المشروع 211

(تم التحويل من Project 211)
جامعات المشروع 211
التشكل1995; 30 years ago (1995
انتهت2014; 11 years ago (2014
النوعPublic Universities, National Key Universities
الوضع القانونيMinistry of Education of the People's Republic of China
المنطقة served
116 جامعة صينية

جمهورية الصين الشعبية
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg

    1949–1976 عهد ماو
        الحرب الكورية
        Zhen Fan
        Three-anti/five-anti campaigns
        حملة المئة زهرة
        Anti-Rightist Movement
        القفزة العظيمة للأمام
            المجاعة الصينية الكبرى
        الثورة الثقافية
            لين بياو
            عصابة الأربعة
            حادثة تيين‌آن‌من
    1976–1989 عهد إعادة البناء
        الاصلاح الاقتصادي
        الحرب الصينية الڤيتنامية
        مظاهرات تيين‌آن‌من
    1989–2002 القوة الصاعدة
        One country, two systems
            هونگ كونگ (بعد 1997)
            مكاو (بعد 1999)
        إعادة توحيد الصين
    2002–الحاضر: الصين اليوم
        الاضطرابات التبتية
        زلزال ون‌چوان
        اولمپياد بـِيْ‌جينگ
        اضطرابات أورومچي 7/5

   انظر أيضاً:
        التاريخ الدستوري
        تاريخ الصين
        تاريخ بـِيْ‌جينگ
        تاريخ شنغهاي

الزعماء البارزون
ماو - دنگ - جيانگ - هو
مواضيع أخرى عن الصين
الثقافة - الاقتصاد
الجغرافيا - السياسة - التعليم
بوابة الصين

المشروع Project 211 (Chinese: 211工程; pinyin: 211 Gōngchéng) كان مشروعاً، ألغيَ لاحقاً، لتطوير جامعات وكليات شاملة بدأته في 1995 المفوضية (السابقة) للدولة الصينية للتعليم، with the intent of raising the research standards of comprehensive universities and cultivating strategies for socio-economic development.[1] The name for the project comes from an abbreviation of the slogan "In preparation for the 21st century, successfully managing 100 universities" (面向21世纪,办好100所高校). One hundred was the approximate number of participating universities.[2]


في ديسمبر 1995, the Project 211 was launched with 15 universities initially included. In December 1996, another 80 universities were added into the Phase 1 of the Project 211, and the total number expanded to 95 universities.

During the first phase of the project, from 1996 to 2000, approximately US$2 billion was distributed.[1]

In 2005, 12 universities were newly added into the Phase 2 of the project. At the end of 2015, 1 more university were added as a Phase 3 university. In 2008, 5 universities including Ningxia University, Hainan University, Qinghai University, Shihezi University, and Tibet University were added into the Phase 4 of the Project 211.

Some universities of Project 211 claimed that the project funding had been ceased in 2013.[3] Since 2014, Project 211 has been mentioned less.[4][5] In the same year, some universities reported that Project 211 funding had terminated, and the project had been repealed.[6][7]

In October 2015, the State Council of P.R.China published the 'Overall Plan for Promoting the Construction of World First-Class Universities and First-Class Disciplines (Double First-Class University Plan)' , and made new arrangements for the development of higher education in China, replacing previous projects including Project 211, Project 985, Project Characteristic Key Disciplines, etc.[8]

In June 2016, the Ministry of Education of China announced that the Project 211 had been abolished[9] and replaced by the Double First-Class University Initiative.[10]

In September 2017, the full list of Double First Class University Plan was formally published by the central government of China, a total number of 140 universities were included in this plan (the number of Double First-Class Universities expanded to 147 in February 2022), taking up less than 5% of the total number of Chinese higher education institutions (3,012),[11] which represents the most elite part of the higher education in China.[12][13]

In 2019, the Ministry of Education of China reconfirmed that the invalidated Project 211 had been replaced by the Double First-Class University Plan.[14]


They admit students through a competitive process of the National Higher Education Entrance Examination ("Gaokao") for undergraduate programs.[15]


Some Project 211 universities were added into the project for 'poverty alleviation', 'aiding the poor', 'ethnic policy' and 'regional balance' reasons, and they were weaker than some other universities beyond the project in terms of comprehensive competitiveness and faculties' development.[16][17]


Since 2015, the Project 211 has been abolished and replaced by the Double First-Class University Initiative.[18] In 2022, the Ministry of Education of China announced that 15 Double First-Class Universities received warnings on their Double First-Class status revocation, and 14 of them were former Project 211 universities.[19] If these 15 universities fail to pass the final assessment in 2023, they will lose their Double First-Class University statuses.[20][21]

قائمة الجامعات

By 2008, China had some 116 institutions of higher education (approximately 6%) designated as 211 Project universities for developing to meet some planned scientific, technical, and human resources targets and offering advanced degree programs.[2]

Province/Municipality City University
Beijing (26) Beijing (26)
Jiangsu (11) Nanjing (8)
Shanghai (10) Shanghai (10)
Shaanxi (8) Xi'an (7)
Hubei (7) Wuhan (7)
Sichuan (5) Chengdu (4)
Guangdong (4) Guangzhou (4)
Hunan (4) Changsha (4)
Heilongjiang (4) Harbin (4)
Liaoning (4) Shenyang (2)
Dalian (2)
Tianjin (4) Tianjin (4)
Anhui (3) Hefei (3)
Jilin (3) Changchun (2)
Shandong (3) Qingdao (2)
Chongqing (2) Chongqing (2)
Fujian (2) Xiamen
Xinjiang (2) Shihezi
Guizhou Guiyang
Gansu Lanzhou
Hainan Haikou
Henan Zhengzhou
Jiangxi Nanchang
Qinghai Xining
Shanxi Taiyuan
Yunnan Kunming
Zhejiang Hangzhou
Guangxi Nanning
Inner Mongolia Hohhot
Ningxia Yinchuan
Tibet Lhasa

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب Li Lixu (2004). "China's Higher Education Reform 1998-2003: A Summary" (PDF). Asia Pacific Education Review. V (1): 14–22. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-06-23.
  2. ^ أ ب ""211工程"大事记". Ministry of Education, PRC (in الصينية). Archived from the original on November 22, 2016. Retrieved March 8, 2017.
  3. ^ "网传"985""211"废除 教育部称将回应此事--时政--人民网". politics.people.com.cn. Archived from the original on September 3, 2022. Retrieved 2022-12-19.
  4. ^ "南京有高校称"211建设"已暂停|211工程|985工程_新浪新闻". Archived from the original on 2017-09-09. Retrieved 2017-09-09. 南京有高校称“211建设”已暂停
  5. ^ "985、211取消后 仅88所高校入选"111计划"(名单) - 科学仪器及实验室装备展览会北京站". Archived from the original on 2017-09-09. Retrieved 2017-09-09. 985、211取消后 仅88所高校入选“111计划”(名单)
  6. ^ "网传"985""211"废除教育部称将回应此事--时政--人民网". politics.people.com.cn. Archived from the original on September 3, 2022. Retrieved 2022-09-03.
  7. ^ "教育部宣布985、211工程多份文件失效 释放啥信号?-新华网". www.xinhuanet.com. Archived from the original on September 4, 2022. Retrieved 2022-09-04.
  8. ^ "国务院关于印发统筹推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设总体方案的通知_政府信息公开专栏". www.gov.cn. Archived from the original on April 6, 2019. Retrieved 2021-12-24.
  9. ^ "教育部国务院学位委员会国家语委关于宣布失效一批规范性文件的通知 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站". www.moe.gov.cn. Archived from the original on March 7, 2019. Retrieved 2022-09-04.
  10. ^ ""985""211"工程将废除 教育部:年内启动"双一流"_新闻频道_中华网". news.china.com. Archived from the original on December 19, 2022. Retrieved 2022-09-03.
  11. ^ "Higher education making steady progress". global.chinadaily.com.cn. Archived from the original on October 30, 2022. Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  12. ^ "China to develop 42 world-class universities". People's Daily. 21 September 2017. Archived from the original on August 12, 2020. Retrieved May 3, 2018.
  13. ^ "'World-class' universities list expanded". global.chinadaily.com.cn. Archived from the original on October 30, 2022. Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  14. ^ "关于985、211名单的咨询 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站". www.moe.gov.cn. Archived from the original on December 23, 2021. Retrieved 2021-12-23.
  15. ^ Liu, Ye (2016-10-08). The Gaokao as a Meritocratic Selection?. In: Higher Education, Meritocracy and Inequality in China. Higher Education in Asia: Quality, Excellence and Governance (in الإنجليزية). Springer. p. 88. ISBN 978-981-10-1588-5.
  16. ^ "我国"照顾性"的8所211高校,分数线都很低,值得关注_大学_的发展_实力". www.sohu.com. Retrieved 2023-01-26.
  17. ^ "名校教授"支援"地方_腾讯新闻". new.qq.com. Retrieved 2023-01-26.
  18. ^ ""985""211"工程将废除 教育部:年内启动"双一流"_新闻频道_中华网". news.china.com. Archived from the original on December 19, 2022. Retrieved 2022-09-03.
  19. ^ "教育部 财政部 国家发展改革委   关于公布第二轮"双一流"建设高校及   建设学科名单的通知 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站". www.moe.gov.cn. Retrieved 2023-01-25.
  20. ^ "16个首轮"双一流"建设学科被公开警示或撤销,如何看待--教育--人民网". edu.people.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-01-25.
  21. ^ "教育部答网民关于"'双一流'高校及学科评选,不能'只进不出'"的留言_教育部_中国政府网". www.gov.cn. Retrieved 2023-01-25.
  22. ^ "浙江大学中文系百年学脉的传承与拓展". The Paper. Archived from the original on June 4, 2022. Retrieved 2022-06-04.

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