الكتابة الخطية أ

الكتابة الخطية أ
Linear A
Linear A cup.png
(مُفترَض أنها مقطعية و رسم فكري) لم تـُفـَك شفرتها
اللغات'المينوية' (غير معروفة)
الفترة الزمنيةMM IB حتى LM IIIA 2500–1450 ق.م.[1]
النظم الابنة
الكتابة الخطية ب، الكتابة المقطعية القبرصية-المينوية[2]
النظم الشقيقة
الهيروغليفية الكريتية
ISO 15924Lina, 400
آخر مقترح مقبول لنظام الكتابة
هذه المقالة تحتوي على حروف اليونيكود للكتابة الخطية أ. بدون دعم العرض المناصب، فقد ترى علامات استفهام، مربعات، أو رموز أخرى بدلاً من Linear A.

الكتابة الخطية أ Linear A هي نظام كتابة استخدمه المينويون (الكريتيون) منذ 2500 إلى 1450 ق.م. ومع الهيروغليفية الكريتية، تشكـِّل واحدة من نظامي كتابة غير مُفسـَّرين استخدمهما المنويون القدماء والشعوب المحيطة. وقد كانت الكتابة الخطية أ الكتابة الرئيسية المستخدمة في القصر وفي الكتابات الدينية في الحضارة المينوية. وقد اكتشفها عالم الآثار السير آرثر إڤانز. وترتبط بالكتابة الخطية ب Linear B، التي تلت الكتابة الخطية أ وكانت مستخدمة في الحضارة الموكنية Mycenaean civilization.

في ع1950، تم فك شفرة الكتابة الخطية ب إلى حدِ كبير، ووُجـِد أنها ترمـِّز صيفة مبكرة من اللغة اليونانية. وبالرغم من أن نظامي الكتابة يتشاطران العديد من الرموز، إلا أن ذلك لم يؤدي إلى فك لاحق لشفرة الكتابة الخطية-أ. استخدام القيم المقترنة بالكتابة الخطية-ب في الكتابة الخطية-أ ينتج، عموماً، كلمات لا يمكن فهمها. فلو كانت الكتابة الخطية-أ تستخدم نفس، أو شبه، القيم اللفظية للكتابة الخطية-ب، فإن لغتها المرافقة، المسماة "المينوية"، تبدو غير مرتبطة بأي لغة معروفة.


الكتابة الخطية-أ تضم مئات الأشكال، التي يُعتقـَد أنها تمثل قيماً لفظية ومفهومية ودلالية بشكل مماثل للكتابة الخطية ب. بينما العديد من أولئك المفترض أن يكونوا أشكال لفظية هم مشابهون لأشكال في الكتابة الخطية-ب، فنحو 80% من الرسوم المعنوية Logograms للكتابة الخطية-أ هي فريدة؛[3][4] والفرق في القيم الصوتية بين أشكال الخطية-أ والخطية-ب يتراوح بين 9% و 13%.[5] وتبدو أساساً في الاتجاه من اليسار إلى اليمين، ولكنها تظهر أحياناً ككتابة من اليمين إلى اليسار أو بطرفة boustrophedon.

وثمة سمة مثيرة للإهتمام هي كيفية تسجيل الأرقام في الكتابة. فأعلى رقم مسجل هو 3000، ولكن هناك رموز خاصة تبين كسور وأوزان.


الكتابة الخطية أ: الأشكال والترقيم حسب إ. بـِنـِت. قراءة الأشكال مبني على نظائرهم في الكتابة الخطية ب.
*01-*20 *21-*30 *31-*53 *54-*74 *76-*122 *123-*306
Linear A Sign A001.svg DA


Linear A Sign A021.svg QI


Linear A Sign A031.svg SA


Linear A Sign A054.svg WA


Linear A Sign A076.svg


Linear A Sign A123.svg


Linear A Sign A002.svg RO


Linear A Sign A021f.svg


Linear A Sign A034.svg


Linear A Sign A055.svg


Linear A Sign A077.svg KA


Linear A Sign A131a.svg


Linear A Sign A003.svg PA


Linear A Sign A021m.svg


Linear A Sign A037.svg TI


Linear A Sign A056.svg PA3


Linear A Sign A078.svg QE


Linear A Sign A131b.svg


Linear A Sign A004.svg TE


Linear A Sign A022.svg MI?


Linear A Sign A038.svg E


Linear A Sign A057.svg JA


Linear A Sign A079.svg WO2?


Linear A Sign A131c.svg


Linear A Sign A005.svg


Linear A Sign A022f.svg


Linear A Sign A039.svg PI


Linear A Sign A058.svg SU


Linear A Sign A080.svg MA


Linear A Sign A164.svg


Linear A Sign A006.svg NA


Linear A Sign A022m.svg


Linear A Sign A040.svg WI


Linear A Sign A059.svg TA


Linear A Sign A081.svg KU


Linear A Sign A171.svg


Linear A Sign A007.svg DI


Linear A Sign A023.svg MU


Linear A Sign A041.svg SI


Linear A Sign A060.svg RA


Linear A Sign A082.svg


Linear A Sign A180.svg


Linear A Sign A008.svg A


Linear A Sign A023m.svg


Linear A Sign A044.svg KE


Linear A Sign A061.svg O


Linear A Sign A085.svg


Linear A Sign A188.svg


Linear A Sign A009.svg S


Linear A Sign A024.svg NE


Linear A Sign A045.svg


Linear A Sign A065.svg JU


Linear A Sign A086.svg


Linear A Sign A191.svg


Linear A Sign A010.svg


Linear A Sign A026.svg RU


Linear A Sign A046.svg


Linear A Sign A066.svg TA2


Linear A Sign A087.svg TWE


Linear A Sign A301.svg


Linear A Sign A011.svg


Linear A Sign A027.svg RE


Linear A Sign A047.svg


Linear A Sign A067.svg KI


Linear A Sign A100.svg


Linear A Sign A302.svg


Linear A Sign A013.svg ME


Linear A Sign A028.svg I


Linear A Sign A049.svg


Linear A Sign A069.svg TU


Linear A Sign A118.svg


Linear A Sign A303.svg


Linear A Sign A016.svg QA2


Linear A Sign A028b.svg


Linear A Sign A050.svg PU


Linear A Sign A070.svg


Linear A Sign A120.svg


Linear A Sign A304.svg


Linear A Sign A017.svg ZA


Linear A Sign A029.svg


Linear A Sign A051.svg DU


Linear A Sign A073.svg MI


Linear A Sign A120b.svg


Linear A Sign A305.svg


Linear A Sign A020.svg ZO


Linear A Sign A030.svg NI


Linear A Sign A053.svg


Linear A Sign A074.svg ZE


Linear A Sign A122.svg


Linear A Sign A306.svg


جسد الكتابة

كتابة خطية-أ منقوشة على ألواح، عـُثـِر عليها في أكروتيري، سانتوريني.
لوح للكتابة الخطية-أ، متحف خانيا الأثري.
لوح للكتابة الخطية-أ من قصر زاكروس، متحف الأثري في سيتيا.

Linear A has been unearthed chiefly on Crete, but also at other sites in Greece, as well as Turkey and Israel. The extant corpus, comprising some 1,427 specimens totalling 7,362 to 7,396 signs, if scaled to standard type, would fit easily on two sheets of paper.[6]


According to Ilse Schoep, the main discoveries of Linear A tablets have been at three sites on Crete:[7]

Haghia Triadha in the Mesara with 147 tablets; Zakro/Zakros, a port town in the far east of the island with 31 tablets; and Khania/Chania, a port town in the northwest of the island with 94 tablets.

Discoveries have been made at the following locations on Crete:[8]

خارج كريت

حتى 1973، لوح واحد فقط من الكتابة الخطية-أ كان معروف العثور عليه خارج كريت (في كيا).[9] منذ ذلك الحين، عـُثـِر على نماذج لتلك الكتابة في مواقع أخرى.

According to Margalit Finkelberg, most—if not all—inscriptions found outside Crete were made locally. This is indicated by such factors as the composition of the material on which the inscriptions were made.[9] Also, close analysis of the inscriptions found outside Crete indicates the use of a script that is somewhere in between Linear A and Linear B, combining elements from both.

الجزر اليونانية الأخرى

Mainland Greece


Linear A became eminent during the Middle Minoan Period, specifically from 1625–1450 BC. It was a contemporary and possible child of Cretan hieroglyphs and the ancestor of Linear B. The sequence and the geographical spread of Cretan hieroglyphs, Linear A and Linear B, the three overlapping, but distinct writing systems on Bronze Age Crete and the Greek mainland can be summarized as follows:[11]

نظام الكتابة المنطقة الجغرافية الفترة الزمنية[أ]
Cretan Hieroglyphic كريت c. 2100 – 1700 BC
Linear A Aegean islands (Kea, Kythera, Melos, Thera), and Greek mainland (Laconia) c. 2500 – 1450 BC
Linear B Crete (Knossos), and mainland (Pylos, Mycenae, Thebes, Tiryns) c. 1450 – 1200 BC


Archaeologist Arthur Evans named the script "Linear" because its characters consisted simply of lines inscribed in clay, in contrast to the more pictographic characters in Cretan hieroglyphs that were used during the same period.[12]

Several tablets inscribed in signs similar to Linear A were found in the Troad in northwestern Anatolia. While their status is disputed, they may be imports, as there is no evidence of Minoan presence in the Troad. Classification of these signs as a unique Trojan script (proposed by contemporary Russian linguist Nikolai Kazansky) is not accepted by other linguists.

نظريات حول اللغة

كتابة خطية أ منقوشة على جرة، عـُثـِر عليها في أكروتيري.

It is difficult to evaluate a given analysis of Linear A as there is little point of reference for reading its inscriptions. The simplest approach to decipherment may be to presume that the values of Linear A match more or less the values given to the deciphered Linear B script, used for Mycenaean Greek.[13]


في 1957، نشر الدارس البلغاري Vladimir I. Georgiev published his Le déchiffrement des inscriptions crétoises en linéaire A ("The decipherment of Cretan inscriptions in Linear A") stating that Linear A contains Greek linguistic elements.[14] Georgiev then published another work in 1963, titled Les deux langues des inscriptions crétoises en linéaire A ("The two languages of Cretan inscriptions in Linear A"), suggesting that the language of the Hagia Triada tablets was Greek but that the rest of the Linear A corpus was in Hittite-Luwian.[14][15] In December 1963, Gregory Nagy of Harvard University developed a list of Linear A and Linear B terms based on the assumption "that signs of identical or similar shape in the two scripts will represent similar or identical phonetic values"; Nagy concluded that the language of Linear A bears "Greek-like" and Indo-European elements.[16]

اللغات الأناضولية

Since the late 1950s, some scholars have suggested that the Linear A language could be an Anatolian language.[17]


Palmer (1958) put forward a theory, based on Linear B phonetic values, suggesting that Linear A language could be related closely to Luwian.[17] The theory, however, failed to gain universal support for the following reasons:

  • There is no remarkable resemblance between Minoan and Hitto-Luwian morphology.
  • None of the existing theories of the origin of Hitto-Luwian peoples and their migration to Anatolia (either from the Balkans or from the Caucasus) are related to Crete.
  • There was a lack of direct contact between Hitto-Luwians and Minoan Crete; the latter was never mentioned in Hitto-Luwian inscriptions. Small states located along the western coast of ancient Asia Minor were natural barriers between Hitto-Luwians and Minoan Crete.
  • Obvious anthropological differences between Hitto-Luwians and the Minoans may be considered as another indirect testimony against this hypothesis.

There are recent works focused on the Luwian connection, not in terms of the Minoan language being Anatolian, but rather in terms of possible borrowings from Luwian, including the origin of the writing system itself.[18]


In an article from 2001, Professor of Classics (Emerita) at Tel Aviv University, Margalit Finkelberg, demonstrated a "high degree of correspondence between the phonological and morphological system of Minoan and that of Lycian" and proposed that "the language of Linear A is either the direct ancestor of Lycian or a closely related idiom."[19]


In 2001, the journal Ugarit-Forschungen published the article "The First Inscription in Punic — Vowel Differences in Linear A and B" by Jan Best, claiming to demonstrate how and why Linear A notates an archaic form of Phoenician.[20] This was a continuation of attempts by Cyrus Gordon in finding connections between Minoan and West Semitic languages.


Another recent interpretation, based on the frequencies of the syllabic signs and on complete palaeographic comparative studies, suggests that the Minoan Linear A language belongs to the Indo-Iranian family of Indo-European languages. Studies by Hubert La Marle include a presentation of the morphology of the language, avoid the complete identification of phonetic values between Linear A and B, and also avoid comparing Linear A with Cretan Hieroglyphs.[21] La Marle uses the frequency counts to identify the type of syllables written in Linear A, and takes into account the problem of loanwords in the vocabulary.[21] However, the La Marle interpretation of Linear A has been rejected by John Younger of Kansas University showing that La Marle has invented erroneous and arbitrary new transcriptions based on resemblances with many different script systems at will (as Phoenician, Hieroglyphic Egyptian, Hieroglyphic Hittite, Ethiopian, Cypro-Minoan, etc.), ignoring established evidence and internal analysis, while for some words he proposes religious meanings inventing names of gods and rites.[22] La Marle rebutted in "An answer to John G. Younger's remarks on Linear A" in 2010.[23]


Italian scholar Giulio M. Facchetti attempted to link Linear A to the Tyrrhenian language family comprising Etruscan, Rhaetic, and Lemnian. This family is reasoned to be a pre-Indo-European Mediterranean substratum of the 2nd millennium BC, sometimes referred to as Pre-Greek. Facchetti proposed some possible similarities between the Etruscan language and ancient Lemnian, and other Aegean languages like Minoan.[24] Michael Ventris who, along with John Chadwick, successfully deciphered Linear B, also believed in a link between Minoan and Etruscan.[25] The same perspective is supported by S. Yatsemirsky in Russia.[26]

فرع متميز، إلا أنه غير معروف، من اللغات الهندو-أوروپية

According to Gareth Alun Owens, Linear A represents the Minoan language, which Owens classifies as a distinct branch of Indo-European potentially related to Greek, Sanskrit, Hittite, Latin, etc.[27][28] At "The Cretan Literature Centre", Owens stated:

Beginning our research with inscriptions in Linear A carved on offering tables found in the many peak sanctuaries on the mountains of Crete, we recognise a clear relationship between Linear A and Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. There is also a connection to Hittite and Armenian. This relationship allows us to place the Minoan language among the so-called Indo-European languages, a vast family that includes modern Greek and the Latin of Ancient Rome. The Minoan and Greek languages are considered to be different branches of Indo-European. The Minoans probably moved from Anatolia to the island of Crete about 10,000 years ago. There were similar population movements to Greece. The relative isolation of the population which settled in Crete resulted in the development of its own language, Minoan, which is considered different to Mycenaean. In the Minoan language (Linear A), there are no purely Greek words, as is the case in Mycenaean Linear B; it contains only words also found in Greek, Sanskrit and Latin, i.e. sharing the same Indo-European origin.[29]


In 2016, Peter van Soesbergen published a two-part series Hurrians and Hurrian in Minoan Crete alleging that most of the Linear A inscriptions could be understood as a dialect of Hurrian.[30] Among the equations he makes are Linear A uminasi enasi with Hurrian umminnaši ennaši "of the lands of the gods"; Linear A ataijowaja with the absolutive of Hurrian attaiwwašuuš "our father"; Linear A potokuro, seeming to mean "total," with Hurrian puttukuru, "value again"; Linear A sukiriteia with a nickname for Hurrian Šukri-tešup "blessed Teshub"; api on an entrance to a tomb with Hurrian abi "pit (especially for communicating with the netherworld)"; turusa with Hurrian turu "man"; and dupure with tuppuleš "may (he) be strong."

محاولات لفك شفرة كلمات مفردة

Some researchers suggest that a few words or word elements may be recognized, without (yet) enabling any conclusion about relationship with other languages. In general, they use analogy with Linear B in order to propose phonetic values of the syllabic sounds. John Younger, in particular, thinks that place names usually appear in certain positions in the texts, and notes that the proposed phonetic values often correspond to known place names as given in Linear B texts (and sometimes to modern Greek names). For example, he proposes that three syllables, read as KE-NI-SO, might be the indigenous form of Knossos.[31] Likewise, in Linear A, MA+RU is suggested to mean wool, and to correspond both to a Linear B pictogram with this meaning, and to the classical Greek word μαλλός with the same meaning (in that case a loan word from Minoan).[3]


مقال رئيسي: Linear A (Unicode block)

The Linear A alphabet (U+10600–U+1077F) was added to the Unicode Standard in June 2014 with the release of version 7.0.

قالب:Unicode chart Linear A

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ Beginning date refers to first attestations, the assumed origins of all scripts lie further back in the past.


  1. ^ Haarmann 2008, pp. 12–46.
  2. ^ Palaima 1997, pp. 121–188.
  3. ^ أ ب Younger, John (2000). "Linear A Texts in Phonetic Transcription: 7b. The Script". University of Kansas.
  4. ^ Packard 1974, Chapter 1: Introduction.
  5. ^ Owens 1999, pp. 23–24 (David Packard، في 1974، حسب الفرق في القيم الصوتية فوجده 10.80% ± 1.80%؛ Yves Duhoux، في 1989، حسب فرقاً في اليم الصوتية قدره 14.34% ± 1.80% و Gareth Owens، في 1996، حسب فرق القيم الصوتية بقيمة 9–13%).
  6. ^ Younger, John (2000). "Linear A Texts in Phonetic Transcription: 5. Basic Statistics". University of Kansas. Younger: "if there are 4002 characters (font Times, pitch 12, no spaces) on an 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper with 1 inch margins, all extant Linear A would take up 1.84 pages." (14.34 pages for Linear B).
  7. ^ Schoep 1999, pp. 201–221.
  8. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ Cacciafoco, Francesco Perono (January 2014). "Linear A and Minoan. The Riddle of Unknown Origins": 3–4. Retrieved 9 July 2017. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  9. ^ أ ب Finkelberg 1998, pp. 265–272.
  10. ^ Book review by Daniel J. Pullen (Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009) of W. D. Taylour, R. Janko, Ayios Stephanos: Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia. British School at Athens, 2008. "Its location on the Laconian coast, easily accessible from Kythera, undoubtedly encouraged early contacts with Crete whether directly or indirectly (see the Linear A sign catalogued in chapter 11)."
  11. ^ Olivier 1986, pp. 377f.
  12. ^ Robinson 2009, p. 54.
  13. ^ Younger, John (2000). "Linear A Texts in Phonetic Transcription". University of Kansas. See "1. List of Linked Files" for a comprehensive list of known texts written in Linear A.
  14. ^ أ ب Nagy 1963, p. 210 (Footnote #24).
  15. ^ Georgiev 1963, pp. 1–104.
  16. ^ Nagy 1963, pp. 181–211.
  17. ^ أ ب Palmer 1958, pp. 75–100.
  18. ^ Marangozis, John (2006). An introduction to Minoan Linear A. LINCOM Europa.
  19. ^ Finkelberg, Margalit, "The Language of Linear A: Greek, Semitic, or Anatolian?", in: Drews, Robert (ed.), Greater Anatolia dnt eh Ind-Hittite Language Family, Journal of Indo-European Studies, Monograph 38, Washington, DC, 2001.
  20. ^ Dietrich & Loretz 2001.
  21. ^ أ ب La Marle, Hubert. Linéaire A, la première écriture syllabique de Crète. Paris: Geuthner, 4 Volumes, 1997–1999, 2006; Introduction au linéaire A. Geuthner, Paris, 2002; L'aventure de l'alphabet: les écritures cursives et linéaires du Proche-Orient et de l'Europe du sud-est à l'Âge du Bronze. Paris: Geuthner, 2002; Les racines du crétois ancien et leur morphologie: communication à l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2007.
  22. ^ Younger, John (2009). "Linear A: Critique of Decipherments by Hubert La Marle and Kjell Aartun". University of Kansas. According to Younger, La Marle "assigns phonetic values to Linear signs based on superficial resemblances to signs in other scripts (the choice of scripts being already prejudiced to include only those from the eastern Mediterranean and northeast Africa), as if 'C looks like O so it must be O.'"
  23. ^ La Marle, Hubert (September 2010). "An answer to John G. Younger's remarks on Linear A". Academia.edu.
  24. ^ Facchetti & Negri 2003.
  25. ^ Yatsemirsky 2011.
  26. ^ Owens 2007, pp. 3–4: "Η έρευνα απέδειξε ότι η μινωική γλώσσα σχετίζεται με την ελληνική περισσότερο από κάθε άλλη ινδοευρωπαϊκή γλώσσα, χωρίς να αποτελεί μια άλλη ελληνική διάλεκτο αλλά ένα χωριστό παρακλάδι της ινδοευρωπαϊκής οικογένειας...υπάρχουν λέξεις που εντοπίζονται και στην ελληνική γλώσσα αλλά και σε άλλες, όπως τη σανσκριτική και τη χεττιτική, τη λατινική, της ίδιας οικογένειας.".
  27. ^ Owens 1999, pp. 15–56.
  28. ^ "The Language of the Minoans". Crete Gazette. 2006.
  29. ^ van Soesbergen 2016
  30. ^ Younger, John (2000). "Linear A Texts in Phonetic Transcription: 10c. Place Names". University of Kansas.



  • Best, Jan G. P. (1972). Some Preliminary Remarks on the Decipherment of Linear A. Amsterdam: Hakkert.
  • Marangozis, John (2007). An introduction to Minoan Linear A. LINCOM Europa, ISBN 3-89586-386-6
  • Montecchi, Barbara (January 2010). "A Classification Proposal of Linear A Tablets from Haghia Triada in Classes and Series". Kadmos. 49 (1): 11–38. doi:10.1515/KADMOS.2010.002.
  • Nagy, Gregory (October 1965). "Observations on the Sign-Grouping and Vocabulary of Linear A". American Journal of Archaeology. 69 (4): 295–330. doi:10.2307/502181.
  • Palmer, Ruth (1995). "Linear A Commodities: A Comparison of Resources" (PDF). Aegeum. 12.
  • Thomas, Helena. Understanding the transition from Linear A to Linear B script. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Supervisor: Professor John Bennet. Thesis (D. Phil.). University of Oxford, 2003. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 311–338).
  • Woodard, Roger D. (1997). Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-510520-6. (Review)

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