(تم التحويل من 1931م)
قرن: | قرن 0 - قرن 1 - قرن 2 |
العقد: | عقد -20 عقد -10 0 - عقد 10 - عقد 20 عقد 30 عقد 40
سنة: | 16 17 18 - 19 - 20 21 22 |
التحويل من ميلادي إلى هجري |
تحويل 1-1-1931م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) |
تحويل 31-12-1931م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) |
ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1931 |
تحويل 1-1-1931م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | تحويل 31-12-1931م الى هجري (وصلة خارجية) | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1931
الألفية: | الألفية 2 |
القرون: | القرن 19 - القرن 20 - القرن 21 |
العقود: | عقد 1900 عقد 1910 عقد 1920 - عقد 1930 - عقد 1940 عقد 1950 عقد 1960 |
السنوات: | 1928 1929 1930 - 1931 - 1932 1933 1934 |
1931 حسب الموضوع: |
الموضوع |
حسب البلد |
القادة |
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات |
تصنيفات تأسيسات وانحلالات |
تصنيفات أعمال وأطروحات |
التقويم الگريگوري | 1931 MCMXXXI |
آب أوربه كونديتا | 2684 |
التقويم الأرمني | 1380 ԹՎ ՌՅՁ |
التقويم الآشوري | 6681 |
التقويم البهائي | 87–88 |
التقويم البنغالي | 1338 |
التقويم الأمازيغي | 2881 |
سنة العهد البريطاني | 20 جو. 5 – 21 جو. 5 |
التقويم البوذي | 2475 |
التقويم البورمي | 1293 |
التقويم البيزنطي | 7439–7440 |
التقويم الصيني | 庚午年 (المعدن الحصان) 4627 أو 4567 — إلى — 辛未年 (المعدن الماعز) 4628 أو 4568 |
التقويم القبطي | 1647–1648 |
التقويم الديسكوردي | 3097 |
التقويم الإثيوپي | 1923–1924 |
التقويم العبري | 5691–5692 |
التقاويم الهندوسية | |
- ڤيكرام سامڤات | 1987–1988 |
- شاكا سامڤات | 1853–1854 |
- كالي يوگا | 5032–5033 |
تقويم الهولوسين | 11931 |
تقويم الإگبو | 931–932 |
التقويم الإيراني | 1309–1310 |
التقويم الهجري | 1349–1350 |
التقويم الياباني | Shōwa 6 (昭和6年) |
تقويم جوچى | 20 |
التقويم اليوليوسي | الگريگوري ناقص 13 يوم |
التقويم الكوري | 4264 |
تقويم مينگوو | جمهورية الصين 20 民國20年 |
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي | 2474 |
سنة 1931 (MCMXXXI) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم الخميس (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1931st بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 931st في الألفية 2، السنة 31st في القرن 20، والسنة 2nd في عقد 1930.
- يناير – اللجنة الوطنية لتعديل قانون ڤولستد تتشكل للعمل على إلغاء حظر الكحول في الولايات المتحدة.
- 2 يناير – ابن داكوتا الجنوبية، إرنست لورنس، يخترع cyclotron، الذي يُستخدم لتعجيل الجسيمات لدراسة الفيزياء النووية.
- 3 يناير – ألبرت أينشتاين يبدأ أبحاثه في معهد كاليفورنيا للتكنولوجيا، بجانب الفلكي إدوين هبل.
- 4 يناير – الطيار الألماني إلي باينهورن يبدأ رحلته الجوية إلى أفريقيا.
- 6 يناير – توماس إديسون يقدم آخر طلب براءة اختراع.
- 22 يناير – السير آيزاك آيزاكس يحلف اليمين كأول حاكم عام لأستراليا مولود في أستراليا.
- 25 يناير – مهندس غاندي يُطلق سراحه مرة أخرى من السجن في الهند.
- 27 يناير – پيير لاڤال يشكل حكومة في فرنسا.
- 30 يناير – اطلاق فيلم City Lights بطولة شارلي شاپلن.
- 3 فبراير – Hawke's Bay earthquake: Much of the New Zealand cities of Napier and Hastings are destroyed in an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the مقياس ريختر فيقتل 256 شخصاً.
- 4 فبراير – الزعيم السوڤيتي يوسف ستالين يلقي خطبة يدعو فيها إلى التصنيع السريع، arguing that only strong industrialized countries will win wars while "weak" nations are "beaten". Stalin states : "We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us." Intensification of the first five-year plan in the Soviet Union for industrialization and collectivization of agriculture.
- 10 فبراير – بدء احتفالات الافتتاح الرسمي لنيودلهي كعاصمة للهند.[1]
- 11 فبراير – National Socialist (NSDAP) and German National People's Party (DNVP) members walk out of the German Reichstag in protest against changes in the parliament's protocol intended to limit heckling.
- 12 فبراير – Vatican Radio first broadcasts.
- 13 فبراير - رسالة من رئيس الوزراء البريطاني رامزي مكدونالد إلى حاييم وايزمان تفسر الورقة البيضاء 1930، بسبب حملة رأي عام نشطة قام بها الصهاينة، تم رفع القيود على الهجرة وشراء الأراضي.
- 14 فبراير – The original film version of Dracula with Bela Lugosi is released in the United States.
- 16 فبراير – Pehr Evind Svinhufvud is elected رئيس فنلندا.
- 20 فبراير – كاليفورنيا gets the go-ahead by the United States Congress to build the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge.
- 21 فبراير – ثوريون پيروڤيون يخطفون طائرة فورد ثلاثية المحركات ويطلبون من الطيار إسقاط منشورات فوق العاصمة ليما.
- 1 مارس –
- Gabriel Terra takes office as president of the Uruguay 9 following the victory of the Colorados in the elections of November 30 , 1930. The employers 'sectors are organized into a powerful vigilance committee to stop the Batllists' reforming wishes . In a context of economic crisis, the president Colorado Terra, a fraction of the Blanco party and the oligarchy demand the return to presidential rule, while the Batllists and the other fraction of the Blanco party sign in September the pacto of chinchulín which allows them to being the majority in the college executive.
- The USS Arizona is placed back in full commission after a refit.
- Sir Oswald Mosley founds the New Party as a breakaway from the Labour Party in the United Kingdom.
- 3 مارس – The Star-Spangled Banner is adopted as the United States' National anthem.
- 5 مارس –
- نائب الملك البريطاني في الهند و مهندس غاندي يوقعان معاهدة غاندي-إروين.
- دانيال سلامانكا أوري (in) , victorious of the elections of January 4 , is inaugurated president of Bolivia 9 . A strong man in the service of the oligarchy, he attributes social unrest to "foreign communist propaganda". Unable to calm the social and political climate despite a severe "social defense law," Salamanca distracts Bolivians from Paraguay's rivalry over the Chaco .
- March 7 – The new House of Representatives opens in Helsinki, Finland.
- March 11 – The Ready for Labour and Defence of the USSR programme, abbreviated as GTO, is introduced in the Soviet Union.
- March 17 – Nevada legalizes gambling.
- March 19 – Westminster St George's by-election in the U.K. results in the victory of the Conservative candidate Duff Cooper. The by-election has been treated virtually as a referendum on the leadership of the Conservative leader Stanley Baldwin, and Duff Cooper's victory ends the campaign by the press barons Lord Beaverbrook and Viscount Rothermere to oust Baldwin.
- 20 مارس -
- فشل محاولة انقلاب في اليابان مزمعة بنفس اليوم.
- Order in Council , effective on 15 April , setting a new constitution for Ceylon ( Donoughmore Constitution ) 22 . Internal autonomy of the island and universal suffrage .
- 23 مارس –
- conflict between Tibet and China : following a dispute between the monasteries of Dragyab and Beri in Kham in July 1930 , the Tibetan army occupies Beri and Kandze in Sichuan , then Nyarong on April 10 ; at the suggestion of Liu Wenhui , chairman of the Sichuan government, Chiang Kai-shek informs the thirteenth Dalai Lama of the nature of the conflict, because he seems to ignore the reality of the situation. Thubten Gyatso responds on March 24that he has ordered a ceasefire but that it will take several weeks for the information to reach the combat zone. In the field, Tibetan forces continue their advance towards Dartsedo while the Chinese retreat. The Chinese government is trying to get in touch with the Dalai Lama through his representative, Konchog Byunas, the abbot of the Palace of the Eternal Harmony of Beijing, who has just arrived in Nanjing, while the envoys of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission arrive in Dartsedo in June to negotiate with Tibetan generals. They refuse to make cities occupied and fighting continues. The Chinese State Council then charges Liu Wenhuiof an army that combined the forces of Ma Bufang , governor of the province of Qinghai , takes Beri, Kandzé and Nyarong in fall 1932, and the important town of Derge.
- Indian revolutionary leaders Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar are hanged for conspiracy to murder in the British Raj.
- March 25 – The Scottsboro Boys are arrested in Alabama and charged with rape.
- March 27 – English writer Arnold Bennett dies of typhoid in London shortly after returning from a visit to Paris, where he drank local water to prove it was safe.
- March 31 – An earthquake destroys Managua, Nicaragua, killing 2,000 people.
- April 1 – The Second Encirclement Campaign against Jiangxi Soviet in China is launched by the Kuomintang government to destroy the Communist forces in Jiangxi province.
- 4 أبريل - بدء start of the yellow cruise , organized by Citroën expedition between Beirut and China by the Silk Road (end of February 12 , 1932)
- April 6 – The Portuguese government declares martial law in Madeira and in the Azores because of an attempted military takeover in Funchal.
- April 9 – Argentinian anarchist Severino Digiovanni is executed.
- April 12 – Municipal elections in Spain, which are treated as a virtual referendum on the monarchy, result in the triumph for the republican parties.

إعلان الجمهورية ميدان سانت جاومى في برشلونة.
- 14 أبريل – استقالة حكومة أوساتشي هاماگوتشي في اليابان، لتنتهي تجربة خجولة في الديمقراطية الدستورية.
- Second Spanish Republic is proclaimed in Madrid. Meanwhile, as a result of the victory of the Republican Left of Catalonia, Francesc Macià proclaims in Barcelona the Catalan Republic, as state of the Iberian Federation.
- April 15 – The Castellammarese War ends with the murder of Joe "The Boss" Masseria, briefly leaving Salvatore Maranzano as capo dei capi ("boss of all bosses") of the American Mafia. Maranzano is himself murdered less than 6 months later, leading to the creation of the Commission.
- April 17 – After the negotiations between the republican ministers of Spain and Catalonia, the Catalan Republic becomes into Generalitat of Catalonia, a Catalan autonomous government inside the Spanish Republic.
- 21 أبريل - استعادة خنراليتات كتالونيا.
- 22 أبريل – Austria, the UK, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the United States recognize the Spanish Republic.
- 25 أبريل –
- split in the independence movement in the Dutch East Indies ; the NIP is dissolved and on April 29th , Sartono, who takes over from Soekarno , announces the creation of the Partindo ( Partai Indonesia ), bringing together those who remain faithful to the NIP program; in December 1931 , Sutan Sjahrir and Dr. Mohammad Hatta create the Club Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Club of Education) 2
- The automobile manufacturer Porsche is founded by Ferdinand Porsche in Stuttgart.
- 27 أبريل - مرسوم يخلق منطقة سايگون-تشولون في الهند الصينية الفرنسية. دمج سايگون ومدينة تشولون الصينية.
- failure of the second encirclement campaign of Communists of Jiangxi by the National Revolutionary Army of Chiang Kai-shek.
- 1 مايو – Construction of the Empire State Building is completed in New York City.
- May 4 – Kemal Atatürk is re-elected president of تركيا.
- May 5 – İsmet İnönü forms a new government in Turkey (7th government).
- May 11 – The Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank, goes bankrupt, beginning the banking collapse in Central Europe that causes a worldwide financial meltdown.
- May 13 – Paul Doumer is elected president of France.
- May 14 – Ådalen shootings: Five people are killed in Ådalen, Sweden, when soldiers open fire on an unarmed trade union demonstration.
- 15 مايو
- The Chinese Communists inflict a sharp defeat on the Kuomintang forces.
- Pope Pius XI issues the encyclical Quadragesimo anno on the "reconstruction of the social order".
- 19 مايو - غادرت من بوردو بعثة فرنسية لدراسة الأعراق واللغات في مهمة من داكار إلى جيبوتي، بقيادة مارسل گريول Marcel Griaule. ميشل ليريس Michel Leiris كان أحد أفراد البعثة، وقد كتب "السراب الأفريقي L'Afrique phantom".
- 29 مايو - اطلاق النار في كيسنزلى، بالكونغو، كان بداية ثورة قبيلة پندى Pende في كوانگو.
- 31 مايو – The Second Encirclement Campaign against Jiangxi Soviet ends in defeat of the Kuomintang.
- June 3 – Salvador Dalí's The Persistence of Memory is put on display for the first time in Paris at the Galerie Pierre Colle.
- June 5 – German Chancellor Dr. Heinrich Brüning visits London, where he warns the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald that the collapse of the Austrian banking system, caused by the bankruptcy of the Creditanstalt, has left the entire German banking system on the verge of collapse.
- 6 يونيو - ألمانيا تعلن عدم قدرتها على دفع تعويضات الحرب العالمية الأولى. وفي 20 يونيو، الرئيس الأمريكي هربرت هوڤر يعلن "تأجيل هوڤر" Hoover moratorium والذي بمقتضاه تتأجل إلتزامات ألمانيا في سداد الديون والتعويضات لمدة عام.
- June 12 – English cricketer Charlie Parker equals J. T. Hearne's record for the earliest date to reach 100 wickets.
- June 14 – Saint-Philibert disaster: the overloaded pleasure craft Saint-Philibert, carrying trippers home to Nantes from the Île de Noirmoutier, sinks at the mouth of the river Loire in France; over 450 drown.
- June 19
- In an attempt to stop the banking crisis in Central Europe from causing a worldwide financial meltdown, U.S. President Herbert Hoover issues the Hoover Moratorium.
- The Geneva Convention (1929) relative to the treatment of prisoners of war enters into force.
- June 23–July 1 – Wiley Post and Harold Gatty accomplish the first round-the-world flight in a single-engine plane, flying eastabout from Roosevelt Field, New York, in 8 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes.[2]
- 27 يونيو - حادثة ناكامورا: إعدامات عاجلة لأربعة جنود من الجيش الياباني الامبراطوري، كان قائدهم شينتارو ناكامورا ، على يد الجنود الصينيين في منشوريا.
- July – John Haven Emerson of Cambridge, Massachusetts perfects his negative pressure ventilator ("iron lung") just in time for the growing polio epidemic.
- يوليو وأغسطس - فيضان نهري Yangtze والنهر الأصفر في الصين؛ floods make 4 million victims
- 1 يوليو –
- Wanbaoshan incident in Manchuria (Chinese police fired on peasants Korean )
- Rebuilt Milano Centrale railway station officially opens in Italy.
- 9 يوليو – Irish racing driver Kaye Don breaks the world water speed record at Lake Garda, Italy.[3]
- 10 يوليو - الحكومة النرويجية تطالب بـشرق گرينلاند. وقد تخلت عن هذه المطالبة في 5 أبريل 1933، نزولاً على قرار من محكمة العدل الدولية.
- 13 يوليو – Royal soldiers shoot and kill 22 people demonstrating against the Maharaja Hari Singh of the Indian princely state of Kashmir and Jammu.[4]
- 16 يوليو – Emperor Haile Selassie signs the first constitution of Ethiopia.
- 20 يوليو - فشل مؤتمر مالي دولي في لندن.
- 26 يوليو – The millennialist Bible Student movement adopts the name Jehovah's Witnesses at a meeting in Columbus, Ohio.
- July 31 – The May Report in the United Kingdom recommends extensive cuts to government expenditure. This produces a political crisis as many members of the Labour Party (at this time in government) object to the proposals.
- The 1931 China floods reach their peak in possibly the deadliest natural disaster yet recorded.
- Chiang Kai-shek personally leads a third campaign of encirclement of the Communists and enters deeply in Jiangxi, but Mao Zedong and Zhu De manage to divide his army in small units and to attack them individually, causing them heavy losses
- Warner Brothers releases the first Merrie Melodies cartoon, Lady, Play Your Mandolin.
- August 2 Murder of Paul Anlauf and Franz Lenck, two Berlin police officers are killed by Communists.

6 سبتمبر : القوات الجوية التشيلية تقصف سرب كوكيمبو، الذي تمرد في 1 سبتمبر. من المحتمل أن الطائرة بالصورة قد تكون معدلة لتظهر في الصورة.
- August 9 – Referendum in Prussia for dissolving the Landtag ends with the "yes" side winning 37% of the vote, which is insufficient for calling the early elections. The elections are intended to remove the Social Democratic Party (SPD) government of Otto Braun, which is one of the strongest forces for democracy in Germany. Supporting the "yes" side were the NSDAP, the DNVP and the Communist Party (KPD) while supporting the "no" side were the SPD and Zentrum.
- 11 أغسطس – Run on the British pound leads to political and economic crisis in Britain. (انظر أزمة المصارف الأوروپية 1931) أدت إلى ...
- 24 أغسطس – حكومة حزب العمل بقيادة رامزي مكدونالد تستقيل في بريطانيا، ويحل محلها حكومة وطنية تمثل جميع الأحزاب، أيضاً بقيادة مكدونالد.
- 31 أغسطس - 7 سبتمبر - تمرد القوات البحرية التشيلية المتمركزة في كوكيمبو
- 5 سبتمبر – John Thomson, Scottish football player, dies as the result of an accident during a Celtic–Rangers match.
- 7 سبتمبر – Second Round Table Conference on the constitutional future of India opens in London. Mahatma Gandhi represents the Indian National Congress.
- 10 سبتمبر – The worst hurricane in British Honduras history kills an estimated 1,500.
- September 15 – Invergordon Mutiny: Strikes are called in the British Royal Navy due to decreased pay.
- 16 سبتمبر – الإعدام شنقاً لزعيم المقاومة الليبية عمر المختار في ليبيا الإيطالية. خليفته في النضال ألقى السلاح بعد ستة أشهر، لتنتهي المقاومة السنوسية المسلحة ضد الاستعمار الإيطالي لليبيا. وفي 24 يناير 1932، أعلن الحاكم پييترو بادوليو أن ليبيا قد تم إخضاعها.
- 18 سبتمبر
- حادثة موكدن: أفراد من الجيش الياباني الامبراطوري، متخفين كجنود صينيين يقومون بعمل تخريبي ضد السكة الحديدية ويقتلون جنودا يابانيين مرابطين في منشوريا لحماية سكة حديد جنوب منشوريا. وقد استخدمت اليابان الحادث كذريعة لاحتلال موكدن (شنيانگ) وتشانگتشون. القوات الصينية، بقيادة ژانگ شوىليانگ، تُحجم عن التصدي لليابانين. وبذلك بدأ الغزو الياباني لمنشوريا.
- گلي راوبال تنتحر في شقة خالها أدولف هتلر.
- 20 سبتمبر – بمسدس مصوَّب، حرفياً، لرأسه، القائد الصيني لمقاطعة كيرين يعلن ضم المقاطعة إلى اليابان.
- 21 سبتمبر -
- إثر الحادثة المنشورية، الحكومة الصينية تتقدم بشكوى إلى عصبة الأمم حسب المادة 11 من ميثاق عصبة الأمم.
- 22 سبتمبر - أزمة نقدية في المملكة المتحدة. الدولة على حافة الإفلاس. المملكة المتحدة تتخلى عن معيار الذهب وتخفض قيمة الجنيه الاسترليني بنسبة 30%. الصادرات تستعيد قدرتها على المنافسة.
- October – The Caltech Department of Physics faculty and graduate students meet with Albert Einstein as a guest.
- October 4 – Dick Tracy, the comic strip detective character created by cartoonist Chester Gould, makes his debut appearance in the Detroit Mirror newspaper.
- October 5 – American aviators Clyde Edward Pangborn and Hugh Herndon, Jr., complete the first non-stop flight across the Pacific Ocean, from Misawa, Japan, to East Wenatchee, Washington, in 41½ hours.[5]
- 10 أكتوبر - هتلر يلتقي لأول مرة مع الرئيس هندنبورگ.
- 11 أكتوبر – Rally in Bad Harzburg, Germany leads to the جبهة هارتسبورگ being founded, uniting the NSDAP, the DNVP, the Stahlhelm and various other right-wing fractions.
- October 17
- رجل العصابات الأمريكي آل كاپوني is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion in Chicago.
- Leeds Bradford International Airport is opened as Leeds and Bradford Municipal Aerodrome in England.
- October 24 – The George Washington Bridge across the Hudson River in the United States is dedicated; it opens to traffic the following day. At 3,500 feet (1,100 m), it nearly doubles the previous record for the longest main span in the world.
- October 27 – United Kingdom general election results in the victory of the National Government and the defeat of Labour Party in the country's greatest ever electoral landslide.
- 4 نوفمبر - مقاومة جسر نهر نن: بدء حملة جيانگچياو (4-18 نوفمبر)
- 7 نوفمبر
- جمهورية الصين السوڤيتية يعلنها ماو زىدونگ في جيانگشي.
- وكالة أنباء الصين الحمراء، سابقة وكالة أنباء شينخوا، تتأسس رسمياً وبدء خدمة البرقيات الإخبارية في رويجين، مقاطعة جيانگشي، الصين.[بحاجة لمصدر]
- 8 نوفمبر
- 20 نوفمبر - اليابانيون يصلون إلى چيچيهار، الواقعة في دائرة النفوذ الروسي. وبدء تهدئة مانچوكوو.
- 21 نوفمبر – The infamous Red-and-White Party, given by Arthur Jeffress في Maud Allan's Regent's Park townhouse in London, marks the end of the "Bright young things" subculture in Britain.[6]
- 25 نوفمبر
- علي فتحي أوقيار يشكل حكومة جديدة في تركيا (الحكومة الثالثة).
- إطلاق فيلم جيمس ويل، فرانكنستاين في مدينة نيويورك.
- 26 نوفمبر – الهيدروجين الثقيل، لاحقاً سُمي ديوتريوم، يكتشفه الكيميائي الأمريكي هارولد أوري.
- 5 ديسمبر – كاتدرائية المسيح المخلس الأصلية في موسكو (1883) تُنسف بأمر من يوسف ستالين.
- 7-17 ديسمبر - المفتي الحاج أمين الحسيني ينظم، في القدس، المؤتمر الإسلامي، الذي حضره 145 مندوباً من 20 دولة. المؤتمر يدين الصهيونية، ويطالب بوقف الهجرة اليهودية وينادي بالتضامن بين العرب المسلمين والمسيحيين. وأدانت قرارات أخرى السياسات الفرنسية في المغرب والسياسات السوڤيتية في آسيا الوسطى.
- 8 ديسمبر – كارل فريدرش گوردلر يُعين مفوض الرايخ للأسعار في ألمانيا لفرض سياسات مكافحة التضخم لحكومة بروننگ.
- 9 ديسمبر – Constituent Cortes الاسباني يقر الدستور الاسباني 1931، مؤسساً الجمهورية الاسبانية الثانية.
- 10 ديسمبر
- جين أدمز تصبح أول إمرأة أمريكية تفوز بجائزة نوبل للسلام.
- نيستو ألكالا-زامورا يُنتخب رئيساً للجمهورية الاسبانية.
- مجلس عصبة الأمم يوفد مفوضية تحقيق برئاسة اللورد ليتون لبحث الوضع في منشوريا. تقرير ليتون يُنشر في 2 أكتوبر 1932.
- 11 ديسمبر – برلمان المملكة المتحدة يـُفعـِّل Statute of Westminster، الذي أرسى وضعاً من التساوي التشريعي بين الدومنيونات المحكومة ذاتياً كومنولث أستراليا، ودومنيون كندا، والدولة الأيرلندية الحرة, نيوفاوندلاند، ودومنيون نيوزيلندا واتحاد جنوب أفريقيا.
- 13 ديسمبر – واكاتسوكي رِيْجيرو يستقيل من منصب رئيس وزراء اليابان ليحل محله تسويوشي إينوكاي.
- 21 ديسمبر - بدء عملية جينژو.
- 26 ديسمبر – فاي أيوتا ألفا، أقدم إخائية لاتينية باقية، يتأسس في الولايات المتحدة.
مجهولة التاريخ
- Ust-Abakanskoye becomes Abakan.
- 1 يناير – Mohammad Ali Samatar, 5th Prime Minister of Somalia (ت. 2016)
- 2 يناير – Toshiki Kaifu, 2-Time Prime Minister of Japan
- January 4 – Cleopa Msuya, 3rd Prime Minister of Tanzania
- January 5
- Alvin Ailey, American choreographer (ت. 1989)
- Alfred Brendel, Austrian pianist
- Robert Duvall, American actor and director
- January 6
- Fern Battaglia, American professional baseball player (ت. 2001)
- E. L. Doctorow, American author (ت. 2015)
- January 8 – Bill Graham, German concert promoter (ت. 1991)
- January 10
- Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Malaysian politician and Muslim cleric (ت. 2015)
- Peter Barnes, English playwright and screenwriter (ت. 2004)
- January 12 – Roland Alphonso, Jamaican musician (ت. 1998)
- January 13 – Charles Nelson Reilly, American actor (ت. 2007)
- January 14 – Caterina Valente, French singer and actress
- January 16
- Ellen Holly, American actress
- Johannes Rau, President of Germany (ت. 2006)
- January 17 – James Earl Jones, American actor
- January 18 – Chun Doo-hwan, President of South Korea
- January 19
- Pat Hunt, New Zealand National Party politician
- Robert MacNeil, Canadian journalist
- January 20 – David Lee, American physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics
- January 22 – Sam Cooke, American singer (ت. 1964)
- January 24 – Lars Hörmander, Swedish mathematician (ت. 2012)
- January 25 – Dean Jones, American actor (ت. 2015)
- 26 يناير – Alfred Lynch, English actor (ت. 2003)
- January 27 – Mordecai Richler, Canadian author (ت. 2001)
- January 29 – Ferenc Mádl, President of Hungary (ت. 2011)
- January 30 – Allan W. Eckert, American historian, naturalist, and author (ت. 2011)
- January 31 – Ernie Banks, American baseball player (ت. 2015)
- 1 فبراير – بوريس يلتسن، أول رؤساء روسيا (ت. 2007)
- 2 فبراير
- Dries van Agt, Dutch politician, 46th رئيس وزراء هولندا
- Les Dawson, British comedian (ت. 1993)
- Hillel Zaks, Polish-born Israeli rabbi (ت. 2015)
- Walter Burkert, German writer (ت. 2015)
- February 4 – Isabel Martínez de Perón, 41st President of Argentina
- February 6
- Ricardo Vidal, Filipino Roman Catholic prelate and cardinal (ت. 2017)
- Rip Torn, American actor and director
- Mamie Van Doren, American actress and author
- February 8 – James Dean, American actor (ت. 1955)
- February 9
- Thomas Bernhard, Austrian author (ت. 1989)
- Jack Van Impe, American televangelist
- February 11 – Larry Merchant, American author and boxing commentator
- February 13 – Geoff Edwards, American actor and game show host (ت. 2014)
- February 15 – Claire Bloom, English actress
- February 16
- George E. Sangmeister, American politician (ت. 2007)
- Ken Takakura, Japanese actor (ت. 2014)
- 18 فبراير
- Johnny Hart, American cartoonist (ت. 2007)
- توني موريسون, American writer, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature
- Bob St. Clair, American football player (ت. 2015)
- February 24
- Dominic Chianese, American actor and singer
- Brian Close, English cricketer
- February 25 – Eric Edgar Cooke, Australian serial killer (ت. 1964)
- February 28
- Gavin MacLeod, American actor and Mayor of Pacific Palisades
- Dean Smith, American basketball coach (ت. 2015)
- March 2
- Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
- Tom Wolfe, American novelist and journalist
- March 3 – John Smith, American actor (ت. 1995)
- March 4
- Wally Bruner, American journalist and television host (ت. 1997)
- William Cardinal Keeler, American Roman Catholic prelate
- Ludvig Hope Faye, Norwegian politician (ت. 2017)
- Alice Rivlin, American economist
- March 8 – Neil Postman, American media theorist and cultural critic (ت. 2003)
- March 9
- Jackie Healy-Rae, Irish Politician (ت. 2014)
- León Febres Cordero, President of Ecuador (ت. 2008)
- March 11
- Janosch, German writer
- Rupert Murdoch, Australian-born publisher
- March 12 – Herb Kelleher, American businessman
- March 15 – Ted Marchibroda, American football player (ت. 2016)
- March 18
- Shirley Stovroff, American female professional baseball player (ت. 1994)
- Vlastimil Bubník, Czech ice hockey and football player (ت. 2015)
- March 20
- Hal Linden, American actor and singer
- Karen Steele, American actress (ت. 1988)
- March 22
- Burton Richter, American physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics
- William Shatner, Canadian actor and science fiction novelist
- March 24 – Connie Hines, American actress (ت. 2009)
- March 26 – Leonard Nimoy, American actor and director (ت. 2015)
- March 27 – David Janssen, American actor (ت. 1980)
- March 29
- Aleksei Gubarev, Russian cosmonaut (ت. 2015)
- Norman Tebbit, British politician
- April 1
- Ita Ever, Estonian actress
- Rolf Hochhuth, German writer
- April 5 – Héctor Olivera, Argentine film director, producer and screenwriter
- April 6 – Suchitra Sen (Roma Dasgupta), legendary Bengali actress (ت. 2014)
- April 11
- Luis Cabral, 1st President of Guinea-Bissau (ت. 2009)
- Mustafa Dağıstanlı, Turkish free-style wrestler
- Johnny Sheffield, American child actor (ت. 2010)
- April 15
- Helen Maksagak, Canadian, first Inuk and woman to be the Commissioner of both the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (ت. 2009)
- Tomas Tranströmer, Swedish poet and translator, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature (ت. 2015)
- April 19 – Kobie Coetsee, South African politician
- April 27 – Igor Oistrakh, Ukrainian violinist
- April 29
- Frank Auerbach, German-born painter
- Lonnie Donegan, Scottish musician (ت. 2002)
- May 6 – Willie Mays, American baseball player
- May 7 – Teresa Brewer, American pop and jazz singer (ت. 2007)
- May 10 – Ichirō Nagai, Japanese voice actor (ت. 2014)
- May 13
- András Hajnal, Hungarian mathematician
- Jim Jones, American cult leader (ت. 1978)
- Jiří Petr, Czech university president
- May 14 – Alvin Lucier, American composer
- May 15
- Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Chairman of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
- Ken Venturi, American golfer (ت. 2013)
- May 16
- Jack Dodson, American actor (ت. 1994)
- Natwar Singh, Indian politician
- May 17 – Marshall Applewhite, Heaven's Gate religious sect founder (ت. 1997)
- May 18
- Don Martin, American artist (ت. 2000)
- Robert Morse, American actor
- May 19 – Éric Tappy, Swiss tenor
- May 20 – Ken Boyer, American baseball player (ت. 1982)
- May 23
- Barbara Barrie, American actress
- Patience Cleveland, American actress and diarist (ت. 2004)
- May 25 – Georgy Grechko, Russian cosmonaut (ت. 2017)
- May 27 – Faten Hamama, Egyptian actress (ت. 2015)
- May 28 – Carroll Baker, American actress
- May 30 – Father John O'Brien, Irish priest and musician (ت. 2008)
- May 31
- John Schrieffer, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
- Shirley Verrett, American mezzo-soprano (ت. 2010)
- June 2
- Viktor Tsaryov, Russian footballer (ت. 2017)
- Larry Jackson, American baseball player (ت. 1990)
- June 3
- راؤول كاسترو، رئيس كوبا
- Lindy Remigino, American athlete
- June 7 – Malcolm Morley, English-born painter
- June 8 – Dana Wynter, German-born American actress (ت. 2011)
- June 9
- Jackie Mason, American comedian
- Joe Santos, American actor (ت. 2016)
- June 10 – João Gilberto, Brazilian musician
- June 13 – Moysés Baumstein, Brazilian holographer and artist (ت. 1991)
- June 14
- Kenneth Cope, English actor
- Ross Higgins, Australian actor
- Marla Gibbs, American comedic actress and singer
- Junior Walker, American saxophonist and singer (ت. 1995)
- June 16 – Gerson Poyk , Indonesian author and journalist (ت. 2017)
- June 18 – Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil
- 20 يونيو
- أولمپيا دوكاكيس، ممثلة أمريكية
- Arne Nordheim, Norwegian composer (ت. 2010)
- June 21
- Margaret Heckler, American Secretary of Health and Human Services
- David Kushnir, Israeli former Olympic long-jumper
- Les Vandyke, American musician
- 22 يونيو
- Martin Lipton, American lawyer
- Ian Browne, Australian track cyclist
- Teruyuki Okazaki, Japanese black belt in Shotokan Karate
- 23 يونيو
- Doris Cook, American pitcher and outfielder
- Ola Ullsten, Swedish politician and diplomat
- Charles Keith Taylor, Canadian politician
- June 24
- Juanita Quigley, American child actress
- Emilio Fede, Italian anchorman, journalist and writer
- Árpád Bárány, Hungarian fencer
- George Petchey, English former footballer
- Gaston Flosse, French politician
- Billy Casper, American golfer (ت. 2015)
- June 25
- Stan Dromisky, Canadian liberal party
- V. P. Singh, رئيس وزراء الهند (ت. 2008)
- June 26
- George Lois, American art director, designer, and author
- Robert Colbert, American actor
- Alan Bailey, former senior British civil servant
- Colin Wilson, British writer (ت. 2013)
- June 27
- Graziella Galvani, Italian stage, television and film actress
- Charles Bronfman, Canadian / American businessman and philanthropist
- Geoffrey Harcourt, Australian academic economist
- Martinus J. G. Veltman, Dutch physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics
- June 28
- Tom Stolhandske, American football linebacker
- Junior Johnson, American NASCAR driver of the 1950s and 1960s
- Jenny Glusker, British biochemist and crystallographer
- Aleksandar Ivoš, Serbian footballer
- Hans Alfredson, Swedish actor, film director, writer and comedian
- June 29
- Palmirinha Onofre , Brazilian culinary artist and television presenter
- Alina Obidniak, Polish theatre director and actress
- Brian Hutton, Baron Hutton, Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland and British Lord of Appeal in Ordinary
- Richard L. Berkley, American politician
- June 30
- July 1
- Leslie Caron, French actress
- Stanislav Grof, Czech psychiatrist
- Marilyn Hickey, American televangelist, speaker and author
- Seyni Kountché, former President of Niger (ت. 1987)
- Chris Strachwitz, German-born American record label executive and record producer
- July 2
- Robert Ito, Canadian actor
- Oddur Pétursson, Icelandic cross country skier
- Frank Williams, English actor
- Mohammad Yazdi, Iranian cleric
- July 3
- Claude-Henri Chouard, French surgeon
- Mick Cullen, Scottish footballer
- Dickie Dowsett, English former professional footballer
- Ed Roebuck, American relief pitcher in Major League Baseball
- Ray Rogers, American politician
- July 4
- Stephen Boyd, Irish actor (ت. 1977)
- Bill Gleeson, Australian rules footballer
- Bobby Malkmus, American infielder and scout in Major League Baseball
- Lyndell Petersen, American former politician
- Peter Richardson, English former cricketer
- July 5
- Aloysius Gordon, British-based Jamaican jazz pianist and singer
- Gerd Lauck, German footballer
- António de Macedo, Portuguese filmmaker and later a writer, university professor and lecturer
- Ismail Mahomed, South African and Namibian Chief Justice (ت. 2000)
- Ryuzo Sato, Japanese economist
- Peter Silverman, Canadian broadcast journalist
- July 6
- Jean Campeau, French Canadian businessman and politician
- Robert Dunham, American actor and writer (ت. 2001)
- Maralou Gray, American film, television, and theater actress
- Antonella Lualdi, Italian actress and singer
- Louis Mexandeau, French politician
- Emily Nasrallah, Lebanese writer and women's rights activist
- Della Reese, American actress, singer and evangelist (ت. 2017)
- July 7
- Russo (assistente de palco) , Brazilian stage assistant at Rede Globo (ت. 2017)
- Alex South, English former footballer
- Charles Oakley, American football player
- Sunaryati Hartono, Indonesian attorney, lawyer, professor of law and government official
- J. Joseph Curran Jr., American politician
- Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt, Danish film director and screenwriter
- David Eddings, American novelist (ت. 2009)
- July 8
- Zach Monroe, American baseball player
- Thorvald Stoltenberg, Norwegian politician
- Lowell N. Lewis, American plant physiology professor
- July 9
- Sylvia Bacon, American judge
- Rodney Anderson, American politician
- Thomas A. Pankok, American Democratic Party politician
- July 10
- Morris Chang, Chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) in 1987
- Nick Adams, American actor (ت. 1968)
- Julian May, American science fiction, fantasy, horror, science (ت. 2017)
- Alice Munro, Canadian writer, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature
- July 11
- Tab Hunter, American actor and singer, better known for his role in Damn Yankees
- Yasuo Ōtsuka, Japanese animator
- July 13
- James Cellan Jones, British television and film director
- Jim Cairney, Scottish former professional footballer
- Arthur Hurst, Australian rules footballer
- Ernie Colón, American born Puerto Rico comics artist known
- Frank Ramsey, American former professional basketball player and coach
- July 14
- Maria Musso, Italian sprinter and pentathlete
- Ray Martini, Australian rules footballer
- NK Lučko, Croatian football player
- Robert Stephens, English actor (ت. 1995)
- July 15
- Joanna Merlin, American actress
- Clive Cussler, American author
- July 16
- Andrzej Kryński, Polish fencer
- Kjell Hansson, Swedish rower
- Fergus Gordon Kerr, Scottish Roman Catholic priest of the English Dominican Province
- Norm Sherry, American former catcher, manager, and coach in Major League Baseball
- July 17 – Caroline Graham, English playwright, screenwriter and novelist
- July 18
- Mark Pharaoh, English track and field athlete
- Maury Duncan, American quarterback
- July 19
- Mary Lou Studnicka, American female professional baseball player
- Allan Slaight, Canadian rock and roll pioneer, media mogul, and philanthropist
- Marilyn Lewis, American politician
- July 20 – Gilles Morin, Canadian politician
- July 23 – Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, Māori queen (ت. 2006)
- July 26 – Fred Foster, American songwriter and record producer
- July 27 – Jerry Van Dyke, American comedian and actor
- August 1 – Hal Connolly, American athlete (ت. 2010)
- August 2 – Ruth Maria Kubitschek, German actress
- August 7 – Charles E. "Charlie" Rice, American legal scholar and author
- August 9 – Mário Zagallo, Brazilian football player and manager
- August 10 – Tom Laughlin, American actor (Billy Jack) (ت. 2013)
- August 12 – William Goldman, American author
- August 15
- Joe Feeney, American singer (ت. 2008)
- Richard F. Heck, American chemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (ت. 2015)
- Janice Rule, American actress (ت. 2003)
- August 16
- Marion Patrick Jones, Trinidadian writer (ت. 2016)
- Harold Bernard St. John, 3rd Prime Minister of Barbados (ت. 2004)
- August 18
- Hans van Mierlo, Dutch politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister (ت. 2010)
- Bramwell Tillsley, General of The Salvation Army
- August 19 – Willie Shoemaker, American jockey (ت. 2003)
- August 20 – Don King, American boxing promoter
- August 23
- Barbara Eden, American actress and singer
- Lyle Lahey, American cartoonist (ت. 2013)
- Hamilton O. Smith, American microbiologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- August 25
- Hal Fishman, Los Angeles based local news anchor (ت. 2007)
- Regis Philbin, American television personality
- August 27 – Sri Chinmoy, Bengali spiritual teacher, poet, artist and athlete who immigrated to the U.S. in 1964 (ت. 2007)
- August 28
- Shunichiro Okano, Japanese football player and manager (ت. 2017)
- John Shirley-Quirk, English bass-baritone (ت. 2014)
- August 30
- Jacques Braunstein, Romanian-born Venezuelan economist, publicist and disc jockey (ت. 2009)
- Jack Swigert, American astronaut (ت. 1982)
- August 31
- Jean Béliveau, Canadian hockey player (ت. 2014)
- Kenny Burrell, American jazz musician
- Noble Willingham, American actor (ت. 2004)
- September 1
- Cecil Parkinson, British politician (ت. 2016)
- Javier Solís, Mexican ranchera & bolero singer (ت. 1966)
- September 3 – Paulo Maluf, Brazilian politician
- September 4 – Mitzi Gaynor, American actress, singer and dancer
- September 8 – Jack Rosenthal, English playwright (ت. 2004)
- September 10 – Philip Baker Hall, American actor
- September 12
- Ian Holm, British actor
- George Jones, American country music singer and songwriter (ت. 2013)
- September 13 – Barbara Bain, American actress
- September 15 – Brian Henderson, Australian broadcaster
- September 17 – Anne Bancroft, American actress (ت. 2005)
- September 19 – Hiroto Muraoka, Japanese football player (ت. 2017)
- September 21
- Gertrude Alderfer, American female professional baseball player
- Gloria Cordes, American female professional baseball player
- Larry Hagman, American actor and director (ت. 2012)
- September 22
- Fay Weldon, British author
- George Younger, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie, British politician (ت. 2003)
- September 23 – Gerald Merrithew, Canadian educator and statesman (ت. 2004)
- September 24 – Tom Adams, 2nd Prime Minister of Barbados (ت. 1985)
- September 27 – Freddy Quinn, Austrian singer and actor
- September 29
- James Cronin, American nuclear physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics (ت. 2016)
- Anita Ekberg, Swedish actress (ت. 2015)
- September 30
- Angie Dickinson, American actress
- Wesley L. Fox, U.S. Marine Corps officer
- October 1 – Alan Wagner, American opera critic (ت. 2007)
- October 2 – Morris Cerullo, American televangelist
- October 3 – Denise Scott Brown, American architect
- October 6 – Riccardo Giacconi, Italian-born physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics
- October 7
- Cotton Fitzsimmons, American basketball coach (ت. 2004)
- Desmond Tutu, South African Anglican archbishop and activist, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
- October 13 – Eddie Mathews, baseball player (ت. 2001)
- October 15 – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, President of India (ت. 2015)
- October 16
- James Chace, American historian (ت. 2004)
- Rosa Rosal, Filipino actress and humanitarian
- Charles Colson, American politician; Watergate conspirator (ت. 2012)
- October 17
- José Alencar, Brazilian politician (ت. 2011)
- Ernst Hinterberger, Austrian writer (ت. 2012)
- October 19
- John le Carré, English novelist
- Manolo Escobar, Spanish singer and actor. (ت. 2013)
- October 20 – Mickey Mantle, American baseball player (ت. 1995)
- October 21 – Shammi Kapoor, Indian film actor and director (ت. 2011)
- October 22 – Ann Rule, American true-crime writer (ت. 2015)
- October 23
- Jim Bunning, American baseball player and U.S. Senator
- Diana Dors, English actress (ت. 1984)
- October 25 – Jimmy McIlroy, Irish footballer and football manager
- October 26 – Hank Garrett, American actor and comedian
- October 28 – Harold Battiste, American composer and arranger (ت. 2015)
- October 31 – Dan Rather, American television news reporter
- November 1 – Shunsuke Kikuchi, Japanese composer
- November 2 – Phil Woods, American saxophonist (ت. 2015)
- November 3
- Michael Fu Tieshan, Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association bishop (ت. 2007)
- Monica Vitti, Italian actress
- November 4 – Marie Mansfield, American professional baseball player
- November 5 – Ike Turner, African-American singer and songwriter (ت. 2007)
- November 6 – Mike Nichols, German-American television actor, writer and director (ت. 2014)
- November 8
- Darla Hood, American child actress (Our Gang), voice actress and singer (ت. 1979)
- Morley Safer, Canadian journalist (ت. 2016)
- November 9 – Whitey Herzog, American baseball player
- November 10 – Don Henderson, British actor (ت. 1997)
- November 12 – Mary Louise Wilson, American actress and singer
- November 15
- John Kerr, American actor (ت. 2013)
- Mwai Kibaki, third President of Kenya
- November 16 – Hubert Sumlin, American blues musician (ت. 2011)
- November 21
- Revaz Dogonadze, Georgian physicist (ت. 1985)
- Malcolm Williamson, Australian composer (ت. 2003)
- November 26 – Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Argentine activist, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
- November 28
- Dervla Murphy, Irish author
- Tomi Ungerer, French book illustrator and writer
- November 29 – Shintaro Katsu, Japanese actor (ت. 1997)
- December 1
- Jimmy Lyons, American musician (ت. 1986)
- Jim Nesbitt, American country music singer (ت. 2007)
- December 2
- Nigel Calder, British science writer (ت. 2014)
- Edwin Meese, American attorney, law professor, and author; 75th Attorney General of the United States (1985–1988)
- December 3 – Jaye P. Morgan, American singer, chanteuse
- December 9 – Ladislav Smoljak, Czech film and theater director, actor and screenwriter (ت. 2010)
- December 11 – Rita Moreno, Puerto Rican-American actress
- December 12 – Lionel Blair, British actor, choreographer, dancer, headmaster and TV presenter
- December 15 – Klaus Rifbjerg, Danish writer (ت. 2015)
- December 17 – Dave Madden, Canadian American actor (ت. 2014)
- December 22 – Carlos Graça, 6th Prime Minister of São Tomé and Príncipe (ت. 2013)
- December 23 – Ronnie Schell, American actor
- December 24 – Mauricio Kagel, Argentine composer (ت. 2008)
- December 27
- Edward E. Hammer, American electrical engineer and inventor (ت. 2012)
- John Charles, Welsh international footballer (ت. 2004)
- December 28 – Martin Milner, American actor (ت. 2015)
- December 30 – Skeeter Davis, American singer (ت. 2004)
- December 31 – Bob Shaw, Irish writer (ت. 1996)
- January 3 – Joseph Joffre, French World War I general (و. 1852)
- January 4
- Art Acord, American actor (و. 1890)
- Roger Connor, American baseball player and MLB Hall of Famer (و. 1857)
- Louise, Princess Royal, British royal, eldest daughter of Edward VII of the United Kingdom (و. 1867)
- January 11 – James Milton Carroll, Baptist pastor, historian, and author (و. 1852)
- January 14 – Hardy Richardson, American baseball player (و. 1855)
- January 17 – Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia (و. 1864)
- January 22 – Alma Rubens, American actress (و. 1897)
- January 23
- Anna Pavlova, Soviet ballerina (و. 1881)
- Ernst Seidler von Feuchtenegg, former Minister-President of Austria (و. 1862)
- January 24 – Sir Percy FitzPatrick, South African author, politician and mining financier (و. 1862)
- February 1 – Prince Emmanuel, Duke of Vendome (و. 1872)
- February 11 – Charles Algernon Parsons, British inventor (و. 1854)
- February 16 – Wilhelm von Gloeden, German photographer (و. 1856)
- February 18 – Louis Wolheim, American actor (و. 1880)
- February 19 – Tovmas Nazarbekian, Armenian general (و. 1855)
- February 23
- Eduard von Capelle, German admiral (و. 1855)
- Dame Nellie Melba, Australian soprano (و. 1861)
- February 24 – Frederick Augustus II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg (و. 1852)
- February 26 – Otto Wallach, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (و. 1847)
- February 28 – Thomas S. Rodgers, American admiral (و. 1858)
- March 5 – Arthur Tooth, Anglican clergyman (و. 1839)
- March 7
- Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Finnish painter (و. 1865)
- Theo van Doesburg, Dutch painter (و. 1883)
- March 11 – F. W. Murnau, German director (و. 1888)
- March 20
- Alfred Giles, Australian explorer (و. 1846)
- Hermann Müller, German journalist and politician, 12th Chancellor of Germany (و. 1876)
- Joseph B. Murdock, United States Navy admiral and New Hampshire politician (و. 1851)
- March 21 – Bhagat Singh, Indian revolutionary (و. 1908)
- March 22 – James Campbell, 1st Baron Glenavy, Irish lawyer and politician (و. 1851)
- March 23 -- Bhagat Singh, Indian revolutionary hero (و. 1907)
- March 24 – Robert Edeson, American actor (و. 1868)
- March 25 – Ida Wells, African-American lynching crusader.
- March 27 – Arnold Bennett, British novelist (و. 1867)
- March 28 – Ban Johnson, American baseball executive (و. 1864)
- March 31 – Knute Rockne, American football coach (و. 1888)
- April 1 – Macklyn Arbuckle, American actor (و. 1866)
- April 8 – Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Swedish writer, Nobel Prize laureate (و. 1864)
- April 9 – Nicholas Longworth, American politician, Speaker of the House (و. 1869)
- April 10 – Khalil Gibran, Lebanese poet and painter (و. 1883)
- April 14 – Richard Armstedt, German historian (و. 1851)
- April 15
- Joe Masseria, American gangster (و. 1886)
- Prince Thomas, Duke of Genoa (و. 1854)
- April 17 – Ernesto Rossi, American gangster (و. 1903)
- April 20 – Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, British baronet and Titanic survivor (و. 1862)
- April 26 – George Herbert Mead, American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist (و. 1863)
- April 27 – Albert, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein (و. 1869)
- April 30 – Sammy Woods, English cricketer (و. 1867)
- May 2 – George Fisher Baker, American financier and philanthropist (و. 1840)
- May 9 – Albert Abraham Michelson, German-born physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (و. 1852)
- May 14 – David Belasco, American Broadway impresario, theater owner and playwright (و. 1853)
- June 2 – Joseph W. Farnham, American screenwriter (و. 1884)
- June 4 – Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Arab nationalist
- June 8 – Virginia Frances Sterrett, American artist and illustrator (و. 1900)
- June 21 – Pio del Pilar, Filipino activist (و. 1860)
- June 22 – Armand Fallières, President of France (و. 1841)
- July 4
- Buddie Petit, American jazz musician
- Prince Emanuele Filiberto, 2nd Duke of Aosta (و. 1869)
- July 11 – William Jasper Spillman, American economist (و. 1863)
- July 12 – Nathan Söderblom, Swedish archbishop, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (و. 1866)
- August 6 – Bix Beiderbecke, American jazz trumpeter (و. 1903)
- August 14 – Patriarch Damian I of Jerusalem (و. 1848)
- August 15 – Nigar Shikhlinskaya, Azerbaijani World War I nurse (و. 1878)
- August 26
- Frank Harris, Irish author and editor (و. 1856)
- Hamaguchi Osachi, Japanese politician and 27th Prime Minister of Japan (و. 1870)
- August 27 – Francis Marion Smith, American businessman (و. 1846)
- September 4 – Archduke Leopold Salvator of Austria (و. 1863)
- September 5 – John Thomson, Scottish footballer (و. 1909)
- September 10 – Salvatore Maranzano, Italian mobster (و. 1886)
- September 12
- Francis J. Higginson, United States Navy admiral (و. 1843)
- Joseph Le Brix, French aviator and naval officer (و. 1899)
- September 13 – Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia (و. 1866)
- September 16 – Omar Mukhtar, the leader of Libyan resistance (و. 1858)
- September 17
- Marcello Amero D'Aste, Italian admiral and politician (و. 1853)
- Marvin Hart, American World Heavyweight Boxing Champion (و. 1876)
- September 18 – Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece (و. 1908)
- September 19 – David Starr Jordan, American ichthyologist, educator, eugenicist, and peace activist (و. 1851)
- October 3 – Carl Nielsen, Danish composer (و. 1865)
- October 13 – Ernst Didring, Swedish writer (و. 1868)
- October 18 – Thomas Edison, American inventor (و. 1847)
- October 21 – Arthur Schnitzler, Austrian author and dramatist (و. 1862)
- October 24 – Sir Murray Bisset, South African cricketer and Governor of Southern Rhodesia (و. 1876)
- November 4 – Buddy Bolden, American musician (و. 1877)
- November 6 – Jack Chesbro, American baseball player and MLB Hall of Famer (و. 1874)
- November 11 – Shibusawa Eiichi, Japanese industrialist (و. 1840)
- November 13 – Ivan Fichev, Bulgarian general, minister of defense, military historian, and academician (و. 1860)
- November 20 – Julius Drewe, British businessman, retailer and entrepreneur (و. 1856)
- November 21 – Bruno von Mudra, German general (و. 1851)
- November 27 – Robert Ames, American actor (و. 1889)
- December 2 – Vincent d'Indy, French composer (و. 1851)
- December 5 – Vachel Lindsay, American poet (و. 1879)
- December 9 – Antonio Salandra, Italian statesman, 21st Prime Minister of Italy (و. 1853)
- December 18 – Jack Diamond, American gangster (و. 1897)
- December 23 – Tyrone Power Sr, English-born American actor (و. 1869)
- December 26 – Melvil Dewey, American librarian, inventor of Dewey Decimal Classification (و. 1851)
- December 27 – José Figueroa Alcorta, Argentinan politician, 16th President of Argentina (و. 1860)
جوائز نوبل
- الفيزياء – لم تُمنح
- الكيمياء – كارل بوش، فريدرش برگيوس
- الفسيولوجيا أو الطب – أوتو هاينرش واربورگ
- الأدب – إريك أكسل كارلفلت
- السلام – جين أدمز، نيكولاس مري بتلر
== المراجع ==
- ^ "New Delhi: The Inaugural Ceremony". The Times. No. 45744. London. 1931-02-11. p. 12.
- ^ "Wiley Post". centennialofflight.gov. Archived from the original on October 8, 2012.
- ^ BBC History, July 2011, p12.
- ^ "J&K observes Martyrs` day: CM Omar pays tributes". Zee News. 2011-07-13. Retrieved 2011-12-18.
- ^ "Pangborn-Herndon Memorial Site". Aviation: From Sand Dunes To Sonic Booms. National Park Service. Retrieved 2012-05-31.
- ^ "The Red and White Party". Cocktails With Elvira. 2011-10-26. Retrieved 2014-01-30.
وصلات خارجية
- The 1930s Timeline: 1931 – from American Studies Programs at The University of Virginia
- 1931: A Glance at the Twentieth Century by Henry Hartshorne