ضبع مرقط
ضبع مرقط Temporal range: Late Pliocene – Recent
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Spotted hyena in Amboseli National Park, كينيا | |
التصنيف العلمي | |
مملكة: | |
Phylum: | |
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Family: | |
Genus: | Crocuta
Species: | C. crocuta
Binomial name | |
Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben, 1777)
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Spotted hyena range | |
Synonyms | |
ضبع مرقط spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), يعرف أيضاً laughing hyena أو tiger wolf, حيوان من فصيلة الثدييات، مشهور بعوائه الغريب الذي يشبه ضحكة هستيرية للإنسان. ويحصل الضبع على غذائه باصطياد الحيوانات، كما أنه يأكل بقايا الحيوانات النافقة التي يعثر عليها. والنوع الأكثر شيوعا هو الضبع المرقط أو الضبع الضاحك، وهناك أنواع أخرى منها الضبع المخطط أو الضبع البني.
أصل الكلمة، والإكتشاف والتسمية
الأسماء الأصلية والمحلية
Linguistic group or area | Indigenous name |
Afrendille | Walaba |
Afrikaans | Gevlekte hiëna |
Amharic | ጅብ (Djibb) |
Arabic (CAR) and Arabic (Chad) | Marfaïn |
Arabic (North Africa) | D'ba |
Arabic (Ethiopia) | Dibb |
Ateso | Ibuin |
Avukaia | Labagu |
Babouté | Mangou |
Baguirmien | Niougo |
Baka | Libagu |
Bakola | Massobé |
Bambara | Namakoro or suruku |
Banda | Bongo |
Bechuana | Piri or phiri |
Bemba (Zambia) | Chimbwi |
Bornouan | Boultou |
Creole | Lobo |
Danakil | Jangóula |
Dioula | Suruku or namakoro |
Elkoni | Makatiet nyenegea |
الإنگليزية | Spotted hyena |
French | Hyène tachetée |
Fula (Fulfulde/Pulaar/Pular) | Bonooru, fowru or deppuru |
Galaorabéjsa | Wårabéssa or orabéjsa |
Gambe | Mangili |
Ganda and Runyoro | Empisi |
German | Tüpfelhyäne or Fleckenhyäne |
Gourage | Woraba |
Gourmatche | Namlino |
Harari | ዎራባ (Worábba) |
Hassānīya Arabic | Guervave |
Hausa | Koura |
Herero | Mbúngu-mbidíwa |
Ila (Zambia) | Kabwenga |
Jita | Imembe |
Kalenjin | Kimatet |
Kaonde | Mungolwe |
Karamojong | Ebu or etutui |
Kichagga | Ingurunju or ifulu |
Kigogo and kikongo | Misi |
Kikondo | Mbulu |
Kiliangulu | Warabes |
Kiluba | Kimburi |
Kimeru | Mbitingaau |
Kinyarwanda | Impysi |
Kinyaturo | Mpiti |
Kinyiha | Ipatama |
Kipare and Kizigua | Ibau |
Kirangi | Mbichi |
Kisukuma, Kikamba and Kimaragoli | Mbiti |
Kisungwa | Fifi |
Kota | Massoba |
Kotoko | Machi |
Kunda | Tika |
Kitaita | Mbisi |
Lugbara | Rara |
Luhya | Namuyu |
Luo | Otoyo |
Lwo | Lagwara |
Madi | Ebowu |
Malinke | Namakoro or souroukou |
Mambakushu | Dimbugurumba |
Manding | Tourouma |
Mangbetu | Neunga |
Masai | Ondilili or Oln'gojine |
Maure | Chertat, gaboune or gougouh |
Mboko | Assoba |
M'boum | Baglak |
Mondo | Lepagu |
Mongom | Massobe |
Moore | Katre or swasa |
Ngambaye | Riguen ndah |
Nkoya (Zambia) | Muntambwi |
Nsenga (Zambia) | Chimbwe |
Njanja (Zambia) | Fisi |
Ovambo | kafukambungu or mbungu-omanini |
Ovacuangari and Ovadirico | Divúndu |
Portuguese | Hiena-malhada |
Pulaar, Pular, Peul | (see Fula) |
Runyoro | Empisi |
Sara | Nyéyi |
Sebei | Mangatiet |
Serer | Omone |
seTswana | Phiri or leHolo |
Shona | Bere |
Somali (Ethiopia) | Worabbo |
Somali (central Somalia) | Uaraba |
Somali (Migiurtina) | Duruà |
Somali (Nogal) | Drueh |
Songhai | Koro |
Soninke | Tourouguė |
Sotho (northern and southern) | Phiri |
Swahili | Fisi or Nyangao |
Tigrinya | ዝብእ (Zibb-i) |
Tonga (Zambia) | Suntwe |
Tsonga | Mhisi |
Tumbuka (Zambia) | Chimbwi |
Twi | Pataku |
Wolof | Bouki |
Xhosa | Impisi, mpisi or isAndawane |
Yoruba | Kòriko or ikookò |
Zande | Ngini or nzege |
التصنيف، النشأة والتطور

الوصف الفيزيائي

هو حيوان ذو فرو خشن رمادي اللون ويميل إلى الصفرة مع بقع سوداء. أما الضباع المخططة فلون فرائها ضارب إلى اللون الرمادي مع وجود خطوط سوداء على الجسم والأرجل. ويعيش الضبع البني في الجزء الجنوبي من القارة الأفريقية إلى الجنوب من نهر الزمبيزي. ولهذا النوع من الضباع شعر طويل على ظهره، كما أن لون فرائه الخشن رمادي وضارب إلى السواد، وتكون الخطوط على أرجله فقط.
الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية
السلوك الاجتماعي
الاستنساخ والتنمية

Denning behaviour
يعيش الضبع المرقط في أفريقيا جنوب منطقة الصحراء، أما الضباع المخططة فتعيش في شمال أفريقيا، وفي تركيا وفي المنطقة الممتدة من الشرق الأوسط إلى الهند، وهذه الضباع أصغر حجما من الضباع المرقطة.
الأعداء والمنافسين
لغة الجسد

Name | Sound description | Posture | Context |
Whoop | A series of 6-9 (sometimes 15) calls lasting 2–3 seconds each and spaced 2–10 seconds apart. The general tone is a "oo" tone which begins in a low pitch and ends with a high note. This sound can be heard more than 5 km away | Usually done standing, with the mouth opened slightly and the head bent down | Used by both sexes when alone or in a group, and appears to be done spontaneously without external cause |
Fast whoop | Similar to the whoop, but higher pitched and with shorter intervals | Tail is either horizontal or high with the ears cocked. Often done while running, with the mouth bent down | Used with other hyenas present just before the onset of an attack, often during a dispute over a kill with lions or other hyenas |
Grunt | A soft, very low pitched growling sound which lasts several seconds | The mouth is closed, and the posture aggressive | Emitted on the approach of another, unwelcome hyena, and may be followed by chasing |
Groan | Similar to above, but more "ooo" sounding and higher in pitch | Before and during meeting ceremonies | |
Low | "Ooo" sound with a usually low pitch and lasts several seconds | The mouth is slightly open with the head horizontal | Like the fast whoop, but with less tendency to attack |
Giggle | A series of loud, very high pitched "hee-hee-hee" sounds usually lasting less than 5 seconds | Running in a fleeing posture with the mouth slightly open | When attacked or chased, usually over a kill |
Yell | A loud, high pitched call lasting several seconds | As with the giggle | As with the giggle, but when actually being bitten |
Growl | A loud, rattling, low pitched sound lasting several seconds, with an "aa" and "oh" quality | Defensive posture | When under attack, preceding a retaliatory bite |
Soft grunt-laugh | A rapid succession of low pitched, soft sounding staccato grunts lasting several seconds | The mouth is closed or slightly open with a fleeing posture and the tail horizontal or high and the ears cocked | When fleeing in surprise from a lion, man or when attacking large prey |
Loud grunt-laugh | Louder than the soft grunt-laugh, though still not very loud, and often lasts more than 5 minutes | The mouth is the same as in the soft grunt-laugh, but with the tail high and ears cocked | In encounters with lions or other hyena clans |
Whine | Loud, high pitched, rapid, drawn out "eeee" sounding squeals | The mouth is slightly open with the head and tail hanging low | Mostly used by cubs when following a female before suckling, or when thwarted from getting food |
Soft squeal | Same as above, but softer and without the staccato quality | The mouth is slightly open with the ears flattened and the head tilted to one side with the teeth bared | Used by both cubs and adults encountering a clan-mate after a long separation |
الأمراض والطفيليات
المدى، والسكن والتعداد
Country | Population | Status | Threats/Protection |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Although present, its numbers are unknown due to the Angolan Civil War[6] |
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50-100[5] | Threatened[6] | Although generally tolerated, spotted hyenas in Benin are declining due to persecution and prey depletion[6] |
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1,000-2,000[5] | Lower Risk[6] | Botswana's spotted hyena population is stable and legally protected by the Fauna Conservation Acts of 1982 and 1987, where it is listed as a game animal. A single game licence is required to hunt one, and control measures have largely removed the species from settled areas[6] |
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100-1,000[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Burkina Faso's hyenas are depleted in number because of hunting, poaching and declining prey populations. Though still poisoned and trapped in retaliation against livestock depredations, the species is otherwise tolerated[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Threatened[6] | Probably on the verge of extinction[6] |
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100-1,000[5] | Threatened[6] | Although protected within national parks, Cameroon hyenas suffer from habitat desertification and human expansion, and are sometimes killed by tourist hunters and herdsmen[6] |
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100-1,000[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Although spotted hyena populations in CAR are probably stable and are generally tolerated, their level of legal protection is unknown[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[7] | |
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1,000-2,000[5] | Lower Risk[6] | Ethiopia has a stable population of hyenas which are considered valuable in clearing urban and rural populated areas, and are occasionally provisioned by the hyena men of Harar. There is no active bounty on them, even though they are considered vermin. They may be hunted without licence outside of national parks for five Ethiopian Birr (US$ 2.50)[6] |
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Unknown[5] | No Record[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Unknown[5] | Lower Risk[6] | Althoug still relatively common in some protected areas, spotted hyenas are lively declining due to persecution[6] |
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2,000-4,000[5] | Lower Risk[6] | Kenya's spotted hyena population differs in status for protected and unprotected areas, being Lower Risk in protected areas and Threatened elsewhere. They are thought to be declining due to persecution through poisoning, shooting, snaring and trapping[6] |
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0[5] | No Record[6] | |
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100-1,000[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Malawi hyena populations occur at reasonable densities, though a growth in human population, habitat destruction and reduction in prey have caused the species to disappear from the central highlands. They are protected inside national parks, but are not tolerated elsewhere[6] |
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10-50[5] | Threatened[6] | |
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100-500[5] | Threatened[6] | Spotted hyenas are still present in the Adrar[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Although protected by law, spotted hyenas are still hunted for their body parts[6] |
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2,000-3,000[5] | Lower Risk[6] | Namibian hyena populations are classed as Lower Risk in protected areas and Threatened elswhere. They are occasionally killed in communal and commercial farming areas[6] |
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20-50[5] | Threatened[6] | Niger's hyena populations are declining due to drought, desertification, eradication and poisoning[6] |
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100[5] | Threatened[6] | Nigerian spotted hyenas are on the verge of extinction, due to lack of legal protection, declines in prey populations and persecution in retaliation to livestock predation[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Threatened[6] | Although present in Rwanda, it is unlikely that many individuals have survived the destruction of conservation areas during the Rwandan Civil War[6] |
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100-1,000[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Although considered useful scavengers and are afforded legal protection in national parks, spotted hyenas are not tolerated elsewhere[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Threatened[6] | Although no longer regarded as pests, the population size and dynamics of spotted hyenas in Sierra Leone are unknown[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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Cape: 80-100[5] Transvaal: 50-100[5] Kruger: 1,300-3,900[5] Natal: 250-1,000[5] |
Cape: Threatened[6] Transvaal: Threatened[6] Kruger: Data Deficient[6] Natal: Threatened[6] |
Cape spotted hyena populations are even smaller than those of local brown hyenas, due to past persecution. Transvaal's spotted hyenas are not protected, though they are not bountied. Natal's spotted hyenas have been increasing in number within all game preserves and nature reserves, where they are protected.[6] |
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Unknown[5] | Data Deficient[6] | |
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7,200-7,700[5] | Lower Risk[6] | |
Tanzania: elsewhere | 3,000-4,500[5] | Threatened[6] | |
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100-1,000[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Although protected and tolerated, Ugandan hyenas rarely occur outside protected areas[6] |
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1,000-2,000[5] | Data Deficient[6] | Zambia's hyenas are increasing in the Luangwa Valley, but declining elsewhere[6] |
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5,600[5] | Lower Risk[6] | Spotted hyenas are not protected and are considered problem animals in the 8th Schedule of the Parks and Wildlife[6] |
العلاقات مع البشر
تصوير الثقافية والتصورات
في عصور ما قبل التاريخ

في أفريقيا
في الثقافة الغربية
الثروة الحيوانية الافتراس
الاعتداءات على البشر وتدنيس القبور
الصيد واستخدامها في الطب التقليدي

الضباع مرقط في الأسر كحيوانات أليفة

انظر أيضاً
- ^ Honer, O., Holekamp, K.E. & Mills, G. (2008). Crocuta crocuta. القائمة الحمراء للأنواع المهددة بالانقراض 2008. IUCN سنة 2008. تم استرجاعها في 22 March 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
- ^ Wozencraft, W. C. (16 November 2005). Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds) (ed.). Mammal Species of the World (3rd edition ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
{{cite book}}
has extra text (help);|editor=
has generic name (help); Check date values in:|date=
(help)CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list (link) - ^ Kingdon 1988, p. 260
- ^ Mills & Hofer 1998, p. 16
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت أث أج أح أخ أد أذ أر أز أس Mills & Hofer 1998, p. 74
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت أث أج أح أخ أد أذ أر أز أس أش أص أض أط أظ أع أغ أف أق أك أل أم أن أهـ أو أي بأ بب بت بث بج بح Mills & Hofer 1998, pp. 75–78
- ^ Mills & Hofer 1998, p. 68
قائمة المراجع
- Brehm, Alfred Edmund (1895). Brehm's Life of Animals. Chicago: A. N. Marquis & Company. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://www.archive.org/details/brehmslifeofanim00breh - Estes, Richard (1992). The behavior guide to African mammals: including hoofed mammals, carnivores, primates. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-08085-8
- Estes, Richard (1998). The safari companion: a guide to watching African mammals, including hoofed mammals, carnivores, and primates. Chelsea Green Publishing. ISBN 1-890132-44-6
- Funk, Holger (2010). Hyaena: On the Naming and Localisation of an Enigmatic Animal. GRIN Verlag. ISBN 3-640-69784-7
- Kingdon, Jonathan (1988). East African mammals: an atlas of evolution in Africa, Volume 3, Part 1. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-43721-3
- Kruuk, Hans (1972). The Spotted Hyena: A Study of Predation and Social Behaviour. University of California Press
- Kurtén, Björn (1968). Pleistocene mammals of Europe. Weidenfeld and Nicolson
- Lydekker, Richard (1908). The Game Animals of Africa. London, R. Ward, limited. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://www.archive.org/details/gameanimalsofafr00lydeiala - Macdonald, David (1992). The Velvet Claw: A Natural History of the Carnivores. New York: Parkwest. ISBN 0-563-20844-9
- Mills, Gus; Hofer, Heribert (1998). Hyaenas: status survey and conservation action plan. IUCN/SSC Hyena Specialist Group. ISBN 2-8317-0442-1. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/1998-013.pdf - Mills, Gus; Mills, Margie (2011). Hyena Nights & Kalahari Days. Jacana Media. ISBN 1-77009-811-9
- Roosevelt, Theodore (1910). African Game Trails: An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter, Naturalist. New York, C. Scribner's sons. ISBN 978-1-4510-0191-4. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://www.archive.org/details/africangametrail01roos - Rosevear, Donovan Reginald (1974). The carnivores of West Africa. London : Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). ISBN 0-565-00723-8. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://ia341037.us.archive.org/1/items/carnivoresofwest00rose/carnivoresofwest00rose.pdf - Schaller, George B. (1976). The Serengeti Lion: A Study in Predator-Prey Relationships. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-73640-7. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=7ann2dYn9iYC&pg=PA377&dq=the+serengeti+lion+hyenas&hl=en&ei=7k2XTpWEL4_a4QTKyZ2bBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=hyenas&f=false - Stevenson-Hamilton, James (1917). Animal life in Africa, Vol. 1. London : William Heinemann. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the
parameter. http://ia341306.us.archive.org/3/items/animallifeinafri01steviala/animallifeinafri01steviala.pdf
قراءات أخرى
- Hugo Van Lawick and Jane Goodall. Innocent Killers. Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, 1971
- Mills, M.G.L. Kalahari Hyenas: Comparative Behavioral Ecology of Two Species. The Blackburn Press, 2003
وصلات خارجية

- The IUCN Hyaenidae Specialist Group page on spotted hyena
- Davis, Delbert Dwight & Story, Harriette Elizabeth (1949), The Female External Genitalia of the Spotted Hyena, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 33, Chicago Natural History Museum
- McPherson, Jamie The Good, the Bad and the Hyena, BBC Wildlife, Summer 2008.
- CS1 errors: generic name
- CS1 errors: extra text: edition
- أنواع القائمة الحمراء غير المهددة
- Articles with hatnote templates targeting a nonexistent page
- حيوانات عرفت عام 1777
- حيوانات شرق أفريقيا
- حيوانات الصحراء
- حيوانات غرب أفريقيا
- ضباع
- ثدييات من أفريقيا
- ثدييات أنغولا
- ثدييات في بوتسوانا
- ثدييات في بوركينا فاسو
- ثدييات في اثيوبيا
- ثدييات في كينيا
- ثدييات في ناميبيا
- ثدييات في جنوب أفريقيا
- ثدييات في تنزانيا
- ثدييات في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية
- ثدييات في زامبيا
- أجناس ثدييات أحادية النوع