محافظة أرتڤين

محافظة أرتڤين
Artvin ili
موقع محافظة أرتڤين في تركيا.
موقع محافظة أرتڤين في تركيا.
مقاطعات محافظة أرتڤين
مقاطعات محافظة أرتڤين
المنطقةشرق البحر الأسود
المنطقة الفرعيةطرابزون
 • الدائرة الانتخابيةأرتڤين
 • Total7٬436 كم² (2٬871 ميل²)
 • Total174٬010
 • الكثافة23/km2 (61/sq mi)
مفتاح الهاتف0466
لوحة السيارة08

محافظة أرتڤين Artvin Province (تركية: Artvin ili, بالجورجية: ართვინის პროვინცია)، هي إحدى محافظات تركيا، وتقع على ساحل البحر الأسود شمال شرق البلاد، على الحدود مع جورجيا. عاصمتها مدينة أرتڤين.



Artvin is an attractive area of steep valleys carved by the Çoruh River system, surrounded by high mountains of Kaçkar, Karçal and Yalnızçam (up to 3900 m) and forest with much national parkland including the Karagöl-Sahara, which contains the Şavşat and Borçka lakes. The weather in Artvin is very wet and mild at the coast, and as a result is heavily forested. This greenery runs from the top all the way down to the Black Sea coast. The rain turns to snow at higher altitudes, and the peaks are very cold in winter.[1]

The forests are home to brown bears and wolves. The Çoruh is now being dammed in 11 places for hydro-electric power, including the 249 m Deriner Dam and others at Borçka and Muratlı.

Hopa mines, 1900s

In addition to the ethnic Turks, the province is home to communities of Laz people and Hemshin peoples. Autochthonous Muslim Georgians form the majority in parts of Artvin Province east of the Çoruh River. Immigrant groups of Georgian origins, found scattered in Turkey are known as Chveneburi.[2] In particular, there is a prominent community of Chveneburi Georgians many of them descendants of Muslim families from Georgia who migrated during the struggles between the Ottoman Turks and Russia during the 19th century. With such diverse peoples, Artvin has a rich variety of folk song and dance (see Arifana and Kochari for examples of folk culture).[3]

Local industries include bee-keeping especially in Macahel region.[4]

Artvin is traversed by the northeasterly line of equal latitude and longitude.


Districts of the Province of Artvin.
Central district also has the same name just like most provinces in Turkey.

In 1924, the Liva Sanjak was abolished and the Artvin Vilayet was created. Artvin Vilayet was combined with Rize to form Çoruh Vilayet with the capital at Rize. Later it was separated into Artvin Province with the districts of Ardanuç, Arhavi, Artvin, Borçka, Hopa, Murgul, Şavşat and Yusufeli.[5]

Artvin province is divided into 8 districts (capital district in bold):

المعالم الرئيسية

  • The city of Artvin has an ancient castle and a number of Ottoman period houses, mosques, and fountains.
  • Every June, there is a "bull-wrestling" festival in the high plateau of Kafkasör
  • The Parekhi monastery, a Georgian monastery

Popular places for walking and outdoor expeditions.

  • The Kaçkar Mountains are among the most-popular venues for trekking holidays in Turkey.
  • Macahel Valley on the Georgian border, is another popular location for walking holidays.
  • Papart forest in Şavşat
  • Genciyan Hill in Şavşat, overlooks the border
  • The lakes of Şavşat and Borçka and the crater lake of Kuyruklu.
  • The Çoruh River is excellent for rafting and championships have been held here
  • There are a number of Georgian churches in the valleys of Yusufeli.
  • Bilbilan Yaylası - a typical Turkish high meadow.
  • Savangin pre-historical cave with an inscription written in an unknown or unsolved alphabet

مشاهير المحافظة

المدن الشقيقة

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ "Artvin geography (tr)". Archived from the original on 2015-06-20. Retrieved 2012-05-18.
  2. ^ Peoples of the Caucasus in Turkey
  3. ^ Artvin Archived نوفمبر 5, 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ Artvin Macahel Archived مايو 11, 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ Artvin Archived نوفمبر 5, 2011 at the Wayback Machine

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