قوائم اللغات
هذه الصفحة هي قائمة قوائم اللغات.
القوائم المنشورة
- SIL International's Ethnologue: Languages of the World lists over 7٬100 spoken and signed languages.
- The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) assigns codes for most languages; see ISO 639
- List of ISO 639-1 codes – two-letter codes (184 major languages)
- List of ISO 639-2 codes – three-letter codes
- ISO 639 macrolanguage – ISO 639-2 codes used as ISO 639-3 codes
- List of ISO 639-3 codes – three-letter codes, intended to "cover all known natural languages"
- List of ISO 639-5 codes – three-letter codes for language families and groups
- IETF language tag – depends on ISO 639, but provides various expansion mechanisms
- Glottolog
- مرصد النطاق اللغوي Linguasphere Observatory (LS-2010, totaling over 32,800 coded entries and over 70,900 linguistic names)
مقالات قوائم ويكيبيديا الإنجليزية
القوائم الشاملة
Lists which are global in scope (all living natural languages would classify for inclusion):
- حسب البلد:
- حسب الاسم: List of language names (native names)
- by phylogenetic relation: List of language families (phylogenetic)
- زمنياً: List of languages by first written accounts
- by number of speakers:
- List of languages by number of words according to authoritative dictionaries
حسب المنطقة
حسب النوع الخاص
Extinct, endangered or revived languages
حسب الوضع أو النطاق الثقافي للتأثير
- List of lingua francas
- List of official languages
- Languages used on the Internet (includes a list of languages with the most prevalence online)
- List of mutually intelligible languages
أنواع خاصة من اللغات
- List of creole languages
- List of mixed languages
- List of pidgins, creoles, mixed languages and cants based on Indo-European languages
- List of sign languages
- List of constructed languages
انظر أيضاً
- List of language self-study programs
- List of most commonly learned foreign languages in the United States
- List of linguists
- List of shorthand systems
- List of writing systems
- Lists of dialects and varieties
- Lists of computer languages
- Omniglot
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قالب:Language nouns قالب:Language verbs قالب:Language adjectives قالب:Language pronouns قالب:Language determiners قالب:Language adpositions