هنري أدنگتون
المبجل الڤايكونت سيدموث The Viscount Sidmouth PC | |
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Portrait by William Beechey, ح. 1803 | |
رئيس وزراء المملكة المتحدة | |
في المنصب 17 مارس 1801 – 10 May 1804 | |
العاهل | جورج الثالث |
سبقه | وليام پت، الأصغر (كرئيس وزراء بريطانيا العظمى) |
خلفه | وليام پت، الأصغر |
Home Secretary | |
في المنصب 11 June 1812 – 17 January 1822 | |
رئيس الوزراء | The Earl of Liverpool |
سبقه | Richard Ryder |
خلفه | Robert Peel |
Lord President of the Council | |
في المنصب 8 April 1812 – 11 June 1812 | |
رئيس الوزراء |
سبقه | The Earl Camden |
خلفه | The Earl of Harrowby |
في المنصب 8 October 1806 – 26 March 1807 | |
رئيس الوزراء | The Lord Grenville |
سبقه | The Earl Fitzwilliam |
خلفه | The Earl Camden |
في المنصب 14 January 1805 – 10 July 1805 | |
رئيس الوزراء | William Pitt the Younger |
سبقه | The Duke of Portland |
خلفه | The Earl Camden |
Lord Privy Seal | |
في المنصب 5 February 1806 – 15 October 1806 | |
رئيس الوزراء | The Lord Grenville |
سبقه | The Earl of Westmorland |
خلفه | The Lord Holland |
Chancellor of the Exchequer | |
في المنصب 14 March 1801 – 10 May 1804 | |
رئيس الوزراء | Himself |
سبقه | William Pitt the Younger |
خلفه | William Pitt the Younger |
Leader of the House of Commons | |
في المنصب 17 March 1801 – 10 May 1804 | |
رئيس الوزراء | Himself |
سبقه | William Pitt the Younger |
خلفه | William Pitt the Younger |
Speaker of the House of Commons | |
في المنصب 8 June 1789 – 10 February 1801 | |
سبقه | William Grenville |
خلفه | Sir John Mitford |
Member of Parliament for Devizes | |
في المنصب 1784–1805 | |
سبقه | Henry Jones |
خلفه | Thomas Grimston Estcourt |
تفاصيل شخصية | |
وُلِد | Holborn, Middlesex, England | 30 مايو 1757
توفي | 15 فبراير 1844 White Lodge, Surrey, England | (aged 86)
المدفن | St Mary the Virgin, Mortlake |
القومية | English |
الحزب | Tory (Addingtonian) |
الزوج | Ursula Hammond
(m. 1781; died 1811)Marianne Townsend
(m. 1823) |
الأنجال | 8 (by Hammond) |
الوالدان | Anthony Addington (father) |
التعليم | |
الجامعة الأم | Brasenose College, Oxford |
الوزارة | § Cabinet |
التوقيع | ![]() |
هنري أدنگتون Henry Addington (و.1757 - 1844). رئيس وزراء بريطانيا في الفترة مابين 1801 إلى 1804. وهو أول رئيس وزراء ينتمي للطبقات الوسطى، ذلك أن كل رؤساء الوزارة السابقين كانوا من النبلاء أو ينتمون لأسر النبلاء.
كان والد أدنجتون طبيبًا ريفيًا انتقل إلى لندن، حيث كان من بين مرضاه الذين تولى علاجهم جورج الثالث ووليم بت إيرل كاثام، ثم توطدت أواصر الصداقة بينه وبين وليم بت الأصغر. وفي عام 1784م دخل أدنجتون البرلمان لأول مرة، فاختير متحدثًا بلسان مجلس العموم في عام 1789م. وفي عام 1801م استقال بت الأصغر من رئاسة الوزراء فخلفه أدنجتون. ولكنه سرعان ما استقال بعد مُضِيَ ثلاث سنوات جابه فيها كثيرًا من المشاكل، ليعود بت مرةً ثانيةً ويتولى رئاسة الوزارة. وفي عام 1805م مُنِحَ أدنجتون مرتبة النبيل وأضفي عليه لقب سدماوت فيكونت.
عمل أدنجتون وزيرًا للداخلية في الفترة مابين 1812 و 1822. وقد أثار الرأي العام استنكارًا شديدًا لإثارته الطبقة العاملة كما أنَّ الجنود قد اصطدموا، خلال فترته وزيرًا للداخلية؛ بجمع من النَّاس في مذبحة بيترلو.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
السيرة السياسية
He was elected to the House of Commons in 1784 as one of the Members of Parliament for Devizes, and became Speaker of the House of Commons in 1789. In March 1801, William Pitt the Younger resigned from office, ostensibly over the refusal of King George III to remove some of the existing political restrictions on Roman Catholics in Ireland (Catholic Emancipation), but poor health, failure in war, economic collapse, alarming levels of social unrest due to famine, and irreconcilable divisions within the Cabinet also played a role. Both Pitt and the King insisted that Addington take over as Prime Minister, despite his own objections, and his failed attempts to reconcile the King and Pitt.[بحاجة لمصدر]
رئيس الوزراء
Foreign policy was the centrepiece of his term in office. Some historians have been highly critical and said that it was ignorant and indifferent to Britain's greatest needs. However, Thomas Goldsmith argues that Addington and Hawkesbury conducted a logical, consistent and eurocentric balance-of-power policy, rooted in rules and assumptions governing their conduct, rather than a chaotic free-for-all approach.[1]
Addington's domestic reforms doubled the efficiency of the income tax. In foreign affairs, he secured the Treaty of Amiens in 1802. While the treaty's terms were the bare minimum that the British government could accept, Napoleon Bonaparte would not have agreed to any terms more favourable to the British, and the British government had reached a state of financial collapse from war expenditure, the loss of Continental markets for British goods and two successive failed harvests that had led to widespread famine and social unrest, rendering peace a necessity.[بحاجة لمصدر]
By early 1803, Britain's financial and diplomatic positions had recovered sufficiently to allow Addington to declare war on France, when it became clear that the French would not allow a settlement for the defences of Malta that would have been secure enough to fend off a French invasion that appeared imminent.[بحاجة لمصدر]
At the time and ever since, Addington has been criticised for his lacklustre conduct of the war and his defensive posture. However, without allies, Britain's options were limited to defence. He increased the forces, provided a tax base that could finance an enlarged war and seized several French possessions. To gain allies, Addington cultivated better relations with Russia,[2] Austria, and Prussia, which later culminated in the Third Coalition shortly after he left office. Addington also strengthened British defences against a French invasion through the building of Martello towers on the south coast and the raising of more than 600,000 men at arms.[3]
مستشفى اللقطاء
In 1802, Addington accepted an honorary position as vice-president for life on the Court of Governors of London's Foundling Hospital for abandoned babies.
فقدان المنصب
![]() In Britannia between Death and the Doctor's (1804), James Gillray caricatured Pitt as a doctor kicking Addington (the previous doctor) out of Britannia's sickroom. |
Although the King stood by him, it was not enough, because Addington did not have a strong enough hold on both Houses of Parliament. By May 1804, partisan criticism of Addington's war policies provided the pretext for a parliamentary putsch by the three major factions (Grenvillites, Foxites, and Pittites), who had decided that they should replace Addington's ministry. Addington's greatest failing was his inability to manage a parliamentary majority by cultivating the loyal support of MPs beyond his own circle and the friends of the King. That, combined with his mediocre speaking ability, left him vulnerable to Pitt's mastery of parliamentary management and his unparallelled oratory skills. Pitt's parliamentary assault against Addington in March 1804 led to the slimming of his parliamentary majority to the point that defeat in the House of Commons was imminent.[4]
وزارة الخزانة
Addington remained an important political figure because he had gained a large following of MPs who supported him loyally in the Commons. He was reconciled with Pitt in December 1804, with the help of Lord Hawkesbury as an intermediary. As a result, Pitt arranged for him to join the Cabinet as Lord President of the Council in January 1805 but insisted for Addington to accept a peerage to avoid the inconvenience of them sitting together in the Commons and Addington was created Viscount Sidmouth, of Sidmouth in the County of Devon on 12 January 1805.[5]
In return for the support of the government by Addington's loyal supporters, Pitt agreed to include Addington's colleague the Earl of Buckinghamshire as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster with a promise to elevate him to the first vacancy of a more senior position in the Cabinet. However, when Melville resigned as First Lord of the Admiralty in July 1805, Pitt broke his promise by having Sir Charles Middleton appointed instead of Buckinghamshire. As a result of the betrayal, Addington and Buckinghamshire resigned and took all of their supporters into opposition. Addington was appointed Lord Privy Seal in 1806 in the Ministry of All the Talents that succeeded Pitt. Later that year he returned to the position of Lord President to 1807. His resignation, in opposition to a limited measure of Catholic Emancipation, which the Cabinet was considering despite the opposition of King George III, precipitated the fall of the Talents Ministry.[بحاجة لمصدر]
وزارة الداخلية
He returned to government again as Lord President in March 1812, and, in June of the same year, became Home Secretary. As Home Secretary, Addington countered revolutionary opposition, being responsible for the temporary suspension of habeas corpus in 1817 and the passage of the Six Acts in 1819. His tenure also saw the Peterloo Massacre of 1819. He left office in 1822, succeeded as Home Secretary by Sir Robert Peel, but Addington remained in the Cabinet as Minister without Portfolio for the next two years, opposing, along with the Duke of Wellington, other members of Cabinet, and King George IV, British recognition of the South American republics. He remained active in the House of Lords for the next few years, making his final speech in opposition to Catholic Emancipation in 1829 and casting his final vote against the Reform Act 1832.
انظر أيضاً
وصلات خارجية
- Archival material relating to هنري أدنگتون listed at the UK National Register of Archives
- ^ Goldsmith 2016.
- ^ Feldbæk 1978.
- ^ Hall 1988.
- ^ McCahill 1987.
- ^ "No. 15770". The London Gazette. 12 January 1805. p. 46.
- Short description is different from Wikidata
- مقالات ذات عبارات بحاجة لمصادر
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