رامزى ماكدونالد

The Right Honourable
Ramsay MacDonald
Ramsay MacDonald ggbain 35734.jpg
رئيس وزراء المملكة المتحدة
في المنصب
5 June 1929 – 7 June 1935
العاهل جورج الخامس
سبقه ستانلي بالدوين
خلفه ستانلي بالدوين
في المنصب
22 January 1924 – 4 November 1924
العاهل George V
سبقه ستانلي بالدوين
خلفه ستانلي بالدوين
Leader of the Opposition
في المنصب
4 November 1924 – 5 June 1929
العاهل George V
رئيس الوزراء ستانلي بالدوين
سبقه ستانلي بالدوين
خلفه ستانلي بالدوين
في المنصب
21 November 1922 – 22 January 1924
العاهل George V
رئيس الوزراء Bonar Law
ستانلي بالدوين
سبقه H. H. Asquith
خلفه ستانلي بالدوين
Leader of the Labour Party
في المنصب
22 November 1922 – 1 September 1931
نائب John Robert Clynes
سبقه John Robert Clynes
خلفه Arthur Henderson
في المنصب
6 February 1911 – 5 August 1914
Chief Whip George Henry Roberts
Arthur Henderson
سبقه George Nicoll Barnes
خلفه Arthur Henderson
Lord President of the Council
في المنصب
7 June 1935 – 28 May 1937
رئيس الوزراء ستانلي بالدوين
سبقه ستانلي بالدوين
خلفه The Viscount Halifax
Leader of the House of Commons
في المنصب
5 June 1929 – 7 June 1935
سبقه ستانلي بالدوين
خلفه ستانلي بالدوين
في المنصب
22 January 1924 – 3 November 1924
سبقه ستانلي بالدوين
خلفه ستانلي بالدوين
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
في المنصب
22 January 1924 – 3 November 1924
سبقه The Marquess Curzon
خلفه Austen Chamberlain
Member of Parliament
for the Combined Scottish Universities
في المنصب
31 January 1936 – 9 November 1937
سبقه Noel Skelton
خلفه Sir John Anderson
Member of Parliament
for Seaham
في المنصب
30 May 1929 – 14 November 1935
سبقه Sidney Webb
خلفه Emanuel Shinwell
Member of Parliament
for Aberavon
في المنصب
15 November 1922 – 30 May 1929
سبقه John Edwards
خلفه William Cove
Member of Parliament
for Leicester
with Henry Broadhurst (to March 1906)
with Franklin Thomasson (1906–1910)
with Eliot Crawshay-Williams (1910–1913)
with Sir Gordon Hewart (1913–1918)
في المنصب
8 February 1906 – 14 December 1918
سبقه John Rolleston
Henry Broadhurst
خلفه Sir Gordon Hewart (Leicester East)
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد James MacDonald Ramsay
(1866-10-12)12 أكتوبر 1866
Lossiemouth, Morayshire, Scotland, UK
توفي 9 نوفمبر 1937(1937-11-09) (aged 71)
Atlantic Ocean, (on holiday aboard the ocean liner Reina del Pacifico)
المدفن Spynie Cemetery, Morayshire
القومية British
الحزب Labour (until 1931)
National Labour (from 1931)
(m. 1896⁠–⁠1911)
الأنجال 6
الإقامة 10 Downing Street
الجامعة الأم Birkbeck, University of London
المهنة Journalist
الدين Free Church of Scotland
التوقيع Cursive signature in ink


رامزي ماكدونالد (Ramsay MacDonald): سياسي بريطاني وُلد 12 أكتوبر 1866 . ارتقى من أصول متواضعة ليصبح أول رئيس وزراء من حزب العمل البريطاني في عام1924. تولى رئاسة الوزارة في بريطانيا مرتين: 22 يناير 1924، 5 يونيو 1929 إلى 1935. تُوفى 9 نوفمبر 1937.

زعيم الحزب

Hoist with this own petard.
Mr. Ramsay MacDonald (Champion of Independent Labour). "Of course I'm all for peaceful picketing—on principle. But it must be applied to the proper parties."
Cartoon from Punch 20 June 1917
ملصق انتخابات مُنتـَج لانتخابات 1923

حكومات ماكدونالد

حكومة العمال الأولى: يناير–نوفمبر 1924

حكومة العمال الثانية: June 1929 – August 1931


الحكومة الوطنية الأولى: August–November 1931

الحكومة الوطنية الثانية: November 1931 – May 1935


  • June 1932: Lord Irwin** succeeds Sir Donald Maclean (deceased) as President of the Board of Education
  • September 1932: Stanley Baldwin succeeds Lord Snowden as Lord Privy Seal, remaining also Lord President. Sir John Gilmour succeeds Sir Herbert Samuel as Home Secretary. Sir Godfrey Collins**** succeeds Sir Archibald Sinclair as Scottish Secretary. Walter Elliot** succeeds Sir John Gilmour as Minister of Agriculture.
  • December 1933: Stanley Baldwin ceases to be Lord Privy Seal, and his successor in that office is not in the cabinet. He continues as Lord President. Kingsley Wood** enters the cabinet as Postmaster-General
  • June 1934: Oliver Stanley** succeeds Sir H. Betterton as Minister of Labour




  • Elton, Godfrey The Life of James Ramsay MacDonald 1939; to 1919
  • Hinks, John Ramsay MacDonald: the Leicester years (1906–1918), Leicester, 1996
  • Howell, David MacDonald's Party. Labour Identities and Crisis, 1922–1931, Oxford: OUP 2002; ISBN 0-19-820304-7
  • Marquand, David Ramsay MacDonald, (London: Jonathan Cape 1977); ISBN 0-224-01295-9; the standard scholarly biography; favourable
  • Marquand, David. "MacDonald, (James) Ramsay (1866–1937)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2009 accessed 9 Sept 2012; doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/34704
  • Morgan, Austen: J. Ramsay MacDonald, 1987; ISBN 0-7190-2168-5
  • Morgan, Kevin. Ramsay Macdonald (2006)excerpt and text search
  • Mowat, C. L. "Ramsay MacDonald and the Labour Party," in Essays in Labour History 1886–1923, edited by Asa Briggs, and john Saville, (1971)
  • Mowat, Charles Loch. (1955). Britain Between the Wars, 1918–1940 Taylor & Francis.
  • Owen, Nicholas. "MacDonald's Parties: The Labour Party and the ‘Aristocratic Embrace’ 1922–31," Twentieth Century British History (2007) 18#1 pp 1–53.
  • Phillips, Gordon: The Rise of the Labour Party 1893–1931, London: Routledge 1992
  • Rosen, Greg (ed.) Dictionary of Labour Biography, London: Politicos Publishing 2001; ISBN 978-1-902301-18-1
  • Rosen, Greg (ed.) Old Labour to New. The Dreams That Inspired, the Battles That Divided, London: Politicos Publishing 2005; ISBN 978-1-84275-045-2
  • Sacks, Benjamin. J. Ramsay MacDonald in Thought and Action (University of New Mexico Press, 1952), favourable biography by American scholar
  • Shepherd, John. "The Lad from Lossiemouth," History Today (Nov 2007) 57#11 pp 31–33, historiography
  • Skidelsky, Robert. Politicians and the Slump: The Labour Government of 1929–1931 (1967).
  • Taylor, A.J.P. English History: 1914–1945 (1965)
  • Thorpe, Andrew Britain in the 1930s. The Deceptive Decade, Oxford: Blackwell 1992; ISBN 0-631-17411-7
  • Williamson, Philip : National Crisis and National Government. British Politics, the Economy and the Empire, 1926–1932, Cambridge: CUP 1992; ISBN 0-521-36137-0
  • Wrigley, Chris. "James Ramsay MacDonald 1922–1931," in Leading Labour: From Keir Hardie to Tony Blair, edited by Kevin Jefferys, (1999)

المصادر الرئيسية

  • Barker, Bernard (ed.) Ramsay MacDonald's Political Writings, Allen Lane, London 1972
  • Cox, Jane A Singular Marriage: A Labour Love Story in Letters and Diaries (of Ramsay and Margaret MacDonald), London: Harrap 1988; ISBN 978-0-245-54676-1
  • MacDonald, Ramsay The Socialist Movement (1911) online
  • MacDonald, Ramsay Labour and Peace, Labour Party 1912
  • MacDonald, Ramsay Parliament and Revolution, Labour Party 1919
  • MacDonald, Ramsay Foreign Policy of the Labour Party, Labour Party 1923
  • MacDonald, Ramsay Margaret Ethel MacDonald, 1924

وصلات خارجية

مناصب سياسية
H. H. Asquith
Leader of the Opposition
Stanley Baldwin
ستانلي بالدوين
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
22 January 1924 – 4 November 1924
Leader of the House of Commons
The Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
Foreign Secretary
Sir Austen Chamberlain
Stanley Baldwin
Leader of the Opposition
Stanley Baldwin
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
5 June 1929 – 7 June 1935
Leader of the House of Commons
Lord President of the Council
The Viscount Halifax
پرلمان المملكة المتحدة
Sir John Rolleston
Henry Broadhurst
Member of Parliament for Leicester
مع: Henry Broadhurst, to March 1906
Franklin Thomasson, 1906–1910
Eliot Crawshay-Williams, 1910–1913
Sir Gordon Hewart, 1913–1918
Constituency abolished
John Edwards
Member of Parliament for Aberavon
William Cove
Sidney Webb
Member of Parliament for Seaham
Emanuel Shinwell
Noel Skelton
Member of Parliament for the
Combined Scottish Universities

Sir John Anderson
مناصب حزبية
حزب جديد Labour Party Secretary
Arthur Henderson
Philip Snowden
Chairman of the Independent Labour Party
Frederick William Jowett
George Nicoll Barnes
Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party
Arthur Henderson
Arthur Henderson
Treasurer of the Labour Party
Arthur Henderson
J. R. Clynes
Leader of the British Labour Party
Arthur Henderson
Sidney Webb
Chair of the Labour Party
Charlie Cramp
حزب جديد Leader of National Labour
Malcolm MacDonald
جوائز وانجازات
John J. Pershing
Cover of Time Magazine
18 August 1924
Edith Cummings

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Authority_control على السطر 278: attempt to call field '_showMessage' (a nil value).

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