ستافورد كريپس
المبجل السير ستافورد كريپس | |
Stafford Cripps | |
![]() | |
وزير الخزانة | |
في المنصب 13 نوفمبر 1947 – 19 أكتوبر 1950 | |
رئيس الوزراء | كلمنت أتلي |
سبقه | هيو دالتون |
خلـَفه | هيو گيتسكل |
وزير الشؤون الاقتصادية | |
في المنصب 29 سبتمبر 1947 – 13 نوفمبر 1947 | |
رئيس الوزراء | كلمنت أتلي |
سبقه | منصب مستحدث |
خلـَفه | المنصب أُلغي (منصب تجريبي) |
رئيس مجلس التجارة | |
في المنصب 27 يوليو 1945 – 29 سبتمبر 1947 | |
رئيس الوزراء | كلمنت أتلي |
سبقه | Oliver Lyttelton |
خلـَفه | هارولد ولسون |
وزير انتاج الطائرات | |
في المنصب 22 نوفمبر 1942 – 25 مايو 1945 | |
رئيس الوزراء | Winston Churchill |
سبقه | John Llewellin |
خلـَفه | Ernest Brown |
Leader of the House of Commons Lord Privy Seal | |
في المنصب 19 فبراير 1942 – 22 نوفمبر 1942 | |
رئيس الوزراء | ونستون تشرشل |
سبقه | Winston Churchill (as Leader of the House of Commons) كلمنت أتلي (as Lord Privy Seal) |
خلـَفه | أنتوني إيدن (as Leader of the House of Commons) Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (as Lord Privy Seal) |
Solicitor General for England and Wales | |
في المنصب 22 October 1930 – 24 August 1931 | |
رئيس الوزراء | James Ramsay MacDonald |
سبقه | James Melville |
خلـَفه | Thomas Inskip |
Member of Parliament for Bristol South East Bristol East (1931–1950) | |
في المنصب 16 يناير 1931 – 25 أكتوبر 1950 | |
سبقه | Walter John Baker |
خلـَفه | توني بن |
تفاصيل شخصية | |
وُلِد | تشلسي، لندن، إنگلترة | 24 أبريل 1889
توفي | 21 أبريل 1952 زيورخ، سويسرا | (aged 62)
الحزب | العمال |
ارتباطات سياسية أخرى | Popular Front |
الزوج | إيزوبل كريپس |
الأنجال | 4, including Peggy Cripps |
الوالدان | Charles Cripps Theresa Potter |
الأقارب | Kwame Anthony Appiah (grandson) |
المدرسة الأم | University College London |
السير ستافورد كريپس (1889 – 1952)، من أشهر رجال الدولة والدبلوماسيين البريطانيين. ولما كان وزير الخزانة في حكومة العمال من 1947-1950، قام بإدخال سياسة التقشف الضرورية والمكروهة في الوقت نفسه. وقد لاقى تخفيضه لقيمة الجنيه الإسترليني عام 1949 استنكارًا كبيراً في البلاد. واستقال كريبس من منصبه عام 1950 بسبب المرض الذي ألم به نتيجة الإرهاق. وكان كريبس يعتقد أن الحياة السياسية في البلاد يجب أن تُبنى على المبادىء النصرانية. ومن الكتب التي ألفها نحو الديمقراطية المسيحية، (1945)، وفي عام 1931م، عُين كريبس نائبًا عامًا في حكومة العمال. لكنه قدم استقالته فيما بعد بسبب رفضه الخدمة في حكومة جي رامزي مكدونالد الائتلافية، فطُرِد من حزب العمال عام 1939 بسبب آرائه اليسارية المتطرفة. ومنذ ذلك الحين وحتى عام 1945 شغل منصب عضو مستقل في البرلمان.
عيَّن ونستون تشرتشل، الذي ترأس الحكومة الائتلافية إبان الحرب العالمية الثانية، كريبس سفيراً لدى الاتحاد السوفيتي. وفي فبراير عام 1942 عين حاملا لأختام الملك ورئيساً لمجلس العموم. وفي أواخر عام 1942 خلف اللورد بيفربروك وزيرًا لإنتاج الطائرات، وبقي كريبس في هذا المنصب حتى نهاية الحرب. وبعد فوز حزب العمال في الانتخابات عام 1945 استعاد كريبس عضويته في الحزب.
ولد كريبس في لندن وسمي ريتشارد ستافورد كريبس. درس الكيمياء في جامعة أكسفورد، وأجرى أبحاثا في الكيمياء في كلية لندن الجامعية. كما درس الحقوق أيضاً ومن ثم أصبح محامياً عام 1913.
The economy improved after 1947, benefiting from American money given through grants from the Marshall Plan as well as from loans. However, the pound had to be devalued in 1949. Cripps kept the wartime rationing-system in place to hold down consumption during an "age of austerity", promoted exports and maintained full employment with static wages. The public especially respected "his integrity, competence, and Christian principles".[1]
Cripps was born in Chelsea, London, the son of Charles Cripps, a barrister and later Conservative MP, and the former Theresa Potter, the sister of Beatrice Webb and Catherine Courtney. Cripps grew up in a wealthy family and was educated at Winchester College, where the Headmaster described him as "a thoroughly good fellow"[2] and at University College London, where he studied chemistry. He left science for the law, and in 1913 was called to the bar by the Middle Temple. He served in the First World War as a Red Cross ambulance driver in France, and then managed a chemical factory producing armaments. He practised as a barrister during the 1920s, where he specialised in patent cases, and was reported to be the highest paid lawyer in England.[3] He was appointed a King's Counsel in 1927.
Cripps was a member of the Church of England and in the 1920s became a leader in the World Alliance to Promote International Friendship through the Churches, as his father had been. From 1923 to 1929 Cripps was the group's treasurer and its most energetic lecturer.[4][5]
الانضمام لحزب العمال
At the end of the 1920s, Cripps moved to the left in his political views, and in 1930 he joined the Labour Party. The next year, he was appointed Solicitor-General in the second Labour government, and received the then customary knighthood. In 1931, Cripps was elected to Parliament in a by-election for Bristol East. As an MP, he was a strong proponent of Marxist social and economic policies, although he had strong faith in evangelical Christianity, and did not subscribe to the Marxist rejection of religion.[6]
In the 1931 general election, Cripps was one of only three former Labour ministers to hold his seat, alongside George Lansbury, who subsequently became party leader, and Clement Attlee, deputy leader.
In 1932, Cripps helped found and became the leader of the Socialist League, which was composed largely of intellectuals and teachers from the Independent Labour Party who rejected its decision to disaffiliate from Labour. The Socialist League put the case for an austere form of democratic socialism. He argued that on taking power the Labour Party should immediately enact an Emergency Powers Act, allowing it to rule by decree and thus "forestall any sabotage by financial interests", and also immediately abolish the House of Lords.[4][7]
In 1936, Labour's National Executive Committee dissociated itself from a speech in which Cripps said he did not "believe it would be a bad thing for the British working class if Germany defeated us".[8] Cripps also opposed British rearmament:
- "Money cannot make armaments. Armaments can only be made by the skill of the British working class, and it is the British working class who would be called upon to use them. To-day you have the most glorious opportunity that the workers have ever had if you will only use the necessity of capitalism in order to get power yourselves. The capitalists are in your hands. Refuse to make munitions, refuse to make armaments, and they are helpless. They would have to hand the control of the country over to you."[9]
Cripps was an early advocate of a united front against the rising threat of fascism[10] and he opposed an appeasement policy towards Nazi Germany. In 1936, he was the moving force behind a Unity Campaign, involving the Socialist League, the Independent Labour Party and the Communist Party of Great Britain, designed to forge electoral unity against the right. Opposed by the Labour leadership, the Unity Campaign failed in its intentions. Rather than face expulsion from Labour, Cripps dissolved the Socialist League in 1937. Tribune, set up as the campaign's newspaper by Cripps and George Strauss, survived. In early 1939, however, Cripps was expelled from the Labour Party for his advocacy of a Popular Front with the Communist Party, the Independent Labour Party, the Liberal Party, and anti-appeasement Conservatives.
In 1938, Cripps visited Jamaica to investigate violence which took place during mass strikes. During one of the political meetings he spoke at, the audience included the future pioneer of black civil rights in Britain, Billy Strachan, who had been taken by his father to hear Cripps speak. During this same meeting, the People's National Party was formed.[11]
الحرب العالمية الثانية
When Winston Churchill formed his wartime coalition government in 1940 he appointed Cripps Ambassador to the Soviet Union in the view that Cripps, who had Marxist sympathies, could negotiate with Joseph Stalin who had a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany through the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, Cripps became a key figure in forging an alliance between the western powers and the Soviet Union.[12]
In 1942, Cripps returned to Britain and made a broadcast about the Soviet war effort. The popular response was phenomenal, and Cripps rapidly became one of the most popular politicians in the country, despite having no party backing. He was appointed a member of the War Cabinet, with the jobs of Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons, and was considered for a short period after his return from Moscow as a rival to Churchill in his hold on the country.[13]
المهمة في الهند

Churchill responded by sending Cripps to India in March 1942. The goal of the Cripps Mission was to negotiate an agreement with the nationalist leaders that would keep India loyal to the British war effort in exchange for self-government after the war. Cripps designed the specific proposals himself, but they were too radical for Churchill and the Viceroy, and too conservative for Mahatma Gandhi and the Indians, who demanded immediate independence. No middle way was found and the mission was a failure.[14]
وزير انتاج الطيران
In November 1942, Cripps stepped down from being Leader of the House of Commons and was appointed Minister of Aircraft Production, a position outside the War Cabinet in which he served with substantial success until May 1945, when the wartime coalition ended.[15] A supporter of Air Chief Marshal Harris's strategic bombing campaign against Germany, Cripps stated in a July 1943 broadcast that "the more we ... can destroy from the air the industrial and transport facilities of the Axis, the weaker will become his resistance. ... The heavier our air attack, the lighter will be the total of our casualties".[15]
Cripps was unhappy with the British black propaganda campaign against Germany. When Cripps discovered details of the German radio work of Sefton Delmer (through the intervention of Richard Crossman) he wrote to Anthony Eden, then Foreign Secretary: "If this is the sort of thing that is needed to win the war, why, I'd rather lose it." Delmer was defended by Robert Bruce Lockhart who pointed out the need to reach the sadist in the German nature.[16]
In February 1945, Cripps rejoined the Labour Party.[17]
بعد الحرب
When Labour won the 1945 general election, Clement Attlee appointed Cripps President of the Board of Trade, the second most important economic post in the government. Although still a strong socialist, Cripps had modified his views sufficiently to be able to work with mainstream Labour ministers. In Britain's desperate post-war economic circumstances, Cripps became associated with the policy of "austerity". As an upper-class socialist, he held a puritanical view of society, enforcing rationing with equal severity against all classes. Together with other individuals, he was instrumental in the foundation of the original College of Aeronautics, now Cranfield University, in 1946. The Stafford Cripps Learning and Teaching Centre on Cranfield's campus is named after him.[18]
In 1946, Soviet jet engine designers approached Stalin with a request to buy jet designs from Western sources to overcome design difficulties. Stalin is said to have replied: "What fool will sell us his secrets?" However, he gave his assent to the proposal, and Soviet scientists and designers travelled to the United Kingdom to meet Cripps and request the engines. To Stalin's amazement, Cripps and the Labour government were willing to provide technical information on the Rolls-Royce Nene centrifugal-flow jet engine designed by RAF officer Frank Whittle, along with discussions of a licence to manufacture Nene engines. The Nene engine was promptly reverse-engineered and produced in modified form as the Soviet Klimov VK-1 jet engine, later incorporated into the MiG-15 which flew in time to deploy in combat against UN forces in North Korea in 1950, causing the loss of several B-29 bombers and cancellation of their daylight bombing missions over North Korea.[19]
Also in 1946, Cripps returned to India as part of the Cabinet Mission, which proposed formulae for independence to the Indian leaders. The other two members of the delegation were Lord Pethick-Lawrence, the Secretary of State for India, and A. V. Alexander, the First Lord of the Admiralty. However, the solution devised by the three men, known as the Cabinet Mission Plan, was unsatisfactory to the Indian National Congress mainly its principal leaders, and instead of having to hold together the emerging one nation, Indian National Congress leaders travelled further down the road that eventually led to Partition.
In 1947, amid a growing economic and political crisis, Cripps tried to persuade Attlee to retire in favour of Ernest Bevin; however, Bevin was in favour of Attlee remaining. Cripps was instead appointed to the new post of Minister for Economic Affairs. Six weeks later Hugh Dalton resigned as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Cripps succeeded him, with the position of Minister for Economic Affairs now merged into the Chancellorship. He increased taxes and continued strategic rationing which muted consumption to boost the balance of trade and stabilise the Pound Sterling seeing Britain trade its way out of a real risk of fiscal and economic gloom. He was among those who brought about the nationalisation of strategic industries such as coal and steel.[20]
Amid financial problems from 1948 to 1949, Cripps maintained a high level of social spending on housing, health, and other welfare services, while also maintaining the location of industry policy. Personal incomes and free time continued to rise, as characterised by cricket and football enjoying unprecedented booms, together with the holiday camps, the dance hall, and the cinema.[21] In his last budget as Chancellor (1950), the housebuilding programme was restored to 200,000 per annum (after having previously been reduced due to government austerity measures), income tax was reduced for low-income earners as an overtime incentive,[22] and spending on health, national insurance, and education was increased.[23]
During the period Cripps imposed harsh foreign currency restrictions on private and commercial travellers, he was paying for his grandchildrens' swiss boarding school and for both his daughter's and his own swiss sanitorium.[24][25]
Cripps had suffered for many years from colitis, inflammation of the lower bowel; a condition aggravated by stress. In 1950, his health broke down and he was forced to resign his office in October. He resigned from Parliament the same month, and at the resulting by-election on 30 November he was succeeded as the MP for Bristol South East by Anthony Wedgwood Benn.
الحياة الشخصية
Cripps was the sororal nephew of Beatrice Webb and Catherine Courtney. His mother died when he was four years old. His stepmother, Marian Ellis, had a profound influence on him. He was married to Isobel Swithinbank, who became the Honourable Lady Cripps, daughter of Harold William Swithinbank, better known as Dame Isobel Cripps (1891–1979), and had four children
- Sir John Stafford Cripps[26] (1912–1993), journalist and campaigner, who was a conscientious objector in the Second World War [27] and in 1937 married Ursula Davy, having four sons and two daughters.
- Isobel Diana Cripps (1913–1985) who died unmarried
- (Anne) Theresa Cripps[26] (1919–1998), who was married 1945 to Sir Robert Cornwallis Gerald St. Leger Ricketts, 7th Bt, and had two sons and two daughters. The elder son Sir Tristram Ricketts, 8th Bt.[28] succeeded his father, died in 2007, and has been succeeded by his own son, Sir Stephen Ricketts, 9th Bt.
- Peggy Cripps, born Enid Margaret Cripps (1921–2006), children's author and philanthropist. Peggy Cripps shocked much British opinion by marrying the black African aristocrat Nana Joseph Emmanuel Appiah (1918–1990), a relative of the Ashanti king of Ghana, in June 1953. Peggy Appiah had one son and three daughters. Her son is the philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah (b. May 1954 London), the Laurance S. Rockefeller professor of philosophy at Princeton University. Her three daughters live in Namibia, Nigeria, and Ghana and have eight children among them.[29] One of them is the actor Adetomiwa Edun.
Cripps was a vegetarian, certainly for health reasons and possibly also for ethical reasons. "Cripps suffered from recurring illness which was alleviated by nature cure and a vegetarian diet...".[30] His male-line descendants are in remainder to the barony Parmoor. In 1989, a Blue Plaque was unveiled at 32 Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea to mark the site of Cripps' birth.[31]
Cripps died of cancer on 21 April 1952 while in Zürich, Switzerland 3 days shy of his 63rd birthday. He was cremated at Sihlfeld Crematorium in Zürich. His ashes are buried in the churchyard in Sapperton, Gloucestershire, and his wife is buried beside him.[32]
انظر أيضاً
- ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم
غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماةMitchell, Andrew 2002 p. 176
- ^ Catherine Hurley, ed. (2003). Could do Better. Simon & Schuster UK Pocket Books. ISBN 978-0743450256.
- ^ Busch, Noel F. (8 March 1948). "Sir Stafford Cripps". Life. p. 134.
- ^ أ ب Keesing's Contemporary Archives, Volume VIII-IX, (April 1952) p. 12158
- ^ Chris Bryant, Stafford Cripps (1997), pp. 71–75.
- ^ Peter Clarke, The Cripps Version (2002) pp. 39-54.
- ^ Peter Clarke, The Cripps Version (2002) pp. 55–67.
- ^ Cowling, Maurice (2005) The Impact of Hitler. British Politics and British Policies, 1933–1940. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 052101929X. p. 215
- ^ The Times (15 March 1937), p. 21.
- ^ David Marquand, "Sir Stafford Cripps" in Michael Sissons & Philip French, Age of Austerity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), pp. 157–175.
- ^ Horsley, David (2019). Billy Strachan 1921-1988 RAF Officer, Communist, Civil Rights Pioneer, Legal Administrator, Internationalist and Above All Caribbean Man (in الإنجليزية). London: Caribbean Labour Solidarity. pp. 7–8. ISSN 2055-7035.
- ^ Cooke, Colin (1957). The Life of Richard Stafford Cripps. Hodder & Stoughton, London. pp. 270–279.
- ^ Paul Addison (2011). The Road To 1945: British Politics and the Second World War (2nd ed.). Random House. pp. 238–39. ISBN 9781446424216.
- ^ Nicholas Owen, "The Cripps mission of 1942: A reinterpretation." The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 30.1 (2002): 61-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/03086530208583134
- ^ أ ب Clarke, Peter (2002). The Cripps Version. Allen Lane. The Penguin Press, London. p. 373. ISBN 0-713-99390-1.
- ^ Richards, Lee (2007) Sir Stafford Cripps and the German Admiral's Orgy Archived 17 يناير 2007 at the Wayback Machine, PsyWar.Org
- ^ Estorick, Eric (1949). Stafford Cripps. A biography. William Heinemann, London. p. 326.
- ^ "Venue Cranfield Stafford Cripps Centre".
- ^ Gordon, Yefim (2001) Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-15: The Soviet Union's Long-Lived Korean War Fighter. Midland Press. ISBN 1857801059
- ^ Cooke, Colin (1957). The Life of Richard Stafford Cripps. Hodder & Stoughton, London. pp. 350–365.
- ^ Morgan, Kenneth (1985) Labour in Power, 1945–51. OUP Oxford. ISBN 0192851500
- ^ Pelling, Henry (1984) The Labour Governments, 1945–51. Macmillan. ISBN 0333363566
- ^ Pritt, Denis Nowell (1963) The Labour Government 1945–51. Lawrence & Wishart
- ^ Tucker, Nicholas (2010). "Appiah [née Cripps], Enid Margaret [Peggy] (1921–2006), anthologist and charity worker". قاموس أكسفورد للسيَر الوطنية (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/97035. (Subscription or UK public library membership مطلوبة.)
- ^ "Stafford Cripps | Making Britain".
- ^ أ ب "Confirmed Swithinbank as maiden name of John S Cripps from ancestry.co.uk.
- ^ Hayes, Denis (1949), Challenge of Conscience, p 76
- ^ "Sir Tristram Ricketts, Bt". The Telegraph. 17 November 2007. Retrieved 6 June 2010.[dead link]
- ^ Brozan, Nadine (16 February 2006) "Peggy Appiah, 84, Author Who Bridged Two Cultures, Dies". The New York Times
- ^ Twigg, Julia (1981). The Vegetarian Movement in England, 1847–1981: A Study of the Structure of Its Ideology (Ph.D.). London School of Economics. pp. 247, 292.
- ^ "English Heritage Blue Plaques scheme". Retrieved 30 January 2019.
- ^ Peter Clarke, The Cripps Version (2002) pp. 536–598.
وصلات خارجية
- Archival material relating to ستافورد كريپس listed at the UK National Register of Archives
- Hansard 1803–2005: contributions in Parliament by Stafford Cripps
پرلمان المملكة المتحدة | ||
سبقه Walter Baker |
{{{title}}} 1931 – 1950 |
إلغاء الدائرة الانتخابية |
دائرة انتخابية جديدة | {{{title}}} Feb. 1950 – Nov. 1950 |
تبعه Anthony Wedgwood Benn |
مناصب قانونية | ||
سبقه Sir James Melville |
Solicitor General 1931 |
تبعه Sir Thomas Inskip |
مناصب سياسية | ||
سبقه ونستون تشرشل |
زعيم مجلس العموم 1942 |
تبعه أنتوني إيدن |
سبقه كلمنت أتلي |
Lord Privy Seal 1942 |
تبعه Viscount Cranborne |
سبقه John Llewellin |
وزير انتاج الطائرات 1942 – 1945 |
تبعه إرنست براون |
سبقه Oliver Lyttleton |
رئيس مجلس التجارة 1945 – 1947 |
تبعه هارولد ولسون |
منصب حديث | {{{title}}} 1947 |
إلغاء المنصب |
سبقه هيو دالتون |
وزير الخزانة 1947 – 1950 |
تبعه Hugh Gaitskell |
مناصب أكاديمية | ||
سبقه Edward Evans |
Rector of the University of Aberdeen 1942 – 1945 |
تبعه Eric Linklater |
قالب:British Chancellors of the Exchequer
قالب:Presidents of the Board of Trade
قالب:Fabian Society قالب:Rectors of the University of Aberdeen خطأ لوا في وحدة:Authority_control على السطر 278: attempt to call field '_showMessage' (a nil value).
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- وفيات 1952
- وزراء خزانة المملكة المتحدة
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- أعضاء مجلس الخاصة الملكية بالمملكة المتحدة
- Old Wykehamists
- خريجو كلية الجامعة بلندن
- قيمو جامعة أبردين
- Solicitors General for England and Wales
- UK MPs 1929-1931
- UK MPs 1931-1935
- UK MPs 1935-1945
- UK MPs 1945-1950
- UK MPs 1950-1951
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