زلزال نيپال، أبريل 2015

Coordinates: 28°08′49″N 84°42′29″E / 28.147°N 84.708°E / 28.147; 84.708
زلزال نيپال 20156
2015 Nepal earthquake
زلزال نيپال، أبريل 2015 is located in نيپال
زلزال نيپال، أبريل 2015
الوقت UTC??
المقدار7.8م.ع.[1] or 8.1 م.س.[2]
العمق15.0 كم (9.3 ميل)[1]
المركز28°08′49″N 84°42′29″E / 28.147°N 84.708°E / 28.147; 84.708[1]
المناطق المتأثرة
أقصى شدةVIII (خطير)[1]
توابع الزلزال7.3م.ع. في 12 مايو، في الساعة 12:51[3]
6.7Mw on 26 April at 12:54[4]
No. of aftershocks = 158 (As of 14 May 2015)
الخسائر8,999 قتيل (رسمياً)[5][6] 19,009 injured (officially)

زلزال نيپال أبريل 2015 (ويعرف أيضاً بزلزال گوركا)[7][8] هو زلزال بلغت قوته 7.9 درجة على مقياس ريختر وعلى عمق 15 كيلومتراً حسب المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي. وقع الزلزال على 77 كيلومتراً شمال غرب كاتماندو في نيپال و 68 كيلومتراً من بوخارا، وشُعر بالزلزال في نيودلهي وفي شمال الهند، وهو أعنف زلزال يضرب نيبال لأكثر من 80 عاماً، والأكبر في العالم منذ وقوع زلزال بقوة 8.2 درجة في تشيلي في أبريل 2014.

ظهرت مجموعة من الهزّات الارتدادية بعد الزلزال كانت درجة أعلاها 6.7 بتاريخ 26 أبريل 2015 الساعة 12:54:08 بتوقيت نيبال[9].

بعد أسبوعين من الزلزال ضرب زلزال ثاني نيپال والبلدان المجاورة لها وذلك في 12 مايو 2015 وبقوة 7.3 درجة، تبعه بعد دقائق ثالث بقوة 6.3 درجة.


خريطة الزلزال وبعض توابعع.


زلازل منطقة الهيمالايا أقوى من 6 درجات، 1900–2014


خريطة زلزال نيپال


زلزال 12 مايو 2015

توفي ما لا يقل عن 110 شخص نتيجة لتابع زلزال وقع في 12 مايو 2015، وأصيب حوالي 2.500 آخرين. توفى في الهند والصين سبعة عشر شخصاً آخرين.[10]


الضحايا حسب البلد
البلد الوفيات المصابون ملاحظات
 نيپال > 8,151 > 17,866 [11][12]
 الهند 78 560 [13]
 الصين 26 383 [14]
 بنگلادش 4 200 [15]
الإجمالي > 8,259 > 19,009
الضحايا الأجانب في نيپال
البلد الوفيات ملاحظات
 الهند 40 [16]
 فرنسا 10 [17]
 إسپانيا 7 [18]
 ألمانيا 5 [19][20]
 الصين 4 [21]
 إيطاليا 4 [22]
 الولايات المتحدة 4 [23]
 كندا 2 [24]
 روسيا 2 [25]
1 [26][27]
 إستونيا 1 [28]
 هونگ كونگ
 المملكة المتحدة
1 [29][30]
 إسرائيل 1 [31]
 اليابان 1 [32]
 ماليزيا 1 [33]
 نيوزيلندا 1 [34]
 المملكة المتحدة 1 [35]
Total 86


The Dharahara tower
قبل الزلزال
Dharhara after Nepalquake 4.JPG بعد الزلزال

Kathmandu Durbar Square before the earthquake
Building damage as a result of the earthquake

الآثار الاقتصادية

طريق مدمر في نيپال

الآثار الاجتماعية

التغطية الاجتماعية

الانقاذ والإغاثة

Nepal Army and Turkish disaster relief aid workers working together

المساعدات الدولية

ملخص المساعدات الدولية لجهود الإنقاذ في زلزال نيپال 2015
الوكالة/البلد التبرع النقدي (بالدولار الأمريكي) المساعدات الإنسانية والعينية مساعدات أخرى المصدر
الصليب الأحمر الدولي 535,664.55 متطوعون (مساعدات أولية وبحث وإنقاذ) تبرعات بالدم في مناطق العاصة [36]
أطباء بلا حدود Rapid intervention surgical kit with 11-member team left Kathmandu for Ghorka (200 km north-west) (61 staff deployed) Water and sanitation – makeshift camps – Tudikhel (Kathmandu), Bhaktapur (14 km east of Kathmandu), first-aid material to Bhaktapur hospital [37][38]
Save the Children $7.798 million from Cristiano Ronaldo [39]
 الاتحاد الأوروپي 3 مليون Aid, first-response teams and civil-protection experts [40]
 الجزائر 1 مليون 70 relief workers, medicines, and other supplies [41]
 أستراليا $15.86 million

• $3,568,500 to the United Nations relief effort, $793,000 to the World Health Organization, $793,000 to the Australian Red Cross, $396,500 to the RedR Australia relief organisation, $3.172 million for other Australian NGOs.
• Two Boeing C-17 aircraft carrying 15 tons of Australian aid and two RAAF aero medical evacuation teams.
• The Government of Tasmania donated $7,930 to Rotary Tasmania's Nepal Earthquake Appeal.

• 2 humanitarian experts and a crisis-response team initially.
• 70 defence personnel, immigration and other federal government officials to distribute aid and help with evacuation efforts.

 النمسا $835,000 Austrian Red Cross search-&-rescue staff [46]
 أذربيجان 1 ton of medical supplies, tents, blankets and water (Ministry of Emergency Situations) [47]

BAF Lockheed C-130B aircraft with 10 tonnes of relief materials – tents, dry food, water, blankets, etc.
• Four cargo trucks carrying approximately 25 tonnes of essential relief materials for earthquake victims in Nepal left Dhaka. The cargoes will travel through Banglabandh-Fulbari-Panitanki-Kakarbhitta land route. The relief materials include 3000 cartons (12 tonne) of dry food and fruit juice donated by Pran, and 5000 pieces of blankets donated by Brac, according to a press release of the Embassy of Nepal in Bangladesh.
• Bangladesh will provide at least one lakh metric tons of rice and other relief materials including drinking water to help the earthquake victims in Nepal.

A 34-member team (6 military medical teams and foreign ministry officials). Stranded Bangladeshis airlifted. [48][49][50][51][52]
 بلجيكا $3,5 million Search-&-rescue teams [53]
 بوتان $1 million 63 personnel medical team [54][55][56][57]
 بروناي 8 man relief team (2 doctors, 4 paramedics from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) and Brunei’s Gurkha Reserve Unit (GRU) [59]
 كندا $4.16 million; $832,000 to the Canadian Red Cross A Boeing C-17 with supplies – blankets, jerry-cans, kitchen sets, hygiene kits, and tarps 150 Canadian troops; a Disaster Assistance Response Team – 30 experts; pledges by humanitarian organizations; immigration assistance [60][61][62][63]
 الصين $9.9 million Tents, blankets, and generators; emergency response for citizens China International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) – 268 members, 26 search-&-rescue dogs [65][66][67][68]
 كولومبيا Fundraising by the Colombian Red Cross Over 1,500 volunteers from national societies. Evacuation of citizens and aid (when needed) [72][73][74][75]
 التشيك $791,378 A Boeing 737 – blankets, medical supplies, water and food; and a special trauma team. 36 medical workers and 13 firefighters. Evacuated 54 Czechs and 48 EU citizens. [76][77][78]
 الدنمارك $744,000 Aid (TBD) [79]
 إستونيا Fundraising 15 rescue workers and medics (could not land – airport congestion) [80][81][82]
 فنلندا $3.35 million; fundraising by the Finnish Red Cross Medical and logistical supplies A Finnish Red Cross relief workers team [83][84][85][86]
 فرنسا Equipment and supplies Crisis centre at Foreign Ministry; a reinforcement team in New Delhi; 11 rescuers, (more help if needed) [87][88]
 ألمانيا A mobile medical centre 52 relief workers team – physicians, searchers, dog squads; the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)'s Rapid Deployment Unit Water and Sanitation Abroad (SEEWA) [89][90][91]
 اليونان Search-&-rescue teams [53]
 هونگ كونگ $6.45 million World Vision Hong Kong raised $1.29 million to provide victims with tents, tarpaulins, solar-powered lights, and other necessities. [92][93][94]
 الهند Material aid in Operation Maitri:

• 8 tons of baby food
• Over 100 tons of medical supplies
• 75,000 vials of insulin
• Over 200 tons of water
• 100,000 bottles of water every day from the Indian Railways
• Hundreds of tons of food and dry rations
• 43 tons of relief material
• 10 tons of blankets
• Several tons of stretchers, tents
• A reverse osmosis (RO) plant
• Oxygen regenerators & cylinders
• 345 tons of relief material, dry food and essential medicines from the state governments of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh

Rescue aid:

• 16 National Disaster Response Force teams, over 1,000 personnel, search-&-rescue dogs
• Hundreds of retired Indian Gorkha soldiers of the Indian Army
• Hundreds of Indian Army and Indian Air Force personnel
• Military task forces headquartered in Kathmandu and Barpak
• Relief sorties by Ilyushin Il-76, C-130J Hercules, C-17 Globemaster, Antonov An-32 aircraft
• Civilian aircraft
• Helicopters – Mi-17, Cheetah, HAL Dhruv ALH
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
• 18 member medical team
• 3 field hospitals
• 2 mobile teams of specialist doctors
• 41 member medical team from the state of Rajasthan
Indian Air Force rapid action medical team
• 45 bed hospital at Lagankhel
• Light vehicles
• Earth moving equipment
• 18 Indian Army Engineer Task Forces (Indian Army Corps of Engineers)
Indian Oil Corporation team
PowerGrid Corporation of India engineers
• 36+ vehicles – ambulances and water tankers – from the Sashastra Seema Bal
• 39 member Indian Army team deployed at the Everest Base Camp to search for, rescue and assist climbers

Evacuation of over 20,000 Indian citizens and hundreds of foreign nationals by air and road

 إندونيسيا $2 million 2 Boeing 737-400s belonging to the Indonesian Armed Forces and Garuda Indonesia, flew with 6 tons of relief supplies – blankets, body bags, food, water
hospital and sleeping tents, medical equipment: and medicines
66 personnel of SAR and Medical team [112][113]
 إيران An 80,000 pounds (36,000 kg) relief package (via India) [114][115][116]
 أيرلندا $1.126 million [117]
 إسرائيل Three IAF Hercules and two El Al Boeing 747-400 jets carrying a joint IDF and MFA search-&-rescue team and 95 tons of equipment including a field hospital (with premature-babies ward), cutters, electronic sniffers, generators, and lighting equipment. The planes were also used for evacuation. 264 person search-&-rescue team, including physicians. [118][119][120]
 إيطاليا $334,000[بحاجة لمصدر] [121]
 اليابان $8.4 million Emergency relief supplies worth US$210,000 70 experts – Foreign Ministry, the National Police Agency, and JICA, along with rescuers, search-&-rescue dog handlers, communication specialists, physicians, and field coordinators [53][122][123]
 ماليزيا 20 doctors – Mercy Malaysia; 30-man rescue team – Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team [124][125]
 المالديڤ Other aid (TBA) [126]
 المكسيك Earthquake rescue brigade and engineers. [89][127][128]
 موناكو Other aid (TBA) [89]
 هولندا $4.45 million by the government and $21,225,289.36 raised by GIRO 555 Action ('Netherlands helps Nepal') 5 tons of relief supplies 62-man and 8-dog team; several physicians, nurses, and engineers [129][130]
 نيوزيلندا $771,000 in humanitarian aid 45 urban search and rescue technicians, 2 aid workers and an engineer. [131][132]
 النرويج $17.3 million [133]
 پاكستان Four Lockheed C-130 planes with a 30-bed hospital, 2,000 military meals, 600 blankets, 200 tents, and other assorted relief items Military emergency personnel including army doctors, medical staff, and the combined ERRA-NDMA's special search and rescue teams with sniffer dogs [134][135]
 الفلپين Soldiers, Philippine Red Cross staff, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Humanitarian Assistance Team and volunteers [136][137] [138]
 پولندا 81 firefighters of the State Fire Service, 12 search and rescue dogs, and 6 doctors of the Polish Center for International Aid [139][140]
 قطر 2 aircraft with 60 tons of relief materials, such as food, medicines, power generators, and tents; 2 additional aircraft with 120 tons of relief materials, in addition to a field hospital provided by Qatari Red Crescent Aid operations [141]
 روسيا Two Ilyushin Il-76 airplanes with 'a team of 90 rescuers and rescue equipment,' and 'a batch of humanitarian aid of food products and articles of daily necessity.' 50 highly skilled rescue workers [142][143]
 سنغافورة $100,000 55 members of the Singapore Civil Defence Force; officers from Singapore's police forces, including the Gurkha Contingent; another relief team .[53][144]
 سلوڤاكيا $33,000 [145]
 سلوڤنيا $55,000 [146][147][148]
 جنوب أفريقيا A search and rescue team composed of members of the South African Police Service with police dogs to aid in the rescue operation. [149]
 كوريا الجنوبية $1 million Sindhupalchok area

• 1000 tents
• Food packages for 230 families (Rice 10kg, bean 1kg, salt 1kg, oil, Nepal noodle 1kg, 10 vitamin tablets and etc. per a package)
• 2.4 tons of rice, 320 bottles of vegetable oil, salts for 740 villagers

42 search and rescue workers including 15 medics and two assistants. Two sniffer dogs. [150][151][152][153]
 إسپانيا 30 tons of humanitarian aid, including more than 3,200 blankets, 1680 awnings and 500 kitchen sets, donated in part by Spanish Red Cross. 47 soldiers of the Military Emergencies Unit and seven agents of the Civil Guard, with 60 tons of material, in order to find Spanish citizens unlocated. [154][155][156]
 سريلانكا SLAF C-130 Hercules flight and Sri Lankan Airlines Airbus A330 flight with 17 tonnes of medicine, engineering, signal and ordnance equipment, supportive transport requirements, water bottles, health accessories, dry rations, and water purification tablets, etc. Groups of specialist physicians, other medical staff, and medicine; 44 Sri Lanka Armed Forces personnel and 4 medical consultants; a team of 156 persons, including 11 airmen, 4 medical consultants, and 14 sailors; 97 service personnel: 72 Sri Lanka Army personnel, 14 Sri Lanka Navy personnel, 11 Sri Lanka Air Force personnel [157][158]
  سويسرا $18.6 million (fundraising) 38 tonnes of relief supplies Experts, including a physician, a building surveyor, and a water quality technician [159][160][161]
 السويد $1.5 million 60 search and rescue staff, along with dogs [162]
 تايوان $300,000 Nepal rejected Taiwan's offer to send search and rescue teams due to "China factor". [163][164]
 تايلند $200,000 by government
$302,000 by the king
Medics and rescue staff [165][166][167][168]
 تركيا 1,000 tents and 320 food packages. Up to 96 search and rescue staff [169]
 الإمارات العربية المتحدة $1.36 million Medical and food supplies, purchased from India 88 search and rescue staff [53][170]
 المملكة المتحدة $23.14 million, of which $7.713 million was donated by the government and $15.42 million was donated by the public 30 tonnes of humanitarian aid and 11 tonnes of equipment A team of 60 search and rescue responders and medical experts deployed by the Department for International Development; engineers from the British Army's Brigade of Gurkhas [171][172][173]
 الولايات المتحدة $10 million by government, the public donates separately through several agencies A disaster response team from USAID; Urban Search and Rescue Virginia Task Force 1 from Fairfax County, Virginia was deployed to Nepal from the Dover Air Force Base; Los Angeles County's Urban Search and Rescue California Task Force 2; U.S. Army Green Beret soldiers; 100 Marines; two helicopters and four V-22 Osprey VTOL aircraft [175][176][177][178]
  الڤاتيكان $100,000 [181]
 ڤيتنام $50,000 by government
$30,000 by the Vietnam Red Cross
10 rescuers – Vietnam Red Cross [182][183]

انظر أيضاً


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