أوبلاست كاليننغراد

Coordinates: 54°48′N 21°25′E / 54.800°N 21.417°E / 54.800; 21.417
(تم التحويل من كاليننجراد اوبلاست)
أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد
Калининградская область
ميدان النصر في كالينن‌گراد.
ميدان النصر في كالينن‌گراد.
علم أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد
درع أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد
النشيد: نشيد أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد
Map of Russia - Kaliningrad Oblast.svg
الإحداثيات: 54°48′N 21°25′E / 54.800°N 21.417°E / 54.800; 21.417
المنطقة الاتحاديةالشمالية الغربية[1]
المنطقة الاقتصاديةكالينن‌گراد[2]
تأسست7 أبريل 1946[3]
المركز الإداريكالينن‌گراد
 • الكياندوما أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد[4]
 • الحاكم[5]أنطون علي‌خانوڤ
 • Total15٬100 كم² (5٬800 ميل²)
ترتيب المساحةرقم 76
 (2010 Census)[7]
 • Total941٬873
 • Estimate 
994٬599 (+5٫6%)
 • الترتيبرقم 56
 • الكثافة62/km2 (160/sq mi)
 • Urban
 • الريف
منطقة التوقيتUTC+2 (توقيت كالينينغراد Edit this on Wikidata[8])
ISO 3166 codeRU-KGD
لوحات السيارات39, 91
OKTMO ID27000000
اللغات الرسميةالروسية[9]
الموقع الإلكترونيhttp://www.gov39.ru

أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد (الأخضر الداكن) في روسيا (الأخضر الفاتح) وأوروپا.

أوبلاست كاليننگراد (روسية: Калинингра́дская о́бласть, romanized: Kaliningradskaya oblast'، إنگليزية: Kaliningrad Oblast)، هو كيان اتحادي روسي يقع في أقصى غرب البلاد. وهو شبه-منعزل، ويطل على بحر البلطيق. أكبر مدن الأوبلاست ومركزه الإداري هي مدينة كاليننگراد، التي كانت تُعرف باسم كونيگزبرگ. ميناء-مدينة الأوبلاست هو بالتيسك، وهو الميناء الروسي الوحيد على بحر البلطيق الذي لا تتجمد مياهه في الشتاء. في تعداد 2010 كان عدد سكان الأوبلاست 1 مليون نسمة.[7]

تحده پولندا من الجنوب، لتوانيا من الشمال والشرق، وبحر البلطيق من الغرب. من المستحيل السفر براً بين الأوبلاست والجزء الرئيسي المتاخم لروسيا دون المرور عبر دولتين أخريين على الأقل. كانت المنطقة في السابق تمثل الجزء الشمالي من المقاطعة الپروسية في پروسيا الشرقية، والجزء الجنوبي منها هو اليوم جزء من ڤويڤودية ڤارمين-ماسوريان في پولندا. مع هزيمة ألمانيا النازية في الحرب العالمية الثانية، ضم الاتحاد السوڤيتي الإقليم كجزء من روسيا الاشتراكية السوڤيتية. بعد الهجرة ما بعد الحرب وفرار وطرد الألمان، كان معظم سكان الإقليم من الروس.

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The territory of what is now the Kaliningrad Oblast used to be inhabited by the Old Prussians and other Western Balts, prior to the Teutonic conquest in the early Late Middle Ages.[11] The Old Prussians became extinct due to Germanisation in the first half of the 18th century.[12] The Lithuanian-inhabited areas of the Teutonic State were known as Lithuania Minor, which encompassed all of modern Kaliningrad Oblast until the 18th century.[12]

Late Middle Ages

In the 13th century, the Teutonic Order conquered the region and established a monastic state.[13] In 1255, on the foundations of a destroyed Sambian settlement known as Tvanksta, the Teutonic Order founded the city of Königsberg (modern Kaliningrad), naming it in honour of Ottokar II of Bohemia.[14]

The Northern Crusades, including the Lithuanian Crusade, were partly motivated by colonization.[15] The German colonist peasants, craftsmen, and merchants were predominantly concentrated in the southern part of the Teutonic State and did not move into Nadruvia and Skalvia due to the Lithuanian military threat.[15]

القرن 15

After Poland's victory in the Thirteen Years' War (1454–1466) with the Second Peace of Thorn, the State of the Teutonic Order became a vassal of the Kingdom of Poland.[12] During this war, the capital of the Teutonic state was moved from Marienburg (now Malbork) to Königsberg in 1457.[12] Following the war, Royal Prussia was established on part of the Teutonic Order's territory.[16] When the rulers of the Duchy of Prussia were vassals of the King of Poland from 1466 to 1660, there were few German colonists.[12]

Brandenburg Wappen.svg
Prussiaflag small.jpg

تاريخ براندن‌بورگ وپروسيا
التخوم الشمالية
قبل القرن 12
الپروس القدماء
قبل القرن 13
مارگراڤية براندن‌بورگ
11571618 (1806)
دوقية بروسيا
پروسيا (الپولندية) الملكية
مملكة پروسيا
مملكة پروسيا
دولة پروسيا الحرة
منطقة كلايپيدا
1920–1939 / 1945–الحاضر
1947–1952 / 1990–الحاضر
الأراضي المستعادة
أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد

16th century

After the Teutonic Order lost the war of 1519–1521 with Poland, the Teutonic Order remained a vassal of the Kingdom of Poland.[17] In 1525, Grand Master Albert of Brandenburg secularized the Teutonic Order's Prussian branch and established himself as ruler of the Duchy of Prussia, the first Protestant state in Europe.[17] Königsberg was the residence of the Duke of Prussia from 1525 until 1701,[14] and was the Duchy of Prussia's capital until 1660, when the capital moved to Berlin.[14]

In 1577, the Duke of Prussia forbade serfs—who were mostly Old Prussians, Lithuanians, and Masurians—to leave the land that was the property of the German knights who became proprietary nobles.[18]

17th century

In 1618, the Duchy merged with the Margraviate of Brandenburg to form Brandenburg-Prussia.[11]

18th century

During the Seven Years' War, the region was occupied by the Russian Empire. It was then reorganized into the Province of East Prussia within the Kingdom of Prussia in 1773. The territory of the Kaliningrad Oblast lies in the northern part of East Prussia. The territory was briefly occupied and annexed by Russia in 1758 during the Seven Years' War before being returned to Prussia in 1762 when Russia switched sides in the war.[19]

19th century

Napoleonic occupation

After the defeats of Jena–Auerstedt, the Kingdom of Prussia was invaded and Berlin was occupied by the French. The Court of Prussia fled to Königsberg, asking for Russian help. Russia intervened, leading to the bloody Battle of Eylau and Battle of Friedland in 1807. Following a French victory in the latter, both sides signed the Treaties of Tilsit.[19]

Historical ethnic and religious structure

In 1817, East Prussia had 796,204 Protestants, 120,123 Catholics, 2,389 Jews, and 864 Mennonites.[20]

In 1824, shortly before its merger with West Prussia, the population of East Prussia was 1,080,000 people.[21] According to Karl Andree, Germans were slightly more than half of the people, while 280,000 (~26%) were ethnically Polish and 200,000 (~19%) were ethnically Lithuanian.[22] As of 1819, there were also 20,000-strong[مطلوب توضيح] ethnic Curonian and Latvian minorities as well as 2,400 Jews, according to Georg Hassel.[23] Similar numbers are given by August von Haxthausen in his 1839 book, with a breakdown by county.[24] However, the majority of East Prussian Polish and Lithuanian inhabitants were Lutherans, not Catholics like their ethnic kinsmen across the border in the Russian Empire. Only in Southern Warmia (German: Ermland), Catholic Poles—so called Warmians (not to be confused with predominantly Protestant Masurians)—comprised the majority of population, numbering 26,067 people (~81%) in county Allenstein (Polish: Olsztyn) in 1837.[24] Another minority in 19th-century East Prussia were ethnically Russian Old Believers, also known as Philipponnen, who mainly lived in the town of Eckersdorf (Wojnowo).[25][26][27]

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German culture and Germanization

In the 19th century, East Prussia was commonly viewed by German commentators as culturally backwards and a part of the "German mission in the East" rather than a core German territory. Pan-Germanist politician Ernst Hasse criticised the lack of folk identity and imagined community: "It is the case that there is almost no common folk identity [Landsmannschaften] among the Poseners and Prussians at all. [...] Who can recognise a Posener or Prussian by dialect and character? Distinct features hardly exist."[28] While the north of East Prussia was overwhelmingly German, the south was majority Slavic and mostly composed of Poles and Masurians. There was also a slight Lithuanian majority in the north-eastern area of East Prussia, Lithuania Minor.[29] Regional and local identities were particularly strong in East Prussia - local Polish population often identified with Masuria rather than Poland, and Prussian Lithuanians also did not actively identify themselves with the Lithuanian nation.[30] Moreover, confessional identity often prevailed over the national one - German authorities were concerned about the "Catholic-Polish axis"; German Catholics were alienated from the German nation because of the Kulturkampf legislation, and tended to support the Polish national movement. An East German newspaper Thorner Zeitung reported in 1871 that "not only Polish Catholics, but also a great number of German Catholics, are willing to vote for a Polish party candidate".[31]

By the end of the 19th century, East Prussia had a significant Polish minority, and German nationalist circles warned of the prospect of Polonization of East Prussia.[32] The perceived weakness of Germanness of East Prussia was also reinforced by the Ostflucht, as East Prussia suffered from both under-industrialisation and rural overpopulation. After 1876, farm prices in East Prussia fell by 20 percent, which encouraged local landowners to hire foreign workers from Congress Poland, incidentally strengthening the Polish element in the region. The increased Slavic immigration to the region generated by the requirement of the Junkers for cheap labour and better economic conditions in West Germany caused many German inhabitants to leave the region.[33] Most Germans moved to work in the industrial heartland of western Germany, while others migrated abroad. Poles and Lithuanians of East Prussia also had much higher birth-rate and natural increase rates than the Germans, and rarely emigrated.[34] Discussing the situation in East Prussia, Polish geographer Stanisław Srokowski remarked:

The Poles who live in the southern and western parts of East Prussia and the Lithuanians of the north-west have succeeded better than the Germans in reconciling their mode of life with their earnings. This has, of course, led to a lower standard of life, but it has enabled them to adapt themselves to actual conditions and even to prosper where the Germans fail. Moreover, both these national minorities in East Prussia are bound to the soil by centuries of tradition: they are not comparative new-comers like the majority of the Germans there. For these reasons, the Poles and Lithuanians in that province hardly ever emigrate from the land of their birth, especially as the emigration in question is not so attractive for them as for the Germans: proceeding to central or western Germany, the former would really be going to a foreign country, amongst people not speaking their language and having other customs than theirs.[35]

The Memel Territory (Klaipėda region), formerly part of northeastern East Prussia as well as Prussian Lithuania, was annexed by Lithuania in 1923. In 1938, Nazi Germany radically renamed about a third of the place names of this area, replacing Old Prussian and Lithuanian names with newly invented German names.

20th century

World War I

In September 1914, after hostilities began between Germany on the one hand and France and Russia on the other, the Reich was about to seize Paris, and the French urged Russia to attack East Prussia. Nicholas II launched a major attack, resulting in a Russian victory in the Battle of Gumbinnen. The Russian army arrived at the outskirts of the city of Königsberg but did not take it and settled at Insterburg. This Russian victory and East Prussia's occupation by Russia saved Paris by forcing the Germans to send many troops to their East provinces.[36] Later, Hindenburg and Ludendorff pushed Russia back at the battle of Tannenberg, thereby liberating East Prussia from Russian troops. Yet Russian troops remained in the easternmost part of the region until early 1915.[37]

World War II

On 29 August 1944, Soviet troops reached the border of East Prussia. By January 1945, they had taken all of East Prussia except for the area around Königsberg. Many inhabitants fled west at this time. During the last days of the war, over two million people fled, anticipating imminent Red Army conquest, and were evacuated by sea.

Soviet annexation

Under the Potsdam Agreement of 1 August 1945, the city became part of the Soviet Union pending the final determination of territorial borders at an anticipated peace settlement. This final determination eventually took place on 12 September 1990 when the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany was signed. The excerpt from the initial agreement pertaining to the partition of East Prussia, including the area surrounding Königsberg, is as follows (note that Königsberg is spelt "Koenigsberg" in the original document):

The Conference examined a proposal by the Soviet Government that pending the final determination of territorial questions at the peace settlement, the section of the western frontier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which is adjacent to the Baltic Sea should pass from a point on the eastern shore of the Bay of Danzig to the east, north of Braunsberg – Goldep, to the meeting point of the frontiers of Lithuania, the Polish Republic and East Prussia.

The Conference has agreed in principle to the proposal of the Soviet Government concerning the ultimate transfer to the Soviet Union of the city of Koenigsberg and the area adjacent to it as described above, subject to expert examination of the actual frontier.

The President of the United States and the British Prime Minister supported the proposal of the Conference at the forthcoming peace settlement.[38]

The monument to Kalinin on the Kalinin Square (former Reichsplatz), built in 1959

Königsberg was renamed Kaliningrad in 1946 after the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mikhail Kalinin, although Kalinin was unrelated to the city, and there were already cities named in honour of Kalinin in the Soviet Union, namely Kalinin (now Tver) and Kaliningrad (now Korolev, Moscow Oblast).[39][40]

Some historians speculate that it may have originally been offered to the Lithuanian SSR because the resolution from the conference specifies that Kaliningrad's border would be at the (pre-war) Lithuanian frontier. The remaining German population was forcibly expelled between 1947 and 1948. The annexed territory was populated with Soviet citizens, mostly ethnic Russians but to a lesser extent also Ukrainians and Belarusians.[41]

The German language was replaced with the Russian language. In 1950, there were 1,165,000 inhabitants, which was only half the number of the pre-war population.

From 1953 to 1962, a monument to Stalin stood on Victory Square. In 1973, the town hall was turned into the House of Soviets. In 1975, the trolleybus was launched again. In 1980, a concert hall was opened in the building of the former Lutheran Church of the Holy Family. In 1986, the Kreuzkirche building was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

For foreigners, the city was completely closed and, with the exception of rare visits of friendship from neighboring Poland, it was practically not visited by foreigners.[42][43]

Demolition of the Königsberg Castle with explosives, 1959.

The old city was not restored, and the ruins of the Königsberg Castle were demolished in the late 1960s,[44] on Leonid Brezhnev's personal orders,[44][45] despite the protests of architects, historians, local historians and ordinary residents of the city.[46][47][48]

The "reconstruction" of the oblast, threatened by hunger in the immediate post-war years, was carried out through an ambitious policy of oceanic fishing[49] with the creation of one of the main fishing harbours of the USSR in Kaliningrad city. Fishing not only fed the regional economy but also was a basis for social and scientific development, in particular oceanography.[50]

In 1957, an agreement was signed and later came into force which delimited the border between Polish People's Republic (Soviet satellite state at the time) and the Soviet Union.[51][52]

The region was added as a semi-exclave to the Russian SFSR; since 1946 it has been known as the Kaliningrad Oblast. According to some historians, Stalin created it as an oblast separate from the Lithuanian SSR because it further separated the Baltic states from the West.[53] Others think that the reason was that the region was far too strategic for the USSR to leave it in the hands of another SSR other than the Russian one.[50] The names of the cities, towns, rivers, and other geographical features were changed to Russian names.

The area was administered by the planning committee of the Lithuanian SSR, although it had its own Communist Party committee.[بحاجة لمصدر] In the 1950s, Nikita Khrushchev offered the entire Kaliningrad Oblast to the Lithuanian SSR but Antanas Sniečkus refused to accept the territory because it would add at least a million ethnic Russians to Lithuania proper.[41][54]

In 2010, the German magazine Der Spiegel published a report claiming that Kaliningrad had been offered to Germany in 1990 (against payment). The offer was not seriously considered by the West German government which, at the time, saw reunification with East Germany as a higher priority.[55] However, this story was later denied by Mikhail Gorbachev.[56]

Recent history

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Kaliningrad. The church's architect is Oleg Kopylov, and it was completed in September 2006.
The Königsberg Cathedral, restored in the 1990s.[57]

The collapse of the Soviet Union and full dissolution in 1991 exacerbated Kaliningrad's isolation. Since the Baltic states became independent, Kaliningrad Oblast has been separated from the rest of Russia by other countries rather than by other Soviet republics. Neighboring Lithuania became an independent country in 1991. The isolation became more severe when both Poland and Lithuania became members of NATO. In 2004, Poland and Lithuania joined the European Union and imposed strict border controls on Kaliningrad Oblast. All military and civilian land links between the region and the rest of Russia now must pass through members of NATO and the EU. Thus far, the EU has rejected Russian proposals for visa-free travel between the EU and Kaliningrad. Travel arrangements based on the Facilitated Transit Document (FTD) and Facilitated Rail Transit Document (FRTD) have been made.[58][59] Kaliningrad Oblast's geographic isolation has badly affected its economic situation. Concurrent significant reduction in the size of the Russian military garrison has hurt as well, since previously the military was a major local employer.

Some of the cultural heritage, most notably the Königsberg Cathedral, were restored in the 1990s, as citizens started to examine previously ignored German past.[60]

On 12 January 1996, Kaliningrad Oblast and Sverdlovsk Oblast became the first oblasts of Russia to sign a power-sharing treaty with the federal government, granting them autonomy. However, this agreement was abolished on 31 May 2002.[61]

After 1991, some ethnic Germans immigrated to the area, such as Volga Germans from other parts of Russia and Kazakhstan, especially after Germany raised the requirements[مطلوب توضيح] for people from the former Soviet Union to be accepted as ethnic Germans and have a "right of return".[بحاجة لمصدر]

Distribution of Germans in Russia, 2010, demonstrating the higher German presence in the Kaliningrad Oblast compared to other areas in European Russia

These Germans are overwhelmingly Russian-speaking and as such were rejected for resettlement within Germany under Germany's new rules. A similar migration by Poles from the lands of the former Soviet Union to the Kaliningrad Oblast occurred at this time as well. The situation has begun to change, albeit slowly. Germany, Lithuania, and Poland have renewed contact with Kaliningrad Oblast, through town twinning and other projects. This has helped to promote interest in the history and culture of the East Prussian and Lietuvininkai communities.

In July 2007, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov declared that if US-controlled missile defense systems were deployed in Poland, then nuclear weapons might be deployed in Kaliningrad. On 5 November 2008, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said that installing missiles in Kaliningrad was almost a certainty.[62] These plans were suspended in January 2009,[63] but implemented in October 2016.[64] In 2011, a long-range Voronezh radar was commissioned to monitor missile launches within about 6,000 km (3,700 mi). The radar is situated in the settlement of Pionersky in Kaliningrad Oblast.[65]

A few months after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Lithuania started implementing EU sanctions, which blocked about 50% of the goods being imported into Kaliningrad by rail. Food, medicine, and passenger travel were exempted. Russia protested against the sanctions and announced it would increase shipments by sea.[66][67]

كانت كونيگزبرگ هي العاصمة الأصلية لپروسيا من 1525 حتى 1701، لكن پروسيا توسعت غرباً، ليصبح موقع العاصمة متطرفاً للغاية وأصبحت برلين هي العاصمة الپروسية الجديدة.

الموقع الذي تشغله كالينن‌گراد الآن كان في السابق موقع مدينة كونيگزبرگ في پروسيا الشرقية. تأسست عام 1255 من قبل الفرسان التيوتون في موقع مستوطنة تڤانگسته الپروسية القديمة، وسميت المدينة على شرف البوهيمي الملك أوتوكار الثاني. خلال فترات الألمنة والاستعمار على مدى القرون التالية، أصبحت الثقافة الألمانية مسيطرة، مع عدد كبير من الأقليات الپولندية واللتوانية وانقرض السامبيون الأصليون في القرن السابع عشر. خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية، دمرت مدينة كونيگزبرگ إلى حد كبير.

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پروسيا الشرقية

Brandenburg Wappen.svg
Prussiaflag small.jpg

تاريخ براندن‌بورگ وپروسيا
التخوم الشمالية
قبل القرن 12
الپروس القدماء
قبل القرن 13
مارگراڤية براندن‌بورگ
11571618 (1806)
دوقية بروسيا
پروسيا (الپولندية) الملكية
مملكة پروسيا
مملكة پروسيا
دولة پروسيا الحرة
منطقة كلايپيدا
1920–1939 / 1945–الحاضر
1947–1952 / 1990–الحاضر
الأراضي المستعادة
أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد

الاتحاد السوڤيتي

دخول الجيش الأحمر

في 29 أغسطس 1944، أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية، وصلت القوات السوڤيتية إلى حدود پروسيا الشرقية. في يناير 1945، اجتاح الجيش الأحمر جميع أراضي پروسيا الشرقية باستثناء المنطقة المحيطة بكونيگزبرگ. في ذلك الوقت فر العديد من السكان إلى الغرب. خلال الأيام الأخيرة من الحرب، كان أكثر من مليوني شخص منهم تم إجلاؤهم بحراً. حُكم على السكان الباقين، البالغ عددهم حوالي 300 ألف ألماني، بالسخرة وتعرضوا للمجاعة والأوبئة.


في نهاية الحرب عام 1945، أصبحت المدينة جزءًا من الاتحاد السوڤيتي بانتظار التحديد النهائي للمسائل الإقليمية في تسوية السلام (كجزء من روسيا السوڤيتية) اتفق عليه الحلفاء في مؤتمر پوتسدام:

6. مدينة كونيگزبرگ والمنطقة المجاورة
درس المؤتمر اقتراحًا من الحكومة السوڤيتية بأنه في انتظار الفصل النهائي للمسائل الإقليمية عند التسوية السلمية، فإن قسم الحدود الغربية لاتحاد الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوڤيتية المتاخم لبحر البلطيق يجب أن يمر من نقطة على الشاطئ الشرقي لخليج خليج دانزيگ إلى الشرق، شمال براونسبيرگ وگولداپ، إلى نقطة التقاء حدود ليتوانيا والجمهورية الپولندية وپروسيا الشرقية.

وافق المؤتمر من حيث المبدأ على اقتراح الحكومة السوڤيتية بشأن النقل النهائي لمدينة كونيگزبرگ والمنطقة المجاورة لها إلى الاتحاد السوڤيتي كما هو موصوف أعلاه، رهناً بفحص الخبراء للحدود الفعلية.

أعلن رئيس الولايات المتحدة و رئيس الوزراء البريطاني أنهما سيؤيدان اقتراح المؤتمر في التسوية السلمية المقبلة.[68]


أطلال قلعة كونيگزبرگ في ع1950

ادماجها في ج. روسيا الاتحادية ا.س.

روسيا الاتحادية


كاتدرائية المسيح المخلص في كالينن‌گراد هي أكبر كنيسة في أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد. يبلغ الكاتدرائية الأرثوذكسية الروسية 70 مترًا، وهي المبنى المهيمن على المدينة الداخلية في بلوشخاد پوپيدي.
كاتدرائية المسيح المخلص في كالينن‌گراد. معماري الكنيسة هو أولگ كوپيلوڤ، واكتملت في سبتمبر 2006.


خريطة أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد
نهر أنگراپا، أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد

Kaliningrad is the only Russian Baltic Sea port that is ice-free all year and hence plays an important role in the maintenance of the country's Baltic Fleet.

The oblast is mainly flat, as the highest point is the 230 m (750 ft) Gora Dozor hill near the tripoint of the Poland–Russia border/Lithuania–Russia border.[69]

As a semi-exclave of Russia, it is surrounded by Poland (Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships), Lithuania (Klaipėda, Marijampolė, and Tauragė Counties) and the Baltic Sea. The end of the river Neman forms part of the Lithuania–Russia border.

Notable geographical features include the Curonian Lagoon (shared with Lithuania) and the Vistula Lagoon (shared with Poland). The oblast's largest river is the Pregolya. The river starts as a confluence of the Instruch and the Angrapa and drains into the Baltic Sea through the Vistula Lagoon. Its length, strictly under the name "Pregolya", is 123 km (76 mi); when including the Angrapa, is it 292 km (181 mi) long.

تشمل السمات الجغرافية البارزة ما يلي:

المدن والبلدات الرئيسية:

الروسية الألمانية † الليتوانية † الپولندية †
بالتيسك Балтийск Pillau Piliava Piława
خرنياخوڤسك Черняховск Insterburg Įsrutis Wystruć
گوسڤ Гусев Gumbinnen Gumbinė Gąbin
كالينن‌گراد Калининград Königsberg Karaliaučius Królewiec
سوڤيتسك Советск Tilsit Tilžė Tylża

† ما قبل عام 1946 (تم استخدام الأسماء الألمانية أيضاً باللغة الإنگليزية في هذه الفترة)


Kaliningrad Oblast has a climate gradually transitioning from oceanic to humid continental depending on distance from the Baltic Sea moderation. It remains very mild by Russian standards with winters above freezing without the hot summers associated with the Russian interior on similar latitudes. The local climate is slightly wetter than similar latitudes further west, but infrequent ice days lead to low snow accumulation regardless.

بيانات مناخ Kaliningrad (1991–2020, extremes 1848–present)
الشهر يناير فبراير مارس أبريل مايو يونيو يوليو أغسطس سبتمبر اكتوبر نوفمبر ديسمبر العام
العظمى القياسية °س (°ف) 12.7
العظمى المتوسطة °س (°ف) 1.1
المتوسط اليومي °س (°ف) -1.2
الصغرى المتوسطة °س (°ف) -3.5
الصغرى القياسية °س (°ف) -32.5
هطول mm (inches) 68
Humidity 85 83 78 72 71 74 75 77 81 83 86 87 79
Avg. rainy days 14 13 14 14 14 16 15 16 17 18 18 16 185
Avg. snowy days 15 15 10 3 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 7 13 64
Sunshine hours 35 61 120 171 253 264 257 228 158 96 38 26 1٬707
Source #1: Pogoda.ru.net[70]
Source #2: NOAA (sun 1961–1990)[71]

التقسيمات الادارية



Largest cities or towns in Kaliningrad Oblast

2021 Russian Census

Name Administrative Division Pop. Image
Kaliningrad City of oblast significance of Kaliningrad 498,260 Kaliningrad 05-2017 img10 aerial view.jpg
Chernyakhovsk Chernyakhovsky District 39,126 Черняховск - Гагарина 1 - башня.jpg
Sovetsk Town of oblast significance of Sovetsk 38,514 Innenstadt Tilsit.JPG
Baltiysk Baltiysky District 33,946 BaltiyskPillau 05-2017 img07 aerial photo.jpg
Gusev Gusevsky District 28,177
Svetly Town of oblast significance of Svetly 21,441
Guryevsk Guryevsky District 19,670
Zelenogradsk Zelenogradsky District 17,296
Svetlogorsk Svetlogorsky District 16,099
Gvardeysk Gvardeysky District 13,353

الجماعات العرقية

وفقًا لتعداد عام 2010، كان التكوين العرقي للأوبلاست على النحو التالي:[7]

  • تم تسجيل 48.021 شخصًا من قواعد البيانات الإدارية ولم يتمكنوا من إعلان العرقية. تشير التقديرات إلى أن نسبة العرقيات في هذه المجموعة هي نفس نسبة المجموعة المعلنة.[72]
التعداد [73] 1959 1970 1979 1989 2002 2010
الروس 473.861 (77.6%) 564.469 (77.1%) 632.717 (78.3%) 683.563 (78.5%) 786.885 (82.4%) 772.534 (86.4%)
الأوكرانيون 35.717 (5.8%) 48.044 (6.6%) 54.656 (6.8%) 62.750 (7.2%) 47.229 (4.9%) 32.771 (3.7%)
بلاروس 57.178 (9.4%) 68.808 (9.4%) 72.465 (9.0%) 73.926 (8.5%) 50.748 (5.3%) 32.497 (3.6%)
لتوانيون 21.262 (3.5%) 23.376 (3.2%) 19.647 (2.4%) 18.116 (2.1%) 13.937 (1.5%) 9.769 (1.1%)

معدل الخصوبة الإجمالي [74]

السنة المعدل
2000 1.11
2001 1.10
2002 1.21
2003 1.24
2004 1.20
2005 1.16
2006 1.20
2007 1.40
2008 1.45
2009 1.48
2010 1.46
2011 1.52
2012 1.63
2013 1.64
2014 1.70
2015 1.75
2016 1.73
2017 1.57


الآراء الدينية في أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد (2012)[75][76]

  روحية وليست دينية (34%)
  إلحاد (22%)
  أخرى أو بلا ديانة (11.1%)
  مسيحية غير طائفية (1%)

وفقًا لمسح رسمي عام 2012[75] فإن 34% من سكان أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد أعلنوا أنفسهم "روحانيين وليس دينيين"، 30.9% أتباع الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الروسية، 22% ملحدين و11.1% يتبعون ديانات أخرى أو لم يعطوا إجابة على السؤال، 1% من المسيحيين الغير طائفيين و1% من أتباع الكنيسة الكاثوليكية.[75]

حتى عام 1945 ، كان غالبية سكان المنطقة من اللوثريين، مع عدد قليل من الكاثوليك واليهود.


برزخ كورش في أبلاست كالينن‌گراد.

في 2021، كان الناتج المحلي الإجمالي الاسمي للأبلاست 7 مليار دولار و7000 دولار للفرد.[77]

يستمد الأوبلاست ميزة اقتصادية من موقعه الجغرافي كميناء خالٍ من الجليد وقربه من الاتحاد الأوروپي. كما أن لديه أكبر رواسب في العالم من العنبر. طورت المنطقة بنيتها التحتية السياحية وعززت عوامل الجذب مثل برزخ كورش.[78]

لمعالجة معدل البطالة المرتفع في الأوبلاست، منحت السلطات الروسية عام 1996 الأوبلاست وضعًا اقتصاديًا خاصًا مع حوافز ضريبية تهدف إلى جذب المستثمرين. استفاد اقتصاد الأوبلاست بشكل كبير منذ ذلك الحين، وفي السنوات الأخيرة شهد[when?] طفرة. أُفتتحت محطة مطار بقيمة 45 مليون دولار أمريكي وتقدم المفوضية الأوروپية الأموال لمشاريع الأعمال في إطار برنامجها الخاص للمنطقة. زادت التجارة مع دول الاتحاد الأوروپي. وزاد الناتج الاقتصادي..[79]

وفقًا للإحصاءات الرسمية، عام عام 2006 بلغ الناتج الإقليمي الإجمالي 115 مليار روبل.[80] عام 207 بلغ نصيب الفرد من إجمالي الناتج المحلي 155.669 روبل.[81]


أوبلاست كالينن‌گراد.

Car and truck assembly (GM, BMW, Kia, Yuejin by Avtotor) and the production of auto parts are major industries in Kaliningrad Oblast. There are shipbuilding facilities in Kaliningrad and Sovetsk. Food processing is a mature industry in the region, with Miratorg operating a sizeable food processing factory. OKB Fakel, a world leader in the field of Hall thruster development, as well as a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of electric propulsion systems, is based in Neman. The company employs 960 people.[82][83] General Satellite (GS) is the biggest employer in Gusev city, manufacturing products such as satellite receivers, cardboard packaging, and nanomaterials.

الموارد الطبيعية

More than 90% of the world's known amber deposits are in Kaliningrad Oblast .[84] Because of this, many Russians refer to the region as "Amber Land" (روسية: Янтарный Край, romanized: Jantarny Krai). Until recently, raw amber was exported for processing to other countries. In 2013, the Russian government banned the export of raw amber in order to boost the amber processing industry in Russia.[85]

There are small oil reservoirs beneath the Baltic Sea not far from Kaliningrad's shore. Small-scale offshore exploration started in 2004. Poland, Lithuania, and some local NGOs voiced concerns about possible environmental effects.

صيد الأسماك

Fishing is an important regional industry, with big fishing ports in Kaliningrad and Pionersky. There are smaller fishing ports in Svetly and Rybachy.

توليد الطاقة

محطة الطاقة الحرارية المجمعة 2.

Average yearly power consumption in the Kaliningrad Oblast was 3.5 terawatt-hours in 2004, of which local power generation provided just 0.235 terawatt-hours. The balance was imported from neighbouring countries. A new Kaliningrad power station was built in 2005, providing 50% of the oblast's energy needs. This station was expanded in 2010, making the oblast independent from electricity imports.

In 2008, planning began for the construction of two nuclear power reactors, with costs estimated at 5 billion (US$8 billion).[86] The project was suspended in May 2013. In 2014, the project was abandoned in response to environmental concerns and lack of support.[87]

LNG from St. Petersburg supplies some of the energy in the Oblast.[88]

انظر أيضاً


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  • Simon Grunau, Preußische Chronik. Hrsg. von M. Perlbach etc., Leipzig, 1875.
  • A. Bezzenberger, Geographie von Preußen, Gotha, 1959
  • Областная Дума Калининградской области. Закон №30 от 18 января 1996 г. «О вступлении в действие Устава (Основного Закона) Калининградской области», в ред. Закона №483 от 2 декабря 2015 г «О внесении изменения в Устав (Основной Закон) Калининградской области». (Oblast Duma of Kaliningrad Oblast. Law #30 of January 18, 1996 On the Charter (Basic Law) of Kaliningrad Oblast Taking Effect, as amended by the Law #483 of December 2, 2015 On Amending the Charter (Basic Law) of Kaliningrad Oblast).

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