الشركة الوطنية الإيرانية للنفط

(تم التحويل من NIOC)
الشركة الوطنية الإيرانية للنفط
النوعState-owned enterprise
الصناعةالنفط والغاز
تأسست1948; 77 years ago (1948
المؤسسمحمد مصدق Edit this on Wikidata
المقر الرئيسيطهران، إيران
نطاق الخدمةجميع أنحاء العالم
الأشخاص الرئيسيون
Javad Owji
Mohsen Khojastemehr
المنتجاتالنفط، الغاز الطبيعي والپتروكيماويات
الدخل US$110 بليون (2012)[1]
إجمالي الأصول 200 بليون دولار (2012)[2]
المالكالحكومة الإيرانية (100%)
الموظفون41,000 (2011)[بحاجة لمصدر]
الشركات التابعةNISOC
الموقع الإلكترونيen.nioc.ir/Portal/Home/

الشركة الوطنية الإيرانية للنفط (NIOC؛ فارسية: شرکت ملّی نفت ایران؛ إنگليزية: National Iranian Oil Companyمؤسسة تملكها الحكومة تحت اشراف وزارة النفط الإيرانية، هي منتج وموزع نفط وغاز طبيعي مقرها في طهران. وقد تأسست في 1948.[3] ويبلغ ترتيب NIOC كثاني أكبر شركة نفط في العالم، بعد شركة أرامكو التي تملكها السعودية.[4]

الشركة الوطنية هي المسئولة حصرياً عن استكشاف واستخراج ونقل وتصدير النفط الخام وكذلك استكشاف واستخراج وبيع الغاز الطبيعي والغاز الطبيعي المسال (LNG). وتصدِّر الشركة الوطنية فائض الانتاج حسب الاعتبارات التجارية في إطار الحصص المحددة من منظمة الدول المصدرة للبترول (أوپك) وبالأسعار السائدة في الأسواق العالمية. في مطلع 2005 كانت احتياطيات الهيدروكربون السائلة القابلة للاستخلاص تناهز 136.99 billion barrels (21.780 km3) (10% من إجمالي العالم) واحتياطيات الغاز القابل للاستخلاص 28.17×1012 م³ (15% من إجمالي العالم). القدرات الحالية لانتاج الشركة الوطنية تضم ما يزيد عن 4 million barrels (640×10^3 m3) من النفط الخام وما يزيد عن 500 مليون متر مكعب من الغاز الطبيعي يومياً.[3] إجمالي صادرات إيران من النفط الخام كان يُقدَّر بنحو 85 مليار دولار في 2010.[بحاجة لمصدر]


خلفية: 1901 - 1951

الشاه يفتتح منشآت شركة النفط البحرية الدولية الإيرانية في 1970

في مايو 1901، حصل وليام نوكس دارسي على امتياز من شاه إيران to search for oil, which he discovered in May 1908.[5] This was the first commercially significant find in the Middle East. وفي 1923, Burmah employed future Prime Minister, Winston Churchill as a paid consultant; to lobby the British government to allow the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) to have exclusive rights to Persian oil resources, which were successfully granted.[6]

وفي 1935، طلب رضا شاه من المجتمع الدولي أن يشيروا إلى "فارس" بإسم 'إيران'، وهو ما انعكس في تغيير اسم شركة النفط الأنگلو-فارسية (APOC) إلى شركة النفط الأنگلو-إيرانية (AIOC).[5] Following World War II, Iranian nationalism was on the rise, especially surrounding the Iranian natural resources being exploited by the foreign companies without adequately compensating Iranian taxpayers. AIOC and the pro western Iranian government led by Prime Minister Ali Razmara, initially resisted nationalist pressure to revise AIOC's concession terms still further in Iran's favour. In March 1951, Ali Razmara was assassinated; and محمد مصدق, a nationalist, was elected as the new prime minister by the مجلس إيران.[7][8]

NIOC: 1951–79

Emblem of NIOC during the 1950s–70s

In April 1951, the Majlis nationalised the Iranian oil industry by unanimous vote, and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) was formed, displacing the APOC.[9] The APOC withdrew its management from Iran, and organised an effective worldwide embargo of Iranian oil. The British government, which owned the APOC, contested the nationalisation at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, but its complaint was dismissed.[10]

By spring of 1953, incoming US President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorised the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to organise a coup against the Mossadeq government, known as the 1953 Iranian coup d'état.[11] In August 1953, the coup brought pro-Western general Fazlollah Zahedi as the new PM, along with the return of the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi from his brief exile in Italy to Iran.[12] The anti-Mossadeq plan was orchestrated under the code-name 'Operation Ajax' by CIA, and 'Operation Boot' by SIS (MI6).[11][13][14]

احتياطيات النفط للشركة

Iranian oil and gas fields, infrastructure
انتاج النفط الإيراني، والاستهلاك المحلي والتصدير
Iran - Oil infrastructure

According to OPEC, NIOC recoverable liquid hydrocarbon reserves at the end of 2006 was 1,384 billion barrels (2.200×1011 m3).[15]

Table 1- The five biggest NIOC oil fields;[16]

الترتيب اسم الحقل التكوين النفط المبدئي في مكانه
(بليون برميل)
الاحتياطيات المبدئية القابلة للاستخراج
(بليون برميل)

ألف برميل/يوم

1 حقل أهواز Asmari & Bangestan 65.5 25.5 945
2 حقل مارون أسمري 46.7 21.9 520
3 Aghajari Field Asmari & Bangestan 30.2 17.4 200
4 Gachsaran Field Asmari & Bangestan 52.9 16.2 560
5 Karanj Oil Field Asmari & Bangestan 11.2 5.7 200
أكبر حقول النفط الإيرانية
اسم الحقل Thousand
متر مكعب/يوم
Ahvaz Field (Asmari Formation) 700 110
Gachsaran Field 560 89
Marun Field 520 83
Bangestan 245 39.0
Aghajari Field 200 32
Karanj-Parsi Oil Field 200 32
Rag Safid Oil Field 180 29
بيبي حكيمة، حقل النفط 130 21
Darquin Oil Field 100 16
Paazanan Oil Field 70 11
Dorood Oil Field 130 21
Salman Field 130 21
Abuzar Oil Field 125 19.9
سري، حقل النفط 95 15.1
سروش، حقل الغاز 60 9.5

Gas reserves

NIOC holds about 1,000×10^12 cu ft (28,000 km3) of proven Natural gas reserves of which 36% are as associated gas and 64% is in non associated gas fields. It stands for world's second largest reserves after Russia.[17]

NIOC’s ten biggest Non-Associated Gas Fields;

NIOC’s ten biggest Non-Associated Gas Fields.[18]
Field's Name Gas In Place Tcf Recoverable Reserve Tcf
South Pars 500 322
North Pars[19] 60 47
Kish Gas Field[20] 60 45
Golshan Gas Field[21] 55 25 - 45
Tabnak Gas Field NA 21,2
Kangan Gas Field NA 20,1
Khangiran Gas Field NA 16,8
Nar Gas Field NA 13
Aghar Gas Field NA 11,6
Farsi Field NA 11 - 22

الاكتشافات الحديثة

Since 1995, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) has made significant oil and gas discoveries, standing for some 84-billion-barrels (1.34×1010 m3) of oil in place and at least 175×10^12 cu ft (5,000 km3) of gas in place, which are listed below.[22]

NIOC Oil Discoveries Since 1995.[23]
اسم الحقل النفط في الموقع النفط القابل للاستخراج عام الاكتشاف
بليون برميل بليون برميل
Azadegan Oil Field 33.2 5.2
Yadavaran Oil Field 17 3
Ramin Oil Field[24] 7.398 1.11 2007
South Pars Oil Layer 6 NA
Band-E-Karkeh Oil Field[25][26] 4.5 NA 2007
MansourAbad Oil Field 4.45 NA 2007
Changoleh Oil Field[27] 2.7 NA
Azar Oil Field[27][28] 2.07 NA 2007
Paranj Oil Field 1.6 NA 2007
Balaroud Oil Field[29] 1.1 0.233 2007
Binalood Oil Field[30] 0.776 0.099 2008
Mansouri Oil Field[28] 0.760 NA
Jofeyr Oil Field[31][32] 0.750 NA 2008
Asaluyeh Oil Field[33] 0.525 NA 2008
Arvand Oil Field[34] 0.500 NA 2008
Tusan Oil Field 0.470 NA 2006
Arash Gas Field 0.168 NA
Total 83.967 NA
NIOC Natural Gas Discoveries Since 1995.[35]
Field's name Gas in place Recoverable gas reserve
Trillion cubic feet Billion cubic meters Trillion cubic feet Billion cubic meters
Kish Gas Field[20] 59 1,700 47 1,300
Tabnak Gas Field 30 850 NA
Farsi Gas Field[36] NA 11-23 310-650
Sefid Zakhur Gas Field 11.4 320 8.5 240
Yadavaran Field 9.75 276 NA
Lavan Gas Field 9.1 260 NA
Balal Gas Field 8.8 250 NA
Homa Gas Field 7.6 220 NA
حقل مارون 6.2 180 NA
Gardan Gas Field 5.7 160 NA
Day Gas Field 4.4 120 NA
Binak Field 3.5 99 NA
Karanj Gas Field 2.9 82 NA
Bibi Hakime Oil Field 2.4 68 NA
Zireh Gas Field 1 28 NA
Masjed Soleiman Field[37] 1 28 0.739 20.9
Arash Gas Field 0.79 22 NA
KheyrAbad Gas Field 0.17 4.8 NA
الاجمالي 170 4,800 NA

الهيكل التنظيمي

The company is completely owned by Iranian government. NIOC's General Assembly (GA) consists of:

The GA is its highest decision making body, determining the company's general policy guide lines, and approving the annual budgets, operations and financial statements and balance sheets. The company's Board of Directors has the authority and major responsibilities to approve the operational schemes within the general framework ratified by the General Assembly, approve transactions and contracts, and prepare budgets and Board reports and annual balance sheets for presentation to the General Assembly.

The Board supervises the implementation of general policy guidelines defined by the General Assembly, and pursues executive operations via the company's Managing Director.

أعضاء مجلس الادارة

الاسم المنصب المنصب بمجلس الادارة
بیژن زنگنه Minister of Petroleum Chairman
ركن الدين جوادي CEO Vice Chairman
بیژن عالی پور CEO of NISOC Member of the board
عبدالمحمد دلپریش Manager of Integrated Planning Member of the board
محسن قمصري Manager of International Affairs Member of the board
قدیر موحدزاده Director of Finance Member of the board
Hormoz Ghalavand Exploration Manager Member of the board

الشركات الفرعية

With appropriate division of tasks and delegation of responsibilities to subsidiaries- affiliates, NIOC has been able to establish acceptable degrees of coordination within its organizational set up. In fact, NIOC's Directors act primarily in policy making and supervision while subsidiaries act as their executive arm in coordinating an array of operations such as exploration, drilling, production and delivery of crude oil and natural gas, for export and domestic consumption.

The NIOC's subsidiaries are as follows:

NIOC subsidiaries
Company Name Activities[38]
Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) in charge of offshore oil fields in the Persian Gulf offshore oil and gas fields with the exception of South Pars. It focuses mainly on production platforms, ancillary facilities, and installations. Massive corruption in the lease of offshore platforms reported by the Iranian media in 2015.[39][40]
Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC) supervises all upstream activities in the central oil and gas regions of the country, i.e. everything, excluding the oil-rich southern Khuzestan province, Caspian and offshore. As of 2015, it is the largest natural gas producer in Iran.[41]
National Iranian Gas Export Co. (NIGEC) in charge of gas exports for the National Iranian Gas Company. Until May 2010, NIGEC was under the control of the NIOC, but the Petroleum Ministry transferred NIGEC, incorporating it under NIGC in an attempt to broaden responsibility for new natural gas projects.[42] See also: Persian pipeline and Peace pipeline.
National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) in charge of onshore oilfields in southern Iran. Focuses on onshore upstream activity in the province of Khuzestan. As Khuzestan is the main oil and gas-producing province, this entity is among the most significant in the NIOC family. It produces approximately 80 percent of all crude oil produced in Iran.[42]
Khazar Oil Exploration and Production Company in charge of Iran's Caspian Sea sector (onshore and offshore)
Karoon Oil and Gas Production Company (KOGPC) Operating in Khouzestan, the company operates 538 wells and delivers natural gas to NIGC.[42]
Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) is the most important NIOC offshoot company. The responsibility for all buy-back projects under operation, study or negotiation has been given to PEDEC. This company enjoys full authority to manage the projects. Further information: Foreign Direct Investment in Iran
Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) National Iranian Gas Company does not play a role in awarding upstream gas projects; that task remains in the hands of the National Iranian Oil Company.[43] Pars Oil and Gas Co. is in charge of the offshore North and South Pars gas fields and responsible for awarding the contracts for the different phases. Since 2010, it has been raising capital on the domestic and international markets in order to finance its projects.
Pars Special Economic Energy Zone Co. handles and organizes all activities in the Pars Special Economic-Energy Zone, located near the South Pars gas field (a subsidiary of Pars Oil & Gas Co.)
National Iranian Oil Terminals Company has four transport hubs including facilities on the three islands of Kharg, Lavan and Sirri consisting of 17 jetties capable of berthing tankers of all sizes to lift and export its crude oil that load more than 2,000 oil tankers per year.[44] 2,000 of them dock in Bandar Abbas Port, 1,000 in Khark Island. Iran earned nearly $2 billion in 2009 from bunkering ships in the Persian Gulf (25% market share).[45] Projected bunkering sites by 2015: Bandar Abbas (two sites), Kish, Qeshm, Bushehr, Mahshahr, Assalouyeh, Khark and Chabahar.[46] Fujairah bunkering hub, UAE is Iran's main competitor in the Persian Gulf. The country's terminal storage capacity should soar to 100 million barrels by 2015 from the current 24 million barrels.[47]
National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) in charge of all offshore and onshore drilling activities. NIDC provides more than 90 percent of drilling services needed by the oil companies inside the country. In 2011, NIDC, drilled or completed 192 oil and gas wells, drilled 454 thousand meters of wells and provided more than 8 thousand expert or technical services to customers.[48] As at 2012, 123 drilling rigs are in operation in Iran’s offshore and onshore.[49]
Ahwaz Pipe Mills Company manufacturing oil and gas pipes and has a capacity of up to 420,000 tons per year. It operates three plants.
Iranian Fuel Conservation Organization regimenting the fuel consumption in different sectors through review and survey of the current trend of consumption and executing conservation measures nationwide. See also: 2007 Gasoline Rationing Plan in Iran
National Iranian Tanker Company controls the second largest fleet of tankers in OPEC. Despite having domestic manufacturing capacity, NITC purchases many VLCC abroad (e.g. China) for unknown reasons.
Exploration Service Company (ESC) responsible for providing operational services in all facets of exploration and production activities within NIOC onshore regions.
Kala Naft (لندن) Ltd. in charge of carrying out the procurement needs of the NIOC that cannot be met domestically. However, NIOC organizations can in theory also purchase directly from suppliers.
Kala Naft (Canada) Ltd. in charge of carrying out the procurement needs of the NIOC that cannot be met domestically
Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) (Switzerland) handles trading & swaps operations on behalf of NIOC. Iran has swap arrangements with Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan, under which it ships crude from the Central Asian producers to its Caspian ports in Neka. In exchange Iran delivers the equivalent barrels of crude on behalf of the three Central Asian producers to their customers in the Persian Gulf.[50] In October 2010, Iran asked for the terms of the contract to be re-negotiated because it claims it has lost money because of it.[51] On 2 July 2011, NIOC resumed oil swaps with Caspian states.[52] NaftIran also buys the vast majority of Iran's gasoline imports.[53] Naftiran is a key player in Iran's energy sector.
Petropars General contractor for the oil & gas industry (a subsidiary of Naftiran Intertrade Co.)
Petroiran Development Company (aka PetroIran or PEDCO) General offshore contractor (a subsidiary of Naftiran Intertrade Co.). PetroIran was initially formed to be the Iranian partner of foreign contractors with a 10% share in each buy-back contract.
Iranian Oil Company (UK) in charge of Rhum gasfield (a subsidiary of Naftiran Intertrade Co.)
Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company (IOEC) First Iranian general contractor to the oil and gas industries. Joint venture with IDRO
Arvandan Oil & Gas Company (AOGC) responsible for the development of the Arvandan oil & gas fields. AOGC was established in 2004 working as the main operator in oil and gas production from Azadegan, Yadavaran, Darquain, Jufeyr, Moshtagh, Khorramshahr, Arvand, Susangerd, Band-e-Karkheh, Omid and other fields which are located in west of Karun River.[54]
Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) NIOC will implement 69 research projects between 2010 and 2015 which include topics as enhancing recovery rate, modeling, control and management of reservoirs, production and exploitation, exploration, promotion and technology in drilling operations, establishment of an integrated data bank, industrial protection and environment, optimizing energy consumption, materials and equipments manufacturing, strategic and infrastructure studies, productivity and specialized maintenance.[48] Iran is expected to launch its first gas to liquids (GTL) plant by 2018.[55] See also: Science and technology in Iran.

تكاليف الانتاج والاستثمارات

The cost of producing each barrel will rise to $30 or more from $7 in 2012.[56]

Iran currently allocates $20 billion a year to develop fields and $10 billion on maintaining output. In the next decade, maintaining production will cost $50 billion, with a similar sum required for development.[56] This does not include development and investment costs in related fields such as Petrochemicals.

المقاولون المحليون الرئيسيون

Although usually neglected and overlooked, Iran also has a number of very active private companies in the oil sector. The growing private sector activity is mainly active in projects involving the construction of oil field units, refinery equipment, tanks and pipelines,[57] as well as engineering. Iranian manufacturers will supply oil industry with $10 billion worth of domestically-made goods and equipment in 2012.[58]

Iranian companies are already outperforming foreign firms in South Pars.[59] NIOC produces 60-70% of its industrial equipment domestically including refineries, oil tankers, oil rigs, offshore platforms and exploration instruments.[60][61][62][63] Iran is also cooperating with foreign companies to transfer technology to Iranian oil industry.[64] The objective is to become self-sufficient by 85% before 2015.[65] The strategic goods include onshore and offshore drilling rigs, pumps, turbines and precision tools. Domestic production of 52 petrochemical catalysts will be started in 2013.[66] As of 2015, Iran had reached most of its above mentioned objectives in manufacturing.[67]

المشاركة في حقول غاز أجنبية

السجل البيئي

According to geographer Richard Heede,[69] is 3rd on the list of companies with the highest level of CO2 emissions globally with 739 million tonnes (727,000,000 long tons; 815,000,000 short tons) in 2013, amounting to more than 3.1% of worldwide anthropogenic emissions.[70]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ "NIOC Chief: Annual oil revenues $110 billion in last Iranian calendar year, ended 20 March 2012". Iran Daily Brief. 6 February 2013.
  2. ^ http://www.tehrantimes.com/economy-and-business/95407-irans-nioc-assets-surpass-200-billion
  3. ^ أ ب Iran's foreign trade report Iran Trade
  4. ^ "PIW Ranks The World's Top Oil Companies". Energyintel. Retrieved 7 February 2012.
  5. ^ أ ب "Darcy William Knox". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 5 June 2010.
  6. ^ Myers, Kevin (3 September 2009). "The greatest 20th century beneficiary of popular mythology has been the cad Churchill". Irish Independent.
  7. ^ The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 7. Cambridge University Press. p. 665.
  8. ^ Yousof Mazandi, United Press, and Edwin Muller, Government by Assassination (Reader's Digest September 1951).
  9. ^ "Britain Fights Oil Nationalism". The New York Times. Retrieved 5 Jun 2010.
  10. ^ Sztucki, Jerzy; Interim measures in the Hague Court. Brill Archive. (1984). . p. 43. ISBN 978-90-6544-093-8.
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  13. ^ Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and Decolonization. I.B.Tauris. 2007. pp. 775
  14. ^ The C.I.A. in Iran: Britain Fights Oil Nationalism The New York Times
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  16. ^ The 8th IIES International Conference "Energy Security and New Challenges", held in 29–30 November 2003, IRIB Conference Center, Tehran, Iran [1]
  17. ^ Iran Oil Ministry Annual Bulletin, 5th Edition, pages 190-193 (available in Persian) (كتاب نفت و توسعه).[2]
  18. ^ Iran Oil Ministry Annual Bulletin, 5th Edition, pages 190-193 (available in Persian) (كتاب نفت و توسعه).[3] and Iran Energy Balance Sheet (ترازنامه انرژی ایران ) (available in Persian) Published by; Iran’s Energy Ministry, Secretariat of Energy and Electricity,2000 [4]
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  20. ^ أ ب NIOC Website Archived 12 يونيو 2008 at the Wayback Machine
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  23. ^ Iran Oil Ministry Annual Bulletin, 5th Edition, pages 190-193 (available in Persian) (كتاب نفت و توسعه).[7] and Iran Energy Balance Sheet (ترازنامه انرژی ایران ) (available in Persian), Page 132, Published by; Iran’s Energy Ministry, Secretariat of Energy and Electricity,2006 [8]
  24. ^ SHANA (2005-04-23). "NIOC Official News Agency,(www.Shana.ir),April 23, 2005". www.Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
  25. ^ SHANA. "NIOC Official News Agency,(www.Shana.ir),25/4/2009". www.Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
  26. ^ SHANA (2009-04-25). "NIOC Official News Agency,(www.Shana.ir),25/4/2009". www.Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
  27. ^ أ ب SHANA (2007-10-15). "NIOC Official News Agency,(www.Sahan.ir),October 15, 2007". Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
  28. ^ أ ب NIOC Official Web Site,(www.NIOC.ir) Archived 12 يونيو 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  29. ^ SHANA. "NIOC Official News Agency". www.Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
  30. ^ SHANA. "NIOC Official News Agency". www.Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
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  34. ^ SHANA. "NIOC Official News Agency". www.Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
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  36. ^ IHS International Oil Letter, Vol 24 issue 6, published 15 February 2008 [11]
  37. ^ SHANA. "Shana.ir, 2008 April 17". Shana.ir. Retrieved 2012-02-07.
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  40. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbsDDbMV6MA
  41. ^ http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=ir
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  67. ^ http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2015/07/23/421482/iran-electricity-turbine-power-
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  69. ^ http://www.climatemitigation.com/rick-heede-bio.html
  70. ^ Douglas Starr (Aug 25, 2016). "Just 90 companies are to blame for most climate change, this 'carbon accountant' says". Science Magazine.

خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref> ذو الاسم "Stephen2003" المُعرّف في <references> غير مستخدم في النص السابق.
خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref> ذو الاسم "Ref-B-Lauterpacht1973" المُعرّف في <references> غير مستخدم في النص السابق.
خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref> ذو الاسم "Ref-B-Vassiliou2009" المُعرّف في <references> غير مستخدم في النص السابق.

خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref> ذو الاسم "Ref-B-Christine2008" المُعرّف في <references> غير مستخدم في النص السابق.


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