محافظة قهرمان‌ مرعش

Coordinates: 37°53′54″N 36°58′16″E / 37.89833°N 36.97111°E / 37.89833; 36.97111
Kahramanmaraş Province
Kahramanmaraş ili
يشيل‌گوز، قهرمان‌ مرعش.
يشيل‌گوز، قهرمان‌ مرعش.
موقع محافظة قهرمان‌ مرعش
موقع محافظة قهرمان‌ مرعش
مقاطعات محافظة قهرمان مرعش
مقاطعات محافظة قهرمان مرعش
المنطقةالبحر المتوسط
أكبر مدينةقهرمان مرعش
 • الدائرة الانتخابيةقهرمان مرعش
 • الواليÖmer Faruk Coşkun
 • الإجمالية14٬327 كم² (5٬532 ميل²)
 • الإجمالية1٬168٬163
 • الكثافة82/km2 (210/sq mi)
مفتاح الهاتف0344
لوحة السيارة46

محافظة قهرمان‌ مرعش (تركية: Kahramanmaraş ili)، هي إحدى محافظات تركيا، وتقع في منطقة البحر المتوسط. وعاصمتها قهرمان مرعش.

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The findings unearthed in the caves in Tekir Valley and Döngel Village indicate that human settlement in the region started in the Upper Paleolithic Age; It shows that it continued in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Old Bronze Ages. During the excavations carried out in the center of Kahramanmaraş in 2009, some mosaics belonging to the ancient city of Germanicia , which belong to the years 300-400 AD, were found and work was started on them. [9]

The city, whose name is mentioned as "Markasi" or "Markas" in Assyrian inscriptions , became the capital of the Gurgum Kingdom، a Late Hittite state . [10] [11] When the Kingdom of Gurgum was annexed by the Assyrians in 711 BC, Markas was made the provincial capital. [12] Later, Persians , Romans , Byzantines , Arabs , Seljuks , Mamluks , Dulkadiroğulları and Ottomans dominated the city.

At the end of the 11th century, it remained under the dominance of the Turks , who settled in Anatolia . Maraş, which was invaded by the Mongols in 1243 , was occupied by the Dulkadiroğulları during the reign of the II. Anatolian Principalities . Maraş, which came under Ottoman rule with the Battle of Turnadağ on 12 June 1515 , remained under Ottoman rule between 1515-1919. During the Armistice Period, it was occupied by the British and then the French.

Due to the resistance of the people during the War of Independence, Maraş was given the title of "Heroism" by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 7 February 1973 and its name was changed to Kahramanmaraş.

فترة حرب الاستقلال

The place of Kahramanmaraş in the Turkish War of Independence is explained in more detail, especially in the Turkish-French Front and Maraş Defense articles.

الدفاع عن مرعش

After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War, Maraş was first occupied by England. Later, in accordance with the agreement between England and France, the British left the city to the French.

The French's lowering the Turkish flag in the city's castle, killing innocent people, and arresting the notables of Maraş increased the reactions. The people of Maraş attack the Castle en masse, plant the lowered Flag on the Castle bastions and Friday prayers are performed there. After the flag incident, the city is dragged into the war step by step. Defense of Law Society , founded under the presidency of Aslanbey, is established in each neighborhood and becomes operational. As a result of the arrival of officers from the 20th and 3rd Corps and the declarations issued by Mustafa Kemal from Ankara, the people of Maraş started the struggle on February 11, 1920. At the end of the 72-day struggle, the French were defeated and the city was cleared from the French [13] . Maraş is one of the first cities to be saved in the War of Independence. For this reason, it was first awarded with the medal of independence and became the first city in the world to receive the medal of independence [14] and then received the title of Hero.

العهد الجمهوري

With the law numbered 6360 enacted in 2012, a metropolitan municipality with provincial administrative borders was established in Kahramanmaraş and after the 2014 Turkish local elections , the metropolitan municipality started its work.


مدينة قهرمان مرعش

تشكل محافظة قهرمان مرعش %1,83 من مساحة أراضي تركيا.[1]

قهرمان مرعش تقع على خط طول وخط عرض بنفس القيمة الرقمية، وهي "37°".


تعداد السكان في المحافظة في 2012.

تنقسم محافظة قهرمان مرعش إلى 11 مقاطعة:

المقاطعتان المركزيتان المكونتان للعاصمة قهرمان‌ مرعش:

المقاطعات الأخرى:


Air pollution in Turkey is a chronic problem here, in part due to the coal-fired Afşin-Elbistan power stations.[2]


محطة البستان الحرارية لتوليد الكهرباء

قهرمان مرعش اشتهرت تاريخياً بصياغة الذهب. صناعة النسيج هي نسبياً حديثة، ومعظمها مُمَيكن.


The Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University [1] is a recently founded university supplying social, language and technical sciences as well as medical education.


Uludaz Hill، داخل نطاق قهرمان مرعش، تضم أعلى رقم من مستعمرات الدعسوقة في تركيا. Uludaz Ladybug Festival has been organized in this region since 2007 by amateur mountaineers and professional mountaineering clubs and with the support of the municipality. [37] Libraries in Kahramanmaraş are reserved to belong to the Metropolitan Municipality, Universities and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.


The province's most famous culinary speciality is Dondurma, also called "Maraş ice cream", available in specialist Ice Cream shops throughout Turkey. The ice cream has an elastic consistency and is served with knife and fork, often accompanied by a slice of baklava. It melts in the mouth while chewed, with a consistency similar to bubble gum.

Maraş red peppers (called 'kırmızı biber') are also well known for its aroma, Vitamin C content, and moderate hotness. Maraş pepper is different from far-east chilies as dried with support of Scientific Investigations and Universities which contains no aflatoxin and no diseases.

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انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ GLHN (2022-07-23). "Kahramanmaraş - Coğrafya". Gülhan Sözlük (in التركية). Retrieved 2023-02-06.
  2. ^ (in tr)Kara Rapor 2020: Hava Kirliliği ve Sağlık Etkileri. Right to Clean Air Platform Turkey. August 2020. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. https://www.temizhavahakki.com/kararapor2020/. 

وصلات خارجية

37°53′54″N 36°58′16″E / 37.89833°N 36.97111°E / 37.89833; 36.97111