المنظمة الدولية للفرانكوفونية

المنظمة الدولية للفرانكفونية
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
علم الفرنكفونية
"Égalité, Complémentarité, Solidarité"
("Equality, Complementarity, Solidarity"),[1]
alluding to فرنسا's motto
الأعضاء والمشاركون في المنظمة الدولية لللفرانكفونية. بالإضافة للبلدان، Belgian and Canadian subdivisional memberships are also represented.
الأعضاء والمشاركون في المنظمة الدولية لللفرانكفونية. بالإضافة للبلدان، Belgian and Canadian subdivisional memberships are also represented.
المقر الرئيسيباريس، فرنسا
اللغات الرسميةالفرنسية
العضوية56 دولة عضو
3 اتحاد عضو
14 مراقبون
• السكرتير التنفيذي
عبده ضيوف
Flag of La Francophonie.svg

هذه المقالة جزء من سلسلة حول:

اللغة الفرنسية

'المنظمة الدولية للفرنكفونية، هي منظمة دولية للسياسات والحكومات التي تعتبر الفرنسية هي اللغة الأولى والأم، حيث يوجد في تلك البلاد أعداد كبيرة من السكان تتحدث الفرنسية (ناطقين بالفرنسية) أو حيث يوجد بها انتماء ملحوظ للغة الفرنسية أو الثقافة الفرنسية.


السكرتير التنفيذي (السكرتير العام)


تقعد القمة الدورية للمنظمة الدولةي للفرانكفونية [2] كل سنتين، في الوقت الذي تسمح فيه الفرصة لجميع الدول الأعضاء بالاجتمعا لمناقضة وتنمية الاستراتيجيات والأهداف الخاصة بالمنظمة.

قمم سابقة:

قمم جديدة:

المؤتمرات الوزارية

المجلس الدائم

الوكالة الحكومية الدولية


اللغة الفرنسية والتنوع الثقافي واللغوي

السلام والديموقراطية وحقوق الإنسان


البلد الانضمام اللغة ملاحظات
ألبانيا ألبانيا 1999 الألبانية approximately 30% of young Albanians choose French as their first foreign language[3]
Flag of Andorra.svg أندورا 2004 Catalan Neighbouring France. The French President is co-Prince of Andorra. Read further: Languages of Andorra
Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا 1970 officially trilingual, French included French is the native language of about 40% of the population [4] and spoken as an additional languages by 48%[2]. Belgium's French community is also a member separately. See also: Languages of Belgium and Belgian French
* والونيا French Community of Belgium 1980 French official language a community of Belgium with its two components Wallonia (excepting the German speaking Community and Brussels-Capital Region [its French-Speaking majority])
بنين بنين 1970 French former French colony
 بلغاريا 1993 Bulgarian French is spoken by 9% as additional language, and is taught as a main foreign language in about 25% of primary schools.[5]
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg بوركينا فاسو 1970 French former French colony
Flag of Burundi.svg بوروندي 1970 French former Belgian UN-protectorate
Flag of Cambodia.svg كمبوديا 1993 Khmer former French colony, part of former French Indochina
Flag of Cameroon.svg كاميرون 1991 officially bilingual, French included over 90% of country was a French colony
Flag of Canada.svg كندا 1970 Officially bilingual, French included the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick are participating governments; much of Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes formed part of New France, the North American portion of the first French colonial empire.[6]
*  نيو برنزويك 1977 officially bilingual, French included considered a "participating government," this province of Canada is officially bilingual English-French and home to the largest community of Acadians.
*  كويبك 1971 French considered a "participating government," this province of Canada has French as its sole official language and is home to 85% of Canada's native francophones.
Flag of Cape Verde.svg الرأس الأخضر 1996 Portuguese Former Portuguese colony with many neighboring French-speaking countries.
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg أفريقيا الوسطى 1973 officially bilingual, French included former French colony
تشاد تشاد 1970 French former French colony
جزر القمر جزر القمر 1977 officially trilingual, French included former French colony
 الكونغو الديمقراطية 1977 French former Belgian colony. See also: Languages of the DRC
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg الكونغو 1981 French former French colony
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg ساحل العاج 1970 French former French colonySee also: Languages of Côte d'Ivoire
جيبوتي جيبوتي 1977 officially bilingual, French included former French colony
Flag of Dominica.svg دومينيكا 1979 English French and then British colony; Antillean Creole, a French-based creole language, is spoken by 90% of the population.
Flag of Egypt.svg مصر 1983 Arabic traditional Francophone elite
 غينيا الإستوائية 1989 officially bilingual, French included Former Spanish colony surrounded by French-speaking countries; member of the CFA.
 جمهورية مقدونيا 2001 Macedonian French is taught as a second language in many Macedonian schools throughout the country.
Flag of France.svg فرنسا 1970 French
الگابون الگابون 1970 French former French colony
Flag of Greece.svg اليونان 2004 Greek French is understood and spoken by 8% of the population
غينيا غينيا 1981 French former French colony
غينيا بيساو غينيا بيساو 1979 Portuguese country surrounded by French-speaking countries. Former Portuguese colony
Flag of Haiti.svg هايتي 1970 officially bilingual, French included former French colony
Flag of Laos.svg لاوس 1991 Lao former French colony
لبنان لبنان 1973 Arabic; French is an administrative language Under a French mandate from 1920-1943, French language used in schools and universities, and is understood by the majority of the population.
Flag of Luxembourg.svg لوكسمبورگ 1970 Officially trilingual, French included
Flag of Madagascar.svg مدغشقر 1970-1977,
officially trilingual, French included former French colony
Flag of Mali.svg مالي 1970 French former French colony
موريتانيا موريتانيا 1980 Arabic former French colony, French is an administrative language
 موريشيوس 1970 الإنگليزية; Creole is the mother tongue of the general population. Dutch, French, and then British colony; French is widely used by the media.
 مولدوڤا 1996 Romanian close ties with Romania
Flag of Monaco.png موناكو 1970 French former French protectorate
المملكة المغربية المملكة المغربية 1981 Arabic former French protectorate; French is commonly used
نيجر نيجر 1970 French former French colony
Flag of Romania.svg رومانيا 1993 Romanian French is understood and spoken by 24% of the population [3]. Historic cultural ties with France, especially during the late 19th century and early 20th century.
Flag of Rwanda.svg رواندا 1970 officially trilingual, French included former Belgian UN-protectorate
Flag of Saint Lucia.svg سانت لوشيا 1981 English Former French and British colony. Antillean Creole, a French-based creole language, is spoken by 90% of the population.
Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg ساو تومه وپرنسيپه 1999 Portuguese Former Portuguese colony, neighboring French-speaking countries.
Flag of Senegal.svg سنغال 1970 French former French colony, part of former French West Africa
Flag of the Seychelles.svg سيشيل 1976 officially trilingual, French included former French colony (first empire), later British colony, French is commonly used
Flag of Switzerland.svg سويسرا 1996 Officially quadrilingual, French included French is the native language of about 20% of all Swiss.
توغو توغو 1970 French former French colony
Flag of Tunisia.svg تونس 1970 Arabic former French protectorate; French is commonly used
Flag of Vanuatu.svg ڤانواتو 1979 officially trilingual former French and British condominium
Flag of Vietnam.svg ڤيتنام 1970 Vietnamese former French colony

الأعضاء المنتسبون

البلد الإنضمام اللغة ملاحظات
 أرمنيا 2008 Armenian Historical French-Armenian ties, including the Armenian national movement and the French-Armenian Agreement of 1916. A significant part of the Armenian diaspora lives in France. See further: Languages of Armenia
Flag of Cyprus.svg قبرص 2006 Greek,Turkish French is understood and spoken by 12% of the population; Historical ties through the Lusignan rule of the Kingdom of Cyprus during the Middle Ages.
Flag of Ghana.svg غانا 2006 English The country surrounded by French-speaking countries. See further: Languages of Ghana


البلد الإنضمام اللغة ملاحظات
Flag of Austria.svg نمسا 2004 German French is spoken by 10% as additional language.See further: Languages of Austria.
Flag of Croatia.svg كرواتيا 2004 Croatian French is understood and spoken by 4% of the population, and the county was the Illyrian Provinces during Napoleonic rule from 1809 to 1813.
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg التشيك 1999 Czech French is understood and spoken by 2% of the population.
 جورجيا 2004 Georgian Like Armenia, Georgia had a connection with the French kingdoms in the Middle Ages.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Flag of Hungary.svg المجر 2004 Hungarian French is understood and spoken by 2% of the population.See further: Languages of Hungary.
 لاتڤيا 2008 Latvian
Flag of Lithuania.svg لتوانيا 1999 Lithuanian French is understood and spoken by 1% of the population.
موزمبيق موزمبيق 2006 Portuguese former Portuguese colony.See further: Languages of Mozambique.
Flag of Poland.svg بولندا 1996 Polish Poland has historic ties to France; French is understood and spoken by 3% of the population, and many Polish emigrants settled in France in the 20th century.
Flag of Serbia.svg صربيا 2006 Serbian French is taught in one-third of schools.See further: Languages of Serbia.
Flag of Slovakia.svg سلوفاكيا 2002 Slovak French is spoken by 2% as additional language
Flag of Slovenia.svg سلوفينيا 1999 Slovene French is spoken by 4% as additional language.
Flag of Thailand.svg تايلند 2008 Thai
Flag of Ukraine.svg أوكرانيا 2006 Ukrainian See further: Languages of Ukraine.

Significant Non-members

البلد اللغة ملاحظات
Flag of Algeria.svg الجزائر Arabic, Berber, French Although French is widely spoken in the country, Algeria is not a member of the OIF. The Algerian government has implemented various reforms in recent decades to improve the status of Classical Arabic relative to French, with some success. Algeria was a part of France until 1962. See further: languages of Algeria
Flag of Guernsey.svg جزيرة جرنزي الإنگليزية, French, Guernésiais, Sercquiais French is an official language of the Guernsey, but English is the widely predominant language.
Flag of India.png الهند
* Puducherry
French, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam A Union Territory of الهند, French is an official language although indigenous languages are more commonly used.
Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا
* {{{وادي أوستا}}}
Italian, French, Franco-Provençal An autonomous Region of Italy. French and Italian are official languages; Franco-Provençal is a protected language.
 إسرائيل Hebrew, Arabic French is spoken by 10% of the population. Israel has applied to join the OIF, but has been rejected by Chad, Lebanon and Mauritania.[بحاجة لمصدر]See further: languages of Israel
 جرزي الإنگليزية, French, Jèrriais French is an official language of the Jersey, but English is the widely predominant language.See further: languages of Jersey
 الولايات المتحدة
* لويزيانا
* مين
* نيو هامپشر
* ڤرمونت
الإنگليزية, French (see also Cajun French), Louisiana Creole French While it has no official language, the American state of Louisiana has English and French as de facto "official" languages. Many northern areas of New England were destinations for many French-Canadian immigrants in the mid to late 19th century and early 20th century and still contain many French-speakers.

انظر أيضا


  1. ^ Brochure: L’Institut de l’énergie et de l’environnement de la Francophonie (IEPF). Accessed 22 January 2009.
  2. ^ http://www.mytelus.com/ncp_news/article.en.do?pn=canada&articleID=3018967
  3. ^ Embassy of France in the US - France / Eastern Europe
  4. ^ Ginsburgh, Victor, Université Catholique de Louvain; Weber, Shlomo, Professor Economy and Director of the Center for Economic Studies of the Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA, and having a seat in the expert panel of the IMF [1] (2006). "La dynamique des langues en Belgique" (pdf 0.7 MB). Regards économiques, Publication préparée par les économistes de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (in French). 19 (Numéro 42): 282. doi:10.1159/000013462. Retrieved 2007-05-07. Les enquêtes montrent que la Flandre est bien plus multilingue, ce qui est sans doute un fait bien connu, mais la différence est considérable : alors que 59 % et 53 % des Flamands connaissent le français ou l'anglais respectivement, seulement 19 % et 17 % des Wallons connaissent le néerlandais ou l'anglais. ... 95 pour cent des Bruxellois déclarent parler le français, alors que ce pourcentage tombe à 59 pour cent pour le néerlandais. Quant à l'anglais, il est connu par une proportion importante de la population à Bruxelles (41 pour cent). ... Le syndrome d'H (...) frappe la Wallonie, où à peine 19 et 17 pour cent de la population parlent respectivement le néerlandais et l'anglais. {{cite journal}}: External link in |author= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); line feed character in |quote= at position 411 (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  5. ^ Кой и колко учи езици в Европа, Дневник.
  6. ^ As of 2004, a government representative from Ontario also attends as part of the Canadian delegation, although Ontario is not yet a participating government in its own right.

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