
(تم التحويل من جمهورية ساخا)
جمهورية ساخا (ياقوتيا)
Республика Саха (Якутия)
الترجمة اللفظية بالـ Other
 • SakhaСаха Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ
علم جمهورية ساخا (ياقوتيا)
درع جمهورية ساخا (ياقوتيا)
النشيد: النشيد القومي لجمهورية ساخا
Sakha in Russia.svg
المنطقة الاتحاديةالشرق الأقصى[1]
المنطقة الاقتصاديةالشرق الأقصى[2]
تأسستApril 27, 1922[3]
 • الكيانState Assembly (Il Tumen)[4]
 • Head[4]Aysen Nikolayev
 • Total3٬083٬523 كم² (1٬190٬555 ميل²)
ترتيب المساحة1st
 • Estimate 
منطقة التوقيت
most (excluding districts in UTC+10:00 and UTC+11:00 time zones)UTC+09:00 (Yakutsk Time)
Oymyakonsky, Ust-Yansky and Verkhoyansky districtsUTC+10:00 (Vladivostok Time)
Abyysky, Allaikhovsky, Momsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Srednekolymsky and Verkhnekolymsky districtsUTC+11:00 (Magadan Time)
ISO 3166 codeRU-SA
لوحات السيارات14
OKTMO ID98000000
اللغات الرسميةالروسية;[6] ساخا؛ لغات الشعوب الأصلية الأصغر في الشمال هي رسمية في أماكن تجمع المتكلمين بها[7]
الموقع الإلكترونيsakha.gov.ru
Interactive map of the Sakha Republic

ساخا،[أ] واسمها الرسمي جمهورية ساخا (ياقوتيا)،[ب] هي أكبر جمهورية في روسيا، وتقع في الشرق الأقصى الروسي، بمحاذاة المحيط القطبي الشمالي، بتعداد مليون نسمة.[8] Sakha comprises half of the area of its governing Far Eastern Federal District, and is the world's largest country subdivision, covering over 3,083,523 square kilometers (1,190,555 sq mi).[9] Yakutsk, which is the world's coldest major city,[10] is its capital and largest city.

The republic has a reputation for an extreme and severe climate, with the second lowest temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere being recorded in Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon (second only to Summit Camp, Greenland), and regular winter averages commonly dipping below −35 °C (−31 °F) in Yakutsk. The hypercontinental tendencies also result in warm summers for much of the republic.

Sakha was first home to hunting-gathering and reindeer herding Tungusic and Paleosiberian peoples such as the Evenks and Yukaghir. Migrating from the area around Lake Baikal, the Turkic Sakha people first settled along the middle Lena river sometime between the 9th and 16th centuries, likely in several waves, bringing the pastoral economic system of Central Asia with them.

The Russians colonised and incorporated the area as the Yakutsk Oblast into the Tsardom of Russia in the early-mid 17th century, obliging the indigenous peoples of the area to pay fur tribute. While the initial period following the Russian conquest saw the Sakha population drop by 70%, the Imperial period also saw the expansion of the native Yakuts from the middle Lena along the Vilyuy River to the north and the east displacing other indigenous groups. Yakutia saw some of the last battles of the Russian Civil War, and the Bolshevik authorities re-organized Yakutsk Oblast into the autonomous Yakut ASSR in 1922. The Soviet era saw the migration of many Slavs, specifically Russians and Ukrainians, into the area.

On 27 September 1990, the area became the Yakutskaya-Sakha Soviet Socialist Republic, and on 27 December 1991, it became the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

أكبر جمهورية من جمهوريات روسيا من حيث مساحتها هي ياقوتيا. وتشغل ياقوتيا نصف اراضي سيبيريا الغربية وكل اراضي سيبيريا الشرقية تقريبا. ويقع الجزء الاكبر منها وراء دائرة القطب الشمالي، وهو يطل على بحار المحيط المتجمد الشمالي. وإن مساحتها تعادل مساحة ثلاثة بلدان كمصر وتشمل اراضيها الشاسعة ثلاثة احزمة للتوقيت. ان مركزها الاداري هو مدينة ياقوتسك التي تبعد عن موسكو العاصمة مسافة حوالى خمسة آلاف كيلومتر. اما عدد سكانها فلا يناهز مليون نسمة.

ان ياقوتيا من الاقاليم الروسية التي تتميز بالظروف المناخية القاسية. يكفي القول ان قطب البرد يقع في اراضيها بالذات. وفي منطقة مدينة ايمياكون تصل درجة حرارة الجو شتاء الى اثنتين وسبعين واثنين بالعشرة درجة تحت الصفر. اما الصقيع والبرد بشدة ما بين 40 و50 درجة تحت الصفر، فهذا ظاهرة عادية مألوفة بالنسبة لياقوتيا.

وقوع كل أراضيها تقريبا هي منطقة التجمد الازلي، تظل هكذا حتى في الصيف حيث تبلغ درجة الحرارة احيانا 30 درجة فوق الصفر. لهذا السبب بالذات بقيت في باطن ارضها وكأنها ثلاجة طبيعية حتى ايامنا هذه هياكل حيوانات عاشت هناك من آلاف سنين خلت وانقرضت في سير عملية التطور، منها مثلا حيوان المموت.

لقد فوجئ ملايين الزوار للمعرض العالمي في اليابان في عام 2005 بمشاهدة معروضات عجيبة هي رأس مموت عملاق، يزيد طولها عن ثلاثة امتار، لها انياب وعينان وبغطاء جلدي وشعري. ان عمر هذا الحيوان 18 الفا وستمئة سنة، كما يؤكده العلماء الذين عثروا عليه في اراضي ياقوتيا منذ عدة سنين. فاصبح من المعروضات المثيرة للاهتمام في المعرض العالمي في عام 2005.

ان شعب ياقوتيا الاصلي هو الياقوتيون او شعب ساخا، كما يسمونهم بانفسهم. انه اكبر شعوب الشمال الاقصى من حيث عدد افراده ينطق ابناءه باحدى اللغات التركية الاصل. والى جانب الياقوتيين تسكن في هذه الاماكن شعوب اصلية صغيرة اخرى من الايفينك واليوكاغير وغيرها.

لقد جاء الروس الى ياقوتيا وبدأوا يستعمرون اراضيها في القرن السابع عشر. وفي عام 1632 اقاموا على ضفة نهر لينا وهو من اكبر انهار سيبيريا حصنا تحول فيما بعد الى مدينة اصبحت مركزا اداريا للاقليم.

مدينة ياقوتسك اليوم هي من اكبر المدن في شرقي سيبيريا، فيها جامعة ومتاحف ومسارح ومؤسسات صناعية وبنية تحتية متطورة.

اشتهرت ياقوتيا في العالم كله بمكامن أرضها وهي غنية بالماس والذهب وكذلك بفرائها الثمينة. لقد اكتشفت مصادر الذهب هناك على نهر آلدان في اوائل القرن العشرين. وسرعان ما وصل حجم استخراج الذهب الى ستة اطنان في السنة. اما اليوم فتعدى 22 طنا. ويستخرج الذهب وهو عبارة عن قطع صغيرة جدا في مجرى الانهار وروافدها. وإن مكامنه هنا كثيرة. واكتشفت ثلاثة جديدة منه في قرننا الحالي.

كما وتعتبر ياقوتيا بلد الماس رغم ان استخراج الماس فيها بدأ منذ نصف قرن. وهناك في اراضيها 150 مكمنا لالماس وثلاثة عشرة منها كبيرة جدا.

وتقوم باستخراج الماس وبيعه شركة آلروسا الروسية التي يقع مقرها في بلدة ميرني حاضرة الجمهورية الماسية. وتتجاوز قيمة الاحجار الكريمة المستخرجة في السنة مليار دولار، نجد بينها احجارا تستعمل في الصناعة والاخرى ثمينة فريدة صالحة لفن الصياغة.

هناك في غابات التايگا الكثيقة العذراء في اراضي ياقوتيا كثير من حيوانات الفرو لدرجة انه قد يبدو لاول وهلة انه لا داعى لتربيتها لكن صيد الحيوانات لو بلغ ابعادا كبيرة قد يؤثر سلبيا في تنوع المنطقة الطبيعي واصالتها البيولوجية. ولذلك بالذات يقومون في مقاطعة ياقوتيا بتربية الحيوانات ذات الفرو الثمين، اي المنل والثعالب السوداء الفضية والبيضاء الشمالية.

وجدير بالذكر ان اولى المحاولات لتربية حيوانات الفرو اتخذت هناك في اواخر القرن التاسع عشر. وفي الثلاثينات من القرن العشرين الماضي، بدأ هذا الفرع من الاقتصاد يتطور بسرعة ولا يزال في ايامنا هذه.

هنالك في ايقوتيا آثار حضارية ذات اهمية عالمية. وعلى طول نهر لينا تمتد مسافة 40 كيلومترا صخور غريبة الاشكال، تشبه اعمدة وتسمى في الحقيقة باعمدة لينا. وعليها رسوم نفذت بالصبغة الصغراء المعدنية الاصل، تصور الانسان والحيوانات. وإن عمر الرسوم عدة آلاف من السنين.

اما ملحمة اولونخو للشعب الياقوتي فتعتبرها منظمة اليونسكو تحفة من التراث الأدبي العالمي. وفي الجمهورية مركز ثقافي اسمه دار اولونخو يتلو فيه الرواة مقاطع من الملحمة وتجرى حفلات ويتعرف الشباب على اساطيرها.

كما وتدهش الجميع بجمالها وتعجبهم مصنوعات من العظم، نجد بينها صندوقا صغيرا وخاتما وقلادة، يجغرها الحرفيون الياقوتيون بمهارة من أنياب فيل البحر.

أنبوب اوداچنايا، أحد أكبر المناجم المفتوحة للماس في العالم، وتتقع على بعد 20 كم جنوب الدائرة القطبية.

أصل الاسم

The exonym Yakut comes from the Evenk term Yako (also yoqo, ñoqa, or ñoka), which was the term the Evenks used to describe the Sakha. This was in turn picked up by the Russians.[11] The Yukaghirs, another neighboring people in Siberia, use the exonym yoqol ~ yoqod- ~ yoqon- (Tundra Yukaghir) or yaqal ~ yaqad- ~ yaqan- (Kolyma Yukaghir).[بحاجة لمصدر]

The self-designation Sakha is probably of the same origin (*jaqa > Sakha following regular sound changes in the course of development of the Yakut language) as the Evenk and Yukaghir exonyms for the Yakuts.[12] It is pronounced as Haka by the Dolgans, whose language is a close relative of the Yakut language.[13][14]


وحيش جمهورية ساخا: Ross's gull, the Siberian crane, polar bear, horse and reindeer. Russian post miniature sheet, 2006.

Sakha stretches to the Henrietta Island in the far north and is washed by the Laptev and Eastern Siberian Seas of the Arctic Ocean. These waters, the coldest and iciest of all seas in the Northern Hemisphere, are covered by ice for 9–10 months of the year. New Siberian Islands are a part of the republic's territory. After Nunavut was separated from Canada's Northwest Territories in 1999, Sakha became the largest subnational entity (statoid) in the world, with an area of 3,083,523 square kilometers (1,190,555 sq mi),[9] slightly smaller than the territory of India (3.3 million km2), but still slightly larger than Argentina.

Sakha can be divided into three great vegetation belts. About 40% of Sakha lies above the Arctic Circle and all of it is covered by permafrost which greatly influences the region's ecology and limits forests in the southern region. Arctic and subarctic tundra define the middle region, where lichen and moss grow as great green carpets and are favorite pastures for reindeer. In the southern part of the tundra belt, scattered stands of dwarf Siberian pine and larch grow along the rivers. Below the tundra is the vast taiga forest region. Larch trees dominate in the north and stands of fir and pine begin to appear in the south. Taiga forests cover about 47% of Sakha and almost 90% of the cover is larch.

The Sakha Republic is the site of Pleistocene Park, a project directed at recreating Pleistocene tundra grasslands by stimulating the growth of grass with the introduction of animals which thrived in the region during the late Pleistocene – early Holocene period.

مناطق التوقيت

Sakha is the only federal subject of Russia which uses more than one time zone. Sakha spans three time zones.[15] Like the rest of Russia, it does not use daylight saving time.

Map Time zone Abbr. UTC offset Areas
Map of Russia - Yakutsk time zone.svg Yakutsk Time YAKT UTC+09:00 Most of the republic's territory
Map of Russia - Vladivostok time zone.svg Vladivostok Time VLAT UTC+10:00 Districts of Oymyakonsky, Ust-Yansky and Verkhoyansky
Map of Russia - Magadan time zone.svg Magadan Time MAGT UTC+11:00 Districts of Abyysky, Allaikhovsky, Momsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Srednekolymsky and Verkhnekolymsky


نهر أورا

The largest river is the navigable Lena River (4,400 km). As it moves northward, it includes hundreds of small tributaries located in the Verkhoyansk Range.


There are over 800,000 lakes in the republic.[16] Major lakes and reservoirs include:


Sakha's greatest mountain range, the Verkhoyansk Range, runs parallel and east of the Lena River, forming a great arc that begins in the Sea of Okhotsk and ends in the Laptev Sea.

The Chersky Range runs east of the Verkhoyansk Range and has the highest peak in Sakha, Peak Pobeda (3,003 m - 9,852 ft). The second highest peak is Peak Mus-Khaya reaching 2,959 m (9,708 ft).

The Stanovoy Range borders Sakha in the south.

أشباه الجزر

The Republic's extensive coastline contains a number of peninsulas; from west to east the most prominent are:

  • Uryung-Tumus Peninsula
  • Nordvik Peninsula
  • Terpyay-Tumsa Peninsula
  • Bykovsky Peninsula
  • Buor-Khaya Peninsula
  • Manyko Peninsula
  • Shirokostan Peninsula
  • Merkushina Strelka Peninsula
  • Lopatka Peninsula
  • Dogukan Peninsula


From west to east, the main islands of Sakha are:

الموارد الطبيعية

Udachnaya pipe diamond mine

Sakha is well endowed with raw materials. The soil contains large reserves of oil, gas, coal, diamonds, gold, silver, tin, tungsten and many others. Sakha produces 99% of all Russian diamonds and over 25% of the diamonds mined in the world.[17][18]


Sakha is known for its climate extremes, with the Verkhoyansk Range being the coldest area in the Northern Hemisphere. Some of the lowest natural temperatures ever recorded have been here. The Northern Hemisphere's Pole of Cold is at Verkhoyansk, where the temperatures reached as low as −67.8 °C (−90.0 °F) in 1892 and 1885, and at Oymyakon, where the temperatures reached as low as −67.8 °C (−90.0 °F) in February 1934.

Average daily maximum and minimum temperatures for selected locations in Yakutiya[19][20][21][22]
المدينة يوليو (°س) يوليو (°ف) يناير (°س) يناير (°ف)
Aldan 22.6/10.9 72.7/51.6 −21.9/−30.6 −7.4/−23.1
Neryungri 21.8/10.9 71.24/51.62 −26.8/−33.9 −16.24/−29.02
Olyokminsk 24.9/12 76.8/53.6 −26.2/−34.6 −15.2/−30.28
Oymyakon 22.7/6.1 72.9/43 −42.5/−50 −44.5/−58
Verkhoyansk 23.5/9.7 74.3/49.5 −42.4/−48.3 −44.3/−54.9
Yakutsk 25.5/12.7 78/54.9 −35.1/−41.5 −31.2/−42.7
Saskylakh 16.8/7.7 62.2/45.9 −29.2/−36.7 −20.6/−34.1
Tiksi 12.1/3.9 53.8/39 −26.7/−33.8 −16.1/−28.8

Average annual precipitation: 200 mm (central parts) to 700 mm (mountains of Eastern Sakha).

التقسيمات الإدارية


قبل التاريخ

The people of the Ymyyakhtakh culture are regarded to be the ancestors of the modern Yukaghirs.

Siberia, and particularly Sakha, is of paleontological significance, as it contains bodies of prehistoric animals from the Pleistocene Epoch, preserved in ice or permafrost. In 2015, the frozen bodies of Dina and Uyan the cave lion cubs were found. Bodies of Yuka and another woolly mammoth from Oymyakon, a woolly rhinoceros from the Kolyma River, and bison and horses from Yukagir have also been found.[23] In June 2019, the severed yet preserved head of a large wolf from the Pleistocene, dated to over 40,000 years ago, was found close to the Tirekhtyakh River.[24][25][26]

Ymyakhtakh culture (2200ح. 2200–1300 BC) was a Late Neolithic culture of Siberia, with a very large archaeological horizon. Its origins were in Sakha, in the Lena river basin. From there it spread both to the east and to the west.[27]

التاريخ المبكر

The Turkic Sakha people or Yakuts may have settled the area as early as the 9th century or as late as the 16th century, though most likely there were several migrations. They migrated up north from around Lake Baikal to the middle Lena due to pressure by the Buryats, a Mongolic group.[28]

The Sakha displaced earlier, much smaller populations who lived on hunting and reindeer herding, introducing the pastoralist economy of Central Asia. The indigenous populations of Paleosiberian and Tungusic stock were mostly assimilated to the Sakha by the 17th century.[29]

الفتح الروسي

The Tsardom of Russia began its conquest of the region in the 17th century, moving east after the defeat of the Khanate of Sibir. Tygyn, a king of the Khangalassky Sakha, granted territory for Russian settlement in return for a military pact that included war against indigenous rebels of all North Eastern Asia (Magadan, Chukotka, Kamchatka and Sakhalin). Kull, a king of the Megino-Khangalassky Sakha, began a Sakha conspiracy by allowing the first stockade construction.[بحاجة لمصدر]

خريطة أبلاست ياقوتسك في 1821.

In August 1638, the Moscow Government formed a new administrative unit with the administrative center of Lensky Ostrog (Fort Lensky), the future city of Yakutsk, which had been founded by Pyotr Beketov in 1632.

The arrival of Russian settlers at the remote Russkoye Ustye in the Indigirka delta is also believed to date from the 17th century.[30] The Siberian Governorate was established as part of the Russian Empire in 1708.

Russian settlers began to form a community in the 18th century, which adopted certain Sakha customs and was often called Yakutyane (Якутя́не) or Lena Early Settlers (ленские старожилы). However, the influx of later settlers had assimilated themselves into the Russian mainstream by the 20th century.

الإمبراطورية الروسية

In an administrative reform of 1782, Irkutsk Governorate was created. In 1805, Yakutsk Oblast was split from Irkutsk Governorate.[31]

British explorer and missionary Kate Marsden in Yakutsk, 1891.

Yakutsk Oblast in the early 19th century marked the easternmost territory of the Russian Empire, including such Far Eastern (Pacific) territories as were acquired, known as Okhotsk Okrug within Yakutsk Oblast. With the formation of Primorskaya Oblast in 1856, the Russian territories of the Pacific were detached from Sakha.

Members of the Siberian Regional Duma from Yakutsk, 1917.

The Russians established agriculture in the Lena River basin. The members of religious groups who were exiled to Sakha in the second half of the 19th century began to grow wheat, oats, and potatoes. The fur trade established a cash economy. Industry and transport began to develop at the end of the 19th century and in the beginning of the Soviet period. This was also the beginning of geological prospecting, mining, and local lead production. The first steam-powered ships and barges arrived.

Sakha's remoteness, compared to the rest of Siberia, made it a place of exile of choice for both Tsarist and Communist governments of Russia. Among the famous Tsarist-era exiles were the democratic writer Nikolay Chernyshevsky; Doukhobors, conscientious objectors whose story was told to Leo Tolstoy by Vasily Pozdnyakov; the Socialist Revolutionary Party member and writer Vladimir Zenzinov, who left an account of his Arctic experiences; and Polish socialist activist Wacław Sieroszewski, who pioneered in ethnographic research on the Sakha people.

A Sakha national movement first emerged during the 1905 Revolution. A Yakut Union was formed under the leadership of a Sakha lawyer and city councilor by the name of Vasily Nikiforov, which criticized the policies and effects of Russian colonialism, and demanded representation in the State Duma. The Yakut Union acted to make the city council of Yakutsk stand down and was joined by thousands of Sakha from the countryside, but the leaders were arrested and the movement fizzled out by April 1906. Their demand for a Sakha representative in the Duma, however, was granted.[32]

العصر السوڤيتي

Sakha was home to the last stage of the Russian Civil War, the Yakut Revolt. On April 27, 1922, former Yakutsk Oblast was proclaimed the Yakut ASSR, although in fact the eastern part of the territory, including the city of Yakutsk, was controlled by the White Russians.

Platon Oyunsky, who wrote the traditionally-oral olonkho epics.

The early Soviet period saw a flourishing of Sakha literature as men such as Platon Oyunsky wrote down in writing the traditionally oral and improvised olonkho, in addition to composing their own works. Many early Sakha leaders, including Oyunsky, died in the Great Purge.

Map of the Autonomous Yakut SSR, 1928
Map of the Autonomous Yakut SSR, 1928

Sakha experienced significant collectivization between 1929 and 1934, with the number of households experiencing collectivization rising from 3.6% in 1929 to 41.7% in 1932. Policies by which the Sakha were harshly affected resulted in the population dropping from 240,500 in 1926 down to 236,700 at the 1959 census.[33]

Sakha's demographics shifted wildly during the Soviet period as ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, among other groups, settled the area en masse, primarily in Yakutsk and the industrial south. Previously, even Yakutsk had been primarily Sakha and Sakha-speaking. With the end of korenizatsiya, usage of the Sakha language was restricted in urban areas such as Yakutsk, which became primarily Russian-speaking.

العصر بعد السوڤيتي

In 1992, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Sakha was recognized in Moscow as the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Sakha is historically part of Russian Siberia, but since the formation of the Far Eastern Federal District in 2000, it is administratively part of the Russian Far East.


Population: 995٬686 (تعداد 2021)؛[34] 958,528 (تعداد 2010);[35] 949,280 (تعداد 2002);[36] 1,081,408 (تعداد 1989).[37] Population density is 0.31 per km2 (2019), which is one of the lowest among Russian districts. Urban population: 65,45% (2018).[38]


أكبر المدن أو البلدات في جمهورية ساخا
التعداد الروسي 2021
الترتيب التقسيم الإداري التعداد
1 ياقوتسك ياقوتسك، المدينة ذات الحيثية الجمهورية 355,443 ميرني
2 نريونگري Neryungrinsky District 53,409
3 ميرني Mirninsky District 34,045
4 آلدان Aldansky District 21,590
5 لينسك Lensky District 21,392
6 Aykhal Mirninsky District 13,370
7 أوداتشني Mirninsky District 12,930
8 Suntar Suntarsky District 10,302
9 Nyurba Nyurbinsky District 10,138
10 Vilyuysk Vilyuysky District 10,032

الإحصائيات الحيوية

Historical population
المصدر: بيانات التعداد
Breakdown of population changes, 1939–2002
احتفالات يوم إعلان الدولة في ياقوتسك
Cruise on the Lena River

Source: Russian Federal State Statistics Service

السنة متوسط التعداد (x 1000) Live births الوفيات التغير الطبيعي Crude birth rate (per 1000) Crude death rate (per 1000) التغير الطبيعي (per 1000) معدلات الخصوبة
1970 674 13,899 5,700 8,199 20.6 8.5 12.2
1975 775 15,636 6,242 9,394 20.2 8.1 12.1
1980 887 18,132 7,501 10,631 20.4 8.5 12.0
1985 1,002 22,823 7,266 15,557 22.8 7.3 15.5
1990 1,115 21,662 7,470 14,192 19.4 6.7 12.7 2.46
1991 1,110 19,805 7,565 12,240 17.8 6.8 11.0 2.32
1992 1,090 17,796 8,710 9,086 16.3 8.0 8.3 2.17
1993 1,072 16,771 9,419 7,352 15.6 8.8 6.9 2.08
1994 1,051 16,434 10,371 6,063 15.6 9.9 5.8 2.07
1995 1,029 15,731 10,079 5,652 15.3 9.8 5.5 2.01
1996 1,015 14,584 9,638 4,946 14.4 9.5 4.9 1.88
1997 1,003 13,909 9,094 4,815 13.9 9.1 4.8 1.81
1998 986 13,640 8,856 4,784 13.8 9.0 4.9 1.80
1999 970 12,724 9,480 3,244 13.1 9.8 3.3 1.71
2000 960 13,147 9,325 3,822 13.7 9.7 4.0 1.77
2001 954 13,262 9,738 3,524 13.9 10.2 3.7 1.78
2002 950 13,887 9,700 4,187 14.6 10.2 4.4 1.85
2003 949 14,224 9,660 4,564 15.0 10.2 4.8 1.86
2004 950 14,716 9,692 5,024 15.5 10.2 5.3 1.91
2005 950 13,591 9,696 3,895 14.3 10.2 4.1 1.74
2006 950 13,713 9,245 4,468 14.4 9.7 4.7 1.73
2007 951 15,268 9,179 6,089 16.1 9.7 6.4 1.92
2008 953 15,363 9,579 5,784 16.1 10.1 6.1 1.92
2009 955 15,970 9,353 6,617 16.7 9.8 6.9 2.00
2010 958 16,109 9,402 6,707 16.8 9.8 7.0 2.02
2011 957 16,402 8,992 7,410 17.1 9.4 7.7 2.06
2012 956 16,998 8,918 8,080 17.8 9.3 8.5 2.17
2013 955 16,704 8,351 8,353 17.5 8.7 8.8 2.17
2014 956 17,010 8,209 8,801 17.8 8.6 9.2 2.25
2015 958 16,459 8,233 8,226 17.1 8.6 8.5 2.19
2016 961 15,424 8,052 7,372 16.0 8.4 7.6 2.09
2017 963 13,954 7,817 6,137 14.5 8.1 6.4 1.93
2018 964 13,234 7,572 5,662 13.7 7.8 5.9 1.85
2019 967 12,819 7,611 5,208 13.2 7.8 5.4 1.82
2020 972 13,097 9,081 4,016 13.4 9.3 4.1 1.86
2021 12,309 10,600 1,709 12.5 10.8 1.7 1.73
2022 11,824 8,319 3,505 11.9 8.4 3.5 1.62
2023 11,194 7,721 3,473 11.2 7.7 3.5 1.55

الجماعات العرقية

Yakuts celebrating Yhyakh. Yakuts form the easternmost indigenous community of Turkic peoples.
Ethnic map of Yakutia by urban and rural settlements, 2002 and 2010 censuses.

According to the 2021 Census, the ethnic composition was:[39]

Historical population figures are shown below:

1926 Census 1939 Census 1959 Census 1970 Census 1979 Census 1989 Census 2002 Census 2010 Census 2021 Census1
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Sakha 235,926 81.6% 233,273 56.5% 226,053 46.4% 285,749 43.0% 313,917 36.9% 365,236 33.4% 432,290 45.5% 466,492 49.9% 469,348 55.3%
Dolgans 0 0.0% 10 0.0% 64 0.0% 408 0.0% 1,272 0.1% 1,906 0.2% 2,147 0.3%
Evenks 13,502 4.7% 10,432 2.5% 9,505 2.0% 9,097 1.4% 11,584 1.4% 14,428 1.3% 18,232 1.9% 21,008 2.2% 24,334 2.9%
Evens 738 0.3% 3,133 0.8% 3,537 0.7% 6,471 1.0% 5,763 0.7% 8,668 0.8% 11,657 1.2% 15,071 1.6% 13,233 1.6%
Yukaghir 396 0.1% 267 0.1% 285 0.1% 400 0.1% 526 0.1% 697 0.1% 1,097 0.1% 1,281 0.1% 1,510 0.2%
Chukchis 1,298 0.4% 400 0.1% 325 0.1% 387 0.1% 377 0.0% 473 0.0% 602 0.1% 670 0.1% 709 0.1%
Russians 30,156 10.4% 146,741 35.5% 215,328 44.2% 314,308 47.3% 429,588 50.4% 550,263 50.3% 390,671 41.2% 353,649 37.8% 276,986 32.6%
Ukrainians 138 0.0% 4,229 1.0% 12,182 2.5% 20,253 3.0% 46,326 5.4% 77,114 7.0% 34,633 3.6% 20,341 2.2% 7,169 0.8%
Tatars 1,671 0.6% 4,420 1.1% 5,172 1.1% 7,678 1.2% 10.976 1.3% 17,478 1.6% 10,768 1.1% 8,122 0.9% 4,262 0.5%
Others 5,260 1.8% 10,303 2.5% 14,956 3.1% 19,770 3.0% 32,719 3.8% 59,300 5.4% 48,058 5.1% 46,124 4.9% 49,070 5.8%
1 146,918 people were registered from administrative databases, and could not declare an ethnicity. It is estimated that the proportion of ethnicities in this group is the same as that of the declared group.[40]


العرقية اللغة المحلية
الروسية ساخا غيرهم
الروس 99.4% 0.4% 0.2%
الياقوت 5.0% 95.0% 0.0%
إڤنك 12.3% 72.4% 15.3%
إڤن 10.7% 60.2% 29.1%

The official languages are both Russian and Sakha, also known as Yakut, which is spoken by roughly half of the republic's population. In the 2021 census, 95% of Yakuts, 72% of Evenks and 60% of Evens declared Sakha as their native language.[41] The Sakha language is a member of the Turkic language family, belonging to the Siberian branch. It is closely related to the Dolgan language of the former Taymyr Dolgano-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The Sakha Republic is also home to many of the world's speakers of Tungusic languages, primarily of Evenki and Even. Additionally, Chukchi and the lects of the Yukaghir language family are spoken in the northeast.


الدين في جمهورية ساخا في 2012 (Sreda Arena Atlas)[42][43]
Russian Orthodoxy
Other Christians
Tengrism and other native faiths
Spiritual but not religious
Atheism and irreligion
Other and undeclared

غالبية السكان يؤمنون بقوى الطبيعة التنگرية الشامانية. بعض السكان يتبعون الكنيسة الارثوذوكسية.

Before the arrival of the Russian Empire, the majority of the local population was Tengrist, similar to the other Turkic people of Central Asia, or in Paleoasian indigenous shamanism with both 'light' (community leading) and 'dark' (healing through spirit journey) shamans. Under the Russians, the local population was converted to the Russian Orthodox Church and required to take Orthodox Christian names, but in practice generally continued to follow traditional religions. During the Soviet era, most or all of the shamans died without successors. In the 1990s, a neopagan shamanist movement called aiyy yeurekhé was founded by the controversial journalist Ivan Ukhkhan and a philologist calling himself Téris.[44] This group and others cooperated to build a shaman temple in downtown Yakutsk in 2002.[45]

Transfiguration of Jesus Christ Cathedral in Yakutsk

Currently,[when?] while Orthodox Christianity maintains a following (however, with very few priests willing to be stationed outside of Yakutsk), there is interest and activity toward renewing the traditional religions. As of 2008, Orthodox leaders described the worldview of the republic's indigenous population (or, rather, those among the population who are not completely indifferent to religion) as dvoyeverie (dual belief system), or a "tendency toward syncretism", as evidenced by the locals sometimes first inviting a shaman, and then an Orthodox priest to carry out their rites in connection with some event in their life.[46]

According to the Information Center under the President of Sakha Republic (Информационный центр при Президенте РС(Я)), the religious demography of the republic was as follows:[47] Orthodoxy: 44.9%, Shamanism: 26.2%, Non-religious: 23.0%, New religious movements: 2.4%, Islam: 1.2%, Buddhism: 1.0%, Protestantism: 0.9%, Catholicism: 0.4%.

According to a 2012 survey,[42] 37.8% of the population of Sakha adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church, 13% to Tengrism or Sakha shamanism, 2% to Islam, 1% are unaffiliated Christians, 1% to forms of Protestantism, and 0.4% to Tibetan Buddhism. In addition, 26% of the population deems itself atheist, 17% is "spiritual but not religious", and 1.8% follows other religions or did not give an answer to the question.[42]


The most important facilities of higher education include North-Eastern Federal University (previously Yakutsk State University) and Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy.


Russia Day celebrations in Mirny, June 12, 2014.

The head of government in Sakha is the Head (previously President). The first Head of the Sakha Republic was Mikhail Yefimovich Nikolayev.[48] As of 2021, the head is Aysen Nikolayev, who took office on May 28, 2018.

The supreme legislative body of state authority in Sakha is a unicameral State Assembly known as the Il Tumen. The government of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic is the executive body of state authority.

The republic fosters close cultural, political, economic, and industrial relations with the independent Turkic states through membership in organizations such as the Turkic Council and the Joint Administration of Turkic Arts and Culture.[49][50][51]


Unusual gold specimen from Bulun District, Lena River basin. Weight is about 6 grams.

Social security payments tend to go to those who don't really need it despite the level of poverty among the rural population remaining high.[52]

The largest companies in the region include Alrosa, Yakutugol, Yakutskenergo, and Yakutia Airlines.[53]


التعدين وخصوصا الماس والذهب والقصدير.

A large source of income comes from the decades old Mirny diamond mine [54] [55], as well as the many equally old tin [56] and gold mining sites.[57] [58] [59] [56] [60]


Water transport ranks first for cargo turnover. There are six river ports, two seaports (Tiksi and Zelyony Mys). Four shipping companies, including the Arctic Sea Shipping Company, operate in the republic. The republic's main waterway is the Lena River, which links Yakutsk with the rail station of Ust-Kut in Irkutsk Oblast.

Yakutsk Aeroport, the main air-traffic hub of the republic.

Air transport is the most important for transporting people. Airlines connect the republic with most regions of Russia. Yakutsk Airport has an international terminal.

Two federal roads pass the republic. They are Yakutsk–Skovorodino (A360 Lena highway) and Yakutsk–Magadan (M56 Kolyma Highway). However, due to the presence of permafrost, use of asphalt is not practical, and therefore the roads are made of clay. When heavy rains blow over the region, the roads often turn to mud, sometimes stranding hundreds of travelers in the process.[61]

The BerkakitTommot railroad is currently in operation. It links the Baikal-Amur Mainline with the industrial centers in South Sakha. Construction of the Amur–Yakutsk Mainline continues northward; the railway was completed to Nizhny Bestyakh, across the river from Yakutsk, in 2013. Though this one-track railroad from Tommot to Nizhny Bestyakh is under temporary operation (30% of its full capacity), the federal agency for railways declared that this railroad would be in full operation in fall 2015.[needs update] Also the private company is now[when?] constructing the transport and logistics center in Nizhny Bestyakh.


NVK Sakha (national broadcaster company Sakha, Национальная вещательная компания Саха, "Саха" көрдөрөр иһитиннэрэр тэрилтэтэ), the largest media company in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The company owns dozens of TV channels in Yakutia, Russia, and other countries. The main broadcasting languages are Yakut, English, Russian and Evenk. It was founded in 1992 after the collapse of the USSR. 70% of the shares are owned by the Russian VGTRK, 25% are owned by Yakutia, and 5% are in free float. NVK Sakha owns its own animation and film production studios, and some music studios. Since 2018, it has also been streaming 24/7 on YouTube.


Sakha dance with traditional clothing

Points of interest in the city of Yakutsk include:

  • the State Russian drama theatre named after Alexander Pushkin
  • the Sakha Theater named after Platon Oyunsky
  • the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after D. K. Sivtsev
  • Suorun Omoloon, the Young Spectator's Theatre

There are a number of museums as well. These include the National Fine Arts Museum of Sakha, the Museum of Local Lore and History named after E. Yaroslavsky, and the Khomus Museum and Museum of Permafrost. In September 2020, the Gagarin Center for Culture and Contemporary Art was opened in the Gagarin District of Yakutsk.[62]

The Yakuts have fully preserved their native language, which differs significantly from other Turkic languages by the presence of a layer of unique Paleo-Asiatic vocabulary. The Yakut language has a developed literary tradition with many styles and genres, and the ancient Sakha epic Olonkho is recognized by UNESCO as a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity.[63]

In the 2010s, a movie boom began in Yakutia. The local film industry was nicknamed "Sakhawood".[64]

الأيام القومية

  • 27 أبريل: يوم الجمهورية
  • 21 يونيو: Yhyakh festival (ويُعرف أيضاً بـ رأس سنة ساخا)

انظر أيضاً

ملاحظات شارحة

  1. ^
  2. ^



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خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref> ذو الاسم "2021census" المُعرّف في <references> غير مستخدم في النص السابق.

مراجع عامة ومذكورة

  • Верховный Совет Республики Саха (Якутия). 4 апреля 1992 г. «Конституция (основной закон) Республики Саха (Якутия)», в ред. Конституционного закона №581-З 53-IV от 22 июля 2008 г. (Supreme Council of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. April 4, 1992 Constitution (Basic Law) of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, as amended by the Constitutional Law #581-Z 53-IV of July 22 2008).

وصلات مرئية

<embed width="320" height="240" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="main" id="main" >http://media.marefa.org/modules/vPlayer/vPlayer.swf?f=http://media.marefa.org/modules/vPlayer/vPlayercfg.php?fid=c77a7149e92a551338e" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/</embed>

وصلات خارجية

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Authority_control على السطر 278: attempt to call field '_showMessage' (a nil value).