفسه جوعاً في سن السادسة والخمسين.
سميرنا تصبح إزمير

خضعت المدينة لحكم السلاجقة في القرن الحادي عشر الميلادي، ولم تعد إلى الحكم البيزنطي إلا بعد أن أُجليَ السلاجقة عن نيقية عام 1097م، ثم احتلها آيدين التركماني، أمير أفسوس عام 1320م، وأصبحت قاعدة للإغارة على جزائر أرخبيل بحر إيجة وسفن الفرنجة التجارية، فاتحدت قوات الفرنجة البحرية تحت رعاية البابا لمواجهة هذه الغارات، وفتحت إزمير عنوة عام 1344م، ووضعت تحت حماية فرسان جزيرة رودس الذين ظلوا فيها حتى جاء تيمورلنك فأجلى هؤلاء الفرسان عن المدينة عام 1403م.
وفي عام 1425م انتقلت المدينة نهائياً إلى حكم العثمانيين، إلا أن الوضع فيها لم يستقر تماماً بسب مركزها التجاري وموقعها الاستراتيجي المهم، فتعرضت لعدة هجمات خارجية من البحر منها غزو الأسطول البندقي عام 1472م، كما وقعت فيها أحداث شغب داخلية بين الطوائف كالمعركة التي جرت فيها عام 1797م بين الصقالبة والكرواتيين.ازدادت أهمية المدينة فأصبحت، لموقعها الطبيعي ومرفئها الفسيح، باباً للشرق، ولاسيما بعد انفتاح تركية على التجارة الغربية، فكانت تحط فيها القوافل التي تنقل بضائع الشرق إلى الغرب، وتعود ببضائع الغرب إلى الشرق، فهي تشرف على أودية غديز ومندرس الكبيرة، وعلى مداخل الأناضول الرئيسة، والممرات الجبلية التي تربطها بمنطقة الأناضول الشمالية الغربية، وهي تسيطر على المنطقة بموقعها في وسط الساحل الإيجي.
وقد أصابت المدينة عدة زلازل، كادت تخربها، منها زلزال عام 1688م، وزلزال آخر عام 1778م، وثالث عام 1928م. ولم تستأنف المدينة حياتها الطبيعية إلا منذ عام 1932م.

تعداد إزمير | |||
السنة | عدد السكان | ||
2007 | 2,606,294 | ||
2000 | 2,232,265 | ||
1990 | 1,758,780 | ||
1985 | 1,489,817 | ||
1970 | 554,000 | ||
1965 | 442,000 | ||
1960 | 371,000 | ||
1955 | 286,000 | ||
1950 | 231,000 | ||
1945 | 200,000 | ||
1940 | 184,000 | ||
1935 | 171,000 | ||
1927 | 154,000 |
أحياء المدينة
أخذت إزمير شكل بقية مدن البحر المتوسط، فهي تقع على سفح هضبة الحصن، ويمتد الحي السكاني نحو الشمال الشرقي يليه الميناء وإلى جانبه يقع أول تجمع لتصنيع المنتوجات الغذائية كالتبغ والزبيب والتين المجفف. وترتفع كثافة السكان في المناطق الواقعة خلف الحي الصناعي وحي الميناء، وتنخفض فيهما. وبهذا تقسم المدينة بوضوح إلى مناطق سكانية، وأخرى للأعمال الصناعية، وقد امتدت المدينة امتداداً ملحوظاً نحو الشمال في السهول المنخفضة، ووصلت إلى شاطئ الخليج الشمالي، حيث أغنى أحياء المدينة السكنية، وأنشئ تجمع صناعي آخر في حي المحطة (السنجق)، خلف المنطقة السابقة، لإنتاج المصنوعات النسيجية والقطنية. وفي شمالي الخليج يقع حي كارشي ياكا الذي أصبح ضاحية سكنية غنية بعد أن كان خاصاً بحمامات البحر والمنازل الصيفية، ويماثله حي «انجير آلته» في الجنوب.
متوسطات الطقس لİzmir, Turkey | |||||||||||||
شهر | يناير | فبراير | مارس | أبريل | مايو | يونيو | يوليو | أغسطس | سبتمبر | اكتوبر | نوفمبر | ديسمبر | السنة |
متوسط العظمى °ف (°م) | 53 (12) | 54 (12) | 60 (16) | 68 (20) | 77 (25) | 87 (31) | 91 (33) | 90 (32) | 84 (29) | 74 (23) | 63 (17) | 55 (13) | 71 (22) |
متوسط الصغرى °ف (°م) | 39 (4) | 40 (4) | 44 (7) | 50 (10) | 57 (14) | 64 (18) | 68 (20) | 67 (19) | 61 (16) | 55 (13) | 47 (8) | 42 (6) | 53 (12) |
هطول الأمطار بوصة (mm) | |||||||||||||
المصدر: Weatherbase[14] September 2007 |
النشاط الزلزالي
في 30 أكتوبر 2020، وقع زلزال بقوة 6.6 في بحر إيجة، وصل تأثيره محافظة أزمير الواقعة على الساحل لغربي لتركيا وشعر به سكان إسطنبول وأزمير وأثينا في اليونان. أسفر الزلزال عن سقوط أكثر من 20 مبنى في ازمير، ولم ترد أنباء عن وقوع خسائر بشرية.[15]

The port of İzmir is Turkey's main port for exports in terms of the freight handled and its free zone is the leader among the twenty in Turkey.
Trade through the city's port had a determinant importance for the economy of the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 19th century and the economic foundations of the early decades of Turkey's Republican era were also laid here during the İzmir Economic Congress.
At present, İzmir area's economy is divided in value between various types of activities, as follows: 30.5% for industry, 22.9% for trade and related services, 13.5% for transportation and communication and 7.8% for agriculture. In 2008, İzmir provided 10.5% of all tax revenues collected by Turkey and its exports corresponded to 6% and its imports to 4% of Turkey's foreign trade.
The province as a whole is Turkey's third largest exporter after Istanbul and Bursa, and the fifth largest importer. 85–90% of the region's exports and approximately one fifth of all Turkish exports are made through the Port of Alsancak with an annual container loading capacity of close to a million.[16]

Several important international sports events have been held in İzmir:
- 26–28 April 2013 – 2012–13 FIBA EuroChallenge Final Four,
- 18–19 June 2011 – 2011 European Team Championships First League,
- 28 August – 2 September 2010 – Group D of the 2010 FIBA World Championship,
- 3–13 September 2009 – Groups A, C, E, Semifinals & Final of the 2009 Men's European Volleyball Championship,
- 7–11 May 2008 – The 7th WTF World Junior Taekwondo Championship,
- 4–9 July 2006 – The 2006 European Seniors Fencing Championship,
- 14–23 July 2006 – The U20 European Basketball Championship for Men,
- 7–22 August 2005 – The 2005 Summer Universiade, the International University Sports Games,
- 2–7 September 2005 – Preliminary games of the 2005 European Women's Basketball Championship,
- 6–17 October 1971 – The 1971 Mediterranean Games.

The 51,295 capacity (all-seater) İzmir Atatürk Stadium regularly hosts, apart from Turkish Super League games of İzmir-based teams, many other Super League and Turkish Cup derby matches.

The three big football clubs in İzmir are Altay (42 seasons in Süper Lig), Göztepe (30 seasons in Süper Lig), and Karşıyaka (16 seasons in Süper Lig). Other notable football clubs include: Altınordu, Menemenspor, Ci Group Buca, Bucaspor, and İzmirspor. Bucaspor were relegated from the top tier, Turkish Super League, at the end of the 2010–11 season.
Göztepe made sports history in Turkey by having played the semi-finals of the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup (which later became the UEFA Cup) in the 1968–69 season, and the quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup in the 1969–70 season; becoming the first ever Turkish football club to play a semi-final game in Europe and the only one for two decades, until Galatasaray reached the semi-finals of the 1988–89 European Cup.
Göztepe and Altay have won the Turkish Cup twice for İzmir and all of İzmir's teams have periodically jumped in and out of Süper Lig. Historically, İzmir is also the birthplace of two Greek sports clubs, namely the multi-sport club Panionios and association football club Apollon Smyrni F.C. which were founded in the city and moved to Athens after 1922.
Karşıyaka's basketball department Karşıyaka Basket won the Turkish Basketball League twice (in the 1986–87 and 2014–15 seasons), the Turkish Cup once (in the 2013–14 season) and the Presidential Cup twice (in 1987 and 2014). The team plays its games at the Karşıyaka Arena. The 10,000 capacity (all-seater) Halkapınar Sports Hall is currently İzmir's largest indoor sports arena and was among the venues of the 2010 FIBA World Championship in Turkey.
Arkas Spor is a successful volleyball club in the city, having won the Turkish Men's Volleyball League and the Turkish Cup several times, and the CEV Challenge Cup in the 2008–09 season. İzmir Atatürk Volleyball Hall regularly hosts the games of the city's volleyball teams.
The city boasts of several sports legends, past and present. Already at the dawn of its history, notable natives such as the son of its first port's founder Pelops had attained fame and kingdom with a chariot race and Onomastus is one of history's first recorded sportspeople, having won the boxing contest in the Olympiad of 688 BC.
Born in İzmir, and nicknamed Taçsız Kral (The Uncrowned King), 1960s football star Metin Oktay is a legend in Turkey. Oktay became the first notable Turkish footballer to play abroad, with Palermo in Italy's Serie A, during the 1961–1962 season. Two other notable football figures from İzmir are Alpay Özalan and Mustafa Denizli, the first having played for Aston Villa F.C. between 2000 and 2003 and the second, after a long playing career as the captain of İzmir's Altay S.K., still pursues a successful career as a coach, being the only manager in Turkish Super League history to win a championship title with each of Istanbul's "Big Three" clubs (Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe S.K., and Beşiktaş J.K.) and having guided the Turkish national football team to the UEFA Euro 2000 Quarter-Finals.
İzmir Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) Sports Club's ice hockey team began playing in the Turkish Ice Hockey Super League during the 2011–2012 season
Members of Parliament from İzmir General election, May 2023 • İzmir (1st), (2nd) | |
CHP | 14 / 28
AKP | 8 / 28
IYI | 3 / 28
DEM | 2 / 28
MHP | 1 / 28
The current Mayor of the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality is Tunç Soyer from the Republican People's Party (CHP), in office since 2019. His predecessor, the previous mayor Aziz Kocaoğlu (CHP) was first elected in 2004, and he was re-elected in both 2009 and 2014.
İzmir has traditionally been a stronghold for the CHP, the centre-left Kemalist political party which forms the main opposition in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Being the third largest city in Turkey, İzmir is viewed as the CHP's most prized electoral stronghold, since the party has a more limited support base in both Istanbul and Ankara. Since the right-wing Justice and Development Party (AKP) gained power in 2002, the electorate of İzmir has been notable for voting strongly in favour of the CHP in every general and local election. In the 2007 and 2010 and 2017 referendums, the İzmir electorate strongly rejected the AKP government's constitutional reform proposals. Almost all of the city's districts have returned strong pluralities or majorities for the CHP in past elections, although the party lost ground in the 2014 local elections.
Due to the economic and historical importance of the city, İzmir has long been a strategic electoral target for the AKP, since beating the CHP in their most significant stronghold would be politically substantial. The majority of the citizens in İzmir have continued to vote for the centre-left political parties (in particular the CHP), despite large-scale pledges by the AKP promising investment and new infrastructure.[17] For general elections, İzmir returns 28 members of parliament to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The province is split into two electoral districts which roughly divide the city into a northern and southern district, each electing 14 MPs.[18] Anti-government protests in 2013 and 2014 against the AKP were particularly strong in İzmir.[19]
During the 2014 presidential election, 58.64% of the city's electorate voted for the CHP candidate Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. In contrast, the AKP candidate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received 33.38% of the vote. The pro-Kurdish candidate Selahattin Demirtaş received 7.98%.[20]
İzmir district Municipalities Local elections, 2019 | |
CHP | 24 / 30
AKP | 4 / 30
MHP | 1 / 30
IYI | 1 / 30
İzmir has its own local media companies: there are 9 TV channels headquartered in İzmir and broadcasting in the Aegean Region, 26 local radio stations and 15 local newspapers. TRT Belgesel (TRT Documentary) is a Turkish national TV channel broadcasting from the TRT building in İzmir.[21][22][23][مرجع دائرة مفرغة]
TV channels broadcasting
▪Ege TV |Local TV ▪Kanal 35 |Local TV ▪Sky TV | Local TV ▪Kordon TV | Local TV ▪FRM TV | Online TV ▪Ege Üniversitesi TV |Local TV ▪Ben TV | Online TV Ben TV - Ege ve İzmir Haberleri, Güncel Haberler▪Yenigün TV | Online TV ▪TRT Belgesel | National TV
Local radio stations
▪Radyo İzmir ▪Romantik Radyo ▪Romantik Türk ▪Radyo 35 ▪Kordon FM ▪İmbat FM ▪Radyo Kordelya ▪Radyo Efe ▪Oynak FM ▪Duygusal FM ▪Sky Radyo ▪Radyo Pause ▪Radyo Ege ▪Ege FM ▪Ege'nin Sesi Radyosu ▪Herkül FM ▪Can Radyo ▪Batı Radyo ▪Radyo Gökkuşağı ▪Yıldız FM ▪Buca FM ▪Radyo Ege Kampüs 100.8 ▪Rock City FM ▪öRT FM ▪Y.Tire FM ▪DEÜ FM[24]
Newspapers and magazines
▪Ege Telgraf [1]▪Ekonomik Çözüm ▪Gözlem ▪Haber Ekspres ▪Ticaret ▪ Gazete Yenigün [2] ▪Yeni Asır ▪Yeni Ekonomi ▪Yenigün Gazetesi ▪9 Eylül Gazetesi [3] ▪Küçük Menderes Gazetesi ▪Büyük Tire ▪Ege Gazetesi[25] Tüm adresleri tek adreste[26]
İzmir in notable literary and artistic works
- The play L'impresario delle Smirne by Carlo Goldoni (1759).
- The poem "The Turkish Captive" in the poetry volume Les Orientales by Victor Hugo (1828).[27]
- The solo piano piece "In Smyrna" by Edward Elgar (1905).
- The novel Mask of Dimitrios, Eric Ambler (1939)
- The film You Can't Win 'Em All, directed by Leo Gordon and starring Tony Curtis and Charles Bronson (1970).
- The travel book Scotch and Holy Water, John D. Tumpane (1981)
- The novel Farewell Anatolia, Dido Sotiriou (1962)
- The novel İzmir, E. Howard Hunt (2006)
- The novel Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides (2002)
- The novel/TV series The Witches of Smyrna by Mara Meimaridi (2004).
- The novel Birds Without Wings, Louis de Bernières (2005)
Air pollution in Turkey is a problem in the city, in part due to vehicle exhaust: a 2020 study of coal-fired residential heating estimated the cost of replacing it versus the reduction in illness and premature death.[28] There are 21 public hospitals in İzmir. The healthcare system in Turkey consists of a mix of public and private hospitals. Turkey also has a universal health care insurance system (SGK)[29] which provides medical treatment free of charge in public hospitals to residents registered with a Turkish identity card number.[30][31][32] One of the largest hospitals in the Aegean Region is currently under construction in the Bayraklı district of İzmir, with a reported cost of 780 million Euros.[33][34]
There are a total of nine active universities in and near İzmir. The city is also home to well-rooted higher-education establishments that are renowned across Turkey, such as the İzmir Anatolian Vocational High School of Commerce (İzmir Anadolu Ticaret Lisesi) established in 1854, and the American Collegiate Institute (ACI) which was established in 1878.
Historically, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the city was an educational center of the Greek world, with a total of 67 male and 4 female schools. The most important Greek educational institution was the Evangelical School which operated from 1733 to 1922.[35]
İzmir is also home to the third U.S. Space Camp in the world, Space Camp Turkey.[36]
Universities established in İzmir
- Ionian University, the first university of the city, established in 1920. It was organized by the Greek mathematician and close friend of Albert Einstein, Constantin Carathéodory, on the instructions of the Greek government. However, it never operated due to the developments of the Greco-Turkish War.[37][38]
- Ege University – Founded in 1955.
- Dokuz Eylül University – Founded in 1982.
- İzmir University of Economics – Founded as a private sector initiative in 2002 by the İzmir Chamber of Commerce, İzmir University of Economics is a specialized university with a campus in the metropolitan district of Balçova.
- Yaşar University – Founded in 2001 by Yaşar Holding, the School of Foreign Languages is located in the central Alsancak neighborhood, while the main Selcuk Yasar campus is located in Bornova.
- University of İzmir – Founded in 2007, closed in 2016. Former campus now used by İzmir Democracy University.
- İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University – Founded in 2010.
- Şifa University – Founded in 2010, closed in 2016. Former campuses now used by AK Party and Ministry of Health (Turkey).
- İzmir Democracy University – Founded in 2016.
- İzmir Tınaztepe University – Founded in 2018.
Universities established near İzmir
- معهد إزمير للتقنية – Founded in 1992, İzmir Institute of Technology is the city's first institute of technology, while the campus, is located in the nearby district of Urla.
- University of Gediz – Founded in 2009, it was located in the nearby district of Menemen. The university had another campus in Çankaya district. There was a medical campus project in Çiğli district. It was closed in 2016. Former campus now used by İzmir Bakırçay University.
- İzmir Bakırçay University – Founded in 2016.
- Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi – Founded in 2015.
International schools in İzmir
- Deutsche Schule Izmir (German school)[39]
- Scuola Primaria e dell'Infanzia Italiana di Smirne (Italian school)[40][41]

İzmir is served by domestic and international flights through the Adnan Menderes International Airport and by modern rapid transit systems serving the entirety of İzmir's metropolitan area. The city has attracted investors through its strategic location and its relatively new and highly developed technological infrastructure in transportation, telecommunications, and energy.[42][43]
Inter-city transport
The Adnan Menderes International Airport (ADB) is well served with connections to Turkish and international destinations. It is located in the Gaziemir district of İzmir.
A large bus terminal, the Otogar in the Pınarbaşı neighborhood of the city, has intercity buses to destinations across Turkey. Bus companies' shuttle services pick up customers from each of their branch offices scattered across the city at regular intervals, often free of charge. To facilitate easier access, a Halkapınar—Otogar metro line has long been deliberated but construction has never begun – though throughout his campaign and upon his election as mayor of İzmir in 2019, Tunç Soyer has outlined it as one of his priorities.[44]

İzmir has two historical rail terminals in the city center. Alsancak Terminal, built in 1858, and Basmane Terminal, built in 1866, are the two main railway stations of the city. The Turkish State Railways operates regional service to Ödemiş, Tire, Selçuk, Aydın, Söke, Nazilli, Denizli and Uşak, as well as longer-distance intercity service to Ankara, Afyon and Bandırma (and from there to Istanbul via İDO connection).

Inner-city transport
Coordinated public transportation was introduced to İzmir in 1999. A body known as UKOME gives strategic direction to the Metro, the ESHOT bus division, ferry operations, utilities and road developments. İzmir has an electronic, integrated pre-pay ticket known as the İzmirim Kart ('My İzmir' Card). The card is valid on all metro and commuter rail lines, buses, ferries, trams, and in certain other municipal facilities. The İzmirim Kart allows for the use of multiple forms of transport within a 120-minute window, combining for a single fare price.[45]
All of İzmir's major districts are serviced by a dense, comprehensive municipal bus network under the name ESHOT. The acronym stands for "E elektrik (electricity); S su (water); H havagazı (gas); O otobüs (bus) and T troleybüs (trolleybus)." Electricity, water and gas are now supplied by separate undertakings, and İzmir's trolleybus system ceased to operate in 1992. However, the bus operations, the O of the acronym ESHOT, has retained the original name. ESHOT operates 322 lines with about 1,500 buses and a staff of 2,700. It has five garages at Çakalburnu, Çiğli, Adatepe, Aktepe, and Mersinli. A privately owned company, İzulaş, operates 400 buses from two garages, running services under contract for ESHOT. These scheduled services are supplemented by the privately owned minibus or dolmuş services.[45]
Urban ferries

Taken over by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality since 2000 and operated within the structure of their private subsidiary company (İzdeniz), İzmir's urban ferry services for passengers and vehicles are very much a part of the life of the city's inhabitants. 24 ferries shuttle between 9 quays (clockwise: Bostanlı, Karşıyaka, Bayraklı, Alsancak, Pasaport, Konak, Karantina, Göztepe and Üçkuyular.) Special lines to points further out in the gulf are also put in service during summer, transporting excursion or holiday makers. These services are cheap and it is not unusual to see natives or visitors taking a ferry ride simply as a pastime.[45]

İzmir has a metro network that is constantly being extended with new stations being put in service. The İzmir Metro network, currently consisting of one main line, starts from the Kaymakamlık station in Narlıdere in the western portion of the metropolitan area and runs northeast through the city to Bornova. The line is 27 km (16.8 mi) long.[45]
Regional rail
İZBAN, formerly known as Egeray, is a commuter rail system connecting metropolitan and suburban area of İzmir. It is the busiest commuter railway in Turkey, serving about 150,000 passengers daily.[46] İZBAN is a portmanteau of the words "İzmir" and "Banliyö".
Established in 2006, İZBAN was formed to revive commuter rail in İzmir. İZBAN began operations in 2010 and currently operates a 136 km (85 mi) long system with 40 stations, consisting of two lines: the Southern Line and the Northern Line.[47]
İZBAN A.Ş. operates the railway and is owned 50% by the Turkish State Railways and 50% by the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality.
İzmir's latest tram system is owned by the metropolitan municipality and operated by İzmir Metro A.Ş. in three independent lines – one in Karşıyaka, opened in 2017, one in Konak, opened in 2018, and one in Çiğli, opened in 2024.[45]
Public transportation statistics
The average amount of time people spend commuting with public transit in İzmir, for example to and from work on a weekday is 62 minutes, and 13% of public transit riders ride for more than 2 hours every day. The average amount of time people wait at a stop or station for public transit is 15 minutes, while 27% of riders wait for over 20 minutes on average every day. The average distance people usually ride in a single trip with public transit is 10.4 km, while 22% travel for over 12 km in a single direction.[48]
Notable people
المدن الشقيقة
المدن التالية هي المدن الشقيقة لمدينة إزمير:[49]:
- Ekrem Akurgal (2002). Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey: From Prehistoric Times Until the End of the Roman Empire ISBN 0710307764. Kegan Paul.
- George E. Bean. Aegean Turkey: An archaeological guide ISBN 978-0510032005, 1967. Ernest Benn, لندن.
- Cecil John Cadoux (1938). Ancient Smyrna: A History of the City from the Earliest Times to 324 A.D. Blackwell Publishing.
- Daniel Goffman. İzmir and the Levantine world (1550-1650) ISBN 029-59-6932-6, 2000. University of Washington.
- ^ "Turkey: Administrative Division (Provinces and Districts) - Population Statistics, Charts and Map".
- ^ أ ب "Population of Province/District Centers, Towns/Villages by Provinces and Districts and Annual Growth Rate Of Population". Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved 26 April 2019.
- ^ أ ب "İstatistiklerle İzmir". T.C. İzmir Valiliği. Archived from the original on 20 August 2019. Retrieved 26 April 2019.
- ^ "Population of Province / District Centers and Towns / Villages by Province and Sex, Population Density by Province". Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved 26 April 2019.
- ^ "Statistics by Theme > National Accounts > Regional Accounts". www.turkstat.gov.tr. Retrieved 11 May 2023.
- ^ "İzmir | Turkey". Encyclopædia Britannica (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2019-04-02.
- ^ Romein, Jan (translated by R. T. Clark). The Asian Century: A History of Modern Nationalism in Asia (De eeuw van Azie). University of California Press, 1962. p. 170. "In 1930 geographical names were 'turkicized'. [...] Smyrna, Ismir [ك],[...]"
- ^ Bosworth, Clifford Edmund (2007). Historic Cities of the Islamic World. Leiden, Boston: Brill. p. 218. ISBN 978-90-04-15388-2.
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- ^ Edhem Eldem; Daniel Goffman; David Morgan (1999). The Ottoman City Between East and West: Aleppo, İzmir and Istanbul. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-64304-X.
- ^ WebProNews. "Microsoft acquires Devbiz business solutions". WebProNews. Archived from the original on يناير 2, 2011. Retrieved مايو 22, 2010. See also: List of companies acquired by Microsoft Corporation
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المصادر والوصلات الخارجية

| إزمير
]].- All about izmir
- Erol Özdayı. "İzmir by Night Photographs I" (in Turkish).
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) Melih İnanlı. "İzmir by Night Photographs II" (in Turkish). İzmir Photographic Arts Society.{{cite web}}
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- İzmir blog in English by expats
- Ahmet Kıvanç Kutluca, Semahat Özdemir (2006-12-17). "Landslide, Earthquake & Flood Hazard Risks of Izmir Metropolitan City, A Case: Altindag Landslide Areas" (PDF). Proceedings of WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology), Volume 17.
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- محافظة إزمير
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- إزمير
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- أشخاص من إزمير
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